Lost Tapes

Thinking back to the map, then rewinding the video camera's recording to where it had been looking at the map, Koishi soon gets her bearings, and begins pointing out doors. "Corridor c, and rooms 52 and 9; deeper into the hospital. Let's not go that way. Room 37; leads to room 14, then room 13, which is a chokepoint we need to pass through to reach the exit. Room 41; dead end. Corridor r; leads to room 13 on the right, and room 29 at the end; another dead end.

"I suggest we get through corridor r to room 13."

December shrugged.
"Hey, you're the one with the map. You've led us well so far. Lead on."

"Damn" Coric strips down to his undershorts and wipes his face with the inside of his normal shirt.

Come on let's keep moving. He heads down the way he was told was the best.
You all head to room 13...and find a massive pentagram made of human bones with heads on pikes at each point of the symbol, and walls were bleeding green slime while eyes of men and beast covered the ceiling.

And there were all. Looking. At. You.

(-1 Sanity to all Victims.)

The Reporter wets his pants.
Lazily wading through the muck, Celise begins making it's way into the west corridor.
There are two paths, which do you take?
"Nope. We can freak out later, now left, and left again down the corridor on the other side! Let's not stay here any longer than needed." Indicating where the map showed the door they needed to get through should be, Koishi urged the group onward.
You all head to room 13...and find a massive pentagram made of human bones with heads on pikes at each point of the symbol, and walls were bleeding green slime while eyes of men and beast covered the ceiling.

And there were all. Looking. At. You.

(-1 Sanity to all Victims.)
Carla closed her eyes and tightened her grip on her bow. One of the arrows she notched, but she didn't draw back yet. Well, she couldn't hold a draw for very long, anyway.
The Reporter wets his pants.
She didn't blame him.
"Nope. We can freak out later, now left, and left again down the corridor on the other side! Let's not stay here any longer than needed." Indicating where the map showed the door they needed to get through should be, Koishi urged the group onward.
"Yes, that's a good idea." Moving forward, Carla opened the door and glanced back.
The eyes, all six hundred and sixty six of them, gaze deeply into your soul and a foul blasphemous language assaults your mind.

(-2 sanity to Coric)
As the group moved, Koishi laid out what was ahead. "This corridor will split at the end. Straight is room 5, the fastest route out. If that's blocked, then left will be room 45, a chain of rooms and corridors also leading to the exit, but not as quickly."
Seeing Coric stop to glance up, Koishi lightly pushes him forward. "Forget the eyes! We can come back with a flamethrower if it makes you happy, but let's keep moving!"
As the group piled through the door, Koishi got @Coric's attention. "It's behind us; can you watch the rear as we move?"
Lifting the weapon, Celise repeatedly slams it into the ground before moving towards the smell, hiding itself as it went.
Coric nods and takes out his own flashlight turns it on the aims back into the room with both the flashlight and revolver.
As the group moved down the corridor, Koishi would try to keep video camera and flashlight pointed backwards towards where she was pretty sure the thread was coming from. She didn't have high hopes for outrunning it, but maybe the flashlight was strong enough to blind it? Hopefully.

If not, this didn't look at all like her preferred end.
You all head to room 13...and find a massive pentagram made of human bones with heads on pikes at each point of the symbol, and walls were bleeding green slime while eyes of men and beast covered the ceiling.

And there were all. Looking. At. You.

(-1 Sanity to all Victims.)

The Reporter wets his pants.

There are two paths, which do you take?
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck...."

December did her best not to look at anything in particular, despite the fact she could feel something looking at her...

Coric starts giggling before suddenly stopping he then follows the directions that he was given.

Seeing Coric stop to glance up, Koishi lightly pushes him forward. "Forget the eyes! We can come back with a flamethrower if it makes you happy, but let's keep moving!"
"Yeah, sure, let's just go. Please."

You enter room 13, and see the Fresh Meat! Five in total, your hunger strikes with a vengeance and your instincts are yelling at you. RIP, TEAR, FEED!

@CommanderBlade @Logos @Dust and echoes @Camellia


December broke and bolted for the exit farthest from...whatever that was.

Somehow, the crucifix had found its way into her hand. And she ran uncaring of what was in her way, as long as it wasn't about to kill her.
You enter room 13, and see the Fresh Meat! Five in total, your hunger strikes with a vengeance and your instincts are yelling at you. RIP, TEAR, FEED!

@CommanderBlade @Logos @Dust and echoes @Camellia

Screaming, Carla drew back her bow and shot her arrow at the monster.

Backpedaling frantically out of the room, Carla fumbled inside her bag looking for her other arrow and got a handful of hair instead.

Oh, gross, the head! Chucking the head at the monster, Carla turned around and charged down the hall.
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Coric quickly fires two shots aiming for center mass. Coric yells at everyone to run and don't look back
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Right, group wasn't moving fast enough, monster was here. Koishi settled into full panic as she took off at a sprint along the route she had laid, plans to deal with the monster forgotten.

Through the bottom door, left down the corridor, then straight to room five she told herself.
Screaming, Carla drew back her bow and shot her arrow at the monster.

Backpedaling frantically out of the room, Carla fumbled inside her bag looking for her other arrow and hot a handful of hair instead.

Oh, gross, the head! Chucking the head at the monster, Carla turned around and charged down the hall.
The Shrunken opened its eyes as it flew towards the monster and SCREAMED before a flash of spectral light banished the monster to it's nearest Idol, and cleansed the corruption from the room, turning it into a simple storage room.

It also knock everyone either on their butt, or into a wall.

(-1 health to all victims, Monster banished to nearest Idol.)
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The Shrunken opened its eyes as it flew towards the Minster and SCREAMED before a flash of spectral light banished the monster to it's nearest Idol, and cleansed the corruption from the room, turning it into a simple storage room.

It also knock everyone either on their butt, or into a wall.

(-1 health to all victims, Monster banished to nearest Idol.)
"Owww." Carla groaned. She'd managed to trip and face plant onto the floor.

"Everyone okay?"
Koishi is panicking, not caring much about what knocked her into the wall so much as getting away from the monster she hasn't noticed is no longer in the room. She keeps running.

(Path: South door from 13, left in corridor, running to room 5.)
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