Let's read Worm and its sequel Ward by Wildbow (One chapter/every day)

The big question to me becomes how right doctor mother is.

Say we have the endbringers long term, or whatever the end of the world is, and her methods could stop that.

Its, put as the trolley problem, do you push 100.000 (to take her offer to GU) people onto the tracks, to stop a trolley aimed at billions?

Its horrible, but from my point of view (which is closer to utilitarian than to yours) if thats really the only option, it may be right.

Because the other end with someone like you might be then standing there, in a world that has ended, 99% of everyone is dead, including most of these who might have been sacrificed, civilization has collapsed, humanity may well go extinct very soon, but at least we kept the idealistic moral high ground.

Is that a better ending?

To me, at least, it isnt.

To slightly mangle some famous quote "stand in the ashes of a billion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if idealism matters. The silence is your answer".

For a more productive question, what if they ask? For their experiments, i mean. Say they approach someone dieing, and then offer, hey, we save you if you agree to drink one potion with possibly horrible effects and whatever we need to do afterwards. Or you can decline, and die. Not nice also, but would it be better?
The big question to me becomes how right doctor mother is.

Say we have the endbringers long term, or whatever the end of the world is, and her methods could stop that.

Its, put as the trolley problem, do you push 100.000 (to take her offer to GU) people onto the tracks, to stop a trolley aimed at billions?

Its horrible, but from my point of view (which is closer to utilitarian than to yours) if thats really the only option, it may be right.

Because the other end with someone like you might be then standing there, in a world that has ended, 99% of everyone is dead, including most of these who might have been sacrificed, civilization has collapsed, humanity may well go extinct very soon, but at least we kept the idealistic moral high ground.

Is that a better ending?

To me, at least, it isnt.

To slightly mangle some famous quote "stand in the ashes of a billion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if idealism matters. The silence is your answer".

For a more productive question, what if they ask? For their experiments, i mean. Say they approach someone dieing, and then offer, hey, we save you if you agree to drink one potion with possibly horrible effects and whatever we need to do afterwards. Or you can decline, and die. Not nice also, but would it be better?

As I said before, my point of view is far away from utilitarianism. I understand these people' POV, but I can't share it.
100.000 parahumans as the Fairy Queen demanded? First, I doubt that there are so many parahumans in the world but maybe there are parahumans on other Earths too. Earth Aleph, for example, had its fair share of parahumans, even if they're less than on Earth Bet. I don't know about other Earths so I can't compare them. I'll collect criminals from Birdcage (except for Paige because she's Paige) then I'll locate every single version of Birdcage or something similar where villainous parahumans are jailed on other Earths and collect them. After I'll collect 100.000 of criminal parahumans (there are millions of Earths, will not be impossible for me to collect so many criminals with Doormaker and Clairvoyant. I'll never touch heroes or rogues). Have them killed and give their corpses to Glaistig Uaine. Less villains, a satisfied Glaistig Uaine. Win win. This is what I'll do and have my conscience RELATIVELY clean. Hopefully.
The problem is that Glaistig Uaine doesn't even want to help with the fight. She said that she'll only give advises, not fight. I don't think how useful she'll be.
Yes, Cauldron should have asked their victims: choose- die or drink something that may or may not turn you into a monster. You're free to choose, you're the only master over your life, not us. This is a more ethical approach because the EXPRESSED CONSENT is one of the greatest things in the life of a human.
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As I said before, my point of view is far away from utilitarianism. I understand these people' POV, but I can't share it.
100.000 parahumans as the Fairy Queen demanded? First, I doubt that there are so many parahumans in the world but maybe there are parahumans on other Earths too.

Actually, there should be more than enough in Earth Bet alone:

Alexandria interlude (23 years prior to canon time) said:
The Doctor cut in, "And I'm producing more heroes than villains. For now, the proportion favors us, and you've been able to keep the criminal element in line. For the most part. But even as I expand my operations, I have come to the realization that I can only produce so much. And the rate of parahuman growth is expanding. The next twenty years are projected to produce a total number of six hundred and fifty thousand people with powers, worldwide."

And considering the ratio of villains to heroes, it's entirely possible that there could be 100k+ available; however that is an utterly ridiculous amount of people and would take an immense amount of effort to achieve.
Even discounting morality, from a utilitarian point of view, even if these people are all S9 level monsters, that kind of effort is not worth having Glaistig Uaine for a single fight

Yes, Cauldron should have asked their victims: choose- die or drink something that may or may not turn you into a monster. You're free to choose, you're the only master over your life, not us. This is a more ethical approach because the EXPRESSED CONSENT is one of the greatest things in the life of a human.

Well, this is an odd one to consider really because if Alexandria is a good representation of their general practice then she did specifically ask Newter if he wanted to live... however he was literally on the brink of death and couldn't listen to the full explanation. Which is kind of an issue with picking people who are dying (and healers are rare so that's not really something they can change).
Actually, there should be more than enough in Earth Bet alone:

And considering the ratio of villains to heroes, it's entirely possible that there could be 100k+ available; however that is an utterly ridiculous amount of people and would take an immense amount of effort to achieve.
Even discounting morality, from a utilitarian point of view, even if these people are all S9 level monsters, that kind of effort is not worth having Glaistig Uaine for a single fight

Well, this is an odd one to consider really because if Alexandria is a good representation of their general practice then she did specifically ask Newter if he wanted to live... however he was literally on the brink of death and couldn't listen to the full explanation. Which is kind of an issue with picking people who are dying (and healers are rare so that's not really something they can change).

Believe me or not, I think I'll have a pretty hard time sacrificing villains too, despite my vigilantism spirit. I said already that I hope that I'll keep my conscience relatively clean but now I'm not very sure. Well, my conscience will be cleaner but still not entirely clean. Why? Let me explain. Let's say that I'll kill 10 monsters like Jack and Heartbreaker. GOOD. I'll kill monsters like them without blinking (the same I'll do with any child or animal abuser- the worst kind of "people"). BUT....not all villains are like Jack or Heartbreaker. There are villains like Brian, becoming villains to provide for their families or like Rachel, people who can't find their place in society. There are people like Sveta or Paige, the ones who killed people accidentally. I have to sacrifice these villains too for the greater good, right? Because they're villains, they're criminals. For every 10 monsters like Jack being executed, 5 villains like Brian will die too. I'll not feel good, despite my desire for absolute justice. I had to do it, but I won't feel good. Of course, between a) allowing Endbringers to kill humanity; b) sacrificing innocents for the greater good and c) sacrificing criminals for the greater good with no other alternative d) left, of course I will choose c) and hope that I did good. But I'll also be responsible for Aisha losing her supportive brother or some poor dogs losing their mom and protector. Won't be an entirely good choice, but better than the first 2. Much better "sighs". We can't have perfection in everything we're doing because...we're humans and we're far away from being perfect.
Honestly, the only decision of world importance that I'll take without moving a facial muscle is the same decision that one of my favorite historic heroes took- the soviet submarine commander Vasily Arkhipov This Man Singlehandedly Prevented World War III – And You've Probably Never Heard Of Him I personally consider one of the best historic humanitarian decisions ever :smile2:.

As for Newter, he's the only example we have of a Cauldron victim who was unable to express his consent because he was dying. We don't know about others. What if not all of them were in Newter' situation, some of them probably had cancer or other terminally illness but they weren't lucky like Rebecca to have Cauldron asking for their consent? Or maybe orphans or homeless people? Shamrock described a time spend at a temple before her kidnapping. We know that temples house injured, but there are temples that house orphans, people without families, without homes, etc. We don't know if she was someone who was dying and was beyond salvation or just a poor orphan. A single example isn't enough to say that Cauldron couldn't ask for consent because all their victims were dying and weren't lucid enough to express what they wanted. I'd agreed with Cauldron's actions if we knew that all their victims weren't lucid at all, they expressed their consent over the experiments, all of them were volunteers or all of them were dangerous criminals (like D-class used by SCP Foundation). Or all above. But, we only know that they're sick and probably homeless/poor people (since nobody was looking after someone like Weld, Shamrock, Gregor- they seem like they don't have family at all. Another possibility is that their families are on other Earths because we know that not all Irregulars are from the same Earth). Isn't enough to make Cauldron's actions even a bit acceptable. Besides, Cauldron also create dangerous and unstable parahumans and allow them run wild (Siberian, Shatterbird, etc). Cauldron makes SCP Foundation seems like a very ethical organization in comparison and people who ever read anything related to SCP Foundation know that not all their decisions were entirely good and safe :smile2:.

Btw, I like talking to you. You're an intelligent partner of discussion and even if we have some different points of view over different situations (different points of view are always welcomed, btw), you're respectful, polite and all over cool to talk with. Take it as a compliment :grin2:.
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Thanks for the compliment; your opinions are pretty interesting to see too, some of them being things that I hadn't considered before.

On the dangerous parahumans part, they specifically think that Siberian and Shatterbird could be useful for what's to come where it becomes a consideration of how useful is the power vs how much damage do we let them doing... and Eidolon Clone specifically mentioned that Gray Boy was beyond their ability to put down easily so some of the monsters were legitimately out of their control.

On Cauldron as a whole, I don't think it would be a spoiler to say that there is actually one reasonably simple thing they could have done to alleviate a lot of their issues; hints of this have been shown as well as the reason why they didn't actually implement this measure. It was discussed by various people based on what is seen of them, however, it takes a while for it to be addressed in-story so I'm not sure that I should straight up say it.
Thanks for the compliment; your opinions are pretty interesting to see too, some of them being things that I hadn't considered before.

On the dangerous parahumans part, they specifically think that Siberian and Shatterbird could be useful for what's to come where it becomes a consideration of how useful is the power vs how much damage do we let them doing... and Eidolon Clone specifically mentioned that Gray Boy was beyond their ability to put down easily so some of the monsters were legitimately out of their control.

On Cauldron as a whole, I don't think it would be a spoiler to say that there is actually one reasonably simple thing they could have done to alleviate a lot of their issues; hints of this have been shown as well as the reason why they didn't actually implement this measure. It was discussed by various people based on what is seen of them, however, it takes a while for it to be addressed in-story so I'm not sure that I should straight up say it.

Wow, I'm so interested in this Gray Boy dude, both Jack and Bonesaw seem to be fascinated by him and if two such monsters like them are fascinated by Gray Boy then I can imagine that Gray Boy is like the king (or prince, cause he seems pretty young if they call him "Boy") of monsters. I can see him having a very monstrous power and soul. My only clue about his power is his codename, but it's not a very revealing clue so I'll try a completely wild guess. His power bypass Manton Effect and it can affect human beings directly. He can also give people fate worse than death (we already learned that death is not that bad in this world compared with the alternatives), he have great fun exercising his power on people, he's completely psychopath and...his favorite color must be gray . :stickouttongue2: This is all that comes to my mind.
As for Manton and Shatterbird, I think I get why Cauldron wanted them. Probably they know that Scion will no longer be the defender of humanity and he'll become instead the destroyer of it, and they hoped that Manton and Shatterbird would have helped against Scion. But, knowing these two, I'm absolute sure that they'd have rather helped Scion than fight against him. They're some of the worst kind of monsters with a personal vendetta against the world. So, unless Cauldron had plans to brainwash them to keep them under control, I absolute doubt that they could have been useful for humanity. So, it's very good that they died. There are other players around who are stronger, coolest, more interesting and most important, there are not monsters like these two (except for the african warlady) :smile2:.
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Scarab 25.6
Hello, my lovelies. Ok, I was asked two very interesting questions and I'll answer them here, as I'm usually doing. First: as a huge fan of SCP Foundation and someone who noticed the similarities between the Foundation and Cauldron, what can I say about their ethical work? Which one is more ethical in their actions? Well, easy question. The Foundation is immensely ethical in their actions compared with its Wormverse's cousin. I'm not saying this because I'm a fan of it, I can explain my way of thinking. Let's start with the easiest explanation, shall we?
1) Foundation doesn't kidnap people, they use prisoners (criminals, rapists, arsonists, etc) or at worst political prisoners. They even let them choose what they want: accept Foundation's tests or return back to jail (in some cases, the other option is death but D-class still have options. Their consent is demanded and respected)- 2 points.
1) Cauldron kidnaps people: sick, dying people, homeless?, people without families? and volunteers. Only volunteers are NOT kidnapped and their consent is demanded, but the others...no such luck. They can't even choose to die if they can't take anymore. -0 points.
2) Foundation contains anomalies, in this way protecting the normal people that can be hurt or killed by any supernatural objects, places, animals, people, they're unlucky to find or meet. Some anomalies are humanoids and I agree that is unethical to keep them locked in cells and expose them to tests and experiments but these humanoid anomalies are very dangerous not only for normal people but also for themselves. Some of them have abilities that can barely control or not control at all and the Foundation are doing their best to help them understand and control their supernatural abilities and even to get rid of them and return back to society as normal humans when it's possible. Sometimes, the Foundation physically and mentally torture the humanoids (unethical as hell :mad2:) so this is the reason why I give them only 1 point.
2) Cauldron creates anomalies and set them free in the world, even if some of these anomalies are sociopath monsters (Shatterbird, Manton) or tragically monsters (Sveta), so they can kill accidentally or not as many people as they can. Cauldron doesn't protect people from monsters, they create monsters that prey on innocents. Yes, they probably want to create an army of parahumans useful against Endbringers and possible Scion but...seeing how many people of both sides they sacrifice and not knowing how useful they can be against such invulnerable foes isn't worth it. Isn't worth it at all -0 point.
3) Foundation saved the world many times. They have the means to reset the world everytime when everything else fail and they did it. But they used the "reset button" only when the world was beyond saving- when the entire humanity was infected with mortal viruses/cognitohazard/infohazard bullshit or it was turned into : I have no mouth but I must scream type of victims. The Foundation's only solution left was to...put the humanity out of its misery and restart it using clones. Not cruel but necessary because there were no more sane/healthy/not transformed into whatever horrors people left- 1 point.
3) Cauldron saved the world once. How they did that? I don't know yet. Was ethical enough or they had to kill thousands of people in the process? A mystery. But I'll give them that. They saved the world once- 1 point.
4) Foundation fights against super-shady capitalistic organizations (sometimes they collaborate with them, depends of their common interests) and fucking evil and disturbing religious cults -1 point.
4) Cauldron encourages the existence of villains, dictators, crime lords and even mass-murderers and collaborate with them with no fucking problems, even when they ruin lives -0 point.
5)Foundation is ruled by a group of Overseers, each of them having an equal vote in the organisation. They even have an Ethic Committee and sometimes the Overseers listen them- 1 point.
5) Cauldron is ruled by Doctor Mother and Number Man, they take all the decisions for Cauldron without nobody else questioning their authority. They obviously don't have an Ethic Committee -0 point.
6) Foundation uses amnestics to make people forget the anomalous events. But, before they invented amnestics, they murdered civilians in cold blood :mad2: -0 point.
6) Cauldron uses brainwashing to make people forget their entire identities and Contessa is send to silence the witnesses -0 point.
6-1 for Foundation. So, Foundation OWNS Cauldron any-FUCKING-time. As shady as Foundation can be, Cauldron is much more shady and amoral. They both are great heroes/villains of their respective worlds but Cauldron acts more like a villain than a hero, despite having utilitarian intentions. Well, they were times when I wanted to strangle to death every single Foundation member but never as often as when I want to strangle to death Doctor Mother. I mean, I always want to strangle to death Doctor Mother but it's not for me to decide her punishment. Irregulars should have this right and I can't take it from them. They lost already too much :frown2:.
I'll answer to the second question during this Chapter, when I'll find a favorable moment. Let's start Scarab 25.6

Khonsu allowed himself to be struck by Alexandria, using the impact to float back at a higher speed. The act gave him the positioning he needed to draw his spheres closer to the Jaguars' contingent.

