Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Given the extensive discussion there's been of how easy the game is to break, of course Diablos can be obtained immediately. That said, he's far from unbeatable even at a normal power level; with proper strategy and a couple attempts (to learn his patterns and find out his weaknesses), Omicron could probably win with his current team, although it'd not be exactly easy. Still, it's doable; defeating X-ATMO92 is substantially harder.
Yeah Diablos has one spell on him that once you realise it, makes this fight... not a breeze, but infintiely more doable.

Also, I can safely say the T-Rexaur is beatable. Granted I only heard about the strategy second hand, but it's way easier than having to repeatedly sleep him. I don't know if Omi has the spell for it though.
You know, it shouldn't come as a surprise, but I'm starting to see just how much of FF8's DNA would end up in RWBY.

THE JUNGLE WAS THE TRAINING CENTER! Okay, that's one vague memory fragment squared away. Also, damn, Squall is harsh here but from his perspective the teacher who's been flirting with him this whole time has ordered him to Makeout Point, stated she's no longer his superior, and then exposed a deep insecurity... I'd be pretty uncomfortable too, to be honest. I think either despite being able to predict his lines, Quistis finds it hard to get a bead on him - assuming he hates her or assuming they have more of a rapport than they actually do - or she just really needs someone she can reach out to right now and he is, unfortunately, her best option, at least in her eyes.

While I've since grown out of it, at one time as a kid my response to being told my sibling missed me while away was 'why? I didn't miss him'. It wasn't meant as cruelty; I was genuinely puzzled, and I think that's the situation Squall is in here too when he says things like 'what am I supposed to say about other people's problems'. Whatever fear or insecurity that drives him in withdrawing and keeping people at arms length, it feels as natural as water to him rather than something he consciously chooses to do or lashes out with when prodded. It's habitual to the point of normality, so anything outside of it has him floundering as in the dance... only here, instead of picking up the steps, he actually does leave. He has no idea he's suffocating, yet.

It does, of course, mean he's being a huge asswad in the meantime.
Wow, I'd forgotten just how recent a thing SeeDs were, and that Balamb Garden was the only one that produced them.
Also wow I do not remember Kid Me picking up on all the shadiness in Balamb Garden we're now seeing in this LP.

Zap Rowsdower said:
Curious that they apparently regularly have "the moon sends a bunch of murderous monsters" disasters and yet you don't see bad guys using moon imagery.
Well, I'm not sure if this counts, but:
That said, now that you mention it, yeah, I'm surprised that I'm only thinking of one possible example, rather than it being a widespread and explicit thing. Giant presence in the night sky, everyone knows it's The Monster Place, and those monsters fairly regularly come down to the planet along with some sort of force that mutates previously normal organisms into more monsters. It's pretty to look at from a distance, yeah, but...

blankslate said:
Well, given I was hearing Shadowhisker's text in Ron Perlman's voice... "Final Fantasy VIII : Fallout Edition" was what was going through my head.
...And my brain jumped from that through Fallout Equestria to "What if the mirror portal led to the FFVIII world?". Which could go a number of ways, though I don't have time to think on it in detail at this particular moment.
...Aaaaand the Gardens would probably each be run by one of the sirens, wouldn't they?
Wait, does that mean that SeeD-in-training!Sunset Shimmer gets taken under one of their fins?
...Brain. Brain what did I say about not having time for this right now?
Moving on! :D

illhousen said:
"...But succeed or fail, the mission is likely to destabilize the region enough to create plenty more work for us. Be ready to withdraw at once the moment Galbadia makes ys a good offer."
I decided on Funny instead of Insightful for a reaction, but... yeah, that's an interesting point.
Credit to the animation team on this one: Squall is actually terrible at dancing. His GF bonding has granted him absolutely no shmoves (or perhaps the GFs aren't helping because he's now doing some 'GF bonding' of his own HO HO HO HO HO). He is awkward, needs the girl to constantly correct his footing, and actually bumps into other people. Honestly, after being such a dick all evening (and about to be even more of a dick), seeing Squall getting owned a little is satisfying.

God that video is incredible. Especially with how there are a couple of spots where Squall damn near plows into people and only barely avoids knocking people flat on the floor.

