Hello, my friends. Last time, there was something like: HEROES+ VILLAINS' LAST STAND AGAINST BEHEMOTH'S WRATH. Who'll die? Who'll survive? Will Scion FINALLY MOVE HIS USELESS ASS AND SAVE THE DAY? Because I don't know how they'll survive without Scion's last moment intervention or Behemoth being called by his mommy, Simurgh, because his play time expired and he needs to go to sleep

? Ok, you probably noticed that I wasn't so tense and panicked during this battle as I was during Leviathan Battle . Yes, there were few moments were I had to hold my breath and pray for a miracle: Fuck You Cody fucking everything and almost killing my fav character, Phir Sē ALMOST fucking up everything (I don't think this guy is dead; he probably was saved by his teleporter buddy just in time- he's smart, he'll not risk his life so easy without having some safeguards at his disposition), Imp almost dying followed by Regent' selfless sacrifice. But, during Leviathan Battle, I was tense all the fucking time, without being able to catch a breath. Why this change in my behavior? Maybe because I got used with Endbringers and so many people dying in Wormverse (Wildbow's version of Leviathan was something new to me, besides it was the first time when so many people died in just a single Arc). But this time, I was aware of what Behemoth can do (thanks to Alexandria interlude), I knew that Wildbow have fun killing lots and lots of characters (including lovable characters

) so I was well informed about what I should expect from an Arc called Crushed. You probably noticed too that I'm no longer afraid of Mannequin as I was first time when he made his completely unpleasant apparition. Because I got used with him, I started to know his fighting skills and attacks better while he was fighting the good guys and knowing that underneath that hard shell there were human organs instead of more layers of shells made me see him more like an insane human- cyborg who just happen to look like a living mannequin than an actual living mannequin. I still find him downright creepy and I'm not eager to see his clones in action (not at all, sir) but he doesn't scare me as much as he scared me before I got used with his character

. Look at how much the ordinariness can change someone. I mean, my biggest fear is still mannequins and I feel so bad for Endbringers' victims but Mannequin himself doesn't scare me that much and Endbringers' battles are less tense as the story develops to its end.
Btw, I'd like to tell you the opinions of my best friend and my father about Alec's death. My best friend was very shocked. She couldn't believe that he was death and she still hoped that he was just injured until Aisha confirmed his death. Then she started to cry, just like me. He was her third favorite Undersider.
My father: he didn't cared about his death that much. Or about the character himself. He only cared about Alec's power- he loved his power and he was pissed because he'll never see that power in action again once Alec died

. I think my father is TROLLING me because he knows how much I hate most of Master powers and he always talk with nothing but awe and admiration for this kind of indescribable awful powers. Or maybe he's honest and he truly love Master powers (especially since that he always keep saying how much he'd love to be a Master with the power to "TURN PEOPLE HE DOESN'T LIKE INTO COMPLETE OBEDIENT SLAVES WITH ZERO FREE WILL"

) but this still piss me off to not end. Its hard when your dad loves something that you hate. Its hard and nobody understands...

Looks like we have an Interlude instead of The Last Stand. Ok, either we're going to see The Last Stand through the eyes of everyone involved there (not just Weavers), or have Citrine's backstory and see her reaction after finding out that the sadistic and sexist man of her dreams is fucking dead or have Phir Sē's backstory and find more about the reasons behind his personal vendetta against Endbringers or Chevalier's backstory+ all the heroic feats he did until he got hurt. Lets see how close I'm with my predictions
Interlude 24
Close enough. Chevalier's backstory. I think that I'm going to enjoy his backstory, I already like this hero. Oh, hello, Hero. Man, I remember his death and I feel so bad for him

. He appeared to be such a nice guy. In fact, he and Legend were the only nice and truly heroic Cauldron's members. They're like a light shining through so much darkness around them. Why Hero had to die? Why Alexandria didn't died in his place? I couldn't see Hero being ok with human experiments if he knew about them even if I doubt that he could do something to stop Doctor Mother and co (but at least he could have tried). "sighs" Good people die first, exactly when the world needs them the most

