Let's Read: Warhammer 40,000 Codexes and Star Wars RPG Sourcebooks (Dark Eldar Reviewer)

Well, I suppose she cares about me in some sense, but probably only out of the satisfaction of feeling superior to me. That and the vaguely homoerotic antics.

Do Terrans typically engage in vaguely homoerotic antics with people they like?
...Depends on the culture? And the people? I"m probably not the most objective person since, Y'know... girlfriend. But it is one way to flirt...
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...Depends on the culture? And the people? I"m probably not the most objective person since, Y'know... girlfriend. But it is one way to flirt...
Sister Vandire is flirting with me? I genuinely wasn't sure if it was possible for her.

I suppose that does explain her hands-on method of "correcting" my use of bad sources. My, it still stings when I sit down.

She simply seems so...zealous and singleminded.
Sister Vandire is flirting with me? I genuinely wasn't sure if it was possible for her.

I suppose that does explain her hands-on method of "correcting" my use of bad sources. My, it still stings when I sit down.

She simply seems so...zealous and singleminded.
...If she went for /that/ and didn't try to set you on fire like she's supposed to, she's definitely into you. I'll ask N tomorrow to double check.
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...If she went for /that/ and didn't try to set you on fire like she's supposed to, she's definitely into you. I'll ask N tomorrow to double check.
...Pardon me, but who's N?

Also, that is surprising. I was always under the assumption that even the Imperium wasn't completely genocidal towards civilians. I suppose it varies wildly.
...Pardon me, but who's N?

Also, that is surprising. I was always under the assumption that even the Imperium wasn't completely genocidal towards civilians. I suppose it varies wildly.
My girlfriend? She posted a couple of days ago.
Zero tolerance for heresy/mutations/incompetence no matter what your job is. That's part of what the Inquisition does.
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My girlfriend? She posted a couple of days ago.
Zero tolerance for heresy/mutations/incompetence no matter what your job is. That's part of what the Inquisition does.
Well, I guess Sister Vandire works with a lighter hand. There's good people in the Imperium. There's good people in every organization.

...That's sort of the horrifying part, isn't it? There are a lot of Sister Vandires, and they're still in some small way supporting the Imperial machine.

I think the idea of the average Imperium soldier as a blind fanatic just isn't true, but there's still so much death on their hands. Can she ever be good? Can the Imperium ever change?

...I need some wine, badly.
so can the imperium change from what the custodes say which depends on which custodes and when you ask them most say yes some say under extreme circumstances
it can but what most custodes agree on is the emperor wants it to change in what way i don't know

now i wanna talk about the xenophobia the ingrained hatred for xenos most people spout about i don't know how it started exactly and the custodes say it's because the emperor was betrayed by some xenos and as such he was distrusful of xenos so after his death and such distrust may have been exagerated by the high lords of terra for political gain all i know is most xenos he killed either killed or enslaved humans but it does not make much sense cause when he first meet a xeno species he was already distusful so i really don't know how it started
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Is anyone currently able to chat? I am quite bored at the moment and still thinking about grand concepts and the banality of evil.
evil is subjective and grand concepts are but a mater of perspective

i want to talk about the concept of time and the fact it's false as it's simply a type of movement made by reality
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I still don't see how a Dreadnaught isn't a Giant Walking Torture Device.
Because... it's a Life Support pod strapped to a Mech.

It's also... this is hard to explain to someone *Not* familiar with Imperial Astartes and Primaris...

The reason why an Astartes gets put into a Dreadnaught is because they would've survived *anyways*, permanently crippled, incapable of continuing service, but *alive*.

Only in Death does Duty End, and all that.

Can the Imperium ever change?
As a whole?
Nah, the High Lords have too much invested in the current system. Fuck, even Lord Rowboat Girlyman had to kill a few just to get them to stop intentionally fucking over the Guard. Used to be that Plasma Guns had a 1/6 chance of just... Exploding in your hands every time you tried to fire it, now you gotta Overcharge and Rapid Fire it for it to detonate.

