Let's Read: Warhammer 40,000 Codexes and Star Wars RPG Sourcebooks (Dark Eldar Reviewer)

OOC: I did look for it, but Warhammer Codex scans are rare and I couldn't find one under either name. Maybe there just aren't scans out yet?
Maybe. If you're reading 10th edition, then I recall they didn't print it yet (and checking the roadmap, there is no Militarum codex there) but I'm surprised there is no 9th edition. That said, it was quite late in its lifecycle - November/December 2022, so it's not impossible there are no scans. at all.
Oh no, I'm just surprised. Where are their rules then? Do they just not exist as an army anymore?
What was said, also 10th edition was designed in a way that you need only unit datasheets and army index to play a full game. Guard has those, don't worry, they're not disappearing any time soon (I hope).
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OOC: Well, I couldn't find a Codex for 9th Edition. What might be an alternate thing to review for the Guard?
I don't know if it's her Social Darwinist views that were getting annoying to read
IMO, it's moreso that she's just... unrepentantly evil. Like, the Reviewers so far have been flawed, yes, but they're still understandable decent people. Ynathe is an Adrenalinr Junkie, Vandire's a Catholic Nun, Tau girl's a Cinnamon Roll, and then Viola's just an unironic Social Dawinist who believes that anything is allowed so long as you're strong enough to do it.

And unlike Senator Armstrong, she's not even interesting to read/listen to.

She's just a bully, and people don't like bullies.

What might be an alternate thing to review for the Guard?
Uplifting Primer's obligatory, but the Regimental Standard has some good stuff to review too.
OOC: @RiverDelta I decided to make a omake detailing what exactly went down between IC!me and a few other people to get said certification and I decided to do it in a form a bit unusual
OOC: @SolarFlare this omake will affect your character just so you know
Alexios's Bizarre Adventures - Part 1 how to do bribes with professor Dreadnought
Example- Narrator
Hello - Character Talking
'Oh shit'- Character thinking

The scene begins inside one of the many parts of the Imperial Palace, this area looks akin to a mausoleum containing the names of those fallen.Except instead of tombs they are Dreadnoughts containing Custodes.In this vast Maloseum our protagonist, Alexios is hard at work working on the inner parts of the Telemon Dreadnought Vanus.

Vanus: Alexios are we going to stop dancing around the issue and actually talk about how you're admittedly well intentioned and surprisingly well thought plan at bribing a Telepathica representative for a Certificate of Sanctioning isn't going to work.

Alexios looks surprised for a second before looking resigned and slumping slightly

Alexios: Am I so bad at this that even the Dreadnoughts are knowing what I'm doing. Actually it would make more sense for the other Custodians to know but I'm more embarrassed that you know considering even when you weren't entombed you were rather infamous for your lack of subtlety.

Vanus: For your information that was one time and before I was entombed I was insatiable and skilled. no one could match my prowess in the sauna,the massage parlor or in the strip down modules.I am willing to teach you my techniques in favor trading too.

Alexios:'God-Emperor I don't pray to you often and I'm unsure if you exist or deserve to exist but why did you make the Custodes so weird?'

Alexios: Ignoring the large amount of double ententes and low key homoeroticism I would like to point out 2 things.First you openly talked about how fun it was to slaughter members of the Mechanicum before the treaty of Mars in front of high level members of the mechanicus . Multiple times and before you had the excuse of Dreadnought induced memory problems which don't happen to Custodes. Second I don't see anything wrong with my plan, Choirmaster Barros has the ability to get Certificates and I have a ticket to the Eternity Gate district that he really wants for the low price of a bog standard Certificate of Sanctioning.

Vanus:You made three mistakes.First it wasn't just low key homoeroticism because we shared the facilities and amenities with the Lucifer Blacks and Sisters of Silence, in fact my partner in crime was Oblivion Knight Contessa where very few of our companions realized that our mutual massages, oiling and sauna trips were the perfect cover for exchanging information and preventing people from snooping.So it was more like a low key free love among equals.

Alexios quickly facepalms before realizing that Vanus may be onto something here.

Alexios: My faith in the maturity of the pass is shattered but please Vanus stop talking about how you and your lover used your naked massages and lathering to do low key espionage and talk more about what I'm doing wrong.

Vanus: Alright kid,your first mistake was presuming that the vanilla type of Certificate was useful enough.Especially back in the Great Crusade people didn't trust those Certificates as even toilet paper, what you want to do is first acquire the Certificate of Sanctioning Rogue Traders use to cover up the fact they have a minor sorcerer aboard their ship add on a bunch of sub verification stuff,psi-seals of major figures and a expedited deliver so it looks like you're covering for more than baby's first possession and so that it actually arrives within this decade.

Alexios: Okay I'll do that but it kinda feels unnecessary like how is a vial of genuine Terran dirt be a useful demand.

Vanus:That leads to our second problem- you Alexios have simply no idea how much value that little Tram pass of yours has.While it isn't fully at the Eternity Gate it's close enough to be a major boon for any member of high society and since it's provided by an Artisian-Serf directly serving the Custodes or actually the Left hand of the Emperor no one can hurt you in a attempt to stop it unless they want to risk the wrath of the Custodes. Simply asking for a Certificate to a man like Barros will make him think this is a trap or ruse since while he is powerful his position suggests that he he's hit a glass ceiling of sorts preventing him from getting into something bigger,something a chance at Eternity Gate could fix but he also knows that these things always have a price which is why something so simple as a easily handed out Certificate of Sanctioning would sound like a trap to him.However a specialized Certificate with all these hard to fabricate add-ons is something within bounds.

Alexios: Wow that's confusing and highly morally bankrupt but okay that;s the realities of Terran favor trading.Besides it's the closes t I can do to help by giving up my ability to see my extended family this month.

Vanus: This leads into issue three, you fail to realize that you have something that could vastly increase your chances of success and no it's not the tram ticket it's the signet ring you got from your job.

Alexios:'is he fucking insane?, first rule of my job is to never fuck around with any part of the job'

Alexios: You do realize that the signet ring is just for requisitioning certain parts when I need them.I don't think anyone will expect that the Ordo Sinister or Custodian Salamis will be all that happy for that matter.

Vanus: The Left Hand will oftenrequsition things that are completely nonsensical to keep people ontheir toes and so that the bueracracy learns that they can dotheir little horse trading schemes but if they ever in any way do not treat the Left Hand with the respect they deserve their entire genetic line will be put through fates used as a lesson to never ever place the Left Hand in a subordinate priority.Also you have the blessing of Custodes Salamis here he is right now.

