Lakes of Green, Reloaded [Primal Zerg SI]

why would he be suffering from loneliness, that's a human thing, humans are social animals, not necessarily zergs...the Xel Naga wouldn't allow such a weakness....if you an entirely different species, a superior species like a Primal Zerg, you shouldn't be suffering from loneliness or madness...

I'm surprised he made himself known to the other Zergs, should have just hidden himself and slept for a 1,000 years
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You underestimate my procrastination. I'm not the most efficient person, and even being a Zerg has not changed him completely. I could make him the ultimate guy, who works 24/7 on every project. But that's not me.

He's also spent a significant amount of time alone, and wants someone to talk to. I acknowledge that he's not human anymore and so doesn't have that as a biological need. It's more mental and metaphysical. He could go and populate every planet and moon with Zerg, but that wouldn't give him companionship because he'd leave far before anything came of it. It'd Just be Boring. And he's had enough of boring.

He'll leave Zerus 2 eventually, but for now he's waiting for something he can trust. Zerg aren't the best for this, but he'll make do. Watching them grow like this is also a form of entertainment.

He could ensure 100% loyalty by using mind control, but he'd rather have a friend than a slave.
Wouldn't your planet !!Zerosh!! be only imitation of Zerus with short livespam? after all Zerus have Fist spawning pool and probably many secondary ones from loong dead gigantic zergs.
I would expect evolution on your planet to slow down with time more and more withoud injecting more "catalytic fluid" on its surface. You should investigate thouse in Zerus and copy it when you go back. On the other side this is probably problem of the future when you leave and SI wont notic it while he is there to regulet it with his "gifts", or you can just have a bite and eat your work when you leave :)
If we gonna go with Zer, why not call it Zeridos or Zerudos? Honestly I just went with the Spanish 2 to add to the the Zer part.
You underestimate my procrastination. I'm not the most efficient person, and even being a Zerg has not changed him completely. I could make him the ultimate guy, who works 24/7 on every project. But that's not me.

He's also spent a significant amount of time alone, and wants someone to talk to. I acknowledge that he's not human anymore and so doesn't have that as a biological need. It's more mental and metaphysical. He could go and populate every planet and moon with Zerg, but that wouldn't give him companionship because he'd leave far before anything came of it. It'd Just be Boring. And he's had enough of boring.

He'll leave Zerus 2 eventually, but for now he's waiting for something he can trust. Zerg aren't the best for this, but he'll make do. Watching them grow like this is also a form of entertainment.

He could ensure 100% loyalty by using mind control, but he'd rather have a friend than a slave.
But your mc has had thousands of years to drift away from you and get over his bad habits. A human can change mindsets and get rid of bad habits within years, primal zergs can change way faster than that even mentally. For example, who knows how many prey animals, predators, stealth animals mc has consumed which would include their mental instincts of stalking, patience, always being alert etc. Simply put your primal zerg dna and brain would never allow you stagnate like you are doing right now. Indeed back on zerus mc would have had to phase out your bad habits or he wouldn't have survived.

Even boredom would have been suppressed heavily by your zerg essence traits, boredom is not a good thing for primals so they would phase it out of their mental structures real quick.

So you are saying that even though mc knows the threats he will have to face and its a matter of life and death he is willing to sit around and waste time procrastinating? His survival instinct should be screaming at him, he wasted 3000 years doing jack all, that's a significant portion of his prep time where he could have been prepping to gain strength at least enough to take on a starcraft race.
But your mc has had thousands of years to drift away from you and get over his bad habits. A human can change mindsets and get rid of bad habits within years, primal zergs can change way faster than that even mentally. For example, who knows how many prey animals, predators, stealth animals mc has consumed which would include their mental instincts of stalking, patience, always being alert etc. Simply put your primal zerg dna and brain would never allow you stagnate like you are doing right now. Indeed back on zerus mc would have had to phase out your bad habits or he wouldn't have survived.

Even boredom would have been suppressed heavily by your zerg essence traits, boredom is not a good thing for primals so they would phase it out of their mental structures real quick.

