Magical Girl Home Base Quest

I'm really not sure what you're meaning when you say "compounds" here, and I would like to, because it sounds like that info is valuable/important.
"Compounds" is in the sense of compound interest, where achieved progress grants increased rate-of-further-progress, at an exponentially-accelerating rate.
Hm... seeing how each of these things is useful, I think I will give them a closer look.
[] Build a Room
-[] Magical Condenser: Allows multiple workshops to run in parallel.
-[] Area of Purification: Increase item yields, grants health benefits.
-[] Magical Paternoster: Allows full utility for upper floors.
-Magical Condenser: sounds like the best long-term investment. Once this runs, Medicine Boy can potentially recruit other artificers to his place, who can all work at the same time and thus greatly increase equipment output. Not sure if it does anything before being completed though, so long-term.

-Area of Purification: more of a mid-term thing; it says to increase item yields, but probably less so than having more people crafting at the same time. Also provides some kind of healing effect to the building, which I feel is the most important part of it. While the Magical Condenser is purely about multiplying equipment output, this one keeps the residents healthy and might provide a bonus to death saves if a dying girl can be brought back in time. That kind of thing, so more of a personal angle.

-Magical Paternoster: Uh, pretty straight-forward; what I think this does is give early access to more rooms so there are no hiccups with capacity once the ground floor is full. Does not seem as useful as the other two, but it is also a long-term matter; if the elevators are built now, they are there for use later instead of needing to be installed then.

I will stay with Area of Purification, but in this case I think all three are worth pursuing.
Hopefully, Homer can build at least one more of those at some point in the future.
Boy, it's a good thing everyone voted for the wand to avoid the chance of Medicine Boy falling unconscious for a week or more due to a roll on the healing block. :/

We now have only two weeks until major things happen, and we have managed to equip exactly two girls. This is not an efficient use of our time.

[X] Build a Room
-[X] Magical Condenser: Allows multiple workshops to run in parallel.

We do not have time to spend making one-off items. We need to start working on projects like this that start making our one labor a week stack more effectively.
[X] Build a Room
-[X] Magical Condenser: Allows multiple workshops to run in parallel.

Because we simply can't provide enough stuff for our ever expanding stable with only Medicine Boy, even if he continues to work himself to death.
Boy, it's a good thing everyone voted for the wand to avoid the chance of Medicine Boy falling unconscious for a week or more due to a roll on the healing block. :/
So... you're saying that trying to do the more difficult/dangerous thing in the face of what turned out to be a bad roll would have had a better result?

Actually, I note that the Purification Chamber and the Kolobuk have some potentially useful synergies - I'd bet the purification chamber could help people recover better/faster from the side effects of using the kolobuk.
Would the Workshop upgrades give the +3 bombs? Because if so, making 7 T1 Bombs is an excellent short-term choice with so many unarmed girls.
We've got two weeks left, we don't really have time anymore for long-term upgrades, tasty as they look.
[X] Build a Room
-[X] Magical Condenser: Allows multiple workshops to run in parallel.

I'm trying to come up with a clever justification for this over other options and coming up blank. Multiple workshops strikes me as the most potent effect. I'd like to claim that it could provide better in-progress effects than another options, but all of the upgrades look to require a lot of investment before they start working in any capacity. (chart all the magical effects properly, set up the core goober for purification, tear out the turnarounds and install the belts...)

Having more workshops means a larger range of clients can travel to meet us, which makes every other project more effective. More intel learned and passed along, etc. Of course, this needs the crafters to move in as well. And just having more rooms for veteran Magical Girls might accomplish the same thing. But making the place easier to live in and cast in helps everything as well with less later involvement.

I can see why Homer is torn between these options.
They're all multi-stage projects, and they're all about equal in combined time and cost- some are fast and expensive, some are long and cheap. Note the listed benefits are the end state bonuses though.
Since the Area of Purification isn't described as Expensive like the other two, I take it that it takes the longest? If so, how long does it take? How long do each of the other Room projects take?
Right now the main benefit to multiple workshops seems like it would mean Homer and Medicine Boy being able to do magical arts and crafts at the same time. Not useless, but from the QM's comments upthread it sounds like convincing other makers to come live here would be quite the task. And juggling Homer and Medicine Boy is something we're already used to doing, to an extent. Meanwhile, Aura of Purification seems like it provides concrete benefits, rather than just opening up options.

My main worry is that there's a siren song of "save everyone", and that's not really possible - there will always be more people to save, and focusing only on preventing death means falling behind in providing armament that could prevent deaths.

