Lakes of Green, Reloaded [Primal Zerg SI]

Actually it'll terrify the lesser zerg very effectively but draw the attention of the stupid zerg or very dangerous one. After all, like you said making noise will draw in zergs but those who do tends to be capable of backing it up.
On Zerus there is always a Zerg out there that can defeat and eat you.
They do get rather... big, don't they? First time I saw one off the edge of the map I ligit fell off my chair.
My stressful moment was carefully driving my Cyclops past the one in the tunnels to the Tree (needed the storage to haul the base-building materials) in a fashion similar to (as Zero Punctuation put it) a kitten crawling down a hose pipe. On one hand the environment left little if any room to maneuver the bulky and sluggish submarine and on the other; there was this constantly screaming giant monster far too close for comfort.
My stressful moment was carefully driving my Cyclops past the one in the tunnels to the Tree (needed the storage to haul the base-building materials) in a fashion similar to (as Zero Punctuation put it) a kitten crawling down a hose pipe. On one hand the environment left little if any room to maneuver the bulky and sluggish submarine and on the other; there was this constantly screaming giant monster far too close for comfort.

Remember, if you can hear it then it can hear/see you.... Is this a thing on Zerus? It feel like its a thing and that is terrifying.
Chapter 5: There is Always a Bigger Fish
Chapter 5: There is Always a Bigger Fish

Now, I have just made a potentially fatal mistake. The first thing you learn on Zerus is; Don't make noise. Noise means things can hear you, things which might be bigger than you. There is ALWAYS something bigger than you, so that means if you make noise, you'll probably end up dinner.

So, given I've just made an extremely loud noise, underwater where sound travels more slowly but for a much longer distance, I might be boned.

Now, the list of things to do in this situation is as follows. *Ahem.*
1. Get the fuck out of there.
2. Get as far away as possible, making the least noise possible.
3. Hide and pray to the Xel'naga that whatever heard you can't track you.

Now that we're all caught up, let's get the fuck outta here.


I think I just peed a little. And I don't even need to pee!

---=== Hours Later ===---​

So, you might have gotten the wrong idea about how big I am from my half-assed descriptions. My main body is only 5 meters across and 8 long. Though my longest tentacles are 15 meters long, they lose most of their bulk by the 3/4 point. Compared to that massive thing in the lake? I'm still tiny. Miniscule.

I have now been reminded of a very important lesson that everything in the ocean learns at some point, normally just before their death. There is always a bigger fish. I knew it before and have seen it happen, but never to this scale.

I was able to hide and dig myself out a small burrow in the ocean floor not far from the shell, disguised among the loose rocks and debris from my digging. I have a hope, I have a dream. So, I left myself enough of a gap to see out and boy howdy, am I one lucky son of a gun.

Gargantuan Whales, Sea Serpents, Kraken that make me feel like I've just been spawned. They were called to my rebirth and found only each other. This naturally led to the Zerg Battle Royale. Also known as everyday life on Zerus. More and more Zerg are joining the fight, a Squid and a Serpent just joined. The best part is that the longer it goes on, more join the battle. Called by the screams and roars of the participants.

I'm just gonna, you know, hide here. Wait till they're done. I'll eat when they're all either dead or gone.

Wish I had some popcorn though. This beats any monster movie I've ever seen before. It's like that scene from Pacific Rim on steroids.

---=== 3 Days Later ===---​

Right. That got out of hand. So there's been a rolling battle for the last few days, old contestants dying and new contestants entering, never having enough time to consume their opponents before a new one appears.

This is a great opportunity. Lots of Essence, essentially free, in one place. This drew more large Zerg, leading to the battle growing even larger. I think we've finally exhausted the local population of large or stupid Zerg though. All that's left is one giant fluorescent blue fish with a long tail and a hammer-head. It roars in triumph, displaying its massive wounds and the gaping hole in its side. Then it collapses onto the pile of bodies. There is a moment of silence as all the observers process this development.

Then they descend, like tributes to a Cornucopia. The majority of the bodies are piled up in one place, but there are many off to the sides. As the melee begins and the tributes start dying, I enter the fray. There is one corpse I've had my eye on for 2 days, an extremely large Kraken. I believe it will have the Essence I need to further improve myself while remaining on the path of the Cephalopod.

I get to it mostly unmolested, as the majority of the small Zerg are drawn to the large pile in the center. Just a few upstarts, hatchlings really. Then I begin to consume its Essence.

