Quest Get!
Quest get. Yay! A happy giddy feeling that makes you want to skip around and sing musical numbers fills you. You can practically feel the cheek aching smile that you'd be wearing if you actually had a face. It's an honest to god quest.

But before you can skip away and dispatch those pesky spiders you need more information. Like where to go and roughly how many spiders will inevitably swarm you. You shudder at the thought of the skittering, chittering things.

"We would love to be of assistance." You tell Freyja eagerly. "Can you tell what you know about these skulking spiders of Skyrim and how they got there? Were there any baby ones and is teleporting still a thing mysticism mages can do?" She smiles, it's a great smile sunny and warm.

"There haven't been any especially small spiders running around, but I saw bigger back when I lived in Helgen. But there were what looked like egg sacks in a couple of places, couldn't tell if they were empty or not though. You think someone might have been teleporting them into cellars as babies or something?" You nod, the thought had definitely crossed your mind.

"It would take a mage of some skill to perform such a feat." Morlia's hand strokes her chin thoughtfully. "Easily skilled enough to be a member of the Arcane University."

"But it is possible." You can't wait to get your gauntlets on that spell. So overpowered, such potential, so many ways to screw with people!

"Very possible but... I can't imagine why someone would do it." Morlia shakes her head. "Why would anyone put spiders in someone's cellar? Or in random caves?"

"No idea, maybe Sheogorath told them to." Freyja suggests, clearly joking. "If you want to help then I think the last report was of fresh webbing around Bloodcrust Cavern and Greyrock Cave. Druja just reported that her cellar's been infested as well." You and Morlia nod in unison.

It's mid afternoon or so. The two caves outside the city you might reach before night but clearing them and coming back will definitely take longer than that. Still, if you're quick there might be some evidence the guards have overlooked.

A shiver runs down your imaginary spine. You feel like someone's watching you. You crane your helm back and look at the sky. You wave jauntily for a moment before flipping the bird at a passing skylark.

"What was that?" Morlia asks at once.

"I think Sheogorath and some other deadra are watching us." You explain to her, no need to freak her out by telling her the Princes are watching. "Just a feeling and the various voices freaking out about it, you know." You shrug and flip off a fluffy cloud that vaguely resembles a daedroth. Then you start humming.

[ ] Where do you strike the eight legged menace? Or do you do something else?
[ ] Shenanigans? More Singing? Dancing?

Sorry for the late update, I was distracted by D&D. The next update will definitely not get right into combat, me and @Verminlord probably need to discuss dice and layout and how to do in combat voting a bit more than we have so far. So give me a bunch of stuff to work with people :p:D
Basically this. To be fair the spiders are my penance for running away from the alliteration. Besides, Freyja is still on duty at the moment. So no alliteration contest until she's freeoff duty :p

... All is forgiven.
*Proceeds to create a voodo doll with Kyrina's avatar as the face*

Good things come to those who wait, they say. It better be right :drevil:
Well... we are planning to have a duel with Freyja in an hour right?

Maybe we should go sell tickets? Promotion of the event?

Maybe suggest to Morlia that she get some rest. Unless she would like to help us out by betting in a way that plays the odds?

Probably bet on Freyja at before the match starts, as the local she will be the favorite, and then hedge by betting on us after our opening move reveals that we are actually a bit of a threat.

Diana could handle this, has she gotten over being drunk yet?
[X] Investigate Spiders
-[X] Keep an eye out for additional people to join our quest (both for vengeance and against the spiders).
-[X] Promote the future (delayed) alliteration contest wherever we go.

Maybe we should hit up that mage at the Mage Guild again?
[X] Investigate Spiders, in the cellar.
-[X] I am Fast Enought, SPIDERCRUSHER.
-[X] Keep an eye out for additional people to join our quest (both for vengeance and against the spiders).
-[X] Promote the future (delayed) alliteration contest wherever we go.
Uuuuum.... votes? Pretty please? *makes huge puppydog eyes*

I mean I can update with what I've got, sure, but the more votes in the thread the more options and permutations I can mull over and mash together while thinking how the next update shall progress.

Also, a thought occurred that the amount of lurkers Loyalty seems to have probably makes the inside of Fast's head fairly intimidating. What with a bunch of presences in the shadows silently watching and pulling amused faces....
[X] Investigate Spiders, in the cellar.
-[X] I am Fast Enough, SPIDERCRUSHER.
-[X] Keep an eye out for additional people to join our quest (both for vengeance and against the spiders).
-[X] Promote the future (delayed) alliteration contest wherever we go.
[X] Investigate Spiders, in the cellar.
-[X] I am Fast Enough, SPIDERCRUSHER.
-[X] Keep an eye out for additional people to join our quest (both for vengeance and against the spiders).
-[X] Promote the future (delayed) alliteration contest wherever we go.
[X] Do not investigate the spiders.