Suddenly the vox-broadcasters Vanus use to communicate crackle a little until the sounds of music,water and bubbles act as a background noise to the voice of a Custodian that most would be unable to tell apart but to someone like Alexios is as unique as any other, Custodian Salamis.

Salamis:You have my blessing Alexios , go forth and use the Signet Ring. Something like this is child's play,you are not going to become a High Lord doing this and it can bringsome new blood into the Telepathica.

Vanus:' my goodness could Salamis be any more indiscrete.It was one thing with me and Contessa it's another to do some intimacy with what sounds like at the very least 4 Sophonts. I can't wait to lord this over him next time.'

Alexios:Thank you Vanus and Salamis you truly are masters of subtlety and indirection.As thanks I'll get you some of the Terran Soap Operas while I'm away.

Alexios walks outside the Mausoleum holding in his hands the Signet,it looks gold with a odd variation on the Imperial Aquilla on the front but soon it shifts and changes into a ring of obsidian black and bone grey with a much different symbol and words on it.

Alexios: Never thought I would actually do some good with this.Well today's the day someone who feeds the monster does something that isn't hurting others.

Signet Ring Symbol before transformation-

Signet ring symbol afterwards with quote-

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IMO, it's moreso that she's just... unrepentantly evil. Like, the Reviewers so far have been flawed, yes, but they're still understandable decent people. Ynathe is an Adrenalinr Junkie, Vandire's a Catholic Nun, Tau girl's a Cinnamon Roll, and then Viola's just an unironic Social Dawinist who believes that anything is allowed so long as you're strong enough to do it.

And unlike Senator Armstrong, she's not even interesting to read/listen to.

She's just a bully, and people don't like bullies.

Uplifting Primer's obligatory, but the Regimental Standard has some good stuff to review too.
OOC: I think that's reasonable. I do think that the issue with Ashlee is that she's kind of emotionally crippled. Her following this edgy philosophy doesn't really make her smart or special. She isn't a hard woman making hard decisions. She's just someone who doesn't really know what empathy feels like who's created this bullshit logic to justify it. I agree that she's a bully, and I also think that she's meant to be kind of a pathetic character who highlights the other characters by contrast. She's meant to be casual and folksy to Ynathe's pretension, anarchic to Vandire's ordered lifestyle, and heartless to Vior Or'es' compassionate worldview. That said, I do have a problem where I write assholes that people often struggle to really enjoy.

So, I'm happy to say that the next Codex review will have a character who will be hopefully very interesting and more fun to read. In fact, I got inspired to write a quick microfic about xyr. Also, would you prefer the Regimental Standard/Uplifting Primer or an outdated Codex review?

Oh, and @Balmung1, I'm afraid I can't make that omake canon. It's a very good non-canon piece, but it just gives your character too much influence in the setting. I'm sorry, there's really no way to include it without making your RP character way too overpowered.


"Oi, would ya pass the dessert fork, perchance?" Honorable Mr. Septimus Squall Krump VIII said, his orkish fingers daintily cutting through his own fire-seasoned carrots. As a gentleork, he had his napkin tucked into his collar. Across from him was his charge, the Right Vainglorious Mx. Antimony Aphrodite-Thor Dangereux. The camera focused intently on the androgynous beauty, xyr form made of perfect flesh and metal.

Antimony sipped xyr Drukhari Silk-Wine and eyed the oafish Water Caste diplomat with a gaze that could shame a prince at ten thousand yards. "I'm afraid, Mr. Y'eldivash, that you've made quite the error."

"Oh, and what would that be? I do believe that we were on our way to forging a partnership in this world's government," Y'eldivash said, licking his lips. "My congratulations on the Antigrox steaks, of course."

"If I may, Mxtross?" the ork asked.

"You may," xe said, licking xyr lips. "He is right on the steak."

"The bleedin' error in question is that ya shouldn't'a been runnin' a cartel ring, see?" Mr. Krump explained.

"Well, I never," the corrupt Water Caste said.

"Guards?" Antimony Dangereux said, turning to the bulky mix of Fire Caste warriors, Drukhari, and Orks that stood in suits valued at the cost of a small starship. "I request that he be seized."

"You'll pay for this craven treachery, Antimony Dangereux!" the Water Caste diplomat yelled, as his body was grabbed by two Orks.

Antimony chuckled. "Septimus, see to it that we don't pay for this craven treachery."
IC: Somehow, I am skeptical that the Imperium's notoriously convoluted bureaucracy would allow for such a simple solution, but I will pray to Ynnead that it does go through.

IC: Almost forgot to respond! This is probably going to be the case where Administratum's size actually makes things simpler. As long as the signer of the Letter recorded it in archives on Terra (and I suppose Mx. Artisan, whose name I won't record here in case it actually does go wrong, made sure he did) and local Administratum division in the destination sub-sector has it signed the Letter was recieved, the rest of the bureaucracy is going to assume it's business as usual and not dig too deeply.
Also, after rethinking, this plan can succeed. Scholastica Psykana on Terra is not the only one to train and sanction psykers, but due to its location it's relatively well-protected from unwanted Warp intrusions and it's the only place where soulbinding can occur, so their Sanctioning Letter carries more worth, as Mx. Artisan points out. For this reason, sometimes offworld branches of Scholastica Psykana ask the Terran branch to give their Letter to their most promising candidates, and while in theory it would require psykers to pass trials on Terra in some cases the Letter is given soley on local results. Luckily we have a world with Scholastica branch, Laur I, in our sector, so paperwork going through my department shouldn't raise an eyebrow.
Oh, and @Balmung1, I'm afraid I can't make that omake canon. It's a very good non-canon piece, but it just gives your character too much influence in the setting. I'm sorry, there's really no way to include it without making your RP character way too overpowered.
OOC:Sorry I was kinda trying to strike a balance between Alexios/IC!me being able to make a change and the fact that he's basically just a mechanic who's not really good at anything like politics or politicking.He can do things like work on Psi-Titans well but when it came to the whole bribery he basically had to be sat down and taught step by step to do everything by the Custodes who gave their explicit permission and made it clear that this was a one time thing meant to basically show that even if it's just a mechanic no one is supposed to to fuck with any part of the Palace and because otherwise as Vanus pointed out the Choirmaster would've gotten the fuck away from Alexios/IC!me for thinking that he's been set up and no one with a sense of self preservation would even consider being near Alexios because they would think he's a faustian bargain of some type.It's also important to note that even before this little storyline Alexios/IC!me made it very clear (remember about all his comments about the incompetency of the High Lords,hatred/heavy disdain of tourists/outsiders and a extreme loyalty to the Custodes based on the fact that they continue High Quality of Life/Bread and Circuses so to speak and doesn't really care that they basically act like a state sponsored terrorist group killing entire families or the fact that they are inuman enough that even he who's biased for them and already highly modified has a level of fear and directly compares them to deamons of the emperor) he doesn't like interacting much less favor with people outside the Palace walls at all and that there's a serious cultural taboo about doing things like that much less favor trading like what Alexios did which is considered a serious breach of societal norms (think having a pride parade in a small southern town where every single person is a Southern Baptist levels of culture shock) not to mention the fact that he gave up meeting his extended family which is safe to say pushing a lot of buttons.The only reason he isn't facing complete and total social ostracization is the fact that his job involving to the Ordo Sinister already guarantees an an aura of fear that makes most people very unwilling to ask questions plus the outright blessing of a Custodian.