Moord Nag appeared, riding her shadow's skull like a surfer might ride a wave, except there wasn't any joy in the act. Her arms remained still at her sides, her head not fully erect, eyes almost looking down, as if she watched the skull with one eye and Khonsu only merited her peripheral vision.
So, last Chapter, we had this Cauldron meeting where all the saints invited there agreed to help against the Grumpy Buddha, forming Cauldron's Backed Team of Time Buddhas' Annihilators. Saints? Yep, all of them were fucking saints, in a way or another.
-Weaver is the rebellious saint that will be a great battle tactician in the upcoming fight against Khonsu :smile2:.
-Tattletale acted like a saint with conscience, judging Doctor Mother for how easy is for her to sacrifice 5000 people to Moord Nag's pet power :grin2:.
-Chevalier, Dragon and Defiant can form the Triumvirate of Heroic Saints, they are all pure heroes. Defiant, how big of an asshole you're before the CHANGE and what a big MAN you are now. I'm so freaking proud of you, dude. I'm sure that Chevalier will do anything in his powers to stop Doctor Mother from killing 5000 people to satisfy the warlady's demands, I'm just not so sure how he can do that without having the guard dog Contessa biting his ass. He's a great badass hero but Contessa is bullshit OP and before he'll be able to slain her with his giant sword she'll probably decapitate him with a small fork :frown2:.
-Faultline was another saint with conscience, refusing Doctor Mother's money or any other kind of favor for her collaboration. This woman is one of the most righteous and ethical mercenaries I've ever seen. Too bad that she and Tattletale doesn't get along. Imagine the team they'd have made :wink2:.
-Glaistig Uaine is the demented, but weirdly pretty moralistic (since she only demands dead bodies, not living beings, and only when she knows that is the right time to add more "fairies" to her army for the great war...the war against Scion?!?), saint of "fairies" and Moord Nag is another demented and utterly amoral saint of Shadow Pet monsters :frown2:.
-Marquis is the saint of his daughter, ready to do anything in his powers just to see her walking out of Birdcage as a free woman which is admirable (I don't understand why Doctor Mother didn't invite Amelia instead of her father. Even if she can't kill Khonsu, she can still create like hundreds of different viruses that can hurt the Endbringer pretty bad,buying enough time for the other fighters to attack. She can modify her viruses in a way that they'll not affect humans, only the monster they're fighting against, we're talking here about the most powerful Striker in existence (Amelia is a Striker, right? I hope I got her main Classification right. She can also be a Thinker- knows about biology and a Master- look what she did to her sister's mind). Amelia could be such a powerful weapon against Endbringers and Cauldron just missed this chance with her :frown2:.
-Ultimately, we have Saint himself. A smart hacker but with such an ugly face tattoo (I think that most of hackers would spit on him seeing that ugly ass tattoo; they'll feel embarrassed to have someone like Saint representing them) and who tried to be Teacher's good student but failed because Teacher's freedom was denied as part of Doctor Mother's favors for heroes' help. SUCK TO BE YOU, Teacher :grin2:. I don't get why Teacher was invited there as well, it's like Cauldron invited total random people and hoped that some of them will accept the invitation, no matter how awful they're. For God sake, they invited even someone like Jack Slash (hope they invited him in order to capture and brainwash him or kill him because if they expect from him to HALP them on his own accord, then they're not only incredible amoral, but also incredible stupid. I can barely tolerate amoral people, but stupid amoral people is too much. Yeah, expect HALP from the man who's planning to destroy the humanity :wink2:). Saint, you just got an F. Study better next time :smile2:.
Enough with this recap, let's see what Cauldron's Backed Team of Time Buddhas' Annihilators will do against Khonsu.

The shadow's head had taken on the appearance of a serpent's skull, complete with fangs, and the body was a column behind it, stirring around Moord Nag without touching her.

It lunged, and fragments flew off Khonsu's shoulder as the shadow made contact, rubbed against him. It was as though the shadow's body were a series of circular saws, a rasp.

Khonsu's field made contact with the shadow's body, catching the middle of its body. Moord Nag didn't even flinch as her serpent was trisected, the middle section dragged away.

"Weaver, how the fuck did you get to South America?" It was Tecton. "The Director is flipping out."

"Not revenge. It doesn't matter. I-" I stopped short as a fresh circle appeared. The placement, the timing…
Legend had been caught.


Legend became a blur within the field. Then, in a matter of two or three seconds, the entire space filled with a red light. It slowly became white. Khonsu's power apparently affected all of the space above the bubble, reaching into the stratosphere. It was like a pillar of light.

It was impossible to say exactly how he did it, but Eidolon managed to catch the light before it could turn the battlefield into a smoking ruin. It condensed into a ball, swinging around past Eidolon as if he were a planet and it was in orbit, and then flew into Khonsu and Alexandria with a slingshot turn.

Alexandria had been stripped of much of her costume, but she fought on without a trace of modesty. Legend, too, seemed unfazed, unaffected by however many years he'd spent in Khonsu's trap.
Phir Sē's death was confirmed in the last Chapter, I almost forgot about him. I don't understand how he died because he had his personal Nightcrawler ready to protect him, but maybe the man wasn't so fast to teleport both of them at the right moment. Well, what can I say...his daughter will survive and I'm fine with this :smile2:. Anyway, RIP Phir Sē, you're...an interesting guy, to say at least. Now I can't stop imagining what kind of couple someone like Phir Sē and Doctor Mother would have made if they'd ever had this opportunity. Such a genocidal cute couple made in hell Heaven and Willdbow just killed this opportunity total offscreen. Just IMAGINE:
Phir Sē: For the good of humanity, I'm ready to sacrifice my whole family and my entire country.
Doctor Mother: For the good of humanity, I'm ready to sacrifice 5000 people just to make psycho warlords happy.
Phir Sē: I'm not very good at expressing my feelings in english, but you're definitely the woman of my dreams, Doctor.
Doctor Mother: You're making me blush, kind sir.
Phir Sē: I can make you the happiest woman in the world if you'll allow me.
Doctor Mother: Yes, we can do plenty of ruthless and utterly amoral utilitarian acts together.
Phir Sē: You're a treasure, Doctor.
Come on, Wilbow, you just killed this promising pairing offscreen, no less (I even had a ship name for them: Time Lords -mainsteam, but fitting). You meanie.
Moord Nag can make her Skull Shadow Pet grows at huge proportions, big enough for her to ride it. Does it have a name? Ok, I guess that I'll stick with Skull Shadow Pet until I'll know its name. Moord Nag must have a permanent pissed off mode, I swear. She was tense during the Cauldron meeting, she's tense during this fight too. She doesn't like what she's doing, this is clear for now :frown2:. She have control over her power so I can't say exactly that her Passenger is the one pulling the strings of her mind and behavior. But Echidna was in control of her power too, her Passenger masterfully piloting her. What if Moord Nag is in control of her power but she isn't in control of herself? If she was a psycho or simply nuts she'd have enjoyed this fight but there's no joy in her behavior, as Weaver observed. Probably she doesn't like that she have to kill 5000 souls for her power but she can't do anything in this matter because her Passenger is the one pulling the strings and she have zero free will left. Some parahumans are victims themselves to their own assholes Passengers, this is a thing that I easily noticed. What if this warlady is a victim of her own Passenger? I know so little about her yet I feel like I know her for Chapters. She's hard to be read yet she seems easier than most people. Someone like...Bitch? Simple yet complicated? "sighs" I don't know if I want to just dislike her or dislike her AND feel pity for her, I'm not sure yet, but I want to see more of her. Hell, I'm torn apart between wanting her to die at the end of this battle because 5000 of souls will survive if she's no longer alive and wanting this complicated piece of shit to survive because I want to see how much she's still human and how much she's alien. Maybe...for the sake of 5000 people, she can die but I will get an Interlude about her and other parahumans like her? Glaistig Uaine too? That will be a compromise between my moral side and my curious side :wink2:.

Spider silk extended between me and the various capes around me. These guys were South American. Three out of four would be in league with the various criminal factions and cartels. One in four were 'heroes'. I couldn't tell the difference between them. The cues and details in their costumes weren't ones I was familiar with. The choices in color, style, attitude and more were too similar. A cultural gap I couldn't wrap my head around, in any event.

Things were confused further by the fact that, by many accounts, the villains running or serving within the cartels were the ones sponsored by the government. The 'heroes', in turn, were rogue agents.

Califa de Perro, King of Dogs, howled and joined the fight, ready to capitalize on the success. In the same instant, I sensed my bugs being eliminated. Notdying, per se, but being eradicated from existence. The ones who'd been following after the column had been caught inside.

It was the moment I realized that the motherfucker was reinforced. He had forcefields set between layers, so he couldn't be wiped out in a matter of good hits like Behemoth had been. It was eerily reminiscent of Glory Girl.

Still, he was feeling the hurt. Moord Nag's shadow ripped into the site of the injury, widening it, danced back as Khonsu swung one arm at the skull, clipping and shattering one antler, and then lunged again, driving itself into another injured area.

The Endbringer teleported, and thanks to the Thanda, we were collectively teleported with it. My bugs, Moord Nag's shadow, and several tinker-made mechanical soldiers were left behind, as we found ourselves on a beach riddled with stones the size of my fist. Silos bigger than most apartment buildings loomed just over the hill.
I like how Phir Sē's people are helping because they can show gratitude to someone who helped their boss. It's nice of them. Real gratitude is a very rare thing during these days and must be treasured like a diamond :grin2:. Moord Nag's beast is a pretty strong combatant but not even it managed to hurt Khonsu enough so heroes can have a chance to kill him, he only retreated for a while then he'll probably return more once he'll be healed enough. Or he'll have his orders from Simurgh. I still think that Eidolon is responsible of Endbringers' creation and his first Endbringer was Simurgh- she's like a queen general of the other Endbringers, because she's the smartest and more powerful one. Gosh, for Eidolon' sake, I hope that his power is responsible for creating these monsters, not his own will, because if he consciously created them only to have stronger adversaries, then he's the BIGGEST MONSTER IN THE WORLD, bigger than the monsters that he created. God, don't make Eidolon so colossal irresponsible and with such a little respect for human life because that will be worse than anything he ever did for Cauldron or Cauldron ever did for themselves :frown2:. That will make someone like Jack fucking congratulate him. If it was his Passenger alone and he isn't even aware of what it did behind his back of his mind, then he's more like a tragic monster than an actual pure monster. Still a monster because he's the host of his Passenger and his Passenger responded to his PERSONAL NEEDS AND WISHES, but someone more like Sveta (Gosh, I miss my artistic little lady, when I'll see her again?) than Jack. Still a tragic monster that should be stopped before more millions of people will die due to Endbringers (I talked with my father- he's currently at the next Arc, and we both agree over Eidolon more or less consciously responsibility for Endbringers and my father said that the only way for humanity to permanently stop them is through Eidolon's death. If he will die, the his Passenger will have no reason to keep Endbringers alive and they'll naturally die. I was like: but Eidolon is a hero and if it isn't exactly his fault, he should not die for the sins of his Passenger. Maybe he can convince his power to destroy the Endbringers and then everything will be fine without him having to die. My father was like: what if he can't convince his Passenger to help him destroy their creations? What if only his death will be enough for these biological weapons of mass destruction to stop existing? Besides, Eidolon is not without sin. Remember him knowing about Cauldron and helping them? -He then asked me what I'll prefer: the death of one single shady and sinful hero or the death of more millions of innocents and cool heroes? I answered that if it was Legend in Eidolon's place, I would not like at all the idea of him dying, but with Eidolon I can make an exception. My father liked my answer and told me that sometimes I'm pretty wise. Just SOMETIMES?) Ok, I'm pretty obsessed with this theory and I realized that I'm rambling. Let's move on.
Speaking about Legend, this man is so incredible badass its hurt. He literally turned into light to avoid getting killed in Khonsu's time fields because...light is faster than time. Good that I paid attention in physics class.
Randomly, Teacher: You're getting an A.
Me: NO, FUCK, NOOOOO FROM YOU "runs with the speed of light" :eek2::eek2:.

My phone rang. I felt only alarm for a brief second, my blood running cold.

"Weaver, where the fuck did you go?"

I didn't push the offensive. I'd been working on that in the therapy sessions, not treating social interactions like fights. Calm, patient, I dragged my finger down the side of the screen. The text scrolled down.

