Let's Read: Warhammer 40,000 Codexes and Star Wars RPG Sourcebooks (Dark Eldar Reviewer)

Should I just rewrite the update, or just acknowledge that I don't know enough about the setting to write it well?
I mean, you can IC acknowledge that the Author just... doesn't know enough to really be a Reliable Source on the topic. The Custodes are the Emperor's Righteous Pimp Hand, after all, and I doubt that a Deldar would geniunely be privy to the Deep Secrets of such an Elite Group that, well, they sat around the Single Most Heavily Defended Planet in the entire Imperium for 10k years.

There's no shame in admitting that you're not All Knowing. Hell, don't do the Custodes Codex as your second one if you're worried about it.

The Imperium of Man is the Cruelest, most Fascist, And Worst possible Regime, it is all of the Evils of Man writ large across the Stars.

The only reason anyone supports it is because of the thing veneer of necessity, that all of the evils, of the corruption, the abuses, are somehow *necessary* for Humanity to survive in these Dark Ages.

All you have to do is just strip back the veneer, and show that the Regime is nothing more than a Madman's final effort to ensure dominance over a people who truly no longer needed him.
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I mean, you can IC acknowledge that the Author just... doesn't know enough to really be a Reliable Source on the topic. The Custodes are the Emperor's Righteous Pimp Hand, after all, and I doubt that a Deldar would geniunely be privy to the Deep Secrets of such an Elite Group that, well, they sat around the Single Most Heavily Defended Planet in the entire Imperium for 10k years.

There's no shame in admitting that you're not All Knowing. Hell, don't do the Custodes Codex as your second one if you're worried about it.

The Imperium of Man is the Cruelest, most Fascist, And Worst possible Regime, it is all of the Evils of Man writ large across the Stars.

The only reason anyone supports it is because of the thing veneer of necessity, that all of the evils, of the corruption, the abuses, are somehow *necessary* for Humanity to survive in these Dark Ages.

All you have to do is just strip back the veneer, and show that the Regime is nothing more than a Madman's final effort to ensure dominance over a people who truly no longer needed him.
OOC: I'm tempted to say that the Custodes as ultra-powerful more-than-human hero-king types involved in a lot of secret dealings and scheming/control over elements of the Imperium is true, but that basically everything else Ynathe says is awful scholarship and untrue. Would that be reasonable? I could use Sister Vandire in a short post to explain that. I'm also not really sure how to do Imperium Codexes now with Ynathe, since it's a lot easier to say "Oh, the xenos aren't so bad" rather than "The Imperium sucks", since the latter kind of feels bullshit. Maybe I could use Sister Vandire for those, since she's a devout follower of the Imperium but also isn't blind to its shortcomings (and she's more xenos-friendly than most)? So that way we get a xeno-favoring perspective for the xenos and a more nuanced perspective for the Imperium?
OOC: I'm tempted to say that the Custodes as ultra-powerful more-than-human hero-king types involved in a lot of secret dealings and scheming/control over elements of the Imperium is true, but that basically everything else Ynathe says is awful scholarship and untrue. Would that be reasonable? I could use Sister Vandire in a short post to explain that. I'm also not really sure how to do Imperium Codexes now with Ynathe, since it's a lot easier to say "Oh, the xenos aren't so bad" rather than "The Imperium sucks", since the latter kind of feels bullshit. Maybe I could use Sister Vandire for those, since she's a devout follower of the Imperium but also isn't blind to its shortcomings (and she's more xenos-friendly than most)? So that way we get a xeno-favoring perspective for the xenos and a more nuanced perspective for the Imperium?
OOC : Might also be nice to have someone Imperial who acknowledges the Imperium isn't all it's cracked up to be and could sympathize with those who have suffered.
So that way we get a xeno-favoring perspective for the xenos and a more nuanced perspective for the Imperium?
The Custodes being the Man Behind the Throne is basically Canon, but them being behind basically everything is where it's a step too far.

as for the Imperial Perspective, if you don't feel comfortable about being unbiased, have the Deldar do a bit, and then the Sister proved a less Biased perspective.

The Flak Armor exchange is a good example, Deldar says that it simply doesn't make sense, because it doesn't actually protect from basically anything they actually face, only to have it later explained that it's by design.

Also, maybe cut your teeth on the Xenos Codex first, and do the Imperial ones after you have the rest of the setting figured out?
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OOC : Might also be nice to have someone Imperial who acknowledges the Imperium isn't all it's cracked up to be and could sympathize with those who have suffered.
OOC: Yeah, definitely. I'm trying to do a running theme here that no society is all-good or all-evil.
The Custodes being the Man Behind the Throne is basically Canon, but them being behind basically everything is where it's a step too far.

as for the Imperial Perspective, if you don't feel comfortable about being unbiased, have the Deldar do a bit, and then the Sister proved a less Biased perspective.

The Flak Armor exchange is a good example, Deldar says that it simply doesn't make sense, because it doesn't actually protect from basically anything they actually face, only to have it later explained that it's by design.

Also, maybe cut your teeth on the Xenos Codex first, and do the Imperial ones after you have the rest of the setting figured out?
OOC: I think I'll do the Xenos Codices first, and post an IC thing from Sister Vandire about her dissatisfaction with the last update? Could that work?
You know what else is Genestealer cults? Unions. When I was eight, there were whispers that another factory had tried to organize for better conditions. The house controlling it sealed the ventilation system so everyone suffocated and then burned the bodies.