OOC:TLDR Version he's kinda like medieval burghers in the sense he really doesn't want to be outside the wall and dislikes everyone in the city outside the wall.He also did this by basically following the instructions and support of the Custodians because otherwise we would do the political equivalent of driving in a unmarked white van asking children to come inside for candy.His entire culture dislikes this shit and it was only due to extenuating circumstances he did this and he only went through because a Custodian said okay.
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OOC:Sorry I was kinda trying to strike a balance between Alexios/IC!me being able to make a change and the fact that he's basically just a mechanic who's not really good at anything like politics or politicking.
OOC: It's fine, it just can't be canon. That's really it. That isn't something I can change without giving non-author characters way more power than I'm comfortable with.
That isn't something I can change without giving non-author characters way more power than I'm comfortable with.
So, just to clarify, what *is* an acceptable level of 'impact' a Character can have, because I don't really see anything wrong with what he was doing, and IC!Me rescuing a Farseer.

Because, like, ultimately, it's something that doesn't impact anything, while also showing off a more focused part of the Character.

Unless it's an issue with Omakes in and of themselves?
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So, just to clarify, what *is* an acceptable level of 'impact' a Character can have, because I don't really see anything wrong with what he was doing, and IC!Me rescuing a Farseer.

Because, like, ultimately, it's something that doesn't impact anything, while also showing off a more focused part of the Character.

Unless it's an issue with Omakes in and of themselves?
OOC: Roleplayers, in my opinion, shouldn't have the ability to decide that a Custodes just does what they want. Beyond that, it's case by case, especially since it seems like T's player didn't want the help and that T wasn't likely to accept it. That's about it. Thanks for asking the question, though! In general, characters having any influence over a heavy hitter is something I can be a bit skeptical of. I hope that makes sense.
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Ah, so the issue is that they're having this be officially sanctioned by the Custodes, (and also saying that this type of thing isn't too unusual for them.) IE: Determining Lore for You.

That makes sense.
OOC: Yeah, exactly. As a side note, I'm also running into the anti-character-bloat rules because I love some of these characters, lmao.
OOC: Roleplayers, in my opinion, shouldn't have the ability to decide that a Custodes just does what they want. Beyond that, it's case by case, especially since it seems like T's player didn't want the help and that T wasn't likely to accept it. That's about it. Thanks for asking the question, though! In general, characters having any influence over a heavy hitter is something I can be a bit skeptical of. I hope that makes sense.
OOC:That's why I chose Varus since other than the whole one time thing there's a few other factors(even excluding the whole :

1. Vanus was already confirmed that even by the standards of a Custodes to be a bit of a eccentric even before he became a dreadnought and as shown with his thoughts/words very good at manipulating people,explicitly wants to get back into the groove of being a information broker and is good at figuring out how exactly to gain weird stuff like the stuff he got up to with his partner. He gains a lot from this, a key member of the Telepathica is ascended that's directly through the intervention of Salamis using Alexios as a patsy,he knows a bit of gossip/social leverage on Salamis,he has even bigger link to the Ordo Sinister thanks to said leverage on Salamis and the fact that he could very easily use his assistance of Alexios as a way to gain even more information on what the Ordo Sinister does not to mention the fact that Alexios is a bit of a gossip for Custodes (remember Alexios considers it a point of pride in being able to know personally a lot of Custodes and being able to talk to them when their emotional guard is down).

2. Alexios has very little IC reason to even want to continue doing anything like this and as you mentioned below his mission is a bit quixotic in nature which is why Varus pointed all the issues at the start like 'who gives away a chance at seeing the area/gate directly in front of the EMPEROR in return for a measly Certificate that's easily attainable through lower bribes' and he doesn't really know how to help anyone else and his 2 main ideas were ' sell my ticket to tourists and please Mr chill killing machine employ this lady' and it's outright stated by Alexios he fears Custodes when they aren't acting like eccentric slightly hedonistic philosopher hobbyists or medical patients since that usually means annoying stuff tends to die in a ditch.

OOC: Yeah, exactly. As a side note, I'm also running into the anti-character-bloat rules because I love some of these characters, lmao.
OOC: So what are some of your favorite characters?Like both ones created by you and ones created through RP'ing
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OOC:That's why I chose Varus since other than the whole one time thing there's a few other factors(even excluding the whole :

OOC: So what are some of your favorite characters?Like both ones created by you and ones created through RP'ing
OOC: I'm not going to change my mind. It's a great omake, but it's just not canon. That's my final decision, for reasons stated previously.

