Sting 26.1
- Location
- romania
Hello, my dear friends. Too busy, with very little time for myself "sighs"
. So, last time, my heart cried tears of blood, all thanks to Wildbow and his sick imagination. Only someone like Wildbow can create such a horrible monster like Bonesaw and an absolute innocent victim like Riley and combine them in the same body. He basically created what Bonesaw always liked to create: a Frankenstein of a character. Sin and innocence in the same person. Evil and goodness in the same being. The triumph of a beast with a such a dark mind and the struggles of a trapped child inside the body of the beast. Bonesaw vs Riley. Who's gonna win? Of course I want Riley to win and take her life back from the monsters that stole it from her: Jack and Bonesaw. Bonesaw/Riley are one of the best and most fascinating Wildbow's characters, also the one with one of the most tragic backstories. A literally soul crushing backstory
. A sick, demented, tragic backstory and only I know how much I cried when and after I read it. Of course, now you know this too. I just want that everything will end well for Riley and she'll finally find her well-deserving happiness. Of course, doesn't mean that I'll ever forget and forgive all the shit that Bonesaw did, even if I want only what is good for Riley. Because, I can hate as much as I want the monster but still feel a deep pity for the poor child struggling to survive, right?
Alright, time for a new Arc. I think I understand the meaning of the name of the last Arc: Scarab. Wasn't the supposed name of Taylor's Passenger. Glaistig Uaine clearly said that the Passenger's name is Queen Administrator and I trust the "Mad" Fairy when it comes to her knowledge about Passengers. In Egyptian mythology, the scarab was a symbol for immortality and cycle of rebirth. S9 just cloned themselves, creating this cycle of rebirth and resurrection. Scarab was referring at what S9 did to themselves
. I was quite wrong with my prediction about the Arc's title but isn't a crime because I couldn't know the true meaning before finishing reading the Arc. The next Arc is called Sting. Weaver is going to sting everyone with her sting, like a heroic bee she's now. S9 clones have reasons to be afraid, eh? Hope this time I won't be wrong Sting 26.1
. They already committed atrocities. RIP poor Killington citizens. Oh, God, children...
Of course, S9 won't stay true to their name if they don't kill children. Don't be surprised, Cozen, they're capable of every atrocity you can possible imagine. Oh, poor Cozen, she's like a villain Cuff. She obviously hate seeing these horror, yet she was willing to help the heroes because she wanted to fight against this indescribable evil. Just like Cuff who hated fighting against Behemoth, yet she still did it. I guess that Grue is lucky to have this woman as his wife. She may be a villain, but she have her heart in the right place. She's a good human being. I like her
. I really like her, no matter what Weaver have to say about her. Well, Weaver, stop being jealous on this woman. She didn't stole your man. You lost him. You lost him from the moment when you decided to become a hero. Well, don't worry. You still have some possibilities left. Golem, Tecton? If you all will survive to Jackpocalypse, of course. Now isn't the right time for romance. Neither for jealousy. Understand, Weaver? Stop thinking bad about her. If she decided to help you and your team, despite not liking at all the situation and not being a killer, then she must be respected for her choice, not judged like: "you should not be here" or something between the lines. "sighs" Weaver, Weaver...
. Nothing can safe Killington anymore, maybe only if they'll completely nuke it so nothing, except for smoke and ash, can remain behind. Either people are killed in absolute horrible ways, their dead bodies are turned into traps and the ones who are still alive are probably used as traps too. I don't think there are people left that can still be saved. I doubt that there are unhurt/SAFE survivors left. And I thought that Brockton Bay was hell on earth. I agree with Rifle, Cozen's man. The few survivors should be put out of their misery, because this is not life for them anymore, only an endless suffering until they'll eventually die
. I hate when innocents die but I hate more when they suffer without any escape. For the love of God, if you're human enough, fucking kill them and allow them to find their peace (of course, I don't think I'll ever personally kill an innocent if I'll find myself in this situation, even one in deep suffering, but I'll ask someone who's tough enough to do it, even beg them, because I know that death is much more better for these poor, unfortunate souls). Cozen is stronger that she probably know herself. To continue to walk deep inside the heart of that pure hell show true strength of heart and mind
. This is a sad truth. Breed and Nilbog will get along very well if they will ever get to know each other. Well, I'm still surprised that S9 never decided to visit Nilblog and try to recruit him. Maybe because Jack decided that Nilblog is too unstable even for them? Who knows, but the King of the Monsters Garden would have been an excellent addition to S9: powerful, scary, sadistic psychopath, doesn't give a fuck about human life, great imagination...truly a S9 material. I think that Jack just missed a HUGE opportunity.
