Maelstrom Games - The Questening (Naruto/Gamer)

Oh definitely. He learned the Kage Bunshin in...a couple hours at most, between the time he stole the scroll and when Iruka (or was it Mizuki in disguise?) found him. The Rasengan took awhile longer, but he did that even without the heavy use of clones it took to develop the Rasenshuriken later on.
...Naruto is book dumb and socially inept, but when it comes to combat, Naruto is pretty damn capable, if not greatly talented. He trains day in and day out. His regular workout schedule insane, if not Gai and Lee levels. Naruto has repeatedly proven himself fully able to learn and master hard and difficult techniques. Kage Bunshin. Rasengan. Senjutsu.

As much as people like to dump on him and call him stupid, he's not really an idiot. He just doesn't care about the finer, more theoretical details.
sorry if my comment came out the wrong way, what I meant was he's inept in a [clusmy] way to be using a tool like a Kusarigama which could be dangerous if not handle the right way and with a specific amount of focus that young naruto clearly doesn't have. but it would add comedy to the story seeing naruto wack himself and others a few times till he gets the hang of it.

still his class is Warrior right? no cleaver weapon option :(
would love to see him hacking people in half with a big arse sword with his monstrous strength.
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sorry if my comment came out the wrong way, what I meant was he's inept in a [clusmy] way to be using a tool like a Kusarigama which could be dangerous if not handle the right way and with a specific amount of focus that young naruto clearly doesn't have. but it would add comedy to the story seeing naruto wack himself and others a few times till he gets the hang of it.
Maybe at first, but he starts picking things up fast once he gets good teachers like Kakashi and Jiraiya. If we put serious effort towards something, especially sealing with that trait, he'll pick it up pretty quickly.
Maybe at first, but he starts picking things up fast once he gets good teachers like Kakashi and Jiraiya. If we put serious effort towards something, especially sealing with that trait, he'll pick it up pretty quickly.

lets be honest here Kakashi didn't do jack squat for naruto and sakura he's a crap sensei honestly. but your right about Jiraiya, although naruto still had to bribe him kinda to get him to train him lol (bad god-father jk...kinda). but yea am still voting for the Kusarigama I'd just rather have a Big arse sword like Zabuza for naruto thats all. but since this is a AU Kakashi will be a better sensei hopefully lol.
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lets be honest here Kakashi didn't do jack squat for naruto and sakura he's a crap sensei honestly. but your right about Jiraiya, although naruto still had to bribe him kinda to get him to train him lol (bad god-father jk...kinda). but yea am still voting for the Kusarigama I'd just rather have a Big arse sword like Zabuza for naruto thats all. but since this is a AU Kakashi will be a better sensei hopefully lol.
Not true, he taught them tree-walking, and later on helped Naruto develop the Rasenshuriken. I agree he didn't teach them a great deal compared to Jiraiya and Tsunade in canon, but he did teach them a few things.
People also shit on Kakashi a lot, but honestly, his focus as a Sensei never seemed to be on the 'Teach Jutsu' side of things. Rather, Kakashi had a focus on life lessons, wanting his team to overcome their problems first, before he taught them any techniques that weren't outright required to let them survive. Naruto needed to get over himself, and his arrogance. As it was, his only driving factor when he became a genin was that he wanted respect. He needed to learn that respect is earned. Sakura needed to get over her weak-ass self and crush on Sasuke, and realize that being a Ninja isn't a joke. Sasuke needed to learn that vengeance should not be the only thing one strive for in life.

Most importantly, they all needed to learn to work together, and let people in. Team 7 needed to be an actual Team, before he'd teach them anything worthwhile. In the wake of the mission to Wave, it seemed like he'd gotten 2/3rds of that and Sakura was staring to come around. To solidify the changes, he sent them to the Chuunin exams, probably not truly expecting any of them to become chuunin, but to at least learn from the ordeal and come out stronger and closer for it.

And honestly? If not for Orochimaru, it probably would have worked. Hell, it probably would have worked in spite of Orochimaru. While the Cursed Seal didn't help matters, what truly broke up Team 7 was the appearance of Itachi and the use of Tsukuyomi on Sasuke again.

