It's not the reader he was annoyed by. It was commenters who constantly worked to spoil future events either by saying or by commenting in a way that makes you think a chapter will be particularly messed up. For instance if before you met the 9 people had constantly commented to be prepared or tick tock then you would go into that chapter differently than if no one said anything.
It's not the reader he was annoyed by. It was commenters who constantly worked to spoil future events either by saying or by commenting in a way that makes you think a chapter will be particularly messed up. For instance if before you met the 9 people had constantly commented to be prepared or tick tock then you would go into that chapter differently than if no one said anything.
My problem is that I don't know anymore what to say about Amy without feeling like I'm making people uncomfortable. Yes, I never cared about people opinions about my person but I always cared about not making people uncomfortable. If Amelia will ever be released from Birdcage and she'll start to do good and I'll praise her then how other people will react toward my admiration for her? They hate her, they know that she'll become evil in the future, they know MORE than me. Knowing that they know more about her than me and they feel uncomfortable seeing how much I like her make me feel not very ok. I'm also very suspicious (I read Carol Interlude again) that she not only mentally raped Victoria but physically as well making her nothing but a horrible rapist. But I'm not sure, all I have is some clue that she probably did something else to Victoria's body other than turning her into a blob of limbs and heads, between the time when she started to "heal" her and when Carol found them. There are some clues, nothing certain but seeing how much people hate her I wonder if Amelia really did one of the worst crimes someone can do (mental rape is bad enough anyway) .
How can I praise her former actions: cure agnosia plague, create Atlas and heal so many people, and future actions: probably help to stop the end of the world, if the seeds of Amelia being a sick rapist was planted in my head? This and I'll feel like so many people will be disappointed (I'm a very subjective and emotional person, I always say what I have in my mind about characters and I really don't know what to say about Amelia without disappointing my lovely readers and without disappointing myself ).
I like Amelia but the suspicion and uncertainty about her actions towards Victoria make me just as uncomfortable for liking her as some people are feeling after seeing me liking her.
1) Ambassadors: Citrine- I like her dress and her personality, but mostly her dress
2) Adepts: Thirteenth Hour -she's badass
3) Birdcage: Marquis
4) Bitch's puppies: Bastard -badass puppy
5) Irregulars: Weld- my fictional shining boyfriend
6) Cauldron: Contessa- her power is OP as hell but pure badassery
7) Dragonslayers -No one
8) Endbringers: Simurgh -the voices in my head told me to choose her, believe me 🎶
9) Fallen -No one
10) Faultline's Crew: Gregor the Snail -I have a soft spot for snails
11) Haven: Rosary- her power is so beautiful
12) Brockton Bay Wards: Missy- I like everything about her
13) Chicago Wards: Tecton
14) Vegas Wards: No one
15) Triumvirate: Legend -but he'll never be my boyfriend
16) Protectorate heroes: Chevalier- but this one can be my boyfriend
17) Protectorate non-parahumans: Armstrong
18) S9: My body and my mind are always ready for Bonesaw- well, not exactly my body
19) Travelers: Love Marissa with the force of thousands of SUNS
21) Yangban: NO ONE
22) MY FAVORITE CHARACTER OVERALL: LISAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -Lisa is the Worm-verse constant, she's always my favorite ❤
23) Non PRT non-parahumans: Danny- the best father
24) Topsy's Gang: Mockshow
22) MY FAVORITE CHARACTER OVERALL: LISAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -Lisa is the Worm-verse constant, she's always my favorite ❤
23) Non PRT non-parahumans: Danny- the best father
These two points could land you in trouble with some of Worm's more vocal fans, particularly the people in fanfiction writing. Be careful where and to whom you express this.
These two points could land you in trouble with some of Worm's more vocal fans, particularly the people in fanfiction writing. Be careful where and to whom you express this.
I really don't care if people doesn't like Lisa and Danny. I love them so much and I'll fight with everyone who'll try to tell me to stop loving them ❤ . Danny is the best father and Lisa is the best Undersider/villain with a heart of gold/loyal best friend/character.
My best friend told me that Lisa is superpopular in fanfictions too. There are a lot of Taylor/Lisa fanfics (shipping them as friends or girlfriends).
I'm puzzled that people doesn't like Danny so much. In an ocean of evil and abusive parents, Danny is one of the few doting and truly loving parents. Yes, he made his mistakes towards Taylor but Taylor also made her mistakes towards him so they're balanced .
Mockshow's power is more similar with Parian's power than with Bitch's power, Weaver, and is easy to see why. Bitch's power allows her to mutate dogs into loyal minions (but they're not exactly controlled by her, they should be trained first), Parian's power allows her to directly control animals and creatures created from textile in the same manner Mockshow is doing with trucks and garage door. So, Mockshow is more like Parian powerwise than Bitch, you have to do your homework about powers, Weaver, you're too much behind .
I think you might be misinterpreting what Taylor means here; she's referring to the functionality, while you're referring to the mechanics of the power.
Mockshow's power creates ride-able, quadrupedal minions that hit hard and can take a lot of damage, like Bitch; this is the sort of information that is useful to know when fighting her.
Parian's power is actually a lot more versatile in how it can be used, with her "minion creation" being one very specific focus of that power but she does have other options. A comparison to Parian would imply that Mockshow is capable of a great deal more than she actually is.
(or also, personality and tactics-wise, Mockshow is a much better fit for Rachel than Sabah which is something that Taylor might have noticed, consciously or not)
For example, if you're fighting someone who bought a Tinker made weapon that shoots bullets made of fire, you'd be better off basing your expectations off Miss Militia or Coil/Lisa's mercenaries than Sundancer, despite the latter being about fire manipulation.
Appears like Mockshow can't decided what is good for her . Well, Weaver gave you this chance. You'll not get another chance if you turn your back to this opportunity. Its your choice, kid. You still have some time to make up your mind.
As for this part, it's pretty simple really; Mockshow is a teenager who probably just wanted to have fun a stretch her new power; Taylor here is the authority figure who got in the way, put her in time-out and is now lecturing her about life and big picture things that she's never had to think about.
It's not like she tried to attack Taylor or anything;it's just one of those petty, immature things where someone wants to get one last insult in.
I'm puzzled that people doesn't like Danny so much. In an ocean of evil and abusive parents, Danny is one of the few doting and truly loving parents. Yes, he made his mistakes towards Taylor but Taylor also made her mistakes towards him so they're balanced .
I'm just going to make a quick note about your most recent post, specifically on the parts that Mockshow:
I think you might be misinterpreting what Taylor means here; she's referring to the functionality, while you're referring to the mechanics of the power.
Mockshow's power creates ride-able, quadrupedal minions that hit hard and can take a lot of damage, like Bitch; this is the sort of information that is useful to know when fighting her.
Parian's power is actually a lot more versatile in how it can be used, with her "minion creation" being one very specific focus of that power but she does have other options. A comparison to Parian would imply that Mockshow is capable of a great deal more than she actually is.
(or also, personality and tactics-wise, Mockshow is a much better fit for Rachel than Sabah which is something that Taylor might have noticed, consciously or not)
For example, if you're fighting someone who bought a Tinker made weapon that shoots bullets made of fire, you'd be better off basing your expectations off Miss Militia or Coil/Lisa's mercenaries than Sundancer, despite the latter being about fire manipulation.
As for this part, it's pretty simple really; Mockshow is a teenager who probably just wanted to have fun a stretch her new power; Taylor here is the authority figure who got in the way, put her in time-out and is now lecturing her about life and big picture things that she's never had to think about.
It's not like she tried to attack Taylor or anything;it's just one of those petty, immature things where someone wants to get one last insult in.
Well, I don't pay attention to all the details- too many, sometimes not so easy to notice or understand, etc (I also have the excuse of reading the Chapters for the first time) and I want to thank you for clarifying Mockshow's situation. Taylor studied powers+ she have an alien attached to her brain that probably help her understand powers better than mundane people so I'll never DARE to doubt about her knowledge anymore .
I want Mockshow to accept Taylor's proposal and become a hero. Her power is pretty fun (one of the very few Master powers I like) and she's a lost kid deserving a second chance at a better life.
Thank you for not spoiling anything about Amelia. I'm grateful .
Hello, my dear friends. First, thank you so much for not spoiling me (too much) about Amelia and allow me the surprise to find out how bad she's in reality . Well, I re-read Carol Interlude and before that- when Tattletale almost begged Amelia to fix the mind fuckery she did to Victoria but Amelia refused to listen and Tattletale warned her that the things between them (Amelia and Victoria) will go worse if Amelia doesn't stop her mind rape. Tattletale can't see the future but she was reading Amelia like an open book. I understand that Amelia could have healed Victoria but she didn't want . There's also a certain long time between Amelia taking Victoria with her and Carol discovering (thanks to Lisa) Broken Victoria, time when....Amelia could have done something really horrible to her sister . Before becoming Broken Victoria, Victoria looked pretty normal, only trapped in a fleshy coffin-cocoon thing but after Carol found her, she was a mess of limbs and heads. I think that Amelia did some pretty awful things to Victoria in this time, basically...yes, I'm thinking at the worse, like physically using her as....her sex doll . Gosh, I hope I'm wrong because that would be the worst thing a hero will do in Worm (cause Panacea is a hero, right?), worse than anything what Alexandria did, for example. Basically, Amelia became a Schrodinger character. Right now she's trapped in Birdcage a closet box and all we know that there are two possibilities with her: either she's a victim and there are nothing but false flags about what she could have possible done to Victoria other than mind raping and accidentally turning her into a blob of limbs or she's nothing but a disgusting rapist who refuse to fix her fuck up not because she can't remember how, but because she never actually want to undo the illusion that Victoria loves her and agree with her abuse . In the box, she's both. Outside the box, she can be one or another. I'm afraid to continue to like her because I don't know for certain what kind of MONSTER exists within her.
Just don't spoil anything about this Schrodinger character. ANYTHING. I want to have the pleasure/displeasure to open the box myself and discover the victim or the monster inside. I don't need additional help, thank you, isn't a very hard to be opened box.
