Lady Luck: A Roll to Dodge Adventure (IC)

You concentrate on the image, and soon you feel your body reshaping itself. Weirdly, it doesn't hurt at all, and in no time, you're exactly how you pictured her, down to the clothes, pendant, and the gun in your hand.

+1 to your next roll involving doing something Samus Aran would do.

Something bops you on the head, and you react instinctively, rolling away off to the side and firing your new gun at... what appears to be a breadstick.

You look up to see more breadsticks falling from the sky at a rapid rate, and two moons that weren't there before. One brown, one yellow.

And both of the moons are getting bigger.
Imminent planetary destruction. For some reason that didn't actually cause the same amount of panic I'd have assumed it would.

Regardless, I didn't have much time, and there was only so much I could do to deal with this kind of thing.

So, I bravely employed the Joestar Family Secret Technique...and ran away.

That I also intended to set off the two extra moon's self destruct count-downs was completely intentional.
Silvan Eldar threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: LunarSelfDestructActivated +1 Total: 4
4 4
Each Player: You blink. One moment, you were just going about your normal life. The next second, you're... where are you, actually?

You look around. Wherever "here" is, it's rocky and barren. You don't see a single other living thing in the area. The rocks are kind of pretty, though, with a good variety of colors. Still, you don't exactly want to be here...

Before you get much more of a chance to get your bearings, a woman appears in front of you. She looks... well, to be honest, your first impression is "holographic". Like she's not actually there, just a flickering image of a woman with long black hair and wearing what looks like a Roman toga.

"Hello?" she says, frowning. "Is this thing on? Ah, good!" She clears her throat. "If you are seeing this message, then congratulations! You've gained a once-in-a-lifetime boon. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Luck." She pauses. "At least, I think that's what my name would translate to in your language."

"Anyway, you might consider me omnipotent. I'm not, but for your purposes, I might as well be. I have created entire universes, populated them, and destroyed them. I have been a goddess, a demon, a normal person, a tyrant, a savior, a sidekick... in short, I have experienced virtually everything there is to experience."

"And I am extremely bored."

"So I'm fixing that by giving you a fraction of my power. From now until the end of time, all actions you take have an equal probability of succeeding."
She smirks. "And whatever you're thinking of -no matter how wild, out there, or impossible it may seem- it includes that."

"All those roles I listed earlier? Any of those can be you. Or you can surprise me and take a different path. In fact, please do," she grins. "I gave you this power so that I could watch you and be entertained. So my only caveat is, be entertaining."

"Oh, and by the way, to make things more interesting, I plopped you on an uninhabited planet with a bunch of other people who have the same ability."
She frowns slightly. "Although if you're not part of the first batch, the planet wouldn't be uninhabited anymore..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, point is, you're not the only one with these abilities. What you do about that is up to you."

She leans forward toward you, her eyes sparkling (literally) and a grin on her face. "You can do anything."

"So what will you do?"

With that, the hologram vanishes, leaving you in a barren landscape and a lot of questions.

So then. What will you do?

OOC Thread
...Wait, where am I?

Why am I in the middle of nowhere and not at home?

And why are there breadsticks all around me and what looks like moons falling to the earth?

...Wait, didn't the hologram say that anything can happen? That I have an equal chance of doing anything?

What about a planetary shield generator, similar to the one at Hoth but more powerful, capable of protecting the world from those moons?

With that thought in mind, I put my hands forward, hoping for what I wished for to somehow appear from thin air. Anything is possible after all, right?
UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Planetary Shield Generator Total: 6
6 6
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The cloud you chose begins to swirl, descending directly towards you. Almost like a tornado, but without the violence. As the cloud reaches you, it begins to solidify, turning into a solid cloud cloak creature thing resting on your shoulders.

You notice that as it bonds with you (a completely painless process), you begin to become aware of how much nutrition and liquids the cloud is feeding you. It also grants you a general sense of how much is in the area, letting you know if you need to move to an area with more water.

You get a warm, fuzzy feeling from the cloak. Almost like it's purring. Awwww.

You get +1 to all rolls involving your cloud cloak creature. You may name the species and the individual you're using as free actions.

Because you're looking up, you see two moons forming in the sky that definitely weren't there before, one brown and one yellow. After a bit, the ground shudders and... one moment, are those moons getting bigger?

And then breadsticks start randomly falling from the sky. Once they've stopped, you find yourself waist-deep in them. Your cloud creature stops purring. You get the impression that it's as confused as you are.

Uh... That just happened. I guess.

The girl picked up a breadstick from the top of the pile and nibbled at it. It was nothing special, but then she'd never liked breadsticks.

She hadn't expected the cloud to be sentient. It probably needed a name now, though. "Nim" sounded good...

Breadstick rain, Nim. Could happen, so it did. Long story.

One that, along with lots of other things, could wait until she'd figured out a plan for those moons.

...Come to think of it, why couldn't she just wish them into a stable orbit around the planet?

I hope that's all I need to do. I never could get my head around orbital mechanics...
Whisper1 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Moon moving Total: 4
4 4
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This was insane. Limitless power! Gaaahahahahahaah!

...Wait. What the hell is happening with the moon? Moons? ...Also, why are there MOONS?

...Are there... other people in my dream world?

People with these powers?



Growling, I point right at the moons and bark out my next wish:

"I wish for those moons to disintegrate into breadsticks!"
RadioactiveSpoon threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: EVEN MORE BREADSTICKS Total: 4
4 4
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The bear snuffled the one of the falling things. It was warm and soft against its snout. But most important of all, it smelled good. Like like like... food!

Soon the bear found itself gorging on them, stuffing it's mouth by the pawfuls.

