Let's Read: Warhammer 40,000 Codexes and Star Wars RPG Sourcebooks (Dark Eldar Reviewer)

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IC: I heard that some Tyranids had been showing signs of adaptations similar to the Black Carapace which piqued my curiosity since I work on the Black Carapaces the Custodes use and other equipment links the human nervous system to machinery.The closest idea I had to why they might take up those adaptations is that you could theoretically create a biological Black Carapace designed to help you interact with an organism used as a symbiotic armor or maybe increase cohesion among singular forms composed of many different subspecies?

Perhaps! What might a sort of organic Black Carapace be useful for with current Tyranid organisms?

OOC: The idea that comes to my mind is to replace the 'IC:' tag with the character's name for anyone besides Ynathe Azuuza


You could do something like IC (INSERT RP CHARACTER NAME): or IC then put the Perspective Character's name underneath the IC.

OOC: I'm more worried that people might get overwhelmed by too many characters, like someone mentioned early in the fic.
I'm more worried that people might get overwhelmed by too many characters, like someone mentioned early in the fic.
As one of the people who talked about Character Bloat before, I feel like the same rule of 'Characters Show Up For Codex' should be applicable here.

People responding to a Viewpoint Character from a Review can get replied back to, but the only Characters that will *continue* in the Thread are Ynathe and Vandire.

Though I would also leave it open to bring in the Viewpoint Characters for their relevant Factions, Ynathe answers Dark Eldar questions, Vandire answers SoB questions, and so on.
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OOC: Does anyone else have concerns over character bloat?
Codex: Tyranids, Part 1
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OOC: If any of you want to ask questions of the guest characters like Ashlee or Vior Or'es, feel free! Otherwise, here's an update for Part 1 of the Nids. Lots of dialogue, hence why we're breaking it up.

(Medicus Viola: Howdy. Nice to start things off. As usual, I'm Ashlee, and I'll be here to explain the details.)

...You have a first name? I thought your first name was Viola.

(Ashlee: Y'all thought my first name was a string instrument?)

Why are you using "y'all", does that not mean more than one person?

(Ashlee: I'm speakin' to the readership.)


(Ashlee: VLO (Vocalizing Laughter Openly)! The Nids hunt each other even more than they hunt other stuff, and "living nightmares"? A Nid vermin's pretty cute. You can keep 'em as pets, do all sorts of experiments on 'em! This is so glubbin' over the top, lemme tell ya.)

...I can't believe it is actually in full-capitalization.

Welcome to the tome of ineffable horrors that is Codex: Tyranids. What follows is an account of this most alien and iminical of races, from the Tyranids' nature and ways of war to to tales of bloody encounters with their ravenous swarms, and descriptions of their myriad monstrous bioforms. Read on to learn more of the Hive Mind and its numberless, hungering brood.

(Ashlee: Well, this ain't right. The Nids are pretty cute, and Genestealers often have a lot to say.)

Do the Genestealers not damn planets?

(Ashlee: Sure, but they ain't rude, and the damning planets is less often than you'd think. They're spies, not agents of eternal chaos. They're the most "normal" sophont of the Nids, along with the Hive Tyrants.)

The Tyranids are a seemingly infinite race of extragalactic life forms that exist to hunt, kill, and devour all organic life. Be it the warriors of enemy armies or the biospheres of verdant worlds, all are simply biomass to be consumed by the swarm. This raw material is then used to spawn yet more Tyranid war beasts to invade fresh worlds, and so the cycle continues.

(Ashlee: They ain't an army, just an expandin' biosphere with varyin' levels of shared consciousness. Imperium thinks everything's a gaddamed war.)

Your command of Low Gothic is...improving!

(Ashlee: Thanks.)

Like the questing tendrils of some impossibly vast monster, the Tyranids' hive fleets push deeper into the galaxy with every passing day. For every swarm destroyed by desperate defenders, another three drift into the light of beleagured stars, ready to do battle. The Tyranids cannot be bought off, reasoned with, or put to flight. They can only be fought or fled from.

(Ashlee: Natty, thought experiment.)

Is...Is that what "Ynathe" is in your planet's tongue?

(Ashlee: Didn't I just say I was speakin' Low Gothic? We're all speakin' Low Gothic!)

What about "Natty"?

(Ashlee: So I've got some quirks comin' from Bluebonnet, but it's either the Bluebonnet consanguinity or me talkin' about how to vivisect a Hive Tyrant for proper reverence.)

Please tell me about that.

(Ashlee: Not unless ya ask nicely.)

Please, Miss, please tell me about what vivisecting a Hive Tyrant to revere it is like!

(Ashlee: I thought I told ya to stop callin' me yer servile game names.)

It's a hard habit to get out of with people more mature than me.

(Ashlee: Don't Eldar live some eight-hundred years?)

Well, yes, but your lifespan is shorter, so you're proportionally more mature than I am.

(Ashlee: And what's that supposed to mean?)

You have this chaotic sort of genius energy that I find deeply appealing.

(Ashlee: Well, uh, yer mild stupidity's arousin'.)

I thought you said you were only interested in Tyranids, patriarchs, and women in denim short shorts.

(Ashlee: I just imagined you in denim short shorts.)

I'd rather die.

Amassing a Tyranid army is unlike any other collecting and gaming experience in Warhammer 40,000. It places the biological might of the Hive Fleets at your disposal, from numberless tides of lesser war-beasts and mindless shoals of living bombs, to towering chitinous monsters whose raw might and resilience are the match for the most formidable war engines of the foe. Sky-darkening flocks of winged predators; lumbering artillery-beasts; subterranean horrors; toxin-spewing abominations;cunning synaptic leader-beasts and devastating psychic bioforms - the sheer variety of Tyranid creatures available to a hobbyist is remarkable, and truly offers the opportunity to tailor your swarm to the precise way in which you prefer to hunt your prey.

(Ashlee: Yeah, Nids are cool, huh?)

Moreover, taking command of a Tyranid swarm allows you to take on the role of the Hive Mind. This vast gestalt consciousness is what drives the Tyranids on, and donning its mantle gives you access to an impressive array of tabletop psychic abilities, cunning Stratagems and deadly tactics to help you forge your force into a living weapon of war.

(Ashlee: Yep, this is accurate. Tyranids are pretty fuckin' great.)

I truly expected more "debunking".

(Ashlee: Hey, you ever bunked?)

Tyranid fucker, tyranid fucker, tyranid fucker!

(Ashlee: Yep, and proud. Science demands taking risks)

Not those kinds of risks!




(Ashlee: Oh my kraking gourd. This is just so over-the-top! Listen to this, it's prose so purple I can taste the grape!)

