Hello, good friends. Last time, there was this new character- an indian VERY COLD parahuman with the power to open time portals and create time bombs. He's obsessed to kill Behemoth, no matter the risks and consequences, even if he had to sacrifice millions of people, including the life of his own hero daughter. But, this is ok for him as long as Behemoth will die

. Any sacrifice is not a big deal if the big bad monster will stop existing. Including killing his own daughter...not big deal. This is, my dears, what I call WELL MEANING EXTREMIST. The worst kind of hero and villain combined in a single person. Hero because their intentions are theoretically good and idealistic (Cauldron wants to protect the world against whatever future threats- Scion?, YangBan wants to protect China and its citizens, Phir Sē wants to save his own country), but the paths they're following and their methods are absolute wrong and villainous (Cauldron kidnaps, experiments on people and create numerous villains, YangBan kidnaps people, buy slaves and use brainwashing on its members and Phir Sē WANTS TO KILL MILLIONS of people just to kill a single monster even if he himself isn't sure if he can kill Behemoth). Well meaning extremists are the most broken heroic villains and hypocrite villainous heroes ever

. This is the main reason why I'm so disgusted by them. I'd rather take a HONEST monster like Jack Slash who admit that he's a monster and he's incapable of not doing evil over a well meaning extremist ANYTIME, who claim that they can save the world even if they have to sacrifice probably more lives than they actually save (the first well meaning extremist that taught me how people like him think and why I should hate them was Magneto- X-Men. That man, nothing but a criminal and a terrorist, did actually more evil than good to his own mutants that he wanted to protect against "evil" inferior humans. He created more mess in their lives than the actual anti-mutants humans did. He taught me that well meaning extremists end up creating more mess than fixing things and I should never trust and accept them

). I don't accept Phir Sē's plan either and I think that it will end bad for civilians and not so bad for Behemoth unless Weaver will find a way to stop it or change it.
Besides, I'll never like a father who's willing to kill his own daughter just to defeat a villain. As much of an asshole Tagg was and as much as he wanted to see villains being murdered/captured, he was very protective towards his daughters and tried his best to keep them away from his own war against villains. He was an ass and a bully but he was also a good father

. Alan the Lawyer loves Emma despite this girl being a BITCH with capital letters. Alan the Scientist's brilliant mind crashed when his children were killed- he completely changed himself because his children were no longer alive and his life was incredible empty and lost without them (among other reasons). Marquis is a cold blooded villain but he's a hero for his daughter

. Danny still love and accept Taylor despite knowing that she's not his little innocent girl anymore

. Look at these very flawed people being good fathers. Then look at Phir Sē trying to kill a monster with the price of his daughter's life. Look at this very flawed person being a very bad father. DISGUSTING
Crushed 24.4
"Three days. We thought an Endbringer would attack soon, so I prepared, to be ready when the time came. Too early, I had to stop, restart. This time, he came, but I am weary. The talking, is good. Distracting without being dangerous. Continue, please."
"Yes," I said. I thought for a second, then made my argument. "And you know the power of having all of the information. The power of having a group that can communicate that information. Communication is key, and a group that doesn't even need to communicate because they function so well together is better yet."
"Let's communicate with them. With everyone. Half the screwed up crap I've seen, it's been because we're fighting between ourselves. The best achievements, the truly heroic stuff I've seen? It's been when we worked together. So let's maximize our chances."
"I have none left, after ten years. No faith. We are a wretched, petty species, and we have been given power to destroy ourselves with."
"I have done it, Weaver," Phir Sē told me. "My wife, my sons, years ago. A similar problem on a smaller scale. I can walk through minutes, I could have walked back to save them, but I let them die because it meant a monster would remain gone. What merit is a gamble, a sacrifice, if you stake things that matter nothing to you?"
FUCK THIS!!! This ASSHOLE already killed his wife and his sons for similar reasons

