Maelstrom Games - The Questening (Naruto/Gamer)

Vote Tally : Maelstrom Games - The Questening (Naruto/Gamer) | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.25

[X] Sasuke: Scoundrel
No. of Votes: 18

[X] Sakura: Healer
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Naruto: Warrior
No. of Votes: 13

[X] Naruto: Caster
No. of Votes: 12

[X] Sakura: Fighter
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Naruto - Caster
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Sakura - Healer
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Sasuke: Trickster
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Sasuke - Trickster
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Sakura - trickster
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Sasuke - scoundrel
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Sakura: Brawler
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Sakura: trickster
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Sasuke: Caster
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Sasuke: Fighter
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Sasuke: Scoundral
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Sasuke - Fighter
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Naruto: Fighter
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 33

Alright then, closing votes. Meant to do so Friday, but didn't feel well and Saturday I have a regularly scheduled D&D Game. Going to eat, then get started on the update.

Sakura: Healer
Sasuke: Scoundrel
Naruto: Warrior
Considering I basically gave you an extra couple days to fix your votes, I don't feel too bad.

I think when people considered fixing it, they considered making

[] Warrior
[] Naruto : warrior.

Not []Naruto - Warrior into [] Naruto : warrior

Since in the latter its already pretty clear which class to whom. And the Tally would capture it.
The recent version, anyways. And by capture I mean join both votes in the tally count since they meant the same.

Incidentally, I tried to retally the votes. With more advanced version Tally. Also, this is almost RAW. I only need to join votes where someone wrote scoundrel into scoundral.

Vote Tally : Maelstrom Games - The Questening (Naruto/Gamer) | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.11

[X] Sasuke: Scoundrel
No. of Votes: 22

[X] Naruto: Caster
No. of Votes: 19

[X] Sakura: Healer
No. of Votes: 18

[X] Naruto: Warrior
No. of Votes: 13

[X] Sakura: Fighter
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Sasuke: Trickster
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Sakura - trickster
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Sasuke - Fighter
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Sakura: Brawler
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Sasuke: Caster
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Naruto: Fighter
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 33

The result is (as long as there aren't anyone who changed their votes within past hour):
[] Sasuke: Scoundrel
No. of Votes: 22

[] Naruto: Caster
No. of Votes: 19

[] Sakura: Healer
No. of Votes: 18
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Luckily for Naruto they had, eventually, cut him down allowing him to play with the strange hovering squares. The moment he had done so, he had cried in outrage at something on his screen, before furiously tapping buttons. Now, he let out soft 'oohs' and 'aahs' as he found something cool or interesting.

From where he stood, Kakashi's eye crinkled at the sight. He was happy to see that Minato's Son was so full of energy. Kushina would be proud.

Shaking himself from his thoughts, the man looked down once more at his screen and frowned. Despite how he had acted before, it was more to reassure his new, cute, little genin. But to be honest...he was suspicious. If he wasn't, he didn't deserve to be a ninja, let alone an Elite Jonin.

Already, he had confirmed that this was indeed not a Genjutsu. Once his genin were sufficiently distracted, he had pulled out his Sharingan to evaluate the hovering screen. While it was no Genjutsu, the Sharingan's enhanced perception an ability to see Chakra had been enlightening.

The boxes were constructs made entirely of Chakra. Nature Chakra to be more precise. If he hadn't been looking right at it and familiar with that particular type of energy, the damn things would be invisible to his eye. What's more, thin coats of Nature Chakra were now covering and permeating through himself and his genin. It was nothing like Senjutsu, or indeed anything he had ever seen before.

It also limited the amount of people capable of even doing this to one hand, and even then they were all unlikely. As far as Kakashi could tell, the source of the boxes...was the world itself.

To Kakashi's sight, all four them glowed with the essence of Nature itself, the world wrapping them in its power.

And he had no idea what that meant, but in his experience, things like this usually meant something bad was going to happen.

Frowning, he looked down once more at the blue screen. Its contents had been unnerving. Not only had it listed every single technique, Nin, Gen, Tai or otherwise, that he knew, but the stats traits, history portion...all of it had been scarily accurate. As if he himself was providing all the data.

Perhaps the most disturbing part was the class and 'Titles.'

Kakashi Hatake
Class: White Fang Disciple
Title: Cold Blooded

Much like his students, he had options to modify his...character sheet, but unlike them, Kakashi was in his prime. He had trained extensively and vigorously to get where he was, and knew himself and his techniques inside and out. Though he could adapt easily, and major change to his style would be more liable to hinder him than anything else. The man had no desire to relearn his capabilities from scratch.