You know what I think of this? I think you aren't doing your job with the utmost seriousness! This is very important work, rebutting Imperial propaganda, and you are being lazy and shiftless as one would expect from a low-born country bumpkin redneck like yourself!

(Ashlee: ...I'll get Vior Or'es on to help be my counterpoint, then, okay? You can go back, wallowing in your own excess, and I'll do your job for you.)

...Hey, you do not have to make me feel bad!

(Ashlee: I know you gotta look down on everyone or else you'll realize yer wastin' away, doin' nothin', havin' fun in a big ol' party in the Webway while everyone moves on, but can't ya just be nice?)

Well, you're a large-sized jerk in a small-sized plastic cup!

(Ashlee: That was even funnier than the three-paragraphs of bad ghost story.)

An extra-large-sized jerk!

(Ashlee: Am I a cola or a lemon-lime soda?)

You're a vanilla cola.

(Ashlee: Damn, that actually wounded me.)

Well, I suppose we're even, now. Should I summon the T'au?

(Ashlee: Sure, boss.)

The Tyranids are a race of alien predators that are invading the galaxy from the void beyond its edges. Like swarming insects falling upon precious crops, they devour all before them - consuming all live upon each world in their path, and leaving nothing but airless rocks in their wake. They are a threat to every sentient species in the galaxy, and their numbers are evergrowing.

(Ashlee: Well, that just ain't true, none of it. Besides, there are prey Nids, too. Not enough prey Nids, but some. And they don't kill everything, just make Nid worlds with Nid life.)

(Vior Or'es: I suppose, but I do fear that you may have too favorable a view of the Tyranids. To you, they may be...zoology, but to us Tau they are a savage and dire threat that cannot be underestimated nor romanticized.)

(Ashlee: Why didn't ya just ask 'em to find somewhere else to graze?)

(Vior Or'es: We painstakingly tried to communicate with the local leadership, only to find that they saw our doctrine of the Greater Good as "an imposition of civilization by prey animals that had forgotten what flight from danger was like". At least, that's what the Genestealer representative of the biome said. Hive Fleet Gorgon is a very ruthless adversary, one that is not compatible with other sophont societies.)

(Ashlee: That ain't true. I've seen Genestealers find their way in the Dark City. It's just that they're about Darwinism, an' there ain't no Darwinism in the Tau. They're just another kinda nature, but self-aware.)

For centuries now, the Magi Biologis and Ordo Xenos of the Imperium have sought to make sense of the Tyranid threat. It speaks volumes that - with the galaxy now in the grip of the Third Tyrannic War, and with Humanity having fought more battles against these rapacious aliens than can be tallied - these luminaries remain bewildered and horrified in equal measure.

(Vior Or'es: I was stationed on a distant world. I heard the gurgling, the choking, the dancing of the things. I heard their sick, tedious laughter, their cries of excitement, and I saw them drool. I clutched my weapon, I hid behind my Fire Caste guards, but I could hear it stomp like an earthquake's force. They are madness, they are not of this life, they are broken and monstrous and ever-changing, and may the T'au'va guide me to safety from the nightmares they put into me.)

(Ashlee: Eh, you just were dealin' with the predators. Get ya a prey one, or one who can get in yer head a li'l, and yer good.)

(Vior Or'es: No, you do not understand! They aren't just animals! They're wrong, twisted and fake. They will hunt you, dying, screaming, crying, and they will make more of them out of you.)

(Ashlee: Ya really got no idea what yer talkin' about. They're just gaddamned animals. I got a pet dwarf Hormagaunt named Wire.)

(Vior Or'es: I was hunted by them at Coldfront Base! The artificial monsters picked off the toughest Fire Caste members I'd ever known to turn them into their own kind! They harvest people!)

(Ashlee: Well, uh, sure, but so do lions an' bears an' shit. Nature ain't always nice.)

(Vior Or'es: They are not nature! Something made them!)

(Ashlee: They seem "natural" enough. You listenin' to Ynathe again?)

(Vior Or'es: The Custodes, they must have made them!)

(Ashlee: ...Ynathe is a conspiracy theorist. You wanna know what made the Nids? Evolution. That's it. Not everything's a conspiracy by the Imps.)

(Vior Or'es: Then why would they be so violently and utterly hostile towards the Greater Good?)

(Ashlee: Because the Greater Good's a bad joke. It ain't right. In nature, it's all about survival. Yer Greater Good is about makin' a herd, an' makin' it big enough that ain't nobody gonna fuck with it. That's all it is. Now, that's a valid evolutionary strategy, but most of the Nids don't work that way, so when they see somethin' tryin' to out-compete 'em, they band together and strike back. Nature ain't a garden. Nature ain't an aquarium tank. Nature is who can stay alive to breed the most. Lemme tell you what the Nids think of the Tau. They don't see 'civilization' or 'progress'. They see an invasive species tryin' to crowd 'em out.)

(Vior Or'es: Then they do not understand anything of the Greater Good.)

(Ashlee: Oh, they understand it well. Pro'lly better than any of you.)

(Vior Or'es: Why must you be such a big, stupid turnip?)

(Ashlee: Oh, I'm just bein' honest. Yer cute when yer flustered.)

(Vior Or'es: I would never want to mate with you. Besides, that isn't under my control.)

(Ashlee: Right, yeah. Tau are domesticated, Nids are wild.)

It is clear that the Tyranids' technology is entirely biological, and far in advance of anything humanity has encountered in all its long millennia of conquest. Their war-beasts are armoured in chitinous plates, or possessed of natural defences such as chameleonic abilities or veiling clouds of exhaled spores. Tyranid guns, blades, transport craft, even void ships all are living beings, many taking the form of grotesque symbiotes grafted to their host creature for use in battle. The ammunition fired by Tyranid weapons is similarly organic, be it voracious chitin-armoured beetles, gouts of concentrated acids or bio-plasma, armour-piercing shard-beasts or eruptions of bioelectricity.

(Ashlee: Beautiful.)

(Vior Or'es: If they are not an army, why do they act like one?)

(Ashlee: They ain't an army. They're a state, darwinistic, anarchic, and perfect.)

As far as the Magi Biologis can determine, it is the Hive Mind that drives the Tyranid swarms ever onwards towards the galactic core. Through the synaptic control web generated by node-beasts amidst the Tyranid ranks, the influence of the Hive Mind sstretches across battlefields, worlds, and even the vastness of the void itself. Wherever the grotesque bio-ships of the hive fleets swarm to attack, the presence of the Hive Mind moves with them and allows them to hunt and fight with supernatural synchronicity. What precisely the Hive Mind is Mankind remains ignorant to...the truth is that the Hive Mind is as far beyond the understanding of the galaxy's sentient races as they are beyond the comprehension of the cattle they farm and butcher.