My family technically got paid. Not that we ever really had enough spare thrones to do anything. All went right back to paying rent for our bunks in the dormitories, food and water that wouldn't immediately make us sick, clothes, filters for breath masks so the dust and fumes didn't melt our lungs... And of course, the people who sold us all of this were the same ones who gave us the money in the first place. Even as much of an outcast in the guard regiment as I was, I still made more thrones telling fortunes and occasionally gambling than my family had spare for my childhood.
Oh, I am not surprised in the slightest that they targeted unions under that label. How...profoundly disappointing. As for your company towns and the like, that is also obviously a problem. Have you found anyone to support you having escaped it all?
OOC: I'm gonna second the call for a imperium or Ex imperium perspective. I think a gue'vesa- a human living in tau space, might be interesting as someone who was within the imperium but can now view it from without.
A Note from a Sister of Battle
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...Hello, everyone. My name is Sister Felicity Vandire of the Adepta Sororitas, and I am a friend of Ynathe's. Still, the last update was inaccurate in almost every capacity. The idea that the Custodes are powerful, somewhat inhuman, and feudalistic or dominating is in fact true, as is their secrecy. In fact, they are so secret that Ynathe seems to have made up most of what she said.

For example, her subscribing to conspiracy theories about the origin of the Sisters of Silence is foolish, and claims that the Emperor is a "Lord of Order" are simply untrue and poorly-sourced. Similarly, the Thunder Warriors were purged long ago, likely after they had outlived their usefulness. I'm not sure what sources they have in Commorragh, but on this subject they're very lacking.

By the Golden Throne.

I think it's noble that Ynathe is "humanizing" (for lack of a better term) the Xenos species, I just suggest she focus on that. If someone isn't informed on a subject, that someone should probably avoid making definitive statements on it.

Read the update for what truth can be gleaned from it, but be aware that it is far from objective.
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This... clarifies things.

Two dealbreakers are SoS origin and the Emperor being reduced to ordinary man. Issue of the Orks rankles a bit, but after thinking about it more, it would make sense if Imperials simply broke them out of whatever can the Old Ones stuffed them into and the tale got exxagerated before reaching Commoragh. The War in Heaven debacle is comparatively easy to solve: I doubt the Imperials who gave it that name knew about the Old Ones vs. Necrons conflict.

Speaking of, I'd like to see how do Necrons look like in this AU, since their canon version is now fairly nuanced: a plethora of dynasties that vary between wanting to be left alone, wanting to rebuild their empire or wanting to kick Chaos and Tyranids out of reality, with occasional genocidal bad apple in the mix.
OOC: I'm... less enthused about this update. The Tau thing, and changing the origin of the Orks - we'll see if that can land -

Oh, the explanation is appreciated, thank you. More IC post from my Iyanden Aeldari incoming.
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This... clarifies things.

Two dealbreakers are SoS origin and the Emperor being reduced to ordinary man. Issue of the Orks rankles a bit, but after thinking about it more, it would make sense if Imperials simply broke them out of whatever can the Old Ones stuffed them into and the tale got exxagerated before reaching Commoragh. The War in Heaven debacle is comparatively easy to solve: I doubt the Imperials who gave it that name knew about the Old Ones vs. Necrons conflict.

Speaking of, I'd like to see how do Necrons look like in this AU, since their canon version is now fairly nuanced: a plethora of dynasties that vary between wanting to be left alone, wanting to rebuild their empire or wanting to kick Chaos and Tyranids out of reality, with occasional genocidal bad apple in the mix.
OOC: Most of those issues got retconned out, so if those are dealbreakers I don't think there's anything to worry about.
OOC: I'm... less enthused about this update. The Tau thing, and changing the origin of the Orks - we'll see if that can land -

Oh, the explanation is appreciated, thank you. More IC post from my Iyanden Aeldari incoming.
OOC: Yeah, sometimes you miss your target when you write. That stuff is untrue within the AU, don't worry.
OOC: I think having an imperial perspective help's cover Ynathe's blind spots as a reviewer and fill out the world more beyond just her understanding of it. Having Ynathe add in takes the D-Eldar believe to be true I thing gives the AU more life. I do think adding Sister Vandire as a sort of fact checker for Imperial factions helps the AU as a whole. I kinda like the idea of the of the Custodians having a sort of Preatorian Guard politic type deal. Maybe have a divide between the Companions those that fought with the Emperor during the Great Crusade and those made afterwards whom are more Greco-Roman hero like in personality than the old guard stoic. I do like the idea that the Imperium caused the Orks maybe not created them definitely made them as a modern "threat" to the imperium. I'll have an IC from Herean Tamar just need to thing on what he'll say.
IC: Oh cousin, there is a lot to unpack there...

I will freely admit, I am not the most knowledgeable on the golden custodians. They rarely take the field, and humans shroud everything they do in such mystery anyway - but even so this is a rather conspiratorial account at best.

So. Things in your account I know to be true. The Custodians are humanity enhanced and overblown, with complex internal feuding. This, as fair as I know, is true. The Custodians are likely byblows of the Emperor's Thunder Warriors. I've seen that theory bandied around, so, a tentative truth. They use any excuse to suppress 'threats' to their empire. Truth. They're likely the ones mostly in control of it. Somewhat true, though the humans' strange bureaucracies, aristocracies, and the Ecclesiarchy all also have some level of genuine control and say in how things are run; it's a tangled fucking mess, which is why they're so full of the apparatus of a dictatorship - factions vying for favour - with no dictator to hold the chair (at least until the blue fucker woke up). There's something cold and dead akin to their God in their eyes and beings - take this with a pinch of skepticism, but I do have a cousin who faced them in battle and reported something similar.