. Now he wants to kill his only daughter left. This monster should be arrested and send to Birdcage because he's a murderer. Too bad that he's indian citizen and Dragon have no authority over people who are not americans or canadians. This sucks. Meanwhile more people will die because of this asshole who can't think at other working plans that doesn't involve the death of his family or other civilians 👎. Maybe if he'll end up destroying New Delhi and the survivors will know what he did (they'll know once they'll watch Behemoth being attacked with his time bombs) the indian authorities will arrest him for crimes against humanity. Because this is what he's doing. He's not Kaiser with his people attacking non-white people neither Lung giving drugs to kids or Merchants with their prostitution and drug rings. He's a genocidal...well meaning extremist. This is not cops and robbers like Tattletale and later Weaver described the parahumans interactions, this is almost S9 level of bullshit. Phir Sē should get a kill order if he'll manage to destroy New Delhi 👌.
Weaver. DO. SOMETHING. Anything will be fine except for killing him, because the whole India will be gone. What she can do?
-Contact Arbiter (through her bugs) and ask her to summon a forcefield right when the bomb will hit Behemoth.
-Contact Narwal (if she's there) and ask her to summon her powerful forcefields around the bomb and Behemoth.
-Contact YangBan (if they're not looking after Fuck You Cody and if they're still willing to save India) and ask them the same thing.
-Contact Eidolon and see if he have a suitable power to stop this disaster before happening.
-Ask P Alexandria to punch the time bomb as high as HE can in the sky

He saw me looking, glanced at Phir Sē, who had his back turned, then looked back at me. His eyes flicked over in Phir Sē's direction, his intention clear.
He had a solution in mind. A way to disable the explosion and stop Phir Sē.
Without thinking, I hauled on it, pulling it off-target. The gun hit one screen, two feet to Phir Sē's right, at stomach level. It exploded into a swirling cloud of black dust.
"Sort of," I said, and I smiled a little in return, behind my mask. This guy was borderline unhinged, too much power in too unstable a package, and I almostliked him.
"Let me go. We work together with the heroes."
"The heroes will die in minutes. Before you arrive."
Well, at least Weaver was able to convince this asshole and BAD PARENT to give her few minutes to communicate with heroes and convince them to do some TEAM WORK so New Delhi will survive to the time bomb even if Behemoth will die or not. Why Phir Sē refused to work with heroes is beyond my power to understand him. You asshole, have you ever heard of team work? Why are you so fucking arrogant, believing that you ca solve everything ALONE? When Weaver was Skitter, not a hero but a villain, she was very willing to work with heroes for the good of everyone instead of doing stupid things by herself and putting lives in danger (well, there were moments when she did stupid things and put lives in danger but never as bad as Phir Sē). Allow Weaver to teach you one or two things about team work, Phir Sē

. Watch and learn and stop your crazy filicide tendencies.
Thank you, Weaver, for stopping Particulate from accidentally committing a genocide if he killed Phir Sē. You're an excellent planner. You tested him and noticed that he really wanted to do something more dumb than Fuck You Cody. At least, Phir Sē can show some goddamn gratitude. Not that this makes him less of an asshole, but Weaver have a chance to change his plan and prove that being a well meaning extremist and working alone is something that people should avoid if they want to win and keep their humanity at the same time

I'm still afraid of something: what if Phir Sē will suddenly fall asleep? He's awake for 3 days, he's tired and he never stopped planning his attack on Behemoth all this time. This is a scary thought. Weaver should keep bugs around him and have them biting and stinging him the first second he's falling asleep

Her portal was perhaps twenty feet across, circular, and cold water gushed out, as if forced by an incredible pressure.
It was the sort of defensive measure that you employed when there weren't any frontline combatants left. A desperate, violent one, like Sundancer's sun. My bugs found her ear, and I communicated as clearly as I could, "Run."
She didn't hear. Doggedly, she stood her ground, drenching Behemoth, widening the portal's radius. So hard to tell just how much, without losing bugs to the spray. Twenty five feet? Thirty?
"Run," I tried again. I muttered, "Run, Ligeia."
The portal closed, and Behemoth managed to claw his way back, simultaneously fending off Eidolon, the lighting growing stronger with every passing second.
He lurched, and dropped several feet, the ground shaking. The light show marked the geyser spraying up around his leg, apparently having sunken into a portal.
Close it, I thought. Sever it.
But she didn't. Not an option, it seemed.
I was on my way to catch up to them when Ligeia was struck down. A chance lightning bolt had struck her, just like that. Behemoth surged to his feet.
Lightning traced the arc of the water that still geysered up, less impressive with every passing second.
"I found what Behemoth wants," I told her. "Where's Rime?"
"Dead," Golem said. He carried a small child, and was falling behind,
"Prism, but she's injured," Grace said.
"Yellow bodysuit now," Golem said. "She stripped out of the dress when he pushed past the command center."
He flowed into my costume, and I could feel him against my skin, his body strangely cold and smooth. A lump of him stuck out over one shoulder. His head, not quite normal, not quite his specter form, had formed itself in my shoulderpad.
Ligeia, the mermaid Ambassador, died, but not before fighting Behamoth like a badass she was. RIP Ligeia. So, Ambassadors lost, in just one day, their boss and one of their members. They're villains who didn't hesitate not even for a second to fight Behemoth in order to protect innocent lives. Your boss was an asshole, but you're great guys, Ambassadors

