I still don't see how a Dreadnaught isn't a Giant Walking Torture Device.
Because... it's a Life Support pod strapped to a Mech.
It's also... this is hard to explain to someone *Not* familiar with Imperial Astartes and Primaris...
The reason why an Astartes gets put into a Dreadnaught is because they would've survived *anyways*, permanently crippled, incapable of continuing service, but *alive*.
Only in Death does Duty End, and all that.
Can the Imperium ever change?
As a whole?
Nah, the High Lords have too much invested in the current system. Fuck, even Lord Rowboat Girlyman had to kill a few just to get them to stop intentionally fucking over the Guard. Used to be that Plasma Guns had a 1/6 chance of just... Exploding in your hands every time you tried to fire it, now you gotta Overcharge and Rapid Fire it for it to detonate.
But, like, your Average Imperial is just... kept ignorant of what it's actually like, and I doubt most of them would even realize something changed if you purged the Nobility and took over.
i don't know how it started exactly
A lot of Imperial worlds have... Histories of various Xenos races, History becomes Memory, Memory becomes Myth, and Myth becomes Legend.
It's a lot harder to be open minded and accepting when your totality of knowledge on, say, the Eldar, is that they show up, kidnap people, torture most of them to death, transform a handful into grotesque art, and do other similarly Horrific things.
Also, Propaganda. Especially when it's the only source of information most people have, (As an example, the Tau Mandatory Xenos Wife, or the Elf Torture Drone.)
concept of time and the fact it's false
Oh. Wait. You're Serious?
*Laughs Harder*
Time is as true as anything else in this Universe. It's also as easily weaponized as Light or Gravity.
You never forget the first time a Chrono-weapon goes off. The Universe... almost Blinks, like it's taking a moment to figure out what the hell just happened.