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Presented courtesy of @Azecreth and @ImperialRocketeer.

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Vale, one of the four...


Giant Monster All Out Attack
United States of America

Presented courtesy of @Azecreth and @ImperialRocketeer.

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Vale, one of the four kingdoms to survive on Remnant, amidst monsters and warfare. From humble beginnings, it has grown into a thriving Kingdom, one that has beaten back the tide of darkness and held it at arms length, protecting the people that dwell within it's borders.

This is the setting, one of peace and prosperity, of growing wealth and comforts that all can enjoy, based on human ingenuity and Dust. While many fight to hold back the Grimm, even more enjoy the lives that they can now live without suffering or fear as a result of their brave sacrifices. While things might be less than perfect, they are far from terrible.
Vale stands on the edge of a knife
But while the light is triumphant for now, that does not mean that shadows do not exist. The White Fang, militant Pro-Faunus terrorists who have risen up in recent arms to claim by force of arms what could not be gained by diplomacy and legislation. The Grimm remain, even present threats lurking, just waiting for a moment to strike.
Let the threats become too strong and the Kingdom will fall.
And then there are the common criminals, the thugs and societal deviants who engage in crime and illegal activities. For profit, their own twisted amusement, or because they have no choice. Even the wealth that Vale currently enjoys cannot erase this problem, even if the Council had been willing to make the effort.

You...are not like them. Your name is Roman Torchwick, a relative nobody thus far who grew up in a troubled home, who learned how to fight on the streets, to take what he wanted and to give nothing back. You grew up in crime, made it your life, and now you live and breath it. You have grander things in mind than simple profits or pleasure. What you want is to be known, to take your name and paint it across the city, until it strikes fear into the hearts of everyone, to establish a legacy as the greatest criminal mastermind Vale has ever, or will ever, see.
You will be more important than you realize
Humble, no?

Of course, such grandiose plans have inauspicious beginnings, and now is the time for yours. The group you have assembled to assist in carrying out your plans has hit a recent run of success, bolstering them and their morale, and allowing you the opportunity to consider going big, to make your mark at last and to begin claiming territory for yourself.

At the end of the day saying and doing are two totally different things, but if there is one thing Roman Torchwick doesn't lack, it's confidence in him, his men, and his skills. One way or another, you're either going to do this or end up in prison for a really, really long time. Which admittedly is better than being stabbed and left in a ditch somewhere.

So, you set out, to begin the hard work of your rise, and to start your story

[ ] Industrial District
[ ] Commercial District
[ ] Residential District
[ ] Agricultural District
[ ] Beacon

Potential bonuses:

[ ] Your crew have been doing better lately, actually targeting people with more than loose change in their pockets. A few innocent grandmas have really helped in increasing the coffers. Money talks after all… (+ 500 Dollars)
[ ] Out of nowhere, your Uncle's Nephew's Third Cousin, his best friend, and a couple others show up at your door needing a job. You could really use the extra muscle, and so now you have several more goons in your employ ready to do whatever you say. Or at least try. (+5 Men)
[ ] Oh ho ho, in your genius you've managed to create a few improvised flashbangs. They aren't the most effective, and the resources you put in were massive, but surely they'll aid in a heist right? You just really hope they wont catch anything on fire... (+6 Special Assets: Improvised Flashbangs)
[ ] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)

Don't forget a name. Can't be famous if people don't know who you are.

[ ] The Torchwick Crew
[ ] Roman's Rumblers
[ ] 3rd Street Saints
[ ] Write in

Go on, make your mark.
No one said legends were only about the heroes
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Character Sheet
Roman Torchwick

Name: Roman Torchwick
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Health: 5
Aura: 40
Strength: Low
Speed: Medium
Endurance: Medium
Dust: None
Diplomacy: Neophyte
-Decent Melee Combat
-Basic Snark
-Basic Ranged Combat
Weapon: Pistol
Loyalty: Ask a stupid question.....
Emerald Sustrai

Name: Emerald Sustrai
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Health: 5
Aura: 20
Strength: Low
Speed: High
Endurance: Medium
Dust: None
Diplomacy: None
-Basic Melee Combat
-Basic Snark
Weapon: None
Semblance: Perception Manipulation
Loyalty: Low
Gang stat sheet

Roman Candles
Men: 48
-8 Logistics
-6 Diplomacy
-10 Combat
-23 General work
-Flint Reynalds (Combat)
Dust: 28 vials (~168 Dust Bullets)
Money: 1896 lien [-700 maintenance][+2200 revenue]
Special Assets: Himself, obviously.
-Emerald Sustrai
-Military Grade Explosives
Infamy: 20
Morale: High
Territory: Several blocks in District 6
Vale stat sheet