. They quickly become my third favorite villain team. Citrine KNOWS BATTLEFIELD FASHION, unlike Accord. No more uncomfortable dress, YAAAAAAAY FOR BODYSUIT POWER

💪! Take that, Accord, Citrine is smarter and more pragmatic than you're and she'd make a better leader than you.
Rime, the ice hero, is also dead. RIP Rime

. You survived Number Man but not to Behemoth as well. Prism is injured, Grue is injured, Tattletale is injured, I still don't know about Chevalier's fate. The things are not so bright and hopeful but I trust Weaver that she'll do something about the time bomb bullshit. A number of heroes and civilians died but at least there aren't millions.
Weaver, you're lucky that Annex isn't a pervert and you're staring into a story not anime. Imagine having him comment about your boobs while he's inside your costume 😱. WORM SHOULD NEVER BECOME AN ANIME. WE DON'T NEED THIS SHIT HAPPENING IN THE WORST MOMENTS .
The Undersiders were there, fighting. Three stuffed goats and the dogs provided an added barricade for them to hide behind, while Foil was firing her needles. Regent held her quiver, handing her bolts to fire, while Imp lurked on the far side of the street, her back to the wall. Citrine was peering between two dogs, erecting a field of golden light near the Endbringer.
"Gah!" Regent cried out, as I landed, folding the wings back into place. "Jesus fuck!"
Right, I had two heads. "Out, Annex."
I could only hope he'd bounce back. To business. "Revel. American cape with sort of an Asian-themed costume, lantern. Where is she?"
"Zapped," Regent said.
Revel was in Dispatch's company, alongside a cape in white, with a starburst worked into his helmet, radiating from the eyeholes and the gap for his mouth.
She was lying down, using a piece of rubble for cover. She stirred as the ground rumbled, marking Behemoth's rapid footsteps. Not a run. It felt off, saying something like him was running. But a lope, like how a gorilla might move, that fit.
"A local cape has gathered up a whole mess of energy. Enough to wipe India off the map. He's planning to hit Behemoth with it, in two or three minutes."
"It won't work," Exalt said.
I found the Yàngbǎn and approached. They were reacting even before I'd landed, turning, hands raised to attack. There were twenty of them, or close to.
"English?" I asked the Yàngbǎn.
"The Yàngbǎn pulled an assassination attempt on Chevalier," Exalt told me.
Twenty Yàngbǎn members. Exalt. A dazed Revel. Dispatch. The Chicago Wards. The Undersiders. Citrine. Me.
Why couldn't the Yàngbǎn have helped like this sooner? From the very start of the fight? Damn people. Damn them all, for their idiocy and selfishness and their small-mindedness.
No wonder why so many non-parahumans (including some parahumans) believe that parahumans are weird. Because...THEY ARE WEIRD, this is the truth. Lol at Regent's reaction seeing Weaver having "two heads"

. Amazing how Wildbow can insert some humor and funny scenes in the middle of such gruesome battle. This is what I call TALENT 👍.
Chevalier is still alive

. Good, a good news compared with so many bad news I just received about the other fighters. Revel is ok too - you can't fight against her energy with more energy, Behemoth. Do you hear that too, Phir Sē? You will never stop a fire if you fight it with more fire, but you're not smart and well-meaning enough to get it. YangBan are going to help- only because they want to redeem themselves in the eyes of foreign heroes after what their Darwin winner member did to Chevalier. They're well meaning extremists/para-military, yes, and they're disturbing as fuck and I'll always hate them, but at least they're not genocidal terrorists like others

