Crushed 24.1
- Location
- romania
Hi, my friends. Last time, there was an Interlude. An Interlude that I equally hated and I loved. The second interlude that I had extreme mixed feelings for it (the first one was Carol Interlude- I felt a deep sadness for everything that happened until Amelia got to Birdcage but also a deep happiness when she finally meet her father
). A lot of things happened during Fuck You Cody/YangBan Interlude. First, the whole Yangban bullshit reminded me of a phrase from a very popular dystopian book

. No more freedom, no more individuality. If Cauldron is the face of the experiments made by fascists (numbers tattooed, experiments on people), Yangban is the face of communism's destruction of individuality and brainwashing. Both of them are bad, but MIND CONTROL scares me a lot more than body horror (this is one of the main reasons why I hate Masters' powers. The other one is that most of Masters are fucking assholes and jerkfaces
Imagine Fuck You Cody being involved in different and completely unrelated situations:
-A child losing their toy:
Cody: Don't worry, kid, I'll get you a new toy.
The poor child runs away, screaming.
For God' sake, Cody.
-A girl breaking up with her boyfriend:
Cody: Don't worry, beauty, I'll be your new boyfriend.
The poor girl faints.
For God' sake, Cody.
-Broken Victoria asking for her sister to come and heal her:
Cody: Don't worry, I'll bring her for you.
Broken Victoria lifts from bed using her OWN FEET then runs out of Asylum, screaming from all her mouths.
For God' sake, Cody.
-Cauldron complaining that they lost another man:
Cody: Don't worry, you can recruit me.
Doctor Mother: Doormaker, can you open a portal to an Earth where he can't find us? Pleeeeeeease...Do it. QUICKLY!
For God' sake, Cody.
Bonesaw getting bored because she's all alone for two years:
Cody: Can I keep you company, little girl?
Bonesaw shivers and cries: MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMYYYYYYY!
For God' sake, Cody.
Cody finds the portal to his Earths and want to walk through it:
Finally, home.
Earth Aleph moves by itself from ITS OWN ORBIT.
For God' sake, Cody.
Cody getting angry on Simurgh for his messy life:
Why you did this to me, you bitch?
Simurgh telepathically replying: I'm sorry, I think I went too far "freezes in the midair for the rest of the year".
Fuck you Cody, you're scaring everyone!
Leaving the (no) jokes aside, the situation is pretty awful, if not downright horrible: Tattletale is injured, she's alive but I doubt that she can talk for a while and talking is her main weapon+ a precious tool for everyone else
. Chevalier- one of the BRAVEST heroes- got an ugly scar across his stomach and back but maybe he's not dead (MAYBE) and Accord is VERY ASYMETRICAL DEAD. Millions of innocents will probably die because Cody killed a strategist and incapacitated another one because this asshole couldn't wait until the battle was over and Behemoth forced to leave to punish the man who sold him
. Cody will probably die because he have now like hundreds of very pissed enemies and his death will be very satisfactorily but how many people will die as a direct consequence of his actions?
A NEW ARC...CRUSHED. This title is as optimistic as Extermination was
. Can't wait to read it and.... lose count of Behemoths' kills Crushed 24.1
I like how Weaver works with Tecton. They're making a good team and...I almost ship her with him (I don't give a fuck that Weaver doesn't like Tinkers too much, I ship whatever I want
). He's a nice guy, smart and heroic and he'll probably have a good influence on Weaver in the same manner she can make him act more badass and without being afraid of his own limits. They can help each other a lot. Unless Tecton have already a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. Or he's asexual. Or he doesn't like Taylor's personality type. Or Taylor herself still can't forget Brian
Btw, I noticed something. Wards (including Weaver) are wearing metal armors. Behemoth have power of lighting. Their armors are basically LIGHTING CONDUCTORS. So, they're living targets for Behemoth. WTF are you wearing, you stupid children? Who told you that wearing metal around Behemoth is the best idea? This idea can seriously win a Darwin Prize, man
. Now I'm starting to wonder if Accord wasn't more logical when he made his people to dress in an elegant manner than whoever made heroes into LIVING TARGETS FOR BEHEMOTH. My head hurts seeing so much stupidity EVERYWHERE.
