Hello, my friends. I'm very ready for another round of pure madness with S9 clones trying to screw our good guys in every way they can: mind control, voice control, emotions control, nice people, vampiric powers, you know, pretty normal stuff if you live on Earth Bet and you're trying to stop evil clones created after evil people from destroying the world

. So, we had Nice Guy, an example of what Breed's power can do, Scream and Cherish, Winter and Crimson and a mention of what S9 It ( better known as Chuckles in the context) can do. We still have a lot of clones of these guys left+ more guys that we still don't know too much about them+ the usual guys that we know but they'll be stronger because the'll be many. I'm sure that Jack will keep Harbingers and Gray Boy to be his last defenses because they're the strongest parahumans in his team. Harbingers have Number Man's OP powers and Gray Boy is S9 Boogeyman. Bonesaw and Hookwolf will be used as Jack's bodyguards in case if his last defenses will fall too. If you're interested to know my opinion about the old new S9 members and their powers so far, I already have a list starting with the scariest one and ending with the least scary and I'll explain my judgement:
-Nice Guy is the scariest one (nothing is more scary than someone winning your trust then backstabbing you. This is almost not even a power because in real life there are plenty of people skilled enough to make others trust them until they show their real face and intentions). Someone like Nice Guy can be scary even without having a superpower

-Screamer: she manipulates people using sounds and voices. Her power is scary because if she's paired with someone who know well enough a person then she can use her power to fuck with that respective person's mind and break them mentally/emotionally, like she almost did with Weaver. Plus she make people to lose their trust in each other

-Breed/Crimson: their powers are horrible, absolute disgusting and they always have to sacrifice other human beings so they can continue using their powers.
-Winter: her power is pretty dangerous but not as bad as Breed or Crimson. I mean, you can survive if your movements and thoughts are slowed down for a while if you are lucky to not have Crimson feeding from you.
This is my partial opinion about the old new S9 monsters. Lets see if the others who will appear in the next towns will change this list somehow. Anyway, I highly doubt that there's someone who'll top Nice Guy, not even Gray Boy with his PROBABLY time powers, no matter how frightening they must be
Sting 26.3
"Hey, Weaver?"
I had to twist around to look at Crucible. We were in the hallway just outside a set of elevators, windows on one side, doors at either end of the hallway leading into offices. This was something of a waiting game, as Tecton and Revel got their teams into position to support Golem.
"I wanted to say thanks," Crucible said, "Appreciate the invite. Hundreds of superpowered lunatics, some of the scariest guys around, and that's not even the scariest part of all of this! But Chevalier's all, 'Weaver specifically asked if you'd help.' How the hell am I supposed to say no to him?"
"It's Chevalier. Important guy."
"-And you've got a thing for Weaver," the Ward I hadn't yet met said. It was a girl, flanked by five shadowy silhouettes of herself, who were sitting around her on the other side of the hallway. I'd read up on her, and I knew her as Toggle. The 'baby' of the team, it seemed, at fourteen. She held what looked like a mace, but it, along with the layered body armor she wore, had circles of light glowing in shifting colors.
"Clocksie," Clockblocker said, deadpan, "Has been the target of a lot of criticism, because he was in charge of the Wards at the time a lot of stuff went down. Some dingbats online speculated that I had a thing for Weaver, and it took off. The people online like to find stuff that fills in blanks, and there were a hell of a lot of blanks around the whole thing with Weaver defecting, and our pseudo-truce with the Undersiders."
Clockblocker ignored her. "-Except we barely even get to do that, because Tattletale's always a few steps ahead. Then, to top it all off, I hear about the Weaver-Clockblocker thing every single day, to the point that it's sad. Salt in a wound."
RIP Schenectady, another city completely destroyed because it couldn't be saved