Indiscriminate, January 20th, 2012 // Khonsu
Notes: First appearance. Scion/Moord Nag victory. List of all one hundred and sixty three targets and casualty numbers here.

Lüderitz, April 2nd, 2012 // Leviathan
Notes: Loss? Driven away by Eidolon. Secondary targets Swakopmund, Gamba, Port-Gentil and Sulima.
Target/Consquence: Moord Nag. Guerilla tactics continue, losses in notable but not devastating numbers, but his target survives.

Manchester, June 5th, 2012 // Simurgh
Notes: Defeat, no kill.
Target/consequence: still unknown. Tie to Lord Walston?

"But," he said, echoing me as he cut me off. "Take a second and think about what you say next. Grace asked me to call because, I'd like to think, I'm a pretty calm, laid back guy. All things considered, anyways. But I'm on the verge of being pissed at you, and saying the wrong thing now will push this from me being angry in terms of something professional to me being pissed because of something personal."
So many Endbringers attacks lately, these monsters simply went crazy after Behemoth's death. They just can't stop attacking. Or Eidolon can't stop waiting for a GOOD fight. Or both. Btw, now I think it's time to answer to the second question: if there's another Endbringer besides Simurgh, Leviathan and Khonsu, then what kind of powers I think that it will get? Simple speculation, judging by the fact that each Endbringer represent an element: Simurgh- air, Behemoth- earth and fire, Leviathan- water, Khonsu- time, I think the next Endbringer will represent space. Something like the Endbringer version of Vista, able to manipulate the space around it. And if there's another one...I don't know...metal or wood? With powers over nature? But I think that the space Endbringer will not be far away from the time one :smile2:.
Taylor breaking rules with no care at all. Well, I don't like authority too but I respect the rules even when I don't agree with some of them. Taylor shares my dislike for authority but unlike me, she doesn't give an ant' shit about respecting the rules. She switched the sides, but she's still playing by her rules. Classical Taylor :wink2:. She even managed to piss off Tecton which isn't an easy feat. Good job, Taylor, but you still forgot to call him a fucking Tinker to make sure that he'll be permanently pissed. "shakes her head" Poor, poor Tecton.

I stopped at the entry that followed. I clicked it. The one for Bucharest.

The video box opened up, but it was dark, the camera covered by my hair at the outset. There was only audio.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." It was Grace.

"Are you hurt?" Tecton's voice.

"Golem is. Shit."

It was only a second later that it became clear just why Annex was swearing. The city shifted. Roads narrowed, doors splintered and were virtually spat out of the frames as the door frames themselves narrowed.
The image on the camera veered. I'd seen the shift coming, and the bugs on the faces of the buildings let me know that the attack was coming a fraction of a second in advance. As buildings on either side of me lunged closer together by a scale of five or six feet each, spikes sprung from the elaborate architecture, from gargoyle's mouths at either side of a short flight of stairs, from the sign that bore a store's name, a blade rising from a manhole cover… ten or twelve spikes, for me alone, each fifteen or twenty feet long. They criss-crossed, came from every direction.

The camera had gone very still. Then, slowly, it moved again, examining the surroundings. Blades and prongs surrounded me, poised ready to prick and gouge like the thorns of a rosebush, all around me. My fingers rose to the camera's view, wet with blood.

"Heroes, be advised," Dragons A.I.'s voice came over the armband, "The Endbringer Bohu appears to follow a strict pattern. The city is condensed in twenty-four minute intervals, followed almost immediately by the miniature Endbringers producing barriers, walls, pillars, blocking apertures and more. The next phase, occurring gradually over the next ten minutes, will produce deadfalls, pitfalls and a smoothing of terrain features. Following that, we should expect more complex mechanical traps to appear, after which point the cycle will start anew. Be advised that she attacks with the spikes as she enters each phase. Disparities in reports suggest that she is feinting in some cases, feigning an inability to do so."

I could see her. Bohu. She was a tower, spearing into the sky, gaunt and stretched thin to the point where her head was five times longer than it was wide. Her body widened as it reached towards the ground, reached into it, extending roots and melding into the landscape. Her narrow eyes were like beacons, cutting through a cloud cover that was virtually racing towards the horizon in the gale-force winds. Her hair, in tendrils as thick around as my arm, shifted only slightly, heavy as stone, despite everything. She dwarfedthe other Endbringers in scale, one thousand three hundred feet tall, and her body extended into the city. I couldn't even guess at the radius she controlled.

Beside her was her sister, Tohu, who would have been almost imperceptible if it weren't for the glow around her. Tohu, with three faces. Legend's white and blue mask, Eidolon's glowing shroud, and Kazikli Bey's red helmet, each twisted to be feminine, framed by the long hair that wove and wound together to form her body. It condensed into cords and ribbons, and the ribbons and cords, in turn, condensed into her chest and lower body, two torsos made with overlapping versions of the hairstuff, small breasted, with only one pair of legs at the lower half. The colors were extensions of the costumes she was copying, predominantly white here, but with streaks of crimson, green and sky blue highlighting the ridges and edges.

Her four hands were long-fingered, claw-tipped extremities in shapes that served as mockeries of the people she was mimicking. Two of Eidolon's hands with the blue-green glow around them were holding a forcefield up to protect her sister, while a white-gloved one focused on using Legend's lasers to target capes who thought flying up and out of the city was a good idea. Not that it was easy to fly in winds like this. Not the sorts of winds that an aerokinetic like Kazikli Bey could make, capable of slicing someone with air compressed into razorlike ribbons. A hand in a red gauntlet was gesturing, redirecting the wind to blow down, across, and in crosswise currents that formed brief-lived whirlwinds.
Mother of all Gods, there are two more Endbringers :eek2:. Female ones. Sisters, no less. Tohu and Bohu. Tohu means nothingness and void in Hebrew and Bohu means emptiness, desolation in the same Hebrew. If you turn them into a noun: tohu-bohu you get chaos and disorder (I'm so happy that Willbow uses so many hebrew terms, he pays a lot of attention to jewish culture -being a proud jew myself, I can't help feeling happy when I see a famous non-jewish writer knowing so much about jewish stuff. Thank you, Wildbow :smile2:). It's easy to understand why these sisters are synonim with chaos and disorder. Bohu is literally shaped like a tower and she seems to have space warping powers (I swear that I didn't read further in the Chapter when I was talking about a potential space warper Endbringer. I'm just as shocked as you probably are about how exactly I was with my speculations). So, Bohu can turn the landscape into a hellish area filled with traps and all the things that can kill you. Even her appearance is like she's part of the city itself. Weird but exciting to see in action Endbringer. She also is the first Endbringer (as far as I know) who attacked my CITY. Bucharest. Well, the Earth Bet version of my city. But still is creepy to think that Bet Bucharest was turned into a horror landscape by a monster :frown2:. I feel literal shivers. Tohu is the other sister and she....she's the CONFIRMATION that Eidolon created and still create Endbringers. I don't need any other confirmation, Tohu is enough. She have 3 faces of 2 heroes and an unknown pahahuman, it's possible that she also have 3 powers, one power for each face she took. Eidolon care use 3 powers at the same time. Yep, now I don't have any doubt that Eidolon's power or Eidolon HIMSELF is responsible for all this shit. I wonder how Doctor Mother will react when she'll realize that Cauldron created (again) more or less of a tragic monster. Will she take his power away from him? Will she order his death? These are the only solutions for Doctor Mother to fix her fuck-up.


"We've been through a lot," I said. "I owe you a lot."

"And we owe you in turn. We're a team, Taylor. You have to recognize that. You know that. We've been together far, far longer than you were with the Undersiders."

Paris, December 19th, 2012 // Simurgh
Notes: Victory by Scion.
Target/Consequence: see file The Woman in Blue. See file UnitedCapes.

Los Angeles, May 17th, 2013 // Tohu Bohu
Notes: Victory by Eidolon/The Guild. Tohu selects Alexandria, Phir Sē, Lung. Target/Consequence: unknown.

"See you, Taylor. Have a happy birthday."

"Thank you," I said, hanging up.

Eighteen, I thought. I stood and stretched, swaying a little as the craft changed course. A two-fingered swipe on the screen showed the craft's course and our ETA. Another two-fingered swipe returned me to my desktop.

And in the midst of it, they'd wedged in space for an addition. It made for a break in the flow of the footpaths. It forced an abrupt turn, a hesitation as you tried to work out the way to your destination. Accord had drawn out the city plans, and the Undersiders had altered it to make room for this. For a marking.

Two masks, resting against one another, one almost resting inside the other. One laughing, the other not frowning, but the expression blank. They were cast in bronze, set on a broad pedestal, four feet high.

"I thought I'd see you first, Regent," I said. "A kind of apology, for not coming sooner. For not being there at the funeral, if there was one."

"I've hurt people for touching those." The voice sounded just behind me, in my ear. I jumped, despite the promises to myself that I wouldn't.

Then again, she wasn't someone you could anticipate.

"Imp," I said.

I turned around to look at her.
TIME SKIP. 2 years passed since Taylor became Weaver, a heroine breaking every single rule that was imposed on her. Big deal FOR HER as long as she knows that she became so indispensable to heroes that no way they'll punish her anymore no matter how many rules she broke/will break :stickouttongue2:. So many Endbringers' attacks during these two years, the new Endbringers were especially active. Simurgh targeted someone called Woman in Blue. I have no idea who this parahuman is, can't be the Fairy Queen because she wears green, not blue. Someone unknown for now. But someone powerful enough if she was targeted by Simurgh, no less. I'll keep an eye on the further mentions of this Woman in Blue (I hope that is not her codename because it's pretty awful 🤮). Tohu and Bohu can select 3 parahumans (3 powers) just like Eidolon, as I correctly observed first time. Eidolon still won despite them choosing some of the most powerful parahumans in the world: Alexandria, Phir Sē, Lung. Eidolon's power is going to create even more powerful Endbringers, right? Because he can still win against the current Endbringers, they're not strong enough for him.
Eidolon, your fucking obsession with fight and violence is fucking destroying the damn world 🤬. Maybe is not your fault but you should RELAX for a while and concentrate on everything else, like personal life, I don't know, find a girlfriend, a boyfriend, get married, have kids, you can ask Doctor Mother to be your wife, I don't care. Just....STOP already.
with dedication, the whole world :mad2:
Do you know what this time skip means other than showing what a great but rebel heroine Taylor became in the meantime? Jack fucking Slash and his army of over 9000 clones (I know how many clones should be but I couldn't stop making a pathetic over 9000 joke, ok?) are more than ready to show the world their collective middle fingers and condemn it to absolute destruction and death. Bonesaw needed two years to finish cloning her happy big family, right? Well, now it's time for them to fucking rise and fucking shine. Great times overall. I hope that Taylor's training sessions with Theo will prove to be very useful because Theo needs all the skills, bravery and power for his confrontation with Jack (well, I can expect from Jack to start cheating once he'll notice that he have no chance to beat Theo otherwise. Because this is what a good chaotic villain is usually doing when they feel like they're losing everything. They cheat. Jack is a chaotic villain and he must follow all the chaotic villains' rules, isn't right? :wink2:) I hope that everyone is ready for S9 Clones and I know that my hopes and expectations are extremely low when it comes to them, but maybe...MAYBE Cauldron will help too, right? At least a bit.
I like how Taylor and Tecton became such good friends over the time they spend together fighting against world menaces. For Taylor, Tecton is no longer just a fucking Tinker, he's a friend and an excellent colleague. For Tecton, Taylor is no longer the annoying ex-villain, she's someone that he can trust with his life. They're only friends, I prefered them to be much more but friendship is sometimes a better choice. What about Taylor and Theo? They're just partners? She's just his teacher and boss? Not a words about their current relationship. What if...ok, a girl can dream. But I'd really like a little romance at the workplace and Theo would be such a great boyfriend material choice for Taylor, she needs someone like Theo in her life :grin2:. Well, the end of the world is near and all I are is for romance. I feel like a thirsty idiot. But a thirsty idiot romantic at heart, WELP!
I wonder how many people were sacrificed for Moord Nag to keep hurting Endbringers a little :frown2:. Thousands? Millions? I'm afraid that Jack will have nothing left to kill if Skull Shadow Pet was very busy during these two years. Well, other people who call themselves heroic or righteous seem to do a better job as fucking the world than you, Jack. You're so fucking pitiful, you have a single job to do and you kind of fail to do it properly. Well, I shouldn't blame you because you're kind of a Sleeping Beauty during this time, I just wanted to point that there are people around doing your job better than you're doing it yourself :frown2:.

"Tattletale said you'd be back today."

"I figured she'd know," I said.

"Was it worth it? Leaving?"

I hesitated. "Yes."

I hesitated, I thought.

Here and there, there were people who shouldn't have been paying attention to the scene. A young girl inside one of the buildings with the graffiti-mural on the exterior, holding a baby. A boy was standing a little too far away to see, but he didn't approach to get a better view.
There were a small handful of others.

I looked at the rings on the memorial. "Heartbreaker's."

"He collected them. I uncollected them."

"I'd heard he died."

Imp nodded slowly. "Said I would. I told you I'd kill his dad for him."

"And you recruited the kids," I said. I used my bugs to track the bystanders, my eyes to note more who fit the criteria. Boys and girls, some narrow in physique, most with black curls, others with that pretty set of features that had marked Regent and Cherish. Some were fit on all counts, others mingled two of the qualities and skipped a third. Heartbreaker's offspring, unmistakably.

"I'm glad," I replied. Glad on more counts than I'm willing to say.