Alright, back to a new Chapter. Waver smacking villains, Waver trying to recruit villains in her army of future heroes ready to fight against S9 Clones, Weaver behaving exactly how her bosses doesn't want her to behave, Weaver being awesome and wild and unstoppable like she was when she was Skitter, only less "Eww, bugs in my mouth; Ouch, bugs in my eyes; FUCK MY LIFE, bugs in my ears; "cries" Now I'm an eunuch...." Scarab 25.4
I seriously debated pressing nine. I felt like this was a nine.
"This is James, receiving a call for Mr. Chambers."
Being in front of millions of people was minor. It wasn't that I hadn't had appearances before, but most had been without my knowledge. The unveiling of 'Weaver' was a good example of how tongue-tied I was liable to get.
"What do I do? How do I approach this?"
"I'd tell you to just be yourself, but that's a terrible idea. Be yourself as you normally are with the Wards. Be the teenager, the friend. Play up the fact that you're a group, that there's camaraderie. Build a relationship with the audience by sharing things they probably don't know. Nothing sensitive."
I wondered if the dildo prank that the Wards had initiated me with would qualify as sensitive.
Weaver is going to be TV STAR. This is something that I didn't expect to see in this Chapter. Poor Weaver, this is worse than everything she went through so far. She pretends that is a minor thing for her but I'm sure that she's shaking on the inside. Knowing the she should convince people that she's a good person now, a hero, and all the stuff they saw her doing in the leaked video was actually for heroic purposes, is something so hard that I'll rather see her trying to fight Simurgh than keeping a good and convincing discourse at TV . Yes, she was pretty good at convincing Arcadia Highschool's kids to follow her and stop Dragon and Defiant from arresting her, but there were kids that she and Undersiders helped, made their lives better and they're grateful to this group of benevolent villains. I doubt that most of people watching TV will be people grateful to Taylor and Undersiders for helping them but I think that they'll understand what Weaver personifies: that sometimes....SOMETIMES, the second chance given to a villain (now depends of which villain) is not the wrong choice to make. Yes, Taylor was more like a benevolent villain than an actual villain but seeing her switching sides will give people hope that some "evil" people can turn good and humanity is not a plague for itself. Hope is good, hope is always good . For example, I'm very hopeful that this story will have a bittersweet ending. Bitter because Taylor will probably commit the supreme sacrifice to save as many people as she can (but there will still be people who'll die) and sweet because the humanity- at large- will survive against all odds. We, humans, are survivors, first of all, doesn't matter if we're weak or strong or smart or stupid (well, not very stupid because we know what happen with people too stupid to live ), we're survivors and we can fight until our very end. We never give up.
Man, I'm more tensed than Taylor and her new heroes friends are. Their bosses expect her to fail, just like they expected when she captured Topsy Popsy Mopsy and his mooks. I'm not sure what will happen but I want her to be victorious and show her bosses a beautiful middle finger that they'll never forget. They want her to fail? Why not have them fail in her place ?
"Wards!" A woman called out. "All together. Hurry up now. You're on in two minutes."
Like a kindergarten teacher herding students around.
Grace's costume was light, in contrast to the dark of Wanton's. Her new costume was white cloth, almost a martial artist's outfit, but designed to offer more coverage. Reinforced pads were situated at every striking point, complete with studs to offer more traction and focused impacts. There wasn't a single hair out of place beneath her combination headband, hairband and mask. She had glossy, wavy locks I was a little jealous of, and a trace of lipstick.
Cuff seemed to be in the same department as Grace. She'd done herself up, with a more ornate braid to her hair, and had altered her costume a fraction, to allow for more decorative tailoring at the ends of each panel and the nose of her visor. Slivers of skin were visible between some slats of armor at the upper arms and collarbone. Of everyone here, she seemed the most excited. She couldn't sit still, but she was smiling, and it was a genuine expression.
That left Annex and Golem. Golem was uncomfortable, and I couldn't blame him. Like me, he had details he'd want to hide. His family, his background, the fact that he was in foster care. His costume, too, was a work in progress. It was a resource for him, and maximizing that resource often set him back in the appearance department. Annex, by contrast, had settled into a 'look'. It was plain, intentionally so. The white cloak was form-fitting, with ribs to keep the fabric straight and close to his body so it was easier and quicker to absorb.
We sat down. Tecton, Grace, Wanton, me, Annex, Cuff and Golem, in that order. The music died as we took our seats, opposite the three hosts. An adult man, African-American by the looks of it, a woman with peroxide blond hair and a girl who could have been her daughter, a brunette who bordered on overweight, with a winning smile and an overly generous chest.
"Welcome back to Mornings with O, J and Koffi," the woman said. "School's out for the day and we've got the Chicago Wards here for breakfast. Good morning, guys."
"We can thank Weaver for that. Any cloth you see is spider silk," Tecton said.
"Spider silk, wow!" This from the blonde woman.
"We had a giant Japanese crab on the show just a month ago, I think. Jo had to leave the stage," Koffi said.
"I think she's a little nervous with Weaver here."
Oh hell, I thought. It was all so fake. Fake responses, fake conversation. The personalities, the way they were over-talking, it was like they'd taken everything that irritated me and condensed it into this, and situated it all in front of countless viewers so I couldn't even respond the way I wanted to.
I know this sublime shit. I watched enough stupid TV shows to know about the whole sublime shit beneath these fake smiles and ridiculous jokes. You want to humiliate these young heroes, especially Weaver, and show them in a bad light. You want Weaver to become so pissed so she'll make a bad move and you'll have a reason to Birdcage her. This is like a test, push her to her limits and see how she'll react. She already have antecedents, another attack or murder will be like a nail to her coffin. Please, no matter what they'll say, you have to control yourself and not let your anger talk instead of your reason. Never lead to good results .
Poor Golem, after this show he will be like:
"I don't dislike you, Weaver," Jo said. "It's bugs I don't like. I'm not nervous."
"Thank you. Good," I said. Then, in an attempt to recover the clumsy sentence, I added, "I'm glad."
"Except for Weaver," Wanton said.
Both Tecton and I shot him a look, and then I remembered that there were eyes on me. There was a reaction from the audience. Light laughter.
"What do you mean?" Jo asked.
"Wanton has been poking fun at Weaver about how she doesn't go out or maintain any hobbies," Tecton explained. "Which isn't entirely fair. My apologies to Weaver bringing this up, but it's not a secret that she's on house arrest. She's on probation, and so she's limited in what she can do."
Still, I said, "Clockblocker too. I wasn't actually attending school, though. It was a couple of unlucky circumstances that put me there, and… yeah. At that point in time, I'd wanted to focus on taking care of my part of the city."
"That's interesting, isn't it?" O asked. "You were a criminal overlord. How were you even qualified for that?"
"A long, bumpy road, and it's brought you here," O said.
"With the Chicago Wards," I said, in a vain hope to turn the conversation away from me.
You're not the only one pissed off because of these caricatures of people, Weaver. They piss me off too, if not more than you. Jo and O act like insufferable bimbos, Koffi is a little more pleasant, but he's still the bimbos' accomplice and I'm starting to become less and less tolerant towards their behavior (I know they paid to act like this but its getting out of hand). They're making fun of some people who did more heroic stuff in a couple of years than they'll do in few thousands of reincarnations . People making fun on the expense of the ones whose job is to risk their lives to save other lives is something that I really, truly, absolute dislike. You know what? I like this Arc in general, but there are already two scenes that make me want to puke my brains out. The scene where the big directors chewed Weaver alive (why 99% of PRT directors have to be either huge assholes or sociopathic monsters? The only decent directors so far are Armstrong and Piggot- and to say that Piggot was a decent director in comparison with almost everyone else is something that should be considered a worrying factor. PRT's leadership is like a very smelling trash. I can smell it through the screen) and this scene when two bimbos and an ass are chewing Weaver and her team in front of millions of viewers. I almost wish for a villain/Endbringer's attack to happen only to not be forced to watch this shit anymore .
Are you excited, bitchy Jo? Would you like me to LAUGH on your expense? Wow, Jo, you're afraid of a poor, innocent japanese giant crab "insert laugh track ", wow, Jo, you don't like speder silk costumes "insert laugh track ", wow, you're a blonde, Jo, and..."can't insert any blonde jokes here because some of the smartest girls in this universe are blondes- I can imagine Lisa smiling her vulpine smile and Bonesaw just grinning at my remark".
Please, Simurgh, can't you attack another plane or something ? (I'm very ashamed of myself for saying this)....Just put an end to my suffering, please.
"I'm really excited," Tecton said.
The response caught me off guard. Was he lying for the sake of appearances or was it honest? How could someone be excited when the end of the world was nigh? Did he not believe it was coming?
Whatever the answer was, I felt oddly disappointed in him.
Cuff shifted in her seat, and metal scraped against the metal of the chair's footrest with a high-pitched noise.
Well, nothing unusual seeing Tecton being excited because the world will end soon. There's actually an explanation about his behavior. HE'S A FUCKING TINKER . Tinkers are usually nuts, starting with Defiant's half craziness (nothing will convince me that Defiant is not half-crazy) and ending with FUCK-SCALE of Bonesaw craziness. Right now, Tecton is like...3 or 4 on the scale of Tinker craziness so...they're are fucking Tinkers, Weaver, mad scientists, genial idiots or whatever you want to call them. Just don't be disappointed in Tecton. He's a guy with a large heart even if he doesn't appear like this all the time. Or maybe he makes fun of bimbo Jo's stupid question. I mean, come on, how you can ask someone if they're excited because they might die in 2 years? Jo....JO........JOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Worm AU where Undersiders are Tinkers too besides their canon Classifications: Rachel: Look what I did. I'm not good at explaining science stuff, but you're smarter than me and you'll understand. This vial that I created turn humans into human-dogs hybrids. I don't need to train dogs anymore, the doggo hybrids are instantly loyal to me, they love me. They will love you too. Good doggos 🐶. Lisa: Not impressive compared with my Celebro like machine that I use to detect every secret that every human being on this planet is keeping and hiding from me. Yes, I have billions of voices in my head, its tiring, but every single secret is exposed to me like an open book. It worth it. Brian: You two are kids. My darkness generator machine can disable any technology used by PRT and other Tinkers. We're going to be a legend among villains. Everyone will fear and listen us. Taylor coming crashing through the window, riding the biggest bug ever- bigger than 3 Atlas stitched together: Yes, I developed my Master ability to control bugs through Tinkering so much that now I can officially control and bring to me bugs from other Earths and even alien planets. Listen, there are bugs bigger than the one that I'm currently riding. Some of them can shoot lasers from their eyes, look outside... Lisa: The whole city is burning. What the hell, Taylor? Taylor: Oh, no, I destroyed another city. Again. My fault, everything is my fault, sorry.