. Next city, please. Welcome to the team, Toggle. Try not to die, ok? You're only 14, you're a kid. Her power reminds me of Crusader's power. She seems that she can summon shadow clones of herself and switch from one to another, making them tangible according to her choice or something like this. I'd like to see her power in action as soon as possible. But without her dying, ok?
Well, Clockblocker, I'm not like your rabid shipping fandom and I don't ship you with Weaver. Maybe only as friends but I don't personally think that you'll make a good couple. Besides, she already have 2 suitors, Tecton and Golem (again, not canon, but I really hope that one of them will win her heart...."slaps herself" Fuck, what I'm talking about? This is the END OF THE FREAKING WORLD, S9 Clones mutilate/torture/kill plenty of innocents, Dragon burns cities to the ground and all I care is about a girl and her harem of suitors. I deeply and shamefully apologize for my weird-ass mind 😭). Just one last thing: Dennis, be happy. I don't ship you with Taylor not now not ever. Be happy. That's it, end of discussion.
I have a strange theory (more like a comparison with other works). This whole moving from city to city to fight and defeat S9 Clones seem like a descent into Hell to me. With each city of horrors, the fights become more terrible, frightening, the enemies become stronger and more cruel and I'm more and more worried for the lives of the good guys (heroes, villains, I don't care, everyone who fight to stop S9 is a good guy in my books). Yes, I can go so far to compare this whole Arc with the parahuman version of Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. 9 circles of the Inferno and each circle more horrible than the last one (each city is more horrible than the last one). There are 9 clones of each member, except for Jack, Bonesaw and Gray Boy. Each S9 member is more dangerous than the previous ones. At the bottom of this infernal war, there's Jack. The last piece. The most important piece. At the bottom of Hell, there's Lucifer. The King of the Hell. The last Evil. The most important Evil. Jack is literal Satan, without any attempt to make a lame meme. Bet that there will be 9 cities, 9 challenges with Jack being the last and most important one. I know that my theory/comparison is one of the weirdest theories/comparison I had/I made about anything related to Worm but its a too much of an interesting and wacky theory/comparison to not express it here. Again, sorry for my tired mind

. Well, but there's a truth somewhere. The Hell moved from Brockton Bay over the whole earth. Nowhere will be safe for people who can't fight. Do you hear, Bonesaw? Eli won't be safe ANYWHERE. You still have time to change your damn mind, release Riley from her prison and allow her to fight Jack on her own terms. Its not too late.
Doors, windows, cracks, vents, all protected.
I could estimate seven apartments per floor. One on the ground floor, for the building manager. Assuming they weren't bachelor apartments, that suggested fifty-five to sixty people in total, trapped within, along with hostages and an unknown number and composition of the Nine.
"See, I don't think it's the wrong power in the wrong hands," Clockblocker said. "I think it's a joke. Humanity destroys itself, and all these powers, they just open the door to let it happen. It's not going to be some villain overlord or even a monster like Jack who does it. I'm more liable to believe the world ends because of some deluded, fat, pimply faced punk kid that lives off pizza and mountain dew. There's no damn point to it, but sometimes I look at the idiots, the selfish assholes and the maniacs that fill this world and I think that's all we deserve."
"Thank you," Clockblocker said. "For so eloquently demonstrating what I was saying about us deserving it."
"No problemo," Imp said.
"That doesn't exist, does it?" Toggle asked. "Case fifty-three porn?"
"Everything exists," Kid Win said.
Well, Clockblocker, I understand that you're tired, nervous, scared, you lost your hopes but I don't agree with the way you're thinking. You're so fatalistic that you can give a lesson or two to Vista herself. You sound like a very pessimistic asshole who hate humanity

. For every maniac that fill this world, there's a good and sane person. For every selfish asshole, there's a selfless hero. For every evil monster, there's a caring and compassionate human being. The world is not entirely black, there's plenty of white between the black spots. And some spots are even grey, just look at Weaver- she'a not the best hero but she's not the worst person either. You have to think at the good people in the world, these people deserve to be saved, to be protected, to be cherished. You have to fight for them, fight to preserve what is good and beautiful and innocent in your world. You can't lose hope because if you lose hope then you can say that your fight is over. There's no reason to continue fighting if not for hope and not for the goodness that still exist in people. I don't like how this young man is losing his hope. Well, I think Imp supports him not because she necessarily agree with him, but she's Imp and she likes the attention and she believes that if she's edgy as fuck then she gets the attention that she thinks she deserves (kinda funny how someone with Imp's power like attention). Plus, she always like to piss people off and she thinks that if she agrees with Clockblocker and the others do not then they'll be terrible pissed. Clockblocker, either abandon this fight, change your opinions or keep them for yourself. You'll only make others lose their hopes too. Losing hope is not good for their spirit. And remember that you still have a father that you love. You don't really believe that your father deserve to die too after everything you did to save him, right