Things I know to be lies: the origins of the sisters of silence and the Orks. The sisters are, plainly, simply - hmm. I will attempt to use layman's terms here so that most can understand (rather than my natural impulse to begin writing out the math-librettos of dimensional subexchange) - if most life reaches down and through and thus touches the other side of reality where gods dwell and existence is fluid, the Sisters reach up and back to some space equal and opposite - presumably a place of stillness and static in contrast to the change and emotion that power the Warp (which is why they seem so odd to most other life forms; even those not blessed with the full gifts of psykerhood still touch on the vast entangling consciousness of the Warp itself, so to meet something that doesn't makes that person seem offputting, distant, unaeldari). The Sisters likely undergo all the indoctrination and nonsense that make most Imperium-loyal humans so tedious to interact with, but having met so-called 'blanks' outside of such situations - actively rescuing one from being recruited, in fact - I can safely say that they are sophonts like any other, even if my instincts make me find them disquieting. That, however, is no fault of their own.

Honestly, captured and brainwashed Tau - while I have no doubt this is something that the Imperium would do given what they did to the Jokaero, records indicate Sisters of Silence existed long before Tau emerged onto the galactic scene. Additionally, Tau are not reverse-delta inclined - they do touch the Warp (it's how their ships travel) but only very shallowly - if you and I have the waves up to our knees, cousin, the Tau in general tend to simply stand upon the wet sand of the shore.

On the Orks - no. I have seen records from the Peak of our civilisation of encountering them. They were no invention of human hands. And while the Imperium has fed the worst kind of cruelty that many Orks hold, resulting in some truly awful specimens of the species, I have met many others who have been kind, strong - perhaps overfond of 'a good scrap', but who am I to judge their culture. Painting them as a ravening horde 'unleashed' by the humans is behaviour that is beneath you, cousin.

Still, I do look forward to you covering more of these codices! Some of your speculation ran true - and of course, you are completely correct that the humans' so-called 'psychic beacon' is a continuous, awful war-crime for which there is no necessity. If they'd just fucking negotiate, we'd be happy to allow limited webway access, or help them develop engines that aren't constantly smeared in grease by people who don't know how they work, but that would involve trusting the 'hated xenos' :rolleyes:
And it was the 42nd Agaran Rangers.
Thanks, I'll spread it around the Company that they're abusing their Wyrdvanes, hopefully we can rescue some of them to stop the bullshit, it's not going to be much, but us Guardsmen gotta watch out for each other.

I failed to see the barbarity the choices of non-strategic targets, the priority given to purging "strongholds" -really just worlds that could stand on their own- that had alien or chaos presence on them.
It is rare for the Adminastratum or the High Lords to ever make sense. It is telling that more often than not, Renegade Astartes treat those they're proclaimed protection for far better than the Favored of the Lords of Terra.

What pointless and artless infliction of pain, and on such undeserving and unwilling subjects. Still, I respect greatly that you gave that Farseer a level of respect uncommon in the Imperium, it says good things about your character. As for flak armor, I suppose that makes sense. We can't all be Wyches.
I'm not going to beat around the bush, miss, the reason I saved the Farseer is because Psykers are factually bullshit, and y'all Eldar average quite significantly above the Psykers the Imperium sends to the Guard. I'm (legally) as excited to die for the Emperor as the next guy, but I would prefer if whoever I'm shooting at dies instead.

Plus, I watched her go toe to toe with two Inquisitorial Psykers, that's firmly in the 'Hide in Hole and pray they don't Notice You' territory, and when you combine it with one of the Psykers getting Perils'd, the decision was basically already made.

The fact that it was a decent thing to do is just the gravy on top. Would've done it even if she acted straight out of the Primer.

Inquisitors are rarely ever good news, Psykic Inquisitors even less so.

had some pride invested in the depiction of their idols.
I've seen a single Custodes.

Not up close, and only for a second. The Primer like to talk about Transhuman Dread, that instinctual fear us Humans have of something Bigger, Faster, More-er, than us. But equally devastating, and equally powerful, is the Inverse, that feeling of a God fighting alongside you, that surely everything will go great, for surely such a Greater Being would not allow otherwise.

To witness a Custodes in battle is to witness the closest thing to the Emperor's Wrath as is possible in these forsaken times.

They are not some maniacal Cabal ruling over the Imperium from the shadows, they are not some Mass Production Supersoldier.

They are the Absolute Pinnacle of what a Man can be, while still remaining Human. They are Humanity Exemplified.

To think that they're something as *barbaric* as Stitched Flesh and Stapled Nerves is to truly fail to comprehend the Genius of the God-Emperor.
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Thanks, I'll spread it around the Company that they're abusing their Wyrdvanes, hopefully we can rescue some of them to stop the bullshit, it's not going to be much, but us Guardsmen gotta watch out for each other.

It is rare for the Adminastratum or the High Lords to ever make sense. It is telling that more often than not, Renegade Astartes treat those they're proclaimed protection for far better than the Favored of the Lords of Terra.