"She's been going to the fights, helping out here when we send for her. I haven't been going to the fights, so I dunno how much you've seen her there. She's been checking in on me, wandering around here with her dogs and scaring the everloving shit out of people until I come to say hi, then she leaves for another few weeks. I've probably seen her the most."
Aww, her colleagues allowed her to visit Undersiders, as gift for her birthday :grin2:. The best birthday gift, admit it, Taylor. You guys are so sweet, you're gonna make me a diabetic. Willbow is sweet too, because I have the chance to see MY Undersiders again. I missed them so much. Rachel and Aisha are doing pretty ok and Rachel is still travelling back to Earth Bet to see what Aisha is doing. I'm gonna cry, I swear :smile2:. They even dedicated a whole monument for Alec. Someone who sacrifice their own life for another human being DESERVE A MOTHERFUCKING MONUMENT. Self-sacrifice is the most humane thing someone can do. I have nothing but admiration and respect for these people :grin2:.
But the most impressive thing is that Aisha managed to kill the most Evil Casanova that humanity have ever seen alias Heartbreaker alias Nikos. Not only that she killed him but also she took his children with her. She RESPECTED the promise she made in Alec's memory ❤. Come on, Wilbow, you just stole from me the PLEASURE to see this monster SUFFERING and DYING onscreen. Not fair, not fair at all :wink2:. I wanted to see Aisha killing him in every small detail not just to have her saying that she just put an end to his absolute terror over his family and numberless other victims. "siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighs" Maybe an Interlude about Heartbreaker's family will show me what I just missed. When I said that Aisha is basically Arya Stark of Worm, I knew I was right. Not only that both of these girls are freaking badass but they're also WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS who are doing their best to protect, help and avenge people who can't protect themselves and are mistreated. My dark, adorable, murderous vigilantes-heroines, how much I love you two :smile2:. Aisha also adopted Heartbreaker's children. She's going to be their mother and teach how to live a better life and how important is to have someone who love you instead of treating you like shit and using you. Maybe Lisa will help her raising them too? Gosh, Aisha and Lisa- BEST ADOPTIVE MOTHERS FTW :grin2:. I'm so crying right now, I feel so moved by what Aisha just did. Not only that she slained the most horrible monster and saved his family but also she took his children under her protective wing. She did so much GOOD in a span of two years, I can't stop crying and smiling at the same time. Aisha just became my second favorite Undersider, I'm so sorry Rachel, but this little poltergeist ninja mommy is pure awesome, I can't even find enough words to describe how impressed I'm by her actions. And the fact that she'll raise FERAL MASTERS...I seriously wouldn't want to raise them even if I feel so sorry for them (but Masters fucking terrify me and Masters like these little Heartbreakers double terrify me), tells a lot about how determined she's to make Alec's proud of her, whoever his soul is wandering now :smile2:. Ok, Aisha, everytime when I feel like the world described in Worm is so hellish, filled and ruined by so many monsters (and when I saw monsters, I'm not referring at Endbringers this time) and I kind of want to Apocalypse to come and clean it completely, I remember that they're still people like Aisha or like Taylor or Tecton, people who still fight for what is good and right and who surely doesn't deserve to stop existing :smile2:. For these people I want the world to be saved, despite its ugly side. These people and others like them represent the beautiful side of the world, a side that still survived despite everything. These people give me hope and convince me to not hate their world.
I wonder how Aisha managed to kill someone who could have notice her based exclusively on her emotions and turn her into his loyal assassin or even worse, his sexual slave. Someone probably helped her, she couldn't kill him by herself simply because of his power. But who? Who was so altruistic to help Aisha kill the beast? I can think at 3 people doing it for various reasons. Heartbreaker's kids themselves, Contessa or Citrine. Let's study each one's reason.
Heartbreaker's kids: they're sick and tired of their father and they used their own Master powers to help Aisha kill him without falling under his control. They probably tortured him before he died. Fucking karma, Nikos, you bitch :lol2:.
Contessa: Ok, Lisa agreed to help Cauldron for (knowing Lisa) some favors. Lisa wanted to support Aisha in her attempt to take Heartbreaker down. For what kind of favors Lisa could have asked Doctor Mother? Money? Lisa have endless money. Power? Lisa is powerful enough. Sending Contessa to help Aisha kill Heartbreaker seems like the favor that Lisa wanted from Doctor Mother. Of course that Doctor Mother agreed, there was nothing precious for Cauldron to lose with Heartbreaker's death :wink2:.
Citrine: Accord trusted Undersiders and his Ambassadors with his plans before his death. Citrine probably took over Ambassadors and continued to remain an important ally for Undersiders. Lisa wanted a favor for Aisha from Citrine and Cintrine was ok with that. Citrine probably turned Heartbreaker's power against himself, allowing Aisha to give him the final blow :smile2:.
Maybe the next Interlude will be about Heartbreaker's family and will show who was Aisha's mysterious partner, because she couldn't kill him by herself.

It's Angelica, I realized. The dog lumbered forward, moving at a good clip, but certainly not the speed the dogs were capable of when they went all-out. Rachel was controlling the speed of the other dogs to allow the wounded animal to keep up.

"Rachel," I said. I was overly conscious of how we'd parted, of the way I'd left the group and the awkward conversation during the New Delhi fight. "Listen-"

She wrapped me in a hug, her arms folding around me.

Foil and Parian appeared in a nearby building, the same building the girl with the baby was watching from.

Tattletale arrived next. Grue appeared at the location with more Red Hands as she stepped outside. Where the others had been modest, approaching with a kind of leisure, she almost skipped for the last leg of the approach. She hugged me briefly, then kissed me on the cheeks. The mandibles, really, where the armor framed my jaw. Whatever.

But the Red Hands walked in formation around him, and one, a young woman, walked in step with him, close enough that their arms touched. They could have held hands and it would have been just as blatant.

"Happy birthday," he said, after I stepped back.

I eyed the young woman. She was a rogue, in the dashing villain sense, wearing a mask around the eyes, and old-fashioned clothes with lace around her ample cleavage. Her jacket and slacks were festooned with belts, bearing utility pouches and knives. The glove that wasn't red had a knife attached to each fingertip, a brace around it to keep everything in place.

"Oh. Skit- Taylor, meet Cozen. Second in command to the Red Hand."

They're married.

"She is pregnant," Imp said.

"An endbringer with a lowercase 'e'," I said. "It looks like Jack may have made his challenge to Theo. It's starting."
Taylor is sooooo jealous because Brian got a wife :grin2:. Taylor, should I remind you that you're the one who left Brian not viceversa? You have no right to be jealous because the man is now married with a woman who probably love and support him. Cozen is probably what Brian always needed but never got from his ex-girlfriend: an emotional support and stability. Yes, she's a villain but I don't think she's that bad. Brian would never accept a mass-murderess as his wife. To think that first time when I heard about Red Hands I was afraid that they're similar with S9 but now I realize that they're more like Undersiders and Ambassadors as long as they're Undersiders' allies. Maybe this girl makes Brian happy and if Brian is happy then I'm happy for him too. Cozen is probably Brian's best choice in the matter. Taylor, if you ever loved this guy, then be happy for his happiness :smile2:.
I like how Aisha taunts Taylor implying that Cozen is pregnant then denying it as a joke. She knows that Taylor is jealous and she intends to really piss her off :lol2:. Just be careful, Aisha, you won't like Taylor when she's super-pissed. Besides, I don't want Taylor to lose her cool and hurt Cozen, will only end in tragedies. Many tragedies :frown2:.
Well, not like they have time for childish jealousy anyway. Slaughterhouse Over 9000 Clones Nation begins their attack. Happy times :stickouttongue2:.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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Oh, is it time for my favorite interlude? I think it's time for my favorite interlude.

Also, I always thought it was cute that Aisha adopted the Heartbroken. They're Alec's little siblings, so if Aisha became their bis sis then it's almost like she and Alec were married. Certainly a cute way of declaring her feelings.
Oh, is it time for my favorite interlude? I think it's time for my favorite interlude.

Also, I always thought it was cute that Aisha adopted the Heartbroken. They're Alec's little siblings, so if Aisha became their bis sis then it's almost like she and Alec were married. Certainly a cute way of declaring her feelings.
*Checks that the next interlude is what I think it is* Oh yes.
Oh, is it time for my favorite interlude? I think it's time for my favorite interlude.

Also, I always thought it was cute that Aisha adopted the Heartbroken. They're Alec's little siblings, so if Aisha became their bis sis then it's almost like she and Alec were married. Certainly a cute way of declaring her feelings.

OMG, my father warned me that the next Interlude will make me cry and suffer a lot. He added that he's waiting for me to visit him to offer me hot chocolate and lots of hugs, awww ❤. Since he knows me very well I know that he's right. My bet? There's going to be a total heartbreaking Interlude about Heartbreaker's poor children :(.
What Aisha just did was cute, adorable, life changing (the children will grow up in a normal house because I'm sure that Aisha and Lisa will take good care of them) motherfucking justice prevailed (killing Nikos) and useful for Undersiders too (I'm sure that Nikos' children must be powerful. Look how powerful Alec and Cherish were. Cherish was one of the reasons why nobody blew Jack's head with a rocket launcher, for God' sake. Imagine these children becoming loyal to Aisha and Lisa to the point that they'll protect them anyway they can. Undersiders will basically have an "army" of strong and loyal Masters, each with a frightening power. Not only that Undersiders will become the biggest power in Brockton Bay and maybe one of the biggest powers in US but they'll be pretty untouchable. Anyone who'll dare to challenge them will either become their slave, their puppet or they'll simply give up, conceding defeat. Masters are a force to recognize with and if you treat them nice and gain their loyalty, you just win at life lottery. Now depends of each person but I can imagine how thankful most of Nikos' children must be that their nightmarish parent is no longer alive to torment them further :smile2:). All in all, I'm so happy for them, what Aisha did was the best thing ever for them, for Alec's memory and for herself.
One of the biggest criticisms that I've seen people mention about Worm would be this chapter; the timeskip.
It glosses over a lot of content; I mean, this is a period of time roughly four times the length that she spent with Undersiders skipped over. I personally agree with the idea that it should have at minimum an arc dedicated to it alone to go over all of the various factors and events that it would include instead of just squeezing everything together like this.

Especially for the introduction of the new Endbringers; Leviathan and Simurgh both had an act that heavily showed their attacks, Behemoth's attack lasted through multiple, there was even a decent amount of time dedicated to show the kind of world-wide chaos Khnosu was causing. Compared to that, and despite the impressive power-sets, Tohu and Bohu got a fraction of a single update and don't leave much of an impact on me.

I do agree that your thoughts on the upcoming interlude should definitely be interesting considering some of the views you've previously shared
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One of the biggest criticisms that I've seen people mention about Worm would be this chapter; the timeskip.
It glosses over a lot of content; I mean, this is a period of time roughly four times the length that she spent with Undersiders skipped over. I personally agree with the idea that it should have at minimum an arc dedicated to it alone to go over all of the various factors and events that it would include instead of just squeezing everything together like this.

Especially for the introduction of the new Endbringers; Leviathan and Simurgh both had an act that heavily showed their attacks, Behemoth's attack lasted through multiple, there was even a decent amount of time dedicated to show the kind of world-wide chaos Khnosu was causing. Compared to that, and despite the impressive power-sets, Tohu and Bohu got a fraction of a single update and don't leave much of an impact on me.

I do agree that your thoughts on the upcoming interlude should definitely be interesting considering some of the views you've previously shared

Believe me or not, I'm not bothered at all about the whole time-skip (I guess I read too many stories with even longer time-skip so I got used already). It's cool that I could see what Undersiders were doing in this time (I'm a bit frustrated that I didn't get the details of the love story between Cozen and Brian and scenes with Rachel living on the other Earth) but as long as I know that Undersiders are ok and pretty happy with their lives, I don't have any complains. Yep, I was curious to see Tohu and Bohu in action in their pure creepiness and terror but there are still few Arcs left -probably there is still a chance for these Endbringers to attack at the same time with S9 Clones' attack or after and I will get to see the full details of their powers and their combat techniques.
But I'm still bothered about something: didn't get the EXCELLENT occasion to see Nikos being reduced to eternal silence by Aisha. Maybe the next Interlude will show me how this girl wonder did it and who helped her (because no way she confronted him alone) :smile2:.
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Believe me or not, I'm not bothered at all about the whole time-skip (I guess I read too many stories with even longer time-skip so I got used already). It's cool that I could see what Undersiders were doing in this time (I'm a bit frustrated that I didn't get the details of the love story between Cozen and Brian and scenes with Rachel living on the other Earth) but as long as I know that Undersiders are ok and pretty happy with their lives, I don't have any complains. Yep, I was curious to see Tohu and Bohu in action in their pure creepiness and terror but there are still few Arcs left -probably there is still a chance for these Endbringers to attack at the same time with S9 Clones' attack or after and I will get to see the full details of their powers and their combat techniques.
But I'm still bothered about something: didn't get the EXCELLENT occasion to see Nikos being reduced to eternal silence by Aisha. Maybe the next Interlude will show me how this girl wonder did it and who helped her (because no way she confronted him alone) :smile2:.

My problem is that it's a whole lot of telling and very little showing; Tecton says that they've been through a lot together,and again four times longer than with the Undersiders, but it really doesn't feel true. We know that she;s been butting heads with the PRT directors and she's getting along with her father much better now but there's nothing to actually see.

Having so many things brought up together makes it seem impressive but, actually thinking about it, it feels kind of hollow to me; Taylor just seems to be listing off a bunch of information she already knows which drains a lot of the emotional impact it could have

Here's another example of how little the events in this chapter meant; one of Taylor's teammates died, and you didn't even comment on it
My problem is that it's a whole lot of telling and very little showing; Tecton says that they've been through a lot together,and again four times longer than with the Undersiders, but it really doesn't feel true. We know that she;s been butting heads with the PRT directors and she's getting along with her father much better now but there's nothing to actually see.

