While this is true, generally speaking one needs to have at least some starting muscle to avoid getting bullied into 'planner' position over 'mastermind' which our Roman seems to lack in comparison to his canon self.
Which is why in a fight we need to cheat as much as possible, even something as simple as blowing smoke into our enemy's face would work.
Which is why in a fight we need to cheat as much as possible, even something as simple as blowing smoke into our enemy's face would work.
-Basic Melee Combat
-Basic Snark
-Basic Ranged Combat

We do have basic snark. Can you think of a way to apply that in combat?

Special Assets: Himself, obviously.
We also have a great special asset, so our chances aren't that low.

We do have basic snark. Can you think of a way to apply that in combat?

We also have a great special asset, so our chances aren't that low.
Yes Snark can do a lot in a fight, if we use it right we can get under the enemies skin and make them angry. Which would cause them to be reckless and above all else make them oh so predictable.
[X] Commercial District
[X] Oh ho ho, in your genius you've managed to create a few improvised flashbangs. They aren't the most effective, and the resources you put in were massive, but surely they'll aid in a heist right? You just really hope they wont catch anything on fire... (+6 Special Assets: Improvised Flashbangs)
[X] Torchwick Inc.

Roman's a venerable business owner.
[X] Commercial District
[X] Out of nowhere, your Uncle's Nephew's Third Cousin, his best friend, and a couple others show up at your door needing a job. You could really use the extra muscle, and so now you have several more goons in your employ ready to do whatever you say. Or at least try. (+5 Men)
[X] Roman's Candles

Starting manpower seems like the best in the short to mid term. And we need a cane and Neo desperately.
So a couple of ideas for business ventures.

- Illegal Casinos
- Underground Arenas
- Certain drugs (Preferably the kind of stuff that gives us a consistent income, we want our junkies functional enough to make money to keep coming back)
- Weapons trafficking
- Smuggling
- Extortion
- Grand theft auto
I'm a big fan of Weapons and extortion... also theft.
Then we need to get a weapons shop as a front business, it'll service those combat school brats (thus giving us an idea of what they can do if we ever encounter them and allows us to pick out those we could recruit) but in reality it covers up us smuggling in and selling illegal weapons. After all even if they detect them when we import them it's very easy for them to think nothing of it since we are after all a weapons shop.
I suggest finding a way to work in a way that doesn't make us look like a criminal organization.

Several petty thefts would be much more low profile than an armed robbery. Let's start small and as low profile as we get before we have some more fire power (and the cane). Once we have enough tools to deal with low level beacon students we can start the more high profile stuff (dust shop robbery, etc).

Getting the white fang as an allied organization would also be nice, but we need a bit more power for them to consider us as someone worth talking to.

@Azecreth, 2 questions:
Would you mind sharing the information on how we can build/acquire our very own Melodic Cudgel?
Will write-ins be generally accepted during the quest? Or will we always have to choose among few pre-made options?
So apparently we're gonna make sure Vale doesn't fall.

...Would the mooks be able to use Aura?
Or could we unlock it?
@Azecreth, 2 questions:
Would you mind sharing the information on how we can build/acquire our very own Melodic Cudgel?
Will write-ins be generally accepted during the quest? Or will we always have to choose among few pre-made options?

I will generally accept write-ins, yes.

As for Melodic Cudgel, if it exists already then you'll have to find it and then steal/earn/buy it, and if it doesn't then you'll have to make it yourself or have someone do it for you.

But since I know how much you want the pimp cane, I will say that Melodic Cudgel does exist already, and you just have to find it and then get your hands on it.
Your mooks have Aura. And while you could theoretically unlock it, you probably don't want mooks with sealed aura anyway. :p
Will there be options to train them so they don't suck quite as much?
I mean, we seem unlikely to get as many people as, say, White Fang apparently have access to, so focusing on quality looks best.
Will there be options to train them so they don't suck quite as much?

Yes, you will, though the more time you spend devoted to actual training is less you can spend to collecting resources/doing other stuff with them.
So, like 10 mooks total, plus us and Neo? Ideally, they all get names and stop being such Redshirts?
Yeah, basically.
We should take a page out of Beacon's book, get some elites here that can mow down enemies.
Make something like teams, prepare to grind stats and then we get our own little niche for how we do things.

The city already has plenty of mooks available, we might as well make sure we go for as high a quality as we can practically manage.

Sure, we might get some nameless mooks, but I think the best deal is making sure our people are competent and capable of doing shit without us having to hold their hands every step of the way.
Could even set it up so after a while our mooks train others for us.

Yes, you will, though the more time you spend devoted to actual training is less you can spend to collecting resources/doing other stuff with them.
Way I see it, the higher quality they are, the more they can all individually do.