), its enough for him to stick his hand inside a rock or piece of metal then crush his enemies with giant hands coming out of ground. He can crush Jack for death if he isn't interrupted by something else. Faster than Jack can cut him with his knives. AWESOME. However, I don't want to see Jack being crushed to death. He doesn't deserve to die so fast. Cuff is a metalbender as I said first time when I meet her. She also seem pretty innocent- no, Weaver, don't judge her, she's scared shirtless, yes, but she's there because deep down she's a hero and she wants to do heroic things despite not being exceptionally brave. I admire her for being like this: she wants to save lives even if she's afraid for her own life. This is the exactly opposite of being a selfish coward. I just want to hug her. She's cute
Finally, they noticed that they're lighting rods. Congratulations but you still got Darwin Prize for demonstrating on your own skin that wearing metal armor during a fight with a SENTIENT STORM OF LIGHTING is not the smartest idea ever. Don't try this at home, kids
They're building a lighting rod using a crane, a tower and Gollem's giant hands? For what? Hmmm, maybe they want to use their lighting rod to distract Behemoth's attention so they can act behind his back. I don't know what they can do to him and they don't have Tattletale to help them with informatiom about his weaknesses but if I were in their place, I'll distract this attention in order to have enough time to save as many injured people as possible. Maybe they can't defeat Behemoth but they can save lives. Knowing Weaver, this is probably what she have in her mind too.
Awww, Cuff is a little ball of cuteness <3. "V" for Victory instead of Middle Finger? Awww, why not Middle Finger, Cuff? I like Grace idea more but Cuff is too much of a sweetheart and respectful towards New Delhi's citizens to offend them with the Finger. She's so considerate, I barely know her and I already like her. Well, I'll be less considerate and use the Finger but I agree with Cuff too
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for "V" for Victory. Or...."V" for Vendetta?

. They did it, they really did it! They can save as many people as possible now that Behemoth doesn't pay them any attention, being too busy with "V" and Legend/Eidolon's attacks. Too bad I can't enjoy this scene as much as I wanted because my mind keeps bringing me at 3 questions: is Tattletale really ok? Is Chevalier still alive? Will Fuck You Cody be FUCKED? Can't be happy if I don't know what I should know 
Scion is "busy" like always. He'd rather save cats from trees than people from Endbringers. What are humans for this golden alien after all? He got the "priorities" right. They should need a Scion Signal or call Lisette everytime when they're in deep shit. If Lisette is the one who control Scion now maybe she can call him, I don't know, telepathically? She must have developed a method of communication with Scion just like Kevin Norton apparently had, when he asked Scion to do stuff for him and the Flying Oscar listened him. But they don't know about Lisette and can't contact her. They don't even know about Kevin. Unless Kevin or Lisette will be willing to contact them.
Regent and Imp are delicious as always :lol. Still not enough funny dialogue to make me NOT FORGET about Tattletale and Chavelier. If they only know about them...
. She's injured and scared and traumatized. She doesn't understand english and her parents probably died. Man, its not enough that I'm sad over Chevalier and Tattletale, now I have to be sad for poor civilians, for so many people who'll die because of Behemoth and Fuck You Cody Perdition. So many innocent lives wasted between an animal monster's hate for humanity and a human monster's pure selfishness. My heart cries for every single lost soul. This is exactly what I hate (among other things). Seeing innocents dying
. I'd rather prefer seeing heroes/heroic villains (except for Tattletale because I'm her bitch, that's why
) sacrificing their lives for civilians, because this is a hero's ultimate job, right? You're doing an excellent job, Weaver, Bitch, saving as many innocents as possible. Bitch is using her dogs to carry wounded. Bitch, my respect for you is going over...
Sorry, couldn't help myself
. I think nobody will approve me using old memes instead of new ones...
"Number Man approves"
Weaver and Grue hugged. What a nice moment between two ex-lovers >3 >3. Its nice and sad and beautiful and hopeless...My heart will cry bloody tears if Grue will die now because this whole "last hug" seems like a huge ass red flag to me, weaving from the top center of the Great Wall. Undersiders are awesome and everything, but they're still humans and Death avoided them so far but one day, it will notice them and they'll not be so lucky anymore.
