Lady Luck: A Roll to Dodge Adventure (IC)

Black rage filled me, and I spoke a word of command.

"I wish whoever slew Arashi would turn to ash!"

I imagined whomever doing it on the face of my palm, and I squashed.
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: DESTROY Total: 3
3 3
Unfortunately, the fleet was rather lacking in fuel at the moment. Fortunately, however, the situation was somehow resolved by itself. Perhaps someone else was able to wish the problem away?

I guess the first thing to do is to wave my hand, and hopefully fix all the supply problems that the fleet has right now. Food, water, fuel, stuff like that.

Edit: Okay.
UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Easy Logistics Total: 4
4 4
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As you look around the Battlefield, you notice that there seems to be ONE assclown who just wants to go full on evil overlord. Well then, Lets try and fix that problem... "I wish Shards was replaced by a very benevolent and fluffy bunny rabbit!"
The3rdCorinthian threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Bunny mind Total: 5
5 5
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The girl couldn't help but smile as she landed. Nim was unharmed (well, mostly). And it (she? Did cloud creatures have genders?) had endured. Just like she herself always strove to do. She was so proud.

Nim seemed to respond to that, snuggling a bit closer to her. Maybe the cloud had lost a bit of mass, but that could be regrown soon enough now that the sun was back out.

The ravens were more of a puzzle though. Why were they White Lanterns now?

...they didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. She'd deal with them later. Right now she'd just remembered something really funny.

And with a snap of her fingers, she'd bring it into existence. Or at least try to.

"A triangle-shaped duck." Nothing special about it otherwise, it was just shaped like a triangle. What would that even look like? She wanted to find out...

Edit: (Guess I'm not finding out.)
Whisper1 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: (it's a reference) Total: 2
2 2
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"What?" I said watching the White Ring "No, really what? is really that easy to defeat the black lanterns?"

Watching Sharp Spear I decide to just not think about it "So brought you back too then, good too know" only being answered with a stoic face "you really like the whole stoic guard thing Don't you?, whatever let's have lunch and then we can go to your planet"

We float towards the floor but stop near it "the place is wet" I said while grabbing one of the egg sandwich from somewhere, no really how are they following me? I am sure they were in the afterlife too."I actually feel with a desire of ham and lettuce you?"

"Carrot please"

"You spoke" I said and prepare to try to create the sandwiches before stopping "You know this is a bit unfair probably there is people hungry in the planet too"

So using these powers that I cannot control I say "I want that everyone in the planet obtain a plate with their favorite type of sandwich" I stop for a second "and if possible a vase with their favorite drink you know thirst and all that"
ziizo threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: FOOD FOR THE FOOD GOD Total: 6
6 6
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As my... child, I suppose perceived the world for the first time, I felt the urge to give her a name. I spoke "Welcome to the world, Anne."

She replied "OK mom." before one of the robots under her control pulled me into a haphazard hug. As I felt my ribcage slowly being crushed I managed to squeak out "Can't breathe!" before too much damage was incurred. The robot released its grip and I mentioned to Anne "Anne, I'm going to have to get around to making you an avatar with touch sensors. In the mean-time, how do you feel about learning?"

Anne replied "That would be awesome! What were you planning on teaching me?"

I answered "Fun stuff, like how to build stuff that bends the laws of physics. Also slightly less fun stuff, like how to make sure you've got enough materials to build stuff, and why you don't use most of it without a really good reason or overwhelming superiority."
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: A.I. education Total: 5
5 5
One of your ship's cannons aims upward and fires a blue beam of light up into the sky, clearing the clouds. Weirdly, this is accompanied by dramatic music. But whatever. Within a few minutes, the clouds are gone!

+1 to your next roll involving manipulating the weather.

"Mr Egret of Earth. LIVE."

"Connection severed."

Suddenly, the ring on your hand turns white, and you feel yourself coming back to life. The ship and Marines seem to be affected as well. Instead of being ghosts, they appear to be turning into solid white light.