. Ok, back to Chevalier. This is the time when he was recruited as a new hero and he meets his new teammates. What is his power again? I remember that he said that he can combine different weapons into one single weapon and different armors into a larger armor, something like that. He seems to be a Tinker and a Thinker because he's good at building stuff and he have the knowledge of the best items he can combine to create the best weapons. Something like that.
I wonder if I'll be able to recognize some of the future old heroes in these young heroes from the past. Lets see...I don't have any idea who might be the first two heroes but there's something that caught my attention. Chevalier (I hope that I'll learn his name before the end of his Interlude) have VISIONS. He can see other people behind the people he was looking at. Like...they're ghosts or specters. People that nobody else except him can see. Now, this can go in one way or another. Chevalier is a person with schizophrenia and he just hallucinate or these weird visions are a second power of his. Like, he can see the future of people and the older woman behind the young heroine will be the young heroine in the future. I prefer to think that he's a precog, much better than suffering from schizophrenia

Oh, no, I recognize that army type girl. She's Hannah or Miss Militia. I think I recognize the mouse girl too even if I never had her description before this interlude. She's Mouse Protector, the heroine that was captured by S9 and transformed into a sad monster by Bonesaw after the mad bio-Tinker combined her with her worst enemy in the same body

. I recognize her only because of the mouse theme and I know that Mouse Protector should have a mouse theme. Aww, she seemed so fun and happy. Knowing that she was like this make Bonesaw's crime even more monstrous than it was already. I think that Bonesaw's only acceptable excuse for her horrible behavior is if she's suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and she feels like she must do the worst things to make Jack happy and proud of her or Jack manipulates her in some way (not even a super-sad backstory will serve as an excuse; she already went too far for almost all excuses...But she's still my fav S9).
I think I'm starting to understand Chevalier's visions. They're not visions of future neither insane hallucinations. They're...visions of people's trigger events. Looks at Hannah's trigger event that we already know about: children, fear, blood. Maybe the old woman with burned hands behind the unknown heroine was her mother who died being burned alive and the girl triggered as result. Chevalier's second power is that he can see people's triggers. Not super cool power, mostly scary and creepy because he's witness at so much pain and suffering and he can't do anything to stop the visions, looks like this power is beyond his control

. Or maybe it was behind his control back then, now he have better control over it. Hope so, for his own mental sake. I don't understand Hero's four-legged creature "trigger"....It doesn't sound like a trigger event, more like an extension to his Tinker power, unless he watched a four- legged giant monster stepping on someone dear to him and he triggered, which is not impossible in this universe but less probable in the context. Chevalier can see both trigger events and people's invisible extensions of their powers? Huh? How many powers this man have?
I wonder what Chevalier sees if he will look at Weaver. Tons of used pads and endless misery and bugs...Eww, he'd surely hate this power 🤢.
Aww, Chevalier and Hannah. Not a bad ship, Chevalier is a cool 1000+ powers guy and Hannah is a great person and heroine

. Surprise, surprise, Chevalier was a vigilante before becoming a hero. A vigilante with a personal vendetta against the people who killed his brother, looks like. Well, he wasn't wrong in what he did. He punished some assholes who hurt his little brother, something like anyone in his place would have done if they had the power to do it

. I actually admire him for his vigilante life especially because of the fact that he stopped some monsters from killing more children in the future. He was about to permanently stop their boss too if Alexandria wouldn't have stopped him from killing that bastard. Well, she actually was willing to let him kill him but she threatened him with jail afterwards. Aren't you nice, Alexandria? A sincere fuck you, Alexandria. Nobody threatened you with jail when you kidnapped and tortured so many people, nobody punished you when you hurt INNOCENTS (until she made the big mistake to fuck with Taylor, of course