FF's recent tradition of taking a 2 cool 4 u aloof badass character and showing that actually they're a massively insecure dork that nobody can take seriously because, really, look at them is my new favorite thing.

It's kind of a surprisingly mature take actually, knowing to call them out because it really is an affect that's not helping anything. While also still kind of acknowledging that there is a reason these people are doing that, I'm curious for the game to really dive into Squall's psyche and see what makes him tick.

Quistis: "I, Quistis Trepe, am no longer an instructor as of now!"
(She turns to Squall.)
Quistis: "I'm a member of SeeD now, just like you. Who knows, maybe we'll end up working together."
Squall: "...oh really?"
Quistis: "Is that all you're going to say?"
Squall: "If that's how it was decided, you have to abide by it."
Quistis: (She slumps again.) "They told me that I had failed as an instructor. Basically, that I lacked leadership qualities. I was a SeeD by the age of 15, got my instructor license at 17… It's only been a year since I got it… I wonder where I went wrong… I did my best…"

God though this part is incredible. When people first mentioned Quistis' age I promptly wrote it off as Anime Nonsense, because really, why would you make a teacher that age? But no, FFVIII goes and makes it a plot point, she dove into teaching way too young, was given way too many responsibilities, and was left to flounder and fail and wash out of the program.

Like given how the other teachers talked about her, it seems like she wasn't terribly liked among the faculty, so they must have just sat back and let her fuck up. So she's doing her best, but she has no support and is in way over her head and god I feel bad for her. She really did do her best it seems, it just wasn't nearly enough.

And I think you're right that this might have been intentional. I mean, it's obvious she's way too young for this, but maybe that was the point. If there is some kind of moonspiracy going on, this could all have been planned as a setup to "prove" that SeeD can't take on leadership positions outside of squad leaders to teach future SeeDs. It gives the Faculty a ready excuse to be picky with teachers going forward, to ensure whoever they bring in is in on whatever cause they're about.

And Quistis doesn't really know how to deal with any of it, so she's reaching out to the one person she's been trying to reach out to, in a way where I'm starting to think her flirting is less actual flirting that it's just… Awkwardly using what little social skills she has to tease him, try to get him to open up to her, to make a connection.

But she's not very good at this. And also, she's picked entirely the wrong person for it.

You know I feel bad for both of them, really. Like Squall is being an absolute dick, sure, but he's also a teen with very obvious issues, and Quistis is laying some pretty heavy stuff on him. That can be difficult to deal with even for a friend, and Squall has obviously never thought of her beyond a teacher. It doesn't excuse how much he's brushing her off, but really, I can't blame him for not being equipped to support someone through this even if he was trying.

And Quistis? She obviously doesn't have much support from staff, but just in general she must be really isolated at Balamb Garden if Squall is at the top of the list of people she thinks she can reach out to. She's probably fully aware that Squall doesn't think they're that close, but if she realized that and still put him at the top of the list of people she thinks she can confide in? Honestly it paints a really bleak picture of her situation at the Garden, one that she must have tried really hard to paint over with her overall attitude.

Really this update has been impressing me with character moments, and all of a sudden I'm really looking forward to where they go with other characters.
Regarding the bit at the end there, I guess I'm mostly on Squall's side. "Go talk to a wall" is actually a good response to your manager at your work being weird and overly personal. I mean, its bad conversational tactics, but you gotta shut that stuff down and his instincts were right even if he was comically awkward at it.
The really interesting thing about Quistis is that, being the same age as Squall and co, she would have been their classmate only a few years ago, until she outperformed everyone else hard enough to get put in charge of the class. Makes the dynamic between her and the students she teaches a bit complicated.