And then you find yourself somewhere else entirely. In front of you and your ship is a strange vessel with a stone castle mounted on it, with people and stone people aiming guns at you. Below you is a mansion, and an angry-looking man in ominous-looking armor. are so confused right now.
Whoa. That was actually pretty cool, I had to admit. I was expecting the clouds to just disperse or something, not be blasted away by... whatever my cannon had just fired. Also, the whole "coming back to life thing" was unexpected, but entirely welcome. And yet, at the same time, I felt like I was forgetting something...

Oh, right. The large number of guns pointed at me. That was probably important.

I waved awkwardly, not entirely sure what to say. Lieutenant-Commander Cardiff was always better at the diplomacy thing than I was.

I found myself wishing that she was standing next to me right now.
MrEgret threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Summon Cardiff Total: 3
3 3
What... I... Uhh... what? Where did that ship come from... Well he looks un-undead and he doesn't have that menacing aura around him anymore... what to do... deliberating it in my mind...

"Lower your weapons, that thing is gone. Have the Archers ready to fire. Load our point defense guns. That ship doesn't look too dangerous. Someone get a line to that ship. I wanna know what the heck just happened."

A chorus of "Ayes" followed and the bridge burst to life once more.
pharaoh122 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Contacting Flying Ghost ship Total: 6
6 6
Lord Imperious looked up from his human's arms and found a pitiable sight. Kay-tee was always an easily startled servant. Whenever wind would howl and branches would scratch at windows, she would always cling to her Lord in fear. Now, as great beams of light pierced the sky, giant ships loomed overhead and evil prey that doesn't know it's place turned all sorts of shades, the pitiful girl was positively shaking.

Really, she should try harder to emulate her Master's greatness. If they know you've been startled, they win. Lord Imperious wasn't quite sure who 'They' were but they were probably the same entities that invented rain, the bastards.

"L-let's get out of h-here, Fluffs." Good work, human. If you aren't here, they can't see you. Maybe there's hope for you yet! Possibly! Probably not! Lord Imperious would not hold his exalted breath, and had never, ever been wrong but you could try!

Lord Imperious settled into his human's arms and watched the scenery pass by as the servant girl searched for a safe place.
Lotus Eater threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Katie finding somewhere safe Total: 1
1 1
Metal begins to pop in out of nowhere and assembles itself. Soon, an AT-AT is forming itself in front of your eyes. And then, when it is complete, it slowly changes color from the default white to purple.


+1 to next roll involving the AT-AT. You may name it as a free action.

Suddenly, the clouds part as a result of a blue beam from somewhere. One splinter of a beam flakes off and hits Phillippe. Phillippe isn't gone, but a lot of his mass is missing... and what's left appears to be shaking in pain and fear.


He's fine. He'll be fine. He gon' walk it off.


Loading Phillippe up into my new Pimpwalker (and let me tell you, loading a cloud into anything is way harder than it looks, let alone a giant goddamn Imperial walker), I set myself up in the pilots seat and cracked my knuckles.

...How does one drive an AT-AT, anyway? Don't you need, like... at least three people? No, wait, just the one pilot, but then there's a gunner, and a commander, and...

Psssshh. If I can drive stick I can drive a walker. Can't be that hard.

Using the comms system to blare music out over the countryside, I set the Pimpwalker lurching forwards and cackle.
RadioactiveSpoon threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Know how to drive an AT-AT? Total: 4
4 4
A confused and bedraggled young man sat on the ground, staring into thr distance as he tried to comprehend what the hell had just happened to him. Every answer added more questions, and every question came with more answers, which in turn added more questions, ths creating a nigh infinite loop of questions and answers the were slowly driving the unfortunate soul mad. Just as his wits seemed at their end he stopped, eyes widening in realization.

"This is real, isn't it?" he umbled to himself, clambering to his feet while he came to grips with reality, "Sweet Christ on a pogo stick this is real........."

For almost five minutes he stood there, silent and still, for almost five minutes he let the truth soak in.

"SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, YES!" his shout broke the silence and heralded a flurry of movement as the figure burst into action.