Would the Workshop upgrades give the +3 bombs? Because if so, making 7 T1 Bombs is an excellent short-term choice with so many unarmed girls.
I'll note "increased item yields" is listed as being part of the Aura, not the Workshop. It's something I'm quite curious about, as it doesn't seem to be in the item description.
I could definitely go for the Condenser. It's by far the best long-term bonus, since it encourages other crafters to come to us. I think that getting a health aura and boosted crafting is more valuable in the short to medium term... but it sounds like it will take longer to complete than the other two?

I think I'm gonna change my vote then. Maybe we can pick up a few other crafters during the crisis.

[X] Build a Room
-[X] Magical Condenser: Allows multiple workshops to run in parallel.
[X] Build a Room
-[X] Area of Purification: Increase item yields, grants health benefits.
[X] Build a Room
-[X] Area of Purification: Increase item yields, grants health benefits.

As Medicine Boy is likely to keep overworking himself, I'd like to prioritize anything that would help his health
-[] Area of Purification: Increase item yields, grants health benefits.

Better quality items just doesn't friggin matter when our problem is output. But health benefits? I'd happily throw away tons of resources for better health benefits. And apparently some of the MGs here have injuries that haven't been fixed? How could I say no to that? But it's rare an MG isn't outright killed in the field and makes it back to base in time to be healed, and the Aura of Purification isn't actually a dedicated hospital. And to top it all off this this apparently has the worst long-term results.

It's like, it has my top priority in better health and healing. But everything else is working against it. Then again the friggin elevator paternoster lift is apparently the best long term investment, somehow, even though we have a bunch of rooms on the second floor that are going unused so why do we need the third and fourth floor? :???:

[X] Build a Room
-[X] Magical Condenser: Allows multiple workshops to run in parallel.

Removes one of our base's big weaknesses, helps better equip everyone, might allow more crafters in the future, could power other base improvements, important when our limitation is always going to be throughput over quality, and oh yeah we have twenty-seven zero-equipment MGs, and at least two more weeks of Kyubey rolling tripple recruitment rolls.There's too many reasons why we need this, let alone want it. We couldn't sustain even our pre-crisis population let alone 35 and growing MGs, but after this is online we might be able to get there.

Auuugh. I really want better healing but there's too many reasons why the Purification isn't a good solution and why we need the Condenser yesterday.
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Auuugh. I really want better healing but there's too many reasons why the Purification isn't a good solution and why we need the Condenser yesterday.
Notably the Condenser doesn't actually help with that in the short term. Medicine Boy is the only one who can craft equipment (Homer only makes bombs) so allowing multiple crafters to operate simultaneously does nothing for increasing our wand/trinket output (those two are the most important I think)

I'm voting for it because the Area of Purification apparently is gonna take longer/more actions to complete according to the GM post last page (less resources tbough) and in the hopes that another crafter or two will seek us out once we get the Condenser working and rumors spread among the magical girl population about it.
Honestly, I think our problem is that we just have Medicine Boy in his lab too much. I haven't been tracking the math side of this quest all that much, but the narrative is showing him as pouring himself into his work faster than he can recover and burning himself out. He needs to spend some time doing something other than draining ritual magic.

If we can let him spend some time doing non-ritual-magic things for a little while, then we can free up lab time for Homer. Obviously, we'll want the Magic Condenser eventually... perhaps even reasonably soon, but if we give the guy a forced vacation to recover a bit, that should let Homer grab plenty of lab time, and at that point, the Purification Chamber has a better in-the-moment payoff.

Worth noting that the Paternoster also has some real value as far as health and wellbeing is concerned - opening up more rooms would let the girls spread out a bit, and not be driving themselves and each other crazy nearly so much. That's more of a "build the thing to let us build the thing", though.
Okay, this is uncalled for. We had no way of knowing that another event would fall right into this.

No, this was pretty fucking foreshadowed.
So... you're saying that trying to do the more difficult/dangerous thing in the face of what turned out to be a bad roll would have had a better result?

This wasn't a dice roll. This was Plot. There is no saving throw versus Plot.
Since the Area of Purification isn't described as Expensive like the other two, I take it that it takes the longest? If so, how long does it take? How long do each of the other Room projects take?

It takes a few more weeks than the rest of the projects, which each take a couple of weeks. Most of the construction is a background thing, not an action eater until you get to the capstone or roll poorly.
No, this was pretty fucking foreshadowed.
Fair enough; not what I meant, but that is on me for wording it badly.

Out of curiousity though, how would Medicine Boy coming down with a sickness have affected a failure on the Kolobok-research? (specifically the big failure that would have knocked him out as well)