I already like Exalt. Even he realized that Phir Sē's plan is nothing but a dumb, partial selfish, small-minded, doomed to fail plan. Now, about my forcefields surrounding the time bomb like a sphere and have it explode inside them idea....Will be strong enough to keep the explosion inside and no break under so much pressure? Narwal and YangBan can create pretty strong forcefields but I can't see Narwal anywhere and YangBan's forcefields can still break, they are not invincible. What about Eidolon? Can he tells his core power to create something to keep the bomb inside and not let its energy resulted after explosion to affect what is outside? Weaver, try Eidolon, he's much better than Arbiter or YangBan

There was a yelp, and I could see Imp, all at once, sheltered by a wall that was shrinking in size with every second the blast continued. She held the Yàngbǎn member who'd strayed too far away from our main group in her arms.
He'd seen her. Sensed her. And now, behind a wall no more than three feet high, she had nowhere to run.
I pushed past Yàngbǎn members, unstrapping my flight pack, tearing at the parts that fed down to my gloves, to get it off. If I could get it to her…
The Endbringer switched to fire, and it passed through. It seemed to halve in intensity, but that was enough. I could hear Imp scream in alarm and fear.
Imp screamed again as he directed another wave of flame her way. It was a scream of pain this time.
OH, NO, OH, NO................HE'S GOING TO KILL MY IMP

. MY THIRD FAVORITE UNDERSIDER AND MY FAVORITE LITTLE NINJA ASSASSIN POLTERGEIST. You can't, Behemoth...you can't do it. Imp SHOULD LIVE, she should live and continue to scare people to death like the badass poltergeist she's and take care of the people in her territory and be the good and protective little sister for her brother and I'll continue to love and cherish her and watch her having fun with Regent on Weaver's expense and...No, I....I'm afraid to read further

. I don't want Imp to be the first Undersider who'll die. Yes, is much more better than Tattletale, but...she's just a kid. She's funny and nice and badass and annoying (sometimes) and...BEHEMOTH, stop noticing her, ok? She's not there, there is an empty place where she should be...nothing to see there....nothing....😰
"Fuck it," Regent said, his voice almost inaudible. He was looking at Imp.
"Regent," I said. When he rose to his feet, I raised my voice, "Regent!"
"Hey Shitcrumb!" Regent hollered, backing away from cover. "Easy-"
Behemoth dropped the flame attack. I could see Yàngbǎn members raising forcefields as he reached out, casting a bolt of lightning in Regent's direction. The forcefields did nothing, not even softening the blow in any measurable way.
Regent was snuffed out, dead.
....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................REGENT DIED......................................................................................................................................IN IMP'S PLACE. HE GAVE HIS LIFE SO SHE'LL SURVIVE.......................................
I'm fucking shocked!!! I'm happy that Imp is alive but....Regent....I never liked him, for me he was nothing but a rapist and a human controlling Master. My least favorite Undersider. Everything about him was something that I disliked. His power, his personality, his behavior, his Classification, his...everything (except for his looks because he was a pretty boy...effeminate, but pretty. I also liked his sense of humor). Yes, this rapist and asshole SACRIFICED HIS OWN LIFE for someone else who wasn't himself. Did he redeemed himself? No. He did plenty of ugly stuff and I can't see this gesture as his supreme redemption. Did he changed my way of seeing him? Not exactly. But he saved Imp. He LOVED her in his own sociopathic way and he decided- in the heat of the moment- that her life is more worth than his life. He saved Imp and this is PRETTY HEROIC coming from someone like him (and from anyone else doing the same noble self-sacrificing gesture). Phir Sē is ready to sacrifice his daughter, Regent died for a friend. This is what I call HEROIC, what Regent did. Loving someone more than you love yourself....even if I doubt that Regent ever loved himself.
I....Good night, Regent. Rest in Peace, Alec. Bonne nuit, Jean Paul. Repose en Paix, Prince (I'll create a separate post including few words/fanart about Alec, after I'll finish with this Chapter. What a Chapter....)