This is pointless,
we must continue to Leyawiin , staying in the city is not needed. We need to find Adamus Phillida. Gather our summoner and the female mage and leave.
*sees post above*

... Le gasp! We're doing what he wants! The culprit then is most likely in one of the caves! Of course they must be, them caves are the favorite spot for bandits, elder vampires, goblins and an entire roster of all around unsavory individuals! The city is obviously a decoy tactic!

[X] Investigate Spiders, in the caves. Since night has already fallen, retreat to our fort room in the inn to rest before heading out at dawn.
-[X] Ask Freyja if she wants to come along on our noble efforts to solve this quest of pest control, as long as her duties allow it. Tentatively try to find out whether she'd be amenable to join our group as the vanguard of a valorous mission of virulent vengeance against the vermin of vile assassins, the Black Brotherhood.
-[X] Promote the future (delayed) alliteration contest wherever we go. Even to the spiders! Or the vampires we encounter! They surely must be learned enough to appreciate the intricacies of our verbal proficiency.
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[X] Investigate Spiders, in the caves. Depending on how many they are, at most two.
bear in mind that that would have us questing well into the night.

-[X] Ask Freyja if she wants to join our noble quest of pest control, as long as her duties allow it. Tentatively try to find out whether she'd be amenable to join our group as the vanguard of a valorous mission of virulent vengeance against the vermin of vile assassins, the Black Brotherhood.
Um, dude, it is her noble quest. She just invited us.

[X] Join Freya in spider duty, and suggest that you check out the cellars today, then work on the cave angle tomorrow.
-[X] Ask Freya if it would be gainful to put the work out to people to check their cellars for spider eggs of unusual size, or frostbite spiders.
-[X] Ask her about the possibility of getting a mage's guild representative on the case, to advise us on the likelihood of teleportation, forced growth, or other magical means by which somone might populate tenebous places with giant feral spiders. This could be the work of a rogue mage, and the guild has a responsibility to deal with those if memory serves.
-[X] See if she can get us access to any evidence the huards may already have on the matter, or the spider sites in the city. With the power of wikipedia, we might be able to figure out if they grew from eggs there.
-[X] Mention that if any mystics from Skyrim arrived within a month or so of the spiders, it might be worth talking to them.
--[X] When nothing important is being discussed, dazzle her with your wit.
-[X] Promote the future (delayed) alliteration contest wherever we go.
See you later Freyja
The cellar for tonight, if you're quick enough then the duel will be shortly after. You are so looking forwards to that. To the point of making voodoo effigies of anyone who stops you having that contest once you're done with the spiders.

"Right, cellars it is. So long as you agree Morlia?" Morlia nods quickly in agreement and that's that. "You wanna come along, it's your idea and it'll probably be fun." Freyja has got to be a good fighter compared to Morlia or yourself, even if it's painful to admit. She has had more practise with the sword sheathed at her hip.

"It's more than my job's worth if I leave the gate now..." Freyja pauses, considering and you can see the temptation to quit cross her face. She dismisses the idea in a blink. "But we're on for that contest when I'm free, right? That inn you were at earlier, couple of hours from now?" Sounds great to you.

"We wouldn't want to be without our wonderful war of wits." Freyja grins eagerly, whole face lighting up with anticipation. Morlia heaves another sigh.

"Before we run off, where are we going?" Morlia asks. Freyja gives directions to the place quickly, a house up towards the caste in the more wealthy area of Skingrad. Whoever Druja is she has to be quite well off. Maybe that's a motive for whoever, or whatever, is doing this?

"Just tell any guards who may be there that you want to collect a bounty on the spiders. The count's put out enough of them out over the last week or so." Freyja waves you off and goes quickly to standing to attention beside the gate, armour shining in the sun.

"Right, off I go! Fast Enough, SPIDERCRUSHER!" Freyja laughs, Morlia looks like she's about half a second from applying her head to a brick wall.

Morlia leads the way up the street in silence. You, on the other hand, follow her boldly proclaiming the planned time of your contest with Freyja. There are a variety of looks from the crowd you move through. Some are interested, some are less than enthused, some seem curious and couple make rude gestures and swear at you.

You reach the house in question. Three stories, door painted leafy green, ivy climbing one wall artistically and there are webs, silky and billowing in a gentle breeze, around the edges of a door set into the ground at the side of the house. The entrance to the cellar then.

