Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Building a level 1 costume seems worse than building a level 3 trinket, but we don't really understand how any of those things work.
I think, and this is me here, that each item lets the user act more freely and effectively. So having three Level 1 items is a bigger boost than having one Level 3 item. After that there's the focus of each item type, Bombs are better for getting out of a bad situation, Costumes make it easier to withstand damage, Trinkets support esoteric effects, and Wands are good for sustained blasting.

Someone picking apart a Coven's wards would do better with a Bomb or Trinket than another item. Conversely, a Magical Girl fighting a small army of demons gets more use from Wands and Costumes.
Yep! She's not actually a magical girl, although she was slated to be one. The two approaches of magic aren't mutually exclusive in theory, but in practice there's no way to double dip: never enough time.
I assume using time magic to get enough time via haste spells or cloning yourself into a hivemind or similar is a Bad Idea.
So, now if we make a wand, we make a 2nd lower-level wand plus the lvl1 potions? Or do we make a lvl1 wand with every magical item we produce?


[X] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[X] Kolobok
So, now if we make a wand, we make a 2nd lower-level wand plus the lvl1 potions? Or do we make a lvl1 wand with every magical item we produce?
The former. Can not make a wand out of excess from a trinket or costume.

So, as an example, crafting a T3 wand would also yield a T2 wand at the same time. Plus, of course, three potions each time.

Production is starting to shape up.
The former. Can not make a wand out of excess from a trinket or costume.

So, as an example, crafting a T3 wand would also yield a T2 wand at the same time. Plus, of course, three potions each time.

Production is starting to shape up.
Do you have a source for that? Both that it's always -1 tier, and the wand-only requirement. The reason I ask is the following (emphasis mine)
you could cut much of the opportunity cost away from making wands and other magical weapons as the lost materials were captured by the arrays and held steady for you to re-work later

Are other magical weapons possible? Do bombs like Homer's nuke scrolls count as weapons? Presumably Costumes wouldn't, but some Trinkets can definitely be considered weapons.
Do you have a source for that? Both that it's always -1 tier, and the wand-only requirement. The reason I ask is the following (emphasis mine)

Are other magical weapons possible? Do bombs like Homer's nuke scrolls count as weapons? Presumably Costumes wouldn't, but some Trinkets can definitely be considered weapons.
No direct source, there were vague mentions in-thread.
I am sharing a Discord-server with the QM where he mentioned how it works when I asked.
[X] [WORK] Costume
-[X] Level 1.

The one item type we haven't seen created yet! I want to see what kind of outfit Medicine Boy creates.

Approval vote so we don't knock ourselves out studying a radioactive artifact:
[X] [WORK] Wand
-[X] Level 2.
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[X] [WORK] Costume
-[X] Level 1.

The workshop upgrade did not come with anything to reduce the danger/risk of researching artifacts. And the action spent upgrading the workshop is wasted if we don't actually use the workshop.
[X] [WORK] Costume
-[X] Level 1.

Yeah, we need to get the defense game up.
Not only did MB get magically wasted in this update, the workshop is still not secure enough to do research on the kolo-rad chest.
[X] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[X] Kolobok

I was hesitant to research our radioactive stone until now, but given that it's apparently a gamble if we get a workshop upgrade that makes it safer and that the alternative is letting the girls go on a big attack with a single extra Level 1 Costume...
And when you're talking about replacing a body part that was lost as part of a symbolic-ritual "exchange" for the source of your magical power... well, at a bare minimum that's gonna be tricky.
I don't think there was any symbolism or rituals involved in that "exchange". It's more like delayed vengeance for breaking the laws of physics than any trade. Both Homer and Medicine Boy had their powers before they got hurt. It just seems that whenever someone awakens magic, the reality is contractually obligated to fuck them over. I would posit that if an artificer manages to heal themselves, they could only enjoy it for a shot while before their karma caught them up again.
I don't think there was any symbolism or rituals involved in that "exchange". It's more like delayed vengeance for breaking the laws of physics than any trade.
OK, um...

"Ritual" is the wrong word, but I'm trying to express the idea here that the fingers were given up as a price for power, even though those italicized terms are super ambiguous. We're talking about a price paid by the buyer in the absence of a clearly defined seller to accept that price in exchange for the goods, after all.

But the point is that, to quote Mordo, the bill always comes due. It may very well be possible to create a virtuous cycle where you gain power at a price but then later use the fruits of your power to make yourself (literally or metaphorically) whole... But to do so would be at best difficult.
It seems like the price may be invoked on significant use of the powers. Medicine Boy lost his fingers soon after healing the infected heart, and Homer lost his eyes after messing with a witch ritual.
It seems like the price may be invoked on significant use of the powers. Medicine Boy lost his fingers soon after healing the infected heart, and Homer lost his eyes after messing with a witch ritual.
Hmm, it could be that you can have magical powers without getting the negative consequences, but the moment you use them in any kind of remarkable amount, like with MB and Homer, the whatever 'Powers That Be' are there keeping this system running step in and make sure that the price is paid.
Hasn't the GM said as much? Nobody's forced to use their magic, for better or worse. I recall them even saying that a lot of the girls around for this crisis can and will go home, to their families and lives, assuming they keep them in the interim. The problem is more that power is very, very attractive. It feels good to know you are strong, and to exorcise that power affirms it. Using that power to fight the good fight isn't the hard part of having it. It's letting go once that fight is done, and if you don't, there's a price to pay.
Of course I imagine it's also possible that he just lost his fingers, and it isn't magically significant. Doesn't seem too likely though.
[] [WORK] Costume
-[] Level 1.

let's try something new.

Also, does the spreadsheet track the bonus items we get automatically when making something? Because while I recall that we automatically produce a 3x lvl 1 potions whenever we craft, I don't actually see that - or the bonus lvl 1 wand - on the spreadsheet anywhere. Would be nice to have it explicitly listed.

Also @7734 would it be possibble to include the winning vote in a spoiler when you post? I can always go back a page or two to figure it out from the tally, but it would make it easier to follow the quest if it was just embedded in the post somewhere.

[X] [WORK] Wand
-[X] Level 2.

much as I really want to try a costume, a pair of wands is probably better.
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Also, does the spreadsheet track the bonus items we get automatically when making something? Because while I recall that we automatically produce a 3x lvl 1 potions whenever we craft, I don't actually see that - or the bonus lvl 1 wand - on the spreadsheet anywhere. Would be nice to have it explicitly listed.
Yes and no. Us making 3 lv1 bombs every time we craft is mentioned on the sheet, just not the fact that we get them every time we craft, not just when we decide to craft bombs. And the way to get the extra wand is not mentioned.