Cuff is love, Cuff is life
. She's fighting Behemoth for her parents, not for herself, neither for the rest of the heroes. Nothing is more moving and emotional than fighting to protect your family. FAMILY SHOULD MATTER FIRST, MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. FAMILY SHOULD BE A SACRED THING FOR ANYONE, well as long as they don't have an awful family. If Cuff fights for her parents then they must be good parents, right
" and he's using her to fight Behemoth. Think, my sweet summer child, think. Alexandria is fucked. You fucked her lungs with your bugs. Pretender have this vomit inducing power. He got "kidnapped" by Cauldron. Alexandria was Cauldron's most dedicated agent. Why they did "kidnapped" someone who can POSSESS BODIES? Just to have him knitting fedoras and pants for Contessa and Number Man
? Weaver, right now you're too tired to think. Try to rest for like few seconds then you'll realize that the man you lost to Cauldron is the same controlling Alexandria's body. At least PreAlexandria is helping. Cauldron is helping even if not enough. Where is Contessa and Number Man? They're too busy collecting more people for Doctor Mother's fucked up experiments, eh
? Thank you for HALPING, jerks, but you're still jerks. I'm sure that PreAlexandria is not as strong like normal Alexandria was but any help is welcomed, right?
Scion, how many people will have to keep dying until you'll get your shit done by doing what Kevin asked you to do
? The most powerful being in the story is the most useless piece of shit. Useless until he'll probably meet Jack and let himself being influenced by him. Then you'll see how USEFUL he'll become. Useful like...destroying one Earth at every single minute
I think I found Yangban victory sign
Good night and sleep well, my friends.
(George Orwell- 1984. I recommend reading this book) Yep, this is what Yangban are doing. Treat parahumans (basically human beings who are a bit different from regular human beings only because they have powers and they're partially influenced by aliens) as SLAVES, good only to fight to protect Mother China, their individuality is forbidden to them and on top of everything their own life/body/mind are strictly controlled like they're only pieces of a huge paramilitary machine. Absolute disgusting. Slavery- Brainwashing- Mind Control. Everything I HATE is comprised in a single organisation that proved to be worse than even Cauldron (yes, Cauldron kidnaps random people and turn them into "monsters" then they wipe their minds so they forget everything about their kidnappers and tormentors BUT they still have their personalities intact, they're still their own individuals and are free to live their lives- as bad as their lives are now but they're allowed to be free people at least). But Yangban DESTROY people's minds turning them into slaves for the Red China FOREVER"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a PARAhuman face - forever."
Imagine Fuck You Cody being involved in different and completely unrelated situations:
-A child losing their toy:
Cody: Don't worry, kid, I'll get you a new toy.
The poor child runs away, screaming.
For God' sake, Cody.
-A girl breaking up with her boyfriend:
Cody: Don't worry, beauty, I'll be your new boyfriend.
The poor girl faints.
For God' sake, Cody.
-Broken Victoria asking for her sister to come and heal her:
Cody: Don't worry, I'll bring her for you.
Broken Victoria lifts from bed using her OWN FEET then runs out of Asylum, screaming from all her mouths.
For God' sake, Cody.
-Cauldron complaining that they lost another man:
Cody: Don't worry, you can recruit me.
Doctor Mother: Doormaker, can you open a portal to an Earth where he can't find us? Pleeeeeeease...Do it. QUICKLY!
For God' sake, Cody.
Bonesaw getting bored because she's all alone for two years:
Cody: Can I keep you company, little girl?
Bonesaw shivers and cries: MOOOOOOOOOOOOMMYYYYYYY!
For God' sake, Cody.
Cody finds the portal to his Earths and want to walk through it:
Finally, home.
Earth Aleph moves by itself from ITS OWN ORBIT.
For God' sake, Cody.
Cody getting angry on Simurgh for his messy life:
Why you did this to me, you bitch?
Simurgh telepathically replying: I'm sorry, I think I went too far "freezes in the midair for the rest of the year".
Fuck you Cody, you're scaring everyone!
Leaving the (no) jokes aside, the situation is pretty awful, if not downright horrible: Tattletale is injured, she's alive but I doubt that she can talk for a while and talking is her main weapon+ a precious tool for everyone else
A NEW ARC...CRUSHED. This title is as optimistic as Extermination was
Each time I stopped, I took a second to try to grasp the situation. The streets were flooded with people, and it was only getting worse. The troops we had on the ground were struggling to make headway, and from my vantage point, I could tell that things were getting worse.