I'm not going to beat around the bush, miss, the reason I saved the Farseer is because Psykers are factually bullshit, and y'all Eldar average quite significantly above the Psykers the Imperium sends to the Guard. I'm (legally) as excited to die for the Emperor as the next guy, but I would prefer if whoever I'm shooting at dies instead.

Plus, I watched her go toe to toe with two Inquisitorial Psykers, that's firmly in the 'Hide in Hole and pray they don't Notice You' territory, and when you combine it with one of the Psykers getting Perils'd, the decision was basically already made.

The fact that it was a decent thing to do is just the gravy on top. Would've done it even if she acted straight out of the Primer.

Inquisitors are rarely ever good news, Psykic Inquisitors even less so.

I've seen a single Custodes.

Not up close, and only for a second. The Primer like to talk about Transhuman Dread, that instinctual fear us Humans have of something Bigger, Faster, More-er, than us. But equally devastating, and equally powerful, is the Inverse, that feeling of a God fighting alongside you, that surely everything will go great, for surely such a Greater Being would not allow otherwise.

To witness a Custodes in battle is to witness the closest thing to the Emperor's Wrath as is possible in these forsaken times.

They are not some maniacal Cabal ruling over the Imperium from the shadows, they are not some Mass Production Supersoldier.

They are the Absolute Pinnacle of what a Man can be, while still remaining Human. They are Humanity Exemplified.

To think that they're something as *barbaric* as Stitched Flesh and Stapled Nerves is to truly fail to comprehend the Genius of the God-Emperor.

Succubus Ynathe:
> ...Ah, yes, the law of survival. I suppose that makes sense enough. As for the Custodes, I have been recently informed that many of my sources are very bad, so I will not elaborate on subjects I do not understand.

Sister Vandire:
Your summary of the Custodes sounds about right. You must feel quite blessed to have been among one of the Ten Thousand. They're the Emperor's will made manifest, like humans—only more so. My friend Ynathe has the usual Drukhari...confidence and national pride that leads her to believe that most things are just variations of things from the Dark City. It's a common flaw, and one I think most sophonts have, but it does mean that she may not see the factual difference between a Wrack and a Custodes. It's frustrating, but I didn't befriend a Dark Eldar without expecting a certain amount of...confidence. I'm sure she befriended me knowing that I would be a bit of a religious zealot.

IC: Oh cousin, there is a lot to unpack there...

I will freely admit, I am not the most knowledgeable on the golden custodians. They rarely take the field, and humans shroud everything they do in such mystery anyway - but even so this is a rather conspiratorial account at best.

So. Things in your account I know to be true. The Custodians are humanity enhanced and overblown, with complex internal feuding. This, as fair as I know, is true. The Custodians are likely byblows of the Emperor's Thunder Warriors. I've seen that theory bandied around, so, a tentative truth. They use any excuse to suppress 'threats' to their empire. Truth. They're likely the ones mostly in control of it. Somewhat true, though the humans' strange bureaucracies, aristocracies, and the Ecclesiarchy all also have some level of genuine control and say in how things are run; it's a tangled fucking mess, which is why they're so full of the apparatus of a dictatorship - factions vying for favour - with no dictator to hold the chair (at least until the blue fucker woke up). There's something cold and dead akin to their God in their eyes and beings - take this with a pinch of skepticism, but I do have a cousin who faced them in battle and reported something similar.

Things I know to be lies: the origins of the sisters of silence and the Orks. The sisters are, plainly, simply - hmm. I will attempt to use layman's terms here so that most can understand (rather than my natural impulse to begin writing out the math-librettos of dimensional subexchange) - if most life reaches down and through and thus touches the other side of reality where gods dwell and existence is fluid, the Sisters reach up and back to some space equal and opposite - presumably a place of stillness and static in contrast to the change and emotion that power the Warp (which is why they seem so odd to most other life forms; even those not blessed with the full gifts of psykerhood still touch on the vast entangling consciousness of the Warp itself, so to meet something that doesn't makes that person seem offputting, distant, unaeldari). The Sisters likely undergo all the indoctrination and nonsense that make most Imperium-loyal humans so tedious to interact with, but having met so-called 'blanks' outside of such situations - actively rescuing one from being recruited, in fact - I can safely say that they are sophonts like any other, even if my instincts make me find them disquieting. That, however, is no fault of their own.

Honestly, captured and brainwashed Tau - while I have no doubt this is something that the Imperium would do given what they did to the Jokaero, records indicate Sisters of Silence existed long before Tau emerged onto the galactic scene. Additionally, Tau are not reverse-delta inclined - they do touch the Warp (it's how their ships travel) but only very shallowly - if you and I have the waves up to our knees, cousin, the Tau in general tend to simply stand upon the wet sand of the shore.

On the Orks - no. I have seen records from the Peak of our civilisation of encountering them. They were no invention of human hands. And while the Imperium has fed the worst kind of cruelty that many Orks hold, resulting in some truly awful specimens of the species, I have met many others who have been kind, strong - perhaps overfond of 'a good scrap', but who am I to judge their culture. Painting them as a ravening horde 'unleashed' by the humans is behaviour that is beneath you, cousin.

Still, I do look forward to you covering more of these codices! Some of your speculation ran true - and of course, you are completely correct that the humans' so-called 'psychic beacon' is a continuous, awful war-crime for which there is no necessity. If they'd just fucking negotiate, we'd be happy to allow limited webway access, or help them develop engines that aren't constantly smeared in grease by people who don't know how they work, but that would involve trusting the 'hated xenos' :rolleyes:
Very good assesssment. I put these reviews together in between training and arena fights, so I may not be able to get everything right. I feel a bit embarrassed, in all honesty.