I wonder how they'd have promoted Breed's power if he was a hero instead of a serial murderer. His power wouldn't be such a hero power material especially in the eyes of the public. His power is worse than Weaver's power. Weaver can control butterflies too and everyone like butterflies, but Breed is limited only at summoning flesh eating trilobites. I'm imagining Protectorate Director of public image trying hard to make his power more attractive to the public. Something like:
-This is Breed, he's a hero, a Master, and his power is to...summon tiny little creatures with many tiny little legs. They're very cute and fluffy, I personally guarantee it. As defense, they bite villains with their adorable little fangs...❤
People from everywhere: Awwwwwwwwww ❤.
Weaver: I would like to add something. They're trilobites that like to burrow inside living people or corpses or even in your food until they're big enough to spit acid and dissolve your skin till bone...
Half of people from everywhere: Yuuuuuuuuuuck 🤮.
The other half: furiously write endless Breed's fanfics.
. She doesn't have any problem. The problem is YOU, Weaver, precisely your jealousy. Its not the right time to treat your allies like shit because you're plagued by jealousy, Weaver, don't piss me off. You LEFT Grue not viceversa and its not fair to act like a super-possessive ex girlfriend who want for her former boyfriend to be forever alone only because he doesn't belong to her anymore. Its not fair neither nice towards him. Leave Cozen alone, she's a great woman in her own way and if you ever loved Grue, be HAPPY that he found his happiness. You know better than everyone all the shit he went through, you should see the happiness as something that Grue DESERVES and don't fight it. No, I don't think that Weaver is being pragmatic here. Cozen proved to be a strong woman in her own way and Weaver have no right to treat her as someone who can't handle the situation. This is jealousy talking through Weaver's mouth. Nothing but jealousy, baby
I don't trust the unknown guy who offered to help them. He must be a S9 member. Weird that Revel is the only one who believe that he's dangerous, everyone else have no problem with him, except for Weaver who's worried that he might be hurt by a trap. Revel talks with them through communications and she's aware that something about him in not right so his power doesn't affect the communications. Does he have the power to make people believe that he's harmless? That would be a very SCARY power for a S9 member to have. Imagine this guy being like the perfect killer, someone like Imp, but instead making himself unnoticeable, he wins people's trust. Imagine his poor victims being killed by someone they TRUST. This is the definition of the PURE HORROR, more horror than whatever Breed is doing with his trilobites pets
. WHERE THE FUCK IS TATLLETALE WHEN THEY NEED HER (hell, they always need Tattletale by their side, they can't do too much shit without her)? She'll instantly know what is wrong with this guy. Unless he affects her power too.
. The worst kind of power. I already have problems trusting people and very few things scare me more than someone gaining my trust only to hurt me afterwards. I HATE this guy's power, I HATE IT, I HATE IT...If it wasn't for Tattletale, who saved their ass, almost everyone except for Golem would be dead, and nobody would have bat an eyelid because Nice Guy is THE MOTHERFUCKING NICEST GUY AROUND. Tattletale is a life savior and this is one of Worm's universal constant - nobody can argue against
. Grue's power was just as useful as it was when Coil made Undersiders believe that Skitter was a traitor. It showed Nice Guy true power giving them the occasion to kill him. I was wrong when I said that Damsel of Distress clone will be the first who'll die in her fight against the good guys. It was a Nice Guy instead who wasn't nice enough for Tattletale.
I so hate this guy's power "deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep sighs"
Well, fuck, Jack is not original at all. He copies famous fictional or real serial killers 😡. Jack the Ripper, Joker, now Jigsaw (setting traps, leaving video messages for his victims), this man have zero imagination, despite his brilliance. Disappointing "shakes her head". Jack, you're very smart, you hate to get bored, you love originality then...why the fuck you don't try to be original and create your own style instead of stealing other monsters' personal style?