Oh, and I like hearing about T, about the Aeldari character, about the Tau Gue'vesa, and really all the characters in-thread. Of my own characters, I find Ashlee fun to write, Ynathe is fun as a comedic character with a bit of depth, Vandire works well as a "straight man", Vior Or'es is a precious bean, and I absolutely love writing what little I have of Antimony Aphrodite-Thor Dangereux. Rogue Traders are fun. So, I guess my answer's all of them. :p
Oh, and I like hearing about T, about the Aeldari character, about the Tau Gue'vesa, and really all the characters in-thread. Of my own characters, I find Ashlee fun to write, Ynathe is fun as a comedic character with a bit of depth, Vandire works well as a "straight man", Vior Or'es is a precious bean, and I absolutely love writing what little I have of Antimony Aphrodite-Thor Dangereux. Rogue Traders are fun. So, I guess my answer's all of them. :p
OOC:So is my IC character good or bad?Since his whole thing is basically asking questions at a lot of things he doesn't know about that occur outside of Terra and how staggered his knowledge is.Like he has knowledge from talking with various Dreadnoughts and internal records about the Unification war and knows about the Legions and Terra were like before the Primarchs but once they leave all he has access to is propaganda he doesn't really believe and mutterings from Custodians that can be a bit weird (for example the Dreadnought calling Dorn a sentient wall is not the best source for say the modern Word Bearers)
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OOC:So is my IC character good or bad?Since his whole thing is basically asking questions at a lot of things he doesn't know about that occur outside of Terra and how staggered his knowledge is.Like he has knowledge from talking with various Dreadnoughts and internal records about the Unification war and knows about the Legions and Terra were like before the Primarchs but once they leave all he has access to is propaganda he doesn't really believe and mutterings from Custodians that can be a bit weird (for example the Dreadnought calling Dorn a sentient wall is not the best source for say the modern Word Bearers)
OOC: You're fine otherwise. If something becomes an issue, I'll tell you.

Oh, and the next Codex is the Leagues of Votann. Hope that isn't too underwhelming, since nobody really has any strong feelings about them AFAIK.
Ah. That is...unsettling. Is there anything I can do?

Not sure, really. I can' t THINK of anything at the moment... I do like hugs, but you're too far away.

(Sister Vandire: ...Oh. Yeah, that'd do it. That's...That's a big problem. Glad you're OK after that. You haven't been possessed again, have you?)

Nope. Nobody's tried to set me on fire and I have a better idea of my limits now.

IC: Somehow, I am skeptical that the Imperium's notoriously convoluted bureaucracy would allow for such a simple solution, but I will pray to Ynnead that it does go through.

Honestly I wouldn't risk it even if it was real. I have better chances of being struck by lightning in the underhive than that offer not being a trap of some kind. Why should I start trusting them now?
Honestly I wouldn't risk it even if it was real. I have better chances of being struck by lightning in the underhive than that offer not being a trap of some kind. Why should I start trusting them now?
I'm not going to be convincing you either way, it's your decision; but if you choose to go through it, I think it can be arranged for the Letter to spend a century or two in a secure location to be retrieved at a moment's notice. So the option is still going to be on the table for a good while. You can take your time considering good and bad.
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IC: I genuinely was not trying to rub it in. I am genuinely happy for you, no matter your reasons.

(Ashlee Viola: ...Good. I ain't really used to people bein' happy for me.)

Not sure, really. I can' t THINK of anything at the moment... I do like hugs, but you're too far away.

Nope. Nobody's tried to set me on fire and I have a better idea of my limits now.

Honestly I wouldn't risk it even if it was real. I have better chances of being struck by lightning in the underhive than that offer not being a trap of some kind. Why should I start trusting them now?
I would be eager to provide hugs. Perhaps I can provide virtual hugs?

(Sister Vandire: Well, that's...Fair enough, I guess. Seems like things could be worse. Still, you're making the right call. It sounds too good to be true, and I'm as Imperial as it gets.)
Codex: Leagues of Votann, Part 1
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Hey, let's explore a very new addition to the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the Leagues of Votann. Personally, I think they're pretty awesome, and I know just the triad to explore it. Also, there are some blue jokes here, so be warned.


(The Right Vainglorious Mx. Antimony Aphrodite-Thor Dangereux: Well, ladies, gentlemen, and those of us who know better, it's an honor to spend some time working on these reviews. I, of course, stand tall above these reviews, the mythic nature of my deeds obvious to anyone who has even so much as been informed that outer space as a concept exists.)

Oh, yes, we're currently about to talk about the Leagues of Votann, an under-explored part of the Milky Way! I am so thankful to have such a noble and well-traveled companion on this literary journey!

(Antimony: Naturally. Hopefully my rapier wit will be as useful in this endeavor as my chain-rapier. It is pleasant to be with someone such as yourself. I understand you are quite poor, do you need me to donate you a moon?)

A moon? Good heavens, no, thank you for your most generous offer but that will not be necessary.

(Sister Vandire: Ugh, Rogue Traders.)

(Antimony: Ah, Felicity, your sour tongue tastes of lemons and perfume.)

(Sister Vandire: What does that mean?)

(Antimony: Your barbed tongue reminds me of a younger, more feminine version of myself, and quite the androgynous amazon-Theseus I was. Someday you must spend your time on my ship, the Alpha Polecat Nine. The beds are made of anti-gravity. Why, I get my best thoughts done on those. There was this one time that a malevolent Last Hatred offshoot controlled a poor planet, and so I had to create a masterful plot on those beds. Then again, a bed can be used for many things.)

(Sister Vandire: Are you asking me out?)

(Antimony: No, no, no, I know you're married to the God-Emperor. Unless you'd like to try a polycule?)

(Sister Vandire: ...Damn, that was pretty good.)

(Antimony: I kid, I don't think that's much of a thing among the Sisters of Battle. I really do need to send you a bottle of platinum-infused silk-wine sometime, I got an entire cask when I saved Sebastian V from a war-fleet of space pirates.)

(Sister Vandire: I don't know whether I want to fuck you or slap you.)

(Antimony: Why not both?)

(Sister Vandire: I like both.)

No, Antimony, please don't steal my future girlfriend!

(Sister Vandire: Your what?)

...Oh, erm, that slipped out.

(Sister Vandire: In text?)


(Sister Vandire: Oh, I think I get it. You're a dork.)

Possibly. Maybe.

(Sister Vandire: You know, I think I'll leave my options on the table, but I'm not ruling anyone out.)

(Antimony: A clever choice!)

Oh, thank Ynnead.

By the mysteries of the crucible are they given form and strength. By the molten fires and pounding pistons of the forge are they armed and armoured. By the Votann and by the Fane are they given wisdom and purpose. And by the searing wrath of the hearth are they filled with the fury to overcome any foe.

Erm, I can be suave! Look at this! There are words! How about that, Wordy O'Wordingtonshire?

(Antimony: I like you, you have vim.)

