Lakes of Green, Reloaded [Primal Zerg SI]

So, has this new Primal Zerg faction found Zerus? The birthplace of all Zerg including their god, it must be a legendary sacred site.
find earth

add biologically inaccessible genetic memory to people

this is now an Assassin's Creed fic
Loving this. Only one concern. Does this earth have the mass effect franchise? Would be...funny if so. A few humorous things to do if so. Looking forward to more. Really, one of the best Zerg-fics I've ever found.
I vote for carving dickbutt into Halley's Comet. The photographs taken in 1986 will be the clearest yet but all they'll have is enough resolution to see some what may be an alien writing. 2061 so many people will be wondering what this could be and now they have the technology to finally discover what it is. Bam, dickbutt.
This earth doesn't even have intelligent humans on it yet. Pre-stone-age. But, maybe. It'd certainly be funny.
Could just wait to make direct contact after the release of ME3. Make it seem like the whole thing was leviathans making subtle inroads. Or could make seem like Lovecraft was the first attempt at first contact. Lots of fun ideas. Though, perhaps a bit obvious now I think of it.
Maybe masquerade as a Very Old God, like one of the Gods of Babylon or Mesopotamia? I don't know. Just kinda spitting ideas out.
Binged read to the latest chapter and I'm now watching this fic, give me more!

There's just not much zerg fics out there anymore T_T
Thank you for creating one I will enjoy, hope you don't decide to end this quest
When is the next update?
Likely soon. Hi all. Sorry for going dark. Good news is I've graduated University!! The ceremony is in December. Bad news is I recently underwent shoulder surgery. Though that's good news for you guys, since while I am unable to do many things with a duff arm, I am able to write.

The space-squid saga will resume shortly....
Likely soon. Hi all. Sorry for going dark. Good news is I've graduated University!! The ceremony is in December. Bad news is I recently underwent shoulder surgery. Though that's good news for you guys, since while I am unable to do many things with a duff arm, I am able to write.
Congrats on the Graduation but sucks for your shoulder.
I hope you get better in time for the Ceremony!
Chapter 15: The Search Begins
Chapter 15

The Search Begins

---=== 44,700 BC ===---​

In a quiet system, where no life had been born and no life had visited, a purple-pink rent in the universe disturbed the peace. It was radiating energy, discharging what looked like lightning into the void around it. From the portal, a fleet of organic starships emerged. The fleet was led by smaller beings, soon making way for multiple kilometer-long creatures. Finally, the largest emerged. 25 Kilometers long from the tip of it's beak to the flare of its carapace-encased tail. Before it undulated dozens of segmented tentacles, kilometers long themselves, caressing and tasting the space around it.

Reality shuddered as it turned and splayed it's tentacles wide, their tips grabbing the edges of the portal and wrenching it shut. The portal strained then collapsed. Though there was no evidence of its existence, a mark on space was made. The being turned and as one, the fleet effortlessly coasted to the largest gas giant in the system. There was no evidence of any kind of thrust. No expelled gasses or warped space. They just seemed to glide through the void upon their own power.

Once at the Jovian body, they dipped into its upper atmosphere, diving down and rising to the surface. As time passed, it became obvious something was happening to the planet. The brownish-red tint it held moved, coalescing into streams, then rivers, all meeting at a single point, the herd of the bio-ships. After some time, the brownish tint was gone, leaving it a pale yellow. Almost sickly. Soon the ships left, all slightly longer, larger and heavier than they were when they arrived.

On the other side of the system to their entrance, the largest pulled ahead of the fleet. It gathered it's tentacles around a single point, which began glowing in a pink-purple light. The glow increased as the point grew in size. Then the Leviathan, for that is what it was, flung its tentacles outwards, and reality groaned.

---=== 44,000 BC ===---​

It has been some time since I last talked to you, the imaginary audience in my head. Even with my perfect memory, I find myself growing weary, the weight of my experiences dragging me down. I know now why Zurvan had slumbered for so long, even though he could have kept growing and evolving.

My children have grown with me; Jergal, Zerdala, Zerellis, Lamda, and Kali. Each has surpassed their eldest sibling in size and power. At least, as he was a millennia ago. My growth continues unabated. Our previous method to expedite our growth and strength, consuming asteroids, had become boring. So, I devised a new method. In each system we visited, we take a few elements from a single gas giant if the system had one. Iron, Copper, Zinc, Platinum. One yellow-tinted Jovian was quite rich in gold (Which is surprisingly tasty).

We have roamed far from Zergrove. I have not seeded any more intelligent races, but have left basic life on most habitable planets, and even some unhospitable planets. My children have matured, in temperament and outlook. Jergal has outgrown his bumbling self and has become a dependable 'brother' to his sisters, once Zerellis stopped tormenting him, that is. We have not yet stumbled onto any signs of a space-age civilization, and I am still as lost as to the location of Earth as before.

Some of you may be wondering why I left my empire alone. Partly, it is to make sure that they can stand without me. After the last millennium, I know that I will not be able to stay awake the tens of thousands of years it will take until the games begin. If I am going to be asleep for thousands of years at a time, I need grant power to those I trust to rule in my stead.

My Leviathans are very likely to have the same problem and join me in my slumber. Hm. What spin would my church put on that? "The gods tire of the world, and so retreat from this plane, to preserve their energy for their destined conflict against the Great Enemy."