Of course Case 53 porn (fuck Case 53, Irregulars sound so much better) exist. Anything that can be transformed into porn EXIST. For example, if you're really curious to see Irregular porn then you can give Imp a camera, send her to whatever place Faultline and her crew are staying now, and have her record whatever Gregor and Shamrock are doing in their bedroom. Don't worry, she'll be happy to do it, after all she spied on Taylor and HER OWN BROTHER, spying on Irregulars fucking their brains out will be piece of cake for her

. Then you'll have some Irregulars porn to watch in your free time between fights. And maybe Clockblocker will find a more interesting activity to take his mind away from stupid thoughts.
"More wholesome than you'd think," Foil said. "Playing into every stereotype ever, moving in before we'd even been on a date, but it's nice."
"Nice?" Clockblocker said. "Not what I expected. Not that I'm not happy for you, but-"
She shifted position, resting her head on Parian's shoulder. "It's… free. Pleasant. The times between the fights with the brain-shatteringly terrifying god-monsters, anyways. Cooking breakfast, having breakfast cooked for you, going on walks with the dogs, maybe a bit of bodyguard duty while Parian handles a meeting, whatev, picnic for lunch, patrol the territory, do stuff for my University course, whoever didn't cook breakfast makes dinner…"
"-they've got crazy good interior design, what with Parian and all," Imp finished. She made a smug little sound, like she was very pleased with herself.
Golem engaging. 3x Burnscar, 3x Shatterbird, 2x Winter, 1x Skinslip, 1x Psychosoma identified.
"We're going in blind. We suspect there's at least two Mannequins, but that's it. Mannequin specializes in indirect attacks. Catching people off guard, while being durable and flexible enough that he can escape from any situation that doesn't go his way. I hope the rest of you have read up on the other members of the Nine, past and present."
Vista used her power as we got closer. I could see a depression appearing in the wall, as if a giant, invisible finger were pressing into it.
A hole appeared, and a small explosion tore out through the space, opening the hole wider. We staggered, and some of our smaller members were even thrown to the ground.
Nice that Foil is happy with her new life as a villain and with her girlfriend. These girls DESERVE to be happy with each other