Also really puts that fan club of hers in a bit of a new light, in that context. And makes you wonder what their deal is. Are they her old friend group trying to be as supportive as possible? Are they just genuinely amazed at how smart she is? Are they just a bunch of simps? It is a mystery.
I gotta say it's deeply amusing to have gone back through the Spoony video to find the EL DIABLO NO clip and seen him wholly focused on the idea of Squall fumbling a bad bitch (and I severely doubt that would've been a particularly unique read on the scene at the time, we've all seen Omi simp for Quistis), then read this thread and it's mostly "hell yeah Squall just say no to random trauma dumps, fuck Quistis." Bro hit her with the Mucho Texto and he's still receiving a chorus of +1s in chat.
Regarding the bit at the end there, I guess I'm mostly on Squall's side. "Go talk to a wall" is actually a good response to your manager at your work being weird and overly personal. I mean, its bad conversational tactics, but you gotta shut that stuff down and his instincts were right even if he was comically awkward at it.
There's been a number of comments along those lines so far and I've been trying to figure out why they bug me, and I think I've finally put my finger on it.

Obviously Squall doesn't, like, owe Quistis his attention. He doesn't have a moral duty to engage with her on the terms she wants. It's fine, if he wants to tell her that he's not interested.

Sure fucking sucks for Quistis lmao though

Like who does Quistis have? So far, the only relationships we've seen her have are:
1) A friendly in a colleague-friendly way relationship with Xu, at most, not real friendship.
2) Active contempt from Seifer.
3) Besotted 'fans' that she obviously can't interact with without grossly taking advantage of their student crush.
4) The unseen faculty staff who've just told her she's a shit teacher and fired her.
5) Squall.

This guy is the only one who is, 1) Roughly her age, 2) Her peer in strength, 3) Not infatuated with her in a way that would mean she's taking advantage of him, and who 4) Doesn't already hate her (Seifer).

Quistis is lonely, she just confessed to Squall that she has the same issues reaching out or opening up to others as he does (and boy does the joke-flirting take on a new light in that regard, it's basically a script she's running to paper over her own 'how do I talk to person' issues), she recognizes in him that he's repressed and socially withdrawn and that it's probably causing him pain, so she's been trying to connect with effectively the only person she feels she can connect, and doing it badly. And at every step of the way he's shut her down because of the student/teacher boundary, because he refuses to make that relationship anything other than professional, to be on the wrong end of that power dynamic or stuck in an unhealthy teacher's pet dynamic.

But now she isn't even a teacher anymore. Quite possibly, if we judge by wording ambiguity and the Italian translation @Egleris broke down for us, she might have quit, or, if she was fired (my read from the EN), it's entirely possible she didn't put up much of a fight out of a combination of her insecurity and self-esteem issues and the fact that not being a teacher might mean she could finally relate to Squall as a peer. Which she tried, reaching out to him once they were merely two SeeDs, two peers, and he told her to go talk to a wall.

I mean, who's she gonna talk to about it. Her non-existent friends? The Balamb Garden therapist who definitely doesn't exist?

Balamb Garden is a gorgeous place with high-class tastes and aesthetics and really fancy uniforms and it's also a ruthlessly venal institution for the rearing of superpowered child soldiers and their mental health doesn't appear to be the foremost of the institution's concerns, and in that environment Squall's reaction to another student reaching out and telling him 'hey man we're both pretty messed up, do you maybe want a friend, someone you can talk to about your trouble, quid pro quo?" is "Fuck off, I don't believe in that nonsense."

It's his right to do that but it sure fucking sucks for both him and Quistis.
Sure fucking sucks for Quistis lmao though

Like, well, I guess the thing is their problems are mostly downstream of their isolation, as super-soldiers modified with sinister magic.

Fundamentally they don't have enough social opportunities; they can't get practice at being friends, like, Quistis fucked up out of inexperience, and so did Squall; but it's not like they can take the L, call it a learning experience and move on. By the time I was their age, I'd moved through at least... five different Friend Groups, I think? Between the friendships breaking up and, uh, literally moving a few times. They just don't have the raw chances to make mistakes, and learn from them. They're trapped with these same people for their whole childhoods, they can't move on.

Like this is a problem because Quistis' best option for empathy is fukkin' Squall, really, as you note; messing up her approach is a minor problem compared to that.