I think is not such a bad idea to disband S9. Jack thinks that they'll be more savage if they'll be on their own but I don't think he's right. If they work alone, they'll be easily located (by Dragon who have eyes everywhere) and get killed. Yes, they'll kill probably tons of people, but acting under Jack's control make them more dangerous. If they're not coordinated by Jack's evil brilliance, most of them are just dumb brutes who can be easily eliminated. Jack is either very sure that his team can handle themselves if left alone -clearly a mistake to have such an overconfidence in his people (who, let's be honest, are not very bright- most of them
) or this is nothing but a scare tactic he's using in order to make Golem more desperate and hopeless. He's very, very good at manipulating people like this. Golem, this monster is just playing with you, thinking that you'll become too emotionally weak to defeat him. Man up, don't listen his poisoned words, find him and kill him with the first occasion. No hesitation, please. A single second of hesitation and you and everyone else are TOASTED. Because Jack never hesitates.
. He's a natural born survivor.
"takes a deep breath" Nice Guy's power is now in my top 3 of most hated powers. The first one is Mannequin's power (precisely how evil Alan decided to use his power as Mannequin), then Nice Guy's power then Heartbreaker's power. All these powers are related to my main fears: fear of mannequins, fear of being betrayed by people I trust and fear for being controlled by people
. Fuck this not very Nice Guy and his not very nice power. Now, everytime when a male hostage will miraculously survive, I'll believe that he's a Nice Guy. Well, Nice Guy can pretend that he's a random hero or villain too, helping against S9 and nobody will even ask themselves who the fuck is this random guy. Fuck Nice Guy and fuck his power. What kind of fucked up power Gray Boy have to make him more scary than Nice Guy because nothing should be more scary than this Master Stranger power?
. Weaver is so much like Jack, she's like a heroic version of Jack. Her personality is very similar in many ways with Jack's personality, the main difference between them is that Jack is a destructive monster and Taylor is a savior and a hero. But they both are: -very excited about conflict and violence (as Golem observed), ready anytime to jump into a fight and accept any challenge no matter how fucked up and dangerous is for them;
-they're both social darwinists, believing in survival of the fitest and the superiority of the strong over the weak. But with a difference: Jack wants to eliminate all the weak people so only the strong will survive (as he personally said), Taylor wants to protect the weak thinking that they can't protect themselves (see her reactions around Parian, Cuff, even Cozen -isn't only jealousy but also a natural need to protect Cozen). Since I'm a huge Homestuck trash, if Jack and Taylor were trolls, Taylor would be a beforus highblood troll (protect the weak trolls) and Jack would be an alternian hightblood troll (cull the weak trolls)
-they're both pretty cold utilitarianists but with another difference. Jack is ready to sacrifice anything for the greater good of HIMSELF. Taylor is ready to sacrifice anything for the greater good of other people.
-they both have brilliant minds and are excellent strategists.
-All in all, Taylor is the heroic Jack and Jack is the monster Taylor. The mirror images of what each other could have been if they were to choose different ways.
This Arc is already pretty good
. Golem have the challenge of his life ahead and only the training he received from the "good Jack", his intelligence and willpower can help him against the evil Jack.
Good night and sleep well, my friends.
Alright, time for a new Arc. I think I understand the meaning of the name of the last Arc: Scarab. Wasn't the supposed name of Taylor's Passenger. Glaistig Uaine clearly said that the Passenger's name is Queen Administrator and I trust the "Mad" Fairy when it comes to her knowledge about Passengers. In Egyptian mythology, the scarab was a symbol for immortality and cycle of rebirth. S9 just cloned themselves, creating this cycle of rebirth and resurrection. Scarab was referring at what S9 did to themselves
One of Rachel's dogs growled, long and loud, an alien, unsure sound.
The smell. Summer heat, the mingled scent of blood, shit and overripe bodies, with traces of other things in the wind. Caustic chemicals, ozone, smoke, burned flesh and plastic.
Welcome to Killington. Heart of the Green Mountains.