Welcome to Codex: Leagues of Votann. The data-tome you hold is replete with lore concerning the race who call themselves the Kin. Their long history; their many Leagues; their indomitable Kinhosts; all is recorded within. Read on to learn more, then make ready to muster your Oathband. There is a galaxy of perils to be overcome, and the Ancestors are watching.

(Antimony: Actually, I've found their Kinhosts quite dominable. In fact, I daresay that they are able to be dommed.)

Oh, by Ynnead, did you actually say that?

(Antimony: Yes? Is this a poor person faux pas I'm too wealthy to understand?)

Well, erm, to "dom" someone means to engage in servile games with them, so you were saying that you wanted to play servile games with the entirety of the Kinhosts.

(Antimony: Oh, dear, that was not my intent. Let me buy you a star yacht.)

Thank you very much for the offer, but I don't need a star yacht, and it is a bit much...

(Antimony: It really is trifling, barely an apology for my accidental lewdness. I should be at least considering getting you a megayacht.)

Few races in the galaxy are as redoubtable, courageous or determined as the Kin who make up the Leagues of Votann. Nor are many as ruthless when it comes to the risk-and-reward calculus of war. To face them in battle is to stand before an armoured avalanche that crushes all in its path. It is to be appraised and then brusquely dealt with by attackers who see you as little more than an obstruction, or else as a hated nemesis whose annhilation is worth any cost.

This strikes me as the usual bigotry, intended to demonize the Kin. In reality, the Kin are a full and complex species, one whose members vary in personality almost as much as Terrans.

To those they fight alongside or trade with, the Kin are invaluable allies. However, those they deem a risk to their peoples' survival they destroy with the same relentless rigour that the Kin apply to harvesting accretion discs, manufacturing their incredible technologies or, indeed, anything else they set their minds to.

These Codexes often describe the positives and negatives of various species from an Imperial point of view, but they rarely allow for any complexity or nuance. This all has the tone of some pulp adventure.

The Leagues of Votann are huge and formidable stellar empires, united by shared kinship and - as the emergence of the Great Rift sends ripples of upheaval through the galactic core and beyond - they are coming into violent collision with the other sentient races more than ever before.

Must these books focus so much on war?

(Antimony: It is a wargame, and a very fun one! I know I enjoy painting, articulating, and roboticizing my Flash Gits Ork army!)

You actually play this prejudiced game?

(Antimony: Well, yes, I need something to bet torso-sized diamonds and rifles from the Dark Age of Technology on.)

You gamble?

(Antimony: Oh, I've courted, dated, and pleasantly romanced Lady Luck many times in my day!)

Collecting a Leagues of Votann army for Warhammer 40,000 provides unique and exciting challenges. On the gaming table they are an army that combines massed armoured transportation, formidable close-range firepower and immense resilience - both physical and psychological - to close with the foe and then blast them into submission. Their advance is relentless and, thanks to technologies such as massed teleportation and magna-coil vehicles, the Kin have the ability to strike where and when they want with meticulous precision.

Well, this is odd. The Codex is claiming here that the Kin have higher technology than the Imperium, and seeming to glorify it. Was this Codex written by an Imperial?

(Sister Vandire: It says here this was written by "Yymm Ork Bane". That sounds like a Kinnish name to me.)

Well, then I think we can treat "mass teleportation" as being a bit of an exaggeration.

(Sister Vandire: It does seem unlikely.)

(Antimony: Oh, the truth is stranger than you'd think, and the strangers are truer than you'd fear!)

What does that mean?

(Antimony: Perhaps this Codex just got...Kinconclusive.)

What does that mean?

(Antimony: It sounds like this skald-told epic has just developed a twist.)

I don't think that's actual wordplay!

(Sister Vandire: It sounds like a joke to me. Maybe even a pun.)

(Vior Or'es: What is a pun?)

Within are the rules you'll need to transform your collection into an Oathband or Prospect fit to strike out into far-space, and claim the stars from those who no longer deserve them.

(Vior Or'es: These Kin seem like they should be more respectful of other cultures.)

(Sister Vandire: They should be more respectful of my culture, specifically.)

(Antimony: Ah, leave it to a military woman to become a jingoist.)

(Sister Vandire: Leave it to a Rogue Trader to lord xyr ill-gotten wealth over everyone.)

(Antimony: You're sure you don't want the parfait?)

(Sister Vandire: I'll stick to my prepackaged meals.)

(Antimony: We both know you're just saying that.)

(Sister Vandire: I am, but how about you get off my dick?)

(Antimony: Well, I have my own dick, and it's made of solid gold. We should fence, sometime.)

(Sister Vandire: It's a figure of speech!)

(Antimony: I'm genuinely sorry, I didn't know.)

(Sister Vandire: It's...fine. Wait, were you talking about dick-fencing?)

(Antimony: Yes, the fine and storied sport of mechanical penis fencing. It has a host of symbolic meanings, and there have been great poems about the twist of the wrist.)

(Sister Vandire: Emperor protect me.)

Skies darken as the immense void ships of the Kin settle into orbit. Dark shapes streak groundwards as a rain of military landers and dropships bear the Kinhost to war.

Their armoured spearheads strike hard and true. Hekaton land fortresses smash through barricades and over obstructions as enemy fire rebounds harmlessly from their hulls. Lighter vehicles race alongside them, swinging around the flanks or focusing heavy weapons on enemy strongpoints to strip away the outer defences. As teleport signatures flare and hatches slam open, the Kinhost's infantry surge into the fight and the storm of fire redoubles.

Moving with unity of purpose, the Kin assess and eliminate threats. Searing beams of energy bore through fortifications and vehicle hulls. Squads of Hearthkyn advance relentlessly, hammering bolt rounds and plasma blasts into anyone foolish enough to bar their path. Cthonian beserks and heavily armoured Hearthguard storm in to finish their foes at close quarters. Soon enough, nothing remains but the prize that the Kin came to claim, and the scattered bodies of those who sought to stop them.

Well, this is blatant war fetishization on the part of the author.

(Antimony: It is worth noting that the Kin have a tradition known in Low Gothic as talespinning, a sort of culturally-accepted bragging. You've never had a good day until you've dueled a Kin pirate with your chain-rapier, talespinning self-praise back and forth over a pool of molten red-hot metal.)

(Sister Vandire: I could do that if I wanted to.)

For thousands of years the Leagues of Votann have exploited the riches of the galactic core and overcome the perils of that tomultuous region. Over the millennia they have battled many of the galaxy's races, and sometimes traded with or fought as mercenaries for others. Now, as the galaxy convulses in the grip of the Great Rift, they face new challenges, and new wars.