But, like, your Average Imperial is just... kept ignorant of what it's actually like, and I doubt most of them would even realize something changed if you purged the Nobility and took over.

i don't know how it started exactly
A lot of Imperial worlds have... Histories of various Xenos races, History becomes Memory, Memory becomes Myth, and Myth becomes Legend.

It's a lot harder to be open minded and accepting when your totality of knowledge on, say, the Eldar, is that they show up, kidnap people, torture most of them to death, transform a handful into grotesque art, and do other similarly Horrific things.

Also, Propaganda. Especially when it's the only source of information most people have, (As an example, the Tau Mandatory Xenos Wife, or the Elf Torture Drone.)

concept of time and the fact it's false
Oh. Wait. You're Serious?
*Laughs Harder*

Time is as true as anything else in this Universe. It's also as easily weaponized as Light or Gravity.

You never forget the first time a Chrono-weapon goes off. The Universe... almost Blinks, like it's taking a moment to figure out what the hell just happened.

Oh. Wait. You're Serious?
*Laughs Harder*

Time is as true as anything else in this Universe. It's also as easily weaponized as Light or Gravity.

You never forget the first time a Chrono-weapon goes off. The Universe... almost Blinks, like it's taking a moment to figure out what the hell just happened.

i meant time itself is simply an object moving so time is movement so any chrono weapon just moves reality into moving you into being dead from what i understand or maybe i've just read to many old pre terra unification war books from the imperial library?
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Because... it's a Life Support pod strapped to a Mech.

It's also... this is hard to explain to someone *Not* familiar with Imperial Astartes and Primaris...

The reason why an Astartes gets put into a Dreadnaught is because they would've survived *anyways*, permanently crippled, incapable of continuing service, but *alive*.

Only in Death does Duty End, and all that.
As a whole?
Nah, the High Lords have too much invested in the current system. Fuck, even Lord Rowboat Girlyman had to kill a few just to get them to stop intentionally fucking over the Guard. Used to be that Plasma Guns had a 1/6 chance of just... Exploding in your hands every time you tried to fire it, now you gotta Overcharge and Rapid Fire it for it to detonate.

But, like, your Average Imperial is just... kept ignorant of what it's actually like, and I doubt most of them would even realize something changed if you purged the Nobility and took over.
A lot of Imperial worlds have... Histories of various Xenos races, History becomes Memory, Memory becomes Myth, and Myth becomes Legend.
Sister Vandire:
...I would prefer if we didn't describe Lord Guilliman in those kinds of terms. Otherwise, I agree, and I appreciate you explaining why Dreadnaughts are a thing to the group. Oh, and frankly it's a bit of a challenge to work with the Tau codex. Sorting the propaganda from the truth is quite hard. As we've been reading it, Ynathe has gone from begrudgingly respecting the Tau to wanting their entire empire crushed to liberate its peoples to begrudgingly respecting them again.

Personally, I respect their drive and skill but find the object of their devotion to be unworthy of it.
IC: My opinion of the High Lords is admittedly biased as I consider them complicit in instigating the events that led to the War. I think the Imperium in general could be changed but it would be a long and tiring process that would more likely take far more ability than even a single Primarch has. Although some organizations within the Imperium would either never allow this change or are so decentralized that individual actions within those groups would be a constant frustration to those changes.