She can't just like, join the book club the lunch lady is in and make friends with her new book club, because of Military Hierarchies
Yeah, it's a complex situation where I really just feel bad for both parties. I do think Squall is absolutely in his rights to tell Quistis to screw off (though he could absolutely say it more nicely than literally saying "talk to a wall"), but Quistis is just as much a mentally busted child soldier as he is, probably even moreso considering the whole "SeeD at age 15" thing. Shit, that means she was probably thrown off into some active conflict warzone at said age to kill people, maybe watch a friend or two get blown up, and then just come right back to Garden to be told "congrats you're elite now" while likely being socially isolated on both ends as a result - now she's superior to her former classmates of similar age like Seifer (doubly so since Seifer has apparently taken the exam before, quite possible he's failed the exact test she passed and resents her for it), but also probably looked down on by her fellow SeeD who don't want a literal child on their team, or even looked at with jealousy for the whole "prodigy" thing.

Wow, turns out child supersoldiers is kinda fucked, who knew?
There's been a number of comments along those lines so far and I've been trying to figure out why they bug me, and I think I've finally put my finger on it.

Obviously Squall doesn't, like, owe Quistis his attention. He doesn't have a moral duty to engage with her on the terms she wants. It's fine, if he wants to tell her that he's not interested.

Sure fucking sucks for Quistis lmao though

Like who does Quistis have? So far, the only relationships we've seen her have are:
1) A friendly in a colleague-friendly way relationship with Xu, at most, not real friendship.
2) Active contempt from Seifer.
3) Besotted 'fans' that she obviously can't interact with without grossly taking advantage of their student crush.
4) The unseen faculty staff who've just told her she's a shit teacher and fired her.
5) Squall.

This guy is the only one who is, 1) Roughly her age, 2) Her peer in strength, 3) Not infatuated with her in a way that would mean she's taking advantage of him, and who 4) Doesn't already hate her (Seifer).

Quistis is lonely, she just confessed to Squall that she has the same issues reaching out or opening up to others as he does (and boy does the joke-flirting take on a new light in that regard, it's basically a script she's running to paper over her own 'how do I talk to person' issues), she recognizes in him that he's repressed and socially withdrawn and that it's probably causing him pain, so she's been trying to connect with effectively the only person she feels she can connect, and doing it badly. And at every step of the way he's shut her down because of the student/teacher boundary, because he refuses to make that relationship anything other than professional, to be on the wrong end of that power dynamic or stuck in an unhealthy teacher's pet dynamic.

But now she isn't even a teacher anymore. Quite possibly, if we judge by wording ambiguity and the Italian translation @Egleris broke down for us, she might have quit, or, if she was fired (my read from the EN), it's entirely possible she didn't put up much of a fight out of a combination of her insecurity and self-esteem issues and the fact that not being a teacher might mean she could finally relate to Squall as a peer. Which she tried, reaching out to him once they were merely two SeeDs, two peers, and he told her to go talk to a wall.

I mean, who's she gonna talk to about it. Her non-existent friends? The Balamb Garden therapist who definitely doesn't exist?

Balamb Garden is a gorgeous place with high-class tastes and aesthetics and really fancy uniforms and it's also a ruthlessly venal institution for the rearing of superpowered child soldiers and their mental health doesn't appear to be the foremost of the institution's concerns, and in that environment Squall's reaction to another student reaching out and telling him 'hey man we're both pretty messed up, do you maybe want a friend, someone you can talk to about your trouble, quid pro quo?" is "Fuck off, I don't believe in that nonsense."

It's his right to do that but it sure fucking sucks for both him and Quistis.
She super mishandled the whole thing, honestly. She should have known Squall well enough to know that he wouldn't respond well at all to her abusing her authority to drag him out to Makeout Point for a dramatic, romantic moment with perfectly timed fireworks - especially since he was making it pretty clear that his Social Interaction Points for the night had been maxed out by the dance with Intro Girl since he wasn't even trying to be polite when she first met up with him. It's like picking the wrong option at every possible point in a dating sim.

She probably would have had better results just talking to him in the corridor or cafeteria the next day instead of trying for the big spectacle.
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It's a really interesting moment to dig into.

One thing that this bit makes clear is that Squall is not a self insert or blank slate, or power fantasy. You're not living the fantasy of being super cool, with all the girls into you, who says badass lines and everyone says Is The Best.

You see a lot of people flat out breaking out of the 'I'm the main character' alignment when Squall completely shuts down someone who the players might actually find cool and attractive and into them, which I think is the first time a FF game seems to have intentionally gone for the character/player separation disassociation?