The Kin are squat, powerfully built humanoids. They dwell in vast numbers within the galactic core, being not so populous as the teeming humans, but far better established than the nascent T'au or dwindling Aeldari.

The Aeldari are certainly not dwindling.

(Vior Or'es: Yes, and the T'au are far from nascent! Both are established powers, underreported by the Imperium!)

(Antimony: Merely talespinning!)

...Well, I feel offended.

They are a clone race; each generation emerges from machines known as crucibles, which draw upon vast banks of genomic data to produce a stable and varied populace. Their numbers are further augmented by the Ironkin, machine intelligences clad in mechanical bodies that are dedicated to aiding their flesh-and-blood fellows. To the Kin, the Ironkin are equal and valuable members of their starfaring society, both in times of peace and war.

(Sister Vandire: If you ever wanted proof that the Kin are trying to make the same mistakes as Dark Age Humanity, there it is. They've made Men of Iron.)

(Antimony: Besides, abuse of Ironkin is a problem.)

(Sister Vandire: ...Well, when the Ironkin rise up and try to exterminate organic life, don't say I didn't warn you.)

(Antimony: That sounds like you're saying a robot rebellion could steel be a problem.)

(Sister Vandire: How about you suck my dick?)

(Antimony: Do Sisters of Battle normally bring up their dicks this often?)

(Sister Vandire: I didn't say I had one, it's also a figure of speech!)

(Antimony: Do you want a dick?)

(Sister Vandire: I don't know, it changes based on my mood!)

(Antimony: You can't just get yourself a two-phase gold-plated vagina-cock transforming implant?)

(Sister Vandire: Emperor, grant me the strength to persist in this temple of sin.)

From painful experience has emerged the rugged survivalist culture of the Kin, who find strength and unity in the endless quest to acquire the resources their Kindreds need to endure. It is this apparent acquisitiveness that has caused many other species to judge the kin - often harshly - as selfish hoarders.

(Sister Vandire: Greedy planet pillagers. They are selfish hoarders trying to maintain an unethical and self-destructive pre-Fall of Man lifestyle.)

That seems a bit harsh. I never understood the Imperium's obsession with strict technological control.

(Sister Vandire: I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I don't think it's something you'd be able to wrap your head around.)

Is this a "hard decisions" thing?

(Antimony: It always is with the Imperium's people-at-arms. Dreadfully beastly.)

All Kin - barring only rare outcasts - belong to a Kindred. These are groupings somewhere between extended families and close-knit nations, and vary in size from a few dozens of Kin up to many thousands or even millions! All Kin in a Kindred have sprung from its crucibles, and thus share a genetic bond stronger than allegiance to any flag.

I do think that this focus on genetic loyalty is making me distinctly uncomfortable.

(Antimony: Well, the thing you need to realize about the Kin is that they're ethnocentric.)

That isn't a good thing, surely?

(Antimony: It's not, no. That said, the Codex does exaggerate it, likely because the author is an ideological ethnocentric. We should avoid taking this Codex's words uncritically, as Yymm Ork Bane is known to be...well, a bit of a gene in the rear.)

(Sister Vandire: That isn't even a pun! Why was I ever into you?)

(Antimony: You were into me?)

(Sister Vandire: No!)

(Antimony: I think we flirted once?)

(Sister Vandire: Just once!)

The Kin habitually load apparently simple terms such as 'Hold' with nuanced meaning, being disinclined to even waste words. Thus, while the term is used throughout the Leagues of Votann, it can refer to wildly different structures and locations. Some Holds are fusions of fortification, city, industrial complex and strip mine, the largest of which may sprawl across or honeycomb beneath much of a world's surface. Others may be heavily armed void stations, chains of domes scattered through asteroid belts, nomadic harvesting fleets, syphoning plants riding the fringes of black holes, or even stranger marvels of technology.

(Antimony: As they say in the Leagues of Votann, "Let loose the war-arrow and bring about the dawning day.")

What does that mean?

(Antimony: I have no idea!)

It sounds questionable.

(Antimony: It's a quote from Yymm Ork Bane.)

A Kindred can be a commanding force. Its Hold may boast bustling cityscapes, industrial and military powerhouses, and many massive void ships. Yet greater stil are the Leagues of Votann. Nearly all Kindreds are part of one or another League, proudly displaying their colours and emblems while sharing trade, military support, Guild tarifs and so on. Many Leagues have existed for millennia. 'The Greater Thurian League, the Ymyr Conglomerate, the Urani-Surtr Regulates, the Typhon-Styx Protectorate and others are established and ancient power blocs. Some, such as the ill-fated Kapellan League, have declined over the centuries, while others - like the Kronus Hegemony or the Seran-Tok Mercantile Leagues - are more recently established.

At the heart of every League lies at least one Votann, also known as Ancestor Cores. The Kin believe these venerable thinking machines were created in a lost age of myth, and departed their home world aboard the first Kin mining flets. The Votann were sent into the void alongside the Kin to provide them with al the wisdom and aid they would require. The nodes through which that wisdom flowed have now become the Fanes that lie within all Kindred Holds. 'The Votann areof incalculable value and importance to the Kin. The millennia have wrought strange changes in these machine-intelligences, rendering them ponderous and senescent, yet they remain all-knowing repositories oflore and treasured links to the Ancestors of untold centuries. Kin who can commune with the Votann are known as the Grimnyr, or sometimes Living Ancestors, and are universally respected.

The Votann, of course, are relics from the Age of High Technology, ones that used to be far more capable and efficient than they are now. Even in their vastly reduced state, they are mighty computers.

(Antimony: I've heard tales that there might be ways for them to regain some or even all of their former potential!)

(Sister Vandire: Everything in this galaxy declines. I doubt it.)

(Antimony: Oh, no, just as sure as the Imperium is falling, many things will be rising again!)

Such as the Drukhari or the T'au?

(Antimony: Absolutely.)

(Sister Vandire: You'll miss us when we're gone. You'll wish you had us keeping you safe.)

(Antimony: Felicity, haven't you ever wanted more than just to be a nun-soldier?)

(Sister Vandire: What?)

(Antimony: Perhaps someday you might fly with me on my treasure fleets, carving a new empire out of the husk of the God-Emperor's.)

(Sister Vandire: What, so you're a traitor?)

