Lets Get To It! Rwby Ideas/discussion Thread

Quick unrelated question: When Emerald and Mercury killed Tukson, did they just leave his corpse rotting in the back, or did they dispose of it in some way (like butchering the body, burning it with Fire Dust, and burying the remains in the building's lot out back)?

"Best Day Ever" seems to imply they just shot him and left.

(EDIT: Just wondering if it's possible for someone to find the remains later before the Festival.)
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I imagine someone did find the remains but I doubt it impacted much as they likely took enough care to avoid being easily detected.

Not to mention Tukson was a faunus. If it was revealed he was a former Fang member trying to flee the city I can bet you the cops would just shrug and chalk it up to the White Fang cleaning up a deserter. We saw how those Vale cops were quick to blame the White Fang for the robberies and didn't seem to think to hard on stuff.
How is this relevant?
(Was wondering if it's possible for Blake or Sienna's loyalists to discover Tukson's body in some other fanfic.)

Anyway, new topic:

Some people on SB's Avatar fanfic ideas thread were discussing more ideas about having the Avatar world crossover with RWBY, and the following idea got bounced around:

What if, following the events of The Legend of Korra Season 4, the Spirit Portal in Republic City becomes a gateway to Remnant pre-Volume 9? The plot could involve Korra and Asami discovering Remnant during their Spirit World travels.

Depending on where the portal to Remnant appears (either on land or beneath a body of water like Lake Matsu), you could probably get the Grimm involved, though how the Grimm would fare the Spirit World is up for debate.

(Also, people from Avatar Earth would not be able to unlock Aura as personalized "soul force fields" or develop Semblances. They already acknowledge chi exists however, and a sufficiently trained Bender can match a skilled Huntsman/Huntress.)
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(Was wondering if it's possible for Blake or Sienna's loyalists to discover Tukson's body in some other fanfic.)
Someone posts a Star Wars video, I think that is what they were referring to.

Interesting idea if a bit limiting on that last bit, especially given Bending can be handed out so its not like the settings are at risk of becoming unbalanced, plus I find the idea of a Bender being that durable or fast iffy at best.

But as to a plot I like that its not hanging around ATLA era and I also like that its post series for Korra & Asami so they can be their chill selves and also do adorable new couples stuff with the Bees :3

Besides that, I think some Grimm could handle the Spirit World fine, the Spirits oscilate pretty wildly in terms of power and abilites so unless they piss off a big one they're good.

Whether the Grimm would be drawn there at all is another question though.
RWBY / Xenoblade Chronicles
Blades of Strange Origin - Chapter 1 - ThatOnePsycho - RWBY [Archive of Our Own]
"The Endless Now has ended, but in a world before the contact experiment, Blades would tear it appart as quickly as it came into existence. So the Origin shunted all Blades into another world, one where the Master Driver was born."

Basically we start right before series starts, but with a twist.
On the night Summer was meant to leave on her Mission, Ruby was transported right out of her bed as she slept into the world of Xenoblade 2. Her disappearence lead to Summer NOT leaving on that fateful mission that night and she actually stuck around to be mom to a Yang who was devestated at the loss of her baby sister.
Meanwhile Ruby basically lived Rex's life. Worked as a salvager, got caught up in the whole Drivers and Blades thing, saved the world, yatta yatta.
Story starts with Yang, a few days before she is to go to Beacon, finding strangers snoozing in the living room of her home. Pyra, Mythra, Nia, Glimmer and an Adult Ruby with an eyepatch.
Elsewhere in the world various Blades have also awoken on Remnant, and the fate of the world is forever changed. (some Drivers have also ended up on Remnant, too)
Does anyone have ideas for what a potential Huntsmen academy on Menagerie would be called?

Vale has Beacon (in a stable region lighting the way)
Mistral has Haven (from the Grimm and the failing state around it)
Vacuo has Shade (great when sheltering from sun and sand)
Atlas has… Atlas (after the Titan who held up the sky, renamed from Alsius)
Does anyone have ideas for what a potential Huntsmen academy on Menagerie would be called?

Vale has Beacon (in a stable region lighting the way)
Mistral has Haven (from the Grimm and the failing state around it)
Vacuo has Shade (great when sheltering from sun and sand)
Atlas has… Atlas (after the Titan who held up the sky, renamed from Alsius)
Whenever I've thought about it, I've used Aerie (nest of a bird on a cliff, meant to symbolize potential and freedom)
Does anyone have ideas for what a potential Huntsmen academy on Menagerie would be called?