"They got the children too," Cozen whispered, as she averted her eyes from a mother who had died holding her child, both burned black. The only parts of their body that hadn't burned were patches of skin in the shapes of numbers. Two-fifty-four. Two-fifty-five.
Two of the Red Hands, Getaway and Rifle, had come along for the ride. They were sticking close by her, and formed a small contingent with Grue as a consequence. Getaway wore a cowl with a hood that peaked in the front, to the center of his mask. His costume had straight, clean lines, as though he'd modeled it after a car.
Of course they got children, I thought. I had to bite back a retort. Why was she here, if she wasn't ready for this?
But she wasn't a fighter. None of the Red Hands were, really. They were professional thieves. Break in, get out, sell the goods.
I glanced again at Cozen, saw her looking at me in turn. Catching me looking, really.
"What?" she asked.
This should be the most IRONIC NAME for a city I've ever heard. Killington. Killing+ to(w)n. No wonder why S9 Clones choose this town to proclaim their existence. Just look at its name. This should be a life lesson. Never name your town Killing if you don't want to have a band of cloned murderhobos with supernatural/alien powers as your unexpected guestsYou don't need to be here. You'll be happier in the long run if you aren't.
I led the way as our group rounded a corner, and saw the smouldering wreckage of the helicopter, smoke still streaming skyward.
The collision apparently hadn't been enough to topple the corpse that stood upright in the middle of the intersection, desiccated. A number was drawn on the mummy's chest in blood. Number thirty-six.
I could make out a tripwire strung between him and another corpse, a woman. She had apparently been shot execution style, propped upright on her knees. A number, again, had been drawn out in the midst of the blood spatter from the original wound. Number two-sixty-five.
The tripwire was almost obvious, coated in congealed blood.
Red string, I thought. In Japanese superstition, it was the string that bound lovers.
The pieces suggested Crimson and Winter. Neither was Japanese, but the idea of mingling romantic imagery with violence in that way fit them. The red knight and the soldier.
I pointed to indicate. "Obvious tripwire here. Covered in blood. Connects to the two bodies and… I think claymores, at the base of that building over there. There are other tripwires around it. Look too hard at it, miss the others. I think there's a pressure plate, too. I'm not sure what to call that."
I led the way around the trap. I left a trail of dead bugs behind us as we made our way to the center, murdering them with larger bugs and mashing them into the ground. A path.
We circled around eight teenage girls, sitting in a circle, crowns of splintered wood nailed through their skulls.
I looked up. Number eight sat on the bulb of a street light, a long dress blowing in the wind, directly above the circle. Her crown was the tallest, and for her to be so rigid, there had to be a whole assortment of planks nailed to her.
"Nine Kings," I said.
"They've resurrected all of the old members. Cloned them," Revel said.
This city is doomed"Got a live one!" Imp called out, interrupting my thoughts. "…Kind of alive."
I turned to look. A fat man was shifting in a restless way, his chest rising and falling quickly in unsteady movements. One arm jerked.
"Or a trap," I responded. "I doubt he's in a state to fill us in on anything. We'll move on, wait for heroes to follow the path I'm marking. They'll handle medical care for wounded."
"That's fucked up," Rifle said. "We could at least put him out of his misery, then."
"I'm not willing to get close enough to check," I said. "And I'm not willing foryou to get close either."
Then she stopped. The fat man deflated in an instant as a small collection of what looked like trilobites found their way out of his rear end. Slick with gore, they darted forward a short distance on their hundreds of little legs, then turned our way, bristling with spines. Tails trailed behind each of them, twice as long as the foot-long creatures, narrow, with stingers on the ends.
I could hear a hissing, but I wasn't sure if it was from the creatures or the way the spines rubbed against one another.
"Breed's power," I said. "They're mostly harmless, for now."
"For now," I answered Rifle. "They start off the size of a lemon, lurk in spots where they can get access to orifices or sites of injury, or like you see here, corpses. Inside beer bottles, in toilet bowls, bedcovers, on the underside of kitchen tables, even inside food. Then they burrow inside, wait until the target is still and quiet for an hour or two, paralyze the target, and emit pheromones to call others of their kind to them. They devour the target from the inside out, molt once or twice as they digest the fats and proteins they ate, then find a new target. It's a process that takes a week to two weeks, depending on the availability of food sources."