Weaver is flying and ready to kick Endbringers' ass. But she's out of Endbringers' ass. Does Behemoth have an ass too? I don't remember that his description mentioned the existence of an ass. Anyway, he's enough of an asshole to need another ass :lol. Oh, Weaver, if only you'd know that Tattletale and Chevalier are injured (I refuse to believe that Chevalier is dead until I'll get the confirmation)...Maybe if she'll send bugs everywhere to scout for her, probably she'll discover the disaster that happened in the control room and let everyone know that Chevalier is injured and save his life in this way. Tattletale is injured herself and can't talk, I don't think she'll be able- given these conditions- to help Chevalier. But Weaver...Weaver can save him."Tecton!" I called out, as I returned to my roost.
He looked up at me. Even with his heavy body armor, he was struggling with the mass of people who were pushing and squeezing their way past him.
I pointed, "Go through the building! ASAP!"
He looked at the building, then raised his gauntlets. The piledrivers slammed into the wall,
punching out a rough, door-shaped hole.
He strode through, then did the same for another exterior wall. The Chicago Wards flowed
I like how Weaver works with Tecton. They're making a good team and...I almost ship her with him (I don't give a fuck that Weaver doesn't like Tinkers too much, I ship whatever I want
Btw, I noticed something. Wards (including Weaver) are wearing metal armors. Behemoth have power of lighting. Their armors are basically LIGHTING CONDUCTORS. So, they're living targets for Behemoth. WTF are you wearing, you stupid children? Who told you that wearing metal around Behemoth is the best idea? This idea can seriously win a Darwin Prize, man
"Reshape it," he said. He was still half-walking, half-jogging, but he stretched a white-gloved hand out four feet, touching a sign. His hand smeared against it as though it were more liquid than solid, coloring it the same white as his glove. The sign oozed back into the wall, virtually disappearing, and Annex removed his hand, slowly reeling in the extended flesh. The sign remained where it was, compressed against the wall, the surface flat.
Golem had to stop running to demonstrate. He dropped to one knee and plunged a hand into the street.
Ahead of us, there was a crash, a grinding noise. A hand made of pavement was reaching out of the ground, five feet long from the base of the wrist to the tip of the middle finger. The fingers seemed to move in slow motion as the hand pushed against stopped cars that were sort
of in our way, shoving them to one side of the road.
More stuff about powers. Hell, yeah. Annex is like an inverse Vista. He merges himself with the objects around, turning himself into some kind of living space. A bit complicated, but very cool power. I was right about Golem. He's an earthbender. But he can also affect metal or any other available surface. Affect metal like his father but have additional influence on stone too. He creates huge metal and stone hands (how cool is that? I love his power. Wildbow is a MASTER at creating some of the most original powers I've ever seenWhen she didn't pull herself together enough to reply, Tecton set a heavily armored hand on her shoulder, "She's a metallokinetic. Shape and move metal, short-range, including the stuff she's wearing. Some enhanced strength and durability, too."
Finally, they noticed that they're lighting rods. Congratulations but you still got Darwin Prize for demonstrating on your own skin that wearing metal armor during a fight with a SENTIENT STORM OF LIGHTING is not the smartest idea ever. Don't try this at home, kids
"You sure?" Tecton asked. "Because this makes a pretty good lightning rod on its own."
Both Annex and his costume merged into the base of the tower, and gradually climbed up to the point where the upper part still stood. He could only 'annex' part of the object at one time, it seemed. No surrounding a whole building. He set about breaking the bonds, and the crane's arm began to bend. Cuff caught one end of it, then began heaving it towards the tower's base. The other half snapped off, and Annex helped guide it down, sliding it against the crane's shaft.
Annex's power is absolute fascinating. He can avoid being injured if he's cornered by merging with the stuff around him. He can be the best spy (almost as good as Imp) if he's lucky that hew doesn't have to spy on Masters. He can break things apart or pull them back together. His power have plenty of utilities"Middle finger extended," Grace suggested. "A big 'fuck you' to the Endbringer."
"That'd look bad for the PRT," Tecton told her.
"Tell them it's the most efficient form," she said, with a shrug. "Have to make it as tall as possible."
"No," Tecton said. "Index finger would work nearly as well, and New Delhi might take offense at a metal statue of an obscene gesture in the middle the disaster area."
"A 'v'," Cuff suggested, making the gesture with her index and middle fingers. Her voice was shaky, her confidence rock bottom. "For victory. Almost as good."