Vale has Beacon (in a stable region lighting the way)
Mistral has Haven (from the Grimm and the failing state around it)
Vacuo has Shade (great when sheltering from sun and sand)
Atlas has… Atlas (after the Titan who held up the sky, renamed from Alsius)

well Menagerie means; a. : a place where animals are kept and trained especially for exhibition. b. : a collection of wild or foreign animals kept especially for exhibition

I googled to see if Kuo Kuana meant something and I see people say it means; "rejected trash", "it has been done", "what trash?", and "rubbish dump"

so.......what could fit for an academy name......
ok I'm back

here is a small list of words;

everytime I see a post on tumblr about the fanfic "The Tale Of A Cat Most Curious" I am sooooooooo glad I never touched it.
So, over on xTRESTWHO's Halo crossover Dust and Echoes, there was a "What If" idea bounced around:

What if the UNSC discovered Remnant during the Insurrection and attempted to annex them, several years before they ever encountered the Covenant?

I honestly believe that the UNSC would've tried to annex Remnant if all they had to worry about was the Insurrection.
KNM said:
I wonder how that would've gone. Since the UNSC would've wantes to annex them, I doubt WMDs would be used at least for the initial phases.

But full on ground warfare would be a meatgrinder for infantry given huntsmen, It'd probably be up to air superiority deciding things given it'd be decades before canon so Remnantian tech isn't as good yet and the UNSC has superior numbers.

Even huntsmen and huntresses can get killed en masse by saturation bombing, so air superiority would quickly give them advantage in any war.

Ngl, sounds like a fascinating fic in itself for both the pre- and post- annexation

A three-way war on Remnant between UNSC and the Remnantian collaborationist regime, the pro-independence Remnantian Insurrectionists, and Salem's Creatures of Grimm.

Conflict varies between pitched conventional battles and low-intensity counter/insurgency with Huntsmen and Spartans battling Huntsmen-capable partisans, independent resistance fighters, criminal organizations, spy rings, terrorists, and bandit gangs. Major high-value targets in the UNSC/CMA "Deck of 52" most-wanted criminals include Ozpin's inner circle, General James Ironwood, Ghira and Kali Belladonna, Sienna Khan, and Robyn Hill. Salem meanwhile manipulates everyone to escalate the conflict into a scenario of mutual annihilation.

And then the Covenant show up.
So, over on xTRESTWHO's Halo crossover Dust and Echoes, there was a "What If" idea bounced around:

What if the UNSC discovered Remnant during the Insurrection and attempted to annex them, several years before they ever encountered the Covenant?

A three-way war on Remnant between UNSC and the Remnantian collaborationist regime, the pro-independence Remnantian Insurrectionists, and Salem's Creatures of Grimm.

Conflict varies between pitched conventional battles and low-intensity counter/insurgency with Huntsmen and Spartans battling Huntsmen-capable partisans, independent resistance fighters, criminal organizations, spy rings, terrorists, and bandit gangs. Major high-value targets in the UNSC/CMA "Deck of 52" most-wanted criminals include Ozpin's inner circle, General James Ironwood, Ghira and Kali Belladonna, Sienna Khan, and Robyn Hill. Salem meanwhile manipulates everyone to escalate the conflict into a scenario of mutual annihilation.

And then the Covenant show up.
So, while conceptually interesting and I am a big fan of Sienna being cool and present, I am also kind of iffy on how its outlined currently.

I have no intention of shooting down idea and hope I don't come off as rude, also before that, one side thing to discuss:

The Covenant:
If I recall their issue with humanity was them being deemed the true heirs to the Forerunners & or Primordial and wanting to wipe them out as a result right? If so, would they have any issue with Remnantians who very pointedly would not share that genetic origin point regardless of aesthetic similarities? Cos if can tell the different, then Remnant just got an ally... Kinda XD

As an aside and in reference to a review on Halo I saw ages ago. Isn't it kind of weird and a little depressing that in a lot of Sci-Fi and fantasy so many "Evil Empires" are all multi-species coalitions, while the heroes are nearly always single species, usually somewhat mono-cultured folks? Or otherwise groups made up of extremely similar people while the villains often come from radically different species, backgrounds and such?

Sort of feels like a discussion for its own thread, but still, feels worth musing on given everything.