On the subject of the Orks, yes, you are right.

Perhaps that dreadful little book had some truth in the idea that we Drukhari are "arrogant".

It seems foolish to try to justify your own mistakes by claiming they're universal, especially when you railed against that sort of stereotyping earlier.

...I have a match to participate in, and I'm not even clad or armed. I'll talk soon.

*Succubus Ynathe has disconnected temporarily*

Figures. I thought that Drukhari codex was full of crap too. I'm also just offended at this idea that all Terrans are murderous, scheming monsters following some idiotic idea of an evil god.

I wish she'd take her own medicine.
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Have you found anyone to support you having escaped it all?

Thankfully after my escape and an ensuing encounter with a Daemon who kept me from turning myself into a blob while panicking and trying to figure out how to rebuild my body, I got found by my current Girlfriend, who took me back to the place she was operating out of. I've got a few more friends now, and we're doing our best to make things better down here.

Thanks, I'll spread it around the Company that they're abusing their Wyrdvanes, hopefully we can rescue some of them to stop the bullshit, it's not going to be much, but us Guardsmen gotta watch out for each other.

Wanted to be one before, not as much now. Not that I'd be one anyway, because....

Inquisitors are rarely ever good news, Psykic Inquisitors even less so.

The frelling inquisitor requisitioned me for his investigation anyway. Pretty sure he was drunk when he gave me the transfer orders. The incident happened on said investigation, but at least he wasn't around when it did. ...I did like two of the other investigators though. I hope they got away safely.
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IC: this has been a most interesting read, and one that has challenged my perspectives in some interesting ways. For context, I'm a Gue'Vesa: a human who was lucky enough to find his way under the protection of the Tau. In fact, I currently serve as an XV-8 Crisis Battlesuit pilot. (Side note: for any guardsmen reading this, I legitimately pity you. Once you see how an actually well-run military cares for its own, the true extent to which the Imperium does not care about you becomes all the clearer. This Crisis suit has so many safety features you wouldn't believe, pilot survival is highest priority. And all our kit is like that to one degree or another.) Anyways, I spent my childhood on an Imperial colony world, Taros in the imperial dialect, near the border. After a not insubstantial war when I was a teen, we were liberated by the Tau, and I realized that the imperium lies to us all on a massive scale. Life does not have to be the unending pain it is for Imperial citizens. It is entirely possible for a nation to take care of its own, to treat each life as precious, and to thrive in this galaxy! Don't get me wrong, the Tau aren't perfect. They're arrogant as hell, the very name Gue'Vesa demonstrates this- it translates to "Human Helpers". But they care, and it's entirely possible to still prove your worth here and break through that arrogance. Anyways, this review made me realize that despite my time with the Tau, I still had a number of assumptions about other species from my imperial days that I had never really bothered to question. About the Dark Eldar, for instance. While I don't think Dark Eldar society is something I would ever participate in - I fundamentally cannot see pain, especially physical pain, as something beautiful or artistic in the way you can - it is certainly a society worthy of respect and appreciation. The stuff about the Custodes is a crock of shit, though, as Sister Vandire mentions.
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Thankfully after my escape and an ensuing encounter with a Daemon who kept me from turning myself into a blob while panicking and trying to figure out how to rebuild my body, I got found by my current Girlfriend, who took me back to the place she was operating out of. I've got a few more friends now, and we're doing our best to make things better down here.

Wanted to be one before, not as much now. Not that I'd be one anyway, because....

The frelling inquisitor requisitioned me for his investigation anyway. Pretty sure he was drunk when he gave me the transfer orders. The incident happened on said investigation, but at least he wasn't around when it did.

Sister Vandire:

...I would caution you about dealings with Daemons. I don't believe the old wives' tales about beings made of pure sin and degeneracy, but the truth is that Daemons and the Gods which made them aren't what they seem. For example, Slaanesh does not simply give joy, zie replaces all of one's own feelings with hir joy.

Chaos is like a drug, it is appealing at first but it hollows one out. Even positive traits like Khorne's honor or Tzeentch's hope can be dangerous when taken alone and to replace more natural and complex parts of life.

That said, I do think that the psyker situation in the Imperium is a crime that must be dealt with. Your pain didn't need to happen, and I'm absolutely sure that if the Emperor knew of what the Great Tithe entailed He in his mercy and kindness would find an alternative immediately. The Imperium is the Truth, the Way, the natural government of humankind and the bearers of a profoundly just faith.

Seeing that faith be used to hurt innocents is sickening. Still, I'm sure you've heard the first part of this post numerous times before. Your faith is ultimately your own choice, but I feel it's noble to hold onto faith even when one's faith is bastarized to harm others. I promise you, I will do whatever a nun like me can to save Psykers, in the name of the blessed Emperor.

PS: I hope this doesn't come off as condescending. If it is, that's my fault.