. Imp, crazy after attention as I said already. But she's funny so there's no problem for me. Imagine how much they'd have bothered everyone if Regent was still alive. The team they made together was pure fun. For me, of course, because their victims never found them to be very funny. "sighs" Regent...
This whole super sealed building remind me of Mannequin's work. Yes, this is Mannequin's work. Better said, 9 Mannequins' work. The good guys are basically trapped inside a maze of traps and things that can kill. Fuck, exactly what I wanted. Mannequins attacking inside their own playground. Fuck me, fuck S9, fuck Mannequin, fuck Simurgh, what I did to deserve this? WHAT? First city- Nice Guy. Second city- Screamer and Cherish. Third city- Mannequin's building. Wildbow is playing with my MAIN FEARS and THINGS THAT I HATE like they're nothing in his skilled hands. I generally love Wildbow but, in moments like this one, I feel like he pisses me off 🙀.
Btw, my best friend told me something very interesting about Jack's power. She confirmed my theory that Jack have a second power but she didn't told me what kind of power this monster possesses. She just told me that I'll never guess it. Maybe now but I'll still try. His second power seem the ability to influence parahumans to do what he wants, without even questioning their own actions (Bonesaw). Seem like a Master power to me. Knowing that Masters trigger when they feel alone and isolated and knowing that Jack was locked all alone into basement by his crazy parents who also lied him that the world ended, its very possible that he triggered with the first and second power (at the same time) because he was feeling alone and isolated from a "dying" world. But my question is why he couldn't control Number Man, when he was Harbinger and left him? Either Jack didn't really cared about Harbinger leaving despite his very useful power or Habinger was somehow immune to Jack's secondary power. Or Jack can only control weak minded parahumans (or parahumans who are too young to fight his control) and Harbinger's mind was too STRONG for him. Anyway, my theory about Jack's other power is that he have a limited control over parahumans, convincing them to help him, work for him or listen him. Thinkers probably are all immune to his power (he couldn't bring Tattletale under his control, he couldn't convince Harbinger to stay), as well as parahumans with strong mind/will (Weaver).
We were braced for the detonation this time. I kept bugs close to get a sense of what was going on. The moment there was a gap, the air rushed out, cold and wet, and was followed soon after by a crushing manifestation of a small iceberg.
"It's designed like that, to use air pressure and air flow and whatever else to keep bugs and debris out."
"Of course you know that," Imp said. "Because of the bugs."
This was a more refined use of her power. She drew on the exterior of the building, and created a depression, but the goal this time wasn't to create a hole. She extended the depression inward, but she fed enough of the surrounding material into it to keep the resulting walls intact.
It stopped, and she merged it into another wall. I couldn't see the wall, but I could sense it with my bugs. To my eyes, it was a black void, a hole too deep for my bugs to reach.
She paused, then began opening an experimental hole in the far wall. I pulled my bugs back to make it easier for her.
"Murder Rat," Grue said. "Three of her. I can… kind of sense what others are sensing around me, and there's a glimmer of something that might be a teleportation power. I don't trust myself to use it without any ability to sense where I'm going. Breeds… And… I can't even get a bead on this guy's powers."
A man, easily eight feet tall, muscular and broad-shouldered, sitting at a computer chair with one foot propped up on a desk. His chest was bare, his pants no doubt a normal size, but rendered skintight by his sheer mass, left unzipped. He was watching something violent on a laptop as he sat there. The hostages who weren't strung up with chains were in the room, cowering behind him as a full cluster. In the midst of them, there was something that looked like a coffin.
"Entering the fray. Looks like Mannequins, Murder Rats, Breeds and one Hatchet Face hybrid."
I was so caught up in it that I nearly missed it. A figure in the ducts.
We had to walk around in a semicircle before we found ourselves by the elevators and stairwells of the lobby.
The stairwell was framed by two bodies, hung by their feet. No wounds were visible.
I felt with my bugs, and I could sense warmth from them. Still alive.
What were we even supposed to do with his victims?
Fuck, Mannequins in the ducts, their favorite method of attacking, looks like. Well, at least wasn't so bad like the first time when Coil was unlucky enough to be visited by the original Mannequin and I was unlucky enough to see that bastard in action. Good for Vista for being armed with something else besides her power. All parahumans should learn how to use fireguns and have these LIFE SAVIOR things with them all the time. Powers are not enough to protect them. If an enemy can't be affected by certain powers but is vulnerable to bullets then use the guns to fuck them up. If they're trapped in a situation where they can't use their powers, then a gun will be their guardian angel. I'm surprised that PRT never trained the parahumans into using fireguns (not for killing but for defending themselves; they can shoot their enemy in leg or hand, for example and they'll be still alive) and hand to hand combat. PRT SUCKS for thinking that if a parahuman have superpowers then nothing can hurt or kill them

. Bullshit, train your Wards/Protectorate like real soldiers, their powers alone won't save them from shitty situations like THIS ONE. But PRT sucked in many ways so...why I'm surprised? (btw Miss Militia must be NRA favorite superhero and the living symbol of the Second Amendment). Guns are cool if you know how and when to use them and Vista and Tattletale seem to understand it

The muscular man sitting in front of the laptop (Hatchet Face) must be watching CASE 53 PORN. Guys, you should leave him alone until he finishes his job. You just can't interrupt a man from doing his JOB? That will be rude. Even if he's an evil clone, he still have the right to finish his job

What you'e doing with Breed's victims? Kill them. Its the only solution. Hate when mercy killing become the last solution but I doubt that even someone like Scapegoat can save them.
She lashed out, striking, only her target was exposed skin, this time. Vista's face, Crucible's jaw. Bastard's shoulder.
And then she kicked the wall, drawing her shoulders together as she slid between Clockblocker's legs, her nose pointed at the gap in the railing.
Clockblocker shifted his foot to make contact with the long blades at her toes, touching her, and froze her in place.
"My face," Vista whispered.
"Put pressure on it," Crucible said. His own face was bleeding badly, but he didn't even seem to notice.
"It's going to take a long time to heal," Clockblocker said. "Pretty much guarantees a scar. But we stopped the bleeding, which is better than most get."
"We die," Imp said, with an odd cheerfulness. "Horribly, gruesomely. They'll break or sever our arms and legs and cap them with Mannequin's stuff so we don't bleed out, and then they'll let Breed's bugs devour us from the inside out."
I ship Clockblocker with Imp. They both have such a "positive" vision of life