Suddenly, all of them hear a voice in their heads: Guys, bro, I wanted to make my power more controllable and I experimented on myself. I turned myself into a disembodied voice. How can I get my body back? Don't you fucking dare to ignore me, assholes. I'm going to torment you for years if you don't help me right now.
Conclusion: Tinker Undersiders will be scary as hell .
O leaned forward. "It's fine. Let's hear from some of the others. Wanton, your thoughts? Are the changes good?"
"The changes are good. I give Weaver a hard time, but she really kept us alive."
"She did, by the looks of what happened in that video," O said.
Bringing the conversation back to me. Again.
"Grace?" she asked. "Thoughts on your team member?"
"If you told me way back on the first time we met that I'd come to respect her, I'd have been surprised."
Jo looked at me. "Does that bother you?"
"It feels weird to think of myself as a hero," Cuff said. "I'm… I don't think I'll ever be one of the big heroes. I'm not a cape at heart. Fighting isn't in my personality, and I got powers like this."
I wasn't sure I'd have been able to say the same about Cuff, but my standards might have been higher. She'd always done the job, but there was a reticence to her that wasn't going away. Three months ago, in our first real conflict outside of fighting Behemoth, she'd needed a push to carry out an offensive. Four days ago, in Milwaukee, she'd needed that same coaxing.
Cuff was competent. She had her strengths, and was stellar in some narrow cases. At the same time, I still worried if a moment's hesitation on her part would get one of us hurt somewhere down the road.
"Everything Tecton has been saying about Cuff is true for Golem," I said. "If he's getting praise from the heroes, he deserves it. He's a classic hero at heart."
"A classic hero?" Koffi asked.
"He's like Tecton. Grace and Annex are too, to a lesser degree. He's genuinely good-natured and kind. When everything starts falling apart, he's still there, naturally courageous."
30% watchers will instantly love Weaver and her teammates for being such shy, adorable and excited about the end of the world, 10% will not give a flying fuck about the whole debate and the rest of 60% will furiously write fanfics about Theo and Taylor until their hands will dry and fall . I know people better than PRT pretends to know. Hmmm. A name for this ship? What about Stone Bugs? Yep, this is how it works. Cuff is pure gold. I don't like how Weaver is putting her down in her internal monologue. Yes, this girl might not be a badass and fearless fighter, but she have a big heart, she wants to help and be a hero. Not all the heroes are natural born fighters and almost immune to pain and fear, Weaver, some of them are normal people. Have some faith in this girl, maybe she'll impress later when she'll learn to fight better with her powers .
I'm torn between Fireflies (Brian and Taylor) and Stone Bugs (Theo and Taylor). I still ship Brian and Taylor even if there are very little chances that they'll ever be together now that they're on different sides of the law. But Taylor was never a real girlfriend for Brian (dating and sleeping together doesn't necessarily make two people real lovers), she wasn't as supportive to him as he needed, she wasn't close to him in terms of emotional support so...I think that Brian deserves a real girlfriend now that Taylor moved away from his life. On the other hand, I like her relationship with Theo more . They're not lovers yet, but they have a pretty good chemistry- the shy, kind boy who want to learn to become a badass in order to kill a mass murderer and the badass girl who want to help him to become the badass he wants and need to become. She's more supportive to him than she was to her ex-boyfriend. Maybe she started to become more soft, like Alec said or Theo doesn't carry a heavy bag of trauma and is more easy to be handled by someone like Taylor.
"You had a thing going on with Grue," Wanton chimed in.
"And this is the third time you've turned the conversation awkwardly back to me," I retorted.
He gave me a sheepish grin.
"A tender moment on the battlefield," O said. "I think a lot of people were surprised."
It was a personal moment, I thought. If I harbored any ill will towards Glenn, it was for that. He'd deleted sound or video where it gave up identifying details, like the nature of Cuff's injury. He hadn't erased the scene with the woman in the suit, but the reception hadn't held up that deep underground, so there was no need. He'd also been kind enough to erase the scene where Imp had promised to get revenge on Heartbreaker. The villain hadn't been notified of her plan.
"I was a villain for three months," I said. "Maybe I'd like to think I was a little bit heroic as a villain, and I'm a little bit villainous as a hero. But I'm working on that last part."
Grace stepped up to my defense. "She said a little. She fought the Slaughterhouse Nine. She helped the people in her district."
"That actually sounds impressive," Jo said. "If that's a little, then I wonder what being a little bit of a villain nowadays is like."
Jo, look, you have your mouth filled with bees. Isn't impressive ? There are worms wriggling in your empty brains. Fucking amazing ! I don't know how someone can be a little bit of a villain but you'll make a pretty good villain. Its enough for you to talk for few seconds and you'll drive people to suicide. Man, its like she have a superpower. Not only that she makes all these heroes uncomfortable, she makes me uncomfortable too. I'm aware that she's doing it for money, but one must be cruel to humiliate young heroes for a fist of money. Disgusting. I don't know, man, but director West was a little more tolerable than this bimbo. She's like the new level of super-annoying person in this Arc. Simurgh, can't you rip the roof and throw the entirely of it in the hosts' heads? A group of Chicago heroes will be grateful to you .
Grace and Cuff are almost complete opposite. Grace is the type of tomboy and she's not afraid to cuss, Cuff is the polite girly girl of the team. Thank you for defending Weaver, Grace. You're a good teammate. I also think that Cuff and Theo will make a better couple than Theo with Taylor. They have more in common than they'd like to admit .
A series of beeps, not even a half-second apart, interrupted all of us. Our phones?
I was still drawing my cell from my belt when I saw a commotion backstage. People who'd been standing still were running now, talking into headphones.
My cell phone screen was surrounded by a thick yellow border. A text was displayed in the middle.
The camera was shaking, and the view on the screen reacted in kind.
Dust rose in clouds, billowing, until they obscured the camera's view.
The audience was reacting. Moans, cries of alarm and despair. They knew what was going on.
"Please be the Simurgh," Cuff said, her voice small. Grace put an arm around Cuff's shoulders.
It stood somewhere between Leviathan and Behemoth in height, if I ballparked by the number of stories in the adjacent buildings. I waited patiently for the view to clear, revealing more details. Clues, as if there was a solution to what we faced here.
I pegged him as a he before I saw too much else. He was broad, a Buddha in physique, if more feral in appearance. He was as black as night, with something white or silver giving definition around the edges of his various features. He didn't wear clothes, but he had features somewhere between leaves and fins, with elaborate designs at the edges, curling away from elbows, his wrist, his fingers and around his legs. It made his fingers and toes into claws, and left dangerous looking blades elsewhere. His face was a permanent snarl, frozen in place, his teeth silvery white behind the ebon lips. Tendrils like the whiskers of a catfish marked the corners of his mouth.
All across the exterior of his body, there were gaps, like the gills of a fish, and that brilliant white or silver glimmered from beneath, a stark contrast to the absolute black that marked the rest of him. It made me think of a tiger. And at the center of it all, quite literally, there was a perfect sphere of that same material, a marble or a crystal ball, his body perched on the upper half and his legs attached to the lower half.
"They're trapped," Golem said. "He's manipulating time in there and they're trapped."
Golem was right. How many days were they experiencing in there, with only the food they had on hand? Was water reaching them? There didn't seem to be power.
He left his power where it was. The glass on the building's exterior cracked. Cracks ran along and through the other material, in the street and at the edges of the structure. It leaned, then toppled, and the destruction was contained inside the effect.
Wanton spoke, almost hesitant. "Is that- doesn't that remind anyone of-"
"Yes," Grace said. "The barrier, the time manipulation. It's similar."
My wish just came true. A brand new Endbringer suddenly attacking Japan. An Endbringer with time powers (the second powers I hate right after Mastering humans powers) coming and wrenching shit right when Jo was ready to humiliate the heroes even more. Well, between watching an Endbribger killing countless of innocents and not listening to Jo anymore and watching Jo talking...I think I will choose the first one, you know, I have my priorities in the right order .
"voice of conscience mentally slap her" You can't talk like this. He's going to kill so many people.
Me: Not now, conscience, wait until I'll finish this liveblog, ok?
So, he have a protective forcefield and time powers and Grace noticed that his powers are very similar with the powers used in their last fight against Behemoth. Hmmm, his forcefield reminds me of the forcefield used by Eidolon to protect India when the time bomb exploded. His time powers...Phir Sē's time power? This Endbringer have the same powers as the last powers used by Eidolon and Phir Sē's power. Not hard to see his origins. Simurgh tinkered a new Endbringer after Behemoth's death. She scanned Eidolon's forcefield and Phir Sē's power and used her bio-Tinkering skills to create the Endbringer (this is my theory and I think that it makes so much sense in the context. I have another proof for my theory: Simurgh tinkered the portals allowing her to travel between Earths so won't be hard for her to create Endbringers in a short time. She's an alien and of course she knows more about science than Tinkers parahumans). Endbringers are not aliens, they're monsters created by Simurgh. Only Simurgh and Scion are aliens, not only because that they're the only ones having human avatars but also because they're the most powerful compared with Leviathan, Behemoth and probably the Time Endbringer. Maybe Scion can create his own Endbringers too, but he's not interested because he's strong enough to fight with minions .
He advanced with floating steps, and the circles maintained a perfect, steady distance away from him and from each other, orbiting him like the shadows cast by three invisible moons. Here and there, people and cars were caught inside. He wasn't a full city block down the street before one circle had a crowd trapped within, half-filling the base of it, another circle perhaps a quarter of the way full.
He moved through a less populated area, and he left trails of skeletons in his wake, in odd fractal patterns that followed the circles' movements.