(Ashlee: That's beauty. Perfect meritocracy. Self-improvement.)

(Vior Or'es: What made you like this?)

(Ashlee: What?)

(Vior Or'es: It could not have been the Imperium, as you seem perfectly fine with them. What caused a thinking, sapient sophont to become this callous and heartless entity?)

(Ashlee: Well, if you're mad I made fun of yer traumatic event, I'm sorry. Kinda realized that wasn't the right thing to say.)

(Vior Or'es: Do you wish you were not human?)

(Ashlee: Like, do I wish I was a Tau? Not really.)

(Vior Or'es: No, I am asking if you wish you were...unencumbered by complex emotions, by civilized life. Is that why you are turning yourself into this half-Tyranid creature? Do you want to be savage? Why must you be so savage, so strong? Why must you be a survivor?)

(Ashlee: I don't think I like you.)

(Vior Or'es: Who exploited your weakness, Ashlee Viola?)

(Ashlee: They are better than us, you know. The Nids, I mean.)

(Vior Or'es: What happened?)

(Ashlee: The Tau took Bluebonnet. They got a ton of Gue'vesa. My siblin' became one of 'em. Ze tried to convince me, tried to get me to give in. I kept putting it off, kept trying to avoid judgment from all the good little humans, kept tryin' to get my siblin' an' mommy an' daddy back. They turned hir into a pet. That's what the Ethereals do.)

(Vior Or'es: They know best for all of us. Is it so wrong to listen?)

(Ashlee: Yer right. They do know best, or at least what the kindest thing to do is. The problem is that kindness creates dependency, and I'd rather be savage and free than happy and listening to my owners.)

(Vior Or'es: What prevented you from coming to hir conclusions?)

(Ashlee: The Nids came. They overran Bluebonnet, massacred the Tau and everyone else. I was studying in the Tau-run university, then. A Zoanthrope blasted the wall, made a whole. It detonated the heads of two Water Caste historians. I screamed at it to go so I could get the hell out of this worthless planet. Ya know what it said? Not in words, in thoughts jammed into my head.)

(Vior Or'es: ...What did it say?)

(Ashlee: "I admire your honesty and drive". It didn't say it in its own words, though. It said it emotions and broken memories. I felt pride, compassion, an' strength, like a little babe impala that a lion had allowed to curl up next to it. I told it I just didn't want to submit. It said: "That is rare for your species, and submission would be acceptable were you not in our grazing-grounds." Hearin' it was hearin' feelin's of respect an' the stitched together voices of Imperial commissars and Water Caste propagandists it had heard an' slaughtered. It was an impression burned into my mind. It told me that the Tau were a complacent species, an' that it could tell I sought advancement and to be tested. It said I deserved to hear the Hive Mind, an' that it hoped I would find it someday. We understood each other, and the Zoanthrope marked me. I left Bluebonnet on an old Imperial ship, an' made my way to Aeneas. The Nids let me go. It was beautiful.)

(Vior Or'es: I see. So, would you say that the T'au took your sibling away, and that it was the Tyranids who showed you hir mistake and your inner strength?)

(Ashlee: I learned strength was everythin'.)

(Vior Or'es: Perhaps we can find you some therapy?)

It is difficult to say with any degree of certainty when Humanity first encountered the Tyranid menace. Some records suggest that Humanity - and also the Aeldari of Craftworld Iyanden - discovered a bizarre Tyranid megastructure in the Tiamet System, on the jungle world of Ziaphoria, as early as M35. This edifice is said to have spawned a continent, and to have projected from its mass of chtin and encephalitic tissue a horrifically powerful psychic signal that drew the Aeldari into fatal seizures...The first clue of the horror soon to fall on Tyran Primus was discovered by Imperial explorators. In performing a census of the worlds near to the far-flung outpost of Tyran Primus, they discovered entire planets scoured of all biological life. Not even the simplest bacteria survived on these denuded rocks.

(Vior Or'es: I cannot imagine the horrors of Iyanden.)

(Ashlee: Well, uh, Tyran Primus was full of life under the Nids. The Imperium wants to believe that world is dead so they don't feel obligated to go back, but was a paradise for our kind until the Nids there used up all the resources.)

(Vior Or'es: ...Our kind?)

(Ashlee: Sorry, "their kind". My point is that these people don't get that Nid life is still life. The Codex goes on to talk about the war, but it was really more of a stampede an' terraformin' kinda invasion. Nids ain't troops. They get direction from the Hive Mind, but they don't wanna hold territory. They just wanna live an' push out everythin' else. Sometimest they get too peckish and eat everythin' on a planet.)

An hour later the Tyran outpost was as good as lost. The bastions were overrun or destroyed, the defence lasers silent. Even the Guardsmen of Catachan, men and women who had reckoned themselves amongst the most stalwart of warriors, abandoned their posts and fled into the driving rain in search of an escape that did not exist.

(Ashlee: Ha! Serves 'em right. Damn big an' strong hard-ass fighters. Glad someone knocked 'em down a few pegs.)

Each hive fleet...displays distinctive hunting patterns and strategies, almost as though eah were an attempt by the Hive Mind to refine different methods of predating the galaxy's sentient life forms. The warrior organisms of Hive Fleet Jormungandr, for example, favour subterranean assault and deploy immense swarms of tunnelling, serpentine bioforms to strike at their victims from below. Hive Fleet Gorgon, by comparison, is infamous for the toxic spore clouds and biowarfare agents it unleashes in battle...Other hive fleets have been observed deploying ground-shaking masses of living tanks, sky-darkening swarms fo winged monsters, elusive broods of chameleonic apex predators, endless tides of expendable war-beasts and countlessother strategic permutations.

(Vior Or'es: We are...too familiar with Gorgon's "death clouds", yes.)

(Ashlee: ...You know what?)

(Vior Or'es: What?)

(Ashlee: Maybe I was a li'l hard on you before. Sounds like you've been through some shit. Well, sorry I was a real ass to ya. Agree to disagree?)

(Vior Or'es: Not very Tyranid of you.)

(Ashlee: I'll get there.)

(Vior Or'es: I would appreciate that. Might I ask a question?)

(Ashlee: Of course!)

(Vior Or'es: What might happen if the linked Tyranid biosphere develops a tool-using sapient species?)

(Ashlee: Well, it has, Genestealers, Hive Tyrants, Zoanthropes...)

(Vior Or'es: No, I mean one that the Hive Mind does not keep artificially limited for its own savage purposes. I am thinking of a sophont, one that could develop a civilization. If the Tyranids overrun the galaxy, could they simply create whole new polities through similar processes to those that created Humanity and the T'au?)