Sounds like something Primus would spin. I'm actually rather thankful I worked out the kinks in that psionic tether. It no longer induces a worshipful attitude, just loyalty, and respect. And although it is hard-coded into the base genetics of every Zerg strain I release to be loyal to me, it's good to have backups.

Personally, I have reached 25 Kilometers in length, my largest tentacles reach another 10 when fully extended. I did end up cracking a super-alloy. Not sure if it's the one used by the humans in the games, but it's strong, flexible, thermally insulating, electrically insulating, and more. Everything I needed. I won't go over the chemical formula, but let me assure you that it is not small. As my children lack the Zerg's ability to self-modify, they cannot grow this alloy themselves, but any future generations spawned from me will.

My psionic abilities grow ever stronger, as shown by my ability to grab every molecule of a single element within the atmosphere of a gas giant and rip holes in space-time. It's definitely not the technique the Overmind uses. That one is more star wars style hyperspace, with travel time. My method involves psionically generated wormholes, point to point.

I think I should once again bring up the scale of the galaxy. There are billions of stars in the Milky Way, many with only one or two planets. Even with my instant system-to-system FTL method, I've covered maybe a sixth of the galaxy in the last thousand years. Let me tell you, it's not a small number. Even the systems I seeded life in, I didn't stay long enough to check whether it was proceeding apace. I still have no idea where the Koprulu sector is and even less idea of where Sol lies in this galactic starscape.

Thankfully there are only so many stars it could be. It'll just take time.

And that's not something I'm short on.

---=== 43,900 BC ===---​

Well. I found one of my three targets. Unfortunately, it is neither the Protoss or Earth. The purple, creep covered planet lazily orbits the main sequence star like a fat man, gorged on a 5-star buffet. As soon as I noticed it, I weaved a psionic dampening field around the fleet. A nice little trick that prevents psionic energy from leaving the area it encompasses. Mostly. As it is a psionic effect, there is some evidence of its existence. Fortunately, it would take a massively powerful psionic entity to detect the traces of energy from a light-year away.

Let's poke it with a stick.

---=== Above the Swarm World ===---​

As I mentioned, It would take a powerful entity to discover the shield. However, the wormholes I use to travel aren't exactly 'quiet' in psionic terms. They radiate a huge amount of power. If there is a cerebrate or flying-spaghetti-monster forbid, the Overmind itself, on the planet, they would have sensed my arrival.

The shield should cause some confusion, and mask our location well. Until we're in knife-fight range.

I know that Leviathans are described as 'Moon-sized' but honestly, looking at the one in front of me it doesn't quite meet the expectation.

I'd say it reaches 7km at it's widest, and 11 from tip-to-tail. Sure, that's bigger than most asteroids but not exactly moon-sized. Even with my size advantage, they have a weakness. One shared by every species in the swarm.

They're specialized. Highly specialized. Leviathans are the Zerg's space-born transports. While all Swarm Zerg will have the space adaptations, only the leviathans have the psionic might necessary to utilize their warp-like travel.

But that's all they do. They have no other demonstrated psionic abilities, no psi beams, nothing. Their role in an invasion is to drop pods filled with Zerg and Creep on the target world. Air support is filled by other units, which may not have been absorbed into the swarm yet.

Once again, Primal self-mutation trumps monogamous troops.

I wonder how they taste?


We approached the Leviathan and its entourage under stealth. Our carapaces black, and non-reflective to all forms of radiation. As I predicted, it wasn't until the dampening field brushed the Leviathan that it noticed we were there.

While it recoiled in shock, trying to make some distance, MY Leviathans and I unleased our Psi-Beams. The purple light raced across the void, gouging huge scars along its length. Pulsating purple flesh sloughed off its body as I extended my tentacles. Almost as long as the Leviathan itself, they easily coiled around it. It wriggled, but it found no give in my iron grip. My mouths opened, then closed. I chewed the flesh slowly, analyzing every detail.

I found it lacking.

Why was it lacking? This is one of the biggest organisms in space, it's genetic code was intricate and detailed, utilizing every part of the strand. No junk code to be found. I can admire what was obviously either the Overmind or Abathur's work but, it's just... Bland. Like leftovers that you heated up then forgot about for a few hours.

Sure, I could have consumed the whole thing. But it would be like eating a whole loaf of stale bread. It would fill you up, but you wouldn't enjoy the experience.

Mind made up, my tentacles squeezed. The Leviathan, already singing its death kneel, shuddered, and popped like a balloon.

As the various juices, acids, and flesh fell towards the planet, my children and their escorts finished massacring the few space-borne Zerg caught outside their transport, I contemplated Exterminatus.

Surely, it would be easier than killing every individual hatchery on this world, and making sure that every drone was dead?


It Lives! For those who didn't see my earlier post, my life's been pretty hectic. Thankfully the horror of University is behind me, and the scars from my surgery are healing well. (Pinhole, so they're just little scars.) With copious amounts of free time ahead of me and the encouragement of a few fans, the Saga of the Cuttle-Zerg continues!
First off welcome back, glad to see a chapter. And get well soon.
I really don't see why your mc is having problems with staying awake for that timespan, there are plenty of creatures that have the kinds of minds which have such infinite patience so just adapt.
In addition with point to point instant warp, it should only take around 100 years or even less depending how long you spend in each system to fully cross the galaxy and back.