Now we as the players get more insight into Squalls head and can see that while he's being an asshole, but an asshole for a specific reason. He's been generally polite, helpful, and non-confrontational to most people with a few exceptions where he shows actual character or personality or opinions on things, where here his issues got pressed on.

But in combination with the battle system, and this pretty early-on-moment where Squall is shown not to be Tsundere, but actively rejecting a hot lady trying to be emotionally open to him at makeout point, it's easy to see why people don't have a good first impression of FF8, and how that'll taint their perspective even if they do play most of the way through.

Squall superficially has all the traits to be a power fantasy self insert for the target audience (teenagers that is, not full on adults with developing health issues and multiple healthy emotional bonds with other people) , but the game refuses to do that.

FF7 let you think that Cloud was really a cool badass who gets all the ladies into him, but the game also lets you lean into that or play it cool, letting you decide exactly what flavor of cool badass you want to be. It builds on that, but it does end up with 'Cloud is actually pretty badass, in the end. Maybe even more badass then he pretended to be!'.

While FF8 has 'sure, he's a badass... and a dumbass. Look at this fail-guy.' from the very start.
LOL part of this is that, since I also remember a ton of Squall and Zell hanging out grinding Draws, I also imagine them become friends over the course of the early game based strictly on a shared love of working out.

The facial narrative was about Squall actively pushing everyone away, refusing to make friends and become isolated.

Meanwhile my gameplay was Zell saying "look at our Strength Scores, which are so Large" in front of the gym mirror. "Gains," Squall coolly agreed, flexing at the mirror next to him.

We all have our unique ways of engaging with the game
She super mishandled the whole thing, honestly. She should have known Squall well enough to know that he wouldn't respond well at all to her abusing her authority to drag him out to Makeout Point for a dramatic, romantic moment with perfectly timed fireworks - especially since he was making it pretty clear that his Social Interaction Points for the night had been maxed out by the dance with Intro Girl since he wasn't even trying to be polite when she first met up with him. It's like picking the wrong option at every possible point in a dating sim.

She probably would have had better results just talking to him in the corridor or cafeteria the next day instead of trying for the big spectacle.
Running for his life from a t-rex directly beforehand probably didn't help Squall's disposition either.
LOL part of this is that, since I also remember a ton of Squall and Zell hanging out grinding Draws, I also imagine them become friends over the course of the early game based strictly on a shared love of working out.
See, that's because the correct way to have Squall gain power is to have him train like hell all alone (totally possible, by the way, killing the T-Rexaur with only Shiva as a damage option before going to meet Quistis for the Fire Cavern mission is a rush), and then show up to Zell and Selphie already loaded with magic which he magnanimously shares a few of with them while they rush to catch up. That's the truly Squall way to integrate gameplay and narrative.
She should have known Squall well enough to know that he wouldn't respond well at all to her abusing her authority to drag him out to Makeout Point for a dramatic, romantic moment with perfectly timed fireworks
I just cannot share the read that this was an attempt at romance rather than "I will invite squall, a fellow SeeD, to the place that SeeDs go when they want to have private time together."
She super mishandled the whole thing, honestly. She should have known Squall well enough to know that he wouldn't respond well at all to her abusing her authority to drag him out to Makeout Point for a dramatic, romantic moment with perfectly timed fireworks - especially since he was making it pretty clear that his Social Interaction Points for the night had been maxed out by the dance with Intro Girl since he wasn't even trying to be polite when she first met up with him. It's like picking the wrong option at every possible point in a dating sim.

She probably would have had better results just talking to him in the corridor or cafeteria the next day instead of trying for the big spectacle.
I feel like this underestimates the desperation of Quistis' situation. Her anxiety over her teaching role has been a recurring thing with her since game start, it's just reached a breaking point, and again, who else does she have? I dunno, I feel like it's unfair to say she 'mishandled' it when I don't see that she had a better option. It's one thing to say she should've waited until tomorrow, it's another to be in the middle of a breakdown that's been grinding away at you for, what, probably months at this stage? And be expected to just kinda bottle it up along with everything else.
I just cannot share the read that this was an attempt at romance rather than "I will invite squall, a fellow SeeD, to the place that SeeDs go when they want to have private time together."
See, I fully agree that Quistis didn't really consider this a romantic thing, and was just trying to get a private moment to sort of vent and bond as fellow SeeD to one of the few people she thinks she has a potentially positive relationship with.