The UNSC was dealing with the Insurrection for something like thirty years with no stopping in sight & the war started back up again after the Covenant was dealt with, indicating that however much they "Lost popular support because terrorism" they clearly hadn't lost that much among their own. Honestly it kind of feels, just based on the wiki summary, that the world builders couldn't decide if the Insurrection was an actual organized rebellion, or the stereotypical "Bomb throwing anarchists" cos like, we know how "Civilians with regular equipment try to fight the government" goes, badly.

So, acting on the assumption the Insurrection is actually a functional military threat they are already gonna be having issues. Adding to that is the fact agents from the Insurrection will likely discover Remnant first, or have an easier time getting there and or potentially collaborating or offering mutual aid. Mostly because the Insurrection is outer territories & if Remnant is a new discovery its likely out territories too.

I am also confused why this is specifically taking place decades beforehand, like I am not saying it has to be mid volume 5, but I do find the timing both a little convenient and also presumptuous given Amity Arena is eighty years old, and modern Remnant has full on flying fortresses and a mecha the size of five city blocks is borderline old tech given its seemingly been in Argus for decades. Like I'm not saying they had already peaked, but feel people forget Remnant has stuff like Hard like shields and lazers and has had them long enough that they are not some new experimental technology, they are commonly used as far as Vacuo and Vale to serve as doors and street lamps.

There is also the fact I don't necessarily think Air superiority would be that helpful if the idea is to not just bomb civilians for shits and giggles and lure in Grimm. What I mean is, while Atlas does have an army & other nations have a complicated history with that concept, they heavily rely on the Hunter system and seemingly specialized teams. There aren't liable to be fortifications or trenches or massed troop movements to be casually bombing.

So the only way to win is basically bombing the places they want to occupy if said places don't bow down instantly. Otherwise it will be trying to shoot people faster than bullets, with durability high enough to casually withstand explosions and concussive forces that leave stuff like cars and buildings brought to ruin. All while those people are whipping out some random Semblance that might make a guy eat his own face or something, while shooting back, plus there's a Grimm coming, oh dear.

I'm not saying space ships and huge numbers and such wouldn't give them an advantage but war isn't just about blowing shit up as the USA should have learned in Vietnam, its about the right tools for the right job and I am unsure the UNSC has the right tools to actually conquer Remnant as they desire too.

Moving on from that angle.

There are other factors to consider like the Relics. IE "Jinn, tell me where the UNSC high command is, Ambrosius make me a bridge there, hi enjoy this bomb." Now one could say Jinn is limited to only knowing stuff on Remnant which would make sense given she doesn't know the brothers are twins. But even then "Tell me the enemies weaknesses/where the enemy command ship is" ETC still as its uses for a similar early clap back strategy. & that is before we get into stuff like the Relic of Destruction, or the potential for Maidens to be utilized in space or even just on Remnant.

Like, one thing to keep in mind regarding the Maidens is that they hold some very bonkers power that could be taken to bigger extremes than we see if they had reason to, the issue is there's rarely any benefit to them to make a giant tornado that might hit their allies or not prove very effective against specific enemies and so on. But with space ships and such, start generating and lazily directing those in any given direction the enemy seems to be coming from. Just using clouds to help generate EMPs as that might actually effect UNSC technology, hell, just create metric shit tons of lightning and super charged clouds and start firing wildly into space or where directed by radar.

Also I am a little unsure what they would even want there given Dust doesn't work outside the atmosphere. Like maybe once its in another atmosphere it does? Cos Dust does allow for a lot of bonkers bullshittery but otherwise I am unsure what the draw would be. Aura maybe? Definitely of interest but could also likely be accessed and studied without a costly war. It could be ideological though.

Salem & the Grimm:
Salem cannot functionally die, she becomes goop or seemingly a borderline spirit when sufficiently destroyed and then reforms and she can yell in anger so loud it an be felt and heard across Atlas. She has the power of all 4 Maidens, Ozpin, Raven & Qrow, plus whatever Grimm gunk she has going on. She can engineer flying airship carriers out of Grimm and rip open the crust of the earth to create geysers that shoot higher than skyscrapers and spawn Grimm. Its not exactly wrong to call her a force of nature in canon, she's damn close to it.

I also don't see why she'd be aiming to have both sides wipe each other out, even if one does buy that she wants to die which I don't, the only method she thinks will work is bringing back the Brothers and rule lawyering them.

The Grimm themselves are also a fucking nightmare, let's not forget.

