Lyrical Nanoha gets a moe Loli spin-off

It's a Nobilis reference - it's not hard to figure out as I mentioned a Lesser Creation, and Nobilis gets bantered about enough on vs. in this forum that it's not obscure.
This isn't the VS side of the forum, and Nobilis is terribly obscure to those of us who DON'T frequent the VS side of the forum. As evident by the fact that NO ONE here understood your references at all.

So your attitude stinks.

Before she had meet Nove she was on some kind of a self-discovery trip(mostly brawling with martial artists) in ch4 she did said something like "meaning of my existence is not for the public stage".
I call bullshit.

EInhart was looking for strong opponents, and none of the (adult) martial artists she found were able to challenge her. But it seems just about every (adolescent) entrant in the tournament is a challenge for her, if not capable of cleaning her clock.

Even if she wasn't going to ENTER the tournament for public spectacle, she could have at least used the tournament as a way to learn the names and faces of worthy opponents, so she could go hunt THEM down in a dark alley at night.
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I call bullshit.

EInhart was looking for strong opponents, and none of the (adult) martial artists she found were able to challenge her. But it seems just about every (adolescent) entrant in the tournament is a challenge for her, if not capable of cleaning her clock.

Even if she wasn't going to ENTER the tournament for public spectacle, she could have at least used the tournament as a way to learn the names and faces of worthy opponents, so she could go hunt THEM down in a dark alley at night.
You need to remember that she didn't took sport martial arts seriously pre-canon as they weren't real martial arts for her and just show. So she just ignored "not real fighters" who are also children. That she didn't got that adult martial artists that are worth something are either in TSAB, some private security or are pro-sportsmen and going all dojo-hunting wouldn't get her fight with one... well, she is a child.
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She's probably the most interesting mage of the whole lot, except she's a side character and thus doomed.
Huh, they are even keeping Ixy in there, even tho she's only in the sound stages. Cool
Something something joke about Yuuno something something keeping him in there even though he's only in damn near everything something something punchline.

It's definitely a different animation studio than the first two seasons, and I'm not liking the change.

Not because the new studio's work seems bad, mind you. I just would have preferred sticking with the first one that I'd grown accustomed to.

But also because the new animation seems... odd. The colors seem (sorry for the pun) a little TOO vivid, and the forms seem oddly flat.
One must wonder how much money Mizuki Nana gets per OP song.

Has anyone else heard a rumor about Nanoha's voice actor (Tamara Yuki?) quitting, disappearing, or contemplating suicide?
Well, there's this, but while certainly a somewhat ominous diary entry I wouldn't be too concerned without knowing something more. Not finding anything that would render any specific rumors anything but wild speculation.
I for one, am just waiting for the inevitable AMV's of Lyrical Nanoha Vivid with the OP songs from Gundam Build Fighters TRY
Been a while since you watched the original series, I see.
Maybe it's just because I fast-fowarded through the trasformation sequences. Other than that, all I remember was a few questionable decisions regarding what would be camera employment if it weren't animated.
I.E. moreso direction than writing.
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Maybe it's just because I fast-fowarded through the trasformation sequences. Other than that, all I remember was a few questionable decisions regarding what would be camera employment if it weren't animated.
I.E. moreso direction than writing.
how did you forget the hot springs
how did you forget the hot springs
Cause no one was being creepers? The web of confusion was kinda hilarious in a 'And we shall never speak of this again' way. The whole thing was in character and ironic. I imagine a laugh was had before or after A's.
Erio and Caro's introduction was more gratuitous.
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Well, she WAS half-asleep, and he was a ferret at the time. Maybe she just forgot.

He immediately freaked out and turned away like a gentleman until she was clearly dressed and in bed, and then we got a heartwarming moment where he tucks her in and turns off the light.

Heck, it's because of him that she changed into her PJs instead of sleeping in her clothes. Which, yeah, led to the whole problematic scene in question, but his intentions were pure. He just wanted her to sleep comfortably and not mess up her clothes.