But she still dragged him out specifically to the established Makeout Point, where multiple other pairs are busy locking lips with each other when you walk in, after curfew hours and a dance party, just to start the conversation off in front of some fireworks going "so heeeeey we're equal coworkers now, not teacher and student, you knoooooow". Throw in that Squall is probably well past the end of his social batteries after being dragged onto a dance floor by some random girl he's never met before, and there was no way this won't end in disaster.
It's one thing to say she should've waited until tomorrow

. . .Okay, but imagine it.

You're Squall. You just became SeeD. No more classes. No more instructors. Only your job and your isolation, just the way you like it.

And then Quistis drops by at breakfast and mentions she just stopped being an instructor! In fact, they may even be put on a mission together.

The stalker vibes would, somehow, be even worse then ordering your student to go with you to makeout point. This lady literally just quit her job for an increased chance to be with you more.

Squall and Quistis are lucky she didn't sleep on it, because at least this way the issues all came out at once and was largely settled!
. . .Okay, but imagine it.

You're Squall. You just became SeeD. No more classes. No more instructors. Only your job and your isolation, just the way you like it.

And then Quistis drops by at breakfast and mentions she just stopped being an instructor! In fact, they may even be put on a mission together.

The stalker vibes would, somehow, be even worse then ordering your student to go with you to makeout point. This lady literally just quit her job for an increased chance to be with you more.

Squall and Quistis are lucky she didn't sleep on it, because at least this way the issues all came out at once and was largely settled!
Mmmmmmmmm....yeah, yeah she really didn't have any good options here did she?
All this discussion about Quistis's issues is especially funny in light of her Limit Break, Blue Magic. In previous Final Fantasy games, Blue Magic is literally the ability to find a monster and perfectly interface with it to the point you can cast its special monster magic. Quistis, on the other hand, picks up a spider-web off the ground and goes 'Hmm... web' and – all by herself – perfectly analyzes this chunk of detritus until she can mimic the monster it came from.
While FF8 has 'sure, he's a badass... and a dumbass. Look at this fail-guy.' from the very start.
He is apparently the hottest wallflower at the dance, though.
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Finally caught up. Probably a little late to comment on FF7 in general, but I did want to mention one thing. If Cloud's supposed to have stolen Zack's fighting style... and he wasn't actually directly trained in it... and there wasn't any sort of memory mixing going on...

Wouldn't that mean he's actually some kind of prodigy?

Quetzacotl, for instance, was named Golgotha. Yes, like the mountain where Jesus was crucified.


BRB, starting new game of FF8 and naming Quetzacotl "Golgo 13".

Siren will be named To Love Ru.

It's possible to go from no Magic to 100 Fires and 100 Scans in that very first encounter with a Bite Bug I screenshotted above. Is that something you'd naturally do? Well, we'll see.

Well, I certainly did. That and I went right for the 'keep enemies from leveling up' strats, which is probably what eventually killed my first attempt at the game.

Next time around I used a 'draw 100' code to speed things up... still burned out on the other part though.

So next time, I'm going for a no EXP code as well.

What's that? Just don't use crazy strats? I don't think my brain is capable of handling that. Maybe back before I learned about the level scaling, but that ship has sailed.

he presses the trigger while delivering a sword blow, which causes the cylinder and 'firing mechanism' to detonate some kind of cartridge, which either causes the sword to 'vibrate' in the style of a Star Wars vibro-sword, or just propels the blade with greater strength like a rocket hammer.

I have questions about where the exhaust gasses go. Urgent, safety related questions.

Of course, eventually someone figured out that you can dispense with every other part of the system, including the trigger, as long as you still have the cartridges.

Yeah here it is in an official contemporary render, and a little clearer in a cutscene in Dissidia, Revolver has a keychain that matches his necklace, you just can't see it in-engine.

So that makes me wonder. Was that case custom made for Squall, or is it the manufacturer's logo?

That Squall wears on a necklace.