Having so many things brought up together makes it seem impressive but, actually thinking about it, it feels kind of hollow to me; Taylor just seems to be listing off a bunch of information she already knows which drains a lot of the emotional impact it could have

Here's another example of how little the events in this chapter meant; one of Taylor's teammates died, and you didn't even comment on it

WHAT? One of Taylor's partner died? When? Who? "reads the Chapter for the second time" Oh, oh, Annex died, he died when Bohu changed the city :frown2:. He was part of the city structure and her traps killed him. I really missed this scene at my first read, I was too absorbed in Tohu and Bohu's powers demonstration and I missed Kirk's death. Now I feel bad :frown2:. I wonder if other people missed his death or it was just me. Poor Kirk, I liked him and I liked his power.
PS: Everytime when I don't comment on something, means that I didn't even notice. I like to comment even on small events or details so if I miss something so important like the death of a character then I really didn't notice it. My shame, sorry :oops2:.
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WHAT? One of Taylor's partner died? When? Who? "reads the Chapter for the second time" Oh, oh, Annex died, he died when Bohu changed the city :frown2:. He was part of the city structure and her traps killed him. I really missed this scene at my first read, I was too absorbed in Tohu and Bohu's powers demonstration and I missed Kirk's death. Now I feel bad :frown2:. I wonder if other people missed his death or it was just me. Poor Kirk, I liked him and I liked his power.
PS: Everytime when I don't comment on something, means that I didn't even notice. I like to comment even on small events or details so if I miss something so important like the death of a character then I really didn't notice it. My shame, sorry :oops2:.

Yeah, I get that not everything gets commented on but my read on your personality was that you tend to be emotionally invested and care about these sorts of things so a character death is something that you would have brought up if you had noticed it.

And you're right that a fair amount of people ended up missing it (I myself did until I reread the chapter to remind myself of what Bohu was like and suddenly realised what that part), which is kind of what I was saying about how this chapter seemed to gloss over what should be important events.
Even just splitting it into an additional two or three chapters would have given a lot more space to explore these sorts of things like the reaction of the team and how they try to help each other heal or showing the world in a wider scale changing due to the changes that are happening.

Admittedly, part of this might be due to the fact that I like the Chicago Wards and would have been perfectly happy to read about 3+ more arcs of them being awesome. But I can't help but look at all those tidbits that were dropped here that feel like they could have been amazing to read about if we could actually see some of them take place
Is like the two years that she stayed in the wards didn't have importance.
But months with the undersiders where the best of her life.
"SIGH"What we are going to do with you,and your psychological quirks,taylor?
Interlude 25 PART 1
Hello, my friends. It's time for something that you all expected- the Interlude that is going to crush my heart :smile2:. This is how much you love me, can't wait to see my poor little heart crying over fictional characters. You naughty, naughty people :lol2:. Thank you for your kind thoughts, I'm astonished. What a kind, good-hearted fandom. Ok, the only Interludes that will probably make me cry are the ones where either my favorite characters suffer or children suffer. I'm thinking at a short travel in the past, showing Heartbreaker's family and how Aisha managed to slain that monster and save HER kids? I'm going to suffer for the poor kids, I know. Or a Moord Nag's Interlude, showing me that she absolute hate killing and she always cry and suffer everytime when her Skull Shadow Pet sacrifice people in her name. She probably even pray for their souls. Watch Wilbow pulling a second Echidna and turning this disgusting monster into a tragic monster that I should hate and feel sorry for at the same time :frown2:. Yep, that's the thing that will break my heart. Either Vasil children or Moord Nag's extremely sad life. I don't have any other ideas about what I should expect at in this Interlude. Let's see...Interlude 25

"Pretentious, isn't he?" Jack asked. He was naked, covering himself with both hands, sitting on a metal bench with more brushed stainless steel behind him. With the angle of the device, he faced the ceiling.

"Likes to hear himself talk," Bonesaw replied, agreeing. "Which do you think it'll be? Change for the better or change for the worse?"

Jack only smiled, his eyes crinkling a bit at the edges. He was getting older. It was reassuring and spooky at the same time. He's the daddy of the group and I'm the kid and he's getting older which makes him more daddylike.

But it meant he moved slower and got tired more easily. It was only a matter of time before he made a mistake, lost a fight.

"It's a given?" she asked. She pressed the button, and the lights started to flicker again.

"I think so," Jack commented. "But I almost hope things do turn out well."
Oh, fuck! It's...Bonesaw Interlude :eek2:. I can say that was pretty unexpected. Ok, so people warned me about this Interlude because they know three things: first- Bonesaw is my favorite evil and psycho villain, second- I'm going to see scenes from her past when Jack recruited her and there won't be very nice scenes, third- she's a child and people are already aware how emotional I become everytime when children are involved. Yep. So, two years ago, when Jack ordered Bonesaw to create clones for S9. We're going to see the cloning process+ probably memories from Bonesaw's past? I'm dreading the thought that Jack recruited her when she was a small child, she's probably for a while with S9 and knowing that during this Interlude's time she's 12 (2 years ago but in present she must be 14), who knows how young she was when she triggered (I'm sure that Jack must be responsible for her trigger :frown2:) and become the artist that we know so well and we hate so much. Bonesaw is that kind of character that I can't stop loving to hate. Speaking about her "artistic" side, I have another fucked up theory that look quite nice in a twisted way if you put it in the already growing collection of lately fucked up theories (Amy physically raping Victoria and Eidolon creating Endbringers). You know these tiny metal spiders that Bonesaw uses as weapons and nurses/assistants? They can't be entirely robots because technology is not Bonesaw's specialty. Yes, she can copy other Tinkers' tech, but she won't be so good to build perfectly working automatons in the same way that Dragon is doing. She's specialist in biology, right? Hookwolf the Baby Killer killed those babies as part of his tests, right? Spiders robots are very small, so small that...a baby brain can be put inside on of them, right? Sooooooo, my fucked up theory is that Bonesaw saved the killed babies' brains and used the to power the spiders robots :eek2::eek2:. They're piloted by tiny baby brains...This is beyond fucked, my head hurts only by thinking at such fucked and absolute horrible theory :cry2:. Yes I can see Bonesaw being capable to create spider cyborg babies. Only she is cruel enough to think at this monstrosity and make it real. Only she is monstrous enough to be capable of such INHUMANITY and total lack of respect for life. Well..."sighs"...poor babies...another reason to hate Bonesaw...let's read further and see what she did during the time when her partners were sleeping...

She walked over to the computer. Flowers, rainbows and gray-green smiley faces with the eyes crossed out in death bounced around the screen. She moved the mouse to end the screensaver, giggles still periodically finding their way out of her mouth.

Jack had assumed she would freeze herself. The empty pod reinforced the idea.

No, that wasn't wholly true either. It was a one percent chance. Five percent, if she counted her lack of knowledge about other tinker's stuff. But she hadn't touched it, even to move it. It should be safe.

Her eyes tracked the rows and columns of incubation chambers. They weren't her field either. A different row for each member of the Slaughterhouse Nine, past or present.






Gray Boy



There were ten of each in various glass chambers. The original members.

They'd come out blank. Wouldn't do. She had access to some of the toys they'd liberated from the Toybox.

She'd have to put the new Slaughterhouse's memories together herself. Brains. Memories, or things close enough to memories. She had notes and records, all of the bedtime stories Jack had told her as she drifted off to sleep these past few years. There was information saved on the computer. She could hodgepodge it together.

Mannequin had lost his wife and children in a Simurgh attack. How to approach it? A file here, with a woman who had lost her spouse and children in a car accident she'd driven. Close enough. She could leave gaps and it would fill in all on its own. Build it all on a foundation of an academic background, a doctor with confidence to spare, an architect in the same vein, a celebrity singer who'd come in wanting inspiration at the press of a button… run everything in parallel, with the ideas of the former two and the experience of the other…

But that wasn't enough. He'd been driven, haunted. How was she supposed to put it all together? Could she make it a recurring idea, so this Mannequin-clone would see the events flashing before his eyes with every waking moment? Something he could only quench with a quiet, cold rage? Or was it something he'd put behind him?

Winter had been an arms dealer, sadistic, ruthless, cold.

A dampening power, causing objects and people both to lose inertia. The ambient effect was one of altered physics, the effect on people was one of will. The woman had gained power, money and more, and she'd found she liked tormenting people as much as anything else. She'd turned to the slave trade, then crossed paths with the Nine.

How to make the Winters with the materials she had? A child that had a gun in her hand before she could read, someone who had found the drive necessary to rise above her roots, meeting all expectations. She'd taught herself numbers and business, she'd ruthlessly eliminated competition, and then when she had everything she'd wanted, she had stagnated, rotted like an overripe fruit.
Oh, so the clones are tabula rasa and she needs to create facsimils of memories using Toybox's tech and upload them in clones' brains. No so complicated for a Tinker of Bonesaw' caliber. The most complicated thing, however, will be to make the connection between these duplicates and their originals' Passengers. To work in a way so the Passengers will recognize and accept the new hosts, connecting them to the old ones. Working with Passengers is harder than any other work and I'm sure that Bonesaw is aware of this problem. Of course, I pray that she'll fail and most of clones, if not all, will realize that...they have no powers at all because the connection with the Passengers isn't possible :grin2:. Would be nasty for them, great for humanity, a traumatic failure for Bonesaw and hilarious for me. But, we're talking here about Bonesaw, she won't give up until she makes sure that her work is a brilliant success.
I wonder why she refused to clone herself. Maybe because she wants to be unique and hate having other competitors with exactly her talent? Or maybe she thinks that will be hard for her to control her own clones because...they're exactly like her and she probably doesn't have enough control over herself either?
Winter's childhood SUCKS :frown2:. No wonder why she became a monster when she reached adulthood. The environment sometimes change a person forever. Feel sorry for CHILD Winter, but adult Winter can go straight to hell for all I care. For some reasons, I picture Winter looking like Princess Elsa from Frozen. But wearing a military uniform instead of a dress :grin2:. Yep, this is how I picture her in my head even if I feel bad for comparing a criminal and slave trader with Elsa. So, her power is to make objects lose inertia and people lose their will? Like....she's freezing the time around objects and people. Kind of similar with Clockblocker's power? As COLD and sadistic as she is I can't wait to see her in action only to get a better description of her power and how it works. Now imagine Elsa killing heroes and civilians left and right. Poor Elsa, victim of my screwed imagination :stickouttongue2:.

"Hey, Blasto, buddy," she said, and her voice sounded artificially chirpy, even to her. She looked at her minion, who stood at the other end of the desk, staring off into space, his entire body rigid. A tear was running down his cheek.

Would have to cauterize his tear ducts, maybe.

"Ugh. Guh. Fuh- fuck-"

She hit the key to lock him down, feeling irritated.

"Swearing is so crass! Okay. Guess you don't know them. Let's see. I've got something in my backpack…"

It took only moments to rig. Her spider boxes ran on interconnected lumps of gray matter, basic impulses, motor control and storage, with some computer chips to handle functions that were more trouble than they were worth to implement. One of those chips managed rote movements. She removed a defunct spider box from the backpack she was keeping beneath her desk and attached it to Blasto's spine, between his shoulder blades.

"Love bug love hug! A, B, C, D!
There they are, coming to say hi!
Love bugs are here, no need to cry!
When you're feeling lonely, when you're alone,
Who can you count on, to be in the zone?"

Behind her, Blasto watched the video. She set it to repeat, and the bug box kicked in the second time around. Blasto's reedy voice sang along. It was so pathetic and mournful that she laughed aloud.

Better give him some exercise too.

By the time the fourth repeat had finished, he was all set up. He started dancing along with the fifth, mimicking characters on the screen. Each repeat would be a little more precise, as the camera captured the necessary elements.
....SOMEONE SHOULD PUT REY ALIAS BLASTO ALIAS "FUCK MY LIFE IS A FUCKING HELL" OUT OF HIS MISERY BECAUSE IT STARTED TO STINK :frown2:. Bonesaw still keep him "alive" and force him to sing and dance like he's her personal doll. Just a girl playing with her dolls in her own way. Gosh, I know this guy was fucking crazy for wanting to create an Endbringer but then I remember that he was also ready to sacrifice his life just to stop Bonesaw from killing innocents. He wasn't entirely evil, maybe he deserved to die but not to suffer this kind of fate. I mean, someone like Jack deserves MORE to be tortured like this for eternity but Ray is not Jack. Bonesaw, buy some REAL dolls for you and let this man find his peace. He already suffered enough, its time for him to rest in peace :frown2:. You said that you're not so crazy like him. Well, PROVE IT, my dear. Not wanting to create Endbringers is not an enough good argument to illustrate Ray's less crazyness compared with Bonesaw's. From what I saw, Blasto never tortured people, but someone "not as crazy as him" like Bonesaw creates ART from giving people a fate worse than death.
Bonesaw, Bonesaw, Bonesaw...why your Interlude makes me hate you more? It supposed to make me feel sorry for you but, so far, my feelings are quite opposite of feeling sorry for you. People tortured by you, yes, I feel nothing but sadness for them...
And my theory about Bonesaw using babies' brans as brains for her spiders is not far from the truth- "interconnected lumps of gray matter"...kind of confirmed me that they're half biological and Hookwolf the Baby Killer's rampage wasn't a test, but an plan to get more resources for Bonesaw's creations. I suddenly feel like I want to throw up 🤮.

"I'm going to take over the world!"

"Wonderful," Bonesaw commented, feigning a cultured voice. "More tea?"

"Tea, yes! Obey, serve me. Give me tea."

Bonesaw dutifully poured a beakerful of hot water into the cup, then set a spoon by the saucer. "No milk? You're sure?"

A biologically seven year old Damsel of Distress glared across the table at Bonesaw as she took a sip, then had to momentarily steel herself to keep from making a face. Her face was gaunt, but that was her natural appearance. Her pale blue eyes deep set, platinum blond hair simultaneously fine and thick, matted together.
The chemical stew the clones were growing in didn't make for typical looking hair growth.

"I'll rule the ashes."

"I see. That's even harder, isn't it? If there's no way to communicate, then how do you manage it all? There won't be phones or internet after everything else is gone."

"Yes," Damsel agreed. She swayed in her seat for a moment, then gripped the table with foot-long, clawed fingers to steady herself. Bonesaw's design, replacing the skeletal structure. A way to channel Damsel's power and -if needed- briefly shut it off.

Damsel's confusion became a swift, violent anger. "You poisoned me, wretch!"

