London's Golden Dawn (A Professional Dungeon Team Is You) [On Hiatus]

I mean, why electricity?

This world has people with powers outside of dungeons, so it can very well have other types of energy available. Like, if they can have mana potions I refuse to believe they don't have mana batteries available. Of course, it's probably not cheap... But what about conversors then? From elec to majyk.
Mana batteries are believable, but i'm imagining this to be more household appliance level of power draw. Not something you can realistically run on batteries unless it's stripped down to laptop level or further (ie, phone level), and i don't think we'd get an Astral Projector quite so compact yet. Even phone batteries need to be recharged frequently if used heavily, and most people use laptops plugged in rather than rely on the battery.

As far as a converter... yeah, that's basically how i was expecting 'run it on electricity' to work. Building in an electricity -> mana converter.
Hello all.

So, I know this quest has not been active for about a week. I wish I could say that I've found my spark with this quest, but unfortunately I've hit a rather large writer's block with this quest. Worse, I don't know how long it'll take to get it back. So for right now, I'm putting this on hiatus, rather then try and brute force my way out of it. Note that I am not saying dead. I will hopefully come back to it eventually.

Thank you for playing in this quest, even if it didn't work out the way I had hoped or intended.

Novus Ordo Mundi