Is Squall doing sponsorships?

All this search puts a thing I have totally forgot in light though : the PocketStation. It could be used with FF8 for bonus if I am remembering right. But I have no idea if it has been emulated or used in some way with another emulator.

The PC version, I am told, has the Chocobo World game built in, but there's apparently also a specific combination of emulators with an obnoxious setup process that allows you to play it from the PSX version.

I'm also told that Chocobo World is one of the less fun ways of breaking the game though, so it's a question of if you really want to...

I don't know if any of this makes real strategic sense as events to happen in a war,

I don't even have an armchair, but it sounds reasonable to me. Hit the weaker part of the enemy's force, then catch the rest between your own (behind whatever fortifications Dollet might have) and the hopefully rallying Dollet soldiers? I could see that working out really well.

The part I don't get is why the Galbadians were running off into the mountains in the first place. Unless that really is supposed to refer to the communication tower (which doesn't feel quite right to me), I don't see how it helps them in their apparent goals... and sounds like a good way to get bled to death by guerilla actions.

Selphie's weapon looks like giant nunchaks, but it could also be a three section staff with a small middle section, it's a little hard to tell from the graphic.

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a chain in the middle, but it does seem unusually long relative to the length of the sticks. The way she attacks actually looks similar to a video I found of someone using a three section staff though. But I don't know if that part was actually supposed to be a normal attack with one or if they were demonstrating something else.

A Brief Aside on the French Translation

No threadmark for this?

A magazine titled 'Weapons Monthly, March Issue.'

Younger Morgan, upon finding this item, did not realize the name contained abbreviations, and thus spent an excessive amount of time wondering what a "Mon Mar" was.

Parasite Eve is actually really fucking cool, damn, not like everyone who ever played that game had promised me that it would be

It is! PE was the first PSX game I ever played (on someone else's system), and the first PSX game I ever bought. (I wouldn't actually buy a playstation until... some time later, but I had the game.)

And now someone's working on a randomizer for it. o.@

Squall, as someone who has been the kid standing in the corner watching people dance and thinking I'm above these trivialities, nobody thinks you're cool. C'mon. Relax a little.

I find myself torn. On the one hand, the music *is* too loud, the lights are too dim (okay, not this time, but usually), and there are definitely too many people.

On the other hand, I'm an introvert with sensitive ears, and I'm pretty sure Squall isn't either of those things. (Especially the latter, Mr. "I hit robots with a giant hunk of metal for a living".)

And Quistis? She obviously doesn't have much support from staff,

If that's the intent, I'm not sure the game's really sold it. Xu seems friendly. We've got one relatively mild negative comment during the exam. And... I don't know what else?

I feel like what's been shown would actually fit better with staff being neutral-to-positive in a sort of 'not perfect but you'll get there' way, but Quistis deciding to resign anyway because she's taking her difficulties with the hardcases excessively personally. Though even that feels a little half-baked with the character ages as they are. (It's kind of funny, people were talking about Cloud's age earlier in the thread, and I was thinking "He's not that much older than Yuffie, is he? *googles* Oh, I guess he is." It feels really damn weird that the younger party members in FF7 (minus Yuffie) are university age and the FF8 party members so far are not.)

Incidentally, while skimming the previous posts to see if there was something I'd missed in this regard, my attention was drawn to the initial briefing as the group approached Dollet.

Now, the general read about the withdrawal in the thread seems to be 'Dollet cheaped out, so we left' or some such. But it struck me, isn't that kind of weird? This isn't like putting quarters in a dryer. Whether it was time or objective based, the terms and the payment should already have been laid out beforehand, so if they were going to withdraw at a certain time, they should have known that at the start. And if they weren't going to do all the objectives that were listed in the briefing... well, then the objectives they weren't doing shouldn't have been listed in the briefing. If Dollet had decided not to pay what they'd agreed to (or at all), then that should have lead to a much angrier response than what was shown...

My take on it when I originally played was that we were withdrawing *because* Dollet had made the deal with Galbadia (which sort of fits with one of Xu's comments), but now I see that doesn't track either, since Selphie was dispatched with the withdrawal order before that happened. So I find myself without an explanation for that part of thngs that I find entirely plausible.