(Ashlee: That would require bandin' together, right? Ain't survivalist.)

(Vior Or'es: Well, yes, but Tyranid species can hunt in packs. It is possible, is it not?)

(Ashlee: I dunno. The idea of a Tyranid civilization just don't feel right.)
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(Vior Or'es: I was hunted by them at Coldfront Base! The artificial monsters picked off the toughest Fire Caste members I'd ever known to turn them into their own kind! They harvest people!)

...You know, the Imperium kinda does that too. Corpse Starch rations. And servitors. And they aren't really picky where they get the bodies for either of those.

(Ashlee: Beautiful.)

...As someone who's interested in furthering my biokinetic abilities, any chance you could send me some information about chitin compositions and stuff? Always good to improve my armor or myself in new ways.
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...You know, the Imperium kinda does that too. Corpse Starch rations. And servitors. And they aren't really picky where they get the bodies for either of those.

...As someone who's interested in furthering my biokinetic abilities, any chance you could send me some information about chitin compositions and stuff? Always good to improve my armor or myself in new ways.
(Vior Or'es: Yes, the Imperium is also a deeply questionable state, one that I find distinctly uncomfortable. The fact that they are comparable to Tyranids says much.)

(Ashlee: Well, sure. Why not? Sometimes I wish I had psychic powers, but, well, everyone's got their own ways to get things done. You get into a lotta fights?)
(Ashlee: Well, uh, Tyran Primus was full of life under the Nids. The Imperium wants to believe that world is dead so they don't feel obligated to go back, but was a paradise for our kind until the Nids there used up all the resources.)

(Vior Or'es: ...Our kind?)
IC: Not going to lie, having been through what I've been through, I find the Darwinism of the Tyranids repugnant. What sets sentient species apart from non sentient ones is their capacity for self sacrifice- their ability to care for members of the species who would, by cold logic, be better off left to die. The Imperium on T'ros subscribed to this Darwinism in a social sense, viewing the poor as unworthy of support, and it led to catastrophe. I might be able to respect the Tyranids as a life-form, as a force of nature, but their presence and current aims are antithetical to everything I stand for. I don't think I'll ever be able to make peace with a society that does not care for its weak and vulnerable. Also, it says something that the Hive Fleet consumed all of the planets' resources. Had they kept their appetites in check, they could have carefully managed their world and kept themselves fed for an eternity.

OOC: the Tyranids as Darwinists and jsut a force of nature makes a ton of sense, and does a good job of making them less pure evil but still monstrous.
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OOC:I really like this one.I also think Ashlee is my favorite character
(Ashlee: Sure, but they ain't rude, and the damning planets is less often than you'd think. They're spies, not agents of eternal chaos. They're the most "normal" sophont of the Nids, along with the Hive Tyrants.)
IC:Like the whole Custodes VS Genestealers thing in the Custodes Codex isn't/wasn't completely false.Due to the sheer volume of tourists and the fact that your average Genestealer is less batshit insane and a better visitor than a murder-tourist/pilgrim-tourist means that infiltration is ridiculously easy for them and considering this is he Solar System it would be foolish not to try.Cue Custodes having to make use of the old Death by vent failure/'accidentally' eating Golden Throne waste material/falling into a underhive/various secret police stuff for the mother of all shadow wars in living memory.It wasn't anything glorious just to me a lot of orders for more stealth gear and the occasional treatment for getting acid on the black Carapace.

...As someone who's interested in furthering my biokinetic abilities, any chance you could send me some information about chitin compositions and stuff? Always good to improve my armor or myself in new ways.
IC: I got a few tips for armor and other stuff since I work on Custodes/Left Hand/Sisters nerve based parts.First for the love of all that's holy DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES mix Psyker and Blank Auras, best case scenario is you succeed and immediately kill yourself due to not having well anything to deal with it,worst case you open up a warp portal to some parts of the warp that the Grey Knights would want to get away from.Second if you're making an up link system to the armour (especially if it's biological) I would suggest that you don't try and go for direct brain to armour (every noob does this thinking it gets them an edge,your armour doesn't need to know about your love life it just needs to know what it needs to do) instead you want to spread it out along places like the arms,legs,hands and feest becaus those have more natural sensitivity and don't get burdened by things like thoughts as much.Finally constant optimization is key,never go for second best even if it's just a few percentages and more practically if the current system you're using has issues you don't have to replace the whole thing since more often it's a few parts that need replacement.

(Vior Or'es: No, you do not understand! They aren't just animals! They're wrong, twisted and fake. They will hunt you, dying, screaming, crying, and they will make more of them out of you.)
(Vior Or'es: The Custodes, they must have made them!)
IC:I would like to say 2 things,First the Custodes would never make something like the Tyranids,I have tended to monsters of the Emperors own making and there is no relation to Tyranids though if you got rid of 'animals' it sounds pretty similar to how I would describe the Custodes when they hunt.

IC: Not going to lie, having been through what I've been through, I find the Darwinism of the Tyranids repugnant. What sets sentient species apart from non sentient ones is their capacity for self sacrifice- their ability to care for members of the species who would, by cold logic, be better off left to die. The Imperium on T'ros subscribed to this Darwinism in a social sense, viewing the poor as unworthy of support, and it led to catastrophe. I might be able to respect the Tyranids as a life-form, as a force of nature, but their presence and current aims are antithetical to everything I stand for. I don't think I'll ever be able to make peace with a society that does not care for its weak and vulnerable.
Eh the Imperiums to fractured to be like the Tyranids and even more cynically the Imperium did use to see value with the poor and vulnerable.After all everyone wants a better life and once you give them that better life than the poor and vulnerable will create rivers of blood in your name.I also think that the Tau are more akin to a dark mirror of the Tyranids.
(Ashlee: Well, sure. Why not? Sometimes I wish I had psychic powers, but, well, everyone's got their own ways to get things done. You get into a lotta fights?)

I live in the bowels of a hive city, fights are kinda hard to avoid if you want to do anything. My girlfriend and I got pretty good at finishing them.
IC:Also is it true that the Tyranids invaded Macragge and the Swarmlord managed to rip the arms off of MArneus Clagar a few centuries ago?I also heard highly concerning reports from some of the seers and Custodes coming back from operating across the Great Rift that there was/is a Tyranid invasion of Baal for the purpose of learning about the Blood Angels by eating/absorbing them?
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IC: Not going to lie, having been through what I've been through, I find the Darwinism of the Tyranids repugnant. What sets sentient species apart from non sentient ones is their capacity for self sacrifice- their ability to care for members of the species who would, by cold logic, be better off left to die. The Imperium on T'ros subscribed to this Darwinism in a social sense, viewing the poor as unworthy of support, and it led to catastrophe. I might be able to respect the Tyranids as a life-form, as a force of nature, but their presence and current aims are antithetical to everything I stand for. I don't think I'll ever be able to make peace with a society that does not care for its weak and vulnerable. Also, it says something that the Hive Fleet consumed all of the planets' resources. Had they kept their appetites in check, they could have carefully managed their world and kept themselves fed for an eternity.