IC: this has been a most interesting read, and one that has challenged my perspectives in some interesting ways. For context, I'm a Gue'Vesa: a human who was lucky enough to find his way under the protection of the Tau. In fact, I currently serve as an XV-8 Crisis Battlesuit pilot. (Side note: for any guardsmen reading this, I legitimately pity you. Once you see how an actually well-run military cares for its own, the true extent to which the Imperium does not care about you becomes all the clearer. This Crisis suit has so many safety features you wouldn't believe, pilot survival is highest priority. And all our kit is like that to one degree or another.) Anyways, I spent my childhood on an Imperial colony world, Taros in the imperial dialect, near the border. After a not insubstantial war when I was a teen, we were liberated by the Tau, and I realized that the imperium lies to us all on a massive scale. Life does not have to be the unending pain it is for Imperial citizens. It is entirely possible for a nation to take care of its own, to treat each life as precious, and to thrive in this galaxy! Don't get me wrong, the Tau aren't perfect. They're arrogant as hell, the very name Gue'Vesa demonstrates this- it translates to "Human Helpers". But they care, and it's entirely possible to still prove your worth here and break through that arrogance. Anyways, this review made me realize that despite my time with the Tau, I still had a number of assumptions about other species from my imperial days that I had never really bothered to question. About the Dark Eldar, for instance. While I don't think Dark Eldar society is something I would ever participate in - I fundamentally cannot see pain, especially physical pain, as something beautiful or artistic in the way you can - it is certainly a society worthy of respect and appreciation. The stuff about the Custodes is a crock of shit, though, as Sister Vandire mentions.
The Tau are an empire worthy of respect, and I can understand how some might believe the Greater Good is a nobler cause than the Imperial Cult. I strongly disagree, but I have faith that those who are just in all empires can work together to do the right thing. I will note that the Tau have a smaller and more highly-trained army, which works with their smaller amounts of territory. What's possible for the Tau might not be possible for a larger state like the Imperium. Then again, my standard of living is similar to a battlesuit pilot.

I know many Imperial Guardsmen would kill for my barracks away from home, let alone the cathedral I once inhabited. As for "art in pain", I think it's a passable way to make yourself comfortable with the harm the world does to people, but elevating pain to a cultural touchstone just seems...Well, pointless, and ultimately kind of solipsistic. I think it takes a certain egotism to elevate emotions and the self over higher causes.

On the subject of the Custodes, Ynathe believes life is about the pleasure of the self, so the higher beings in her imagination look like a twisted, caricatured Dark Eldar noble. I think when she imagines someone like Trajann—who very much did exist—she mentally imagines a human Asdrubael Vect.
IC: my knowledge of the lifewards of the emperor are less than I'd like although perhaps that is for the best currently. The knowledge I acquired comes from an admittedly biased source. During my flight from the Maelstrom in the wake of the Imperium's "Victory" -As far as I know they have not killed Lufgt Huron even after all this time- I found my self wandering space in a Destroyer with a number of other exiles. At some point -the exact time escapes me- I encountered a vessel broadcasting an alert message. Boarding it with a handful other we fought horrors things that I can say made me feel an echo of terror. The conflict within this vessel ended with the arrival of a Custodies come chasing artifact within. I aided him in acquiring it and containing it, in that time we talked of a great deal although nothing distinct. What I learned and saw at least as convinced of this the Dark Cells are more the likely far more real then you give them credit for. On the rest I Will differ to those who no more but at least that is my knowledge I can give on this topic.
Sister Vandire:

...I would caution you about dealings with Daemons. I don't believe the old wives' tales about beings made of pure sin and degeneracy, but the truth is that Daemons and the Gods which made them aren't what they seem. For example, Slaanesh does not simply give joy, zie replaces all of one's own feelings with hir joy.

Chaos is like a drug, it is appealing at first but it hollows one out. Even positive traits like Khorne's honor or Tzeentch's hope can be dangerous when taken alone and to replace more natural and complex parts of life.

That said, I do think that the psyker situation in the Imperium is a crime that must be dealt with. Your pain didn't need to happen, and I'm absolutely sure that if the Emperor knew of what the Great Tithe entailed He in his mercy and kindness would find an alternative immediately. The Imperium is the Truth, the Way, the natural government of humankind and the bearers of a profoundly just faith.

Seeing that faith be used to hurt innocents is sickening. Still, I'm sure you've heard the first part of this post numerous times before. Your faith is ultimately your own choice, but I feel it's noble to hold onto faith even when one's faith is bastarized to harm others. I promise you, I will do whatever a nun like me can to save Psykers, in the name of the blessed Emperor.

PS: I hope this doesn't come off as condescending. If it is, that's my fault.

'Yello, it's "The Girlfriend" here using T's terminal to reply for a sec. She's going to give me hell for this, but you're not wrong about demons (though there has to be a better way to refer to them?); the one who helped her, C, massacred an assload of good people right before she stopped to help her. I'll never not be grateful to C for helping, but the fact remains that she slaughtered a good three or four dozen folks whose only crimes were paranoia and fleeing the Imperial lash, and fuck knows I've tried to kill C enough for that (we're on... better terms now, but I'm never freeing a random demon just because it has a nice sob story again). I work with em a lot, demons, for the odd job here and there, and you're right about their focus - even the ones who apparently (?) were human before kinda end up fixated on one or two important things from Before that carry through into Now. Then again, I know people like that - I'm arguably one myself. Then again, I'm warp-touched enough at this point that it's debatable how human I am.