), yet you didn't have any qualms to punish a desperate man who wanted to avenge his kid brother. What he did was the RIGHT to do, love for our family/friends can make us do some really crazy things, even turn us into "monsters" willing to inflict pain and suffering on the same monsters who hurt what we loved the most. Yes, a society where everyone can be a vigilante and get revenge on more or less assholes who wronged them will be an absolute chaos, an uncontrollable anarchy, but...sometimes...we need some good old fashioned vigilantes in our lives too, just to make us feel more protected against evil people who prey on our lives

. Not "vigilantes" like Sophia, but vigilantes like Chevalier. I think I'd have loved more a permanent vigilante Chevlier than a hero Chevalier but he's fine in any role. He's a good person, he's crazily brave and his determination make him so endearing. I think I love this guy.
What an irony of a "bright" future we have here! Endbringers ripping the world apart

. The only good thing I can say is that the Earth Bet's version of my city, Bucharest, is not on the list of the cities visited by these giant, not very friendly tourists. Good, Bucharest doesn't need such rude tourists, go and bother other cities of other countries

So, his ability to see the trigger events is related to his main power, is not a secondary power. He sees trigger events AND extensions of people's powers, just like he can see the deepest details of his own power (or something like that). He needs to have these visions if he wants to find the best properties of various weapons to combine them into the perfect weapon (now I understand his power better; he doesn't combine different weapons inside a single weapon but different properties of different weapons. This is why he's a Thinker and a Tinker. Maybe he's also a Brute but he doesn't need super-strength in order to hold those swords. They're not exceptionally heavy, they're probably as light as a baseball bat because he combines elements NOT materials. Anyone with a moderate strength can lift a sword or wear his armor).
Ok, I read it again and I was wrong when I said that he combines only elements, not materials as well. Yes, he can combine materials too, but make them very light, this ability allowing him to create a sword as big as a tank but as light as a baseball bat. Think at Jack and how he's able to increase the cutting edge of his knives and swords. He can make them cut you no matter where you're standing (of course, if he can see you) but the knife's size will still remain a normal knife size and Jack is not super-strong to maneuver it. The only thing that change is the cutting edge (invisible to naked eye but very painful for skin). Chevalier's weapons are just colossal looking weapons but nobody with moderate strength shouldn't have troubles picking them up. Pretty difficult concept of his power, but so damn fascinating

. Everything about Chevalier is fascinating, except for the fact that we still don't know his real name.
I imagined the vision of Tattletale's trigger event being the phantom image of her brother killing himself. But Chevalier sees now the extension of her power, many eyes watching everything. I said something about the possible name for her Passenger: Providence Eye. What Chevalier is seeing fits my the image I have in my head for her Passenger. Good shit. Lol for Accord's phantom power. An old computer? I imagined it to be more like a broken golden scales but old computer seems like an interesting idea too 😆.
We're going to see Fuck You Cody's attack through Chevalier eyes. I think that Chevalier could have beaten this bastard to a pulp if he wasn't distracted by so many images of trigger events (for every Yangban member) that Fuck You Cody carried with him. He seems to be stronger than even a crazy man with 42 small parts of others' powers+ his own full power. Fuck You Cody was lucky in the end, he wasn't a skilled fighter neither a badass warrior, he was just a very lucky asshole. Look, even Accord helped him to win this fight

. He stopped Tattletale from turning Fuck You Cody into a swiss cheese and I have to admit that what Accord did was exactly what killed him. Fuck You Accord, you signed your own death because you didn't let Tattletale do the RIGHT thing. Not only that Fuck You Cody deserved to die but it was a matter of survival: they or him. When it comes to matters of survival, almost everything is allowed with just few exceptions. Killing the attacker wasn't one of the exceptions. So, everything got fucked up because Fuck You Accord wanted to test Chevalier, thinking that the hero can beat the attacker by himself without any exterior help (this is the only explanation I can find for his gesture to stop Tattletale. Anyway, is still a non-sense and very selfish to let someone fight by themselves without helping them). A test that failed, Fuck You Accord own stupidity and excessive testing nature was exactly what that killed him

