Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the FF7 planning room when all the Square guys got together and someone said "Okay, Sephiroth is in the basement library and Cloud is in the hallway leading into it. How do we get Sephiroth out without triggering a confrontation or whatever? Cloud has another migraine?" and then someone else goes "NO, WAIT, I HAVE IT".
Oh my god he's so fucking cool. And so fucking ridiculous. God he has gold armor plating on only one arm? That cloak?? Hello??? That's not even a handgun, he's one-handing a hunting rifle! You can't see it in this shot, but every time he does a normal attack, he first spins the gun in his hand, for no other reason than to look cool!
This arm is covered in bronze, not gold actually. It's meant to be reminiscent of ancient greek monsters like the Gorgon which had bronze claws. But yeah, this guy is badass, he got his own game. IMO it was fairly good, just out of curiosity do you have plans to play spin offs and the like such as crisis core?
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Vincent is indeed everything a teen would think is cool, which is probably why he got that spinoff game

Did you notice the attack% on that sniper rifle? Apparently all Vincent needs to be living aim bot is a scope
Vincent having "all the accuracy" with a one-handed hunting rifle is somehow more impressive as a feat than any of the summon animations thus far.
Imagine going to work at ShinRa, and your job ends up being 'impersonate the villagers of this town halfway across the world that we perfectly rebuilt for what are probably totally logical reasons. Don't worry about it.'

You're going to have to share your prop set home with some ominously cloaked, maybe-human clones who we have numbered for your convenience. Don't worry about it. If anyone shows up claiming Nibelheim burned down five years ago, gaslight them about it. That is all. Your check's in the mail.

"But... but my degree is in Urban planning."
"Take your paycheck and don't worry about it."
Imagine going to work at ShinRa, and your job ends up being 'impersonate the villagers of this town halfway across the world that we perfectly rebuilt for what are probably totally logical reasons. Don't worry about it.'

You're going to have to share your prop set home with some ominously cloaked, maybe-human clones who we have numbered for your convenience. Don't worry about it. If anyone shows up claiming Nibelheim burned down five years ago, gaslight them about it. That is all. Your check's in the mail.

"But... but my degree is in Urban planning."
"Take your paycheck and don't worry about it."
Check in the mail? This feels like more of an unpaid intern thing.

They're paid in college credits.
Imagine going to work at ShinRa, and your job ends up being 'impersonate the villagers of this town halfway across the world that we perfectly rebuilt for what are probably totally logical reasons. Don't worry about it.'

You're going to have to share your prop set home with some ominously cloaked, maybe-human clones who we have numbered for your convenience. Don't worry about it. If anyone shows up claiming Nibelheim burned down five years ago, gaslight them about it. That is all. Your check's in the mail.

"But... but my degree is in Urban planning."
"Take your paycheck and don't worry about it."
"Is the internet good?"
"Internet? Did you miss the point of the exercise?"
"Well what is there then?"
"Wha- No, to do!"
"... Dragons."
One of my readers mentioned that back in the day they completely missed the letter from the shop owner's son on Tifa's desk during the flashback, and I'm wondering if missing the letter entirely here might not actually improve this sequence.

Funnily enough.

I missed it. I missed it every time.

And somehow I never heard of that plot detail in the intervening years, so I've spent this whole time having no idea what was going on with the rebuilt Nibelheim until this very post.

It's a strange thing to happen.

12-year old me just called, he said this is the coolest guy to ever live.

Fuck. I may have to make this guy a permanent team member.

Vincent was a character design jackpot. He oozes edgy teenage cool from every pore. His animations are great and full of personality. He has a neat connection to the story. He's a gunslinging vampire with a cool non-standard playstyle.

I was physically incapable of not having him in my party.
You know who Yuffie reminds me of here? Jughead from Archie, no really. Just as Jughead (at his best anyway) works well as an audience stand-in for people who don't care about love triangles in a comic otherwise about a love triangle, so Yuffie works here as an audience stand-in for people who don't care about doom and gloom in otherwise doomy, gloomy game (granted, one that's poked fun at itself even before she was introduced). Maybe a little counterproductive, but still entertaining.

