Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I think Shinra has been experimenting with Jenova's body for years now, as their new form of enhancement therapy - SOLDIER was once just Shinra Navy SEALs, then they brought in Mako treatment, and then they stumbled upon Jenova and it was the next step in their human enhancement program. But while introducing new cells into animals and humans might create cool monsters or potentially mutant super-soldiers, the real prize on Professor Gast's mind was a full-grown Jenova clone. Only Jenova's state makes her not really… Viable as a mother, so that clone had to be implanted and grown in a human woman, and that was Gast's assistant Lucrecia. Why Sephiroth is a dude I do not know; maybe they flipped some genes during the process, maybe he's actually only a half-clone of Jenova and a human being (probably Lucrecia herself, with Jenova being the 'father') for better chances of delivery, maybe he's hiding top surgery scars under that badass cloak. Whatever it is, Sephiroth is thus the 'child' of both Jenova (genetically) and Lucrecia (as either a surrogate, or contributing half of his DNA).

Okay this is my favorite bit. We stand trans-wrongs Sephiroth.
Thozmp said:
Maybe they have specific ID tags that don't go poof with the body?
Maybe, though there are still a variety of ways those could get separated from someone not actually dead.

As every living thing on the planet is mako based, including the animals and plants, there's got to be some amount of remains, otherwise food would be something of an issue.
IIRC, someone further up the thread proposed that possibly bodies didn't used to vanish so quickly, and it's an effect of Shinra's mako drain that they do now? Maybe that more strongly affects complex life.

Thanks for writing!

IIRC, I completely missed Vincent in my one partial playthrough.
We have a new party member and he is a vampire who sleeps in a coffin in the Shinra Mansion and he looks like this and his weapon is a gun and he talks about sin and nightmare and how he is so dark and tormented and shit, I love him. He was deliberately designed to hit a specific demographic target and he is hitting it hard.
Damn it's crazy that they made both of the best party members optional :V

No but seriously I think Yuffie and Vincent are the most fun of the current cast, only 80% because I have not grown up from being an edgy 12 year old despite how long ago that was
I know Vincent is cool and all, but are we all just going to ignore the possibility that the main villain is a bodyswapping alien ghost?!!
Cloud may have rep as the brooding JRPG boy, but this guy? Good thing you brought Yuffie to bully him a bit.
In addition, it absorbs Fire damage, meaning Fire is useless

Okay so mechanically it's actually really interesting; Gallian Beast is sort of an 'advanced' form of Gau's Rage or the Berserk status - by using it, Vincent transforms into a beast with increased HP, Defense and attacking power and new moves, but becomes impossible to control. That said, in this werewolf form, Vincent can cast Beast Flare, which hits for more damage than even Beta, so it's still insanely good?!
Just to screw over players who want to play with their new toy, I guess.
Look at that zipper in the back of the Moogle. It could mean it's a suit with a person on it, theoretically, but no - I think the much more reasonable assumption is that it's a stuffed toy. A giant stuffed toy, to be sure, brought to life somehow, but a stuffed toy at its core. Or, more precisely, an animatronic/stuffed toy combo - a kind of real size Furby. Notably, when Cait Sith attack, he's not doing it with the Megaphone; instead, Cait Sith gives it orders with said megaphone, and the Moogle charges forward and hits the opponent with its giant paws. The Megaphone weapons merely increase the effectiveness, the enthusiasm with which the Moogle attacks.

So what I'm saying is that Cait Sith is riding Moogle Freddie Fazbear.

The Giga-Moogle after Cait Sith totally botches a Limit roll:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4fJurqwhyY

The trip back is so long that I just end up reloading and doing a shorter trip, back to Gongaga. It turns out when Scarlet was rambling about 'junky reactors giving junky Materia,' she wasn't making a general-purpose comment, she was specifically commenting on a Materia she'd picked out of the broken ruins of the Reactor. This wasn't visible on the screen, we were meant to treat the dialogue as hints and investigate ourselves. Actually finding the damned thing takes some pixel-hunting, but eventually, we get it, and…

It's the Titan Materia.

Damn, Scarlet, guess we know which Summon isn't your favourite.

I don't know what part I like more, Scarlet slandering Titan so badly she thinks he's literally not even worth the bag space or the image of the party snuffling through the wreckage like a pack of methed-up raccoons looking for the materia she dropped.

This town is perfectly fine. In fact - and this is one of the first signs that something is even more wrong than the fact that it's fine - it looks better than it did in Cloud's flashback. The streets and plaza have been swept of dirt, the houses are cleaner. It's almost… Brand new.

This, of course, prompts an immediate reaction from the party I gathered. A party which, hm.