Breed's power is so cool in the most horrible way possible. He can create trilobites like creature than can grow as big as humans and kill their victims with flesh-melting acid. He's a Master, right? Really a horrible cool power for a Master who doesn't control humans. I'm very biased, I know, but most of the creepiest powers belong to Masters"They aren't a danger to us," I said. "Probably. They choose easier targets over harder ones, and there are enough corpses around here that we aren't worth the trouble. What we should worry about is the later stages. When they're about the size of a full-grown human being, they'll do two or three major molts with big physical changes, gaining some natural weapons, including a pellet-spit that kind of acts like a shotgun blast with fragments that dissolve into flesh-melting acid."
"Breed's creatures. Can you control them?" this from Revel, taking advantage of the stunned silence.
I glanced up at the body the things had invaded. I tailored my response so both Revel and the Undersiders could make sense of it. "I can't control those things, and I can't sense them either."
I wonder how they'd have promoted Breed's power if he was a hero instead of a serial murderer. His power wouldn't be such a hero power material especially in the eyes of the public. His power is worse than Weaver's power. Weaver can control butterflies too and everyone like butterflies, but Breed is limited only at summoning flesh eating trilobites. I'm imagining Protectorate Director of public image trying hard to make his power more attractive to the public. Something like:
-This is Breed, he's a hero, a Master, and his power is to...summon tiny little creatures with many tiny little legs. They're very cute and fluffy, I personally guarantee it. As defense, they bite villains with their adorable little fangs...❤
People from everywhere: Awwwwwwwwww ❤.
Weaver: I would like to add something. They're trilobites that like to burrow inside living people or corpses or even in your food until they're big enough to spit acid and dissolve your skin till bone...
Half of people from everywhere: Yuuuuuuuuuuck 🤮.
The other half: furiously write endless Breed's fanfics.
"I don't know. Yeah, if your instincts tell you to go, then get going now," I said. I pointed at the ground around a hose. There was a puddle that had spread beneath the hose's opening. My bugs had died on contact with it. "Acid, not water. Don't walk in it. Rachel, watch your dogs."
"You don't think we can hold it together?" Cozen asked.
"I'm spooked," Imp said. "Can I go home and sit on the couch in my underwear, eating cake? I'll cross my ingers for you guys, if you want."
"It's her project," Grue said. "My orders are to follow her orders."
I could see how little she liked that.
But she maintained a professional demeanor. "Accepted. You realize we don't have to follow your orders?"
Grue nodded, silent.
"Everything Jack does is for effect. The same way a dog sort of raises its hackles to look bigger, tougher, or the way we used our reputation to seem more unstoppable than we were, Jack keys his actions for psychological effect. All of this is to scare, to drive us to hesitate when it comes to confronting him, push us to think of ways to avoid dealing with him instead of ways to catch up to him and beat his face in. Or, conversely, some personality types might get pushed to be reckless, to deal with him so he couldn't bother them anymore."
There was a voice from beneath the other tarp. A strangled scream.
"What was that?"
"A recording," I lied. Then I elaborated. "It's a trap. Two tarps, have to guess the right one. Guess the wrong one and you blow up. This one. Move the tarp."
"The tape's already in the machine, you can hit play to start it," the man sitting at the edge of the stairs said.
"Wait, Weaver, stop. Who was that?" Revel asked.
"Who?" I asked. "What do you mean?"
"Look to your right."
I doubt that Cozen can't hold herself together as you suggest, Weaver. So far, she's holding together pretty well"Here," the man said. "Let me get that for you."
"He's dangerous," Revel said.
I shook my head a little, releasing the man's wrist. "I appreciate the offer, sir, but let's be safe and make sure this isn't a trap."
