Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Magical Girl Home Base Description
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Magical girls are massively empowering people who spark hope, push back the dark, and defeat fear for others. The problem is, to do this they are soldiers. They go out, they fight, see horrors of war, and then they come home back to the World and then it's like nothing happens. There's no recognition. A bit of tin and a scrap of ribbon, a recognition of what they do, anything to help them hold onto their humanity under the pressures of their enviroment is what they need, but by the curse of their service being in secret, they can't get it. Magical girls are above all else, human. It is this humanity that lets them inspire hope, and it is this humanity that forces them to run away, seek shelter and like-minded people, to try and survive together against this darkness.

And then they fail, because they are soldiers. Their lives are blood and tears and destruction. The homes they crave, the communities they need- to build them, they would need to beat their swords into plowshares. Against the unending tide of threats, the weekly monsters and yearly threats to vast swathes of the world? That is a luxurious end that does not compute to the grognards. The institution and traditions of the Magical Girls themselves cannot comprehend it.

Enter the outsider, enter [you]. [You] cannot fight, being too crippled to hold a weapon against the tide, but you can still help, aid, assist. Because [you] never took up arms, there is a latitude to [your] thought, to [your] actions, and with that to [your] effects. Rare is the Magical Girl who understands more than what rituals and sorcery it takes to maintain her equipment, stealing from the remains of her enemies to cover the costs of life alone after her old home failed her. What [you] can do will make waves, instill courage, bring forth the hope that the Magical Girls have needed. Living memory is short, and heroes cannot live forever in the hearts of men without bards to pass the tale on. But, for a structure of hope, an arsenal of dreams, and a light at the hilt of the Sword of Mars?

That could be enough to change the world.
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A quest about making sure magical girls exist in a world closer to PreCure than Puela Magica Madoka through you being willing to work your ass off and make sure there's somewhere for them to come home to.


We build a motherfucking base, that's what we do.


They're the heart and soul of Magical Girls. Powerful magic, transformations, teamwork attacks, all of that ties to a Trinket. Soul Gems, the Lunar Tiara, Raising Heart- all classic examples of Trinkets.


The sword and shield of Magical Girls, used for casting magic offensively and defensively. Without this, a Magical Girl is toothless, and can't really go out to get her daily bread.


Costumes are more than just what a Magical Girl wears; they're also a disguise, an armor, and often-times a tool belt of tricks in their own right. From sailor suits to battle ballgowns, these magical garments protect their wearer from harm as the last line of defense before monsters.


Bombs are a Magical Girl's last, best hope at getting out of a bad situation. From defusing bullet hells, to reviving or resurecting allies, to serving as a catch-all hammer to finish off a particularly dark evil; bombs are the catch-all item to handle the issue.


And I will even write down equations for y'all.
  • Wound Recover Time equals Severity of Injury plus Number of Previous Injuries plus Seven Days. All injury times round up to the nearest week.
  • Item Time until Replacement (by crafting) equals Item Quality times Crafting Roll times the product of Skill Level and Workshop Quality.
All equations are also available in The Spreadsheet.


No. The Spreadsheet is the Once and Future King, and is always up to date in back story posts due to the magic of XenoForo 2 Google Sheets Integrations.


Yes. Frequently within 48 hours of an update there may be a Glitch in the Spreadsheet in which case The Spreadsheet is not fully up to date yet. This will be rectified if you ping me with the nature of the Glitch in the Spreadsheet. After I manually repair it, The Spreadsheet will be correct now and forever, as it is the Once and Future King.


There are six resources, as follows.
  • Mundanes: Normal things, like food, money, and other goods you can acquire on the civil market. These automatically get sold for food to pay for upkeep, or are food and eaten by the Commissary
  • Gubbins: Esoteric mechanical and electrical parts dedicated to building things. Your average computer has at least two Gubbins worth of stuff under the hood, and frequently get used to make things smarter.
  • Spooky Stuff: Trans-dimensional supplies that can be counted on for their ability to warp reality and call on forces from beyond mortal ken. Best handled with care, and a loaded shotgun in case a Slenderman or something tries to steal them back.
  • Witchy Stuff: Esoteric tools and materials needed for occult rituals and acts of magic of both constructive and useful purposes. Eye of Newt and Hen's Teeth are solid examples, and these are taken from the lairs of dead Witches who have inevitably over-reached their powers and been transformed by their dark work.
  • Demon Stuff: Blasphemous and unholy materials cultivated and designed to ensure the maximum suffering and cruelty for the hellspawn rituals they were used to control and derived from. In most cases, these items being consumed doesn't add tags to the item they're consumed on, but rather makes it more effective against that target.
  • Holy Stuff: Materials blessed by the powers of religion, faith, and hope themselves, designed by purpose to drive back the dark and bring forth the light. Tools made from this are some of the most powerful for their tier, but are also often the most tempermental, thought to have minds of their own at times.
  • Misc: The detrious of life as a craftsmen- half finished projects, broken tools and weapons, old McDonalds wrappers, and the assorted junk in your shop you can canabalize in an emergency to get the job done. Work completed with this does not smell perpetually of Big Macs, and do not belive any Magical Girl who tells you this.

Random goods can be sold at a 1:1 per week ratio to become Mundanes for purposes of upkeep. Should you run out of Upkeep, facilities will become inactive until you can resume full upkeep payments.


You have four real skills, which are not notorized in The Spreadsheet. These are your skills at making Wands, Trinkets, Costumes, and Bombs. Each skill is separately handled, and advances at it's own rate. While you do not need a skill level to build an item normally, if your workshop is not properly equipped for that item (see Tools on spreadsheet) then you do require Skill equal to the tier of item you're trying to create. Skills normally advance after you research something in the field of which you want to advance, or are given the opportunity to craft a Masterwork Object in that field upon which a success will advance your Skill.


No, I do not count Plan Votes. Votes are By Category Only. At most, you'll have two vote categories, so don't worry about complex votes. Voting for [Username] is fine, though.
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Good news, folks. Because my other IPs for sale (A Century Turns, Night over the Bosporus; links in my sig) are producing terrible cash flow because of shenanigans with my publisher, I need more money. Three months with no pay is intolerable. To that end, I'm going to be trying a small monitization scheme with this quest.

Updates are free. Let me say that right now. At least every week and possibly twice a week you'll get around 2k words of the base quest.

Sidestories are $1/200 words, commissioner's choice of topic. Magical girl shenanigans, enemy perspectives, national events, the slow decline into madness, where Magical Girls get their power from... it's all fair game.

Double updates are $40 a month, combined from any commissions and direct contributions made. If we get to that point, votes will normally be called Mondays and Thursdays, with updates on Tuesdays and Fridays.

If by some miracle I'm pulling in $80 a month, I'll start an archive thread and compile back updates into a PDF with notes and anotations, which will be for sale for about $5 per unit.

Everything after that is gravy.

EDIT: I now have a Ko-Fi. The base price of $3 will be accounted of in any costs of commission, or you can pay the full ammount through them. Either way, I hope this helps.
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Hey, everybody. Since things went off the rails last time I had work throw a massive shitstorm at me and there's another one coming down the pike, I feel the honest response is to fully admit this will cause some severe delays, compounding my general exhaustion with writing what is currently a very high-tension arc's conclusion. I'm working on getting the next update staged, but frankly speaking this is going to be a bitch and a half to write. In addition, I'm starting a new quest to start playtesting a necessary commercial activity. I'm not going to say the H-word, but... consider this a fair warning. Things will be coming in slow.

Also, everyone, please go check my new quest out. The sooner I get it done and gone, the sooner I can get back to this.

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