The genin, however...they were just starting out. Each of them barely had the starting of a foundation, and that gave them potential. A major change or switch to their styles wouldn't hinder them at all. Perhaps it would even help them, if their displeasure at their own character sheets was any indication. They were all likely to find something that fit them perfectly, giving them a chance most never had. Usually it took years for one to perfect their style and come into their own.

Idly, he wondered what each of them would choose. Most likely they only had access to some of the 'Base' Classes, unlike himself. Even then, however, there had been a long list to choose from, some that had been fairly unique if...specialized.

Oh well. Whatever they picked, he'd do his best to teach them as best he could.

That was his job, after all.

Sakura has chosen: Healer!
Sasuke has chosen: Scoundrel!
Naruto has chosen: Warrior!

Time for Chargen Part Two!

Sakura Receives Healing Specialty!
Sakura Receive Hands of Miracle!

Choose Two Additional Traits:
[] Iryojutsu Specialty
[] Anatomy Specialty
[] Medicinal Specialty

Choose an Med-Nin Affinity:
[] Yang Chakra
[] Yin Chakra

Sasuke Receives Light Weapon Specialty!
Sasuke Receives Fleet of Foot!

Choose Two Additional Traits:
[] Stealth Specialty
[] Critical Strikes
[] Evasive

Choose a Light Weapon:
[] Chokuto
[] Ninjato
[] Kodachi
[] Tanto
[] Bladed Fan
[] Kunai
[] Wakizashi

Naruto Receives Armor Specialty!
Naruto Receives Weapon Specialty!

Choose Two Additional Traits:
[] Shield Specialty
[] Enduring Will
[] Mighty Blows

Choose a Weapon:
[] Kama
[] Kusarigama
[] Katana
[] Naginata
[] Bisento
[] Broadsword
[] Longsword

Choose an Armor:
[] Light Armor (Anbu)
[] Medium Armor (Clan War Era Armor)
[] Heavy Armor (Knight)


Sakura Receives Innate Control!
Sakura Receives Dual Spirit!
Sakura Receives Superior Affinity!
Sakura Receives Monstrous Strength!

Sasuke Receives Blood of the Crow!
Sasuke Receives Illusory Reality!
Sasuke Receives Wheel of Mirrors!
Sasuke Receives Harbinger of War!

Naruto Receives Of Ink And Blood!
Naruto Receives Enhanced Vitality!
Naruto Receives Heavenly Chains (Potential)!
Naruto Receives Blessing of Fox!

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[X] Plan TheNotoriousSMP
[] Iryojutsu Specialty
[] Anatomy Specialty

[] Yin Chakra

[] Stealth Specialty
[] Evasive

[] Ninjato

[] Enduring Will
[] Mighty Blows

[] Kusarigama

[] Medium Armor (Clan War Era Armor)

I think this plan has most of what people would want in the various classes. Yin chakra seems like it'd be better for a healer than Yang, and the two specialties seem like they'd compliment each other well. For Sasuke having better stealth and evasion would probably go well with his Sharingan once he unlocks it, and ninjato are generally used for short quick sword strokes which seems to fit his style pretty well. And with Naruto Enduring Will and Mighty Blows fit him to a T (plus I can't really picture him using a shield), a bo staff would probably benefit a lot from the latter trait (plus there might be a chance of Sarutobi teaching us a little bit about how to use one), and medium armor gives protection while not sacrificing mobility too much.

Switching to the kusarigama because of it's synergy with Heavenly Soul.
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[X] Plan Erlking
-[X] Iryojutsu Specialty
-[X] Anatomy Specialty
-[X] Yang Chakra
-[X] Critical Strikes
-[X] Evasive
-[X] Chokuto
-[X] Enduring Will
-[X] Mighty Blows
-[X] Bisento
-[X] Medium Armor (Clan War Era Armor)
For Sakura I went with a slightly more offense leaning set up, with Medical Nin and Anatomical specialties rather then medicine since I'd rather keep her from just being a white mage. Yang Chakra was chosen as it's the body part of chakra and is more focused towards vitality and life then Yin's more spiritual style.

Sasuke is a very rogue type character here, though with evasion over stealth focus as so many of Ninja Battles seemed to end in pitch combat. The Chokuto was picked our of personal preference mostly, since I'm not a big fan of the other sword styles and I dislike the War Fan, though I admit it may be more in character for him to go with it due to the uchiha connection.

