Let's Read: Warhammer 40,000 Codexes and Star Wars RPG Sourcebooks (Dark Eldar Reviewer)

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Only Imperial Mercy I ever saw was a shot in the head. I think I'll pass.
Please don't lose yourself. Freedom without responsibility can be a dangerous thing. Same with responsibility without freedom.


...T, is she genuinely preaching to you? Isn't that more than a bit tasteless? I'm sorry, she means well but she was diagnosed with an Emperor-Brownnosing Malady a long time ago. It is, sadly, incurable. We must all put up with her wasting away, failing to realize that she is putting in all of this effort for a living corpse whose empire is being puppeteered by scoundrels.

Please donate to the Getting Felicity Vandire Over Herself campaign. Every Aquila helps.
Please don't lose yourself. Freedom without responsibility can be a dangerous thing. Same with responsibility without freedom.


...T, is she genuinely preaching to you? Isn't that more than a bit tasteless? I'm sorry, she means well but she was diagnosed with an Emperor-Brownnosing Malady a long time ago. It is, sadly, incurable. We must all put up with her wasting away, failing to realize that she is putting in all of this effort for a living corpse whose empire is being puppeteered by scoundrels.

Please donate to the Getting Felicity Vandire Over Herself campaign. Every Aquila helps.
She definitely is. And I have a responsibility to the people I can help, whose lives I can make better. People trust me to heal them, without having to pay a medicae. Taking time off work is a serious problem for an underhiver, if you even can. And to my girlfriend, who I love very much. ...I'm going to go hug her now.
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She definitely is. And I have a responsibility to the people I can help, whose lives I can make better. People trust me to heal them, without having to pay a medicae. Taking time off work is a serious problem for an underhiver, if you even can. And to my girlfriend, who I love very much. ...I'm going to go hug her now.
I sincerely hope you can forgive some typical Drukhari melodrama, but I am excited to see that little angel Fall from grace, spectacularly and catastrophically, until the dirt she shunned is worked irreparably into her hair.

Sister Vandire:
...Do Chaos cultists and Drukhari just naturally try and act like serial villains? Is this some absurd kind of muscle theatre?

Well, I'll be here when you do, and I hope that my friend T will as well.

Sister Vandire:
You're an idiot who's convinced herself the blood shows she does are representative of real life.

I am merely a lover of the feminine form and a poet of disgrace.

Sister Vandire:
...I am very confused by both of you right now.
I sincerely hope you can forgive some typical Drukhari melodrama, but I am excited to see that little angel Fall from grace, spectacularly and catastrophically, until the dirt she shunned is worked irreparably into her hair.

Sister Vandire:
...Do Chaos cultists and Drukhari just naturally try and act like serial villains? Is this some absurd kind of muscle theatre?

Well, I'll be here when you do, and I hope that my friend T will as well.

Sister Vandire:
You're an idiot who's convinced herself the blood shows she does are representative of real life.

I am merely a lover of the feminine form and a poet of disgrace.

Sister Vandire:
...I am very confused by both of you right now.

...healing people for free, helping regrow missing limbs with my gift, and liking girls make me a serial villain?
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...healing people for free, helping regrow missing limbs with my gift, and liking girls make me a serial villain?
Sister Vandire:
You know what? I was thinking of the chaos mutations, but in retrospect that was a dumb thing for me to have said and I sincerely apologize. You're doing the Emperor's work, and should be praised for it.
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OOC: The funny bit is that the mutations we rolled for Tai ended up with her looking kind of like a pink Asari. XP Fine scales, lavender skin, tendril crest instead of hair...
OOC: That is really funny, ngl. Honestly, Sister Vandire would probably like the look, then hate herself a bit for "supporting Chaos".
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OOC: "Join the dark side, we have lesbians!"
OOC: On the other hand, you don't get much more lesbian than the Sisters of Battle. Though, I guess technically they're bi, because of the crush on Big E, but you can't spell "les-bi-an" without "bi". Bisexuality is a small but essential part of the lesbian community, even if it doesn't represent all lesbians, and in this essay I will explain how Ynathe mostly wants Sister Vandire to fall so she can smooch Chaos Cultist Sister Vandire—what the fuck am I talking about with this lmao
There are alternate ways to travel. The T'au use Ether Drives, and we use the Webway. Surely if there are alternate means to engage in faster-than-light travel, thousands of murders each day are simply unnecessary?

