Lakes of Green, Reloaded [Primal Zerg SI]

In addition with point to point instant warp, it should only take around 100 years or even less depending how long you spend in each system to fully cross the galaxy and back.
Is there anywhere a maximum distance stated that can be crossed with one wormhole?
I think I should once again bring up the scale of the galaxy. There are billions of stars in the Milky Way, many with only one or two planets. Even with my instant system-to-system FTL method, I've covered maybe a sixth of the galaxy in the last thousand years. Let me tell you, it's not a small number. Even the systems I seeded life in, I didn't stay long enough to check whether it was proceeding apace. I still have no idea where the Koprulu sector is and even less idea of where Sol lies in this galactic starscape.
Well, if you visit 10 star systems per day, that'll be around 1000*365*10 star systems. Using the average number of stars from a google search (ie, 250 billion), you visited 0,00146% of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Nice that this is back.

A for the chapter, I hope that in each system he checks he is leaving some kind of organic sensors slash probe that will observe the system. This way when he finish searching the whole Galaxy he will have complete sensor network covering the whole of it in real time. No one could hide from him this way.
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Well, if you visit 10 star systems per day, that'll be around 1000*365*10 star systems. Using the average number of stars from a google search (ie, 250 billion), you visited 0,00146% of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Presumably, he is only visiting places which show as having the right planets to be able to house life. As such it cuts down the number by a colossal amount.
Well, if you visit 10 star systems per day, that'll be around 1000*365*10 star systems. Using the average number of stars from a google search (ie, 250 billion), you visited 0,00146% of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

Well I think he scans systems before jumping to check if they have planets, hell if he jumps to systems with only single yellow Stars then the number of systems he needs to check grows much smaller. This way he can skip all systems with more then one star, with stars of different color or with not enouch planets.
First off welcome back, glad to see a chapter. And get well soon.
I really don't see why your mc is having problems with staying awake for that timespan, there are plenty of creatures that have the kinds of minds which have such infinite patience so just adapt.
In addition with point to point instant warp, it should only take around 100 years or even less depending how long you spend in each system to fully cross the galaxy and back.
I think it has to do with being sentient. There is only so long you can go on doing the same thing before getting bored, even with others around you.
In regards to the 'staying awake' thing, it's not that he's sleepy, it's that he's tired. It's been millennia since he was ROB'd, and while the Zerg brain might be alert and aware, untiring and unflinching, Zeratus was human. Some of his original mentality exists under all the mutations and adaptions. Humans get tired of life. Even in most fictional universes where humans gain some form of longevity or immortality, most eventually choose to 'pass on'. those who actively search out and embrace an eternal life are prepared to accept the consequences. SI was a normal person, not some Dao-seeking Martial Artist.

About the time taken, he's not trying to race to the other side of the galaxy, he's individually cataloging and checking every single system and planet he comes across. He is 'skipping' inconsequential systems (By immediately leaving if there is nothing of value), but given the nature of what he's searching for he can't afford to just not visit every system. The zerg can thrive in any environment, and he has no idea where he is relative to Earth. The starscape he observes has no constellations in common with Earth's point-of-view.
Well I think he scans systems before jumping to check if they have planets, hell if he jumps to systems with only single yellow Stars then the number of systems he needs to check grows much smaller. This way he can skip all systems with more then one star, with stars of different color or with not enouch planets.
True. Then he invests time to scan, and that makes the arbitrary '10 systems per day' still harder to achieve.
The starscape he observes has no constellations in common with Earth's point-of-view.
How well does you character remember that view?
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I'm really curious what will he actualy do when he finds Earth. After all besides confirming where the Koprulu sector is there is no other benefit. Tought he could propably modify human DNA to for example increase their psy potential or made them much more resistant or even immune to Swarm Zerg infection.

For some reason it now stuck in my head that he will create a city under the ocean and names it Ryllo'th and when he meets humans he will tell them his name is the Old One and that he is going to sleep, but when he will awaken there will be a great war.

Also if he finds Earth it will be much simpler to find Aiur since its fairly close in the scale of Galaxy.
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You and me both. My original storyline has already been thrown out the window, as has the revised storyline. Time to write a new one.