Whoooowe! This is great stuff. It's so complex, magnitudes more than my own. This thing must have been ancient. Its Essence is also weirdly... stiff. Must be its age. It's taking longer to unravel but it sure is delicious! Well Grandpa, make way. The younger generation is here.

---=== The Next Day ===---​

While I've been consuming this Kraken, I've been keeping an eye on the Melee. Most of the initial Zerg are dead and only a few remain, eyeing each other as we feast on our own monster. I have grown much larger since the feasting began, reaching 20 meters long in the body, and 10 across. My normal tentacles reach 15 meters, while my largest tentacles extend 30 meters and are fearsome to behold.

All my tentacles have extremely sharp blades extending past their end. The muscle density and reaction time of my tentacles has increased drastically, to the point I can flatten, or even bisect, the Zerg trying to sneak up on me in a second. I've grown a new pair of eyes under my current sets, granting even better vision and tracking capabilities.

My hearing is also better. Well, hearing is a strange word for it. It's more sensing the vibrations of the water molecules that bounce off my body. I can hear the voice of the ocean. It's deathly silent, but for the sounds of chewing and small skirmishes.

As I eat the last piece of the Grandpa Kraken's last tentacle, I turn to look at another Kraken corpse. Hm. Should I dare? I take a long sweeping glance across the battlefield, at the scavengers that were slowly growing stronger. Pre-emptive strike?

Fuck Yes.

I bum-rush the closest Zerg and crush it under my tentacles, I consume it whole. Then I move on to the next. And the Next. And the Next! Soon I am the only Zerg on the pile.

Good. I'm Hungry.

End AN: So, SI me might have gotten just a litttttle power hungry.
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That was quick, also curious if he is going to stay in the Ocean or go on the land. Tought I have the strange suspicion he is going to grow till he is big enough to match a Leviathan to transform in a living space ship slash mobile Hive cluster producing his own lesser Zergs to fight for him and then try to reach space to espace Zerus and leave the system.
and then he learns to grow mouths on his tentacles so he can eat faster.
Maybe a way so that his consciousness can lock onto any part of him?
he gets utterly destroyed except for a tentacle? the tentacle is now an eel with his mind in it...
Croikey me mother on a goose stick! I never expected to see another Starcraft fanfic here! Thanks for the updates, and keep up the good work! I'll see this till the end!
Let's be fair, it's not like that's a bad thing.
Depends on how 'flexible' the SI keeps his essence. Note the description of the elder Kraken's essence:
Its Essence is also weirdly... stiff.
Dehaka actually brings up this issue among (at least some of) the older Primal Zerg.
Dehaka: They are a rock, a tree, a hill. They will stand against the wind. They seek power.
Kerrigan: And you?
Dehaka: I am a river, I will flow. I seek essence.
Kerrigan: Well the pack leaders have no chance against the Swarm now.
Dehaka: They gather essence for thousands of years. They are blinded. But they are not foolish.
Zerg can apparently lock themselves into a particularly evolutionary path and/or become less capable of adapting/changing when they encounter an OCP.
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when the overmind is created he could eat it and take its place with out the mind-control you know controlling him
Chapter 6: Siren Song
Chapter 6: Siren Song

---=== One Week Later ===---​

Okay. The haze that had taken over my mind has faded now. Looking around all I see are remnants and remains. Bits of shell, a limb, maybe a single claw.

I don't remember much of the last week. I remember attacking the other scavengers then eating all the bodies I could find. Collecting essence, rejecting it, shuffling and implementing it. I turn my awareness inward…. Okay. My mind, in its power-mad state, may have taken just a little inspiration from Mass Effect.

My body is Long, a kilometer from my head to my tail and has a 300 meter diameter at it's widest. I have many smaller limbs, mostly tentacles extending from my belly while flippers of various size line my sides. At least my subconscious made sure to keep my symmetrical.

My body, the whole kilometer of it, is covered in a thick shell, the thinnest of which is between the limbs on my belly and that's still 10 meters thick. The stuff on my back is 25 meters thick.

My head is much the same, yet entirely different. My eight eyes sit in two rows, with four on either side of my 'nose'. They can all independently move and track things while retaining all the functionality of my old eyes, dialled up to eleven. My nose can detect the smallest particles of blood from kilometres away. My mouth… or should I say mouths? My main mouth mostly retains it's beak like appearance, but it's grown immensely, and has several inner jaws and rows of teeth to help chew and tear my food apart. The rest of my mouths run in a line down my belly, so my many tentacles can grab anything they find and feed them directly. I'm like a floating garbage disposal. My thermal eyes have been upgraded to eyes with thermal vision and give my 360 coverage, across my entire body.