. Because of him, Tattletale almost died, Chevalier almost died, thousands of parahumans and civilians died, Citrine will be heartbroken and world hunger will still not be stopped. I can't believe I liked this dumbass before, he's a perfect example that not all Thinkers are naturally smart. Accord makes Phir Sē seems like one of the most sane and intelligent people on Earth. Rest in fucking Hell, Accord.
So, Chevalier almost have his guts out and he still WANT TO FIGHT Behemoth? He can barely stand yet he wants to fight in order to protect the other injured? OMG, my fucking God, Chevalier is the most HEROIC HERO you will ever see 😀. Move aside, Legend, move aside, Miss Militia, you're no longer my favorite heroes. Chevalier is my NUMBER ONE now. He's MY MAN 😍. Guys, gals, I just found my new fictional boyfriend. How old Chevalier is? I don't care anyway, I love him, he's so brave, so protective, so full of determination..."wipes away few tears" if he'll die, I'll RIOT. Don't you dare to take my man away from me, Behemoth. Don't you fucking dare. I'll be super-impressed if Chevalier will manage to hurt Behemoth in his delicate situation but I feel like he only fights against the windmills (a noble but useless and disappointing fight). Speaking about windmills, now I can't stop imagining Chevalier as Don Quixote and Tattletale as his loyal squire, Sancho Panza, fighting a useless fight against an invincible giant. My fucked up mind...😀
I can't stop fangirling over Chevalier. Please, survive, please, survive, my fearless and crazy knight.
OMG, the monsters who kidnapped his little brother caused the car accident on purpose

. There are 3 reasons why they kidnapped his brother and tried to kidnap him as well. Either to sell him on the black marked for organs, to sell him to pedophiles or they themselves were pedophiles and they took him for themselves

🤮. I can't see any other logical reason. They fucking deserved everything that Chevalier did to them after he triggered, fucking sick people. I hope that Alexandria arrested their boss or...even BETTER....brought him to Cauldron, to serve as their guinea pig

(as much as I hate human experiments, I'm making exceptions for the assholes who hurt children. I think I'd have agreed with Doctor Mother and support her if her only guinea pigs would have been child abusers, rapists and mass-murderers. Too bad that she decided that innocents were more interesting to experiment on. Call me hypocrite as much as you'd like, but I'll never hide how much I HATE these monsters

Knight Chevalier managed to HIT BEHEMOTH'S CORE. He managed to injure an invincible monster, while he had to hold his guts inside his body and strategize in his head the whole fight ♥. And he didn't do that for fame (like the former Armsmaster did when he fought Leviathan) or on a wim. He did that so the injured can be evacuated in time. I'm crying...I'm crying over the sheer awesomeness of this MAN. He's just too badass for words. Thank you, Wildbow, thank you for creating a TRUE HERO ✌.

BEHEMOTH IS DEAD. THE FIRST ENDBRINGER THAT SCION EVER KILLED. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. HUZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. NOW I REALLY DON'T CARE ANYMORE IF SCION WILL BECOME EVIL IN THE FUTURE AND HE'LL FUCK THOUSANDS OF EARTHS, RIGHT NOW HE DESTROYED BEHEMOTH AND THIS IS ALL THAT MATTERS. No, I still don't like him, but I'm super-happy with what he just did. Yes, take that, Behemoth. Simurgh, you just lost a child. Scion annihilated your baby and he'll do the same thing with the other baby. Time to give up and let humans alone or are you going to have more babies

"hears a faint song in her head" FUCK, NO. I'm gonna stop making fun of you, Simurgh, please, my winged beautiful queen, can you stop? I didn't mean to offend you...she must be so pissed....welp...

BEHEMOTH IS DEAD...BEHEMOTH IS DEAD....CHEVALIER IS THE BEST ♥♥...SCION DID IT...but lets not forget someone who was just as important as Chevalier and Scion, if no more...
...the song....
....doesn't stop....
Good night and sleep well, my friends 🎶