. The difference is that Imp is funny. Clockblocker is more serious but they'll get along. I swear, if Clockblocker's power would have allowed him to keep his enemies frozen as much as he'd like, even for days or years, he'd have been one of the most powerful parahumans on earth: imagine him freezing Eidolon and keeping him like this for years. Maybe only Contessa (because of her precog power) and Number Man (too fast for Clockblocker) would have been stronger than a Clockblocker with unlimited freezing time but all others would have been screwed. Clockblocker had so much wasted potential (because of his Passenger that limited his power) just like Leet (the ability to be the potentially biggest and greatest Tinker in the world utterly screwed by his Passenger). Imagine Clockbloker and Leet having their abilities unrestricted. The actual Triumvirate would be JOKE compared with them. But I'm quite glad that Leet's Passenger likes to mess with him. Leet is NOT a nice person and he'd go all unstoppable mad scientist vs the world if his Passenger wasn't a jerk. Finally, a Passenger did something RIGHT

Vista's battle wounds: -the wounds she got after her fight with Hookwolf (and she survived to the mass-murderer nazi with the power to turn himself into almost unstoppable robotic monster wolf).
-the wounds she got after she was buried alive by Echidna (and she survived to Shatterbird, a serial killer with absolute control over sand and glass).
-Shadow Fucking Stalker pinned her to the floor yet she BURNED her with some very truthful words.
-Now a Murder Rat almost dissolved half of her face but she didn't even cried in pain and she continues to help others fighting.
VISTA IS THE NATURAL BORN SURVIVOR. NOBODY CAN PUT HER DOWN. NOBODY. I'll always refuse to believe that this girl can ever be defeated or killed. She's just the most hardcore parahuman that isn't the main character

Gosh, I hope that Ward's protagonist will be Vista. She's a Ward, she's unbeatable, she have a kick ass power, she's smart, brave, have a heart of a true hero, she'll be a protagonist that we need and deserve.
Mannequin would be fireproof, though. Even an extreme heat like Crucible could create wouldn't have an effect. Still, it meant one was contained.
Clockblocker threw out lines of silk, then froze them. The dog lunged, and the Mannequins were sandwiched between the dog and the silk.
One had landed on my shoulder. I tried to pull it free and failed, stabbed at the legs with my knife, only for it to fold them into its carapace. It lashed at the lens of my mask with its spike-tipped tail. It didn't penetrate, and rolled off my shoulder before I could get a hold on it.
The others weren't faring a lot better. Crucible shouted something incoherent as he used both hands to stop a softball sized creature from advancing on his mouth. Its millipede-like limbs left bloody tracks in his skin as it made excruciating progress towards the orifice.
It was a critical distraction as we were dealing with highly mobile foes. A Murder Rat leaped up to find a grip on the underside of the stairs we were standing on, then vaulted herself to one side and up, slipping between the bars and into our midst.
Clockblocker paused the most dangerous ones, closest to mouths, anuses and private parts, to ears and nostrils. We backed away as he freed us of the worst of them, and Crucible barred the path with his superheated forcefield.
"I'm not… I'm not useful," Toggle said.
"Different threats, you would be," Crucible said. "Fuck, this stings."
"Go home, Eidolon. You aren't a help here."
"I'm to take orders from the one who murdered Alexandria?"
I hope that Hatchet Face will finish doing his job before he will be killed by the good guys

Eidolon, you should not be there. Maybe Jack will find a way to control him and use him against his enemies. Imagine Eidolon in Jack's hands. Imagine Jack being the master over such limitless power. Nope, someone should give a ticket to nopetrain with the destination to nopeEarth

. More nope than having all the Mannequins left lurking in ducts. Eidolon, you should not call Weaver a murderer when you and your dear Alexandria probably murdered thousands of people while working for Cauldron for year. You hypocrite asshole. You and Alexandria are the real monsters not someone like Weaver, besides I'm sure you're responsible for Endbringers' existence (accidentally or not, you'll be still the biggest mass-murderer on the face of Earth Bet if my theory is true). Yet, you talk bullshit about Weaver who's only trying to protect people and warn you of a real bad situation. You're too blind to see that your presence there is not only not needed (the good guys can handle the situation pretty fine) but something bad will happen if someone so powerful like you decide to intervene in matters that should not present immediate interest for you. GO FUCKING AWAY, don't make me hate you like I hated Alexandria (the truth is, I already have plenty of reasons to hate you