Naruto is again more offense based, since I'd rather not have him be a pure shield tank. The Bisento is prefered over the Naginata for it's reach and durability and taken over long or broad swords due to my own not wanting to be a knight. Heavy Armor and a broadsword just seems far to anachronistic for the setting from my perspective, since the main army in this is more Samurai like then Medieval Knight.
[X] Plan Khepri
Choose Two Additional Traits:
[X] Iryojutsu Specialty
[X] Medicinal Specialty

Choose an Med-Nin Affinity:
[X] Yin Chakra

Choose Two Additional Traits:
[X] Stealth Specialty
[X] Evasive

Choose a Light Weapon:
[X] Chokuto

Choose Two Additional Traits:
[X] Enduring Will
[X] Mighty Blows

Choose a Weapon:
[X] Bisento

Choose an Armor:
[X] Medium Armor (Clan War Era Armor)

The only difference for Notorious is that I chose the Bisento. For Erlking the Medicinal and Iryojutsu over Anatomy(Edit), and Yin chakra.
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[] Iryojutsu Specialty
[] Anatomy Specialty

[] Yin Chakra

[] Stealth Specialty
[] Evasive

[] Tanto

[] Enduring Will
[] Mighty Blows

[] Katana

[] Light Armor (ANBU)
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[X] Plan KoT

[X] Iryojutsu Specialty
[X] Anatomy Specialty

[X] Yin Chakra

[X] Stealth Specialty
[X] Evasive

[X] Ninjato

[X] Enduring Will
[X] Mighty Blows

[X] Katana

[X] Medium Armor (Clan War Era Armor)
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NOOOOO!!! Why not brawler Sakura!!! I wanted to see their enemies get dunked on by a angry ball of pink!!
So, yeah, here are some 'Advanced' Classes that characters are now locked out of:

Sakura: Erupting Fist (Magma Release! Brawler!Sakura)
Sasuke: Phantasm (Illusion Specialist!Sasuke)
Naruto: Masked Beast (Menma!Naruto)

Some Advanced Classes you CAN get!
Sakura: Puppeteer (Healing/Kenjutsu)
Sasuke: Bard (Kenjutsu/Ninjutsu or Kenjutsu/Genjutsu)
Naruto: Rune Knight (Armor and Weapon/Fuinjutsu)
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So, yeah, here are some 'Advanced' Classes that characters are now locked out of:

Sakura: Erupting Fist (Magma Release! Brawler!Sakura)
Sasuke: Phantasm (Illusion Specialist!Sasuke)
Naruto: Masked Beast (Menma!Naruto)

Some Advanced Classes you CAN get!
Sakura: Puppeteer (Healing/Ninjutsu)
Sasuke: Bard (Kenjutsu/Ninjutsu or Kenjutsu/Genjutsu)
Naruto: Rune Knight (Armor and Weapon/Fuinjutsu)
Noo! Rune knight and erupting fist!!
Does Naruto know that the Uzumaki clan were a thing, because if he didn't then his traits should probably let him realize that he should look into it, given their references to his ancestors and the Uzumaki's special chakra. Same with Sasuke and the Blood of the Crow thing or Sakura and he Split Personality.

So, yeah, here are some 'Advanced' Classes that characters are now locked out of:

Sakura: Erupting Fist (Magma Release! Brawler!Sakura)
Sasuke: Phantasm (Illusion Specialist!Sasuke)
Naruto: Masked Beast (Menma!Naruto)

Some Advanced Classes you CAN get!
Sakura: Puppeteer (Healing/Ninjutsu)
Sasuke: Bard (Kenjutsu/Ninjutsu or Kenjutsu/Genjutsu)
Naruto: Rune Knight (Armor and Weapon/Fuinjutsu)
Damn it, the locked out classes look so much cooler. I hope it's just a grass is greener on the other side thing I guess.

Are these the only advanced classes caused by our choices or are there others for Healer, Scoundrel, Warrior?
Oh sorry about that I'll fix it right now

Wasn't talking to you but why'd you change your vote? You had it right the first time IIRC.

[X] Iryojutsu Specialty
[X] Anatomy Specialty
[X] Yin Chakra
[X] Stealth Specialty
[X] Evasive
[X] Ninjato
[X] Enduring Will
[X] Mighty Blows
[X] Katana
[X] Medium Armor (Clan War Era Armor)

Plan Format mate. You had it right the first time I think. Make it look like every one else's if you are doing your own plan(the spoiler thing) or vote for someone else's.
oh! that's hilarious; the Sandaime Yin Sennin Uchiha Sasuke a BARD!!! :rofl:
Woah, we could have had Menma skill set... exploding magma Sakura would have been cool too. Sasuke's is actually better albeit with a less cool name.