Lost Tapes

Turns out that the doctor wasn't a corpse at all, just trying to play dead. His dying screams could be heard throughout the building.

The make shift rope seems to hold the other corpse very well, it dangles in the middle of the room, flies buzzing around it.

The door blocked by the heavy tables would slow you down, so you take the other door....and walk in a room with a sacrificial altar made of scraps, with a bunch of hooded prey in it.

Screeching, Celise tears into the cultists, blood covering the walls and itself before slowly eating them, picking the bones clean and treating the eyes and tongues like delicacies, before searching for another passage to yet more food.
You find the charred remains of the priest, the only salvageable things being another tape and his cross. The Priest's ghost gestures for you to take both, and points to Room Six. He then goes back to the middle of the room and starts to pray again.
Coric takes the cross and loops it onto his chain along with his dog tags and then takes the tape and hands it off to Koishi. He then proceeds to the way to room six and aims down into the darkness.
Screeching, Celise tears into the cultists, blood covering the walls and itself before slowly eating them, picking the bones clean and treating the eyes and tongues like delicacies, before searching for another passage to yet more food.
The Cultists screamed, not in fear, but ecstasy and joy. Also pain, but that's a given when being torn apart limb from limb by a vicious hell spawn.

The next room is another office...that looks completely normal and not run down in anyway. It's, really clean.
Coric takes the cross and loops it onto his chain along with his dog tags and then takes the tape and hands it off to Koishi. He then proceeds to the way to room six and aims down into the darkness.
The large silver cross is something meant to be held in one hand, not worn around your neck. As such, it's very uncomfortable and you question why you did that. The room is very dark, but you make out something on the wall farthest from the door in front of you, and it's moving.
The large silver cross is something meant to be held in one hand, not worn around your neck. As such, it's very uncomfortable and you question why you did that. The room is very dark, but you make out something on the wall farthest from the door in front of you, and it's moving.
"Hey soldier-boy, there are better ways to carry that." She gestures at the cross. "Give that here. Worse comes to worse we can bludgeon someone to death with it."
The room you enter appears to have been set on fire at some point, as everything in the room shows signs of being burnt and ash covers the ground. If anyone would look through their cameras they'd see the priest from the video on his knees praying, the priest himself being a near transparent blue. So, now you have ghosts to deal with. Maybe there's something hidden in the ashes?
A ghost? "So if we don't get through this, we'll stay here?"
Turns out that the doctor wasn't a corpse at all, just trying to play dead. His dying screams could be heard throughout the building.

The Priest's ghost stops praying and stands up. He walks over to a oddly shaped pile of ash and points to it, and then to your camera.

It's at this time you hear the doctor's death scream.
Carla jolted. What was that?

Of course she knew what that was. Someone was screaming. Who was she even kidding? Ahahaha, why was she even here. Someone just got killed. Maybe it'd be better if she just killed herself. It'd be better than dying because of the monster, right? But she didn't want to stay in this godforsaken place.
"Oh shit, that's fucking encouraging." December looks around. "Forget the ghost, we need to move. Unless of course you want to end up like him."
Coric takes the cross and loops it onto his chain along with his dog tags and then takes the tape and hands it off to Koishi. He then proceeds to the way to room six and aims down into the darkness.
The large silver cross is something meant to be held in one hand, not worn around your neck. As such, it's very uncomfortable and you question why you did that. The room is very dark, but you make out something on the wall farthest from the door in front of you, and it's moving.
Following after Coric, Carla startled and pointed her flashlight at the moving spot.
Following after Coric, Carla startled and pointed her flashlight at the moving spot.
It's...Well, it ain't pretty. The moving thing is that reporter, their clothes torn up and dirty and they look completely shell shocked . Also there's a terrifying maw lined with eyed teeth in the wall to the reporter's left, and in it is a swirling portal of bluish and purple colors.

Time to loose your mind for a sec.
(-1 sanity to all Victims)
Coric hands over the cross and walks calmly into the room. " Check the walls and everything for something also make sure to look at the tape."
"Thanks. With any luck I'll-"
It's...Well, it ain't pretty. The moving thing is that reporter, their clothes torn up and dirty and they look completely shell shocked . Also there's a terrifying maw lined with eyed teeth in the wall to the reporter's left, and in it is a swirling portal of bluish and purple colors.