There aren't any guards around you can see. Must be dragging their feet on the undesirable job of cleaning up a infestation of spiders.

[ ] Plan of attack on the spiders
[ ] Wanna search the house first, just in case?
[ ] Witty one liners? Lots of them by preference.

Looks like it's dicing time next update. That should be fun. :p
Woah, she actually considered quitting for a moment.

Maybe recruiting her isn't completely out of the question, eh?

OH! it can be the bet we wager for the Alliteration Altercation! If she loses, she joins us on our quest.

If we lose... We... Tell her interesting and valuable secrets of the world? To be determined.
You are so looking forwards to that. To the point of making voodoo effigies of anyone who stops you having that contest once you're done with the spiders.
Hehehehehehe :drevil:

"It's more than my job's worth if I leave the gate now..." Freyja pauses, considering and you can see the temptation to quit cross her face. She dismisses the idea in a blink. "But we're on for that contest when I'm free, right? That inn you were at earlier, couple of hours from now?"

"We wouldn't want to be without our wonderful war of wits." Freyja grins eagerly, whole face lighting up with anticipation.

"Right, off I go! Fast Enough, SPIDERCRUSHER!" Freyja laughs, Morlia looks like she's about half a second from applying her head to a brick wall.

Oh. My. God. She is somewhat open to the idea... She likes us... This... this is a match made in Oblivion!

Question, can Morlia summon other daedra like atronachs or lesser ones like scamps or daedroth?
Also, @Kyrina are guards inside the house dealing with it or they're all around the city? That wasn't too clear for me :oops: Plan will probably change on what's said.

[X] Bang on the door with a scream of 'Open to the Watch!' and let the owner we're the the pest control in charge of cleaning the cellar... that is, if the owner hasn't been eaten yet!
-[X] In the cellar, stay high on the staircase so we won't get surrounded and if there's not enough light to see, ask Morlia to cast light to get a feel of the room and how many spiders there are. The high position on the staircase will allow us to have the high ground if the spiders notice us (which they will) and decide to attack (which they will! :rage:) . Also, with luck, the staircase's position will only allow one spider at a time to come at us.
-[X] We'll take point, but askMorlia can summon an scamp to give us an edge, since we don't know how many spiders we're facing. Either way, she'll also have to provide support fire if she can get a clear shoot, but tell her not to exhaust her too much.

[X] Search the house just in case, but just a cursory check and don't take anything. We're just checking if there's anything of, huh... worth first... ahem... Just to keep them safe! If the owner's still alive, tell her it's to check for possible structural integrity. Keep a straight face while saying this.

[X] You can all shit your egg-pants now for Spiderbuster Fast has arrived.
-[X] Alternatively: I will kill y'all so fast, they'll have to change my name to Fast Raid, Spider Blaster!

I suck at one-liners.
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Question, can Morlia summon other daedra like atronachs or lesser ones like scamps or daedroth?
Also, @Kyrina are guards inside the house dealing with it or they're all around the city? That wasn't too clear for me :oops: Plan will probably change on what's said.
1 Morlia's working with lesser stuff at the moment.

2 There are no guards outside and you can't hear any sounds of fighting/screaming in terror/screaming in pain and the webs around the cellar entrance look undisturbed. Make of that what you will ;)
1 Morlia's working with lesser stuff at the moment.

2 There are no guards outside and you can't hear any sounds of fighting/screaming in terror/screaming in pain and the webs around the cellar entrance look undisturbed. Make of that what you will ;)

Bah, we shouldn't expect unnamed mook guards to be competent anyway. This is not how fiction works. Their perceived invulnerability in the games is just a crafty illusion, reinforced by the fact we believe it. :p
We have been mistaken for criminals once today already, so let's get permission from the owners in a non-shenanigans manner befores starting.

[X] Knock on the door, and ask the occupant(s) for permission to deal with their spider problem.
-[X] Use your batman voice.
[X] If there is no response, do as much as you can to check for spider presence in the house without breaking and entering. If there are signs of giant spiders in the house, and all the entrances are locked, go get a patrolling guard.
[X] If given permission, or if the house seems fine, have Morlia summon a scamp and have it enter the cellar, draw the attention of the spiders by attacking them, then pull back to the entrance, which the three of you can use as a chokepoint, preventing the spiders from bringing their greater numbers to bear.
-[X] Use aggressive magic initially, but switch places with the scamp and use melee attacks if it seems in danger of being overwhelmed.
--[X] If you have to fight in melee, focus on defence and keeping the spiders at bay, as the others will grind them down with fireballs.
[X] How many Knights of order does it take to clear out a nest of spiders? One, at sufficient velocity!
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