Eidolon is obsessed with conflict and violence. I know that he wants to be useful but he's too much conflictual especially in bad timing situations (even some of the bad guys are less conflictual than him). A solid proof that his Passenger used his violent nature to create something so utterly destructive and aggressive like Endbringers.
"I'm here to help. That's all. Attacking me now would be like the violation of the Endbringer Truce."
"You're one of the biggest dangers, Eidolon. Jack's supposed to be the catalyst for an event, a great catastrophe. Are you honestly telling me that there's no danger here? That you're absolutely certain that you don't have a weakness he could capitalize on?"
I recognized the other half of the pair. Hatchet Face and King together.
Untouchable. King's power took any physical harm he suffered and transferred it among his pawns. People he'd touched within the last twenty-four hours. Hatchet Face's power meant we couldn't even use abilities to circumvent it. Tyrant here had the enhanced strength each of the two had possessed, the enhanced durability.
"Are you saying you're blameless, little murderer?" Eidolon asked, just above us. "That you don't have a potential for evil?"
She shot Tyrant, and the bolt pierced his brain.
He collapsed onto his hands and knees, then staggered, starting to rise.
Another bolt through the spine.
A third through the heart.
I waited long moments before turning my attention to the crowd at the far end of the room. They were already moving, running like they could make their way downstairs and escape out the front doors.
I drew my knife, stepping into their path.
"Kept it a secret from you guys, kept it a secret from the public. You can do a lot with a solid forcefield bubble."
"Last chance, Nyx," I told the 'boy'. "Last words? Share a juicy tidbit?"
The 'boy' faded away. An illusion in an illusion. It was only a woman with pale red skin, overlarge black eyes and vents along her hairline, the back of her neck and down the backs of her arms. A fog seeped out from the holes. A small Cauldron emblem was tattooed on her face like a beauty mark.
"Nilbog," I said.
So many things happened in such a short time.
-Weaver convinced Eidolon to fly away but he's still a jerk who see himself as an absolute indispensable hero. Well, you're not indispensable, you jerk. Weaver showed you that they don't need you, especially when they have to fight someone like Jack who's so good at manipulating parahumans.
-Nyx have the power to create convincing illusions. Her power remind me of the power of a villain from X-Men, Mastermind. Two fucking jerks, both of them

. Crucible did good when he killed her. No evil clone should have their life spared. They're evil, murderous, demented, devoid of any humanity clones of some evil, murderous, demented, devoid of any humanity originals. Allow a clone to live and you're responsible for more hundreds of innocents killed by the respective clone

-I hate Breed's power but still not nearly as much as I hate Nice Guy and Screamer's powers.
-No power in the world can stop Foil from killing a bastard. Nobody is immune against Foil

. SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOD....that Foil is one of the nicest villains. Imagine Jack having someone like Foil. Any protection/power of the good guys would be a fucking joke for Foil.
-Tyrant wasn't only the Hatchet Face but a Frankenstein monster between Hatchet Face and King. Now we know King's power, kind of similar with Scapegoat's power. Scapegoat can transfer the wounds he took from the people he healed to other people through touching. King can transfer his wounds to other people that he already touched within the last 24 hours. Fuck, how in the hell Harbinger and Jacob managed to kill him? Yes, I know that Harbinger backstabbed him and Jacob gutted him and I think that King didn't touched any of them within the last 24 hours otherwise Harbinger would have been the one with a back wound and Jacob the one with his intestines outside. Cool power for a murderous villain to have. But not cool enough for Foil

-Crucible have a villainous power (burn people to death inside his forcefields). NOT A NICE POWER, HERO DUDE. But he's an example of a hero with an ugly power just like Mannequin is a villain with one of the most useful and beneficent powers. Not the powers matter but the person that is using them. Good guys can have the worst powers, bad guys can have the best powers. The powers are not evil or good. Their users are the ones who are either evil or good

-Jack is going to recruit Nilbog. I'm stuck between YAY and OH SHIT. YAY because I was right when I said that Jack made a big mistake for not recruiting Nilbog and now Jack is decided to correct it, OH SHIT because....oh shit. Well, its going to be pretty funny if Nilbog will be like: NO and attack S9 Clones, including Jack, but Jack have his own methods to convince people to join him or at least to consider the possibility.
-Next Chapter...welcome to Nilbog Hill? Good guys walking deeper into the Otherworld? I'll listen this during the whole reading and liveblogging
PERFECT for the mood.
Good night and sleep well, my friends.