Maelstrom Games - The Questening (Naruto/Gamer)

[X] Plan Youthful Sasuke
[X] Research
-[X] Dual Spirit. Such an odd did come about? What is it capable of?

[X] Socialize!
-[X] With Maito Gai

[X] Research
-[X] The Uzumaki. Several of your traits mentioned your clan, and though you had known they had once existed, you didn't know much. Perhaps you should learn more.
Do you want to kill Sasuke right after he becomes a Genin? :D
[X] Research:
-[X] Monstrous Strength
[X] Research:
-[X] Blood of the Crow
[X] Research
-[X] The Uzumaki. Several of your traits mentioned your clan, and though you had known they had once existed, you didn't know much. Perhaps you should learn more.
[X] Sakura: Experiment! (Chance to advance or gain a random skill or trait)
[X] Sasuke: Experiment! (Chance to advance or gain a random skill or trait)
[X] Naruto: Experiment! (Chance to advance or gain a random skill or trait)
After the sun finished setting, and the genin went out to celebrate their success, Kakashi parted ways from his new team. As much as he'd like to stay watch his new cute little genin have fun, he sadly had a job to do. So, he reluctantly pocketed his icha icha and made his way for the Hokage Tower.

Leaping from rood to roof, it did not take him long to find his way there. Hopping up onto the ledge of the window, he sung himself inside, coming face to face with an old man with a funny hat and a weird pipe.

Also, the old man was probably the most powerful person in the village.

And he was looking at Kakashi with an annoyed glare.

Kakashi's eye simply crinkled happily in greeting.

"Must you always enter through the window, Kakashi? Poor Haruko is always so frazzled from the stress, when she has to readjust my schedule."

"Maa, maa, she's already out to get me. What's one more reason to add to her list?" The jonin drawled, relaxing into a comfortable slouch, hands in his pockets. In reply, the Hokage simply sighed.

"I swear, you will be the death of me one day." Flicking his pipe and clearing it of ash, he went back to chewing slightly at the end of it. "Still, it was about time you showed up. Did your genin pass, or will we be sending yet another group of children back to the academy this year?"

He hummed contemplatively in response. "Hmmm, they had a rocky start. I don't think I've seen such a horrendously dysfunctional team like this since my own. Each of them is arrogant, selfish and petty. Their teamwork was all but nonexistent. While they showed some potential when it came to their individual capabilities, it was clear they'd have a hard time fitting them together." Kakashi said all of this as if he was simply commenting on the weather, like it wasn't any sort of problem.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, the man shrugged.

"But they'll do. Team 7: Pass."

Hiruzen simply frowned at his subordinate, gazing meaningfully at the man. "Even with everything you just told me, you have decided to let them pass, Kakashi?" His voice was gruff, and stern.

"Despite their many faults, they showed promise. I'll admit they're rough around the edges, and there are definitely kinks to work out, but I believe the three of them are indeed capable of working together. Their teamwork is near nonexistent, but only nearly so. They've shown me what they're made of. They pass." He nodded sharply to enunciate his point, eyes hard despite his relaxed pose.

The Hokage's own eyes narrowed, however. "And you are not simply passing them to avoid taking up my hat? As happy as I am to see Naruto pass, I am getting old Kakashi. I know you are reluctant, but you are the only one capable of replacing me."

Said man scowled, tensing. "Jiraiya-"

"Will never take my place." Sarutobi harshly cut Kakashi off before he could begin. "He may have taught Minato, and he may be my student, but he is even more reluctant than yourself. His spy network is also too valuable to lose, and I suspect he created it for that very reason. Tsunade refuses to even step foot in this village, and my own colleagues are just as old as I am."

Not one to give up, Kakashi tried another tactic. "You still win our weekly spars, I'm not strong enough."

Scoffing, Sarutobi responded, "Like I'd let some brat like you beat me, even now. And don't think I don't know you've been holding back." Smirking, he continued, "Or did you really think I knew nothing of your Raijin No Yoroi? If you still think you are too weak to be Hokage, then ask your summons to learn Senjutsu. The Monkeys may have denied me due to their laws against teaching outsiders, but the Dogs have no such laws."

Slipping out of his relaxed position, Kakashi crossed his arms. "You know if I learn Senjutsu from my summons it'll just drum up tension with the Inuzuka! It took years for Minato-sensei to smooth things over after I formed a contract with the Inugami. They'd never forgive me for learning the art they lost access to so many centuries ago!"

Indeed, it was a little known fact that the Inuzuka gained their famous characteristics from their ancestors, who had a contract with a clan of Inugami. The first Inuzuka had learned Senjustu alongside their canine partners, and over the years the animalistic traits gained from the art had become hereditary, along with the contract itself. However, a few centuries ago something had happened and the Inuzuka had lost their contract with the Inugami, and the art of Senjutsu along with it. Since then, they had taken to raising and training ninken, but the loss of their old partners was still a sore spot.

Puffing lightly on his pipe, Hiruzen took Kakahi's point in calmly, thinking it over. Finally, he said, "You are young yet, and unmarried. If I remember correctly, the current Inuzuka head has a daughter just a few years younger than yourself. I'm sure they would jump at the chance to regain their lost treasures."

Frowning heavily, Kakashi glared at his superior. "Hana is 7 years younger than me and I'm not marrying just so I can learn some secret art of my summons. Besides all of that, the point is moot. I have a genin team, and my duty is now to teach them."

Shaking his head, the wizened old man leaned back in his chair, folding his hands over his desk. "I'd argue that I taught my own students while I was already Hokage, but I know the difficulties doing so brought. So fine. If you are so determined to put off succeeding me, then so be it. But the moment your genin have become chunin, I will be resigning. The matter will be out of both of our hands then, though I will nominate yourself as my successor."

Having seemingly won the argument for now, Kakashi once more relaxed.

"Now then, I believe there was something else you wished to tell me?"

Starting, Kakashi shook his head a bit. "Ah, yes. Well, it started right after I passed my Team..."

A/N: Very dialogue heavy, but oh well. I've been trying to figure out how to do this update, and you can consider this the first half. However, we have just one thing to do, before the next one.

PoV of the Next Update:
[] Naruto
[] Sasuke
[] Sakura
Inugami huh? Interesting.

[X] Naruto

I'd like to see what Naruto learns about the Uzumaki with how this world is different.