I don't trust the unknown guy who offered to help them. He must be a S9 member. Weird that Revel is the only one who believe that he's dangerous, everyone else have no problem with him, except for Weaver who's worried that he might be hurt by a trap. Revel talks with them through communications and she's aware that something about him in not right so his power doesn't affect the communications. Does he have the power to make people believe that he's harmless? That would be a very SCARY power for a S9 member to have. Imagine this guy being like the perfect killer, someone like Imp, but instead making himself unnoticeable, he wins people's trust. Imagine his poor victims being killed by someone they TRUST. This is the definition of the PURE HORROR, more horror than whatever Breed is doing with his trilobites pets
"Tattletale?" Revel asked. "Damn all of you. It doesn't matter. Listen, Taylor, Master and Stranger protocols are in effect. Your perceptions are altered, understand?"
I felt my heart quicken a little at that. "I understand."
"There is a person to your right. Not a teammate, former or current. I need you to kill that person, don't ask why, don't think too much about it. Draw your knife."
"I got this. Taylor, do me a favor, give the order to 'go dark'."
"Go dark," I said.
To my left, Grue surrounded himself in thick darkness.
A spray of blood leaped from the man's throat. We each stepped away, and I hurried forward to stop Rachel from backing into the other tarp. We watched in stunned silence as blood poured from the wound.
Ok, I was right about this power of this FUCKER. He's a Master and Stranger. He can make people believe that he's harmless and NICE. He calls himself Nice Guy, after all. He's the kind of guy who will smile nicely, with convince you to become his friend then will kill you with the POWER OF FRIENDSHIPImp appeared as she booted the bleeding man in the small of the back. He rolled down the stairs, leaving spatters and sprays of blood as he made his way down, and then collapsed in a pile of bodies. He started screaming, a gurgling sound.
Nice Guy, I thought. I'd badly underestimated the severity of his power. I'd known he would be in their roster, had kept it in mind throughout, even told myself to be ready for him, and then the moment we ran into him, well, he was another face in the crowd. The connection wasn't possible.
"Thank you, Tattletale," Revel said.
"All good."
I so hate this guy's power "deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep sighs"
"What was he going to do?" Golem asked.
"Probably ask you all to stand there and stay still while he murdered each of you in turn," Tattletale said.
"Yay us," Imp said.
She got more powerful, I thought. She'd been able to speak while using her power. Nuances.
"Press play."
I hit the button.
"This message is intended for Theodore Anders. Kaiser's son. Stop the video here and go find him. Time is of the essence, I should say. How muchessence and time you have available depends on how incompetent you heroes are. Hurry now, I'll wait."
There was a pause, then Jack started speaking. "You missed the deadline, Theodore. Simple game of hide and seek, and you had two years to do it, to find and kill me. You failed."
"That pain you feel, that self loathing? The fear and dawning realization of what you've done? Capture that, Theodore Anders. Hold on to that feeling and use it, because I'm pulling your leg."
"If you fail to kill me, I disband the Nine."
"What?" Imp asked. "What?"
I frowned. Not what I expected.
"No. They're obedient and servile only when I require them to be. If you fail in your task, then I'll give them one last task, to kill the one thousand people we agreed to in the terms of our wager, and then I'll disband the group. They'll be free to run rampant, to do as they see fit. Wreak chaos. I'll take a vacation, sit back with a Mai Tai and watch the show."
"Fuck me," Tattletale said.
"Fuck," I echoed her, agreeing.
Well, fuck, Jack is not original at all. He copies famous fictional or real serial killers 😡. Jack the Ripper, Joker, now Jigsaw (setting traps, leaving video messages for his victims), this man have zero imagination, despite his brilliance. Disappointing "shakes her head". Jack, you're very smart, you hate to get bored, you love originality then...why the fuck you don't try to be original and create your own style instead of stealing other monsters' personal style?
I think is not such a bad idea to disband S9. Jack thinks that they'll be more savage if they'll be on their own but I don't think he's right. If they work alone, they'll be easily located (by Dragon who have eyes everywhere) and get killed. Yes, they'll kill probably tons of people, but acting under Jack's control make them more dangerous. If they're not coordinated by Jack's evil brilliance, most of them are just dumb brutes who can be easily eliminated. Jack is either very sure that his team can handle themselves if left alone -clearly a mistake to have such an overconfidence in his people (who, let's be honest, are not very bright- most of them
"Five days, Theodore. Noon on the twenty-fourth. I look forward to meeting you."
