Let's Read: Warhammer 40,000 Codexes and Star Wars RPG Sourcebooks (Dark Eldar Reviewer)

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Hey, if the corpse and its followers ever do anything nice for me, maybe I'll reconsider. Until then, I don't see why I should.

N: If you think traitors to your 'Imperium' are the ones 'betraying' humanity, you really aren't paying any attention.
(Sister Vandire: ...What should I be paying attention to? Oh, and the mad scientist has a question: "I don't mean it to be a dick, there's just somethin' I ain't gettin'. When the Imps fucked you over, did ya fight? Or did ya just run away an' pledge yerself to a God/dess of Joy?" I know, it's inane.

(Look, if you want me to do nice things for you, I'm happy to do it. So, um...what do you want?)
That is a large part of our fleet doctrine, yes. Oh, and as to whether we board ships, it is more common than you'd think but less common than you've heard.
IC: Okay thank you for that information.

Hey, if the corpse and its followers ever do anything nice for me, maybe I'll reconsider. Until then, I don't see why I should.
IC: I know a lot of Custodes who through around 20 go betweens and spy cells could land you a good monthly stipend to fill out a monthly form saying that no whatever evil shit is in your area isn't planning to attack Segmentum Solar.[1] Alternatively I know a lot of people who would happily give away a blank certificate of Sanctioning within the Imperial Palace itself if it meant that they could get a the monthly pass I use to travel to Eternity Gate to see my extended family when not working[2].

IC:[1] No you are not going to worry about seeing a Custodes or ever having one come knocking.You are just going to be a informant to a person who doesn't know that they are the lowest on the totem pole of like 50 spymasters that create 1 of 20 intelligence branches this Custodes has.

IC:[2] I can't get you anything like Certified Military trained Psyker but the type of certification Rogue Traders and other private individuals use to get around laws against private citizens having combat psykers or psykers that have abilities that aren't in line with telepathica regulations.

OOC:I just got an idea of an omake involving IC!me just trying to get like a certificate and stop havign the guy who hands them out offer him like a dozen planets or a bunch of other weird stuff.
(Sister Vandire: ...What should I be paying attention to? Oh, and the mad scientist has a question: "I don't mean it to be a dick, there's just somethin' I ain't gettin'. When the Imps fucked you over, did ya fight? Or did ya just run away an' pledge yerself to a God/dess of Joy?" I know, it's inane.

(Look, if you want me to do nice things for you, I'm happy to do it. So, um...what do you want?)
Yeah, I did. I didn't know what I was fighting against at first, or what I was fighting for, but by fuck did I fight. Even fought sometimes at times when I shouldn't have. Not always physical fighting, but for respect, to get to do the job I wanted, against orders and things that didn't make any fucking sense, yeah. And what fighting did you want T to do, exactly, as a child bundled onto the Black Ships, or against getting brainblasted and filled with needles before the Throne, or against an entire regiment?

You're jerking off an idea of strength and constant struggle and - honestly, I kinda get it? Not in the way I approve or anything, but like, that's the way I wanted my life to be for a while, because I didn't know any better. Hope you learn at some point.

T: I survived. It's the best all of us can do. Some of the arbites and sisters I ripped in half while the daemon was wearing me probably didn't deserve it, but they were trying to kill me.
(Look, if you want me to do nice things for you, I'm happy to do it. So, um...what do you want?)

...Give me some time to think about it.
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Yeah, I did. I didn't know what I was fighting against at first, or what I was fighting for, but by fuck did I fight. Even fought sometimes at times when I shouldn't have. Not always physical fighting, but for respect, to get to do the job I wanted, against orders and things that didn't make any fucking sense, yeah. And what fighting did you want T to do, exactly, as a child bundled onto the Black Ships, or against getting brainblasted and filled with needles before the Throne, or against an entire regiment?

You're jerking off an idea of strength and constant struggle and - honestly, I kinda get it? Not in the way I approve or anything, but like, that's the way I wanted my life to be for a while, because I didn't know any better. Hope you learn at some point.