I also must admit, I'm a bit cautious against trusting a Bride who's still, y'know, undivorced from the Throne. Nothing against Sisters - most I've met on like, an individual basis have been the best women I've met - but most of the time when I meet ones still saying their vows and such they're bringing out the flamers on me or on people I'm working to protect. Or trying to kill T - when C saved her, C kinda... carved T into her image. Nothing wrong with that, but T doesn't really look human enough any more to pass in public, and that can cause some problems. Hold on, she's kicking me off the terminal -

...Not sure I have much to add onto things but I can definitely say that teaching me not to overdraw my gifts shouldn't have required sticking me with enough needles that I still pass out if I see one years later. And a lot of other acolytes in my batch had it even worse. ...I'm pretty sure if the emperor did care at all, he'd have tried to figure out some way that didn't require torture. But if he's all powerful but chooses not to do it... Well either he's not actually all powerful, or he just doesn't care. Not worth praising in my eyes.
You must feel quite blessed to have been among one of the Ten Thousand.
Even have a small sliver from when He bounced a Arty Shell using His shield.

Had to stab like, 7 other dudes for it, but if it gives a miniscule percent of their Prowess and Luck, it's well worth it in my humble opinion.

Wanted to be one before, not as much now. Not that I'd be one anyway, because....
Bah, you're still a Guardsmen in my book, just cause you're currently Alternatively Employed means very little.

Especially given the places and people we source most of our Conscripts from.

XV-8 Crisis Battlesuit
*Obligatory Titan, Deathstrike, Basalisk, Baneblade, Void Grenade, Melta Charge/Gun Joke*

In all seriousness, do the Tau really give you Standard Issue Wives? Why don't the Tau use any significant amount of Tracked vehicles? Have you seen an Ethereal?

Questions aside, the Tau like to talk big game about the Superiority of their Military, but I've fought them enough times to know that they're like, barely Top Ten Worst Things to Fight.

They have a lot of... Gimmicks isn't the right word, but more often than not, whatever Tech they've pulled out, it lacks a certain resilience to be truly threatening, and their institutional refusal to teach comprehensive CQC really holds them back.

The amount of times I've seen an Astartes Bounce anti-armor munitions long enough to beat a Tau to death with another Tau is honestly kinda depressing.

However, you simply *cannot* understate just how big of an Advantage having a Volunteer Army is. Your average Tau is there because they truly believe in what they're fighting for. Contrast this with your Average Guardsmen, who's simply there in order to avoid getting Shot. And you get a huge reason why Tau keep holding on despite the Terran Lords' continued efforts to annihilate them.

Also, Titans will forever remain far more Badass than any chuuni Battlesuit.

Everyone's Gansta till the Church stands up and starts chanting High Gothic.
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IC: my knowledge of the lifewards of the emperor are less than I'd like although perhaps that is for the best currently. The knowledge I acquired comes from an admittedly biased source. During my flight from the Maelstrom in the wake of the Imperium's "Victory" -As far as I know they have not killed Lufgt Huron even after all this time- I found my self wandering space in a Destroyer with a number of other exiles. At some point -the exact time escapes me- I encountered a vessel broadcasting an alert message. Boarding it with a handful other we fought horrors things that I can say made me feel an echo of terror. The conflict within this vessel ended with the arrival of a Custodies come chasing artifact within. I aided him in acquiring it and containing it, in that time we talked of a great deal although nothing distinct. What I learned and saw at least as convinced of this the Dark Cells are more the likely far more real then you give them credit for. On the rest I Will differ to those who no more but at least that is my knowledge I can give on this topic.
Sister Vandire:
I am not well-informed on the Dark Cells. They aren't my business. Whether the Custodes actually do protect the galaxy from imprisoned horrors is something I'd rather not think about. I'm tempted to think it's overstated, but that's only because most things in the Imperium are. It also can be overstated but still very much true.

You must feel so blessed to have been in the presence of one of the Ten Thousand.

'Yello, it's "The Girlfriend" here using T's terminal to reply for a sec. She's going to give me hell for this, but you're not wrong about demons (though there has to be a better way to refer to them?); the one who helped her, C, massacred an assload of good people right before she stopped to help her. I'll never not be grateful to C for helping, but the fact remains that she slaughtered a good three or four dozen folks whose only crimes were paranoia and fleeing the Imperial lash, and fuck knows I've tried to kill C enough for that (we're on... better terms now, but I'm never freeing a random demon just because it has a nice sob story again). I work with em a lot, demons, for the odd job here and there, and you're right about their focus - even the ones who apparently (?) were human before kinda end up fixated on one or two important things from Before that carry through into Now. Then again, I know people like that - I'm arguably one myself. Then again, I'm warp-touched enough at this point that it's debatable how human I am.

I also must admit, I'm a bit cautious against trusting a Bride who's still, y'know, undivorced from the Throne. Nothing against Sisters - most I've met on like, an individual basis have been the best women I've met - but most of the time when I meet ones still saying their vows and such they're bringing out the flamers on me or on people I'm working to protect. Or trying to kill T - when C saved her, C kinda... carved T into her image. Nothing wrong with that, but T doesn't really look human enough any more to pass in public, and that can cause some problems. Hold on, she's kicking me off the terminal -

...Not sure I have much to add onto things but I can definitely say that teaching me not to overdraw my gifts shouldn't have required sticking me with enough needles that I still pass out if I see one years later. And a lot of other acolytes in my batch had it even worse. ...I'm pretty sure if the emperor did care at all, he'd have tried to figure out some way that didn't require torture. But if he's all powerful but chooses not to do it... Well either he's not actually all powerful, or he just doesn't care. Not worth praising in my eyes.
Hi, Sister. I will not try to defend the actions of those who would use their weapons on innocents. I will say, however, that one can genuinely believe that people who follow the Ruinous Powers may be better off than before their change of faith while also wishing to defend the Throne and Mankind against attacks from the agents of those powers. I genuinely believe that the best way to convert souls to the Imperial Cult would be a reconciliation with the forces of Chaos, so that the Ecclesiarchy could help show people that the extreme nature of Chaos worship isn't necessary and is harmful to believe in. To do that, though, a lot would have to change, and I think Chaos would need to stop seeing the Imperium as inherent enemies, and vice versa. I fight against those who would harm my Emperor and my people, and I do so bravely, but spreading His word by the tongue is obviously more appealing than by the boltgun.