"I'll flay your skin from your bones, irrevocably destroy everything you cherish," Damsel said, her voice fainter. "You'll cry your rage to the heavens until your torment subsumes everything. Madness will be a refuge."

He was muttering to himself, "Wall them in. Wall myself in. Wall them in. Wall myself in."

"Come on, A.G.," Bonesaw said. She reached through the structure and took his hand. "Out through the door."

"I was going to say wife. And I have two children. They're seven and five. Except I'm…"

"You're seven. You're thinking of your sisters."

"Walling you in," she said, as she put him on top of the stand. A press of the button raised the glass enclosure. She could see him relax a fraction at that.
Damsel of Distress is the comedian psycho of this story :lol2:. She's crazy enough to want to take over the world, even if the world is only ashes and to threaten Bonesaw with death even when it was clear for her that she was Bonesaw's victim, but also comedic enough to not be serious. Everytime when she appears, she also die. First, the adult original was killed faster than you can say Bonesaw is freaking nuts by Defiant, now a child clone with an adult mind was killed by her creator, no less. You suck at being all bad and scary, Damsel, despite your destructive power and violent personality. You also such at not dying every single time :lol2:. I'm ready to bet that a finished Damsel clone will be the first clone who'll die. She's like to fool of the story. She only exist to die. Well, at least I don't have to be worried that she'll be a pain in the ass for Taylor and com.
Btw, this poisoned tea party reminds me of the tea party from Alice in Wonderland. Bonesaw is blonde and wear a blue dress and white apron, just like Alice and Damsel was mad enough to be the Mad Hatter for Bonesaw's Alice. Cute :smile2:. They can add a Murder Rat as a the Dormouse and Bonesaw can create a human-rabbit hybrid for March Hare and you have all the original characters together. I liked Bonesaw's Poisoned Tea Party, cute, weird and twisted at the same. So far, we got poor Rey moving, dancing and singing like a puppet , the partial revelation that Bonesaw's spiders may have baby brains incorporated in them :mad2: and this Wormverse version of Wonderland's Tea Party. Also...OH MY GOD, YOU KILLED DAMSEL AGAIN, YOU BASTARD. Its like I'm reading a surreal, unpredictable, monstrous and even funny at times fairy tale. When I'm going to cry for Bonesaw' sad childhood?
Poor, poor Alan. He was blonde before he destroyed his natural body. This is the first time when I got a description of the REAL Alan and not the mannequin he became. He barely exist as a clone and he's already worried for his wife and children. Poor, poor man. See? This is why this world is full with awful parents. Because good parents died (more or less) :frown2:. I wonder if Bonesaw will help Alan clones to transform into Mannequins. Well, they can help each others, will be more quickly and easy than when the original Alan was alone. I want so much to see how he managed to do what he did to his body but I'm convinced that I'll get to see all this gruesomecool stuff happening offscreen (my theory is that he first build surgery robots and a shell cybernetic body, programmed the robots to extract the organs from his body while he was under anesthesia and put them inside the shell cybernetic body but still I want to see the whole procedure).

Various elements that were unique to every individual served as a signal that the passenger could reach out to in an attempt at reconnecting with a host. DNA, electromagnetic patterns, patterns she could barely measure with instruments, all contributed, none was absolute. Once the connection was established, powers were possible as well. A moment of trauma sped the process along considerably. Her initial assumption had been that coming to life would be enough for the clones.

But the clones were dreaming, and those dreams were founded in the fabricated memories she was providing.
It was something of an art, an interesting experiment, to strike all the right notes, to get geography and birthplace right, culture, custom, habit and every other detail, along with the major, defining moments of their lives.

The Corona Pollentia was developing as the originals did, drawing from DNA to form as a lobe in the brain, right from the outset. The dreams formed the connections between the corona and the clone. The bonds were forming too quickly and easily.

It was interfering with the cloning process, as the passenger's typically indistinct and subtle influence on the subject was becoming rather dramatic. The brain was too pliable while the clones were in their formative ages, the passenger too insistent.

Already, she was figuring out how to solve the problem. She'd have to stagger it, introduce memories in phases, starting with earliest and working her way forward. Maybe it would be easier, organized. She could consider each member of the Nine in turn and decide if they had been treated well as babies, if their home and school lives were comfortable… that would be a yes for someone like Mannequin, less so for Ned, for Crawler.

Back in Earth Bet.

She entered a small grocery store.
I get how she plans to connect these clones to their originals' Passengers. She replicates their traumas and trigger moments and use their DNA and dreams to force the Passengers inside the clones' minds. Wow, Bonesaw is so good at what she's doing. Frustrating good because I want to fail and to have each clone destroyed but will not happen because she's too good to let it happen. She's not only brilliant with her Tinkering and a great strategist but she also smart enough to take good care of herself in day by day life :smile2:. She changes her appearances so nobody will recognize her when she's going to shopping on Earth Bet. She doesn't want to be captured and used by whoever capture her to get access in her pocket dimension and kill all the clones including Jack. Smart thinking, "Alice". What if her real name is Alice? How cool will be that? I think that I'll like Alice as Bonesaw's name :grin2:. Hmm, Crawler's name is Ned, its hard for me to visualize Ned when he still looked like a human being, and not a Lovecraftian mini-monster. Sometimes, I almost forget that Crawler was....IS still a human being beneath all the layers of monstrous flesh, multiple eyes, tails and fangs. Guess that the EVOLUTION kind of suck sometimes.
"Thank" you for letting Rey rest for a little while. This is the "nicest" thing you could do for him, Bonesaw :frown2:. But you can be a much more good girl and just let him die. Its not like there will be no dolls left for you. You can find a new doll anytime you want. Why not capture a really bad person? Why not capture pedophiles and torture them like this forever? You'll have my seal of approval, I swear. Pedophiles deserve exactly what you're doing to Rey but without the resting "privilege" :smile2:.
What if Bonesaw will met Taylor in the grocery store and Taylor will recognize her? How they'll react if they'll see each other (I think that Bonesaw knows how Taylor looks like because she's a celebrity now and her real face appeared everywhere)? They'll fight? Taylor will try to kidnap Bonesaw and force her to take her to extra-dimensional lab?

"Good morning," the man at the counter said. Thirty-two or thirty-three, to judge by his appearance. His hair was too long in the back, just starting to recede in the front, his stare intense, but he wasn't unattractive otherwise.

"Good morning," she responded, upbeat. Don't talk to me. It would be messy if I had to kill you. She corrected herself. I'll fix your hair and then I'd kill you.

She made her way through the store. Lemon juice, vinegar, sugar, salt, a box of Frooty Toots, some milk, pancake mix. Nutrient slop was great when she needed to work without cooking, but it was still slop.

A pale, dark-haired woman stepped out of the bank, wearing a black suit.
NOT TAYLOR BUT SOMEONE WHO HAVE MORE CHANCES TO DEFEAT BONESAW....FUCKING CONTESSA, MAN 🕵️‍♀️. I recognized you, Contessa, even without the description of your fedora. The black suit was enough for me. What a timing! What are you doing here, Contessa? Your Path of Victory told you that you have good chances to meet Bonesaw in person if you're going to a bank next to a store :stickouttongue2:? Man, this is getting so exciting. Contessa will force Bonesaw to bring her to the pocket dimension so she can kill all the clones? That will be the logical course of the action and as much as I don't like Cauldron they have the same goal as the good guys: stop S9 through any means. Do it, Contessa, do it and I'll seriously like you. You'll be the only pleasant Cauldron member other than Legend :grin2:. Imagine how many lives you'll save if you'll murder these clones before they'll get a chance to bring the hell on earth. Then you can kill Bonesaw or lock her inside Cauldron's cells, for all I care. Let's say that Bonesaw will put up a good fight. But Contessa is a combat Thinker, she can predict every single Bonesaw's attack and use the Path of Victory to dodge it and defeat Bonesaw despite all her safeguards and countermeasures. Contessa is the winner, no doubt. What Bonesaw will do to stop her if Contessa will decide that Bonesaw should lead her to the lab? Threaten to kill the store clerk and the customers? Contessa will not give a fuck, Cauldron doesn't usually give a fuck about civilians and I can see her killing the people herself just to prove Bonesaw that she can't blackmail her with their lives :wink2:.

Better to guess and be wrong. "Are you picking a fight with me?"

"No," the woman replied. "No I'm not, Bonesaw."

"You worked a biological key into the transporter device. Unless you are alive, calm and holding the device, it won't work. It will only transport you. We can't use it to get inside, and killing you wouldn't stop the stasis period from ending."

"You'll do this one. The Slaughterhouse Nine you're mass producing, you're going to install a control switch. You'll give that switch to me. Not soon, but later. Later than you think."

"Silly! You couldn't be more wrong," Bonesaw said. "Betray Jack? Betray the others?"

"You will."

"Breadth and Depth."

"I don't get it. Those are the things?"

Bonesaw bristled. Mechanical traps, spring-loaded needles and venom venting systems readied throughout her body. She let the bags drop to the ground.

The woman didn't attack. Instead, she turned to leave.

An empty threat?
OMG, Bonesaw is soooooooooo well prepared :rolleyes2:. She doesn't have to "scare" Contessa with killing civilians, she knows that Contessa can't kill her because the key to the pocket will not work for Contessa and can't capture her either because she needs to be calm for the key to work. If Contessa will force her somehow, Bonesaw will become agitated and there will be no chance for Contessa to go there and slaughter everyone. Basically, Bonesaw outsmarted Contessa and Contessa knows this and accepted her defeat :frown2:. She also know that one day, Bonesaw will betray Jack. She doesn't know how but she knows that Jack will lose his best henchperson or even worse, have her turned against him. Jack will be so fucked if Bonesaw will ever turn against him, she's the best Tinker in the world (not Dragon who lost every single fight against Taylor and Undersiders but Bonesaw is the best Tinker, yes, that Bonesaw who never lost any fight. Sorry, Dragon, you're a sweetheart but the champion here is Bonesaw :wink2:. Tinkering is like a second nature for her and I'm sure that her Passenger must love her -violent and twisted as hell, more inventive and imaginative than other Tinkers. Exactly what a Passenger would want from a host :grin2:).
Between the clones controlled by Bonesaw or controlled by Cauldron, I prefer if...all the clones will be killed. Will be better for everyone. Including for the clones themselves since their life is basically a lie, they're only shadows of their former selves and their minds are oriented only towards murder and destruction (their originals were also serial killers so isn't a big difference). Its like...killing them will not only save so many possible victims but also put them out of their misery. Cauldron will also use them for murder so its not like they'll have a normal life :smile2:.
Breadth and Depth? I don't have any idea what Contessa wanted to say with "Breadth" but I think I get the meaning of "Depth". Maybe if Bonesaw will try to look into the depths of her heart, she'll find there a little hope for herself and humanity- that she's not entirely a monster, only an extremely lost soul, twisted by the most EVIL man in the world, Jack, to become his murderous little girl. If she'll find the hope, then she might change herself and become again the person that she was before she got her innocent soul polluted by Jack's evilness. Is she still innocent deep down? Maybe yes, maybe not. Will she turn against Jack? Contessa said yes, but I'm not sure if she'll betray Jack because she'll find the lost hope in her soul or because Jack will disappoint her somehow and she'll not feel appreciated enough by him. Does Bonesaw deserves a second chance, is there any possibility of salvation for her? I don't know, so far she didn't do anything to convince me that she can be redeemed. I'm willing to give her a second chance only because she's so young and based on what Contessa said, but then I remember Brian's hellish suffering, all those babies that she took their brains, all those heroes that she turned into monstrous hybrids, all the pain and misery that she caused everywhere she went :mad2: and not only that I kind of don't want to give her a second chance but I'm not sure either if she WANTS a second chance for herself. What if she'll look into the "Depth" of her heart and she'll not like what she'll discover there? She'll be so shocked seeing what she became that she'll prefer to continue to be a monster, thinking that there's no return to her old persona anymore. Maybe I'll see more of her decisions in the second part of this Interlude. Until then...

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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CREDIT VISTA by ArtofLariz on DeviantArt

OH, GOD, CRAWLER :lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:

CREDIT Crawling in My Jeggings by CPericardium on DeviantArt


CREDIT Faerie Queen by kingdaume on DeviantArt


CREDIT Cauldron Pops! by CPericardium on DeviantArt


CREDIT: Best Ambassador by CPericardium on DeviantArt

Good to mention: These pictures (including their links) were send to me by my friend. I can't look anywhere after pictures because of the huge risk of being spoiled. My friend- bless her heart- take care to provide me with AWESOME FAN ART and I feel the need to share it with you, my dears.
Your thoughts on the clones and originals were pretty interesting to see, though I'm particularly curious about what you feel about the rest of the interlude
Interlude 25 PART 2
Hello, my friends. Time for the second part of an Interlude that I already love, Bonesaw's Interlude. It's dark, gritty, a bit of a tragedy- Rey's tragedy is something that I wish only to few people to happen and these ones should be the worst people (there's no mention about Bonesaw's trigger event and I'm kind of relaxed and frustrated at the same time because I want to learn what happened to her but I feel like that my heart will be crushed if I'll discover the reason why she's like that :frown2:), a little funny at moments (Damsel dying again as a clone, the Poisoned Tea Party where Bonesaw inadvertently re-created the Tea Party from Alice in Wonderland -Damsel even got to wear a hat, so I didn't exaggerate too much when I compared her with Mad Hatter, well, a DEAD Mad Hatter) and surreal. My kind of Interlude. Btw, my friend- who read my liveblog regularly- told me that she finds funny how I imagine Winter looking like a soldier Elsa and she confirmed that indeed Winter is white haired but she doesn't look too much like Elsa (well, like I'll stop imagining her as the Ice Queen of Arendelle :wink2:). Lol, I can't stop thinking at the moment when Weaver and the heroes will confront Winter clone.
Everyone will be like: -Let's kill this bitch.
Winter will be like: Maybe you'll kill me but first..."suddenly start dancing and singing" 🎶-The cold never bothered me anyway-🎶
Everyone stares bewildered at her.