T: I survived. It's the best all of us can do. Some of the arbites and sisters I ripped in half while the daemon was wearing me probably didn't deserve it, but they were trying to kill me.

...Give me some time to think about it.

(Ashlee: Good. Then ya've earned your place in this galaxy, and earned it damn well. As for T, good point. Ain't like she's gotten a chance, but at some point she had to stand up, and it sounds like she got the right idea. When it's kill or be killed, you kill. She can't keep runnin' forever. She gotta get her guts or lie down, you know? Oh, and "jerkin' off"? What do ya want me to learn? I'm a genius scientist.)

It's often smart people who are able to justify absurd notions to themselves.

(Sister Vandire: ...Sisters of Battle were trying to kill you?)
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Our goal isn't survival. At least, I hope it isn't. My goal is to die and leave the galaxy a kinder, wiser place when I go. To push us closer, even if it is only by a fraction of a fraction of a prime atom component's length, to a place where I need never have been a soldier, where questions like those asked in this thread need never be asked, where hatred based on racial, or clan, or duty's difference is eliminated. Where knowledge has been expanded, not repressed. I don't give a fuck if I survive, because inherently by my being I cannot be part of such a universe.

IC: You sure you aren't interested in joining the T'au? This is a pretty damn good summary of the greater good AIUI- even the caste and duty part is compatible since the Tau don't have any hate or bigotry towards other castes. You sound like you're fighting towards the same ends as I am, and I respect the hell out of that.
(Ashlee: Good. Then ya've earned your place in this galaxy, and earned it damn well. As for T, good point. Ain't like she's gotten a chance, but at some point she's gotta stand up. She can't keep runnin' forever. She gotta get her guts or lie down, you know? Oh, and "jerkin' off"? What do ya want me to learn? I'm a genius scientist.)

IC: Oh, screw off with this idea of "earning your place". Everyone is valuable, everyone deserves happiness, no one should have to earn their place in any way. This galaxy has more than enough resources to support everyone, it's not like we're fighting for a limited supply here. T, you have absolutely nothing to prove. Don't get yourself killed trying to "earn your place". You've stayed alive all this time, keep on keeping on.
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IC: Oh, screw off with this idea of "earning your place". Everyone is valuable, everyone deserves happiness, no one should have to earn their place in any way. This galaxy has more than enough resources to support everyone, it's not like we're fighting for a limited supply here. T, you have absolutely nothing to prove. Don't get yourself killed trying to "earn your place". You've stayed alive all this time, keep on keeping on.
(Ashlee Viola: Sounds great in theory, but that ain't how life works. People who tell ya otherwise are hucksters. Like I said, the Tau's one big cult an' I'll have no part of it. She's survivin'. Good for her. That's all any of us gotta do. I just don't like it when ya smug jerks lord yer own subjugation over the rest of us because ya lack the cojones to stay in the game!)
(Ashlee Viola: Sounds great in theory, but that ain't how life works. People who tell ya otherwise are hucksters. Like I said, the Tau's one big cult an' I'll have no part of it. She's survivin'. Good for her. That's all any of us gotta do. I just don't like it when ya smug jerks lord yer own subjugation over the rest of us because ya lack the cojones to stay in the game!)
IC: ….. Stay in the game huh? I can assure you I am very much still in the game. I am just in the game for more than myself. I have fought off more than a dozen Imperial and pirate raids on T'ros, including facing down an actual Astartes at one point. I'm frankly offended you are insinuating I'm a coward, given how much I had to get through just to survive long enough for the Tau to come to my world. I'm starting to think this conversation is a waste of time, you're obviously never going to listen. Well, that doesn't really matter. We'll help you eventually. The Greater Good is truly for everyone.