As much as we tend to glorify Itachi as the best Uchiha, he made some horrible, horrible decisions like that.

my honest opinion on Kakashi from my (perspective).

but to a point I agree with you guys I can't really blames Kakashi for his problem. its honestly all the writers fault in his crappy character development. but no matter what I hate/love about the show I still love the series even if I wished it did better in specific parts of the story.
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People also shit on Kakashi a lot, but honestly, his focus as a Sensei never seemed to be on the 'Teach Jutsu' side of things. Rather, Kakashi had a focus on life lessons, wanting his team to overcome their problems first, before he taught them any techniques that weren't outright required to let them survive. Naruto needed to get over himself, and his arrogance. As it was, his only driving factor when he became a genin was that he wanted respect. He needed to learn that respect is earned. Sakura needed to get over her weak-ass self and crush on Sasuke, and realize that being a Ninja isn't a joke. Sasuke needed to learn that vengeance should not be the only thing one strive for in life.

Most importantly, they all needed to learn to work together, and let people in. Team 7 needed to be an actual Team, before he'd teach them anything worthwhile. In the wake of the mission to Wave, it seemed like he'd gotten 2/3rds of that and Sakura was staring to come around. To solidify the changes, he sent them to the Chuunin exams, probably not truly expecting any of them to become chuunin, but to at least learn from the ordeal and come out stronger and closer for it.

And honestly? If not for Orochimaru, it probably would have worked. Hell, it probably would have worked in spite of Orochimaru. While the Cursed Seal didn't help matters, what truly broke up Team 7 was the appearance of Itachi and the use of Tsukuyomi on Sasuke again.

As much as we tend to glorify Itachi as the best Uchiha, he made some horrible, horrible decisions like that.

and then you have to factor in Kakashi projecting team Minato. and Team Minato fell apart because Kakashi's refusal to initially work as a team led to the clusterfuck of "Obito's death" so of course he's going to make sure his own team knows how to work together above all else.

and let's be for real with the Chunin exams which is used to throw shade on Kakashi, early Gaara was literal psychopath. Sasuke needed all the help he could get and Ebisu IS an elite trainer so its not like he left Naruto to dry.
[X] Plan TheNotoriousSMP
[] Iryojutsu Specialty
[] Anatomy Specialty

[] Yin Chakra

[] Stealth Specialty
[] Evasive

[] Ninjato

[] Enduring Will
[] Mighty Blows

[] Kusarigama

[] Medium Armor (Clan War Era Armor)

I think this plan has most of what people would want in the various classes. Yin chakra seems like it'd be better for a healer than Yang, and the two specialties seem like they'd compliment each other well. For Sasuke having better stealth and evasion would probably go well with his Sharingan once he unlocks it, and ninjato are generally used for short quick sword strokes which seems to fit his style pretty well. And with Naruto Enduring Will and Mighty Blows fit him to a T (plus I can't really picture him using a shield), a bo staff would probably benefit a lot from the latter trait (plus there might be a chance of Sarutobi teaching us a little bit about how to use one), and medium armor gives protection while not sacrificing mobility too much.

Switching to the kusarigama because of it's synergy with Heavenly Soul.

I agree with your plan, but i believe it'll be best if you change Sakura to Yang Chakra to help with healing and enhancing her party members, instead of going with Yin chakra which only heal and enhances herself shes not a fighter yet.
I disagree. Having Yin Chakra will be very helpful a little further down the line for when Sakura improves her Taijutsu skills. Naruto and Sasuke need enhancement less than Sakura does.
I disagree. Having Yin Chakra will be very helpful a little further down the line for when Sakura improves her Taijutsu skills. Naruto and Sasuke need enhancement less than Sakura does.
isn't that only if people want her to go that route thought [crushing Fists]? I personally wanna vote for Pure Medic or alchemist for her save some lives during latter arc's.
isn't that only if people want her to go that route thought [crushing Fists]? I personally wanna vote for Pure Medic or alchemist for her save some lives during latter arc's.
Even if we don't go that route, being able to enhance herself will better enable Sakura to keep up with Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke in combat when needed instead of hanging back and just doing support.
So, closing votes. It's obvious that Plan SMP Wins.