Yuffie: "I thought someone said this town burnt down!"
Cloud: "...Yeah."
Cait Sith: "Cloud, did you make up that story to get our support?"
Cloud: "I'm not lying!"
Cloud: "I remember… The intense heat of the flames…"

Holy shit. Holy shit I am dying. I didn't think to change my party members before heading in and Cait Sith literally turned to Cloud and went 'wow I guess your tragic backstory was a bunch of fucking lies huh?'. Of all the people he wandered into town with, he did it with the two people least invested in his personal drama and the Shinra struggle and they immediately just called him out on his backstory. This is so fucking funny. And because Cloud has major memory issues that have only become more prominent over time, for all we know, it could be true, the destruction of Nibelheim could be a fake memory.


I hope this is kept in Rebirth. They mentioned that all party members are present for all cutscenes so it has to be critical mission path for Cait Sith to take one look at Nibelheim and start writing a twitlonger cancelling Cloud for making up trauma to get friends.

Of course, the choicest gut punch is in Cloud's own house.
There's an older woman there, working in the kitchen - the game took care to animate her movements to convey the sense that she's tending to normal domestic tasks, most likely cooking, just like Cloud's mom was last time we were here. Only, when he approaches her and says this was his house, he lived there until he was 14, she tells him he's sick, and to get out of her house.

At this point I'm just imagining Cloud gets here, has this random lady call him deranged and tell him to leave, and then Sephiroth manifests behind him to whisper in his ear "it's too late cloud, i tore up your birth certificate, you don't exist".

Then the funniest thing in the world happens: Sephiroth CHUCKS A MATERIA AT CLOUD'S FACE.

There's no 'this makes sense in context,' he literally pulls his arm back to grab something, then throws it, and a Materia sails across the room and hits Cloud straight into his goddamned forehead, knocking him back and bouncing off onto the ground while Sephiroth starts rising into the air and levitating. Then Sephiroth does a fucking backflip in mid-air, then flies head-first above Cloud and out of the room.

Head down. Elbows in. Shoulders out.
It is, genuinely, incredibly funny, in no small part because of how out of left field it is, following the build-up of mystery and spooky ominous pronouncement and new story concepts being thrown at us with Sephiroth suddenly engaging goofball mode.

Boy they sure got a lot more dignified in how they portrayed Sephiroth's ability to fly in later installments, huh? Although now I mention his flight, it sure is really funny how the Evil Superman comparison just got fed yet again. He's not only half Kryptonian on his second mother's side, but he can fly with the power of Gaia's yellow sun!

With that said, I, uh.

May have dosed my entire party with methamphetamines.

Seeing your party choices, I choose to believe this is because Cait Sith was left alone with a minor and a mentally ill veteran and immediately decided to sell them drugs.

Me when I wake up in the morning.

12-year old me just called, he said this is the coolest guy to ever live.

I can't even disagree.

God there's something so wild about this art, because I'm much more used to seeing him with his tribarrel revolver named Cerberus (why was Dirge of Cerberus named after his gun? Probably a reach to follow the Compilation's alphabet naming convention) as his 'signature weapon', so the fact he's just toting an ordinary Glock here sends me.

Okay, one last thing. What's his Limit Break like? Is it going to be "fire your gun especially hard" like with Barret?

I need to go lay down.

Wait. No. The blue color. The crest. The horns.


Oh so that's why he's not a playable party member in Rebirth - they have to make like six extra movesets for him in FF7 ReConnect to cover all his Limit forms.

Regardless, I'm pleased to see you understand the vision. It's a sign of maturity to come out the other end of your 'everything I used to like was cringe' phase and realise that actually all that stuff did whip ass.


Sephiroth's soul is still around. It joined the Lifestream, only because his power is so high, his soul didn't dissolve or lose its individuality - it remained self-aware, like Aerith's mom might be to some degree. Sephiroth's soul persisted as a cancerous entity within the Lifestream, watching, waiting for an opportunity. And he found that opportunity with the Clones, which are empty vessels designed to have no true individuality or will but merely to be hyper-sensitive to the Jenova 'signal', and Sephiroth's soul is highly similar to that signal.

So he possessed one of the Clones, and then used the inherent mutability of Jenova cells to mold that Clone into a facsimile of his own body.

That's why the Remake has these scenes with the weird hooded guys, and why Sephiroth has traits that are only half-consistent with being physically present in a scene and only half-consistent with him being a hallucination; why he appears into view and then disappears, leaving a haggard dude in robes in his place, and seems to teleport.

He's body-hopping between Clones.