I'll add on some opinions on the nature of Dreadnoughts by way of how the Lamenters Chapters used them. For much our history even before the Badab War the amount of Dreadnoughts we had was few. So survivability became only one of a multitude of factors. Along with it was usefulness in regards to knowledge both combat experience and the history of chapter -this as one might guess meant only the higher ranked brothers become Dreadnoughts- so for those that could survive it became the duty of the Apothecarion to find a way to keep those alive who could be kept alive with what tools beyond just placing all wounded veterans within a dreadnought.
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IC: My opinion of the High Lords is admittedly biased as I consider them complicit in instigating the events that led to the War. I think the Imperium in general could be changed but it would be a long and tiring process that would more likely take far more ability than even a single Primarch has. Although some organizations within the Imperium would either never allow this change or are so decentralized that individual actions within those groups would be a constant frustration to those changes.
Do you think that impersonal societal forces might be able to change the Imperium over time, in ways that deliberate effort might not be able to?
Do you think that impersonal societal forces might be able to change the Imperium over time, in ways that deliberate effort might not be able to?
IC: i believe a mix of the two would work best a move of breaking the Imperium ideology that it needs to be the sole government of all terrans -as it holds this ideal as both a religious and secular truth- would help, reduce the ideal of warfare, although admittedly this does not reduce Imperial xenophobia which at times is also a matter of religious truth -I use truth loosely here- to much of the Imperium including my fellow Astartes. How so maybe on further thought the two together could see it changed to at least less directly hostile government to other nations both Terran and Xenos. Although I admit I have no idea how this would be done my base of knowledge is mostly warfare with small hobbies I am developing.
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IC: i believe a mix of the two would work best a move of breaking the Imperium ideology that it needs to be the sole government of all terrans -as it holds this ideal as both a religious and secular truth- would help, reduce the ideal of warfare, although admittedly this does not reduce Imperial xenophobia which at times is also a matter of religious truth -I use truth loosely here- to much of the Imperium including my fellow Astartes. How so maybe on further thought the two together could see it changed to at least less directly hostile government to other nations both Terran and Xenos. Although I admit I have no idea how this would be done my base of knowledge is mostly warfare with small hobbies I am developing.
Those are interesting points, yes. What hobbies have you been developing, and why do you fight? Are you still in the Adeptus Astartes?
...I would prefer if we didn't describe Lord Guilliman in those kinds of terms.
IC!Me spelling Guilliman's name phonetically was intentional, as he's a Well Traveled (and Informed,) Guardsmen, but that still means he's not exactly Well Spoken or familiar with a lot of the Big Picture stuff. Basically, it's the word equivalent of pronouncing something the way it's spelt. Seeing as the Lord Regent doesn't exactly write his name places that some Guardsman would be able to see the actual spelling, ya know?

Are you referring to me talking about the Lord-Regeant grabbing the God-Emperor's sword to prove that he had His approval to rule? Or something else?

Because, like, there's not exactly a 'proper' way to describe Him taking the God-Emperor's Blade to go stab idiots with, as far as I'm aware.

Plus, if He had just stabbed all of them and replaced them with Custodes, things wouldn't be as bad as they got, right after his Revival.

any chrono weapon just moves reality into moving you into being dead
That's one of them Hrud Time Beam thingies, Chrono Weapons are like the Necron Time Wizards, something that is becomes something that Was.

Like shooting someone a second ago, according to the Elder Tech-Bro that was willing to answer my questions about it.
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Well, I guess Sister Vandire works with a lighter hand. There's good people in the Imperium. There's good people in every organization.

...That's sort of the horrifying part, isn't it? There are a lot of Sister Vandires, and they're still in some small way supporting the Imperial machine.

I think the idea of the average Imperium soldier as a blind fanatic just isn't true, but there's still so much death on their hands. Can she ever be good? Can the Imperium ever change?

...I need some wine, badly.
Update, N says it might be flirting but also apparently a thing Sororitas do to make 'punishments' more appealing? But in a way where they don't have to admit it's flirting? She's met more of them than I have, so she'd know.
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Update, N says it might be flirting but also apparently a thing Sororitas do to make 'punishments' more appealing? But in a way where they don't have to admit it's flirting? She's met more of them than I have, so she'd know.
...Wait, pardon me, is she flirting with me to get me to let her punish me? If so, it's a tactic that is working exceptionally well.

That has to be a kink of some kind.