Or when they'll met Damsel clones: Weaver kills clone after clone after clone, building piles of dead Damsels.
Everyone else: OMG, Weaver, you killed Damsel again...and again...and again...and...you bastard :eek2:.
Should I start seeing Damsel as Worm-verse Kenny? Won't be something far away from reality.

Enough with talking and let's continue with the Slices of Life of a Teenage Mad Scientist Episode 2 Interlude 25

January 20th, 2005

Riley panted for breath. Her body wasn't listening, now.

She reached her mommy's room, then collapsed on the floor, head turned towards the foot of the bed.

The carpet was stained with blood. On it, just beside the bed, her mother lay face down, head turned to one side just like Riley's was. She was covered in stitches. There wasn't a place where Riley could have reached out and placed a hand down flat without touching one of the marks.

But she was too tired. The moment she was done saving her mommy, she'd have to run to the bathroom and save daddy. Then she'd have to run downstairs and save Drew. After that she'd save Muffles, and hurry back to mommy. In each room, one or two scary people waited for her. Waited and watched while she worked, then undid her work or came up with worse things to do.

"I don't love her," she answered. She blinked, slow, so she wouldn't have to look her mommy in the eyes, and tears were squeezed out.

"Alrighty," Mister Jack said. "Say goodbye, then."

Say goodbye.

"Goodbye, mommy," Riley said, obediently.

Others appeared in the doorway, casting the room in shadow.

"She done?"

"She's done," Mister Jack said, standing. He stretched. "As for what we do with her, we-"

Her mother's final words rang through Riley's head, the last words she'd before she had become a machine that had stopped working.

Be a good girl.
I SAID THAT FEW PEOPLE DESERVE REY'S FATE, AS BEING BONESAW'S PUPPET. WELL, JACK FUCKING SLASH IS ONE OF THESE "PEOPLE" WHO DESERVE THIS FATE AND EVEN WORSE :mad2::mad2::mad2:🤬. He's a total monster, the worst kind of monster, he's not a human being at all, he's lower than a worm slithering on the face of earth. I'll rather have respect for the life of a worm than the life of Jack. He's a being that should not be allowed to live anymore, that should not be allowed to exist in the first place. What he did to poor Riley (I like Riley name but I'd have preferred Alice) is beyond any imagination of CRUELTY and SADISM. This second part of Riley's Interlude really, deeply hurt my heart and it's only the beginning. This being lower than a worm mutilated Riley's mom and the rest of her family and forced Riley to heal them using her new gained Tinker skills. When the poor little girl (I think she was around 6-7 years old given the year when the flashback happened) was too tired to continued, she had to let her mommy die and forced herself to embrace the life of a monster that Jack created for her 😢. She even forced herself to always be a good and submissive Jack's henchperson because this is what her mother- with her last words- told her. Her poor mother, she seemed like a kind mother. Poor Riley, this is one of the worst trigger events I've ever heard about in this story (the other really bad trigger events belong to Rachel, Hannah, Lisa and Taylor, in my opinion). I cry when I'm writing this. I'm very shocked and sad and revolted and I feel such a deep HATE for this worm called Jack that I can't even describe it in words. I hated him before but now...I wish him a fate worse than death more than anything. A fare worse than what Bonessaw gave to Rey or what S9 gave to Cherish. A fate that will hurt him both physically and mentally FOR ETERNITY. Wildbow is a freaking genius for making me hate his characters so much like they are real beings who personally hurt me. Well, Jack actually hurt my heart and this is another reason why he should pay 😢:mad2:.
Poor Riley, my poor, poor child. I'd like to mention: I feel terrible bad for Riley but I still hate Bonesaw for the atrocities she committed even if I'm aware that she forced herself to be a monster to please her Master. But what she did is unforgivable, especially to Brian and those babies. I understand her but I'll never forgive her even if she'll turn against Jack one day.
What a trigger event...My poor heart...I have to visit my parents and hug them once I'll finish with this Interlude. I'm so lucky to have such good parents and especially, still living parents :smile2:.

November 15th, 2011

She woke from a nightmare that was becoming all too familiar. Usually it was only a few times a week, fragments. Now it was more distinct, more cohesive.

She didn't like it.

As was her habit, she reached across the bed, holding her companion close.

Not enough. Not warm enough, not responsive, not caring.

He wasn't family.

Be good, she thought, and the thought was too close to an idea in her dream. It had the opposite effect, dashed her resolve to the wind.

It didn't help that Blasto had died a week ago. A stroke, no doubt from stress, in the midst of a refrain of the Love Bugs theme song. The only thing that let him move now were the control mechanisms she'd set up.

Not so good for snuggling.

She left the closet that was her bedroom, with Blasto standing beside the fleshy mattress, and she approached the cases.

She'd set herself the task of having everything ready for when Jack and the others woke up, and now she felt she was unraveling, coming apart in the quiet and the solitude.
If I would be a hero/or a villain with a power to give people fate worse than death, the only times when I'll use my power is to give Jack (and other worms like him) this kind of fate. I won't feel like a monster afterwards but as someone who did the right thing :smile2:. No regrets, no looking behind. Fuck, Jack makes Joker (the character that probably was a source of inspiration for Jack) seems like a not such a bad guy (btw, I recommend Joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix as Joker. Excellent movie- even if it kind of victimized such a legendary supervillain as Joker- and Joaquin deserves a fucking Oscar for his role) because I never saw Joker doing THIS to a small child (again, Joker CREATED Harley Quinn but its still a difference because dr Harleen was an adult in the first place) so Jack appears to be a little worse than the The Clown Prince of Crime :frown2:.
Btw, I'm very aware of Jack's trigger event and...I'm not very impressed (probably my hate for him is stronger than any sense of compassion even for child Jack). My friend told me that, according to the WoG, Jack's parents, two psychopaths, locked Jack alone into basement, lying him that the world had ended and they're doing that for his own protection. When they finally allowed him to get out, he realized that they lied him and the world never ended. Then he triggered. Ok, pretty bad to be locked alone in basement and lied for some time that the world ended but not half as bad as what he did to Riley. I now understand why he wants to end the world. To make his nutty parents' lie become true. Like: Mom, dad, you told me that the world ended? Ok, now I'm gonna end the world for real. Sick parents, sick son :frown2:.
RIP Rey alias Blasto. You died which is much more better than living like this. I'm glad that you finally found your peace.
Bonesaw...(I'm gonna call her Bonesaw everytime when she's Jack's little helper and Riley when she's her old self)...used Rey's dead body as someone that she can cuddle with when she went to sleep. Before she had Siberian, now she doesn't have anyone to cuddle with. I think that the only S9 member who ever loved Bonesaw was Manton. He loved her and used Siberian to cuddle with her because she reminded him of his daughter (the daughter that he ruined by giving her the bad Cauldron vial) and he loved his daughter. You can say whatever you want about Manton but he was a good father because he only tried to make is daughter happy by giving her powers and lost his mind when he ended up destroying her :frown2:. Then he focused his love on Bonesaw, using Siberian to make her feel like she have someone like a true family in the middle of such fake family. Now that Manton is gone, she doesn't have anyone left that she can consider as being a family. The illusion of a family that she forced herself, years ago, to believe in, is now gone. Maybe this will be one of the reason for her to turn against her Dr (Jack) Frankenstein?

"Our regular is back," the man at the counter said. "You get out a lot, with that home schooling."

"Yeah," she said. She folded her hands on the edge of the counter and rested her chin on them. "Your haircut looks good, Eli."

"Thank you," he said. He looked genuinely embarrassed. She smiled a little at that.

Eli hesitated. "Riley, I was thinking, if you wanted to come over and watch that movie…"

He struggled to recover. "I… you're talking about the home schooling. Strict parents?"
Riley lived an entirely FAKE LIFE as Bonesaw :frown2:. Everything around her was fake. Her "family" except for Manton, Jack's "appreciation" for her, her work was fake, her new personality was fake, even her smile wasn't real. Bonesaw was- she's still- trapped into her small world of fakeness that Riley had to build around her so she'll forget her old identity and life. Then, this fakeness is very close to break now that she stared deep in her soul (DEPTH) and realized that her life could have been so different in different circumstances. She's slowly starting to live a real life. To have doubts about her "family", her mission, about her personality, her smile, then she started to like this boy, Eli, a feeling that will probably break the fakeness even more. What if Bonesaw will snap if Jack will ever do something to this Eli boy and Riley from the depths of her soul will break free, deciding that she's no longer Jack's little "good" girl, but instead she'll do anything to stop him from hurting the second person who treated her nice after her "death as Riley and re-birth as Bonesaw?" What if Eli's death will create the opportunity for Riley's return :grin2:? I HATE Bonesaw but I'll be so HAPPY when Riley will come back and will show Jack that she's no longer a "good girl". And I can imagine Riley as being merciless after she'll fully remember everything that Jack did to her family, her life, her very soul and mind.

Melanie, the girl's name was.

A week and a half ago, it had been so commonsense. A solution to her problems. The girl had been right there. So easy to approach. A tranquilizer shot to the neck, calculated on the fly to fit with body weight and overall health. Recalibrating the teleporting remote with the unconscious girl in the back lot had been a little riskier, but it was a quiet town.

She needed a child soldier. This was a way to make one. To insert the wartime memories from Cranial's database into the girl, let it steep, then harvest the results. The rest could be tweaked, rebalanced, fixed.

Yet when she tried to visualize herself going ahead with it, it was Eli's face that intruded. Disappointed, confused.

An emotional factor.

Darn it, she thought. She'd stopped talking to herself, after she'd gotten in the habit and weirded Eli out.

The first batch had failed because they were too young, and the connection with the passenger had become too broad, consuming too much of their personality, leaving room for little growth as a human being. Things were missing, other things bloated or exaggerated as the passenger needed.

Jack had a different kind of connection. A deep connection. He was in alignment with the particular nature of his passenger. The passengers naturally sought conflict, and Jack had fed that need from very early on, and he had sustained it for years. The line between the two was so thin as to be impossible to mark, but Jack's personality remained his own. Altered, but not subsumed.

How much of me is me?

She turned to look at Melanie. The girl was her age.

She thought of Eli. A friend. Not family, like the Nine had become, but a friend.

But Eli? It wasn't perfect. It wasn't normal. But if the passenger had never made contact, and she'd still lived a life a little like the one she lived now, she could see herself being Eli's friend.

That in mind, she made her decision.
She really like Eli. She considers him a friend and why now, a crush :grin2:. Her first boyfriend? This will be cute if we're not talking here about Bonesaw. Bonesaw who's starting to sound more like Riley than Bonesaw. A small chance for Riley re-birth? A small chance for this troubled girl to become HUMAN again? Anyway, it's easy to see that she cares for Eli and she doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. For the first time since she became Bonesaw, she's capable of HUMAN FEELINGS. Riley makes efforts to leave this empty shell of the monster called Bonesaw and she surely doesn't want to give up. Yes, my girl, fight, fight to take back from Bonesaw the life, body and mind that belong only to you. Wow, wow, this Interlude...I freaking love it, its filled with so much psychological and emotional stuff...:smile2:
Jack isn't even influenced too much by his Passenger. He doesn't even have the excuse that his actions are dictated by an evil alien. Not surprising. I expected Jack to be in control of himself. He never acted like Noelle or like the Fairy Queen, he always acted like a "human" full in control of his actions. He is sole responsible of every single atrocity he committed. I can visualize his Passenger being really surprised, but pleased, that it found such a perfect host. I can go further and imagine his Passenger as being a psycho in the same manner jack is. Can aliens be psychos too? Why not? I can say the same about Bonesaw too. I don't think that her Passenger is in control of her actions, otherwise she wouldn't have so many second thoughts, questions and even regrets about what she did/she's doing/going to do lately. Bonesaw controlled each one of her actions but she was Jack's creation. Now Riley is her own person but Bonesaw's influence over her is still too powerful for her to fight back properly.
Poor Melanie :frown2:. She's going to be sacrificed so Winter will get a child soldier memory. Bonesaw knows that what she's doing is bad and Riley wants to stop her but she still can't stop herself from doing this bad things and Riley is too weak to stay in her way and save Melanie. Bonesaw is still too strong to "kill" herself and Riley too weak to come back.

November 12th, 2012

She shifted her weight from foot to foot.

First menstruation, check.



Limb shortening.

Bone shaving.

Plastic surgery.

Bonesaw would approve. Maybe it would be better to be taller, to have more room for equipment. Still, she could reverse the procedure. It wouldn't be herparts, but that wasn't such a problem.

She hefted the bonesaw and frowned a little. The word had taken on a different meaning for her, in recent months. It had stopped being her name somewhere along the line, had become her passenger's.

A part of her wished she could reach inside and find that carefree perspective, the innocence she'd enjoyed.
Another part of her was glad. Everything about herself was modifiable, reversible, pliable. Pieces in the machine. But this? She wasn't sure she could alter it, nor that she wanted to.
Bonesaw makes further body -modifications to remain a child forever. She still doesn't want to let Riley take control. Riley is a bit stronger but Bonesaw is just plain mean for keeping Riley as her prisoner. But Riley still got a bit of an influence over Bonesaw's mind. She doesn't allow her to use anesthetic when she modifies her body, as punishment for her being mean and cruel and not letting her take the control :smile2:. I can see them as two different persons fighting for control over the same mutilated body and mutilated mind. I know that NOT Bonesaw is the one who want "her" innocence back but Riley. Riley misses being an innocent child, missed her former life before Jack. This punishment is Riley's scream for revenge and her hate for this monster called Bonesaw who stole her face and body. Riley is basically Bonesaw's other Passenger. Her alien Passenger gives her Tinker skills, Riley wants to take her life back, not so subtly influencing Bonesaw to just give up and admit her defeat :smile2:.

January 24th, 2013
"The sign's down," she commented.

"Riley!" Eli looked startled. He glanced back at his dad, who was stocking shelves. "It's been… a really long time. I was worried I said something."

He nodded, still a little stunned. "Uh… they found the girl dead in the woods. Some dogs had chewed her up pretty badly."

"I understand," he responded. He looked down at the envelope. "My birthday."