I glanced at Cuff, and I saw that she was hugging Grace. She was silent, but tears were running down her face. Grace was more resolute, but her eyes were wet.
The timing, it was wrong.
I reached out and took Cuff's hand, holding it. A glance in the other direction showed me Golem. I took his hand too.
One circle disappeared, and the Endbringer reached out. Defending capes were too slow to escape the perimeter before the effect took hold, a new third circle forming. Eidolon tried hitting the effect with three different powers, but it didn't break.
All of the problems with getting to Endbringer fights on time, with mobilizing and dealing with the fact that half of our best teleporters and movers had been slain in past battles… he was capitalizing on that weakness.
The heroes were engaging, now. Legend and Eidolon had caught up. Khonsu had situated himself near some kind of military installation, and they'd wasted no time in readying for a fight. Missiles and shells exploded around him. The columns of frozen time that rotated around him caught many, and they exploded within the delineated structures.
The Time Endbringer's name is Khonsu, the most japanese sounding name for an kaiju so far. I like his name . He can also teleport. Cool. He seems to be the most OP Endbringer with the coolest name and a really terrifying power. Let's see how you'll fight this beast, heroes. Cuff doesn't want to fight and her decision is a PERFECT NORMAL AND SANE HUMAN DECISION. On the other hand, Weaver decides to fight, a typical Weaver decision . I respect both decisions.
If I understand Khonsu's power correctly, he can manipulate the time inside the circular forcefield, causing people trapped inside to age in a matter of seconds and die and the buildings to turn to dust (I've read too many SCPs bullshit time anomalies so I have zero problems understanding how time powers work ). Truly a SCARY power for an Endbringer to have. RIP civilians and heroes killed by Khonsu . I wonder what Eidolon and Phir Sē have to say about an Endbringer using their powers. Eidolon probably is shocked but he will never show it because he's too stoic and Phir Sē (if he's still alive) will be like:
-I'm going to kill this abomination even if I'll have to kill my own daughter and other millions of people in the process. What? They'll be collateral damage? I'm not sure I understand what collateral damage mean. What? Sacrifice? Not sure about sacrifice's meaning either. English is so weird- Typical Phir Sē.
Next Chapter: Heroes vs Khonsu...and the next one coming after him. Place your bets.
"voice of conscience" Jo was better than....
"slaps the voice away" NOOOOOO !
Good night and sleep well, my friends. Khonsu watches you sleeping .
There's also a certain long time between Amelia taking Victoria with her and Carol discovering (thanks to Lisa) Broken Victoria, time when....Amelia could have done something really horrible to her sister . Before becoming Broken Victoria, Victoria looked pretty normal, only trapped in a fleshy coffin-cocoon thing but after Carol found her, she was a mess of limbs and heads. I think that Amelia did some pretty awful things to Victoria in this time, basically...yes, I'm thinking at the worse, like physically using her as....her sex doll . Gosh, I hope I'm wrong because that would be the worst thing a hero will do in Worm (cause Panacea is a hero, right?), worse than anything what Alexandria did, for example. Basically, Amelia became a Schrodinger character. Right now she's trapped in Birdcage a closet box and all we know that there are two possibilities with her: either she's a victim and there are nothing but false flags about what she could have possible done to Victoria other than mind raping and accidentally turning her into a blob of limbs or she's nothing but a disgusting rapist who refuse to fix her fuck up not because she can't remember how, but because she never actually want to undo the illusion that Victoria loves her and agree with her abuse . In the box, she's both. Outside the box, she can be one or another. I'm afraid to continue to like her because I don't know for certain what kind of MONSTER exists within her.
There is somewhat of a significance to Victoria becoming the blob of limbs, as you call it. It's not to do with Amy's Schrodinger character, but it's significant in a way that you'll later have a "Oh so that's what happened/what it means" Fridge moment. It's quite a while away, so we'll see.
Overall, I'd say that this is probably one of the chapters when I found myself empathising with Taylor the most; being dragged their looking unkempt, forced social interaction, what is essentially interrogation, being put in fron t of an audience, having to talk about personal things... that's just horrible on so many levels
This little skit (Bitch's part in particular) actually reminded me of a different fic; the basic premise is that everyone in Brockton has their powers swapped. Armsmaster ended up with Rachel's and there's a scene of Piggot and Miss Militia lamenting how out of all the powers in the city, he got the one that made him worse with people.
The name actually originates from the Egyptian Moon good, though he was also related to the passage of time (due to how trained people can look at the moons position and say when it is)
Overall, I'd say that this is probably one of the chapters when I found myself empathising with Taylor the most; being dragged their looking unkempt, forced social interaction, what is essentially interrogation, being put in fron t of an audience, having to talk about personal things... that's just horrible on so many levels
This little skit (Bitch's part in particular) actually reminded me of a different fic; the basic premise is that everyone in Brockton has their powers swapped. Armsmaster ended up with Rachel's and there's a scene of Piggot and Miss Militia lamenting how out of all the powers in the city, he got the one that made him worse with people.
The name actually originates from the Egyptian Moon good, though he was also related to the passage of time (due to how trained people can look at the moons position and say when it is)
I think I should start writing fanfics, I have
....but I don't have enough time "sighs"
I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT KHONZU BEING THE EGYPTIAN GOD OF MOON. I MEAN, MYTHOLOGY IS MY STRONG POINT YET I FORGOT ABOUT THIS WELL KNOWN GOD. Maybe I paid attention too much at how events unfolded and I just ignored the name's meaning but this is NOT AN EXCUSE FOR ME. I feel so ashamed "crawls into a corner to cry or die, doesn't really matter" 😦
Man, if I were Taylor, I think I would have turned Jo into my human punching bag. I'm sure that I wouldn't have her patience to listen Jo's stupid babblings and, I can say, bullying attempts, and not do anything at all. Taylor is way more PATIENT and LEVEL HEADED than me . I was bullied, I'm still traumatized and I promised myself that I'll never allow anyone to bully me or hurt me again without fighting back. So far, I've kept my promise. Taylor was a monument of patience and self control during the TV show. I could feel her anger and frustration boiling inside her but she controlled herself remarkable.
Actually, Colin have some things in common with Rachel in canon. They're both anti-social, Rachel only friends being her dogs and Colin only friend being an AI. Their mindset is very changed/connected by their powers: Rachel have a feral, dog like mindset and she feels like she can connect only to her canine friends, Coil have an almost robotic mind, like he's the real AI between him and Dragon (Dragon have a more human and sane mind between them) and he feels like he can't be wholesome if he can't connect to his inventions, the armors and weapons and computers that he surround himself with, that he incorporates (with Dragon's help) in his body, and I fear that if he'll survive until Worm's end, he'll become more machine than human, something like a heroic version but almost equally disturbing version of Mannequin. Dragon shares my worries too so I'm not the only one. Poor Rachel, poor Coil. They're not submerged by their Passengers, but their mindset was severely changed . I don't like this.
Actually, Colin have some things in common with Rachel in canon. They're both anti-social, Rachel only friends being her dogs and Colin only friend being an AI.
Hey, you just reminded me of something else fun about that fic; Rachel got Gallant's power as a direct counter to not understanding people... she kind of treated people like dogs though, what with giving Lisa a biscuit to "make her aura less dark blue" which actually works.
What's actually brilliant about this is that the author used a random number generator to get the results instead of specifically choosing to make these two such effective foils for each other.
And, I definitely agree that the way powers affect their hosts' thought process is a really interesting thing to consider, though I can't really go fully in-depth with some of the examples since you haven't seen them yet
I have to say this was one of my favorite chapters that Wildbow has written. I generally like teen superhero drama bullshit, and Taylor being so out of her element made the chapter really unique and fun.
Hello, my friends. Sorry for delaying an update for my liveblog so much but I was very busy lately. Like, VERY BUSY. More busy than usual. Busy days, eh? Not my fault, its the fault of the people who like to piss me off by keeping me busy enough so I can't read more Worm. Also... the fault of so many fandoms that I'm immersed into, so many that I forgot to count them . SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH. Ok, let's start with this new Chapter. Let's not waste too much precious time and...btw, I was asked by someone why I usually hate humans in Worm more than I hate Endbringers, for example, the true monsters of the story. Yes, good and precise observation . I hate humans more than indestructible monsters because...Endbringers are like animals. Intelligent animals, but still animals with animal instincts, programmed only for destruction and mayhem. They don't know other ways of life, they can't change their behavior, they're not even aware that this behavior is not acceptable in the society because not only that they don't care about society, but they view humanity as nothing but their prey. They're like lions killing their prey and I can't hate lions for doing what lions are usually doing. I can't hate a dog for biting a human- I'd rather hate its master or the people who abused it so much that it lost its trust in humans. Endbgringers are beings born from the seeds of violence, destruction and death. They're not supposed to have humans morals or any kind of morals for that matter. Hell, not even Simurgh is supposed to act or think like a human. She's alien, she have her own set of "morals" and she behave just like it is probably expected from her species (if she's from the same species as Scion, maybe she's the black sheep of their species seeing how heroic Scion behave. Or maybe she's NORMAL for her species and Scion is the abnormal one and he behave heroically only because he was taught by a human to act like this. Maybe they're both coming from a violent species and Simurgh can't be really blamed for being a normal individual of her species. She's not human, she doesn't have the same morals as humans and she doesn't have any reason to play nice with humanity. She also doesn't have any reason to hate the humanity but...who knows...maybe someone ordered her to act like this (like Scion-Kevin tandem with the difference that her "Kevin" is actually evil), or she have some personal reasons for her unstoppable war against humanity or this is how her species usually behave (as I said, Scion being an exception if they're coming from the same species). So, while I hate Endbringers, I hate what they're doing to humans and I want them to fucking disappear forever, I don't hate them as much as I hate humans, because humans being their worst enemies is much more heartbreaking and horrible than literal monsters antagonizing humans. Humans like Jack (and others like him) are worse than Endbringers because.... who the fuck would want to hurt or destroy their own species ? Endbringers never hurt each others. Jack ALWAYS hurt other people, Heartbreaker hurts his own family and so on...Now you understand why evil human SUCKS in comparison with Endbringers from my POV? To illustrate my point, I'm giving you another example...from the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court. It would be easy for me to hate someone like
Loup, a trickster God who manipulate people like an asshole he's. Guess what? I don't hate him as much as I hate Anthony Carver, the father of the main character. Loup is a God with no concept of morality or empathy- he's more like on the scale of blue and orange morality. I can't expect from him to act like a human or trying to be nice towards humans because...he's a God and he's doing what he knows the best to do. On the other hand, Anthony is a human and a father who treat his only daughter like shit because he can't get his ass over his trauma related to the death of his wife. He blames his daughter for her death and he feels like he is allowed to act like an absolute ass towards her while he acts nice towards everyone else. Fucking jerk. One of the worst fictional fathers I had the displeasure to read about . Actually, the God Loup is kind of sympathetic compared with this "father".