She crouched by Regent, touched his throat.
She shouted something. A string of swear words, insults aimed at Regent.
"Come on!" I screamed the words at her. It took me a second to get the flight pack going again. I steered it, like a fish on dry land, towards her, as Rachel hauled me up onto a dog's back.
"Weaver," Phir Sē said, almost half a mile away, still in the room with the monitors, "If he advances any closer to me, I won't have any option but to strike.
"Sorry about your pal," Tecton said.
"Behemoth killed your friend," Tecton added.
"And Leviathan killed my dogs," Rachel said. "They both pay."
"Eidolon's power… he chooses what powers he gets?"
Told you...told you, Eidolon's power will help them. I'm such a good strategist, my problem is that I'm too emotive and I'd do something very stupid on battlefield BEFORE I'll save people with my quick strategic thinking

. Eidolon can trap Behemoth inside a forcefield then Phir Sē can hurl the bomb through his portals right inside Eidolon's forcefield surrounding Behemoth. Only Behemoth will be affected by the bomb if Eidolon's forcefields are strong enough to hold. Gosh, tell me that this plan is your plan too, Weaver. Distract the Endbringer's attention and allow Eidolon to do his thing just like Regent distracted his attention...I'm having tears in my eyes

. I didn't cried when Regent died but now...told you that I'm way too emotive for my own sake....
"wipes away more tears" Ok, time to kick this asshole's ass and turn him into a hole, without NOBODY ELSE DYING. I know that the bomb will be next to useless, but at least they can try. NOW that Weaver have a plan and Eidolon is here.
I like how Bitch have her priorities in the "right" order. First, her dogs, then her teammates. This adorable bitch...
"This'll work?" Imp asked. Her voice sounded more hollow than Grue's did when he used his power. I jumped a little to hear her suddenly speaking beside me.
The Endbringer moved his hands in anticipation of a clap, and Exalt used his power. Blades of wind, a hundred strikes in a moment, a thrust of telekinetically controlled air from across the city, rushing past Behemoth, making the Endbringer stumble. The clap arrested.
Eidolon caught Rachel with one arm, and extended the other towards Behemoth.
"Now," my bugs told Phir Sē, as the field surrounded the Endbringer, a forcefield, extending into the Earth, surrounding Behemoth on all sides, a cylinder.
Phir Sē's portal opened beneath Behemoth's feet, aimed upward, and a plume of light speared into the sky, consuming Behemoth, covering him.
Eidolon's power held. He'd had the situation explained, had been given time to let his power build up to full strength, and his passenger had supplied something with a durability on par with Clockblocker's ability. Inviolable.
Not quite Behemoth, but a skeleton, something like a skeleton. Emaciated, a black-red frame dripping with ichor, it had all of the key features, the basic underlying structure with the horns and the gaping mouth, the claws and the way the shoulders were broad enough to host his bulky frame, but a good eighty percent of him had been torn away, shredded. A skeleton covered in a veneer of meat.
Behemoth wasn't any weaker than he had been. Not in terms of what he could dish out. As much as he was wounded, he was healing. Even from where we stood, I could see him healing, flesh expanding, swelling, regenerating.
He was continuing to make his way towards Phir Sē, who had formed another portal, was gathering power for a second strike.
Behemoth was reduced to a skeleton but he can regenerate so is ok. I SAID THAT ITS NOT GOING TO WORK

. Phir Sē, you'll not have enough time to build enough energy for a second strike. You needed 3 days to build a city destroying bomb, you can't do NOTHING during the time that Behemoth needs to reach you. At least you probably realized that- if it wasn't for Weaver and her brilliant plan (OUR BRILLIANT PLAN

)- the entire city would have been annihilated. Your daughter and millions of people will probably survive and Behemoth will probably leave after he'll finish killing you. Or Scion will finally save the day. There's still hope, but not for you, Phir Sē. You're roasted. Unlike Regent, I'm not going to miss you. Bye, bye, you crazy fanatic.
Weaver saved the say (sort of), now the heroes (or better said, the survivors) should admit that she's on the right way to become on of the greatest heroes ever. But the true heroine here is Dinah. She created Weaver, after all. Behind every strong heroine there's an even stronger precog

Behemoth Skeleton vs the World- next round. Coming....soon.
Gosh, hope that I'm not going to cry after another Undersider

Good night and sleep well, my friends.