i want to so badly respond to this but don't know if it was already done so i will do so anyway

the emperor from what i remember wanted to build his own version of the webway but it was incomplete thanks to the horus ''heresy'' (more like betrayal but whatever floats the writers boats) that made billions of demons swarm out of the incomplete webway by making it an opening into the warp the custodes + guardsmen and space marines can't forget to mention them most books that know and write of this sort of just ignore them

now the dark cells exist the writers just vastly overestimated the number of horrid artifacts that can end reality there are in there at most out of ten thousand artifacts most only there due to political plays between the high lords of terra only 20 can end the galaxy if and it's a very big if used correctly (not correctly as in they should be used that way but more of a use it in this specific way and it does so) and only 1 was made to do so

from a very tired lucifer black guardsman (still don't know why the custodes did not kill me for being in the black cells)

now i admit i had fun at seeing the dark eldar have mostly completely incorrect knowledge on the custodes i will say one thing she got right how in the golden throne are they considered paramilitary? like how did the paperwork that historicaly made them part of the army get lost?
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There are alternate ways to travel. The T'au use Ether Drives, and we use the Webway. Surely if there are alternate means to engage in faster-than-light travel, thousands of murders each day are simply unnecessary?

i want to so badly respond to this but don't know if it was already done so i will do so anyway

the emperor from what i remember wanted to build his own version of the webway but it was incomplete thanks to the horus ''heresy'' (more like betrayal but whatever floats the writers boats) that made billions of demons swarm out of the incomplete webway by making it an opening into the warp the custodes + guardsmen and space marines can't forget to mention them most books that know and write of this sort of just ignore them

now the dark cells exist the writers just vastly overestimated the number of horrid artifacts that can end reality there are in there at most out of ten thousand artifacts most only there due to political plays between the high lords of terra only 20 can end the galaxy if and it's a very big if used correctly (not correctly as in they should be used that way but more of a use it in this specific way and it does so) and only 1 was made to do so

now i don't wanna spoil the tyrranid codex but most codexes even the imperium ones use if they could just do this get this or unite or find this thing they could conquer the galaxy the tyrranids have a when

from a very tired custodes (how does a custodes get tired you ask warp sorcery it just sorts of happen in the dark cells)

now i admit i had fun at seeing the dark eldar have mostly completely incorrect knowledge on us i will say one thing she got right how in the golden throne are we considered paramilitary? like how did the paperwork that historicaly made us part of the army get lost?
OOC: While I appreciate the effortpost, I think a Custodes posting on a wargame review might be a little bit unlikely, and I would prefer you used a different character, one who's maybe less important to the setting like all of our characters?

Also, I should probably note that the actual threadmarked posts are more canon than roleplay, and that I would prefer roleplay to be more than just infodumping. Still, thank you very much for your post, and I'm very happy to see it!
OOC: While I appreciate the effortpost, I think a Custodes posting on a wargame review might be a little bit unlikely, and I would prefer you used a different character, one who's maybe less important to the setting like all of our characters?

Also, I should probably note that the actual threadmarked posts are more canon than roleplay, and that I would prefer roleplay to be more than just infodumping. Still, thank you very much for your post, and I'm very happy to see it!
ooc i think i overdid it yes first time ever trying to actually rp who would be someone to be able to get into the dark cells legally in the imperium i still wanna keep that in
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ooc i think i overdid it yes first time ever trying to actually rp who would be someone to be able to get into the dark cells legally in the imperium i still wanna keep that in
OOC: I'm not sure if someone able to do that would really be on a wargaming review thread.
I'm not sure if someone able to do that would really be on a wargaming review thread.
It could work if they move forwards as a Serf in the Imperial Palace, or even one of the Lucifer Black Guardsmen.