Chargen is over, time to get started!

The funny thin is, with how much of a Power Gamer Sakura is, and the way she's set herself up as a Healer means she'd be a great Tank when her skills are more polished.
" then this, an' that, and ooh, that looks cool...Alright, I think I'm done!" Naruto's excited voice rang throughout the clearing, as the orange clad boy tapped through the boxes. Though he had started later than his teammates, they were only finishing up just now as well, having taken more time to go over their options.

Sasuke had a satisfied look on his face, was just setting the finalization on his stats. Sakura was staring intently at her screen, her forehead crinkled as she tapped away.

Speaking of stats, however...

Naruto looked at his and sweatdropped. "Well uh...almost done, anyway. Hey, hey Sakura-chan, you know about this stuff right? Can you help me with them?" He pleased with the pinkette, and she scowled before sighing.

"You should really do it yourself, baka! But fine, if I let you do it, you'd do something dumb like dump all your points into one thing..." Following her statement, she leaned over Naruto's shoulder to look at his own screen. Her brows raised high at his choices, and before getting to work pointing to which stats he should focus on and how much he should put in each. An affronted look crossed her face when she noticed something, however.

"Hey! Why are you two levels higher than me?! I can understand Sasuke, but you skipped like half our classes!" Her outraged voice pieced through the air, her questions making Naruto sweat as he leaned away.

"Ahah, no idea Sakura-chan! Maybe I'm just awesome!" The boy paused for a moment before saying, "Hey! Just because I skipped class doesn't mean I didn't work hard!"

"Playing pranks is NOT 'working hard.'"

"I didn't just play pranks! I trained too."

"Whatever, I'm done with your stats anyway." Huffing, the girl was about to step away when something caught her eye. "Wait a sec...Naruto, what's that trait?"

"Huh? Whadda ya' mean?" He looked at her confusedly, for a moment. His traits were fairly straightforward. Sure, there'd been a couple mentions of the Uzumaki and that had grabbed his attention, but it seemed fairly normal. The only other thing had been the little blurb...about...


Sakura's eyes narrowed. "The demon fox? Seals? But...we were told the Yondaime killed the fox. Why would this say it's sealed? The only times that happen is when a village makes...a..." Voice trailing off she looked at Naruto with a shocked face.

For his part, Naruto had hung his head the moment he'd realized she'd seen the trait and it's description. A popping sound echoed lightly in the air, as he tightened his knuckles, his shoulders shaking. It hadn't been too long ago that he'd only just learned the truth, but it had hit him hard. Now, he was just waiting for the inevitable fallout.

At this point, Kakashi was standing tense, and Sasuke's eyes were peeled directly on the two of them. Before, their brooding teammate had been content to ignore them, but now their discussion had his full attention.

Somehow, that just made it worse.

"'re a Jinchuuriki?" Voice soft, Sakura's question was as damning as the wince it brought to Naruto's face.

Rather than answer, he just scowled and turned his head. After a moment though, he scoffed. "And? What does it matter? So I've got some damn furball stuck in my gut, it doesn't mean anything!" His voice was gruff, and it was clear he didn't want to talk about it.

"Hn. Makes sense, I suppose." Suddenly, Sasuke interjected himself coolly into the situation. Hands in his pocket, his gaze was turned in the same direction as Naruto's. "I always wondered why a lot of the older villagers mad such an effort to ignore you, all the time."

Though the comment made his scowl deepen, something in Naruto couldn't help but relax, his fists unclenching.

Shaking herself, Sakura pumped her arm in anger, a fire blazing in her eyes. "Bah! Screw those guys, they're all idiots, Shannarō!" Even if Naruto was a little annoying, he was her teammate now! The only who could treat Naruto like that was her!

There was something wet, at the edge of his eyes. Something he'd thought had dried up long ago. Something was welling up in his throat, and he had to stifle it, because he'd promised. Promised that he'd never cry again!

Bringing his arm up to wipe away at the half formed tears, a hand landed on the top of his head, ruffling his hair.

"'s okay to cry when you're happy, you know?"