Do...Do you think Sister Vandire might have a religious...

Sister Vandire:
Let's not interrogate that question.

OOC: Tell me if I ever go too far with this stuff, of course, I'm happy to walk it back.
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OOC: Also, the Tau codex is going to involve a lot of dialogue (mostly comedic or explanatory) between Ynathe, Vandire, and Vior Or'es (an Earth Caste doctor who is mostly involved because neither Vandire nor Ynathe know anything about the Tau). Is that going to be an issue I need to write out of the story, or is that not a problem? I figure Vandire and Ynathe should be the "main" characters, but sometimes we might get guests or the like.
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Is that going to be an issue I need to write out of the story, or is that not a problem? I figure Vandire and Ynathe should be the "main" characters, but sometimes we might get guests or the like.
I mean, I don't see any issue with the MCs seeking out Primary Sources, especially after the IC fiasco with the Custodes.

Just don't bloat the Cast too much.
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I mean, I don't see any issue with the MCs seeking out Primary Sources, especially after the IC fiasco with the Custodes.

Just don't bloat the Cast too much.
OOC: Yeah. I feel like I'm going to set some rules for myself:
  1. There can only be one non-Vandire/Ynathe character per update
  2. I can only use Vandire and Ynathe in non-update roleplay, though Ynathe and Vandire can comment on the "primary sources" characters and what they're doing when it seems natural in conversation
  3. I don't have to make a new character per codex, and in fact should try to reuse characters whenever feasible
Anything people wanna add or change, or how's that sound? Too restrictive? Too open-ended? About right?

After the Custodes fiasco, I've tried to keep my readers involved.
OOC: I really like this and I have some Ideas for the Custodians, Terra and Great Crusade stuff

IC:Hi I'm Jouaquin Alexeros and I like your commentary but as part of Artisian Clan-Commune Eris-Via Principalia who works with the sacred Custodes I highly resent you saying that we're slaves/serfs to the Custodians because to us living in the honest to god-emperor palace the reality is really.. weird.You see most of our ancestors were craftsmen for the various other warlords and royal groups in Sol at the time before the Emperor conquered our previous employers and offered us a deal ( for my family we had to serve some *gags* Jovian slave traders at one point but thankfully the early Void Hoplites drawn and quartered those bastards a century before the Emperor arrived and we worked for them)in return for us going to the Imperial Palace and working on Custodian gear or the various psi-tech, advanced technology and various things not done by the then hostile mechanicum(somehow much worse then the current iteration in terms of war crimes) we got the ability to be exempt from any and all non edict based laws,the abillity to organize and petition as communities (we have the clan part in our name because the entireity of our Habitat-Clan was moved to Terra) without a single drop of blood spilled violence of any kind (partially why we don't usually leave the palace.One time one of my Aunts did that and some noble hit her,on a totally unrelated note the entirety of House Turan was later killed after the reactors in the to part of their hive went critical) and first dibs to any nonessential quarters in the Imperial Palace without paying for anything.But I'm rambling, the point I'm trying to make is that most of our pay isn't in something as cosmetic as in money but rights, privileges,education and opportunities that are near unrivalled anywhere else.I've also met with Custodians, and trust me they aren't thunder warriors also the reason they don't work well together is less because they are arrogant ( I have seen incredibly arrogant/inhuman custodians who remember when my clan came to Terra and I've met Custodians created after the Heresy who are some of the most humble people I've ever met) and more because they don't usually work together.Most of the time you think of a Shield host as a gathering of warriors when it's actually a informal convention of assasains,wetwork experts and operatives that meet once in a while to make sure no friendly fire happens.

That's one of them Hrud Time Beam thingies, Chrono Weapons are like the Necron Time Wizards, something that is becomes something that Was.

Like shooting someone a second ago, according to the Elder Tech-Bro that was willing to answer my questions about it.

honestly forgot about them well i sounded quite silly did'nt i?