Even if we ignore that USNC invasions will 100% lure in Grimm to make their victories either costly or meaningless. The critters themselves are still nightmares.

Even the crummy mook Grimm can tank no shortage of machine gun fire and the like, they can throw stuff at least around as heavy as a large car or heavier; they move with incredibly swiftness and can rip through stone and steel pretty easily. Those are the mook Grimm, Alpha from their ilk magnify that several times over along with being smarter; and that's before we get into stuff like how heavily armored the Boartusk is, or the fact Chimera spit fire. Plus, like Aura users, many can just shrug off missiles and explosives like nothing if they are on the beefier side.

But then we get even worse Grimm like the Apathy which just sap you will to even fight, our heroes only resisted as long as they did because they are well above average at the worst, but we saw from the farmer who went down to shoot them that the fear of death alone won't drive you to keep fighting.

Then there's Nightmares which infest a person lock them in a coma and turn them into a Grimm spawning ground, a Grimm that fuses other Grimm into hybrids like the Nuckaleave. Geist's that can literally posses objects and the UNSC's ships and such are all indeed objects, so that could go badly. Plus the Tempest which generate their own storms, as well as Kaiju like the Wyvern and Leviathan that can do stuff like spawn Grimm or are so gargantuan they could fall over and crush large swathes of a city.

Add in that they are drawn to negative, especially violent emotions, don't need food or air, cannot reasonably be poisoned, that many live underground or under the sea, that they cover most of the planet and you have a problem you can't reasonably bomb out of existence.

I am not saying no one should try and write the idea, especially as I am unsure somewhere like Atlas would even protest annexation if the rich felt they would be suitably protected, but I feel they undersell what a fucking nightmare this would likely be if it was a full on war.

The UNSC can win, don't get me wrong, orbital bombardment trumps almost anything so unless they are constantly using the sword on anything that enters their planets "Air space" or created some kind of massive EMP field the UNSC can win.

However, its not liable to be easy, without massive cost or potential loss of anything worth conquering in the process of actually winning if its solely done via war.
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I have no intention of shooting down idea and hope I don't come off as rude, also before that, one side thing to discuss:
Valid points, especially since the Covenant War itself lasts 27 years, and I don't know where to have canon start with this scenario.

Maybe instead of the UNSC, the Super Earth Armed Forces from Helldivers 2 would make for a better enemy. Remnant becomes a bleeding ulcer of a campaign theater where resistance groups find allies with the Automatons.
Valid points, especially since the Covenant War itself lasts 27 years, and I don't know where to have canon start with this scenario.

Maybe instead of the UNSC, the Super Earth Armed Forces from Helldivers 2 would make for a better enemy. Remnant becomes a bleeding ulcer of a campaign theater where resistance groups find allies with the Automatons.
Thanks I am heartened you think so and also oof yeah that also creates issues.

Sadly I don't know much about Helldriver so I can't really offer much, however I did actually have some thoughts on the Remnant/Halo angle.

So, the Insurrection or Covenant War has been going on for let's say 15 to 25 years give or take. Remnant is discovered, be it by Insurrectionist explorers, UNSC stealth bombing agents looking for a way into 'X' territory, or Covenant scholars.

The thing is, whoever gets there first is not necessarily going conquer them as said before and in some cases won't try. The Covenant government has no ideological stake in Remnant & its Aura Users could be very useful. The Insurrection would gain a lot from semi magical super soldiers, and the UNSC would also likely want Aura, Dust & so on or at least to keep them out of others hands.

The issue for all of them is, if they want to secure these resources fighting for them will suck. Remnant is not going to just roll over, & can either outright state, hint or just leave it to the imagination that they have secret weapons too.

& with other factions in the area, there's no means by which to glass the planet without thousands still escaping to "The enemy" and ensuring there are anywhere from hundreds to thousands of super powered soldiers with a vendetta and liable to be thousands more in a few generations.

So, some form of negotiations will be, as it happens, necessary.

I will stress that pretty much all factions are playing the long game.

The Covenant might tolerate religious freedom on Remnant until they have enough Aura users to make their own. The UNSC might tolerate Remnant having its own government, until they have compromised enough of the governments for it not to matter. The Insurrection might tolerate Remnant not signing on 100%, but can easily bribe no shortage of Hunters or other factions like criminals, mercenaries or the White Fang to their side with the promise of planets & land.

