Lost Tapes

"Ow son of a bitch." Coric then starts giggling before busting out laughing like a loon. He gets up and runs in the direction the monster came in from
Screaming again, Celise sprints back through its previous path, shutting down their flashlights when the smell becomes particularly strong.
Koishi is panicking, not caring much about what knocked her into the wall so much as getting away from the monster she hasn't noticed is no longer in the room. She keeps running.
Something screamed, then a flash.

December, terrified, stumbled and hit her shoulder pretty bad on a doorframe.

Clutching it, she stumbled on, her stunned brain not caring what was around her as long as she kept moving.

So enough, some of her senses were regained, and she realized that that other victim...Koishi?...was in front of her.

"Hey..." December gasped. "Hey wait. We should hide. Those other fuckers are done for. Chances are it'll outpace us. We need to get somewhere safe before it finishes with them. What does the map say?"
So enough, some of her senses were regained, and she realized that that other victim...Koishi?...was in front of her.

"Hey..." December gasped. "Hey wait. We should hide. Those other fuckers are done for. Chances are it'll outpace us. We need to get somewhere safe before it finishes with them. What does the map say?"
Koishi is panicking, and doesn't stop to talk, instead running towards where the map says the exit is.
Koishi is panicking, not caring much about what knocked her into the wall so much as getting away from the monster she hasn't noticed is no longer in the room. She keeps running.
she finds herself alone in room 5...which had an had an evil Cthuluu looking statue in it with dark green pillers around it, each studded with eyes and mouths of a variety of creatures, each singing a dark accursed chorus in worship of the Great Old One.

(-5 sanity to Koishi.)
Taking a moment to grab the vodica botttle and lighting the match Coric stands ready. He backs into a cornor and holds up the bottle and raises his gun.
Koishi is panicking, and doesn't stop to talk, instead running towards where the map says the exit is.
"Wait....fuck." December, out of breath, stops. By the time she looks around again, Koishi is gone, taking the map with them.

Frantically glancing around, December quietly tries to enter the closesr room, flashlight and cross-bludgeon raised.
she finds herself alone in room 5...which had an had an evil Cthuluu looking statue in it with dark green pillers around it, each studded with eyes and mouths of a variety of creatures, each singing a dark accursed chorus in worship of the Great Old One.

(-5 sanity to Koishi.)
Panting, Koishi utters a faint "nope" as she makes for the door on the far left of the room, which should open to another corridor, which would lead to room 48.
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Screaming again, Celise sprints back through its previous path, shutting down their flashlights when the smell becomes particularly strong.
Taking a moment to grab the vodica botttle and lighting the match Coric stands ready. He backs into a cornor and holds up the bottle and raises his gun.
The two of you meet each other, face to face. To Coric, looking at the monster directly drain his sanity bit by bit.

(-1 sanity for Coric, Psychotic Break!)
"Wait....fuck." December, out of breath, stops. By the time she looks around again, Koishi is gone, taking the map with them.

Frantically glancing around, December quietly tries to enter the closesr room, flashlight and cross-bludgeon raised.
You end up in room 45, the Chapel. You feel at ease here.

(+1 Sanity for December)
Panting, Koishi utters a faint "nope" as she makes for the door on the far left of the room, which should open to another corridor.
You find yourself in room 12...And find the Monster's handiwork. A corps hangs from the ceiling by a slimy rope, and a torn apart and eaten remains of the doctor from the Tapes is in a corner.

(-2 Sanity)
Coric goes ballistic he fires off every shot at the monster before charging yelling "COME ON YOU SON OF A BITCH LET'S MOTHERFUCKIN DANCE."
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You find yourself in room 12...And find the Monster's handiwork. A corps hangs from the ceiling by a slimy rope, and a torn apart and eaten remains of the doctor from the Tapes is in a corner.

(-2 Sanity)
As she glanced through the door to room 12, Koishi saw that the monster had clearly already been there. Still an option, but a less good one. Turning, she moved as directly as possible towards room 48.

(The other door out of room 5, hopefully.)
Coric goes ballistic he fire off every shot at the monster before charging yelling "COME ON YOU SON OF A BITCH LET'S MOTHERFUCKIN DANCE."

Two bullets hit, one in the right shoulder, one in the left knee cap

(-10 Health for the Monster)
(Monster Banished to nearest Idol.)
(Coric Psychotic Break over)
As she glanced through the door to room 12, Koishi saw that the monster had clearly already been there. Still an option, but a less good one. Turning, she moved as directly as possible towards room 48.

(The other door out of room 5, hopefully.)
As you rush through the Cthuluu room, your mind takes another hit.

(-5 Sanity for Koishi)

But you make it to the Exit Room. Freedom is so close now!

Two bullets hit, one in the right shoulder, one in the left knee cap

(-10 Health for the Monster)
(Monster Banished to nearest Idol.)
(Coric Psychotic Break over)

As you rush through the Cthuluu room, your mind takes another hit.

(-5 Sanity for Koishi)

But you make it to the Exit Room. Freedom is so close now!
Coric snaps out of it he then runs into the room 14
As you rush through the Cthuluu room, your mind takes another hit.

(-5 Sanity for Koishi)

But you make it to the Exit Room. Freedom is so close now!
Her vision was getting about as blurry as the last time she pulled consecutive all-nighters, but the exit was there! Koishi kept running, moving for the exit, even as the flow of adrenaline began to dip.
Her vision was getting about as blurry as the last time she pulled consecutive all-nighters, but the exit was there! Koishi kept running, moving for the exit, even as the flow of adrenaline began to dip.
You bust through the doors of this demented place and feel the cool night air brush against your skin and you see that, your out. You survived! You...are falling unconscious.
Screaming again, Celise slams it's hands on the ground before rushing off after the thing that hurt it so.
Keep running into the next room flashlight replacing gun.
You meet once more, for the final time perhaps?
Getting to her feet, Carla froze. "H-hey? Where is everyone?!"

Carla drew another arrow out of her bag and slowly notched it.
You find the reporter knocked out next to you.
You bust through the doors of this demented place and feel the cool night air brush against your skin and you see that, your out. You survived! You...are falling unconscious.
Breaking out of the horrible hospital, Koishi begins to feel the adrenaline crash set in. The grass to the side of the path looks like a wonderful bed as she stumbles, and falls upon it, hat barely emplaced.
Coric smiles and says "Come on let's end this" Coric Charges the monster and throws a heavy punch at what should be the things face.
Carla stood over him and sighed. "Great."

She glanced around, she'd fired an arrow earlier and was pretty sure that she missed. It'd be nice if she could find it again while waiting for the reporter to wake up.
You find the arrow you fired embedded in a wall.

The Reporter wakes up. "What hit me?"
Throwing the hatchet at the pain inflicting man, Celise screams once more.
Coric smiles and says "Come on let's end this" Coric Charges the monster and throws a heavy punch at what should be the things face.
Hatchet meets chest and fist meets monster's face.

(-14 Health from Coric)
(-1 health from Monster)

Waves of pain hit Coric while the Monster is barely fazed.