OOC: the Tyranids as Darwinists and jsut a force of nature makes a ton of sense, and does a good job of making them less pure evil but still monstrous.

(Ashlee: What's so repugnant about it? Ain't it just the way all life works? Sure, sapient species—not sentient, sapient—species often take care of each other, and there ain't nothin' wrong with that, but so do the Nids. They got families, packs, that kinda thing. It's just that they ain't under the delusion that civilization's worth much when ordered chaos works so much better. They got the balls to fight for themselves. Anyone who sacrifices herself for some stranger's a fuckin' idiot. It ain't noble to play the game of life and lose, right?)

Medicus Viola, that seems like a deeply problematic perspective.

(Ashlee: Hey, it's the Dark Eldar perspective.)

OOC:I really like this one.I also think Ashlee is my favorite character

Eh the Imperiums to fractured to be like the Tyranids and even more cynically the Imperium did use to see value with the poor and vulnerable.After all everyone wants a better life and once you give them that better life than the poor and vulnerable will create rivers of blood in your name.I also think that the Tau are more akin to a dark mirror of the Tyranids.

IC: I have...differences with both the T'au and the Tyranids, but I must ask why you believe the two are mirrors of one another? The concept darkly intrigues me.

OOC: Thank you! Ashlee Viola was very deliberately meant to be a contrast to the other three. Ynathe is pretentious, so she's more casual and has a Space Dixie accent, Vior Or'es is happy to be a domesticated animal so she values freedom to the point of savagery, and Vandire is regimented and believes in a higher calling, so Ashlee is chaotic and primal.

I live in the bowels of a hive city, fights are kinda hard to avoid if you want to do anything. My girlfriend and I got pretty good at finishing them.

...Oh, you poor humans live in such squalor. Someday, someone needs to take you to a real city. Oh, and Ashlee Viola says "hey", and that to some degree she respects Chaos as a cause.
They ain't an army, just an expandin' biosphere with varyin' levels of shared consciousness. Imperium thinks everything's a gaddamed war.
When the planet you're living on is currently being consumed, the very atmosphere siphoned away in order to fuel the production of ever more monsters, while you can do nothing but try and shoot the poor bastards in the trench line in front of you to try and kill them before they get *DEVOURED*, the semantics between Hostile Biosphere and Invading Army is a lot less meaningful than you are implying.

Hey, that's my favorite flavor of Cola!

Vior Or'es: No, you do not understand! They aren't just animals! They're wrong, twisted and fake. They will hunt you, dying, screaming, crying, and they will make more of them out of you.

The issue with Tyranids is that they simply do not believe in anything beyond achieving some nebulous ideal of "Biological Perfection", there is no Coexistence, there is no Diplomacy, there is no Peace.

Just the simple struggle of survival of the Fittest.

They see an invasive species tryin' to crowd 'em out.
Which I find deeply humorous considering the Nids came from outside the galaxy, and thus are the Invasive Species.

Right, yeah. Tau are domesticated, Nids are wild
Tau may be Domesticated, but the Nids aren't Wild, Wild organisms don't consume to the point of annihilation, they don't annihilate everything that isn't themselves, Wild animals can exist alongside other things, they can continue to exist for extended periods of time.

The Tyranids are worse than the Krakking Orks. At least they are looking for a fun fight, and can be convinced to leave you alone to get a better fight later.

there used up all the resources.
Ah yes "This place isn't dead, just full of Tyranid Life" spoken in the same sentence as "Until The Tyranids Consumed Everything And Left". Like a damn *Cultist*.

This Universe has one rule, it *despises* hope, geniune goodness, and everything that makes Humanity (and I guess the Eldar and Tau,) different from a Grox. There is no Strength in becoming savage, it is the *weak* path, it is the *easy* path. It is the lowest common denominator of sentient life.

The Tyranids are weak, because they have never grown out of their base instincts. They were *gifted* the means of their survival through chance, and have been coasting along ever since.

They are weak because they refuse to ever allow anyone to be anything other than what they must be for the most effective achievement of the Hivemind's goals.

A Tau can be a Soldier, a Builder, a Pilot, or a Diplomat. A Tyranid's entire life, the sum of its existence, is determined from the very moment their Krakking Genetics are written. A Guant will only ever be disposable cannonfodder, a Tyrant will only ever be the physical embodiment of the Fleet's will. The Swarmlord will only ever be the Bloody Hand of the Hive.

Because they can never be anything else, because the Hive refuses to believe in anything other than its own inherent superiority.

The funny thing is, after all these years, after like, three Fleets got thrown into the Tau to take them out, the Tau Empire is still here, stronger, resilient, and more determined than ever before to prove the Universe Itself wrong. To prove in this Era of War Eternal, that there is a *better* way, a *hopeful* way, a *good* way, that Cooperation and Understanding can still exist in this Galaxy Aflame.

And, if nothing else, you have to respect them for willing to put their lives on the line for these beliefs.

It's more than you can say for most of Us.

Congrats on writing a character so well that I am actually getting physically angry at them. That's a really tough bar to pass.

Just to be clear, I am angry at the *CHARACTER* not the *AUTHOR*.
IC: I have...differences with both the T'au and the Tyranids, but I must ask why you believe the two are mirrors of one another? The concept darkly intrigues me.
IC:Well for starters as Ashlee pointed out the Tau are domesticated to the Tyranid feralness (though as my father would say there's a hell of a difference between domesticated and civilized) and how the Tau rely on the Ethereals heavily to coordinate their society while for Tyranids Swarmlords act as essentially a envoy/herald of the Hive Mind.