"The restrictions stand," I agreed. I explained for the benefit of the others. "We treat this as a Simurgh situation. Control feedback, control exposure. Anyone and everyone that potentially comes in contact with Jack could be a factor in Dinah's end of the world scenario. Powerful individuals are especially important in this. The more powerful they are, the more important it is to minimize or prevent contact."
"But what about the nearly-three-hundred lunatic psycho people with crazy powers that he's threatening to unleash on the world?"
"We'll deal with them," I said. "With your okay, Chevalier?"
He fell silent.
Chevalier is too precious for this world ❤. He trusts Weaver, despite her not being exactly a goody-two shoes hero and he offers her his help. I'd fucking RIOT if Chevalier will die. He's one of the heroes that should survive no matter what. Well, surviving against all the odds is not something new for him. He already survived to two huge fuckers, Perdition and Behemoth, he WILL survive to these huge fuckers too"Chicago and Brockton Bay teams."
"I was going to say-"
"Work with me here, and if we're all standing at the end, I'm yours. Whatever you want to use me for, however, it doesn't matter. If this blows over and the end of the world doesn't happen, like some think it won't, then the deal stands."
"Whatever you need," Chevalier said. "You realize we're pinning a lot on you?"
"On Golem more than me," I said. "We're going to cheat our way through this, bend every rule, but it all hinges on Golem being able to hold his own."
Golem turned around and walked away.
"Golem," I said.
"takes a deep breath" Nice Guy's power is now in my top 3 of most hated powers. The first one is Mannequin's power (precisely how evil Alan decided to use his power as Mannequin), then Nice Guy's power then Heartbreaker's power. All these powers are related to my main fears: fear of mannequins, fear of being betrayed by people I trust and fear for being controlled by people
He was already halfway down the stairs. He used the panels at his waist to form an even footpath, with hands turned at right angles, positioned where he could put his feet on them.
"Golem!" I called out. I handed my phone to Grue, then hurried after him.
"You care about the people who died, and you're thinking about them that way for a good reason. That's not putting you on a path to being like either of them."
"I hear you guys talking about it, and you're right there, in your element. This is something that you've been working on for a long time, and there's almost an excitement to you. Like you've been in a kind of stasis for the entire time I've known you, and only now are you really coming back to life."
"It's not like that," I said.
"You're his nemesis, Weaver. I'm the reason he's here, the reason these people died like this. But you're his counterpart, his mirror. You've got that same excitement Jack has, you think along the same lines, in strategy and counter-strategy. You thrive on conflict, just like he does. And I… I'm not like that."
I definitely agree with Golem. He reads Weaver so good, he's 100% right about her"You're not to blame for them," I said. "The Nine would have killed anyways."
"I know. I get that. But I played a part in the sequence of events, and maybethese people wouldn't have been the ones to die if I hadn't made that wager with Jack… and I guess I think everyone else that cares has better things to do. You trained me, the others trained me. I- I guess I'm as ready as I could ever be. I'll fight when the time comes, wade through the gauntlet he sets in his wake and I'll succeed or fail. But I'm not a strategist, and these people need someone to mourn them. Let me be useful in my own way, right here, right now."
I couldn't articulate my thoughts.
-they're both social darwinists, believing in survival of the fitest and the superiority of the strong over the weak. But with a difference: Jack wants to eliminate all the weak people so only the strong will survive (as he personally said), Taylor wants to protect the weak thinking that they can't protect themselves (see her reactions around Parian, Cuff, even Cozen -isn't only jealousy but also a natural need to protect Cozen). Since I'm a huge Homestuck trash, if Jack and Taylor were trolls, Taylor would be a beforus highblood troll (protect the weak trolls) and Jack would be an alternian hightblood troll (cull the weak trolls)
-they're both pretty cold utilitarianists but with another difference. Jack is ready to sacrifice anything for the greater good of HIMSELF. Taylor is ready to sacrifice anything for the greater good of other people.
-they both have brilliant minds and are excellent strategists.
-All in all, Taylor is the heroic Jack and Jack is the monster Taylor. The mirror images of what each other could have been if they were to choose different ways.
This Arc is already pretty good
Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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