Lesbian and Yuri Anime/TV/Novel/General Discussion Thread

Maria Watches over us is getting a blu-ray set for the whole series. Out Next year.

Maria Watches Over Us Blu-ray

About Maria Watches Over Us Blu-rayMaria Watches Over Us contains anime episodes 1-13 of Season 1, episodes 1-13 of Season 2, OVA episodes 1-5 of Season 3, all directed by Yukihiro Matsushita, and episodes 1-13 of Season 4 directed by Toshiyuki Kato.Adapting to life at Tokyo's prestigious...
Anyone else read Crowded recently?

It's escalated from one kiss to half the issue being character development dialogue make outs and/or post sex cuddling and the butch character went from tall and skinny to having arms thicker than the other character's head.

Edit: Also tall lesbian/short lesbian seems to be a common thing I see in media with lesbians now? Is it a thing?

I mean, my wife has like 4-6 inches on me so I relate, but is it a "thing" in general now?
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Anyone else read Crowded recently?

It's escalated from one kiss to half the issue being character development dialogue make outs and/or post sex cuddling and the butch character went from tall and skinny to having arms thicker than the other character's head.

Edit: Also tall lesbian/short lesbian seems to be a common thing I see in media with lesbians now? Is it a thing?

I mean, my wife has like 4-6 inches on me so I relate, but is it a "thing" in general now?
I know what you mean, it does feel like that particular...dynamic, I guess you could call it, is way more popular nowadays than it used to be even a couple years ago. I think it's connected to how "I want her to beat me up"-style comments are also way more common to hear among wlw nowadays, but heck if I know what it means. I find it kind of uncomfortable myself, honestly, seeing how it seems to be fostering an expectation that butches are violent and/or aggressive, which seems like bad news to me.
I know what you mean, it does feel like that particular...dynamic, I guess you could call it, is way more popular nowadays than it used to be even a couple years ago. I think it's connected to how "I want her to beat me up"-style comments are also way more common to hear among wlw nowadays, but heck if I know what it means. I find it kind of uncomfortable myself, honestly, seeing how it seems to be fostering an expectation that butches are violent and/or aggressive, which seems like bad news to me.

Eh? Seems a bit of a jump to go from tall lesbian / short lesbian to that? Personally I think it's just bleed over from heteronormative romances. Take a look at anime sometimes. How often is the male lead conveniently a head taller than the female love interest?
Eh? Seems a bit of a jump to go from tall lesbian / short lesbian to that? Personally I think it's just bleed over from heteronormative romances. Take a look at anime sometimes. How often is the male lead conveniently a head taller than the female love interest?
Sorry, I was thinking about the "I want her to beat me up" thing I mentioned. Guess I lost track of my train of thought.
Lesfic boxing week sale! With some freebies too.

IHL Mega Sale

December 26 through December 30 Welcome to the third I Heart Lesfic Holiday Mega sale. This is the biggest sale to date. How big? More than 100 authors have joined forces to deeply discount more th…
I made the mistake of reading the comments. =/

To be honest, I've always preferred marvel to dc and I prefer manga to either. I don't really have an investment in their relationship, but it's 2020. Have some guts and just let them be girlfriends already! >=0
That's the weird part honestly. I saw the Birds of Prey movie today, and in the opening montage where Harley talks about her relationships before the Joker one of them was with a woman. I don't get why they're being so wishy washy about Harley/Ivy.
Honestly, DC has been pretty shitty to its female characters ever since Dan Didio took over editorial in 2004. It's why I eventually stopped reading their stuff.

'I Am Not Okay With This' Trailer: A Coming-Of-Age Superhero Movie In The Vein Of John Hughes - SlashFilm

A new I Am Not Okay With This trailer promises plenty of teen angst and awkwardness in the vein of John Hughes. Oh, and there are superpowers involved too.

That time in a teenager's life when you start falling for your best female friend... and develop TK powers. Oops.
Trailer seems to be leaving out the "lesbian feelings" aspect. If the article didn't mention it, I wouldn't have known it was a thing.

(From the producers of Stranger Things, another series about a girl with telekinetic powers in the '80s. :V )

I have Netflix, so I will probably check this out when I finish up what I'm currently watching.
Just thought I'd drop this in here, as it's certainly not inaccurate in reference to the Symphogear series:


'I Am Not Okay With This' Trailer: A Coming-Of-Age Superhero Movie In The Vein Of John Hughes - SlashFilm

A new I Am Not Okay With This trailer promises plenty of teen angst and awkwardness in the vein of John Hughes. Oh, and there are superpowers involved too.

That time in a teenager's life when you start falling for your best female friend... and develop TK powers. Oops.
Watched the first three episodes of this tonight while in the gym.

Turns out that despite everything looking like the '80s, it actually takes place in the modern day. The only way I could tell was by the presence of smartphones and a few throwaway lines.

It's been pretty decent so far, but if you're mainly interested in it for the "lesbian crush" aspect, be advised that part starts out very low-key, with her not even realizing her own feelings, and develops slowly.