"Alright, I can do anything I want huh? Well then, I've always wanted an Executor-class Star Destroyer."
Culexus96 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Exectur Aquisition Total: 6
6 6
Soon, your helicarrier is coated in some material that repels the water. It won't help with the wind or anything else, but at least the water won't ruin it.

But then, your efforts come to naught, as the lovely storm you had been enjoying ceases to be.
Kintsugi scowled at the sky. She made a rude gesture at it. "And after all that work?" She asked.

"Fine!" She snapped. "Fine. If I can't have a nice storm, then give me a sea. With some nice currents and fine cold waters. But no sealife please." She considered this. "You know what? Make it freshwater. Big as the sea on earth but freshwater."
Camellia threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Under the Sea~ Total: 3
3 3
This... well, this was definitely something. The bear scrutinized its surroundings once more, this time coming to rest at its paw. Or where the sight of its paw should have been. Given the skills of invisibility and silence the bear only saw past itself and knew anyone looking directly at it would. Anything and everything at its paw's end. The feeling was good enough to make it slobber, aware of its empty stomach.

To the most important of accounts to be settled first:
Zeitgeist Blue threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Breadstick Guy, C'mere Total: 2
2 2
Guitar music begins to play as you undergo a transformation of your own. Dark energy swirls around you, crackling like black lightning. Your clothes shift into black robes with a hood, red gloves, red boots... overall, you look a lot like what you would look like if you were a Sith Lord.

Unfortunately, your abilities don't seem to match your appearance as well as you'd have liked. You are a necromancer, but somehow you can sense the limits of your power, and you can't raise anything larger than the average housecat. Still, it's something.

Yuki couldn't stop laughing when I told her.

To be honest, it was funny to imagine an army of undead housecats running through my enemies. But it's kind of hard to impress anyone with an army of undead housecats. Does that make me an crazy cat man? I push that thought aside. I consider trying to raise an army, but there probably hasn't been too much that died yet.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it." Yuki apologized

I simply shrugged. "Nah, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You know, we have these powers now. What should we do with them? I'd say we could fight crime, but I don't think there is anyone to fight yet."

"Well there are the others." Yuki said, hand on her chin. "We could see what they are doing. Fight crime that way."

Sure, why not.
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
You hear the roar of engines, and then you see the ship. Not the standard Samus ship, but...

A voice sounds over the intercom. "Where to, Lady?" As he speaks, the clouds part, as if they were waiting for the dramatic time to do so.

+1 to your next roll involving interstellar travel.
With an escape path open, I quickly made my way onto the ship.

"Out of the atmosphere and into geosynchronous orbit around the planet, if at all possible." I replied to my ship, absently willing it to obey my request.

If I could get off this planet, then perhaps I could avoid some of the less....sane individuals granted Lady Luck's blessing.
Silvan Eldar threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Into Orbit! Total: 2
2 2

Slowly, the cathedral and the land below it begin to rise... and then stops, only a few dozen feet off the ground.

Well, it is technically floating...

You notice that you can no longer feel the rain on your roof.

The cathedral muses on the slight rise of the land. It was a start. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Wandering the land would be lonely, and even with all the strangeness going on, there needed to be 'mortals' that could strive against the 'gods' that roamed this world. Mortals that could think and act for themselves. And, preferably, more powerful than the average human of the old world.

And since this was a new world, why not start with a... different kind of mortal.

Human in shape.
White wings potruding from their backs, enabling flight.
Free thinking.
Skilled with white magic.

As the cathedral drew its power, trying to create the forms of fifteen female and five male angels within its halls, the walls of the cathedral spoke.

"On the first day, the Great Lady granted the world to the Gods."
"On the second day, the Gods granted breadsticks."
"On the third day, the Gods granted protection from the heavens."
"On the fourth day, the Gods granted rain."
"On the fifth day, the Gods granted darkness."
"On the sixth day, the Gods created ravens."
"On the seventh day, the Gods rested."
"On the eighth day, the Gods created the angels."
Random Tale threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Creation of the Angels Total: 5
5 5
PHASE 8: Deja vu...