...Oh, you poor humans live in such squalor. Someday, someone needs to take you to a real city. Oh, and Ashlee Viola says "hey", and that to some degree she respects Chaos as a cause.
IC:It's not all bad. life for the average Artisian-Serfs like me is great(which is essentially every mortal that lives in the Palace from people like me who works on Custodes to my neighbor Amelia who helps maintain the ecodomes used for food).We don't worry much about security,we have plenty of food grown fresh or imported for special occasions,we don't have to worry about getting beat up by the various gangs/factions roving outside of the Palace,we have better rights than anyone else (nobles come close but they usually have to spend about 3 generations of inbred 5d chess and the a Sectors worth of tithes to visit a exhibit or museum in the palace that we go to every few weeks).Honestly it's a paradise abeit a very weird one. I've some people say that we're 'conditioned to accept horror' but honestly I think it's just that they're to weirded out by the fact that occasionally you randomly teleport to a different part of the palace,how outsiders get psychological breakdowns from the sheer amount of psychic energy coursing through the area or because all the amenities are free.
(Ashlee: What's so repugnant about it? Ain't it just the way all life works? Sure, sapient species—not sentient, sapient—species often take care of each other, and there ain't nothin' wrong with that, but so do the Nids. They got families, packs, that kinda thing. It's just that they ain't under the delusion that civilization's worth much when ordered chaos works so much better. They got the balls to fight for themselves. Anyone who sacrifices herself for some stranger's a fuckin' idiot. It ain't noble to play the game of life and lose, right?)
IC: Well, I was typing out a reply but then @InquisitionAI went ahead and laid out my grievances in a very eloquent way. To sum up: there's a hypothetical place in a Tau galaxy for some form of the Tyranids to still exist. There's not really a place for the Tau to exist in a Tyranid galaxy. The Tyranids won't - *can't* from your description - stop. And I do consider sacrificing myself for a stranger noble, especially when, in the majority of circumstances where I might fall, I'd be sacrificing myself for not just a single stranger but thousands. If my loss means someone doesn't have to go through what O'res went through, I'd sacrifice myself in a heartbeat. And *that* is what makes me human. Not just to sacrifice for those close to me, but to sacrifice for those I do not even know. To sacrifice for a better world.
IC: I didn't think I'd get so angry reading this.

Not you, cousin, or you, nice earth caste girl. Sorry. I'm very durnk. Inebriated. Gothic really should be a character based system -

no I'm distracting myself. I'm not. I thought I'd let go of my anger at them. It wasn't - they felt the psychic presence of Iyanden and showed up in a threat response. I don't think they intended to attack at first. It was meant to get us to back off. They knew how much they'd bleed for each scrap they took from us, they had to know that the biomass there wasn't worth it, not on a spaceship that is a planet. We're the ones who opened fire because no-one should've been that close to our craftworld.

But to admire their brutality? to want to emulate it for the sake of some sick, twisted idea of strength and rugged individualism - you, you fucking disgust me. at least the Imperium, for all its flaws doesn't think the Tyranids can think, and there's some kind of comfort in that, some idea that the deaths aren't purposeful, but we know better don't we. Because it's not about predator and prey, or whatever you said. If it was the ecosystems they establish would be stable. and they'd tend, as a species, towards prey, because too many predators in a system causes it to collapse. No, they're not a ravening monster from beyond the stars.

They're just hungry, greedy for power. Like you.

I'm still considering whether or not to find my old spinners and hunt you down. I'll be in touch.
Oooh, I think I'm going to have IC fun with this one, but I'm going to need to be mentally sharper to do the IC response of the Xfftonian Delurker.
It's not all bad. life for the average Artisian-Serfs like me is great(which is essentially every mortal that lives in the Palace from people like me who works on Custodes to my neighbor Amelia who helps maintain the ecodomes used for food).We don't worry much about security,we have plenty of food grown fresh or imported for special occasions,we don't have to worry about getting beat up by the various gangs/factions roving outside of the Palace,we have better rights than anyone else (nobles come close but they usually have to spend about 3 generations of inbred 5d chess and the a Sectors worth of tithes to visit a exhibit or museum in the palace that we go to every few weeks).Honestly it's a paradise abeit a very weird one. I've some people say that we're 'conditioned to accept horror' but honestly I think it's just that they're to weirded out by the fact that occasionally you randomly teleport to a different part of the palace,how outsiders get psychological breakdowns from the sheer amount of psychic energy coursing through the area or because all the amenities are free.

Well, I sure am glad things are nice for you! Shame that billions of other people have to suffer and claw for any scrap of pleasure they can get in the factories, but that doesn't matter as long as you're safe and happy! I'm sure my parents and brother died happy knowing their sacrifice means you can afford extra meat with dinner and take days off to visit museums!
Well, I sure am glad things are nice for you! Shame that billions of other people have to suffer and claw for any scrap of pleasure they can get in the factories, but that doesn't matter as long as you're safe and happy! I'm sure my parents and brother died happy knowing their sacrifice means you can afford extra meat with dinner and take days off to visit museums!
IC: Oh no I am fully aware of that shit.In every Artisan-Clan there's a tradition we call Innocence Lost in which specifically for my Artisian-Clan children get taught how death and the Golden Throne works by meeting some of the people who are going to get eaten by the Throne that day and then seeing what happens to the ones that just died that day and then telling said child is going to walk down the last mile most psykers go through to get to the part of the Throne that eats them.I am also fully aware that the only reason we are not treated as badly as the rest of the imperium is what essentially amounts to nostalgia from the Custodes and some old papers the High Lords don't give a shit about and at any moment our entire little paradise could be turned into a giant warpstorm where worst case scenario becomes ground zero for a new 5th Chaos God of assholery.I also do work that can literally be called soul rending where the only reason my brain hasn't conked out and told me to commit suicide is because centuries of genetic enhancements and having something happy to do afterwards like work on Custodian armor or go to a nice museum.

IC:On a unrelated note we don't actually pay for food since free and guaranteed food,water and housing is a foundational part of our benefits.
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When the planet you're living on is currently being consumed, the very atmosphere siphoned away in order to fuel the production of ever more monsters, while you can do nothing but try and shoot the poor bastards in the trench line in front of you to try and kill them before they get *DEVOURED*, the semantics between Hostile Biosphere and Invading Army is a lot less meaningful than you are implying.

Hey, that's my favorite flavor of Cola!


The issue with Tyranids is that they simply do not believe in anything beyond achieving some nebulous ideal of "Biological Perfection", there is no Coexistence, there is no Diplomacy, there is no Peace.

Just the simple struggle of survival of the Fittest.

Which I find deeply humorous considering the Nids came from outside the galaxy, and thus are the Invasive Species.

Tau may be Domesticated, but the Nids aren't Wild, Wild organisms don't consume to the point of annihilation, they don't annihilate everything that isn't themselves, Wild animals can exist alongside other things, they can continue to exist for extended periods of time.

The Tyranids are worse than the Krakking Orks. At least they are looking for a fun fight, and can be convinced to leave you alone to get a better fight later.

Ah yes "This place isn't dead, just full of Tyranid Life" spoken in the same sentence as "Until The Tyranids Consumed Everything And Left". Like a damn *Cultist*.

