Lost Tapes

You find the arrow you fired embedded in a wall.

The Reporter wakes up. "What hit me?"

Hatchet meets chest and fist meets monster's face.

(-14 Health from Coric)
(-1 health from Monster)

Waves of pain hit Coric while the Monster is barely fazed.
Coric then bites the monster and wraps both arms around it and busts the Molotov on its back.
Coric the bites the monster and wraps both arms around it and busts the Molotov on its back.
Both Coric and the monster burst into flames, along with the room they were in. Searing heats burns away flesh, cooks muscle, and burns bone. Coric' s last moments are of incredible pain as he and the monster both die in the inferno.

(-20 Health from Coric, dead)
(-20 Health from Monster, dead)
(Abandoned Hospital burning down.)
"Oh, well then let's get going!" The Reporter sniff the air. "...do you smell something burning?"


Carla dropped the bow and whipped out her camera. "Okay, so we're in room...13." She started moving.

"The door in the middle of the room leads to a hallway, go the long way, straight down into room five, door on the top left, go right, and first door on the left is our way out of here!"

She started running. "Let's go!"

Carla dropped the bow and whipped out her camera. "Okay, so we're in room...13." She started moving.

"The door in the middle of the room leads to a hallway, go the long way, straight down into room five, door on the top left, go right, and first door on the left is our way out of here!"

She started running. "Let's go!"
"RIGHT!" Screamed the Reported as you both ran the way towards the exit and getting hit in the sanity by the Cthuluu Room.You both make it outside and see Koishi sleeping on the grass.

(-5 Sanity from Carla and the Reporter)
(Reporter goes into a coma due to lose of sanity)

The Reporter just falls on his face, his mind completely shattered.
"RIGHT!" Screamed the Reported as you both ran the way towards the exit and getting hit in the sanity by the Cthuluu Room.You both make it outside and see Koishi sleeping on the grass.

(-5 Sanity from Carla and the Reporter)
(Reporter goes into a coma due to lose of sanity)

The Reporter just falls on his face, his mind completely shattered.
"We are out!" Carla shrieked in joy. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Koishi! Koishi, it's so good to see you again, but the building is burning and we should really leave and I'm not strong enough to carry the reporter by myself."
Koishi is having a nice nap by the burning building, oblivious to the world.
Koishi is having a nice nap by the burning building, oblivious to the world.
Carla squatted down and frowned. "Okay, I'm not strong enough to carry you either Koishi," she scolded, "so it really is for the best if you wake up."

Koishi did not respond.

"Okay." Carla got up. "...while I might not be strong enough to carry you, I'm probably strong enough to drag you!" Walking around to Koishi's head, she grabbed their arms and started to drag them away from the building, making sure their head didn't touch the ground.
As her hat hit the ground, Koishi finally woke. "Wha' where am... oh.

"Hey Carla!"
"Uh... how deep is the reporter? If we need to go through the room with the C'thul'hu statue, I think I'll just add getting them out to my wish, rather than risking it."

Visiting that room a third time was the very definition of not worth it, besides the problem of entering burning buildings being a terrible idea.

(OOC: Going after the reporter will see me one sanity away from joining them in being unconscious in the burning building. Sorry, but not in-character to go for that.)
"Uh... how deep is the reporter? If we need to go through the room with the C'thul'hu statue, I think I'll just add getting them out to my wish, rather than risking it."

Visiting that room a third time was the very definition of not worth it, besides the problem of entering burning buildings being a terrible idea.

(OOC: Going after the reporter will see me one sanity away from joining them in being unconscious in the burning building. Sorry, but not in-character to go for that.)
"Huh?" Carla frowned. She pointed at the ground. "He's right over there. See?"

(OOC: He's like ten feet away at most.)
"So he is, " Koishi replies, blinking several times to try to clear the blurriness. "Right, let's get him away from here."

(OOC Note: in case of miscommunication, Koishi will go no further into the hospital than room 48 (the room with the exit).)
"So he is, " Koishi replies, blinking several times to try to clear the blurriness. "Right, let's get him away from here."

(OOC Note: in case of miscommunication, Koishi will go no further into the hospital than room 48 (the room with the exit).)
"Okay! I'll get the head, and you take the legs, okay?" Carla walked over to the reporter and grabbed his shoulders. "Now, on three!"
Taking a firm grip on the reporter's legs, Koishi nodded, hat sliding forward but not quite falling off. "One, two..."

Hefting the reporter in sync with Carla, Koishi began moving with her away from the burning hospital.
It was a chapel. This somehow calmed December enough for her to realize she had a picture of the map on her camera.

It also calmed her enough to realize something was on fire.

A lot of things were on fire.

Spending just enough time to catch a freeze-frame of the map, December stumbled her way towards the exit, breathing through her shirt as the smoke began to cloud the air.
It was a chapel. This somehow calmed December enough for her to realize she had a picture of the map on her camera.

It also calmed her enough to realize something was on fire.

A lot of things were on fire.

Spending just enough time to catch a freeze-frame of the map, December stumbled her way towards the exit, breathing through her shirt as the smoke began to cloud the air.
By some stroke of luck you managed to escape, with your hair and clothes only a little burnt. You see Koishi, Carla, and the Reporter, but not Coric.

As you make your way towards them, time freezes and everything goes greyscale. The sound of clapping fill the still air and a voice from above speaks. "Well done, you didn't all die! Shame about Coric though, but I did say someone was going to die didn't I? As promise I shall grant you all a wish. It can be anything, anything at all."