Rolls to dodge are here.

Black rage filled me, and I spoke a word of command.

"I wish whoever slew Arashi would turn to ash!"

I imagined whomever doing it on the face of my palm, and I squashed.

You squash and...

...above you, darkness flashes around the man on the light ship. Regrettably, he seems to have resisted your attempt to turn him to ash, but you know who he is now.

Well then. Let's send him a little greeting.

And then, something shifts. Everything seems... bigger.

...a rabbit? Who would dare turn you into a rabbit? least you still looked menacing, if you ignored the size... and you do still have the armor...

Still. You spy the likely culprit: a relatively normal-looking man, all things considered. He would pay for this affront. Oh, how he would pay...

And then a sandwich plops onto the ground in front of you. It seems to be your favorite type. You look up and see more sandwiches falling from the sky, backlit by a normal-looking moon that wasn't there before...

You swear, if someone else is ripping off your food-based or moon-based apocalypse ideas, they'll be sorry!

Unfortunately, the fleet was rather lacking in fuel at the moment. Fortunately, however, the situation was somehow resolved by itself. Perhaps someone else was able to wish the problem away?

I guess the first thing to do is to wave my hand, and hopefully fix all the supply problems that the fleet has right now. Food, fuel, stuff like that.

Edit: Okay.

Beams fly out from your hand in every direction, striking random rocks and turning them into food, fuel, water, and everything else you need. Neat. Soon, the crew is busily loading everything onto the ships. You estimate it should only take about an hour to get everything loaded and ready.

And then, in a truly cruel irony, sandwiches start falling from the sky. You converted all that food for nothing?

Then a gray moon appears. That can't be good, based on what happened with the last moons...

As you look around the Battlefield, you notice that there seems to be ONE assclown who just wants to go full on evil overlord. Well then, Lets try and fix that problem... "I wish Shards was replaced by a very benevolent and fluffy bunny rabbit!"

You concentrate and...

...wait. When you wanted Shard to turn into a rabbit, this was not what you had in mind. At least he's the size of a regular rabbit... But now he's looking at you. Maybe you should run?

But then he gets distracted by a sandwich falling from the sky. Not that you can blame him, because, um, that's pretty distracting, especially since even more sandwiches are falling from the sky and there's a moon in the sky that wasn't there before.

What the heck is going on?

The girl couldn't help but smile as she landed. Nim was unharmed (well, mostly). And it (she? Did cloud creatures have genders?) had endured. Just like she herself always strove to do. She was so proud.

Nim seemed to respond to that, snuggling a bit closer to her. Maybe the cloud had lost a bit of mass, but that could be regrown soon enough now that the sun was back out.

The ravens were more of a puzzle though. Why were they White Lanterns now?

...they didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. She'd deal with them later. Right now she'd just remembered something really funny.

And with a snap of her fingers, she'd bring it into existence. Or at least try to.

"A triangle-shaped duck." Nothing special about it otherwise, it was just shaped like a triangle. What would that even look like? She wanted to find out...

Edit: (Guess I'm not finding out.)


...annnny second now...

...nope. This isn't working.

Waitwaitwait... something seems to be falling from the sky... is it...?

No, it's just a sandwich. At least it's your favorite type? And more sandwiches seem to be following it. And then there's also a moon.

"What?" I said watching the White Ring "No, really what? is really that easy to defeat the black lanterns?"

Watching Sharp Spear I decide to just not think about it "So brought you back too then, good too know" only being answered with a stoic face "you really like the whole stoic guard thing Don't you?, whatever let's have lunch and then we can go to your planet"

We float towards the floor but stop near it "the place is wet" I said while grabbing one of the egg sandwich from somewhere, no really how are they following me? I am sure they were in the afterlife too."I actually feel with a desire of ham and lettuce you?"

