Lakes of Green, Reloaded [Primal Zerg SI]

Eyy, welcome back! Anyways creating new species on numerous worlds is fun and all but it's the psionic beacon that interest me. Perhaps creating security based on those worthy of consideration?
Its back! Its awesome to see another chapter of this.

I like the seeding of live by the Mc, oh and the little cuttlefish are indeed adorable. Tought I have a feeling thar this Galaxy will look closer to Stellaris one with bazylion of races and full of strange artefacts, then Starcraft one with just Terrans, Protoss and Zerg.

Another thing I want to ask is, have you tought about making primitive, bearly sentinient Bioships to help you fight in space? Like the Tyranid ones, all under your control and capable of fighting and creating lesser forms if nedded ,be it land, air or space ones.

And even another thing, have you tought of creating your own 'base'? A hidden place to retreat in pinch and a safe plac to store rare resourcess or make experiments. Like the Collector base in ME.

Oh and speaking about Mass Effect, any plans of making your own Relays? To spead your own movement around the Galaxy and to allow future races to travel and spread much faster. Not to mention that it could be a family project.
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Elthari civil war, i say this present a good opportunity to obtain some essence as well as tec. You can also populate some planet with the essence of the fallen native and give some opportunity for the colony.

(to populate a planet you must have a minimum of 45k to have gene diversity, to maximize it 100K throughout the planet.)

i say the Elthari civil war is a learning experience, next time it would do better to just drop a ship full of tecs, infiltrate and slowly introduce space tec, or introduce peso zerg invasion to jump start their war tec.
Do they make 'BWAAAA' noises whenever they land on a planet? Not for any real reason, just because they can and it's fun to startle the tiny sapients?

Cuttlefish Jergal lands on planet. "BWAAAA"

His sister laughs at him. "hahahahhaa oh my god Jergal. You don't literally say "bwaaaa" dumbass! You're supposed to make the noise."

"Just... shut up! FAK!"

"This is too funny. I can't even... hahaha. I'm leaving before I fall over laughing in front of the locals."

The inhabitants of the planet watch both monsters fly away into the sky after having landed for less than 15 seconds.
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so this is how the leviathans decided to fuck with people...and then indoctrination fields started to get used...which resulted in sapient's building robots which then rebelled and tried to end their makers so they could die as themselves due to the indoctrination...which results in the children fucking up with creating a AI to solve the issue which results In it going rampant and murdering its makers to make reapers and doing the entire cycle all over again.

So pretty much you start the same shit as the Xel-Naga, only worse now...much worse since mind-fuckery is now involved in every step of the process every 50k years rather then millions of years.

nice job breaking it hero...also im guessing those other aliens that you tried to warn are also going to be a universal threat to all life and go on a rampage of pure genocide against all life as well.
I tried to start a conversation with you but could not. Can I ask why?

I am pretty sure you got the 9 and the 8 mixed up here:
---=== 49,895 BC ===---

BAsed on what comes after:
---=== 49,974 ===---

This is just my observation but I sincerely doubt telling a civilization that every thing in space is out to get them will cause said civilization to collapse in what seems like a short amount of time (days or weeks). Especially what seems to be a very stable civilization to began with. Based on what you observed about the Elthari they were most likely at peace with each other and mostly unified under one government. (the fact you were able to land unopposed and talk in what you think was their governmental building before a panel of Elthari (singular government). Not to mention the fact that they aired the entire conversation across the world.)

It would have been understandable if you had left right after the interview but instead you stayed and as such they should have asked you questions about what you just said. Even if things started to collapse individuals, especially government personnel, would have worked to either stop the collapse or mitigate the damage.
Chapter 14: Time Flies
Chapter 14: Time Flies

---=== 49,650 ===---​

Zerellis, leave Jergal alone! Yes, he made a mistake. However, this is something I think you all need to be taught. Now, what you need to do is psionically vibrate the air around you at the right frequency and amplitude, then...

This noise is great for intimidating local populations, showing your dominance, and announcing your arrival to any place you go.

Now, all of you try!