My eight main tentacles are no more. I now have 20 tentacles, thick and tough at the base, thinning out slowly, until you reach the blades ends at 600 meters. I can retract these up and they fit most of the way into recesses along the edge of my mouth, leaving only 20 meters exposed.

I'm like the Leviathans on Steroids, crossed with a little bit of otherworldly horror.

So, that's me. Kilometer long machine of death.

---=== Unknown Time Later ===---​

I don't know how long I've spent drifting. Could be months. Could be years. My belly tentacles work mostly on instinct, grabbing and feeding me things they find on the ocean floor. Mostly rocks, with the odd Zerg who tried to hide rather than get out of my way. Nothing has challenged me since my change. Well, there have been challengers, but they don't really stand a chance. What I mean is that I haven't felt challenged.

At that moment, I feel a pressure. Not water pressure, I've long gotten used to that. It's... mental. Mental pressure. That means psionics. On Zerus. It's like a call, a noiseless cry to go to it.

Well, I guess I know when I am. I start heading to the surface. If I'm right, then lesser Zerg will be unable to resist it and go the most direct route. So, once on the surface, I look in the direction the call is telling me to go, and start propelling myself along.

---=== A Day Later ===---​

The call has gotten stronger the closer I get to the source, but I've been able to largely ignore it since I'm moving in that direction. I've sensed a huge amount of Zerg moving with me, swimming side by side and not taking advantage. It makes me shiver. It's unnatural. We soon find ourselves near the shore and I watch with mirth as the Zerg completely taken by the call flop onto the beach, suffocating and trying to evolve legs.

I raise myself out of the water, sweeping them all up into my mouths as I pass over them. My main tentacles clear a path onto land while my smaller tentacles support my body and propel me.

I can already see shadows growing on the sky above us. I change my angle to intercept one. As soon as it's crashed, it's Freaky Space Essence is mine!

---=== Many Hours Later ===---​

It's almost time.

Starcraft's only living species of space whales, known as Behemoths, will soon face extinction, giving birth to the spaceborne plague of the Zerg Swarm. And a very special snowflake who will probably piss off the Overmind with his plan.

I observe the incoming swarm of black dots flying in on the horizon. Looks like the Proto-Mutalisks have been created. I bet he's sent them to collect this Leviathan. Sorry buddy, it's mine. I brace myself for impact, as it doesn't look like it's slowing down. With a loud boom, it hits the ground and I rush into action, clearing the few kilometres of distance between us easily.

I extend my tentacles to their full length, and butchered the defenceless animal. When the first piece is crushed in my main mouth, my whole body shivers. God. It's fucking Orgasmic. It's so foreign, so strange. Yet it's also addicting. New Essence. Essence that has never been on Zerus before, never been consumed and distributed a billion times.

There's just so much! Gravity manipulation organs, the vital strands that allow survival in the vacuum of space, exposure to radiation, making sure I didn't freeze or burn... It's Exhilarating.

My body shivers over and over again as my genetic code is mutated and expanded to fit in the new data. Large and small organs burst into existence across my entire body, I triggered them, curious, and found myself floating off the ground, rising into the air at a decent pace. A few seconds of experimentation slowed me down, and I hovered forward, over the corpse.

Hah! Fuck you Gravity! You're my bitch now!

My shell cracked and reformed a thousand times, reinforcing, reconfiguring, as well as making my exposed flesh taking on a more rubbery sheen as it changed itself to survive space.

All that was left of the once mighty and massive beast was bloodstains in the impact crater, and those Mutalisks were getting very close. Lifting my tail into the air, I roared. It sounded far different to what it was underwater. Deeper, bass-ier. I lifted off in iconic fashion. The feeling was amazing, like falling upwards. I retracted my main tentacles and mentally gave the hell-world below the middle finger.

Fuck you Zerus. Fuck you Overmind. I'm a Leviathan

End AN: So yeah. This is what happens when you want to make a space-squid and your brain goes what about if it was more Leviathan, crossed with Zerg Swarm Leviathan?
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This is Awesome! Tought I can't stop thinking that while the MC is powerfull in 'melee' range he is absolute shit in space combat.

He needs some kind of long range(100,000 kilometers or more its standard range of space combat) weapons or abilities, othervise be is a toast if he encounters enemy space ships.

Maybe gravity beams? After all he can now manipulate it. Or maybe organic Gauss canons? There is many options.

Also the Protoss are right now still primitives using spears and humanity is firmly in stone age.

So now the question is, how much you want to screw the canon?