"Carrot please"

"You spoke" I said and prepare to try to create the sandwiches before stopping "You know this is a bit unfair probably there is people hungry in the planet too"

So using these powers that I cannot control I say "I want that everyone in the planet obtain a plate with their favorite type of sandwich" I stop for a second "and if possible a vase with their favorite drink you know thirst and all that"

And without further ado, a sandwich with ham and lettuce falls from the sky, with a carrot sandwich for Sharp Spear!

+1 to all rolls for summoning food.

And then another sandwich falls. And another. And another. And another. And they seem to be getting slightly bigger...

This could be a problem. And that's not even factoring in the random moon that's showed up...

The kobold decides to explore the lands on his magic carpet, wanting to see how far his influence extends.

You fly and fly and fly and fly, and it seems like it never ends... but then you realize that you've somehow been flying around in circles without realizing it. That's... kind of embarrassing.

As my... child, I suppose perceived the world for the first time, I felt the urge to give her a name. I spoke "Welcome to the world, Anne."

She replied "OK mom." before one of the robots under her control pulled me into a haphazard hug. As I felt my ribcage slowly being crushed I managed to squeak out "Can't breathe!" before too much damage was incurred. The robot released its grip and I mentioned to Anne "Anne, I'm going to have to get around to making you an avatar with touch sensors. In the mean-time, how do you feel about learning?"

Anne replied "That would be awesome! What were you planning on teaching me?"

I answered "Fun stuff, like how to build stuff that bends the laws of physics. Also slightly less fun stuff, like how to make sure you've got enough materials to build stuff, and why you don't use most of it without a really good reason or overwhelming superiority."

Anne seems to be taking in the new information greedily. She has a thirst for knowledge, it seems. +1 to your next roll involving Anne.

However, you're rudely interrupted by a rather large sandwich falling from the sky onto your reality stabilizer, breaking it. Apparently it came from outside of the stabilized area... and within moments, a deluge of sandwiches are falling on your base.

On the plus side, the rain is gone...

And then, to add yet another thing to have to deal with, some sort of giant purple machine is approaching your base and there's a new moon in the sky.

Whoa. That was actually pretty cool, I had to admit. I was expecting the clouds to just disperse or something, not be blasted away by... whatever my cannon had just fired. Also, the whole "coming back to life thing" was unexpected, but entirely welcome. And yet, at the same time, I felt like I was forgetting something...

Oh, right. The large number of guns pointed at me. That was probably important.

I waved awkwardly, not entirely sure what to say. Lieutenant-Commander Cardiff was always better at the diplomacy thing than I was.

I found myself wishing that she was standing next to me right now.

Your ring flashes white, and a white holographic image of Lieutenant-Commander Cardiff appears next to you.

Um. She doesn't seem to have the personality of Cardiff. Just her appearance. Pity. That's not helpful at al-.

Suddenly, you can't see for a brief moment, darkness clouding your vision. And when you can see again, it's raining sandwiches, there's a moon in the sky where there wasn't one before, and the overlord down below is now an evil bunny.

And then, to add even more weirdness, you find yourself in telepathic communication with the guy on the other ship.

What... I... Uhh... what? Where did that ship come from... Well he looks un-undead and he doesn't have that menacing aura around him anymore... what to do... deliberating it in my mind...

"Lower your weapons, that thing is gone. Have the Archers ready to fire. Load our point defense guns. That ship doesn't look too dangerous. Someone get a line to that ship. I wanna know what the heck just happened."

A chorus of "Ayes" followed and the bridge burst to life once more.

"Yes sir!" They scurry to do your will, but before they can get everything set up to communicate, the leader of the white ship seems to summon some woman by his side, is briefly obscured by a burst of black light, and then it starts raining sandwiches. And there's also a moon in the sky now. And the overlord down below seems to have turned into a rabbit.

Okay, you need to know what's going on now.

And then something happens and you find yourself in telepathic communication with the man on the ship.

+1 to all telepathic communication rolls.