So you are saying that even though mc knows the threats he will have to face and its a matter of life and death he is willing to sit around and waste time procrastinating? His survival instinct should be screaming at him, he wasted 3000 years doing jack all, that's a significant portion of his prep time where he could have been prepping to gain strength at least enough to take on a starcraft race.

So there are plot holes. I admit I've probably been rushing these last two-three chapters out, and didn't give them enough thought.

So there are two things I can do at this point;

Go back and edit his trip to have been shorter and include a few experiments he was doing along with some thoughts on the future apocalypse. I could also make some changes to his though patterns through the story to highlight his change in mindset.

I could also say "duck you, this is my story." And keep going as I have.

I'm not going to do the second, because I know you're trying to be constructive by pointing out holes in my story that break your immersion.

I'll probably go back and fix the problems, but it's almost midnight for me right now and I need to sleep for University tomorrow.

So good night everybody.
Now all you need to do is make a couple of Bio-Seed-Ships and make them sail throughout the galaxy to plant more Zerg-Life! Zerg Supremacy for the Win! You'll soon harvest the strongest Zerg on each planet you seed, making yourself stronger, and finally be big enough to devour entire stars!
He very definitely did. Alcubeirre drives are cool, and very dangerous if not handled right.

Anyone wanna take a shot at explaining an EM drive? I don't know how that one works.
As I understand it, Alcubierre drives work by compressing space in front and expanding space behind, creating an FTL 'wave' for a ship to surf.

EM drives, however, don't do that. They are highly theoretical, and the best I could figure out don't use reaction mass to move (burning fuel, dumping something out an airlock, etc), but instead are 'reactionless,' which technically doesn't and can't exist. The closest scientists believe we can get to that is by using light itself to push the ship, but at the moment that's not very practical.

So, basically, an EM drive is sticking a ludicrously powerful flashlight on the end of your ship and turning it on.
I don't know much about Zerg or it's mechanics, but, what Mc gains with this? ( besides company ) I mean, i guess i can understand gaining potencial for terrestrial and aerial creatures, but only that? Since he came from the ocean and became space-species.

Can the mc manipulate the planet for harshness over time ? Extreme temperatures, toxins, radiations, i dunno.

How about the creation of new elements?
But that would need a star...

Can the Mc survive in the center of a star?
That would be cool

( English not first language )

[ EDIT: Super-cool participating in a story like that, everyone who had read the before can see the author used some ideas from the comments! Like, they really read us and edited! Thank you very much author! May this story be long and prosper ( does that makes sense ? ) ]
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EM drives, however, don't do that. They are highly theoretical, and the best I could figure out don't use reaction mass to move (burning fuel, dumping something out an airlock, etc), but instead are 'reactionless,' which technically doesn't and can't exist. The closest scientists believe we can get to that is by using light itself to push the ship, but at the moment that's not very practical.
No, my friend, those are solar sails, they use reflecting light off stationary lasers to move. EM drives were supposed to work by having a cone such that the inherent bouncing of atoms or reflecting waves hits the front plate and reflect off the back, as the back has more area than the front a thrust is supposed to be produced therefore pushing the spaceship forward without ejecting matter or light. This does not work in real life because of conservation of momentum. You are correct about the Alcubierre drives though.
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Chapter 10: Primitive Civilization
For those who only read story posts, I've edited and changed the last two chapters. Not significantly, but certainly shortening the timeframe and showing more progress from the SI.

Chapter 10: Primitive Civilization

It seems the compulsions I put on it have worked because Primus's Tribe has settled down at the base of the mountain. They've made a burrow and used the essence of a local tunneling Zerg to create a hard shell on the inside walls, protecting them from any burrowers or cave-ins.

I'll check in with It later.

---=== 49,974 ===---​

It's been a very entertaining and productive year. Primus's tribe has grown to 100 sapient members. They're finding it hard to hunt with so many in the tribe. I pondered giving them some kind of crop or teaching them domestication, but Zerg are not humans. They won't allow themselves to be domesticated and Primals might be Omnivores but they're predators through and through. They'd hate farming.