I'm not gonna say shit about most of your theorising, because part of the appeal is your relatively uncoloured perspective, but since I already said this on Discord I might as well repeat it here for anyone else it may concern; in the original script, these entities are called Sephiroth Copies, as in literally the katakana for 'sefirosu kopi'. I think it's undeniable that the connotations of 'Clone' and 'Copy' are different, if only slightly, enough to potentially change the trajectory of a player's theories. My strong suspicion is that Rebirth will use 'copy' instead of 'clone' as well, just based on how they've already been presented.

EDIT: Oh right I knew I was forgetting something, the Counter Attack materia. It requires a whopping 100k AP to master, but if you do the physical counter becomes a guaranteed proc, so maybe that'll be worth the investment for you if you're also planning to throw Cover on a stronger character like Cloud.
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Then, we find Tifa's bedroom, and…
Oh god damn it, there's another letter I missed?
One of my readers mentioned that back in the day they completely missed the letter from the shop owner's son on Tifa's desk during the flashback, and I'm wondering if missing the letter entirely here might not actually improve this sequence. Sometimes FF7 is in way too much of a hurry to resolve a cool plot thread.
Yep, can confirm. If you miss the letter Nibelheim becomes a mystery that isn't solved for quite a while when a later plot development comes in.

Side note: while exploring Nibelheim did you find the room with the two smaller hooded figures in it? If you talk to them you might find some of their dialogue... familiar in the way it's written.
The place has barely been touched at all in all these years. In fact, as far as I can tell, the same books Sephiroth left in piles are still just there, unsorted. There are scratches left from inside glass containers, written notes by what I think were creatures trapped within planning their escape.
Cool. I couldn't remember if that was here or if it'd show up later.
Also one of the bosses that represents a wall in whether or not you paid attention to how to play the game. He is also vulnerable to Stop which you won't have unless you grinded a time materia from Gongaga up to level three.

Or you abuse Choco/Mog for its 40% chance of causing stop, with added effect linked to it so basic attacks have a 20% chance. Or just use Aerith's Seal Evil limit break for a 100% chance of Stopping the boss.
Alright, with our prize seized from the safe, we're done with the Mansion. Let's head for Mt. Nibel.

[VETERAN DISCLAIMER: Yes. I know. You are getting the Undiluted Omicron Experience, and this is how it played out. Please contain your screaming until end of update.]
Oh neat. I assumed since you found those letters you'd actually spot the other item in the safe. Instead you did exactly what I did.
And if we have Yuffie in the party she simply refuses to take him seriously and relentlessly shit-talks him at every opportunity? This is the perfect party dynamic.
And this is (one of) the reasons why in fanfic people keep relationshipping them. No not romantically. It's just that in a lot of fanfic Vincent somehow becomes the dad to Yuffie's bratty teenage daughter. It's honestly a fun dynamic.
The Dragon we fought in the Nibelheim flashback is back.
It's also something you can steal a Gold Armlet from; a pretty good accessory that you will be able to buy from the next town, but the steal rate isn't too bad I recall so you can just stock up from these guys instead.

Side note: these things are just the natural fauna of the Nibelheim Mountains. Imagine what the early settlers of the town were thinking.
"Ah yes, lot's of fertile farmland, situated near the only traversible route through the mountain, we'll make lot's of money from the trade routes!"

"What about the dragons?"

"What about the what?"
Jesus Christ what the fuck is that.
Something that scared the shit out of kid me. It's the sort of enemy that sticks in your mind, both because it is absolutely brutal compared to other random encounters and genuinely unsettling.
That said, in this werewolf form, Vincent can cast Beast Flare, which hits for more damage than even Beta, so it's still insanely good?!
Fair warning, Beast Flare is fire typed damage. This can result in a loop of Vincent insisting on healing the enemy by casting it over and over again.
Okay, so. Let's go back to all those pins.
And something else to add to the list of "things to talk about later."
I may have to make this guy a permanent team member.
So, since you liked Vincent (I honestly don't really appreciate the loss of control his limits produce), I suppose it might be worth pointing out that, as other people mentioned, his Sniper Rifle has 255% accuracy and is, thus, the answer to this comment you made:

Deathblow is a Command which makes an attack which is an automatic Critical Hit if it hits, but with ⅓ of its normal accuracy. I'm sure there are ways to break this wide open by making base accuracy so high it still hits anyway or something,

So, yeah, putting the Deathblow Materia on Vincent might be plenty fun for you, I imagine.

I should probably also mention that certain yellow Command Materia (like Deathblow) can be combined with certain blue Support Materia (such as, for example, All - although Deathblow in particular doesn't combines with All). You might want to try it out!
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As a note I'm pretty sure Vincent's character design is at least 50% straight-up just Vash the Stampede from Trigun. The coat he's wearing half of is literally the top half of Vash's, he has the same incongruous left arm, he uses a gun.