Maybe instead of a whole time line just write in points what you want to happend in your story and improvise the rest?

Also in topic of humanity, the MC have only two main choices.

He can do nothing or he can do something.

If he decides to do something he needs to think what he wants to do, to what degree he wants to interfere and when exactly he wants to do it in the next 40000 years.

Because let me tell you that while interfering early would be fun it would eliminate any possibility of the canon humanity, the Dominion, Umojans and others from existing in the same form.

So, and that't just my opinion, he should interfere subtly and in way that leaves no big traces till the early canon or maybe earlier if the Primal Empire meetes humans before that. The moment the Swarm and canon starts he can freerly derail it completly knowing that while he will change things his memories of Starcraft and the main players like Mengks or Kerrigan still apply allowing him great deal of advantage from that alone.
You and me both. My original storyline has already been thrown out the window, as has the revised storyline. Time to write a new one.
Well you could always make this more of a multicrossover by stumbling across earthlike planets that have x or y story taking place on them.

Though in that situation, nothing kills a story faster then getting bogged down in said crossovers, ie if you visit a planet that has a cameo or two on it (for non full crossovers) don't stay on said planet long enough to lose interest... (I can't even imagine how many 'multi-crossovers' died too including worm....)

Another option is just say f-it, timeskip 40k years with a summary that ends in, it is now the mass effect/starcraft/whatever-crossover games time period...
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Well you could always make this more of a multicrossover by stumbling across earthlike planets that have x or y story taking place on them.

Though in that situation, nothing kills a story faster then getting bogged down in said crossovers, ie if you visit a planet that has a cameo or two on it (for non full crossovers) don't stay on said planet long enough to lose interest... (I can't even imagine how many 'multi-crossovers' died too including worm....)

Another option is just say f-it, timeskip 40k years with a summary that ends in, it is now the mass effect/starcraft/whatever-crossover games time period...

Maybe instead of a whole time line just write in points what you want to happend in your story and improvise the rest?

Also in topic of humanity, the MC have only two main choices.

He can do nothing or he can do something.

If he decides to do something he needs to think what he wants to do, to what degree he wants to interfere and when exactly he wants to do it in the next 40000 years.

Because let me tell you that while interfering early would be fun it would eliminate any possibility of the canon humanity, the Dominion, Umojans and others from existing in the same form.

So, and that't just my opinion, he should interfere subtly and in way that leaves no big traces till the early canon or maybe earlier if the Primal Empire meetes humans before that. The moment the Swarm and canon starts he can freerly derail it completly knowing that while he will change things his memories of Starcraft and the main players like Mengks or Kerrigan still apply allowing him great deal of advantage from that alone.