On a sidenote, since Gungnir came in with Odin, I got the urge to look up Gungnir's etymology and found out it apparently means 'the rocking'. Which makes me wonder if there's at least one portrayal of Gungnir where it's a guitar (or bass guitar, since it's a polearm) instead. Sounds like something a power metal album or Devil May Cry would do
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For now, Sephiroth has given us new directions, along with a new Materia. By way of chucking it at Cloud's face. Which I genuinely can't get over. I hope they do that in Rebirth in full, glorious AAA 3D.
I have a funny image in my mind now, that during the 5 or so years where Sephiroth's mind was fraying or whatever, he just forgot how to actually use materia, and so now resorts to doing the LARP thing and just chucking it at enemies while shouting the spell name.
Cloud: "At least tell us your name."
Coffin Man: "I was with… Shinra Manufacturing in Administrative Research, also known as - the Turks."

The Turks back then were Research Admins? This motherfucking vampire was in Research Administration.

Imagine needing help with your grant application or funding request and it's Vincent sitting behind the desk like "Hm yes I see you want to capture dragons from Mt Nibel and crossbreed them with poor people to see what happens. Your grant application is going to be rejected unless you bulk up your deliverables section and tighten up your three-year budget. Don't forget to specify how this supports ShinRa's vision for a brighter future, or Financial Services is going to eat you alive."
The degree to which creepy mystery pervades the story of FFVII is honestly very engrossing, the pacing on reveals for some of the more unsettling secondary parts being totally shot nonwithstanding. There's still plenty to dig through that's been woven throughout, and this theorycrafting is very fun to read.

Oh my god Vincent really is so much though. Somehow I never associated his demon werewolf-ish transformation with a Behemoth enemy, but it makes sense looking at it.
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While character base stats are minimally important, I find it interesting that Vincent statistically is basically a worse Aerith. The only stats that aren't equal or worse are Strength (barely) and Luck (which is quite high). He does make up for the low Strength with high accuracy weapons and stat boosts with his Limits.
…Big Guard shields us from most of the damage of its attacks. And as it turns out, Trine is an Enemy Skill, so we just learned a new spell!
Trine is the spammable version of Beta. It's not nearly as powerful (34 "spell power" compared to Beta's 52) but it costs only 20MP.
Okay so Vincent is what should be an over the top level of this is so awesome! But instead I'm just cheering and listening to my inner child as well.
Also uhh.
When I got to your theory about Sephiroth his tune started playing in my head a bit…
In New Threat Vincent is no longer an optional character. I did the completionist run of the Shinra Manor, so I do not quite remember how the mod gets him into the party, but he joins up after Sephiroth yeets the materia at Cloud and flies off.

One New Threat feature I forgot to mention is that each character has an Innate Ability in combat. Taken from the text documents in he mod, here's the innates of all the party members so far:

List of Innates
Cloud: Set up by using the Defend command, then continue fighting as normal. The next time Cloud is hit by physical damage he will counter it with either a single physical attack, a Deathblow, 2x-Cut, or 4x-Cut. This works in addition to any other counter materia.

Barret: When hit by a physical attack, if in the front row he gains Strength (up to +40). If in the back row, he regains 1/16 of his HP.

Tifa: Once per battle, she will survive a KO with 1 HP (or ignore a insta-KO attack) and retains any queued actions, buffs, Limit Gauge, etc. However she also retains negative statuses so Poison or Dual-Drain will undermine this innate.

Aeris: Activate by Defending, Aeris will absorb most elemental damage and HP while she defends.

Red XIII: Over time will gain strength and magic up to a max of +45 for both; is useful in longer battles.

Yuffie: If attacked physically while in the front row, she will counter with Mug. One enemy in the battle will have their given Gil doubled. After 15 turns have passed, Yuffie's Throwlette will charge and will throw a random shuriken weapon at an enemy when Defend is used (or if already Defending).

Cait Sith: Regains MP slowly over time; when Defending, the entire party will regain MP at a faster rate.

Vincent: Starts battle with Wall; will intermittently recover HP equal to his current MP.