Beacon (Zone 1)
Control: 0/100

Patch (Zone 2)
Control: 0/100

Forever Fall (Zone 3)
Control: 0/100

Commercial District (Zone 4-8)
Control: 0/100

Industrial District (Zone 9-13)
Control: 0/100

Old Town (Zone 14-15)
Control: 0/100

Agricultural District (Zone 16-20)
Control: 0/100

Residential District (Zone 21-25)
Control: 0/100
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Turn 1-Week 1
Week 1 Event: Smuggling Run: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Turn 2-Week 3
Week 3 Event: Diplomacy: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Turn 3-Week 5
Week 5 Event: Exploration: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Turn 4-Week 7
Week 7 Event: Ice Cream: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Turn 5-Week 9
Week 9 Event: Running in the Tunnels: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8

Sincerest Form of Flattery
Of Mice and Men
Fate Points

Redshirt Army: 1
Itaywex: 1
Rokoran: 1
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Yo everybody, it's your friendly moderator Imperialrocketeer, and dont worry. It wont be too easy for you people to survive.

Also, feel free to post now, all the info is up.
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[X] Commercial District
[X] Oh ho ho, in your genius you've managed to create a few improvised flashbangs. They aren't the most effective, and the resources you put in were massive, but surely they'll aid in a heist right? You just really hope they wont catch anything on fire... (+6 Special Assets: Improvised Flashbangs)
[X] Roman Candles

Why the commercial district? That's where the shops and everything else is, including ice cream. It's obviously the fastest way to get Neo, as she'll be working in an ice cream store before we recruit her.
[X] Commercial District
[X] Oh ho ho, in your genius you've managed to create a few improvised flashbangs. They aren't the most effective, and the resources you put in were massive, but surely they'll aid in a heist right? You just really hope they wont catch anything on fire... (+6 Special Assets: Improvised Flashbangs)
[X] Roman Candles

[X] Commercial District
[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)
[X] Roman Candles
[X] Agricultural District

Nice and out the way. Hopefully the dumb cops won't look here.

[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)


[X] Roman's Rumblers

[X] Commercial District
[X] Oh ho ho, in your genius you've managed to create a few improvised flashbangs. They aren't the most effective, and the resources you put in were massive, but surely they'll aid in a heist right? You just really hope they wont catch anything on fire... (+6 Special Assets: Improvised Flashbangs)
[X] Roman Candles
[X] Commercial District
[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)
[X] The Dust Devils.
[X] Commercial District
[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)
[X] Roman Candles
Also people since we aren't the best fighter we should focus the majority of our combat practices around two things, Cheating and Cheap shots.
[X] Industrial District

[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)

[X] Roman's Rumblers
[X] Commercial District
[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)
[X] Roman's Rumblers

[X] Industrial District
[X] Out of nowhere, your Uncle's Nephew's Third Cousin, his best friend, and a couple others show up at your door needing a job. You could really use the extra muscle, and so now you have several more goons in your employ ready to do whatever you say. Or at least try. (+5 Men)
[X] 3rd Street Saints
Would you mind if I asked you to delete your post and then vote again with a new one lower down? I find myself bothered by the not-GM post in between the first GM post and the other GM-posts.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

[X] Industrial District
[X] Out of nowhere, your Uncle's Nephew's Third Cousin, his best friend, and a couple others show up at your door needing a job. You could really use the extra muscle, and so now you have several more goons in your employ ready to do whatever you say. Or at least try. (+5 Men)
[X] 3rd Street Saints
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[X] Industrial District
[X] Out of nowhere, your Uncle's Nephew's Third Cousin, his best friend, and a couple others show up at your door needing a job. You could really use the extra muscle, and so now you have several more goons in your employ ready to do whatever you say. Or at least try. (+5 Men)
[X] 3rd Street Saints
Thank you very much sir.
[X] Industrial District
[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)
[X] Roman Candles

Unknown shiny is shiny.
Unknown shiny is shiny.
Yes it is.

[x] Industrial District
[x] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)
[x] Roman Candles
[X] Commercial District
[X] As you walked in front of a dilapidated warehouse, you came across a small rather old looking and quite heavy brass key inscribed VEX1, lying on top of a letter thoroughly soaked by the rain. Curious about the inscription and thinking it might be useful, you picked it up. (+ 1 Special Assets: Weird Brass Key)
[X] Roman Candles