OOC: My guy means very well, and his fundamental desires are just, but he's a convert and there's no more zealous believers than converts. He's not exactly beating the cult accusations talking like this lol.
Not even going to dignify the drekhead acting like the inquisition party line is totally okay with a response
Hey, I was explaining the Party Line to Ynathe.

I, alongside basically the entire Sector I'm from, take a much more Progressive response in the sense that, like, we shoot the Xenos trying to kill us, we help the Xenos willing to help us out, and leave the ones that wanna be left alone in solitude.

In the Great Words of the Lord Primarch (Not Rowboat, our Objectively Superior Primarch,) "This galaxy's been fucked up by enough people thinking that Their Way was the Only Way. So it's Our Job to help change that."
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IC: ….. Stay in the game huh? I can assure you I am very much still in the game. I am just in the game for more than myself. I have fought off more than a dozen Imperial and pirate raids on T'ros, including facing down an actual Astartes at one point. I'm frankly offended you are insinuating I'm a coward, given how much I had to get through just to survive long enough for the Tau to come to my world. I'm starting to think this conversation is a waste of time, you're obviously never going to listen. Well, that doesn't really matter. We'll help you eventually. The Greater Good is truly for everyone.

OOC: My guy means very well, and his fundamental desires are just, but he's a convert and there's no more zealous believers than converts. He's not exactly beating the cult accusations talking like this lol.

(Ashlee Viola: ...Heh, fair enough. Sounds like you're a survivor, even if the reason why you're surviving makes no real sense to me. I ain't never gonna get it, and that's just how it is sometimes. You wanna convert me to the Greater Good? Make me a case. The Ethereals just wanna help everyone live ideal lives, right? What do I, Medicus Ashlee Viola, get out of it?)


Hey, I was explaining the Party Line to Ynathe.

I, alongside basically the entire Sector I'm from, take a much more Progressive response in the sense that, like, we shoot the Xenos trying to kill us, we help the Xenos willing to help us out, and leave the ones that wanna be left alone in solitude.

In the Great Words of the Lord Primarch (Not Rowboat, our Objectively Superior Primarch,) "This galaxy's been fucked up by enough people thinking that Their Way was the Only Way. So it's Our Job to help change that."

Somehow I find it unlikely that a Primarch of the God-Emperor used such vulgar and colloquial language, but your actual stance on these matters is eminently reasonable.
(Ashlee Viola: ...Heh, fair enough. Sounds like you're a survivor, even if the reason why you're surviving makes no real sense to me. I ain't never gonna get it, and that's just how it is sometimes. You wanna convert me to the Greater Good? Make me a case. The Ethereals just wanna help everyone live ideal lives, right? What do I, Medicus Ashlee Viola, get out of it?)
Honestly, I think your desires are so alien to me that I don't know if you want the things most people want, and I was never the best at diplomacy in the first place. So I'll start with the standard pitch, and adapt it as things go- feel free to tell me things you'd want and I can answer them as we go. To start- you'd never have to go hungry again. Even on desolate frontier worlds like T'ros, Tau science is capable of creating food surpluses for the entire population. Same goes for health care- a whole host of diseases have been completely eradicated, and everyone receives the best care free of charge. If you're worried about the more conformist aspects of Tau society- the level of conformity varies greatly from world to world. Frontier worlds with majority human populations like mine even have extensive freedom of art and expression, as the Ethereals have realized humans can contribute most to the greater good when they have a thriving culture. Given how much "blue-sky" research I've seen the Ethereals fund, you could probably continue your studies as well. There would likely be a few restrictions for safety and ethics, to be clear. You probably couldn't experiment on yourself without extensive testing for safety, and I doubt they'd let you call on the hive unrestricted for obvious safety reasons. How does a safe, stable place to continue your research for the rest of your life sound?
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Honestly, I think your desires are so alien to me that I don't know if you want the things most people want, and I was never the best at diplomacy in the first place. So I'll start with the standard pitch, and adapt it as things go- feel free to tell me things you'd want and I can answer them as we go. To start- you'd never have to go hungry again. Even on desolate frontier worlds like T'ros, Tau science is capable of creating food surpluses for the entire population. Same goes for health care- a whole host of diseases have been completely eradicated, and everyone receives the best care free of charge. If you're worried about the more conformist aspects of Tau society- the level of conformity varies greatly from world to world. Frontier worlds with majority human populations like mine even have extensive freedom of art and expression, as the Ethereals have realized humans can contribute most to the greater good when they have a thriving culture. Given how much "blue-sky" research I've seen the Ethereals fund, you could probably continue your studies as well. There would likely be a few restrictions for safety and ethics, to be clear. You probably couldn't experiment on yourself without extensive testing for safety, and I doubt they'd let you call on the hive unrestricted for obvious safety reasons. How does a safe, stable place to continue your research for the rest of your life sound?
(Ashlee Viola: ...Shit. That's actually a good offer. Damn good offer. Dunnno if I'm up to give in just for that, but worth havin' a think on. How about I get back to ya?)
(Ashlee Viola: ...Shit. That's actually a good offer. Damn good offer. Dunnno if I'm up to give in just for that, but worth havin' a think on. How about I get back to ya?)
Sure. If you want to continue further, I can put you in touch with a Water Caste member with a bit more authority to negotiate these things than I have.
(Ashlee Viola: Yeah, I think I'd like to talk to them.)
Sure. I'll send their contact details along. Tell them Gue'Vesa'el Vergil Slater sent you.