I will say I'm not too surprised at C's actions. Daemons might not be inherently evil, but they are certainly...disorderly, exaggerated, and think about the world differently than most other sophonts do. They're concepts given form, after all, and the longer you're a Daemon the more you become a concept rather than a sophont.

On the Great Tithe, I do not believe the Emperor is all-powerful. I believe he's all-merciful, and that he protects me in battle and from falling into my vices, but even a god can be limited.

Even have a small sliver from when He bounced a Arty Shell using His shield.

Had to stab like, 7 other dudes for it, but if it gives a miniscule percent of their Prowess and Luck, it's well worth it in my humble opinion.

Bah, you're still a Guardsmen in my book, just cause you're currently Alternatively Employed means very little.

Especially given the places and people we source most of our Conscripts from.

*Obligatory Titan, Deathstrike, Basalisk, Baneblade, Void Grenade, Melta Charge/Gun Joke*

In all seriousness, do the Tau really give you Standard Issue Wives? Why don't the Tau use any significant amount of Tracked vehicles? Have you seen an Ethereal?

Questions aside, the Tau like to talk big game about the Superiority of their Military, but I've fought them enough times to know that they're like, barely Top Ten Worst Things to Fight.

They have a lot of... Gimmicks isn't the right word, but more often than not, whatever Tech they've pulled out, it lacks a certain resilience to be truly threatening, and their institutional refusal to teach comprehensive CQC really holds them back.

The amount of times I've seen an Astartes Bounce anti-armor munitions long enough to beat a Tau to death with another Tau is honestly kinda depressing.

However, you simply *cannot* understate just how big of an Advantage having a Volunteer Army is. Your average Tau is there because they truly believe in what they're fighting for. Contrast this with your Average Guardsmen, who's simply there in order to avoid getting Shot. And you get a huge reason why Tau keep holding on despite the Terran Lords' continued efforts to annihilate them.

Also, Titans will forever remain far more Badass than any chuuni Battlesuit.

Everyone's Gansta till the Church stands up and starts chanting High Gothic.
Guardsman, control yourself. You are representing the God-Emperor of Mankind and his Golden Throne. At least talk to the Xenos and heretics with the dignity they deserve. After all, they aren't trying to kill us now, are they? Your flippancy is unserious and will only alienate these souls from His light.

I agree on the Tau to some degree. They do rely on gimmicks, but those gimmicks can be applied by a skilled tactician to do a lot of damage. Nobody ever won a fight by underestimating her enemy. I get that Guardsmen tend to be...like this, but still.

You can get more with a bolter and kind words than you can with a bolter alone.
On the Great Tithe, I do not believe the Emperor is all-powerful. I believe he's all-merciful, and that he protects me in battle and from falling into my vices, but even a god can be limited.
Only Imperial Mercy I ever saw was a shot in the head. Or the kind I was supposed to give myself via stabbing. I think I'll pass.
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*Obligatory Titan, Deathstrike, Basalisk, Baneblade, Void Grenade, Melta Charge/Gun Joke*

In all seriousness, do the Tau really give you Standard Issue Wives? Why don't the Tau use any significant amount of Tracked vehicles? Have you seen an Ethereal?

Questions aside, the Tau like to talk big game about the Superiority of their Military, but I've fought them enough times to know that they're like, barely Top Ten Worst Things to Fight.

They have a lot of... Gimmicks isn't the right word, but more often than not, whatever Tech they've pulled out, it lacks a certain resilience to be truly threatening, and their institutional refusal to teach comprehensive CQC really holds them back.

IC: To answer your questions:

A. No, what the fuck?

B. No, why would we bother? Our hover technology is every bit as reliable with the Earth Caste's help, and hover vehicles provide immeasurably greater maneuverability than tracked vehicles - we can cross bodies of water without the slightest trouble or slowdown for instance. And it's a much smoother ride- no bumps or anything.

C. Yes, actually. I've seen one or two giving speeches. They're pretty cool, but not supernatural or anything in my experience.

As for the slander against my ride, I would say that no shit a Crisis suit can't stand up to a Titan or a baneblade (although I have seen skilled enough crisis pilots take advantage of their maneuverability to do some serious damage to super heavies) - that's not their job? Crisis Suits are roughly equivalent in doctrine to space marines, not titans! Against marines or other elite infantry and light armor formations, we do our jobs perfectly well. We've got our own solutions to Titans that are significantly more cost effective than those irreplaceable machines- does the Tigershark gunship, which actually debuted during the liberation of my home T'ros, ring a bell? The tau don't fight like the imperium because we don't *need* to, and it's honestly wasteful.
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