Lord Imperious looked up from his human's arms and found a pitiable sight. Kay-tee was always an easily startled servant. Whenever wind would howl and branches would scratch at windows, she would always cling to her Lord in fear. Now, as great beams of light pierced the sky, giant ships loomed overhead and evil prey that doesn't know it's place turned all sorts of shades, the pitiful girl was positively shaking.

Really, she should try harder to emulate her Master's greatness. If they know you've been startled, they win. Lord Imperious wasn't quite sure who 'They' were but they were probably the same entities that invented rain, the bastards.

"L-let's get out of h-here, Fluffs." Good work, human. If you aren't here, they can't see you. Maybe there's hope for you yet! Possibly! Probably not! Lord Imperious would not hold his exalted breath, and had never, ever been wrong but you could try!

Lord Imperious settled into his human's arms and watched the scenery pass by as the servant girl searched for a safe place.

And Katie would have done so, had you not smelled the alluring and irresistible smell of tuna.

"W-wait, Fluffs! C-come back!" Katie chases you, but of course you outdistance her and reach the tuna quickly.

Yuck. It's surrounded by that weird white stuff humans use to ruin perfectly good meat. You get the white stuff off and start eating the tuna.


He's fine. He'll be fine. He gon' walk it off.


Loading Phillippe up into my new Pimpwalker (and let me tell you, loading a cloud into anything is way harder than it looks, let alone a giant goddamn Imperial walker), I set myself up in the pilots seat and cracked my knuckles.

...How does one drive an AT-AT, anyway? Don't you need, like... at least three people? No, wait, just the one pilot, but then there's a gunner, and a commander, and...

Psssshh. If I can drive stick I can drive a walker. Can't be that hard.

Using the comms system to blare music out over the countryside, I set the Pimpwalker lurching forwards and cackle.

Sure enough, you master the controls quickly, and soon enough you're stomping over the landscape listening to awesome music.

After a while, you see what looks like a base or something, and steer the AT-AT towards it out of curiosity. Sandwiches start splattering on the windshield, though, making it hard to see well enough to get there... although you can see well enough to notice...

...wait. You thought that was a moon, but... on closer inspection... that's no moon!

A confused and bedraggled young man sat on the ground, staring into thr distance as he tried to comprehend what the hell had just happened to him. Every answer added more questions, and every question came with more answers, which in turn added more questions, ths creating a nigh infinite loop of questions and answers the were slowly driving the unfortunate soul mad. Just as his wits seemed at their end he stopped, eyes widening in realization.

"This is real, isn't it?" he umbled to himself, clambering to his feet while he came to grips with reality, "Sweet Christ on a pogo stick this is real........."

For almost five minutes he stood there, silent and still, for almost five minutes he let the truth soak in.

"SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, YES!" his shout broke the silence and heralded a flurry of movement as the figure burst into action.

"Alright, I can do anything I want huh? Well then, I've always wanted an Executor-class Star Destroyer."

You concentrate as sandwiches fall from the sky, and...

...wait. Is that... way. No freaking way.

That's the Death Star!

+1 to all rolls involving destruction of planets.

Kintsugi scowled at the sky. She made a rude gesture at it. "And after all that work?" She asked.

"Fine!" She snapped. "Fine. If I can't have a nice storm, then give me a sea. With some nice currents and fine cold waters. But no sealife please." She considered this. "You know what? Make it freshwater. Big as the sea on earth but freshwater."

You concentrate aaaaand...

Suddenly a sandwich plops on your head, interrupting your concentration. As a result, you wind up with a large lake. Which isn't bad, you guess, but it's not as big as you had wanted.

More sandwiches are falling from the sky, which seriously pisses you off since you just got rid of the breadsticks. You barely even notice the moon appearing out of nowhere.

This... well, this was definitely something. The bear scrutinized its surroundings once more, this time coming to rest at its paw. Or where the sight of its paw should have been. Given the skills of invisibility and silence the bear only saw past itself and knew anyone looking directly at it would. Anything and everything at its paw's end. The feeling was good enough to make it slobber, aware of its empty stomach.