Time to loose your mind for a sec.
(-1 sanity to all Victims)
"Wh-Wh-What....what is this...shit...."
December stumbled backwards. The thing hurt to look at. It physically hurt to look at.
"Take...take the light off it. Point the goddamn light somewhere else!"
Moving into the next room with the group, Koishi plants the new casette into the camera to look through it, storing the old one in a hidden pocket.

Then, she glances up as something moves on the wall. "Nope." Just as quickly, she's looking back down; if just glancing at it gives a pounding headache, and it isn't actively hostile, then there were much better things to be looking at.
Coric stared at the thing for two seconds before snapping his attention to the reporter "hey come towards me"
It's...Well, it ain't pretty. The moving thing is that reporter, their clothes torn up and dirty and they look completely shell shocked . Also there's a terrifying maw lined with eyed teeth in the wall to the reporter's left, and in it is a swirling portal of bluish and purple colors.

Time to loose your mind for a sec.
(-1 sanity to all Victims)
Carla froze. There was no other word for it, she completely locked up staring into the maw, unable to take her eyes off of the maw.
"Wh-Wh-What....what is this...shit...."
December stumbled backwards. The thing hurt to look at. It physically hurt to look at.
"Take...take the light off it. Point the goddamn light somewhere else!"
Startled, Carla jumped and pointed her flashlight down, towards the reporter's feet.
Smearing a message out of blood on the wall, celise laughs and continues moving, going north and occasionally twitching.
You enter a very spacious library, full of books. You notice that the distortion in this room is bigger than the other. Also, someone went to town with the Eldritch symbols in this room. Some of them seem to be moving, and looking at you. You feel welcomed and at home.
Coric stared at the thing for two seconds before snapping his attention to the reporter "hey come towards me"
The reporter looks at you for a second and mumbles to themselves, so quiet you don't quite make it out. Then they curl into a ball and start blabbering gibberish. This lasts a full thirty seconds before they stop and slowly stand up, and, uncertainly make their way over to you...and touch your face. This continues until they hug you and breakdown crying.
The reporter looks at you for a second and mumbles to themselves, so quiet you don't quite make it out. Then they curl into a ball and start blabbering gibberish. This lasts a full thirty seconds before they stop and slowly stand up, and, uncertainly make their way over to you...and touch your face. This continues until they hug you and breakdown crying.
December shudders, and shakes her head, but the headache remained.

"That fools broken. Leave him. We need to get out of this goddamn room. Out of this goddamn hospital." She shuddered again. Fuck this place.
You enter a very spacious library, full of books. You notice that the distortion in this room is bigger than the other. Also, someone went to town with the Eldritch symbols in this room. Some of them seem to be moving, and looking at you. You feel welcomed and at home.

The reporter looks at you for a second and mumbles to themselves, so quiet you don't quite make it out. Then they curl into a ball and start blabbering gibberish. This lasts a full thirty seconds before they stop and slowly stand up, and, uncertainly make their way over to you...and touch your face. This continues until they hug you and breakdown crying.
"There there its OK here I am going to go farther in the room to investigate stay here with the others." Coric breaks the reporters hold and walks forward slowly.
After pulling up another column of flesh, Celise attempts to open the locked door before growing angry and chopping at it with it's hatchet, making loud cracking sounds ring out.
December shudders, and shakes her head, but the headache remained.

"That fools broken. Leave him. We need to get out of this goddamn room. Out of this goddamn hospital." She shuddered again. Fuck this place.
"People, real people. Oh thank God, I'm not alone in this place. I'm not alone with that thing anymore!" The clearly traumatized reporter says, completely unaware of your wish to leave him to die a horrible death.
"There there its OK here I am going to go farther in the room to investigate stay here with the others." Coric breaks the reporters hold and walks forward slowly.
"There's a mummy looking thing in the c-corner over there, it's clutch a b-backpack." The mere presence of other people seems to calm him down and bring a semblance of sanity back to him. He points to the ancient looking corpse clutching the backpack in a death grip.
"I've been trapped here with that monster for month, at least I think it's been a month? What year is it?"
After pulling up another column of flesh, Celise attempts to open the locked door before growing angry and chopping at it with it's hatchet, making loud cracking sounds ring out.
Your vicious hacking at the door breaks open the lock and opens the way. Room 35 is a morgue, but all the bodies are gone and the floor is cover in blood and viscera.
"People, real people. Oh thank God, I'm not alone in this place. I'm not alone with that thing anymore!" The clearly traumatized reporter says, completely unaware of your wish to leave him to die a horrible death.