Like, this first post is 'Oh Shit, Custodes saw me, wait, they're actually talking and not immediately trying to kill me?' And every post afterwards is from someone Not Custodes.

Because, from a Practical standpoint, what does a Custodes really have to add, they're either Chilling in the Palace, or doing a Very Specific Mission outside the Palace.

And then you have to consider the fact that Custodes don't really... care about anything other than Protecting the Emperor and moving forward His interests.
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OOC: Unsure if it would be fun or not really wanted to make the occasional shippy thing/kinky joke/shippy joke with Sister Vandire and Ynathe.
OOC: Unsure if it would be fun or not really wanted to make the occasional shippy thing/kinky joke/shippy joke with Sister Vandire and Ynathe.
I mean, you have Biologically Kinky Dom Mom and Straight Woman Nun.

It could be pretty funny, especially if Vandire frustrates Ynathe for being so... simple.

Like, Unironically being 'Handholding is the Height of Deviancy' type.

For an example, Ynathe takes her out for dinner, and Vandire enjoys a pleasant evening with her friend, while Ynathe spent 3 hours trying to get a reaction out of her.
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Sister Vandire:

Well, my idiot is currently reading through the Tau codex, and truthfully the Tau codex seems to so far use...very flattering terms for them. My first instinct is to say that it's a Gue'vesa writing it, but I'm sure the logical answer is just that people are complicated and one can have a strong respect for the Tau while living in Imperial space.

I think she's mostly jealous that the Tau are described more positively than the Drukhari in these Codexes.

Do I endorse the dehumanization of the Drukhari? No, I don't.

However, I also am capable of understanding that the society known for piracy, scheming, and obsession with pain—however inaccurately—is more likely to get a less positive review than one known for being very morally-focused.

Sometimes, I get the impression that Ynathe's opposition to praising the Imperium is mostly because the Codexes could be praising the Drukhari instead.
being very morally-focused
It's also a lot easier to talk positively about a heavily militarized society.

It's familiar, after all. Same reason why the Monk Elves get a pass, even when they constantly suffer from 'Generically Powerful Enemy Nobody has Experience With' syndrome.

Also, the Dark Elves kinda don't do themselves any favors, trying to dissuade the whole 'Surprise Murder-fuck' stigma, considering how often it's a Dark Elf torturing a specific Planetary Governor for decades in order to harvest a specific 'Essence' they need for some bulkshitnor the other.

Also, the Giant Floating Torture Devices kinda leave a strong impression, ya know.
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It's also a lot easier to talk positively about a heavily militarized society.

It's familiar, after all. Same reason why the Monk Elves get a pass, even when they constantly suffer from 'Generically Powerful Enemy Nobody has Experience With' syndrome.

Also, the Dark Elves kinda don't do themselves any favors, trying to dissuade the whole 'Surprise Murder-fuck' stigma, considering how often it's a Dark Elf torturing a specific Planetary Governor for decades in order to harvest a specific 'Essence' they need for some bulkshitnor the other.

Also, the Giant Floating Torture Devices kinda leave a strong impression, ya know.
It isn't as though we just enjoy torturing people. Like I've said, it's typically either during war or a consensual act. Also, many of those tales of Planetary Governor tortures are just exaggerations, and I'm not even sure if that's how "essences" work.

As for the Giant Floating Torture Devices, those are vastly overreported and I still don't see how a Dreadnaught isn't a Giant Walking Torture Device.
...I kind of feel the need to point out that the sister referred to you as 'My' idiot. Clearly she can't dislike everything you stand for as much as she claims. XP
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Well... It sounds kinda affectionate? Like she cares about you?
Well, I suppose she cares about me in some sense, but probably only out of the satisfaction of feeling superior to me. That and the vaguely homoerotic antics.

Do Terrans typically engage in vaguely homoerotic antics with people they like?