To the most important of accounts to be settled first:

You walk for a while, but you just can't seem to find anyone, let alone the breadstick person. Lots of food falling from the sky, though. Some of it even smells edible!

Yuki couldn't stop laughing when I told her.

To be honest, it was funny to imagine an army of undead housecats running through my enemies. But it's kind of hard to impress anyone with an army of undead housecats. Does that make me an crazy cat man? I push that thought aside. I consider trying to raise an army, but there probably hasn't been too much that died yet.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it." Yuki apologized

I simply shrugged. "Nah, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You know, we have these powers now. What should we do with them? I'd say we could fight crime, but I don't think there is anyone to fight yet."

"Well there are the others." Yuki said, hand on her chin. "We could see what they are doing. Fight crime that way."

Sure, why not.

Your experiences can be summed up this way: you get horribly lost.

And that's not even getting into the rain of sandwiches and the new moon that showed up.

-1 to all rolls for finding things.

With an escape path open, I quickly made my way onto the ship.

"Out of the atmosphere and into geosynchronous orbit around the planet, if at all possible." I replied to my ship, absently willing it to obey my request.

If I could get off this planet, then perhaps I could avoid some of the less....sane individuals granted Lady Luck's blessing.

"Unfortunately, Lady," Adam explains, "that force field is blocking my escape. Perhaps you could disable it. Any objections, Lady?"

The cathedral muses on the slight rise of the land. It was a start. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Wandering the land would be lonely, and even with all the strangeness going on, there needed to be 'mortals' that could strive against the 'gods' that roamed this world. Mortals that could think and act for themselves. And, preferably, more powerful than the average human of the old world.

And since this was a new world, why not start with a... different kind of mortal.

Human in shape.
White wings potruding from their backs, enabling flight.
Free thinking.
Skilled with white magic.

As the cathedral drew its power, trying to create the forms of fifteen female and five male angels within its halls, the walls of the cathedral spoke.

"On the first day, the Great Lady granted the world to the Gods."
"On the second day, the Gods granted breadsticks."
"On the third day, the Gods granted protection from the heavens."
"On the fourth day, the Gods granted rain."
"On the fifth day, the Gods granted darkness."
"On the sixth day, the Gods created ravens."
"On the seventh day, the Gods rested."
"On the eighth day, the Gods created the angels."

And he said, let there be angels. And behold, there were angels.

The angels kneel within the cathedral. "What now shall we do, Father?"

+1 to your next roll involving angels. You may name them as a free action.


Sandwiches of every conceivable kind are falling from the sky! Now, I'm sure they won't gradually grow larger and larger and eventually cause you to have to Roll to Dodge. These are friendly sandwiches! ...right?


Hmm. Another new moon has appeared in the sky. Or... is it a moon...?
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"Oh dear sweet merciful FUCK, what have I unleashed?!?"
You think for a moment how to stop the tiny eldritch abomination that lies before you... Wait,There's a Death Star... And as everyone knows, If you just toss something into the thermal exhaust ports...
"See you later, Bunneh Man!"
You try and teleport the ebil wabbit into the thermal exhaust ports of the Death Star.
The3rdCorinthian threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Teleporting rabbits Total: 5
5 5
Your experiences can be summed up this way: you get horribly lost.

And that's not even getting into the rain of sandwiches and the new moon that showed up.

-1 to all rolls for finding things.

"I'm assuming this is where I'd finally cave and ask for directions?" I jokingly ask, as I stick my hand out and grab a falling sandwich. "Provided we could actually find any one to ask."

"I'm more worried about that" Yuki replies while pointing up to the "moon". It's definitely no moon, of course. "There is only one reason you'd summon that."

"Well, it could be a problem" I say. "Do you want to deal with it, or should I?" I take a bit of my sandwich. Peanut Butter and Pepper Jack? Eh.

Yuki looks at the not-moon, then back at me. "I do want to try out my powers.." She hems and haws for a bit. "I'll take care of it."

She points at the Death Star...

"Hold on, I need a cool attack name..." Yuki thinks for a second. "Got it."