(Antimony: Oh, no! Just a merchant! I don't plan to betray anything! I'll serve the Imperium loyally until there isn't an Imperium, and then my true legend will be forged!)

(Sister Vandire: Well, at least you don't have a thing for Tyranids.)
IC: ... I can attempt the task of recounting my experience with the Tyranids, Ashlee, if that would help. In the manner you wished Vior to, if that would be. Acceptable. I will have to use some - adaptional changes, since I'm aware that human senses are rather different, and in particular I am not sure how best to approach how the Shadow feels without tapping into - well. I will attempt it anyway.

You are young, still. Not so young as you were, but young enough that you're starting to feel old, even if you don't know what age is, that someone will say something to you and you will groan about how old it makes you feel. You've been a soldier for a while now, enough that you're weighing in your mind the benefits of retirement against making a career of it, taking this path all the way to the end. You're not inured to the horrors of war, you still have nightmares of blue figures fleeing before the beacon you placed calls the bombardment down on them, of what the insides of most races carved to pieces by your weapon smell like, but you think that you are strong enough to bear those nightmares, and were history different, you might be right. You are in your quarters, reading, when it starts.

It starts like this, suddenly. The world is suddenly silent. It is like when you have focused so hard on listening to music play that your ears ring with its absence. Your skin feels flat and dry, like a scouring headwind has stripped its outer layers. Your mouth is flat and dry and the air tastes of nothing, not even dust. You almost stumble. Distantly, you feel like some wrong has been committed, some action has been taken -

The alerts sound, and all hands are to go to their stations, the Craftworld is under threat, the fleet is dealing with it but all hands are to - and the communication ends. You step into a hallway of confused neighbours and comrades, and commiserate for a moment, and discuss and assemble slowly, too fucking slowly, settling your pack on your back - your eyeballs feel flat and dry and desiccated - hefting your weapon -

The spike comes through the wall to your left and you are on the right, that is what saves you. It goes through a boy you've known since he was born, and tears him in two. His intenstines slap wetly against your side before the vacuum pulls all of you - and then it's an ecstasy of fumbling for helmets, for clean air and void seals, and you attempt to jump -

No, I can't do it like this, moment by moment.

You hear of the fleet engagement, and that they are coming, and they are coming and firing, everyone is drafted, there are far too many far too close. You watch as something huge crushes the halls where you walked to school for centuries. You watch as spores settle into the living bones of your home and choke the air, you never want to taste the air of your helmet again but you have to, day after day. You fight holding actions - you are not, this army is not meant for holding actions but you do, soul after soul lost with no choice to make but death, and each death makes them a little stronger, means more come for you. You try to negotiate but they don't listen. You cost them biomass by your rash actions, and they will take what was taken from them, plus extra. You watch as half the world, half your home is consumed in fire in desperation, and watch as it does nothing. You watch as the aboretums full of plants lost from every other world, tended carefully, become something else, as entire ecosystems go extinct, and you can't stop it, you can't stop the tree where you had your first kiss becoming something of chitin and flesh that screams when you carve into it, trying to find some hint of the soft bark it had once been. You are pushed back, further and further, til you fight on council hall floors slick with blood and bile, watching the last of your squad die around you, your exarch, watching the Council be electrocuted in an instant -

The Prince returns, and you are 'saved'. You have lost libraries. You have lost homes. You have lost comrades. You have lost seventy, eighty, ninety percent of the world's population, all the outer edges and the systems there, and the buildings, and the shrines, and places of culture. You are broken. Your world is broken.

You devote yourself to fixing it but it'll never be fixed. Never. There's not enough left to fix.

Oh, um, the Leagues. Yes, I am - rather fond of the few Kin I've met. Their attitude to artificial sophonts is somewhat refreshing.
OOC: I think you topped yourself with Antimony. Just the right proportion of exaggerated boastfulness, well-meaning but uninspired jokes, genuine charm and wit and attitude for money fitting for a Rouge Trader - at some point you stop caring how many thrones it costs and just check if you can buy it in reasonable time without bankrupting yourself.

IC: Mx. Antimony, if I may: have you engaged in a large-scale trade with Leauges? If so, how did this happen and for how long? Few news about them that reached my archives describe them as extremely insular and isolationistic and their home sector is almost inhospitable for standard humans, not to mention difficult to navigate.
You are ignoring content by this member.
IC: ... I can attempt the task of recounting my experience with the Tyranids, Ashlee, if that would help. In the manner you wished Vior to, if that would be. Acceptable. I will have to use some - adaptional changes, since I'm aware that human senses are rather different, and in particular I am not sure how best to approach how the Shadow feels without tapping into - well. I will attempt it anyway.

You are young, still. Not so young as you were, but young enough that you're starting to feel old, even if you don't know what age is, that someone will say something to you and you will groan about how old it makes you feel. You've been a soldier for a while now, enough that you're weighing in your mind the benefits of retirement against making a career of it, taking this path all the way to the end. You're not inured to the horrors of war, you still have nightmares of blue figures fleeing before the beacon you placed calls the bombardment down on them, of what the insides of most races carved to pieces by your weapon smell like, but you think that you are strong enough to bear those nightmares, and were history different, you might be right. You are in your quarters, reading, when it starts.

It starts like this, suddenly. The world is suddenly silent. It is like when you have focused so hard on listening to music play that your ears ring with its absence. Your skin feels flat and dry, like a scouring headwind has stripped its outer layers. Your mouth is flat and dry and the air tastes of nothing, not even dust. You almost stumble. Distantly, you feel like some wrong has been committed, some action has been taken -

The alerts sound, and all hands are to go to their stations, the Craftworld is under threat, the fleet is dealing with it but all hands are to - and the communication ends. You step into a hallway of confused neighbours and comrades, and commiserate for a moment, and discuss and assemble slowly, too fucking slowly, settling your pack on your back - your eyeballs feel flat and dry and desiccated - hefting your weapon -

The spike comes through the wall to your left and you are on the right, that is what saves you. It goes through a boy you've known since he was born, and tears him in two. His intenstines slap wetly against your side before the vacuum pulls all of you - and then it's an ecstasy of fumbling for helmets, for clean air and void seals, and you attempt to jump -

No, I can't do it like this, moment by moment.