This Universe has one rule, it *despises* hope, geniune goodness, and everything that makes Humanity (and I guess the Eldar and Tau,) different from a Grox. There is no Strength in becoming savage, it is the *weak* path, it is the *easy* path. It is the lowest common denominator of sentient life.

The Tyranids are weak, because they have never grown out of their base instincts. They were *gifted* the means of their survival through chance, and have been coasting along ever since.

They are weak because they refuse to ever allow anyone to be anything other than what they must be for the most effective achievement of the Hivemind's goals.

A Tau can be a Soldier, a Builder, a Pilot, or a Diplomat. A Tyranid's entire life, the sum of its existence, is determined from the very moment their Krakking Genetics are written. A Guant will only ever be disposable cannonfodder, a Tyrant will only ever be the physical embodiment of the Fleet's will. The Swarmlord will only ever be the Bloody Hand of the Hive.

Because they can never be anything else, because the Hive refuses to believe in anything other than its own inherent superiority.

The funny thing is, after all these years, after like, three Fleets got thrown into the Tau to take them out, the Tau Empire is still here, stronger, resilient, and more determined than ever before to prove the Universe Itself wrong. To prove in this Era of War Eternal, that there is a *better* way, a *hopeful* way, a *good* way, that Cooperation and Understanding can still exist in this Galaxy Aflame.

And, if nothing else, you have to respect them for willing to put their lives on the line for these beliefs.

It's more than you can say for most of Us.

Congrats on writing a character so well that I am actually getting physically angry at them. That's a really tough bar to pass.

Just to be clear, I am angry at the *CHARACTER* not the *AUTHOR*.

(Ashlee Viola: Ain't ya got better things to do than moralize about meanin'less bullshit? A Tau ain't got nothin' to do but be whatever it's told to do, whatever a bunch of jumped-up assholes tell 'em to do. I don't care that those jumped-up assholes ain't mean. Sometimes, you gotta be a li'l mean. Sometimes, you gotta engage in a bit of, uh, what's the gadddamned phrase for it? Right. Natural Selection.

(But hey, I'm being a bit, ya know, out-there. I get that people, humans—Hell if I know I'm one of yours by this point—get scared when you talk struggle and'pain and'hardship. Or'es can cling to her babysitters, Ynathe can do her bloody dance an' use money and fame to keep life easy, an' Lissy Vandire can pray to a corpse so she don't have to think about what she's servin'. But you? Mr. Imperial? Mr. "The universe hates hope"?

(I really thought you'd be better. I thought you'd get that this galaxy is an oyster and it's up to us to grab the pearl. You know what this galaxy's made of? Not stars, not planets, not malevolence or the kindness of a dead god. It's made of chaos. Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs. They couldn't adapt. Now, I'm only a genius zoosurgeon with three degrees, but yer in the army, right? Ain't they got a sayin'? Adapt or die? Whether you bellyache about it or not, the Nids are here. So, you and I and everyone else are gonna have to adapt or we're gonna die. Easy choice.)

IC:Well for starters as Ashlee pointed out the Tau are domesticated to the Tyranid feralness (though as my father would say there's a hell of a difference between domesticated and civilized) and how the Tau rely on the Ethereals heavily to coordinate their society while for Tyranids Swarmlords act as essentially a envoy/herald of the Hive Mind.

IC:It's not all bad. life for the average Artisian-Serfs like me is great(which is essentially every mortal that lives in the Palace from people like me who works on Custodes to my neighbor Amelia who helps maintain the ecodomes used for food).We don't worry much about security,we have plenty of food grown fresh or imported for special occasions,we don't have to worry about getting beat up by the various gangs/factions roving outside of the Palace,we have better rights than anyone else (nobles come close but they usually have to spend about 3 generations of inbred 5d chess and the a Sectors worth of tithes to visit a exhibit or museum in the palace that we go to every few weeks).Honestly it's a paradise abeit a very weird one. I've some people say that we're 'conditioned to accept horror' but honestly I think it's just that they're to weirded out by the fact that occasionally you randomly teleport to a different part of the palace,how outsiders get psychological breakdowns from the sheer amount of psychic energy coursing through the area or because all the amenities are free.

I do think it's a bit insensitive to use your relatively privileged status as a way to deflect another person's pain, but it seems like your cruel and pointless tradition sort of shows that.

Oh, and Ashlee...truthfully, scares me a bit. She's an expert, but...She has an odd worldview. I try to ignore it.

IC: Well, I was typing out a reply but then @InquisitionAI went ahead and laid out my grievances in a very eloquent way. To sum up: there's a hypothetical place in a Tau galaxy for some form of the Tyranids to still exist. There's not really a place for the Tau to exist in a Tyranid galaxy. The Tyranids won't - *can't* from your description - stop. And I do consider sacrificing myself for a stranger noble, especially when, in the majority of circumstances where I might fall, I'd be sacrificing myself for not just a single stranger but thousands. If my loss means someone doesn't have to go through what O'res went through, I'd sacrifice myself in a heartbeat. And *that* is what makes me human. Not just to sacrifice for those close to me, but to sacrifice for those I do not even know. To sacrifice for a better world.

(Ashlee Viola: That ain't so. The Tau are an expansionist empire too, remember? They're the ones who are gonna convert everyone to their Greater Good. In theory, there ain't no place for the Nids under the Tau either.)

IC: I didn't think I'd get so angry reading this.

Not you, cousin, or you, nice earth caste girl. Sorry. I'm very durnk. Inebriated. Gothic really should be a character based system -

no I'm distracting myself. I'm not. I thought I'd let go of my anger at them. It wasn't - they felt the psychic presence of Iyanden and showed up in a threat response. I don't think they intended to attack at first. It was meant to get us to back off. They knew how much they'd bleed for each scrap they took from us, they had to know that the biomass there wasn't worth it, not on a spaceship that is a planet. We're the ones who opened fire because no-one should've been that close to our craftworld.

But to admire their brutality? to want to emulate it for the sake of some sick, twisted idea of strength and rugged individualism - you, you fucking disgust me. at least the Imperium, for all its flaws doesn't think the Tyranids can think, and there's some kind of comfort in that, some idea that the deaths aren't purposeful, but we know better don't we. Because it's not about predator and prey, or whatever you said. If it was the ecosystems they establish would be stable. and they'd tend, as a species, towards prey, because too many predators in a system causes it to collapse. No, they're not a ravening monster from beyond the stars.

They're just hungry, greedy for power. Like you.

I'm still considering whether or not to find my old spinners and hunt you down. I'll be in touch.