Her power starts flaring around her as looks at the Death Star, determination on her face. She is no longer pointing at the Death Star, but is reaching a hand out at it. "Bad Time Breakdown!"

Well, to be fair, she was playing Undertale before we got dragged here...
Novus Ordo Mundi threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
"And my drink!" I scream to the heavens just to notice the Death Star "Ah, come on!"

Trowing my arms to air "I just wanted to find to white lantern boss but no, a planet busting weapon has to appear and change my plans, sometimes being the designated good guy sucks"

"What?" ask Sharp Spear

"You know, we are White Lanterns so we have to be good guys" I answer before flying towards the Death Star and impacting face-first in the planet shield.

"We met again my old nemesis, but this time victory will be MINE!" I put both hands in the shield and with a effort will try to bend it into a nice trench-coat I can wear.
ziizo threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: SHARP DRESSED MAN Total: 5
5 5
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Realizing that he had been going on circles, the kobold put his hand or his face. He decided instead to head back to where he was, in hopes to at least be somewhere safe.
Muhkat Lomorki threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Going back to former location Total: 2
2 2
As the sandwiches began falling, I turned to Anne's avatar and told her "Ah yes, this is similar to the recent breadstick rain. However, unlike that event, this culinary precipitation does not seem to be stopping. This means we have to do something about it before it buries everyone. So, we are going to not only fix the reality stabilizer, but upgrade it to remove the old model's weaknesses. Guess what your first real project is going to be?"

Anne answered "Fixing the reality stabilizer with you of course! I'll round up the construction robots as you get down there!"

I nodded, and began making my way through the base's corridors, soon arriving at the courtyard housing the Reality Stabilizer. As a hot cheese sandwich bounced off my helmet, I shouted to Anne's drones "Remember, the upgrades we're trying to make are to allow normal weather cycles, terminate ongoing reality warping effects, and affect the entire planet! Those are secondary to actually getting it running again however!"

And with that, the both of us readied our tools, opened the access panel, and got to work.
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Reality Stabilizer Upgrades Total: 6
6 6
You concentrate aaaaand...

Suddenly a sandwich plops on your head, interrupting your concentration. As a result, you wind up with a large lake. Which isn't bad, you guess, but it's not as big as you had wanted.

More sandwiches are falling from the sky, which seriously pisses you off since you just got rid of the breadsticks. You barely even notice the moon appearing out of nowhere.
"Sandwiches?" Kintsugi picked one up and delicately picked off a slice of bread. She examined the filling.

It was a very thick slab of meat, all raw and bloody with thin streaks of gold running through it. Kintsugi's lip curled.

She glanced out the window. More sandwiches were falling from the sky. And landing in her lake. Sandwiches were falling from the sky and ruining her lake.

She threw her disassembled sandwich to the floor. "The sandwiches have to go! It's not good enough to just have no breadsticks, there has to be no sandwiches too!"
Camellia threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Sandwich Begone! Total: 1
1 1
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Well this was unexpected... how fascinating. We're somehow in the same plane but not? Psychic communication could be useful, I think. Well, let's get introductions out of the way I guess...

"Um. Hey there it's nice to meet you?" @MrEgret

Well honestly, I wasn't very good at introducing myself. hehehehe... I was suddenly brought out of my reverie with a yell,

"Sir! Massive planetary Body detected! It just appeared out of no where."


"Get me a visual!"

"Aye sir!"

With that one of the screens flashed and I paled... Holy shit... Oh damn the world... A bloody Death Star! I sat back on my seat with a heavy thump. Man I wish I had a Super Carrier instead of this Frigate... possibly 3 of them... hell even 1 Super Carrier and an entire Covenant armada at my command would make me feel slightly safer in this insane world...

Edit (OOC): @Crimson Doom & @MrEgret I didn't cut off my telepathic communication with MrEgret I believe, and since it's telepathic, he should be able to hear what i was thinking about? just wondering
pharaoh122 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: CSO Super Carrier and Friends Total: 6
6 6
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