OOC: I don't feel confident in my own RP ability to handle the nitty gritty negotiations, so I'll leave how things play out here up to you. I also find it funny that both times reticent people have heard my guy describe the nitty gritty of the T'au lifestyle, they've been pretty quickly willing to sign up for free food and healthcare.
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Somehow I find it unlikely that a Primarch of the God-Emperor used such vulgar and colloquial language
I mean, Angron's probably the most vulgar, based off what we know, but a lot of the actual documents recording his speeches were lost when the Emperor threw a hissy-fit about one of his Primarchs deciding to just... leave.

So, like, yeah, he probably said it a lot more eloquently, but the Idea's the same.

I mean, Angron's probably the most vulgar, based off what we know, but a lot of the actual documents recording his speeches were lost when the Emperor threw a hissy-fit about one of his Primarchs deciding to just... leave.

So, like, yeah, he probably said it a lot more eloquently, but the Idea's the same.
OOC: the vibe I'm getting here is that your character lives on a world founded by one of the lost primarcjs you came up with a backstory for, is this correct?
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Sure. I'll send their contact details along.

OOC: I don't feel confident in my own RP ability to handle the nitty gritty negotiations, so I'll leave how things play out here up to you. I also find it funny that both times reticent people have heard my guy describe the nitty gritty of the T'au lifestyle, they've been pretty quickly willing to sign up for free food and healthcare.

OOC: Fair enough. Mind if I integrate that into the main lore of the next part of the Nid Codex review?


I mean, Angron's probably the most vulgar, based off what we know, but a lot of the actual documents recording his speeches were lost when the Emperor threw a hissy-fit about one of his Primarchs deciding to just... leave.

So, like, yeah, he probably said it a lot more eloquently, but the Idea's the same.

Ah, I see. That seems to make logical sense enough. Which Space Marine Chapter was Angron for?
the vibe I'm getting here is that your character lives on a world founded by one of the lost primarcjs you came up with a backstory for, is this correct?
Yeah, their gimmick was Void Combat and similar stuff, so their Primarch Conquering Phase went a lot better than most, making it a lot bigger than average. Which the Emperor would've *loved* if the reason for his success wasn't 'Diplomacy is actually OP' and 'Maybe Let's Not Genocide Everyone We Meet'.

And things only got worse when He was given his Legion Fleet, and promptly disappeared.

Which Space Marine Chapter was Angron for?
First, it's Legion, not Chapter.