---=== 49,600 ===---​

Leviathans! Gather around, let me introduce you to the Titans!

Yes, they are adorable. They should grow to about a third of your current size. They'll guard you, and have some limited psionics of their own. They have limited sentience, but are very loyal. Think... Space-puppies! What are puppies? Uuuh… Small mammalians, Canid.

Either way, I've also cracked a new psionic weapon. Pay attention kids, this is important. You gather the energy between your tentacles, keep condensing it. After you can no longer condense it, form a thick shell to direct all the energy through a pin-pick hole and release the energy!

Yes, it is a rather beautiful shade of purple. Yes, I'm sure that planet will enjoy shooting stars for months, that moon was tacky anyway, the crater really gives it character. Your psionics should not produce a beam that powerful. At max power, they should only cause gashes in the ground and shatter small asteroids.

---=== 49,500 ===---​

Primus! Let me introduce you to my 20 children and their pets. Primus, get up. I don't want them getting egos to match their size.

---=== 49,000 ===---​

Jergal! Stop setting the Occuli on your sister! Just because you have control of a swarm of deadly space-locusts, doesn't mean you can take revenge for a centuries-old grudge! Get over it!

---=== 48,500 ===---​

Zernius, my eldest. What news do you bring? Are the sentients you govern making trouble? No? Then what?...

Are those? My Grandchildren?!

---=== 45,000 Years Before Canon ===---​

So much has happened, beyond my own growth and the subsequent growth of my abilities. The Elthari Nuked own world during the civil war and went through a hundred years of darkness before re-emerging. They had forgotten much of their own lore, thankfully my proclamation was also lost. All they remember is that when they discovered aliens, the world went dark. They are now extremely xenophobic, and have refused all communication. I've asked Primus to avoid conquering them. Though if they attack, to not hold back.

My children grew to maturity and have children of their own. I thought a 1000 year 'immature' phase would be enough to dodge the 'they're growing up' feeling parents go through, but I was wrong.

The fact they can procreate is something I wasn't really thinking about. All they need to do is trigger a certain process, and 2-4 fetuses are gestated. It takes 100 years for these to be born, and thankfully it seems the genetic memory works, as they know much of what their parents know, without the experience using it.

The Titans were my experiment in creating destroyer-expys. 500m long at maturity, they had the base sentience of a very clever dog, with a psionic link to their 'owner' and fierce protective instincts. The Occuli are more directly controlled and were my attempt at creating an exercise in multitasking.

They are very effective and most of the time live in 'hives' grown in the sides of destroyers, which now produce them up to a certain population.

I have seeded hundreds of worlds, most with basic life. I stopped seeding Zerg-life, because spreading them out too much would choke the development of other species. Every couple of dozen worlds, I seeded a new beast-race. Along with the Katarit, Na'gas (Naga), Aereai (Bird-folk), which have all passed into the medieval stage, there now exists the Minotaur, the Drak'n (anthropomorphic dragons), Ursus (Bear-folk) and the Houndan (Wolf-folk).

The Primal Empire stretches to the first ~20 worlds I seeded, their local populations absorbed with minimal fuss and copious application of mind control. Zerg warships are specially grown and tailored Zerg, psionically tethered to their 'captain'. As they are Primal, despite the 'standardization' of Zerg, they are all unique. The time and resources used to produce them mean they are valued and not just thrown into the grinder, like most zerg infantry.

I've managed to keep Primus from conquering the beast-worlds, leaving them a few worlds of space for when they reach maturity, their borders marked with small, mindless, space-born Zerg set to produce a psionic signal which essentially says, 'Keep Out'.

My children are the governors of my empire, one for each 'sector' of 2-3 planets. My children, though not Zerg themselves, contain psionic markers denoting them such. This essentially tricks any primal Zerg into thinking they too, are Zerg.

With the beast-races growing, the Empire consolidating my seeded worlds and my empire self-sufficient, the time has come once again.

It is time to leave, and find earth.