So, I ordered Primal to choose some subordinates and they split off into sub-tribes. Soon after, two groups of 20 left, leaving a more manageable 40 in his tribe.

Personally, I've been advancing my psionics. I'm able to perfectly control my Telekinesis now, from tiny particles of dust to massive rocks. The Tribe freaked out when I lifted off to go practice on asteroids, but they revere me even more now, so... Bonus?

I've also managed to figure out psionic blades. Solid psionic energy is tough to deal with, mostly containing it, keeping it solid. It also gets harder to control it the further from your body it is.

So, I decided to layer them atop my bladed tentacles. The advantage is that Psionic energy is not matter. It is Energy. The more I use it and the more control I gain over it, the tighter I'll be able to compress the blades, and the sharper it will be.

---=== 49,970 ===---​

It's been four years since Primus split his tribe and they've made it a yearly tradition to split off a new tribe and send them on to new lands, all across the continent of Zeral, on the planet of Zergrove.

I've solved the food situation though! I created a Spawning Pool. It took a while with lots of trial and error, but I have created a pool of pure Essence that periodically spawns a brand new Zerg. At a fair pace too, a couple of Zerg a day. I placed it a fair distance from the village and informed them of its location. They now 'farm' these Zerg by letting them grow big and strong, then hunting them down.

The pool is pretty big, a kilometer across, but I can already see that it's slowly draining as new Zerg emerge.

The First Spawning Pool was the corpse of a nameless beast, and I don't particularly want to die to feed this ecosystem.

Either way, it should become self-sustaining within a few centuries. After all, new flesh and biomass will enter the system through the plant-Zerg, and none will leave.

I believe I've optimized myself, biology-wise, as much as I can. New Essences and strains are what I need. For now, I guess I'll continue working on my Psionics. Perhaps I can use it to improve my Spinal Cannons. My blades, which could already cut through rock, now cut through it like a hot knife through butter. Maybe a projectile? Some kind of Psi-Bullet perhaps?

---=== 49,950 ===---​

I have Good and Bad news. I succeeded on the creation of a Psi-bullet by creating a shell of Psionic Energy in a 'spine' shape and filling it with barely stable energy, which will explode out when the shell is destroyed. I've also applied my telekinesis to the spinal canons, causing their initial acceleration to increase dramatically. Finally, I have a weapon viable for space battles.

The bad news is that the Primals are… well…

I am... Conflicted. On one hand, I've created a new civilization. On the other, they resemble the Orks of Warhammer more than anything else.

The tribes are at constant war with each other for their Essence and food, each having their own spawning pool.

It all started when I fixed the problem of spawning pools draining and a rebel tribe stole some of the Essence. And not by eating it, like you would expect. They took some in a container and made their own proto-pool. You see, the raw Essence in the Pool can now render down anything placed within it into more Raw Essence. The more one type of essence dominates, the more likely it is for the Essence to appear in the Zerg spawned from it.

This has lead to wildly diverging tribes. All appropriately named by me, of course.

The Ironskins, who's Spawning Pool contains an extremely high metal content. This caused all Zerg sawn from the pool to have extremely tough armor. They invented their own version of Blitzkrieg warfare, where they literally run the opposition over.

The Swoopers, a tribe dominated by flight-capable Zerg who, as the name implies, 'swoop' down to dive-bomb and grab their enemies, who they then drop from a great height. Zerg do make a very satisfying splat. The Ironskins are too heavy for this to work, so they employ different tactics against them, like building their nest on a cliff-face where they can't reach them

The Primals, the original tribe who surround my mountain. They worship me as the Apex and progenitor of their species, they curse in my name and pray to me. All the tribes do this, but the Primals most of all. They are the most diverse in form but united in their 'defense' of me from the other tribes.

