Ramza might have just kept a diary.
Hmm... would Ramza be a minimalist? Sparse in details
Aries 3: Mission went sideways. Delita is alive, apparently.
Aries 10: Got the Princess back. Talked with Delita. Not a ghost. Also, Old Man Gaff is an asshole.
Taurus 21: Met a man with a "gun." Falls down a lot.
Capricorn 2: Killed a Count, Demons are real. Mustadio death count: 3
Virgo 14: The amount of bandits willing to die on my sword is unsettling. Mustadio death count: 12
Virgo 21: Chocobo Cannon. Why?
Leo 3: Alma got kidnapped. Church is really annoying me. Mustadio death count: 19
Leo 26: Why am I being blamed for all these bodies?
Aquarius 11: Brother turned into a demon. Killed other brother, then I killed him. Feelings: conflicted. Mustadio death count: 28
Aquarius 20: Mustadio's father found a metal man. Added to Mustadio's death count: 31
Scorpio 1: Met Beowolf. He's got a thing for dragons, apparently. Or just one dragon. I don't really know, didn't want to ask. Mustadio death count: 35
Scorpio 3: Dragon was a girl. Human girl. Humanish, can still breath fire.
Scorpio 12: Why do random bandits still want to die on my sword so badly?
Scorpio 20: Temple Dickhead resurrected brother just to make me kill him. When I finally get my hands on Temple Dickhead, I don't know what I will do, besides it being horrific. Mustadio death count: 45