Right, let's not waste too much precious time and start the new Chapter already...Oops, too late Scarab 25.5
A new target every thirty minutes, give or take. Ten to twenty minutes for the defending forces to get their shit together. The remainder of that time was our capes trying to hurt him. Chipping away at him.
He hit major cities and small ones. Villages, even, when he needed some elbow room to regenerate. He'd hit a weapons stockpile in Russia, and nuclear weapons had been accelerated in time, the casings wearing down in that odd entropic, eroding effect that accompanied the time accelerations. A nuclear detonation. Heroes were still trying to minimize the damage.
Tecton approached me, setting his hands on my shoulders.
"Even at the beginning, even when I was undercover in the Undersiders, I wanted to stop the bad guys. A lot of it was selfish, me wanting to escape, but I still wanted to work for the greater good."
"And then I decided to be a villain full-time, but my motivations were still sort ofgood, even if I wasn't. I knew the Undersiders needed help. That there was something wrong with a lot of them, something missing in them. And being a part of all of that, it was a way to help Coil, when I thought his plan was something good."
I usually have an almost unhealthy black and white views in life. I separate people between good and bad people. With some grey here and there. I took a Which Watchmen Character are You? test and I got Rorschach. A couple of times. Well, I like him, why not? He's also a vigilante who see only black and white around him- even his mask represents his personal views . So, I kind of have a limited POV, I know this but I don't mind. I describe myself as a good person who did some small bad things during my life until present but there are not enough to make me look like a bad person. Well, maybe people who doesn't like me see me nothing but a bad person but its just their opinion. As long as- according to my opinion about myself- I'm a good person, then I don't mind what they think about me. I'm a person who doesn't act accordingly to what people expect from me to act or demand from me to act. I act in ways that I feel comfortable with, as long as I don't hurt anyone or break the law (well, there were times when I beat up annoying people but they didn't complain to the authorities and everything was fine. Besides, they deserved because they HURT me first. If people don't want to be hurt then why they hurt others?). So, applying my world's views to Taylor's characterization, I think that she's generally a good person but someone who did some more or less necessarily bad things. There were moments when she could have choose to not do a certain bad thing but she choose the easiest option for her- meaning she did these bad things fully knowing that there were bad and she had other options . She's selfish, yes, she's both selfless and selfish. Selfless because she'll fight mandible and sting to protect innocents, selfish because she'll hurt even people that she loves (her dad comes to my mind) or Triumph as long as she considers that is necessary for her plans to come to fruition; act like a heroic villain and now like an aggressive hero to help as many people as she can (another proof for the selfish part of nature was that one of the reasons why she helped Dinah was because she couldn't live with her guilt to know that she's partially responsible for her capture. The fact that she refused to keep Dinah and use her is proof for the selfless part of her nature ). Taylor likes to do things according to her WAY and her PLANS, without actually caring about other people's opinions and plans and she's pissed when she fails because: she feels like she wasn't good enough, part of her selfish nature, and she couldn't help people as she desires, part of her selfless nature. Taylor is a good human but deeply flawed. Tecton is so damn nice for taking care of her well-being as best as he can. Well, I'm ripped in half between my wish for her to start a relationship with Theo and my wish for her to become Tecton's girlfriend. Both of them are some GOOD and healthy boys for her and they might help her with her issues more than she can even imagine. Well, not necessarily as her boyfriends, pure friendship means even more most of the times .
"If he hits Brockton Bay-"
"Your father and friends will be okay. Hell, our strike squad that we used against Behemoth was made up of Brockton Bay residents, wasn't it?"
I lay down on the bed, pulling my mask off. I didn't put my glasses on. My vision was blurry, but it didn't do anything to block out all of the individual little lights, some blinking, that studded the interior of my quarters.
I sighed and draped my arm over my eyes, my nose in the crook of my elbow.
A lot of people crossed my mind, too. Enemies, allies. How were they dealing? My dad had fired off emails, asked that I let him know before I joined the fight, and right after I got away safely.
My uneasy rest was interrupted by a touch to my shoulder.
My eyes opened, and I could see the vague shape of a woman standing over me.
I had to cross the length of my quarters to see the interior. A dark hallway, with only dim lighting cast by tubes recessed into the ceiling. The woman in the suit wasn't on the other side.
The rectangular portal closed, and I was left staring at a wall. I turned to see the woman in the suit. She was tidy, her hair tied back in a loose ponytail with strands tracing the side of her face, and she held a fedora in one hand. The hat was beaded with moisture. Another excursion she'd made before reaching out to me?
WHAT SORCERY IS THIS ? CONTESSA TOOK HER FEDORA OFF ? HOW IN THE HELL CALLED CAULDRON THIS SORCERY HAPPENED? Something like this: Path to take my fedora off without killing myself and VOILA, the miracle happened? I doubt that even her unfair power was capable to allow the fedora to leave the scalp without brain damaging the host. Wow, I'm very surprised about the twist that this story suddenly took. I demand an explanation for what I just read. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight without knowing FUCKING HOW ?
Alright, that isn't moisture, Taylor, that is perspiration. Contessa sweated because she fucked your dad, Taylor, she fucked him good until he couldn't take anymore (my friend told me that there are fanfics depicting Contessa and Danny being loverbirds ; Taylor called Contessa "mom" and there's a comic that I posted here where Taylor had mistaken Contessa for her mom. Hmmm, while Contessa is an attractive woman, I think that Danny deserves someone better than her. Better as a good human being, not Contessa. Poor Danny. Poor Annette too, she must be rolling in her grave. But I will still read these fanfics. I'm sucker for smut romance ).
So, why your step mother invited you right into the Cauldron's heart, Taylor? Maybe because Cauldron decided to finally help against this Time Buddha (because Time Lord is too mainstream) after 3 days of endless fight without any optimistic results? How they can help anyway? I doubt that Number Man can do something- anything- against Khonsu without risking of being trapped inside his time field and dying out of old age. Contessa's power doesn't work against Endbringers (she said that) even if it worked against fedora (still I can't find a logical explanation ) and Doctor Mother is completely useless (even if she might be a Bio-Tinker as I suspect her to to be). Anyone else? The Irregulars they still keep in their cells? They're going to use them in fight? They have a secret weapon? They're ready to accept Khonsu as their lord and saviour and change the name of their organization into Fallen Cauldron ? What exceptionally great idea Doctor Mother have in that COLD scientific brains of hers?
I ventured up to the panel closest to the door I'd entered. Tattletale stood there, and I deigned to stand just behind her and to her left. Grue, I saw, was leaning against the panel itself, his arms folded. Tattletale glanced at me and smiled, and I could just barely make out the white of her teeth.
Opposite us, Chevalier's silhouette was unmistakable. His cannonblade was too distinct. Exalt stood to his left, and a cape I didn't recognize stood to the right. I wondered momentarily if it would count against me that I was standing here. It hadn't been by choice, exactly, but it wouldn't look good that I was with the Undersiders.
Bugs helped me make out Dragon and Defiant at the station to Chevalier's left. Both wore their power armor, but apparently the presence of firepower wasn't a concern, here.
To my left, there was a man in power armor with his face bared. The tattoo across his face reflected a dark blue-green in an odd way, as though he stood beneath a blacklight, flecks of light… only the fragments flowed.
No, they were traveling a circuit, instead. Faintly blue, the glimmers traveled a circuit that marked the interior of an elaborate, stylized cross, his eyes unlit shadows in the midst of the two horizontal bars.
I could make out a station with a woman, black, accompanied by a massive shadow of a monster with an auroch's skull for a head. The woman's head hung, her hair braided or bound into dreads, I couldn't be sure. I moved my bugs closer to check to see if she had any weapons, and her pet shadow reached out to block the swarm. They died so quickly it was almost as though the shadow had killed before it made contact.
Another station had only a woman and a man sitting at a table that had been set out. The man had his hands folded neatly in front of him, and the light from neighboring panels was reflected on the large-frame glasses he wore. The woman leaned forward, elbows on the desk, hands clasped in front of her mouth. Dark skinned, with some kind of pin in her hair. My bugs traced their hips – the area least likely to be unclothed, and I noted the presence of ordinary clothing. A button up shirt for him, a knee-length skirt and blouse with accompanying lab coat for her.
Three men in robes that bore a striking resemblance to Phir Sē's were arranged to our right.
"Hush, Marquis," the girl at the front of that particular group spoke, and her voice was a chorus, a number of people speaking in sync, "I will not have you speaking out of turn. Our hosts have been gracious to invite us, you will not offend them and besmirch my reputation by association."
Wow, almost all the characters that I FREAKING LOVE are gathered right inside Cauldron's heart .
Chevalier- one of the best HEROES EVER, the madman who stood- while severely injured- against Behemoth and faced the monster with no fear and no hesitation. Fear doesn't exist for Chevalier, I bet that he never personally heard about this therm. Its obviously why he was called here. Because he CAN FIGHT ENDBRINGERS.
MY Tattletale is here too . She possesses the power of instant knowledge and they need her to pinpoint the Time Buddha's weaknesses. I just hope that there will not be a second Cody to fuck things up for Tattletale and Chevalier. Again.
Hello, Marquis. Director Armstrong suggested the release of well behaved criminals from Birdcage and they listened him. Good. Marquis is a well behaved criminal and he'll probably want to protect the women and children that might fall victims to the Grumpy Endbringer but I fail to see how he can actually help in fight with his power.