And despite himself, a soft sob escaped his throat, the tears flowing down his face as he cried in happiness. As he stood their, fruitlessly trying to keep himself from breaking down, Sasuke and Sakura dutifully ignored his tears as Kakashi kept his palm on top of his head.

Maybe they'd just formed, and maybe they'd never particularly been close before. But from the moment Kakashi had passed them, they'd become something more. Each of them knew how important their genin team was, even if they denied it. They were to work together, and in their profession that required something more than a cool and distant professionalism. They needed to be able to trust and rely on another.

The moment they had passed, they had become a team. A family, even if an unwilling one.

And as they stood there, Team 7 watched as the sun slowly set, sinking below the horizon.

Born mainly from a desire to get the 'Naruto a Demon Container' thing out of the way, this may have com out of left field, but oh well.

Anyway, Chargen is over. Team 7 has set their Class, Stats and Traits. Tomorrow, their first week of Ninjadom begins.
Besides missions and Team Training, each member of Team 7 has a Weekly Action. What do they do with their time?

[X] Report to the Hokage

Sakura (Choose 1):
[] Train on her own.
-[] Train What? (Write in Skill or Stat)
[] Socialize!
-[] With Who? Write-in. (May write in a group or set of people)
[] Research
-[] Dual Spirit. Such an odd did come about? What is it capable of?
-[] Monstrous Strength. Where did that come from? As far as you know the Haruno had no special traits...
-[] Something Else? (Write in Topic or Skill)
[] Experiment! (Chance to advance or gain a random skill or trait)

Sasuke (Choose 1):
[] Train on his own.
-[] Train What? (Write in Skill or Stat)
[] Socialize!
-[] With Who? Write-in. (May write in a group or set of people)
[] Research
-[] Harbinger of War. You knew some of your crow blood, but what did this trait mean, exactly?
-[] Blood of The Crow. As a child, you were told stories of your clan's origins, but had thought them just that. Stories.
-[] Something Else? (Write in Topic or Skill)
[] Experiment! (Chance to advance or gain a random skill or trait)

Naruto (Choose 1):
[] Train on his own.
-[] Train What? (Write in Skill or Stat)
[] Socialize!
-[] With Who? Write-in. (May write in a group or set of people)
[] Research
-[] The Uzumaki. Several of your traits mentioned your clan, and though you had known they had once existed, you didn't know much. Perhaps you should learn more.
-[] The Demon Fox. You learned recently that the Kyuubi was sealed within you. Probably a good idea to get a ahndle of what that mean exactly.
-[] Something Else? (Write in Topic or Skill)
[] Experiment! (Chance to advance or gain a random skill or trait)
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I think we should look into the Uzumaki. Supposedly their village was destroyed because they were so damn good with seals, something that can only help us out in the long run. . .
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Honestly I'm glad you got the Jinchuriki revelation out of the way this early. At least this way it's over and done with.

Not sure what to do this time, not least because we don't know any of our Skills or Stats. Definitely wanting to research the Uzumaki but other than that I've got nothing.
[X] Research:
-[X] Monstrous Strength
[X] Research:
-[X] Blood of The Crow
[X] Socialize:
-[X] With the Ichireuka family
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I also think we should socialize with Sasuke. The fact is, he didn't really have any friends in Konoha, and that played into his decision to desert.

[X] Plan KoT

[X] Research:
-[X] Monstrous Strength. Where did that come from? As far as you know the Haruno had no special traits...
[X] Socialize
-[X] Team 7
[X] Research
-[X] The Uzumaki. Several of your traits mentioned your clan, and though you had known they had once existed, you didn't know much. Perhaps you should learn more.
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[X] Plan Research
Sakura (Choose 1):
[X] Research
-[X] Dual Spirit. Such an odd did come about? What is it capable of?
Sasuke (Choose 1):
[X] Research
-[X] Blood of The Crow. As a child, you were told stories of your clan's origins, but had thought them just that. Stories.
Naruto (Choose 1):
[X] Research
-[X] The Uzumaki. Several of your traits mentioned your clan, and though you had known they had once existed, you didn't know much. Perhaps you should learn more.
I believe that we should research each of the traits so we know what they do. Socializing and Training comes after.