Though, to answer your question, it was the World Eaters, and he was the reason they Fell, because he had some Mind Control Implant that made him a Berserker. And then forced it into basically everyone.

It's actually really fucked up.
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First, it's Legion, not Chapter.

Though, to answer your question, it was the World Eaters, and he was the reason they Fell, because he had some Mind Control Implant that made him a Berserker. And then forced it into basically everyone.

It's actually really fucked up.
I apologize, history is not my best subject. Oh, and...What was the point of forcing it into everyone? That seems very strange.
I apologize, history is not my best subject. Oh, and...What was the point of forcing it into everyone? That seems very strange.
IC:It seems that Angron's Legion wanted to impress him, be like him and also Angron was full of spite.He outright butchered the people in his Legion who wanted to meet him the first time (and most importantly despite Angron killing them none of the Legion High command whowere experienced warriors and designed to be living weapons raised a hand to defend themselves against their gene father) and it was only until Kharn decided to fight him with lethal force did he decide to stop killing people who idolized him.
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IC:It seems that Angron's Legion wanted to impress him, be like him and also Angron was full of spite.He outright butchered the people in his Legion who wanted to meet him the first time (and most importantly despite Angron killing them none of the Legion High command whowere experienced warriors and designed to be living weapons raised a hand to defend themselves against their gene father) and it was only until Kharn decided to fight him with lethal force did he decide to stop killing people who idolized him.
That strikes me as profoundly childish and silly, I must admit. Was the Imperium always so odd?
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IC: In some moments I don't know if it got saner or crazier. Well I know the Mechanicum got saner but I don't know about the Imperium as a whole considering the existence of Rogue Traders
I suppose if I was an incredibly wealthy plutocrat-imperialist I might indulge in a bit of oddity. Frankly, I understand the Rogue Traders the most out of humankind.
IC: It seems it will become a theme that I am delayed in my responses, I and those I have come to throw my lot in with -a independent voidship- encountered small group of tyranids which got aboard the vessel. It was admittedly less the deadly battle I expected and more trying to keep a small pet from chewing through valuable equipment. In other news the vessel now has a few mascots which I have come to call crime bags. Some are finding them adorable, I honestly can't see it the chittering sound they make is more weird then cute. Also I have found some one selling what I believe is an egg plant it's a sort of purple-blue vegetable I think I'm not actually sure if it's edible but I'm willing to take the risk. For my own part I doubt the Custodes would make the tyranids if only for the cynical reason that the Imperium as one failed Mass BioWarrior program under it's built it needs no others.
IC: What, exactly, is the Deathwatch? Not that I don't know, I'm just, erm, curious to hear your take!
Ynathe I owe you explanation on the Deathwatch yes. Well here it is, in most cases Loyalist and some Renegade Space Marines are organized into semi-independent units of 1000 Astartes not counting special officers and noted positions outside the Chapters primary function. In most cases with a few exceptions these chapters will act as independent military orders with varying degrees of faith and variety in what they believe. Enter the Deathwatch officially the Deathwatch has no upper limit on the amount of astartes can join it rather it is limited by the amount space any Watch-Fortress as open. The Deathwatch do not take recruits from traditional sources rather they ask for volunteers from the Chapters. The process of how a brother becomes members varies by the chapter from honor to punishment. What is typically universal is that being part of the Deathwatch is that it is not a for life assignment rather one goes learns what they can from other cousins who have also joined spend perhaps a decade or two then return to the chapter usually gaining a promotion depending on the chapter. I'm unsure if this has changed with these new Primaris Marines I have been hearing of.

OoC: I trying to both be vague but informative has to not step on you Narrative toes short to speak as I figure that would be rather rude. Beyond that at risk of repeating my self im liking this AU more more with each entry, it feels more down to earth in away. The factions still have their grime but it feels more believable I guess like I could be sold this is the actual state of the 40K Universe. I admit I have some personal thoughts on the various heist review like character essay type stuff I am finding them all entertaining though.