They're building a lighting rod using a crane, a tower and Gollem's giant hands? For what? Hmmm, maybe they want to use their lighting rod to distract Behemoth's attention so they can act behind his back. I don't know what they can do to him and they don't have Tattletale to help them with informatiom about his weaknesses but if I were in their place, I'll distract this attention in order to have enough time to save as many injured people as possible. Maybe they can't defeat Behemoth but they can save lives. Knowing Weaver, this is probably what she have in her mind too.
Awww, Cuff is a little ball of cuteness <3. "V" for Victory instead of Middle Finger? Awww, why not Middle Finger, Cuff? I like Grace idea more but Cuff is too much of a sweetheart and respectful towards New Delhi's citizens to offend them with the Finger. She's so considerate, I barely know her and I already like her. Well, I'll be less considerate and use the Finger but I agree with Cuff too
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for "V" for Victory. Or...."V" for Vendetta?
A lightning bolt lanced out from the midst of the cloud of smoke, striking the hand.
There were whoops and cheers from the Chicago Wards. I managed a smile.
Yessssssssss "applause""A 'v'," Golem said, his voice small.
"I get it. You're calling Behemoth a big vagina."
"It's for victory," Cuff said, sounding annoyed.
"That's lame," Imp said.
"Really lame," Regent echoed, "I prefer the vagina thing."
"Way you dress," Grace commented, "I wasn't so sure."
"Ohhhhh," Imp cut in, she elbowed Regent, "Ohhhhh. You going to take that?"
Regent only laughed in response, shaking his head.
"Is the little princess feeling brave?" Grace taunted Regent. "Come on."
Scion is "busy" like always. He'd rather save cats from trees than people from Endbringers. What are humans for this golden alien after all? He got the "priorities" right. They should need a Scion Signal or call Lisette everytime when they're in deep shit. If Lisette is the one who control Scion now maybe she can call him, I don't know, telepathically? She must have developed a method of communication with Scion just like Kevin Norton apparently had, when he asked Scion to do stuff for him and the Flying Oscar listened him. But they don't know about Lisette and can't contact her. They don't even know about Kevin. Unless Kevin or Lisette will be willing to contact them.
Regent and Imp are delicious as always :lol. Still not enough funny dialogue to make me NOT FORGET about Tattletale and Chavelier. If they only know about them...
When everyone was gone, Grue approached me. I felt myself tense up. Despite the adrenaline that already pumped through me, my heart rate picked up as he closed the distance.
He held my arms just above the elbows, very nearly encircling his middle fingers and thumbs around them. Large hands, thin arms. I'd put on a little muscle mass over the past few months, or he'd be able to do it for real.
And he rested his forehead against mine, as if he were leaning against me, despite the fact that he was maybe half-again to twice my weight.
The one I was helping was a child, burned. She wasn't any older than ten.
She said something incomprehensible. Another language.
"English?" I asked.
She only stared at me, unable to understand me any more than I understood her. Her eyes were a little glazed over, but the pain in her expression and the fear suggested that the benefits of being in shock were receding.
Poor burned little girl"Why did you come?" I asked. "I mean, I get why we all came, on a level, but… no offense, you're in a totally different headspace."
"For my mom and dad," she said.
Sorry, couldn't help myself
"Number Man approves"
Weaver and Grue hugged. What a nice moment between two ex-lovers >3 >3. Its nice and sad and beautiful and hopeless...My heart will cry bloody tears if Grue will die now because this whole "last hug" seems like a huge ass red flag to me, weaving from the top center of the Great Wall. Undersiders are awesome and everything, but they're still humans and Death avoided them so far but one day, it will notice them and they'll not be so lucky anymore.
Cuff is love, Cuff is life
Weaver, I just want to smack you. That flying brick is NOT Alexandria you know and you understandable hate. That is Pretender taking over Alexandria almost dead body "wants to puke over all this Master bullshit power and strategy"Send this message to Defiant," I said. "You said she was dead. You said you verified."
The reply crackled so badly it was almost inaudible. "Reply from Defiant. I saw the body myself, we checked her DNA, her … readings, we matched against the mountings for her prosthetic eye … carbon dated it to verify."
He didn't even need to ask who I meant.
I pressed the button, "Ask Defiant who the hell that's supposed to be, if it's not Alexandria."
Scion, how many people will have to keep dying until you'll get your shit done by doing what Kevin asked you to do
I think I found Yangban victory sign

Victory is coming by voyo09 on DeviantArt

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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