"There's a mummy looking thing in the c-corner over there, it's clutch a b-backpack." The mere presence of other people seems to calm him down and bring a semblance of sanity back to him. He points to the ancient looking corpse clutching the backpack in a death grip.
"I've been trapped here with that monster for month, at least I think it's been a month? What year is it?"

Your vicious hacking at the door breaks open the lock and opens the way. Room 35 is a morgue, but all the bodies are gone and the floor is cover in blood and viscera.
Coric mumbles shit under his breathe and walks calmly up to the mummy and presses the gun to it's head and rips the backpack out of its arms.
December shudders, and shakes her head, but the headache remained.

"That fools broken. Leave him. We need to get out of this goddamn room. Out of this goddamn hospital." She shuddered again. Fuck this place.
"I don't think we can leave the hospital that easily." Carla whispered. "The ROB said that the monster would try to kill us. For the monster to leave, they have to kill all of us, so they'd try to block off all the exits first, wouldn't they?"
"There there its OK here I am going to go farther in the room to investigate stay here with the others." Coric breaks the reporters hold and walks forward slowly.
After a brief hesitation, Carla followed Coric. She said that she'd hold the flashlight for him, right?
"There's a mummy looking thing in the c-corner over there, it's clutch a b-backpack." The mere presence of other people seems to calm him down and bring a semblance of sanity back to him. He points to the ancient looking corpse clutching the backpack in a death grip.
"I've been trapped here with that monster for month, at least I think it's been a month? What year is it?"
"You've been here a month?" Carla stared. "What have you been eating?"
Coric mumbles shit under his breathe and walks calmly up to the mummy and presses the gun to it's head and rips the backpack out of its arms.
She flinched, but stepped forward and pointed the flashlight at the backpack.
Coric mumbles shit under his breathe and walks calmly up to the mummy and presses the gun to it's head and rips the backpack out of its arms.
The mummy does nothing besides turn to dust as the backpack is ripped away from it. Inside the backpack are four flashlight batteries, a bottle of vodka, and a....Shrunken Head.
"You've been here a month?" Carla stared. "What have you been eating?"
"Food I found in the freezer, stuff is pretty good. Might have broken a few teeth and couldn't hold down the first couple of times, but hey it's...surprisingly good." The reporter says as he messages his jaw. "Except the fish, that nearly broke my jaw."
Your vicious hacking at the door breaks open the lock and opens the way. Room 35 is a morgue, but all the bodies are gone and the floor is cover in blood and viscera.

Creating a new column of meat, Celise sniffs the air, shuddering at how close they all were, before moving into Room 20 through it's unlocked door.
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Creating a new column of meat, Celise sniffs the air, shuddering at how close they all were, before moving into Room 2 through it's unlocked door.
For whatever reason you return to Room 2, and it's exactly the way you left it.
"OK got some batterys a bottle of vodika and a shrunken head. Who wants the pack." Coric asks.
"Vodka?" The reporter asks. "...anyone got lighter? The Priest tried to burn the thing and it was hurt, maybe a second go will kill it."
For whatever reason you return to Room 2, and it's exactly the way you left it.

"Vodka?" The reporter asks. "...anyone got lighter? The Priest tried to burn the thing and it was hurt, maybe a second go will kill it."
" A Molotov cocktail purification through fire. Just need a lighter or a match. Come on let's head through the last door in this room" Coric suggests
Something gave Koishi a bit of a bad feeling as she tried to get the tape working. Fishing out her flashlight, she flicked it on and pointed it briefly at the door they'd just come through, hoping to see nothing. Then the group was moving on, and she moved with them.