(You might also note that Alucard from Hellsing steals a lot of Vash's design, too; if Vincent had been made a few years later I'd have said he was an Alucard reference instead of a Vash one, but as it is I suspect some of Vincent bled through into Alucard instead, given FF's cultural cachet.)
Wait. If Vincent is the sealed mad science subject, then what's Lost Number? A Clone/Copy (prototype?) who went off the deep "Hail Jenova" end?
Well. I have been checking this thread for so many days in a row that I actually dreamed about it; to be precise, I dreamed up a controversial new party member named Kenneth. He was a soldier in the Undead Army who joined the party because he idolized Barret. Weirdly, although Kenneth's boss was a skeleton, Kenneth himself was this 80s action hero looking guy in green military fatigues and a red headband. He fought with martial arts.

Anyway, it turned out that Kenneth's first loyalty was to the Undead Army all along. When he was assigned to a mission, he immediately left the party behind, making a vague proposal that he would come back later, maybe. Posters were divided in whether they approved of him or found him untrustworthy and unethical.
Who the fuck doesn't like Kenneth imagine having no taste at all.
While he was gung-ho about saving the Planet, he was even more gung-ho about serving the projects of some skeletons seated on thrones, and some people on SV disapproved of that. Being, you know. Suspicious. Of the good intentions. Of a military government. Composed of skeletons.
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While he was gung-ho about saving the Planet, he was even more gung-ho about serving the projects of some skeletons seated on thrones, and some people on SV disapproved of that. Being, you know. Suspicious. Of the good intentions. Of a military government. Composed of skeletons.
I can see why we'd have a bone to pick with them, yes.
While he was gung-ho about saving the Planet, he was even more gung-ho about serving the projects of some skeletons seated on thrones, and some people on SV disapproved of that. Being, you know. Suspicious. Of the good intentions. Of a military government. Composed of skeletons.
Look yes ok FF7: Eclipse Necrosis never came out and that's a shame and it leaves the guy little more than a Square-branded Guile with a dangling storyline but ffs it shows clearly that even the undead know not to fuck with the lifestream unlike Shinra turbofucking the planet, and even if they're kind of ambiguous anyone who likes Barret isn't all bad.
The game had a really cool set-up with 'why is Cloud and Tifa's hometown that was burned down five years ago seemingly intact and populated by people who claim to have lived there all their lives and don't recognize Cloud or Tifa? And who are these mysterious figures in black robes muttering about Sephiroth?' You get to visit three houses that set up this mystery, then you walk into Tifa's house and you find A LETTER, ON HER DESK, IN THE OPEN, which says "btw all the dudes in black are clones, we rebuilt the town to look identical to what it was five years ago and everyone in it is a Shinra employee who took special acting lessons.'

Seriously. This entire thing lasted less than ten minutes, start to end. Granted, the actual answer to the mind-bending 'what the fuck is going on here' being the most predictable answer, 'Shinra rebuilt the town as a decoy and everyone you meet is just lying' would have been a kind of limp resolution if the mystery had been dragged out overlong, but like… You could have kept it up a little.

One of my readers mentioned that back in the day they completely missed the letter from the shop owner's son on Tifa's desk during the flashback, and I'm wondering if missing the letter entirely here might not actually improve this sequence. Sometimes FF7 is in way too much of a hurry to resolve a cool plot thread.

I do hope the remake does this right, it certainly has the potential to. I mean, doing absolutely nothing except cutting the letter is already a big improvement for less than no effort.

We have a new party member and he is a vampire who sleeps in a coffin in the Shinra Mansion and he looks like this and his weapon is a gun and he talks about sin and nightmare and how he is so dark and tormented and shit, I love him. He was deliberately designed to hit a specific demographic target and he is hitting it hard.

I never actually owned FF7 myself, I played it at a friend's in primary school, and never saw further past Wall Market. Had I reached Vincent, he would have been my catnip. Young me's immune system had no defence system to that kind of character.

Vincent: "There was no way to cancel the experiment. I couldn't stop her. That was my sin."
Vincent: "I let the one I loved, the one I respected the most, face the worst."
Yuffie: "OK. Boring story no. 1."

Gods I hope the remake doesn't even change this. Vincent declaiming his tragic backstory, exposing his pathos to the audience, and just shitkid Yufie there scrolling her phone calling his failures a skill issue and his backstory shit.

I need to go lay down.

Wait. No. The blue color. The crest. The horns.


We are definitely going to have stuff to talk about when it comes to teenage appeal in character design and writing when we hit FF8.
Wouldn't that just be sending Jenova the equivalent of a pizza it didn't order? Jenova didn't order dinner for tonight, and yet delivery still came.