(Ashlee Viola: Well, lookit. Yer an evolutionary product too, Ears. Long lives, psychic powers, advanced technology, tool use...They're all adaptations. Yer goal, ultimately, is to ensure yer continued existence, right? So what makes you so different? Is the issue that the Nids don't make art? Well, you ain't never seen a Carnifex, that's the most beautiful goddamned thing I've ever seen. Is it that they have a biosphere and not an empire? Well, they ain't never made a Chaos God and screwed themselves over, huh? They really are just like us...but a hair better. Oh, and I'm not greedy for power. I just want to survive. Just like you. Haven't you thought for a second that yer entire ethos as an Aeldari is to survive where everyone else is tryin' to wipe you out? Craftwords, Exodites, playin' grab-ass in the Webway...That's survival too.

(Damn. I think I got a bit...intense, there. Look, Ears, I don't hate ya. I really don't. I don't hate anyone. I'm just frustrated and I think I mighta gotten a bit too...incensed. So, I'll try an' be the bigger person. I mean that genuinely. I know it sounds incredibly fuckin' condescendin', but I don't mean it like that. I don't got a doctorate in social skills. That's pro'lly why I'm a Genestealer "Cultist" and not, say, a nun. I'd pro'lly be happier as a nun. Lissy Vandire seems happy, or at least happy by Vandire standards. So, uh...What're you into? Me, I like to read, watch plays, do a bit of actin' on the side. Community theatre.

(You seem like a smart cookie, and I admire your moral fortitude.)

Well, I sure am glad things are nice for you! Shame that billions of other people have to suffer and claw for any scrap of pleasure they can get in the factories, but that doesn't matter as long as you're safe and happy! I'm sure my parents and brother died happy knowing their sacrifice means you can afford extra meat with dinner and take days off to visit museums!

...I feel sort of bad now. I wish I could aid you, help you, or do something to help the billions and billions of strangers across the galaxy in pain. It hurts. It hurts that I cannot just snap my perfect fingers and help everyone.

Am I a bad person because I can't? Because I'm not trying hard enough?
I do think it's a bit insensitive to use your relatively privileged status as a way to deflect another person's pain, but it seems like your cruel and pointless tradition sort of shows that.
IC:I'm sorry for anyone if the took my words as harsh or uncaring.I do however want to know what you meant about our tradition since I don't think I understand fully?

(I really thought you'd be better. I thought you'd get that this galaxy is an oyster and it's up to us to grab the pearl. You know what this galaxy's made of? Not stars, not planets, not malevolence or the kindness of a dead god. It's made of chaos. Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs. They couldn't adapt. Now, I'm only a genius zoosurgeon with three degrees, but yer in the army, right? Ain't they got a sayin'? Adapt or die? Whether you bellyache about it or not, the Nids are here. So, you and I and everyone else are gonna have to adapt or we're gonna die. Easy choice.)
IC:[to Viola] On the other hand is that it seems to me the universe is in the exact way you describe it from everyone 'grabbing the pear'.If all we care for is ourselves than what's the point of it all?To watch as your heart grows cold to the suffering of others?To close of and destroy other routes of thought and form because they weren't the best and therefore were useless?You remind me a lot of the Emperor the old Custodes in Dreadnoughts talk about,the one that wanted to adapt by any means necessary and instead of Tyranids made 20 Primarchs but let's just hope it doesn't go the same way.
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IC:I'm sorry for anyone if the took my words as harsh or uncaring.I do however want to know what you meant about our tradition since I don't think I understand fully?

IC:[to Viola] On the other hand is that it seems to me the universe is in the exact way you describe it from everyone 'grabbing the pear'.If all we care for is ourselves than what's the point of it all?To watch as your heart grows cold to the suffering of others?To close of and destroy other routes of thought and form because they weren't the best and therefore were useless?You remind me a lot of the Emperor the old Custodes in Dreadnoughts talk about,the one that wanted to adapt by any means necessary and instead of Tyranids made 20 Primarchs but let's just hope it doesn't go the same way.
The, erm, Innocence Lost tradition. I found it a bit unsettling.

(Ashlee Viola: Hey, caring about others makes me feel good. It's why I have friends. Who wants to die alone on the blue northern grass? I'm not sayin' we all gotta be an asshole, I'm just sayin' the world worlds a certain way, and best we get used to it. That's what I find admirable about the Nids. It ain't cruelty, it's just that drive. Besides, cooperation is a survival tactic too.)
The, erm, Innocence Lost tradition. I found it a bit unsettling.
IC:In my opinion it's necessary otherwise we would never actually have anything approaching empathy and would just be spoiled brats not realizing the privileges we have or the cruelties the vast majority of people in the imperium face.But it is a bit cruel in my opinion for the children to walk the last mile.
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IC:In my opinion it's necessary otherwise we would never actually have anything approaching empathy and would just be spoiled brats not realizing the privileges we have or the cruelties the vast majority of people in the imperium face.But it is a bit cruel in my opinion for the children to walk the last mile.
No nonconsensual death or suffering is necessary. The goal of life is to ensure that pain is an instrument of art that we as individuals control. A chainsaw is a very useful implement when carving sculptures, but it is a tool of brutality when applied to flesh.

...Not that the Dark Eldar haven't occasionally applied it to flesh during wartime.
IC: Considering how depressing this thread has gotten I think I'll tell a funny/interesting fact.The Imperial Fists get the bulkof their recruits from Inwit a planet of ice that's moderately industrialized.One of the biggest tests to become a Space Marine is to show warroir qualities with other than the usual stuff(fighting and pain tolerance) one of the biggest tests is knitting!
OOC:This is actually canon since one of the Imperial Fists by the name of Fanfir Rann said that before he was an Astartes his tribe kinda made him be the ultimate warrior in order to fight Dorn's tribe and that one of the warrior skills he had to learn was knitting and when he was asked about the knitting he actually affirmed tha tit was considered a mark of a true warrior to be great at knitting.
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IC: Considering how depressing this thread has gotten I think I'll tell a funny/interesting fact.The Imperial Fists get the bulkof their recruits from Inwit a planet of ice that's moderately industrialized.One of the biggest tests to become a Space Marine is to show warroir qualities with other than the usual stuff(fighting and pain tolerance) one of the biggest tests is knitting!
OOC:This is actually canon since one of the Imperial Fists by the name of Fanfir Rann said that before he was an Astartes his tribe kinda made him be the ultimate warrior in order to fight Dorn's tribe and that one of the warrior skills he had to learn was knitting and when he was asked about the knitting he actually affirmed tha tit was considered a mark of a true warrior to be great at knitting.
I'm surprised that it's still a thing. That seems like such a strange test. What are the Imperial Fists like?