I don't recognize the guy with the tattoo on his face but I can recognize Glaistig Uaine in the girl with a number of voices speaking in sync. Well, UNLIKE Marquis, her power will be very useful. She can switch between the avatars of the Passengers that she collected, using each power when she thinks that is necessary. Using Fairy Bakuda to create bombs or anyone else she collected (I only know Bakuda but I'd like to know more about the other Avatars. When a Glaistig Uaine Interlude?) and I can see her being a good replacement for Eidolon everytime when he feels too tired to fight. The Army of Fairies lead by the Queen Fairy herself ready to slain the big bad dragon terrorizing defenseless villages . This sounds like a veritable fairy tale, no wonder why Her Majesty agreed to help. She's absolute crazy and she's more Passengers than human but I kind of like Glaistig Uaine. I like her and I feel pity for her. I can see her killing people in the same manner Sveta did- maybe not exactly accidentally like Sveta, but her power probably forced her to take lives and she couldn't do anything but listen because her power would have killed people anyway, whatever she wanted or not. Maybe her hypothetical Interlude will reveal that she's in fact an evil bitch who take great pleasure in torturing and killing her victims and I'll feel terrible bad for liking and feeling sorry for her but until then...I prefer to live in a beautiful fairy tale and hope that she's more like a victim than a monster 🌈.
I don't have any fucking idea who's the black woman with the skull shadow pet but I suppose that she's one of the Birdcage's inmates. Her power (if I'm guessing right, she's a Master with the ability to summon the Pet Skull Shadow and control it) is SCARY AS FUCK, imagine what she can do to humans if she was able to annihilate Weaver's bugs so fast , but I'm not sure how useful will be against an Endbringer with layers and layers of indestructible skin. Anyway, welcome to Cauldron's Backed Team of Time Buddhas' Annihilators (yes, this is how I'm going to call this diversified team of heroes, villains, monsters collected by Cauldron to be used against the Time Buddha), Pet Skull Shadow's tamer.
Dragon and Defiant are there too. GOOD. More heroes, always better.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I think I have an idea about who the tattooed guy might be. So, he's wearing a power armor and his tattoo is like a circuit. He seems to be a tech-wizard. The tattoo is also in the shape of a cross. Cross- religion, priest....saint? Tech-wizard...hacker? He's fucking SAINT, isn't he? What the fuck Saint is doing there? He's Dragon enemy, for God sake (I don't blame him for this because, well, I'm quite paranoiac about AIs too and even if I like Dragon right now I still have a bad feeling that she'll probably not stay good until the end of Worm; something unpleasant will probably happen and then someone like Saint will be very useful to stop the disaster from happening or clean up after it) but I'm more worried because Saint is Teacher' student, he's under that evil Master's control and this is just plain bad. They probably don't know that and they called Saint at this meeting because Birdcage is under his care and supervision. Still, not a very good idea to have Saint here .
Another panel lit up, and the circle was complete. My bugs found the people gathered in front, allowing me to investigate that crowd, who had silhouettes I couldn't make out in the jumble. A woman with a ponytail and a number of monstrous parahumans behind her… Faultline.
"Ms. Alcott declined to join us," the woman in the lab coat said. "As did Adalid, who wanted to be ready to defend his home in case the new Endbringer arrived there. The three blasphemies and Jack Slash were unreachable, but we would have far fewer problems if individuals like them could be reached so easily."
"Look," Tattletale said, abruptly, "Let's cut past the formality bullshit. I know a lot of you are big on that sort of thing, but we should talk nitty-gritty tactics sooner than later, especially considering the amount of squabbling that's sure to happen."
"We can't bullshit around about secrecy and all that. We need to dust off our weapons and the schemes we've been keeping on the back burner and hitthat motherfucker. More than half of us have cards we're keeping up our sleeves for a rainy day. Someone needs to bite the bullet and play their card. And then we need to talk about who plays the next card, when number fivecomes around. Because there will be a fifth. Or a fourth, if you count Behemoth or not."
"Because you're afraid," Tattletale said. "There's a fear that someone's going to come after you, trace the portal back home. But there's another, bigger fear, isn't there?"
"Shit on me," Tattletale said. "You bastards figured this out. How the hell did a bunch of prisoners in a jail that's dangling inside a mountain get to figure it out before I did?"
"Freedom matters little to me," the girl with the eerie voice said. "The true end draws nearer."
"The end of the world, you mean," I said.
"The end of all things, queen administrator," she said.
The girl, Glaistig Uaine, responded, "A hundred thousand corpses, each being one naturally gifted by the faerie."
Ok, there are so many bullshit going on that I feel the need to make a summary of their discussions. Do you have any problem with summaries? Don't care cause I'm going to summarize the hell out of the verbal exchange between Doctor Ice Queen (because she's fucking COLD, got it?) and the members of Cauldron's Backed Team of Time Buddhas' Annihilators. Watch me daring to ruin your eyes with summaries of people and "monsters" talking more or less non-sense (man, I'm having a great time with this Chapter despite Cauldron. Not even Cauldron can ruin it ).
-Saint confirmed to be Saint. Wow, I'm so good at guessing stuff. I guess that I just pay attention to motherfucking details.
-The Fairy Queen only want corpses as payment for her services. Corpses of dead parahumans. Good, she doesn't want to kill already living people, but where the hell they'll find hundred thousand of corpses? I know that a lot of heroes and villains died but so many corpses...It's ridiculous. Unless...unless Cauldron will start to assassinate the poor Irregulars because: doing amoral stuff is their first and second nature and Irregulars are fucking dispensable for them just like D-Class is for SCP Fundation. It's obvious that Glaistig Uaine is not a sadistic psycho otherwise she'd have demanded to torture them and kill them with her own hands. Fucking Cauldron will fucking kill these people even if they know that NOBODY EXCEPT SCION HAVE ANY CHANCE TO KILL Khonsu (wait to see how Khonsu will fucking pulverize the entire team like they're bugs for him ). What Irregulars's lives mean for Cauldron? Nothing. See why I can't hate Endbringers more than humans? While humans sacrifice each others for some stupid illusions, Endbringers know that they have a single job to do and they're doing it flawless.
-Faultline and her crew is there. YEEEEEEEEEEES, I missed my beautiful babies . I can imagine that most of Faultline's babies want to kill Doctor Mother in cold blood but with Contessa there, they have absolute zero chances to give her the well-deserved desert of justice. Well, don't lose hope, maybe one day you'll have a chance to turn your desire into reality. One day when Contessa will probably die or be depowered by some Irregulars with Trump powers or mastered by Masters Irregulars and then nothing can protect Doctor Mother anymore from your well-deserving revenge....but this day should happen after Doctor Mother will not be useful anymore because if she's killed while she's still useful maybe you'll have a similar Accord's problem (Accord was a fucker who deserved to die but he was an useful fucker against Endbringers. Doctor Mother is a bitch who deserve to suffer and die or die and suffer but she is a useful bitch against Endbringers. I HATE her so much, I HATE her everytime when she opens her mouth or when she suggests something, I wan't to beat the crap out of her until she's cold in my hands but she is useful because she knows a lot of secrets that she refuses to share with others for fucking reasons. She's a useful bitch and she NEEDS to live until she'll stop being useful. This is the only reason why I agree that Doctor Mother should be protected and keep alive against all odds. Her usefulness as someone who know stuff. I'm fucking pragmatic here ).
-Glaistig Uaine calls Weaver's Passenger as Queen Administrator. Yes, must be her Passenger since Glaistig Uaine communicates with Passengers. Queen? Weaver's Passenger confirmed to be female? Yes, looks like. Passengers confirmed to have sexes? Yes, looks like. Queen? Weaver's Passenger being a noble and powerful Passenger? Yes, looks like. Queen Administrator? More powerful than all other Passengers? It's a possibility. Congratulation, Weaver, you got possible the most powerful Passenger. So...she's going to probably control humans in the future as consequence of a second trigger just like she controls bugs in present? Well, fucking congratulations, Weaver, you probably got the most awful power in existence. Useful as hell but awful just like Doctor Mother's microscopic moral compass .
Not any better, I thought, but I held my tongue. Doctor Mother had turned to the girl from the birdcage. "If you participated in the fight, I can promise there would be a number of dead parahumans there."
"We could provide that many over a period of ten years, if required, but we'd want more assistance than simply this one fight," Doctor Mother said. She stopped as the man with the glasses leaned close. A moment passed, "Or we could provide that many twenty-seven years from now."
I felt a bit of a chill. They were so casually discussing this, as if it were possible.
"No. No, I don't think I'll accept. My word is too vital to me, and you seem to want me to war with the abominations. I don't fear my own death, but I would rather be together with the others than be separated until the grand celebration. I won't fight. I would only grant my advice, some power here and there."
"Some of the strongest parahumans are contained inside that building," Marquis said. "Glaistig Uaine is one, but there are others. My daughter is another."
"Your daughter was a mental wreck the last time anyone outside of the Birdcage saw her. There are too many dangerous individuals in there. She," Chevalier said, pointing in the direction of the woman with the shadowy pet with the massive bird skull, "Has killed thousands of people. That's nothing compared to what some individuals in the birdcage have done. We'd be letting the wolves run free again, in the hopes they deal with the lion."
"Those of us standing here. Me, my daughter, Lung," Marquis said.
-Glaistig Uaine have MORALS . She doesn't want for Doctor Motherbitch (man, this Chapter makes me hate Doctor Mother more than I hated her before. Such an utterly heartless and disgusting woman, man. But she's fucking useful so it's ok for her to live and NOT ALLOW others to live ) to assassinate random parahumans as payment for her services. Not only that she doesn't kill, but she refuses to let others kill in her name. She only collect Passengers from already dead bodies. Well, maybe she killed some people, otherwise I don't think they'd have Birdcaged her ONLY for desecrating corpses but...who knows...what if she killed only people who deserved to be killed like....evil villains, criminals, abusers? What if she was a vigilante who satisfied both her need for justice and her power need for more Passengers? Maybe yeah or maybe not but two things are certain...she seems to have morals and I like her. I truly like her and I hope that I'll not be disappointed .