The Deep Ones, an entirely subterranean tribe that excel in ambush and hit-and-run tactics. They're the smallest tribe, but also the most elusive. They also see through vibrations, eyes being unnecessary underground. This also means they are vulnerable to the Swoopers when they are on the surface. I also might have gifted them with enough heat resistance that they enjoy swimming in lava.

The rest of the Zerg either independent or live underwater.

Their politics are hilarious. The leader of each tribe is the most powerful, but for Zerg, powerful has many meanings. It means Oldest because one who has lived longer than you is more powerful. It means Strongest because one who is stronger than you can squash you like a bug. It means Most Cunning because one who can outmaneuver their foe will have an advantage over the others.

It means much else, but these are the core meanings.

When a Zerg believe it's fit to be the leader of a tribe, it challenges the current leader. If it's successful, then it undertakes a pilgrimage to my mountain to be 'blessed.' This is, of course, when I give them my tainted gift of Intelligence with a dash of mind control. If it fails, it's body is thrown into the spawning pool, so that it's essence might one day produce something worthwhile.

So yeah. I accidentally turned the Zerg into Orks. They might be a force capable of combating the Swarm though, given enough time to develop their culture, warfare, and united leadership.

However, they will have to do it without me. There is much I need to do in preparation for the future and I can't do it hiding on this random planet.

It's time to move on.

end an:
Zerg Zerg Zerg Zerg, Zerg Zerg Zerg Zerg.
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Hue Hue Hue! Now to create entirely new species and seed the galaxy! Total Domination Ho! Would it be feasible for you to recreate Thresher Maws and Varrens using Zerg Essence? Cause think they are quite simple to make compared to other Zerg Strains. I mean Thresher Maws can live in Vaccum, and Varrens are essentially Space Hell Dogs on steroids.
I'm able to perfectly control my Telekinesis now, from tiny particles of dust to massive rocks.
Go smaller. Once you can do molecular chemistry with your mind, then you'll be about meh level at TK.

I believe I've optimized myself, biology-wise, as much as I can.
Nope, you need to expose yourself to harsher environments. Chill yourself to as close to absolute zero as possible, fly close to the sun, slam your bulk into iron rich planetoids to toughen yourself up, sit within the tidal forces of massive gravitational bodies.

Zerg Civilization!

Maybe Theocentric civ ? In the future, of course.

Things will be fun in the next thousand of years in the zerg-something planet

( I agree with @yinko plan too, super-adaptability means masochism ! [ this say author can make mc insane ? Maybe ? We know they want something like that ] )
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Perhaps Techno-Zergs are a possibility? Also will Mc make a big mysterious speech that foreshadows the dangers of the galaxy before leaving? Would make a great motivation for the Primals to reach for the stars. Danger = Essence after all.

Have you been reading my OneNote file? *Quickly checks permissions.*
Not so sure that would be possible or useful in the way that you think, anything technology wise would need upkeep and constant upgrades to keep up the ever-adapting zergs... you'd need something near the tier of a Galvanic Mechamorph for it truly useful to a zerg, especially our space cuttlefish zerg (Reaper reference)

He could still seed random planets with proto zergs and check up on them later, well that's if the Overmind doesn't sense the planet filled with zergs
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Not so sure that would be possible or useful in the way that you think, anything technology wise would need upkeep and constant upgrades to keep up the ever-adapting zergs... you'd need something near the tier of a Galvanic Mechamorph for it truly useful to a zerg, especially our space cuttlefish zerg (Reaper reference)

Nah, not the tech stuff. Mostly informing them of the reason for my departure, giving them a goal. That goal being Survival because that's the thing Zerg understand the most.
Leave a psychic beacon on the planet to keep up with them? Communication on a galactic scale got to be possible for the zergs considering the Overmind...
WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!. I'm Loving this story, I have a Suggestion, Please make it so that they Developed Technologies like the Human and the Ork From Warhammer 40K or The Vong from Star Wars. I'm looking forward to Kerrigan reaction, and the other Species. I hope you make a POV of other people reaction of the New ZERG.
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Maybe also find a way for them to be less battle hungry?
so that they can make a better first impression to other sentient species?