Remnant isn't stupid either & regardless of either its dealing with 1, 2 or 3 factions they are going to be angling for the best deals and to retain their independence or secure a position of power. Which definitely means closely monitoring everything Aura, Dust (& in secret) magic related. Plus, I can easily see Kuo Kuana being left out of the negotiations & the White Fang before or after they become militant so they may exist as a sort of, "Surprise, you ignored us and now we aligned with this faction, suck it!"

Then of course you have Salem who while she might not be craving everyone's destruction, is inherently destructive and is not liable to be thrilled by these developments even if she is very intrigued. I imagine she refocuses some spies and special operations onto this stuff, while moving to design some Space-Grimm, and seeing about getting a few Nightmares out into the stars. Speaking of, amazing premise for a Horror game there.

Remnant can also easily serve as a potential neutral ground at least between the UNSC and Insurrection to make some form of parlays without losing face. The Covenant is another matter, though I believe its canonical many in the Covenant found it weird that humanity was still being denied entry, at least until the destruction of the Ring, so I could see middle management types unaware of the truth at least toying with the idea.

Obviously what kind of story one could tell with this broad set up varies wildly, but I certainly think one could do some fun stuff with it.
playing the Switch Remake of Monster Hunter Stories

I could see Blake coming from a Tribe of Riders, while Ruby, Yang and Weiss are either Hunters or assosiated with Hunters.
Blake and her family - Riders

Ruby, Yang, Tai and Summer - Riders

Weiss, Winter - Scriveners (researcher guild)

Qrow and Raven - former members of a Rider tribe

Ozpin - a Wyverien
if Blake, her family, and the White Fang are Riders......
what Monsties do you think each main figure would have?

Like, a Nargacuga is an easy pick for Blake

but what of the rest?
This came to be in a dream.

<<Heartbreak Three here... Looks like that's the last of them.>>

She looked down, her F/C-15 on a wide, banking orbit around what used to be the biggest Cordium Dust mine in Vale. Now, it was the biggest scrapyard in the continent; processing units wrecked, storage silos destroyed, extractors sinking into the lakes of molten rock from which the substance was mined.

The raid had been successful beyond her wildest expectations; Dust Mother, all the raids had gone off far better than she'd thought. They'd knocked out a massive the Federation's Corium production, a blow which must be crippling their war machine.

And yet, why didn't she... why couldn't she feel any satisfaction from it?

A laugh over the radio.

<<Man, that was easy Black!>>

Blake Belladona, formerly of the Valean Airforce, currently of the Sicario Mercenary Corps, always, always, of the Faunus felt her feline ears twitch under her helmet. Clearly, not everyone was having the same second thoughts she was.

<<You always say that, Burn.>>

<<That's 'cuz it always is. Buncha rookie pilots without a single aura between them.>>

The almost-feral grin on her face had bloomed the moment the guns on her Accipiter had first spoken on this hunt, and it had stayed there since. It was her favourite part of her new life as a flying mercenary; the white-hot rush adrenaline, the roar of autocannons, the way her gorgeous Bumblebee was an extension of her self, the slow ground-attack plane quickly turning the tables on whoever thought it an easy target.

The satisfaction of a clear sky. Only the strongest and the quickest ruled, here.

In the back of her head, the raid reminded her of those her mother had brought her along for. Except that now she had much better company than her mother's tribe of bandits, and the pay was much, much better. And the targets were much more... deserving.

Yang Xiao Long-Branwen shook her head, banishing the dark thoughts from her head. Looking forwards, she reached out and straightened a photograph she'd stuck to the instrument panel; the last remnant of better times. The echo of what might've been.

A sigh crackled over the radio. <<And now you've just jinxed us, Burn.>>

A chuckle escaped Yang's throat. <<Ah, calm your non-existent tits, White. I can smell my payday already!>>

<<Are you sure those aren't just fumes from that bucket of bolts you insist on flying, Burn?>>

<<I'll have you know that ol' Bumblebee's the best plane in the air right now.>>

<<Burn, this is Black, I'm seeing smoke.>>

<<WHAT!? WHERE!?>>

She left Yang to figure out which part of her plane-shaped maintenance problem was actually damaged and instead kept a slow, sweeping orbit around the battlespace, one eye on the radar of the MG-29. The radar set fitted to the air-superiority fighter wasn't, she'd admit, the best, and AWACS Rogue would pick anything up ages before she did, but... it never hurt to be vigilant.