-Marquis wants his Schrodinger daughter to be free. OK, I agree with him. He is a father, he loves her very much, he'll do anything for his only daughter and I always like when someone put their family FIRST . Nothing should be more important than family. Marquis is perfectly understandable. I don't agree with Lung being free but Marquis trusts that asshole and he's a man of honor who keep his given word even if Lung already backstabbed him and his daughter. But he doesn't know this and he might have a little unpleasant surprise when he'll discover that the Dragon is exactly his opposite: a man of zero honor and zero respect for his given word. Too bad that he'll probably be toasted to the bone then.
-Saint wants to release Teacher, of course. He doesn't give a shit about Birdcage's inmates, except for Teacher. Good student Saint. Teacher will be so proud of you 👨🏫. You'll get only A+ from now on 👨🎓.
-Chevalier have a heart as big as the weapons he puts together and I absolute agree with whatever he's saying, even with the things that he didn't said yet.
-The african bitch with Skull Shadow Pet killed thousands of people. A serial killer that would make even Jack fucking Slash envious because not even he is as fucked as her. Well, maybe I should not judge her because I have a feeling that she's the one controlled by her power not viceversa. She's very weird and seems like she doesn't actually want to be present here but she was somehow forced by Contessa to become part of the team. What if she's like Glaistig Uaine but her power is more evil than Glaistig Uaine's power and the Shadow Skull Pet doesn't even allow her to keep her morals unlike Glaistig Uaine who remained a very human individual at her core despite the obvious influence? I don't know but I feel like Shadow Skull Pet is the one CONTROLLING the african mass murderer, not viceversa, and it killed and ate people no matter if she wanted or not. If my theory is true, I won't blame her for murders (but she still deserve to be imprisoned for the rest of her life because her power is too dangerous), if is not, then FUCK HER. She doesn't deserve freedom, she deserves a bullet in her skull .
Chevalier shifted his grip on his weapon, but he didn't attack. "We'll bargain. Marquis is offering assistance, but the PRT has influence. We'll deal with you, Doctor, if it means the Birdcage remains sealed. With the ongoing inquisition against Cauldron capes, perhaps there are one or two you'd want to be ignored. They couldn't be promoted, that's the PRT's jurisdiction, and it would only draw attention to them that I couldn't help them avoid. Still, I could time a transfer, allow someone to slip through the cracks."
"You won't. Teacher would, hearing that, but Teacher has a secret he doesn't want divulged, and he now knows we know."
Marquis turned, his shadow shifting, presumably as he looked at Teacher. He turned back, "Ah well. I suppose I'll just say we're here if you need us."
"We will assist," Turanta said. "Sifara, Bahu and I, others beneath us in our organization. I cannot speak for my fellow brothers, but I will ask them because we all owe a debt. Our brother died, but Weaver helped to make it not for nothing."
Tattletale was the one to answer. I think she got a measure of joy out of rubbing the fact that she knew in Faultline's face, "Moord Nag. Warlord based in Namibia. As far as the current warlords in the area go, she's had the longest lifespan at about eight years or so, and she's gotten things to the point where most of the other bastards around there are kowtowing, asking permission to attack this city or occupy that area, to go to the bathroom or unite two groups in an alliance."
"She said she'd be willing to let the world burn, before," the woman from the birdcage said. "I don't think you have an ally there."
"From her attitude," Saint added, "I don't even see why she was invited."
"I can't stand by and watch this, not like this," Chevalier said.
"How many more will die if we don't act?" the Doctor said. "The Thanda will counteract the Endbringer's teleportation ability, at least for a time. Moord Nag gives you much-needed clout. Again, at least for a short time."
"Stop us, then," the Doctor replied. "Or try, as it may be. That's one Endbringer we should be able to drive away. As Weaver said, we may have to evacuate the planet if this doesn't work. Faultline, your assistance would be invaluable on that front. You've already created nine, I believe?"
"Not your money. Not you."
"You brought the major players in so I could see if anyone was the designer, the creator of the Endbringers."
"We'll go down in history as the villains," Doctor Mother said. There wasn't a trace of doubt or hesitation in her voice. "But it's worth it if it means saving everyone."
"You sound so sure," Gregor the Snail spoke, from behind Faultline. He had a heavy accent. European-ish, in the same vein as Moord Nag.
"I would never question your morals," Gregor said. "I know you have none. I merely wonder why you are so confident you will succeed in all of this, that you will save the world and you will achieve your new world order and your parahuman leadership."
"Of course," she answered, standing from her chair. She collected papers and a tablet computer from the table in front of her. She collected it into a neat bundle, and the man with the glasses took it from her, holding it under one arm. Only then did she add, "We already saved it once."
-Ok, Moord Nag is a fucking monster but now I'm convinced that she's also a victim of her power and probably that the Skull Shadow Pet will attack anyway if she'll stop feeding it with living humans . She doesn't see to like what she's doing, she have very negative thoughts about world and humanity (I kind of understand her seeing how Doctor Mother behaves ), she's extremely frustrated and pissed all the time. I see her similar with Echidna and I agree that she should be the first to die to the Time Buddha (I'm sure Khonsu will kill some of these people before they'll actually have a chance to hurt him) before she'll get to kill these 5000 of souls or turn into a proto-Endbringer. Such a horrible being is this Moord Nag but I strangely feel a pang of pity for her. She's like a rabid dog who should be put out of her misery before biting more people .
-Chevalier, if I were in your place, I'd have told to Marquis something like this: Me: -Ok, you can release as many criminals as you want but we'll put a bullet in their heads once they leave the mountain prison. We'll see this action as prison break and consider kill orders as being the only solution for solving the problem. would you like a kill order for your dearest daughter? (I hated Tagg, but I kind of agreed with some of his methods of dealing with dangerous criminals).
Chevalier is too much of a flawless hero to deal with criminals like Moord Nag and Teacher in the right way, not the kid gloves way. I LOVE him so much for his idealism and kind and brave heart but I miss the Relentless, the vigilante .
-Tattletale and Faultline broke Doctor Mother in half with their words (I'm sure that Doctor Motherbitch felt offended when Faultline refused her dirty smelly money). They showed you their middle fingers, Doctor Mother, I bet you're sulking on the inside .
-At least Doctor Mother admitted that she's a villain. But I think that villain is not a good term for you because villains like Tattletale, Grue and Faultline have incomparable more morals than you ever had and they might feel offended being compared with you. I'd choose another word...something You're a monster going in history like a monster and I hope you'll go as fast as possible (by Irregulars' hands, no less), but not before you'll use every drop of usefulness you still possess. Not that you're very useful anyway, hiding secrets and stuff even if you agreed to work with non-Cauldron heroes. You don't even tell them how did you saved the world once. Well, probably your coldness was enough to freeze the entire fucking hell and now there's no more hell in afterlife at least . Maybe you saved the world once but you'll always remain nothing but a disgusting monster ready to sacrifice 5000 innocents for the bitch with the Skull Shadow Pet.
My deontological ethics are telling me something like this: if these 5000 people are innocent, their sacrifice is NOT NECESSARY not even if Khonsu will fucking die (which is impossible and even Doctor Mengele here knows this). No innocent life should be wasted, not even for the greatest good. But my Kantian ethics defend ONLY INNOCENTS. If these 5000 people are: child abusers, mass murders, terrorists and rapists and their sacrifice mean 3 things: no more taxpayer cost of imprisoning them, no more criminals on streets/future victims and the world will also be saved, then I'll fucking agree. Let's sacrifice as many pedos and rapists as possible to save as many innocents as possible . Imagine how many millions of dollars will be saved, how many parents will be less afraid to let their children in parks without having to look after monsters lurking around? Come on, Cauldron, do something good. Open portals in maxim security prisons, collect 5000 of the worst offenders, clean your traces then satisfy Skull Shadow Pet's hunger. Easy to do, easier and faster than hunting down innocents on streets. What if...they'll actually do that? Doctor Mother probably listened to heroes too (she was willing to listen their part and she promised them that she'll not release anyone from Birdcage) and she decided: Doctor Mother: -Yes, I'll keep my word given to Moord Nag but I'm not going to sacrifice non-criminal elements this time. Only incarcerated criminals, just to feel a little better about myself, for heroes to feel better's faster. Faster in this situation means pragmatism. I'm a pragmatic person so...
For the sake of my mental state, I'm imagining that these 5000 future victims are only the worst type of "humans" whose sacrifice will probably be the only good thing they ever did in their miserable lives.
-Tattletale is covinced that a parahuman (NOT Simurgh) created Endbringers and I don't have any reasons to not trust her. I always trust my Tattletale because she knows more than plenty of other people. More than Doctor Mother seems to know herself. Ok, I have a list with all the parahumans that appeared in the story so far. Let's see if I can discover the culprit faster than Tattletale. Hmmm, give me a few minutes...
...after 20 minutes of intense research and brain storming 🤓....I've reached at a very worrying conclusion. "takes a deep breath" if Simurgh isn't the creator of Endbringers then...either NILBOG and EIDOLON are their creators . We know that Nilbog can make almost indestructible monsters- if you burn or nuke them they'll not die but multiply, this is the reason why they quarantined Nilbog Hill. Nilbog is already insane powerful, won't be impossible for his power to create Endbringers. Why not a single Endbringer ever attacked his city? Why and how did he survived for such a long time being alone with only his creations while the whole planet was wrenched by Endbringers? Maybe because he's the King of Endbringers and they recognize him as their king and let him alone? Why limit yourself at being the king of your little monsters when you can be the king of world-Destroyers? Nilbog had the power and reasons to create Endbringers. If he was aware of their creation, then he's the biggest monster in the entire world, responsible of millions and millions of deaths. If his power worked without his knowledge then is his powers' fault. Well, he's still a monster anyway .