You hear of the fleet engagement, and that they are coming, and they are coming and firing, everyone is drafted, there are far too many far too close. You watch as something huge crushes the halls where you walked to school for centuries. You watch as spores settle into the living bones of your home and choke the air, you never want to taste the air of your helmet again but you have to, day after day. You fight holding actions - you are not, this army is not meant for holding actions but you do, soul after soul lost with no choice to make but death, and each death makes them a little stronger, means more come for you. You try to negotiate but they don't listen. You cost them biomass by your rash actions, and they will take what was taken from them, plus extra. You watch as half the world, half your home is consumed in fire in desperation, and watch as it does nothing. You watch as the aboretums full of plants lost from every other world, tended carefully, become something else, as entire ecosystems go extinct, and you can't stop it, you can't stop the tree where you had your first kiss becoming something of chitin and flesh that screams when you carve into it, trying to find some hint of the soft bark it had once been. You are pushed back, further and further, til you fight on council hall floors slick with blood and bile, watching the last of your squad die around you, your exarch, watching the Council be electrocuted in an instant -

The Prince returns, and you are 'saved'. You have lost libraries. You have lost homes. You have lost comrades. You have lost seventy, eighty, ninety percent of the world's population, all the outer edges and the systems there, and the buildings, and the shrines, and places of culture. You are broken. Your world is broken.

You devote yourself to fixing it but it'll never be fixed. Never. There's not enough left to fix.

Oh, um, the Leagues. Yes, I am - rather fond of the few Kin I've met. Their attitude to artificial sophonts is somewhat refreshing.

(Ashlee Viola: ...There's somethin' wrong with me. There's somethin' deeply gaddamned wrong with me. I read this, and I couldn't imagine it. It wasn't me. It was you, someone else, but it wasn't me. It was you. I physically can't imagine that pain. I have to stitch it from yer words and my own experiences, I haveta remake it. I don't got no emotional empathy. I dunno if I'll ever be able to comprehend yer words. They're beautiful, but try as I might I can't make 'em mean anythin' to me.

(Y'all were right. I am a monster. I was a monster before I turned myself inta this. I was a monster since I was born. I'm seein' the other ants, the T'au, an...They're tryin'. Dear everythin', they're tryin'. They see each other as valuable people worthy of compassion, as a reason to get up in the mornin, but fuck. You realize how gaddamned lonely it is, right, when the only person ya can ever see as human is you?

(I was made wrong, by whatever dieties ya care to name. I dunno if I'm a narcissist, or a sociopath, or both, but the only human I can know as anything more than just a collection of actions an' tendencies is me. I've finally begun to realize what that means. Ynathe, you, even Antimony and Vandire get to be people, to see people.

(Me? I was always just a Nid.)

OOC: I think you topped yourself with Antimony. Just the right proportion of exaggerated boastfulness, well-meaning but uninspired jokes, genuine charm and wit and attitude for money fitting for a Rouge Trader - at some point you stop caring how many thrones it costs and just check if you can buy it in reasonable time without bankrupting yourself.

IC: Mx. Antimony, if I may: have you engaged in a large-scale trade with Leauges? If so, how did this happen and for how long? Few news about them that reached my archives describe them as extremely insular and isolationistic and their home sector is almost inhospitable for standard humans, not to mention difficult to navigate.

OOC: Thank you!!!! I'm so glad you like xyr, xe's such a fun character to write. The fun thing about writing a Rogue Trader is that they're so different from basically anyone else in the setting.


(Antimony: Of course I have. The Leagues are isolationist, but when you're a Rogue Trader you can get away with it. It's a complex dance, you see, and every species has its outliers. I deal with the outliers. That said, I try to avoid it and when I do have to deal with them I stick to the frontiers. Best to focus on the, ha, dwarf planets.)

(Sister Vandire: That doesn't even make sense! How is that a joke?)
OOC: I think that's reasonable. I do think that the issue with Ashlee is that she's kind of emotionally crippled. Her following this edgy philosophy doesn't really make her smart or special. She isn't a hard woman making hard decisions. She's just someone who doesn't really know what empathy feels like who's created this bullshit logic to justify it. I agree that she's a bully, and I also think that she's meant to be kind of a pathetic character who highlights the other characters by contrast. She's meant to be casual and folksy to Ynathe's pretension, anarchic to Vandire's ordered lifestyle, and heartless to Vior Or'es' compassionate worldview. That said, I do have a problem where I write assholes that people often struggle to really enjoy.
I actually had some stuff in mind where the Xfftonian Lurker pointed out some of the contradications in Ashlee's perspectives and justifications for the Tyranids' whole thing, but by the time I got my shit together to where I could have done it, it would have felt like bullying since you were in the middle of RPing her, well, conversion.

The ideas themselves might be of some value, but at this point I'd want to treat most of them as something like AU content because there'd be no fun for me in RPing any of it directly.


I think part of the problem you smacked into with Ashlee is that... Well. Ynathe's most obnoxious character traits are something she can shut up about and just stop being with the clear implication that Vandire and Vior exert some degree of moral force over her. Vior and Vandire are both, in their ways, proselytizers, but Vandire can shut up about the benevolence of the God-Emperor around people who really don't want to hear it (like SolarFlare's psyker character), and Vior isn't an ass about her own Tau proselytizing either; it's just not obnoxious.

Ashlee, at least prior to her 'conversion RP' that is now in process, was a character who meets the Churchill definition of a fanatic: "A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." Ashlee is/was a character who just will not shut up about her social Darwinism, and who respond(ed) to challenges by doubling down on it to the point of being really obnoxious. That made her unwelcome to readers in a way another character might not have been.

"Oi, would ya pass the dessert fork, perchance?" Honorable Mr. Septimus Squall Krump VIII said, his orkish fingers daintily cutting through his own fire-seasoned carrots. As a gentleork, he had his napkin tucked into his collar. Across from him was his charge, the Right Vainglorious Mx. Antimony Aphrodite-Thor Dangereux. The camera focused intently on the androgynous beauty, xyr form made of perfect flesh and metal.
OK, I just have to wonder what Antimony is, like, faction of origin, role, et cetera. Rogue trader, maybe?

[Reads on, has this confirmed. Hopes to learn how xe(?) managed to get an ork to learn table manners. That is legitimately impressive.]

Anyway, Antimony is certainly engaging because jokes. I think the interplay between the characters is starting to outrun the actual reviews, which is fine, but represents a shift in the focus of the story from actually reviewing content to having a sort of ongoing 40k-ish soap opera.
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