Both good points. I don't intend for it to be a multi-crossover, at least in this universe, and I feel I wouldn't do them justice anyway. My original storyline WAS a list of main events, but most of them have been subverted and changed. My first timeline didn't include making a whole civilization, and my second one was going to be a timeskip, but i've now planned out something a bit more entertaining...
Glad to see you back alive and sort of well.
Sooo the big nap (time skip) is coming close.
Before you go to sleep can you make some sort of space cows? after all the space is big empty and few harmless and shy life forms could make it more colorfull, also funny to watch the reaction of different civilization and especialy pre-space to watch the equivalent of cows to graze on gas gians and fly to another solar system in front of their telescops.
I can tottaly see the the after report: " Mr. President, The unown organisms spend around 62hours grazing on Saturn then aimed closer to sun where all of 31individuals stoped moving onfy for their "fins" to stretch to colect sunlight. We believe it was form of colecting energy or if you will, sunbathing.
After 138hours 6 of them quickly reached border of our solar system and left in what appears to be FTL.
In those 5days our telescops caught incredible footage of infighting where individuals were impacting each others, those six were apparetly lossers and were exiled from the group.
The rest continued to fly around the bigger winners and many smaller were rubing agains them. From the shots we speculate we have witnesed breeding rituals of what now our scientists calls "space cows".
As you can see on those pictures those on the sides didnt get involved and after 16hours we have detected many more tiny ones flying in circles aroud them with more coming out.
In another 30hours all remaing and new individuals left the same way as the group before but on other side of our system. Worth mentioning is those tiny ones sticked to the sides of others before the herd engage in FTL.
With all the footage we believe we have witnessed migrating herd of space cows grazin, competitn for mating, mating itself and born of new ones."
Both good points. I don't intend for it to be a multi-crossover, at least in this universe, and I feel I wouldn't do them justice anyway. My original storyline WAS a list of main events, but most of them have been subverted and changed. My first timeline didn't include making a whole civilization, and my second one was going to be a timeskip, but i've now planned out something a bit more entertaining...
You could also close the prolog with 'and then I and my children seeded the galaxy with life. Boring, but strangely fulfilling.'
And starting the next part could go along the lines of 'It was strange being back. I watched as Armstrong take his step on the moon, heard the memetic sentence and felt old old memories stirring.'
In regards to the 'staying awake' thing, it's not that he's sleepy, it's that he's tired. It's been millennia since he was ROB'd, and while the Zerg brain might be alert and aware, untiring and unflinching, Zeratus was human. Some of his original mentality exists under all the mutations and adaptions. Humans get tired of life. Even in most fictional universes where humans gain some form of longevity or immortality, most eventually choose to 'pass on'. those who actively search out and embrace an eternal life are prepared to accept the consequences. SI was a normal person, not some Dao-seeking Martial Artist.
This wrong, I dont know where you got this idea, no one wants to pass on willingly, human survival instinct is too strong even in the face of age-related death. You don't need to pursue immortality to not want to die. Sleeping for 1000s of years is pretty much dying for that amount of time anyways.

At least with a 1000 years of full-on evolution and dedication by mc to develop his own strength, he might have a chance to beat Amon but if he wants to just give up and sleep with no progress for thousands of years he might as well give up now.
If mcs human mind is so bored just put it to sleep and let the zerg mind do the real work, you can wake the human up when he stops being bored or when the plot starts. Or make a nonsapient 2nd brain and let it do the hard work while you sleep, anything is better than getting bored and effectively killing yourself for 1000s of years.

Because if your mc is already so tired of life that he is willing to skip thousands of years then there is no point because mc will not find anything so pivotal 1k years in the future that he will not just want to 'sleep' again. There is plenty to live for mc right now, his kids, empire, adaption, a goal, exploration etc; the future of starcraft does not provide any additional value that would change mcs reason for staying awake as such its pointless to sleep unless you are absolutely sure that something 1k years in the future will give you a reason to live.
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For the mental fatigue, seeing as he can evolve selectively, why not develop a system similar to a dolphin where he can selectively send parts of his brain into hibernation to recuperate and only in dire situations he will have all of his brain active.

This way he can automatise the boring parts and not simply shut down totally.
If your character is getting bored, then obviously he's been working on this task for too long without a break or anything fun to do. Take a break to head back to the empire and see what has changed. Or try something new and difficult like trying to seed a star with zerg life that is adapted all around dealing with the heat and pressure of the sun's surface and eventually trying to dive deeper and live 'underground'.
Well I'm glad to see you back and I'm quite interested see where you keep going with this story.

Ok Boomer.

My only question here is why didn't you ortillery the nascent Overmind?

Okay. Firstly, HUGE fan.

Secondly, at that point the SI did not have the power or strength to be anything more than an amoeba to the overmind. He only learned to harness his psionic in reaction to the overmind leaving the system.
Okay. Firstly, HUGE fan.

Secondly, at that point the SI did not have the power or strength to be anything more than an amoeba to the overmind. He only learned to harness his psionic in reaction to the overmind leaving the system.
Glad to hear you enjoy my work. And I didn't mean using psionics, I meant just shelling the Overmind with the spinal guns.
The problem is scale. One kilometer long cuttle-zerg, against a million-strong swarm, is not a good match up.

I was just using psionics as an example of how weak he was.
Oh I'm not doubting his weakness at the time relatively speaking, I was more thinking that the Overmind was an awfully big target and in its nascent state, it might not have realized that a few shots that missed the mutalisks were actually right on target.