Eidolon: his core power allow him to have millions of other powers, all he have to do is ask his core power to help him and it will give them 3 necessary powers depends of the situation. What if he fought once an impossible battle with someone like Nillbog and he asked his core power for help and it HALPED him by creating the Endbringers, to serve as his minions in fight? But he was unable to control these monsters and they turned against him and the rest of humanity? Maybe he doesn't even know what his power did for him. Yes, I know that he's a corrupted hero working for Cauldron and stuff, but I doubt that Eidolon would be ok to kill millions of people. Yes, he's dirty and accomplice to all the horrible stuff that Cauldron did and are doing, but a small part of his heart is heroic (just like Alexandrias), I refuse to believe that he's an absolute monster .
Now I remember that Scion was looking at Eidolon with DISGUST during Leviathan Battle. What if....Scion knows what Eidolon did with his power and he was simply disgusted that a human being used his power to kill millions of his peers while pretending to be a hero? Fuck, sorry, Nilbog, but Eidolon is my first suspect. He wasn't even present there at Cauldron's Backed Team of Time Buddhas' Annihilators meeting.
MOTHER OF ALL GODS. Seeing so many willing or unwilling human monsters roaming around, I think that Endbringers are actually MERCY KILLING the humanity. Even Jack seems so small in comparison. Of course, until he'll destroy the world .
Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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Gosh, I have a new theory about the reason behind the possible creation of Endbringers by Eidolon's core power. He likes to fight, right? He told to Jessica that fighting is like a second life for him, if I remember correctly. Powers give parahumans what they heart desire (more or less). Lisa suffered because her brother died and she couldn't save him because she didn't have the necessary information about his suicide tendencies. She got knowledge. Rachel wanted to save Rollo from her psycho foster mother. She got dogs augmentation. Kayden wanted to survive with any price while being trapped under her car. She got light and flight. And so on...Eidolon wants to fight. He got a core power always giving them the best powers in a fight. But, his problem is that his enemies were too weak for his powers. Always too weak. What if his power created invincible enemies for him so he'll stop complaining that his enemies are weak and will continue his restless fight against them? His power gave him what his heart desires: enemies that he can't beat and endless battles. Fuck...I like this theory better than the first one with minions.
This means that...EIDOLON HAVE THE MOST HELPFUL AND DESTRUCTIVE AT THE SAME TIME PASSENGER EVER. Well, Cauldron creation, why I'm so fucking surprised....
Imagine how much he'll HATE himself if he'll ever be aware of what his power did. Well, if he's completely innocent, of course. I know that I'll kill myself if I'll be in his place and my power will be responsible of the biggest disaster in the history of mankind .
Your mindset on reading this is definitely interesting to see in development as you get more information on the story.
I personally really liked this chapter for the way it showed how high-level players interact with each other.
As for Doctor Mother; I personally think that she's an interesting person to consider. I can't go too deep since some of the stuff hasn't been revealed yet.
I think that it's blatantly clear from what's been shown so far that she is of the mindset of Greater Good/Necessary Evil in regards to saving the world and she's entirely willing to damn herself for it.
But, somewhat counter to this, it can also be inferred that she does actually have some level of morality to her methods; such as when she was shocked by Number Man's hypothetical or the fact that they test their formulas on volunteers and people who are in the process of dying rather than just disappearing a large number of people and having Contessa tip her fedora in that direction to make sure no one pays note (this is in spite of the fact that, as noted in the Battery interlude, physical and mental health can effect the results of the formula).
I want to be clear that I don't think that she's a good person, and she is perfectly aware of this fact, but there is definitely an amount of depth to her even with the limited amount of information you currently have access to.
To use a somewhat common morality problem, she seems to be a person who sees the world as a series of trolley problems, who will do whatever necessary to set any trolleys on the rails with the least amount of people on it, regardless of anything else. But then, if things are otherwise identical, she may minimize harm.
Whether thats good, evil, or something else is debatable. As is weather shes correct about what trolleys and rails she may see.
Your mindset on reading this is definitely interesting to see in development as you get more information on the story.
I personally really liked this chapter for the way it showed how high-level players interact with each other.
As for Doctor Mother; I personally think that she's an interesting person to consider. I can't go too deep since some of the stuff hasn't been revealed yet.
I think that it's blatantly clear from what's been shown so far that she is of the mindset of Greater Good/Necessary Evil in regards to saving the world and she's entirely willing to damn herself for it.
But, somewhat counter to this, it can also be inferred that she does actually have some level of morality to her methods; such as when she was shocked by Number Man's hypothetical or the fact that they test their formulas on volunteers and people who are in the process of dying rather than just disappearing a large number of people and having Contessa tip her fedora in that direction to make sure no one pays note (this is in spite of the fact that, as noted in the Battery interlude, physical and mental health can effect the results of the formula).
I want to be clear that I don't think that she's a good person, and she is perfectly aware of this fact, but there is definitely an amount of depth to her even with the limited amount of information you currently have access to.
The truth is that I don't liked this Chapter because Doctor Mother's attitude pissed me so much that I could barely read it (I had to stop few times because I almost wanted to smash my keyboard when I read everything she was saying, especially how willingly she was to sacrifice 5000 people to feed a monster). Yes, maybe Doctor Mother is interesting, but she's so damn frustrating and my morality will never align to her idea of morality. She's an extreme utilitarist (sacrifice people for the greatest good, even if they're innocents. And yes, people in the process of dying are still innocent people and she have no right to play with their lives against their will- she doesn't even ask for their approval, for God sake), I'm a deontologist (under no circumstance an innocent life should be wasted, even for the greater good- I'm also a bit hypocritical here because I would sacrifice people for my family if I don't have any other alternative left. But this is the only exception I'll make under these extreme circumstances) and my morals are different from her idea of morals. A deontologist will never accept an utilitarist- especially an extreme one- way of thinking and viceversa. I can't accept her way of thinking, I can't agree with her, I can't see the things from her point of view, even if she saved the world and she wants to save it again. But I understand that she's useful and heroes should cooperate with her, even if they don't like it themselves. If I were in their place, I'll cooperate with her too but I'll impose my own rules and if she wants my favors, she will have to offer me favors too. Something like: yes, sacrifice people, but not innocents anymore. Sacrifice criminals, sexual offenders, rapists, etc, etc. This is actually part of my personal views: if there are less criminal elements (not people like Undersiders who are actually pretty ok villains leaning to vigilantes, but people like ABB, nazis, Marchants, etc), innocents will feel more safe and secure. Protecting good and law abiding people, right? She'll have her experiments and I'll have the certainty that the stress will be cleaned and people will feel more protected. I also have a strong vigilante spirit and I think that kidnapping murderers, subjecting them to experiments and brainwashing them is NOT such a bad idea. A better alternative to kidnapping innocents, subjecting them to experiments and brainwashing them .
Who knows, maybe a part of Irregulars are former criminals, we don't know nothing about all the people that Cauldron fucked.
I honestly prefer that someone else will have this decisive role in saving the world because its really awful to know that such a murderous and amoral organization will have that decisive role again. Someone like...Dinah through Taylor? I see Dinah as being a deontrologist like me. She refuses to hurt innocents, she plays her cards in an excellent manner, she refused to attend to the meeting because she doesn't agree with Cauldron (and I have proof for my theory: she was kidnapped and used by a sadistic dictator wanna be and she probably hate to see other people in her situation), she have her own plans, she's doing whatever she can do to never go on the Necessary Evil route and she'll probably want to shape Taylor into a future shield to defend the world and weapon to kill the menace (Scion?). Gosh, I hope that Dinah and Taylor to be the saviors . They seem like the perfectly people to play this role.
I also want Doctor Mother to pay for her actions but only at the very end, not before, I said before, she can help. She's like an extremist/terrorist who want to help the good guys. If they kill her then they will never know what she knows and knowledge is the supreme power. Irregulars (Case 53s but I hate calling them like this and I prefer Irregulars instead) should be the one with the right to decide her punishment after everything will be over. If they decide to kill her, then they can kill her. If they want heroes to arrest her, then its ok. If they want to make her suffer, its ok again. If they want to give her a second chance and let her go, then I'll agree with them. Everything they want to do to her, its their right. She took decisions for them, she made them suffer, she ruined their lives, its their right to do the same for her if they choose too. This is what I want to happen. Yes, its kind of a mob justice but....its still justice made in such a hellish world. Judge me or not, this is my mindset. If you can understand Doctor Mother's mindset, then you can understand my mindset too. Not necessarily accept it, of course. We can understand people without necessarily accepting their ideas .
To use a somewhat common morality problem, she seems to be a person who sees the world as a series of trolley problems, who will do whatever necessary to set any trolleys on the rails with the least amount of people on it, regardless of anything else. But then, if things are otherwise identical, she may minimize harm.
Whether thats good, evil, or something else is debatable. As is weather shes correct about what trolleys and rails she may see.
Speaking about trolley problem, I remember when I was 10 when my father showed me a trolley problem. He and my mother were convinced that I'll not pull the level and I'll allow the five people to die (at that age I had almost the same mentality; I'm not a person who change too much). My mother was convinced that I'll not kill that one person even if this means that 5 people will die. You can't imagine how surprised they were then I told them that I'll pull the level, kill that one person and save the other 5. When they asked me why I did that, I simply told them that the victim was actually a psychopath who stabbed a pregnant woman in her stomach until he killed her and her unborn baby and that he deserved to die. My child mind imagined that the victim was evil only to make me feel good that I pulled the level and saved the good people (without this exercise of imagination, I don't think I'd have pulled the level and 5 imaginary people would have died ). I felt like a true hero and my father was proud of my judgement, he was only a bit pissed that I'll never be the little villain that he wanted me to be. My mother said that she's AFRAID of us . Poor mom, she was a monument of patience for putting up with us during these years. She does the same with my dad even after such a long time.
Yes, Doctor Mother is the trolley problem Ice Queen, she sacrifices a number of people to save another number of people then repeat over and over again. With so many people killing each others, there will be a time when Endbringers will get bored because there will be no humans left cause humanity with finish doing their job better than them. Sadly.
As I said before, I understand her reason for doing what she's doing, I just don't agree with her methods and her mindset. I see her nothing but a well intentioned terrorist (like these people from greenpeace liker terrorist organizations who sabotage factories and blow up oil tankers -even with people inside- because they want to fight climatic changes. While their intentions are noble, their methods are nothing but criminal. You don't fight like this against polluters).