Though she'd never say it out loud, she agreed with Yang; this had been an easy job, all things considered, and even the surprise of a 205-class air battleship accompanying them handn't been enough sway the battle. Not when Sicario had a whole squadron with their auras and semblances unlocked. It was almost unfair.

Whatever. A job was a job and --whatever faults she had-- she'd never give anything but her best showing, no matter what she did. It's how it had always been; it's how she'd gone from being a caged songbird to here.

Weiss Schnee had earned her wings, and she'd earned her freedom.

<<Dust Mother-Damnint Black, where's the smoke!?>>

<<Five klicks to your port, Burn.>>

A pause. Weiss could almost hear the smile on Blake's face.

<<... Oh, when we get back you'd better start run-.>>

AWACS Rogue's smooth, I-can't-believe-I-must-work-with-these-idiots voice interrupted whatever Yang was about to say. <<As much as I hate to interrupt your rambling, I'm afraid we've got company.>>

Yang laughed. <<Awww, looks like someone's late to the party! Come on, I've still got some->>

<<Crimson Squadron's on station. Is this them? The mercenaries?>>

The young --almost too young-- voice coming in over the open channel made Yang's words die in her throat. A shudder went down Weiss's spine.

Her mother had been a hero. The White Rose of the Federation, who'd cleansed the skies of Menagerie and destroyed the Mercenary Cabal... at the cost of her own life. She'd been almost too young to remember her, of course and... it had been hard, growing up in her shadow. Everything she did would remind her teachers or her tutors or her instructors or her superiors of mother, and everyone always seemed to be comparing the Elder Rose with the Younger, even if they didn't mean to do it.

It had been hard... but she'd never been the sort to give up. Always running towards danger, rather than away from it. Never content with sitting still.

So she'd signed on to the Federation Airforce, and worked her butt off. The youngest to complete pilot certification, the youngest pilot to lead a squadron, the youngest Ace in Federation history...

And then Ruby Rose had finally earned something her mother had never gotten; Peacekeeper. The tip of the spear of the Federation. The best of the best of the best.

She'd escaped the shadow.

She touched the rose emblem pinned to her flight suit. Her radar chirped, and she keyed her mike.

<<Crimson Squadron's on station. Is this them? The mercenaries?>>

Ruby couldn't keep the hiss of disdain from her voice.

<<Affirmative. Drive these Mercenaries out of the airspace, Crimson One.>>

She pouted under her helmet --what she would give for a few more pounds of fuel and a load of missiles!-- but conceded that they were pushing things as it were. Oh well...

<<Roger that.>> She smiled, hearing the missile tone growl in her headset.

<<Tally-ho, Crimson team; let's chase these dogs off!>>

As one, Crimson team dived towards the dogs that dared sully her airspace.

No you're not getting more unless someone else continues this.
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if Blake, her family, and the White Fang are Riders......
what Monsties do you think each main figure would have?

Like, a Nargacuga is an easy pick for Blake

but what of the rest?
Hmm, there's a lot of monsters to choose from if you're not limited to the Monsties in Stories, and actually look at the whole franchise, even if you draw a line at using Elder Dragons.

For Blake's parents, if you want them to be outright badasses then you can give them the obvious power couple of Rathalos and Rathian, although I think those two are actually more thematically fitting for Taiyang and Raven. Otherwise if Ghira and Kali are supposed to be more peaceful they don't need "high-level" partners. Blangonga, Bullfango, Orugaron, Arzuros, or even some of the Herbivores.

The only other White Fang character I'll bother to think about is Adam. Deviljho, while not having any blade aesthetic, I actually find funnily appropriate for him where I'd normally struggle to find a character who matches that particular monster.
Hmm, there's a lot of monsters to choose from if you're not limited to the Monsties in Stories, and actually look at the whole franchise, even if you draw a line at using Elder Dragons.

For Blake's parents, if you want them to be outright badasses then you can give them the obvious power couple of Rathalos and Rathian, although I think those two are actually more thematically fitting for Taiyang and Raven. Otherwise if Ghira and Kali are supposed to be more peaceful they don't need "high-level" partners. Blangonga, Bullfango, Orugaron, Arzuros, or even some of the Herbivores.

The only other White Fang character I'll bother to think about is Adam. Deviljho, while not having any blade aesthetic, I actually find funnily appropriate for him where I'd normally struggle to find a character who matches that particular monster.

What about Glavenus?

edgey sword rex