"Yeah. And I don't think you do understand," she said, "But that's okay. Just don't break the rule, and don't lose the letter."

A horror movie. A child werewolf?

A child monster.

"Be fucking good, Eli," she retorted, staring at him.
Riley swears, unlike Bonesaw. Good, meaning that Riley is more and more in control :grin2:. But Bonesaw still have the helm, she's going to wake S9 Clones up and help Jack bringing the Jackpocalypse. Unless Riley did something to the clones and they'll probably be either weak, not survive for too long or Contessa will get control over them as she predicted. What if Riley threw a wrench in Jack's plan and he's going to have some HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE surprises later? Something that Bonesaw is aware of but she can't really stop Riley because she's not in full control anymore.
RIP Melanie, I feel genuinely sorry for your death :frown2:. At least you didn't suffer.
What an irony! Eli giving Riley a movie about a werewolf girl. Eli giving someone who inhabit the body of a monster a movie about another monster. What an IRONY! I'm curious about Riley's gift. Maybe her phone number to contact her once Jack will start his Jackpocalypse so she can PROTECT him? That will be the best birthday present this boy ever received. His LIFE :smile2:.

May 25th, 2013

Her height, too, had changed. She'd cut her hair to match, had downgraded her body so the last year and a half of development had never happened.

The individual cases opened, and slowly but surely, the members of the current Slaughterhouse Nine stepped out. Jack, Hookwolf, Skinslip, Night Hag.

"And you're nude," she said, covering her eyes. "Where are your manners?"

"We have a schedule."

"You could have woken us sooner."

"Nope, nope," she said. "Would've mucked up the scheduling."

Hookwolf, for his part, only drew blades around his body, forming into a giant metal form. She wondered if he looked a little introspective, before his head was covered in the mass of shifting, skirring hooks and needles.

Eli had the letter. He'd find a plane ticket inside, along with an urging to leave and stay gone. To drive the point home, she'd revealed her identity.

Siberians flickered into being near the Mantons. Six like the daughter, three more like Manton himself, all in black and white.

Chuckles, tall, fat, with arms that zig-zagged, her own addition. Thirty-one elbows, and arms that dragged behind them as they moved. Here and there, one of them would twitch, a tic. The clown makeup was a series of scars, tattooed on. One activated his speedster abilities experimentally, crossing the room in a flash.

Murder Rat. Not stapled together as the original had been. She'd taken the time to do it well. When membership had been down, Bonesaw had made Murder Rat as a created addition to the Slaughterhouse Nine.

Winter, white-haired, with white irises edged in black, nude, her eyes peering. Madeline's eyes, Riley thought.
Winter would need guns, of course.

Crimson, Winter's brief-lived lover. Riley had taken the time to program their relationship into them. Crimson had been one of the first members in the group, Winter one of the more recent ones to die. Winter had been followed by Hatchet Face -there he was, over there, nine of them- and Hatchet Face had been followed by Cherish.

Nine Cherishes, gathering in a huddle. She'd forgotten to give them the tattoos. It didn't matter. A glance suggested they were discussing different ways to do their hair.

King, tall and blond, unabashed in his nudity. All nine Kings were broad-shouldered, each half a foot taller than Jack.

Nine Alan Grammes, who lacked his armor. Nine Neds, narrow shouldered and only five and a half feet tall. When the others had done some damage and given him a chance to regenerate, he'd resemble his true self a little better. He'd beCrawler.

The boy stepped out, and there was no sign of any difficulty. He didn't struggle as others had, nor have trouble finding his feet. He was prepubescent, to look at him, older than ten but younger than fourteen. His hair was neatly parted, and he wore a private school uniform, complete with glossy black shoes. Dry.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I always hate the imagine of Jack staying completely naked in front of a 14 years old girl even if her name is Bonesaw :mad2::mad2:. At least Hookwolf had the DECENCY to cover himself in metal so she can't see his private male parts. But Jack...fucking cover yourself, you degenerate worm. The good thing is that he isn't a pedophile but I'm still disturbed that he's staying completely naked in front of Bonesaw (Jack's only redeeming quality is that he never sexually molested Bonesaw as far as I know; btw, my father still believe that Coil was a pedophile and he molested Lisa and Dinah in the other timelines he created. Yep, he gave those creepy pedo vibes but....fuck, I'm not creeped by Worm itself as much as I'm creeped by my father interpretation of Worm :eek2:. Yep, I won't exclude that Coil was a pedo). Riley DID something, I KNOW that and she forces Bonesaw to pretend that everything is fine. But Jack have a feeling that something is off which is alarming for Riley if he'll find her little secret. Jack is not stupid neither naive. He also must be a secret Thinker, he knows too much about everyone (not only about his people but also strangers like Kayden, Taylor and Amelia) and he's very good at breaking people in pieces then putting them back in the shape of the monsters he wants to create. This is beyond human's smartness :frown2:.
Riley, I don't like the gift that you offered to Eli. A plane ticket will not save him from Jackpocalypse. Once the Jackpocalypse will start, all the countries and maybe countless of parallel Earths will be in danger to be destroyed and no matter where Eli will travel, he'll fucking die. Sending him in another country will not save his life, damn it. Very useless gift, I'm disappointed :frown2:. But at least, she TRIED.... for fuck sake.
-I was right when I imagined Chuckles as a clown. His power is confirmed to be super-speed. I expected something weirder from an evil clown (something even close to IT reality warping powers) but...I'm fine with super-speed.
-Winters are white haired, they have Melanie altered mind and...their real names are Elsa...ok, I should stop myself before I'll go too far :smile2:.
-Cherishs will fucking do something stupid and die. All of them. Because they're clones of the most stupid S9 member EVER.
-Crimsons are Winters' boyfriends.
-Alans are not Mannequins yet but their minds are broken enough to mutilate themselves in no time.
-I hate Kings so much already.
-Where the fuck are Harbingers and what Kings will say if they have the capacity to remember that the original Harbinger and Jack murdered the original King to take his place at S9 helm? How in the hell Number Man will react when he'll have to fight against his own younger clones? Why Number Man is so handsome despite being such an ass? Okay, okay, I went too far, sorry :lol2:.
The last clone is a gentleman. I already like him despite meeting him for the first time in person. Right...Gray Boy? He's younger than Bonesaw yet he had the decency to wear a FUCKING SCHOOL UNIFORM in her presence. Awesome :grin2:.

Visually, the most notable part of him was the effect that surrounded him. He was monochrome, all grays and whites and blacks, with spots of light and shadow flickering around him. Here and there, he flickered, a double image momentarily overlapping him, ghostly, looking in a different direction.

As far as parahuman powers went, his was as unfair as they got.

"Jack," Gray Boy said. His voice was high, clear as a bell.


For a brief moment, she felt stark fear.

"Little brother," she murmured.

"Bonesaw," he said, voicing a name she hadn't programmed into him. His hand found hers, and he held it. She felt a chill. "We'll be inseparable, I think."

"Inseparable," she answered, smiling falsely.

The others from rows further down in the chamber slowly approached. She watched Jack taking it all in. Two hundred and seventy-five in all. Two hundred and seventy regulars, five special makes. Snowmann, Nighty Night, Laughjob, Tyrant, Spawner.

The names had never been a strength of hers.

I've given you everything you want, she thought. Now we see who comes out ahead. Succeed, and Bonesaw comes to the fore. Fail, and Riley wins.

She wanted Riley to win, but that wasn't as simple as making a decision. She had to bury her life with the Nine. Bury Jack, and see him defeated.

Gray Boy squeezed her hand. She would have jumped, if her body language wasn't in the system's control.
She looked at him, and he winked.
I don't know about you guys, but I already like Nicholas alias Gray Boy. He's a gentleman (not only because he appeared completely dressed- lol, I know that his clothes must be a thing related to his power, but for the way he treats Bonesaw- she's afraid of him yet he seems friendly towards her :smile2:), he seems charming for his age and his power must KICK ASS if even Bonesaw is afraid of him and he can take down anyone in the lab. He might become my second favorite S9 member after Bonesaw quicker than Cherish Clones can say: -I'm going to take over S9- then die an unceremoniously death :lol2:. My best guess for his power? The ability to snap his fingers and get dressed in monochrome clothes followed by the ability to make others' people clothes just as monochrome as his. THE HORRORS OF FASHION :lol2:. In all seriousness, I think that his power is related to time. Its like he can turn the time back for himself- clothes despite being naked in his tube, his clothes and skin are dry despite being submerged in frozen water and he have no troubles walking and talking, like others have. His power must be similar with Cody's power but scarier and more powerful if Bonesaw is so afraid of him. Maybe he can reduce people to infants or ashes in a very short time by speeding the time backward or forward around them? That will be a SCARY power to have because time powers CREEP me out almost s much as Master powers. But his power will not stop me to like him (as a psycho killer of course) if he's cool enough :wink2:.
Riley have a surprise for Jack and Jack will NOT LIKE IT. Yeah, that's my girl.
I hate Bonesaw (despite liking her as a super-villain) but I have a soft spot for Riley and I think that she's a GOOD person unlike the monster Bonesaw.
I think that Riley will defeat Bonesaw and will re-start herself as a new and better person helping the good guys.
Even so, I'll never forgive Riley's past as Bonesaw and I'll always remember the crimes that her monster self committed and take care to remind her about them as well :mad2:.
I'm not a person who believe too much in redemption or second chances but...Riley deserves a chance (a single chance) to prove herself that she's stronger than Bonesaw and to WIN. Hope that my faith in her is not blind.
I need something to amuse myself with after reading this HEARTBREAKING Interlude (this one, Carol Interlude and Travelers Interludes are the most heartbreaking Interludes and some of my favorites). So, I will read again my favorite SCP/tale SCP-3001 - Red Reality (I recommend reading it SCP-3001 - SCP Foundation) and I will imagine that Jack took the protagonist's place and he suffers the same fate worse than death as the protagonist. I know I'll feel better if I'll make this exercise of imagination.
All the goddamn psychopaths is a tagg for this Interlude. Lol, Wildbow seriously consider Contessa as being a psychopath? I never saw her as a psychopath, she's just a guard dog, neither Doctor Mother, she's just a mega-bitch. Number Man, yes, he's a confirmed sociopath, but he's the only mentally ill Cauldron member as far as I know. Why Contessa is a psychopath? Not all villains are nuts, for God sake. But if Wildbow says so then who I'm to argue with him? He's the God here, I'm just a mere mortal reading his genius work :smile2:.
I almost feel like one of the goddamn psychopaths since most of people watch videos with kitties and puppies to amuse themselves after reading something so dramatic EXCEPT for me- I read a bodily/mind horror story and I mentally replace the protagonist with Jack so he can get a fate worse than death and Riley (and countless of innocents) to be avenged. But I don't give a crap. I stopped considering Jack a human long time ago and I really don't feel like I should be merciful towards a WORM :mad2:.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
I: Dad, what do you say about Bonesaw?
Dad: I want to adopt her, make her my child and offer her the life that monster (Jack) took away from her.
I, excited and puzzled: Well, I won't say no to Bonesaw becoming my little sister as long as we can help Riley to come back.
Dad: This child had so much potential to do a lot of good. Maybe if she'll be surrounded by love and care, she'll discover this potential and exploit it for the benefit of everyone.
I: So, I'm going to have a little sister and a little brother, right? You can't adopt only Riley, you have to adopt Nicholas too because they're now like siblings.
Dad: Nicholas? (he's not good at memorizing names)
I: Gray Boy.
Dad: (he's further in the story than me) I'm not sure I want to adopt him too.
I: Come on, he's just a child. If you give Bonesaw a chance give him a chance too :grin2:.
Dad: Ok, fine, you'll have a little brother too.
Having two powerful parahumans as my siblings is not something that I deserve but something I need.
...You sure you want to adopt Gray Boy? I mean, just from what you've already read, the following facts stand out:

Bonesaw is scared of him, when she's not really scared of anyone else.
Jack only wanted one, because he could only control one.
It's explicitly stated that it would be like him to target someone with his power for no reason.
You haven't learned what his power is yet, but see the first two points.
...You sure you want to adopt Gray Boy? I mean, just from what you've already read, the following facts stand out:

Bonesaw is scared of him, when she's not really scared of anyone else.
Jack only wanted one, because he could only control one.
It's explicitly stated that it would be like him to target someone with his power for no reason.
You haven't learned what his power is yet, but see the first two points.

Well, if Riley can come back if Bonesaw is treated nicely and with love maybe the same thing I can say about Nicholas. If someone will offer him enough love and guide him on the right path maybe he'll change. Adults RARELY change but children...there's hope for children to change if you raise them in a better environment and teach them moral values (children are like plastiline, they can be modeled by the adults in their lives- Riley was modeled into Bonesaw by Jack and Heartbreaker children were modeled by their father). If Riley can banish Bonesaw and return back into her body, Heartbreaker children can be influenced by Aisha to grow up into less feral and violent adults then why the same thing can't happen with Nicholas too? Yes, Nicholas' problem is that he's not the original anymore, he's a clone programmed to kill so I don't think there's hope for him left. But...what if he'll start to CARE for Bonesaw and if Riley will turn against Jack, maybe he'll help her? I can't see him becoming a good person anymore (because of the clone stuff) but it's a possibility that he'll help Riley when she'll need his help. He already seem to take a liking to her. I have a feeling that Jack will regret creating Nicholas and Harbingers (what if Number Man can control Harbingers through their shared Passenger and their same DNA and get them to fight by the good guys side?)
I will not judge Nicholas because of his power, I will judge him because of his actions alone.
-What was your reaction when you discovered Riley trigger event? Did you think to give her a second chance, hoping that monster Bonesaw will die and Riley will win? Who had the worst trigger event so far, in your opinion (only the characters that I know about, please)?

-Your first impression about Nicholas? What did you think that his power was before the big reveal? My father said that he believed him to have reality warping power (he didn't confirm anything about Nicholas power, of course, he just told me about his first impression). My best guess is time acceleration/regression power. Please, just tell me about your first impression not about his canon power. Thanks :grin2:.