---=== Zergrove, Temple of Zeratus ===---​

As I hover above the temple/communications hub, I observe those I have gathered. My Leviathan children are arrayed around me in a semi-circle, floating in the air. Below, Primus and his retainers gather. Further below them, citizens of the empire fill the space around the mountain. The great forests of a millennia ago have given way to thousands of buildings, breathing in time to the heartbeat of the world.

"My Children, my Subjects, you have grown beyond my wildest hopes. You are Powerful; Strong, Old and Cunning in one. I am proud of all you have accomplished, but once again the time draws near. When the empire was but a single planet, this planet, I left on a journey to seed the galaxy for the future we live in today. Now, we have reached a new threshold. I once again must journey beyond our borders. Deep into the galaxy, there lies an empire of beings, the Pure of Form. We, the Pure of Essence, were to be joined with them. We deny this fate! The Zerg decide their own fate!

Know that I leave to find these beings. They could be anywhere in the galaxy; just beyond our borders or on the far edge. I leave to find them and bring back that knowledge so that we might interrupt the plans of the Xel'naga."

A little bit of subterfuge. Can't exactly tell them I'm going to find the home-world of my previous life. They are silent. My children conferring amongst themselves through their network, before Zernius floats forward.

"Father of All, we know that we cannot shake your resolve in this. We ask you to take a small fleet of us with you. The dangers presented by the Corrupted and other unknowns are too great. If you were to be overwhelmed, we would lose you and your leadership."

I smiled at him. He was the largest of my children at 10 kilometers, though he couldn't match my 15-kilometer length. "My Son, I cannot deny you this. I will take at most 5 of you and your Titan escorts. To take more would be to deprive the Empire of vital leadership. My only condition is that you are not among them. You must stay here, and lead in my place. If the worst comes to pass, you will succeed me."

He makes a noise of surprise, then calms. "Of course, father."

end an:
New chapter for all you beautiful people.
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I think you changed your mind on what you wanted to say in this sentence while you were writing it.
The Elthari utilized Nuked own world during the civil war and went through a hundred years of darkness before re-emerging.

Did you mean 500m? Because 500km is much bigger then your 15km.
The Titans were my experiment in creating destroyer-expys. 500km long at maturity, they had the base sentience of a very clever dog, with a psionic link to their 'owner' and fierce protective instincts.
Now we just wait for the humans to discover a galaxy filled with "supposed" mythological creatures that will start a whole galaxy wide conspiracy that involves a giant space cuthullu and fanatics, lots of fanatics. Anyways nice chapter, hope to see more soon haha.
Now we just wait for the humans to discover a galaxy filled with "supposed" mythological creatures that will start a whole galaxy wide conspiracy that involves a giant space cuthullu and fanatics, lots of fanatics. Anyways nice chapter, hope to see more soon haha.
Oh don't worry, all the beast races have ancient cave paintings of a similar looking squid-creature that they seemed to worship as a god. The Zerg all KNOW there is a god-like Zerg who created them and all the beast races.

The fact Xel'naga temples and such have similar murals which dictate a species of squid-creatures coming into the world and creating races, well...

They might start assuming things.

When he finds Earth what is he going to do?

Make some 'ruins' on Mars?

Create Ryloth under ocean?

Make the Atlantis?

Build the Sphinks and Pyramids?

Or do nothing?
What a disaster waiting to happen, genetic memory+non perfect leader+no psionic/biological enforced loyalty=all offspring remembering all your mistakes which add up over time until they decide to betray/kill you. Plus if you are weak enough that 5 of your (younger than you) children are more powerful than you, you are doomed anyway.
What a disaster waiting to happen, genetic memory+non perfect leader+no psionic/biological enforced loyalty=all offspring remembering all your mistakes which add up over time until they decide to betray/kill you. Plus if you are weak enough that 5 of your (younger than you) children are more powerful than you, you are doomed anyway.
Just like us Ole regular humies just without the genetic memories. Seriously it's like the human race is set to implode on itself if there is nothing that keeps them in place. Just look at the Sengoku period in Japan once the top hat gets too weak its "children" rises up to grab whatever power they can get.