But before it could get well and truly hungry the ground started to shake. Then the food began hopping around. Soon, its legs began trembling with the growing tremors.

Oh dear.

This was no good thing. The bear was quite sure. So it dove straight to flat down on the ground, pressed its paws to its snout, and wished the rumbling would stop.
Zeitgeist Blue threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Stop ALL the world's shaking Total: 3
3 3
You stab downwards, piercing the ground. And...

...for a moment, nothing seems to happen.

But then you see a frankly huge amount of the ground begin to turn into gold. Seriously, it must extend for at least a mile.

You begin to hear noise, like several very loud propellers, and... wait, is this gold platform rising? You look over the edge... yup, you're rising.

Heh. This is pretty cool!

+1 to all rolls involving your solid gold helicarrier.

You chance to look up, and see two moons forming in the sky, not too far above you: one brown and one yellow. Um... are those moons getting bigger?

And why the heck is it raining breadsticks?
Breadsticks? Oh. Ew. What if she got crumbs in her hair?

Kintsugi quickly slithered inside her... helicarrier? This was confusing, but at least she wasn't being hit by breadsticks anymore. She drew herself and stared at her blade. She hadn't meant to make this machine... she only wanted to make something that would get her a higher viewpoint. As she moved through her helicarrier's halls, Kintsugi peeked through doors and examined its many rooms.

It was all very shiny. Very, very shiny.

Kintsugi looked out the window.
But, thankfully, the hail of breadsticks stops once it reaches about waist height.
Yay! Kintsugi's tail thrashed about in excitement. It stopped raining breadsticks! She glanced down, and her tail stilled. There were still a lot of breadsticks.

Nevermind! She wasn't going to let this get her down! Kintsugi pressed herself against the window and looked down. Maybe she would find someone! Like whoever it was that was making it rain breadsticks.
Camellia threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Eye Spy... Total: 2
2 2
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Each Player: You blink. One moment, you were just going about your normal life. The next second, you're... where are you, actually?

You look around. Wherever "here" is, it's rocky and barren. You don't see a single other living thing in the area. The rocks are kind of pretty, though, with a good variety of colors. Still, you don't exactly want to be here...

Before you get much more of a chance to get your bearings, a woman appears in front of you. She looks... well, to be honest, your first impression is "holographic". Like she's not actually there, just a flickering image of a woman with long black hair and wearing what looks like a Roman toga.

"Hello?" she says, frowning. "Is this thing on? Ah, good!" She clears her throat. "If you are seeing this message, then congratulations! You've gained a once-in-a-lifetime boon. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Luck." She pauses. "At least, I think that's what my name would translate to in your language."

"Anyway, you might consider me omnipotent. I'm not, but for your purposes, I might as well be. I have created entire universes, populated them, and destroyed them. I have been a goddess, a demon, a normal person, a tyrant, a savior, a sidekick... in short, I have experienced virtually everything there is to experience."

"And I am extremely bored."

"So I'm fixing that by giving you a fraction of my power. From now until the end of time, all actions you take have an equal probability of succeeding."
She smirks. "And whatever you're thinking of -no matter how wild, out there, or impossible it may seem- it includes that."

"All those roles I listed earlier? Any of those can be you. Or you can surprise me and take a different path. In fact, please do," she grins. "I gave you this power so that I could watch you and be entertained. So my only caveat is, be entertaining."

"Oh, and by the way, to make things more interesting, I plopped you on an uninhabited planet with a bunch of other people who have the same ability."
She frowns slightly. "Although if you're not part of the first batch, the planet wouldn't be uninhabited anymore..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, point is, you're not the only one with these abilities. What you do about that is up to you."

She leans forward toward you, her eyes sparkling (literally) and a grin on her face. "You can do anything."

"So what will you do?"

With that, the hologram vanishes, leaving you in a barren landscape and a lot of questions.

So then. What will you do?

The world was already changing, with a castle, a mansion, a mountain of gold, a few ships, and two moons. The moons appeared to be made of cheese and chocolate, and seemed to be headed on a crash course for the world.

Still, best start small. Start personal, learn of the limits of the power, before reaching outwards. Besides, with the number of changes occuring, it seemed that the incoming threat was likely going to be dealt with soon.

If not, this being would try to pitch in to deal with the threat shortly.

So, what about this being?

It first needs a shape to physically interact with this world, a single point from which to observe things, instead of spreading their conciousness widely. But at the same time, they needed mobility, allowing them to get out of the sea of breadsticks that was covering the world.

So, they focused their will to solidfy into the shape of an angel. Their intent was a winged man dressed in white, able to fly in the sky. There was the possibility for the shape to backfire, but they needed to start from someplace.
Random Tale threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shape of an Angel Total: 5
5 5

The Man looked around his summoning had failed and he was waist deep in bread-sticks, oh and the moon was getting closer like in Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan.

But that wasn't a reason to surrender, he only had to make one of his teenager fantasies a reality, before a childhood fantasy.

And so the man moved his hand in a arc hoping to create a portal that would lead him and his new acquaintance Sharp Spear to another planet.

You wave your arm and...

...nothing happens.

Naturally, you try again. And again. And again. But after a while, all you've managed to achieve is a sore arm.

Sharp Spear whinnies in a way that sounds like he's laughing at you.

Suddenly, a bright light flares, and you see a giant laser blasting the two moons, pushing them further away from the planet. It tapers off after a bit, but the moons aren't as close as they were.

And then a blue dome of energy arcs over the sky, forming a comforting-looking barrier between you and the moons.

...huh. Guess your arm-waving won't come back to bite you just yet.

As I looked up to the moons, I immediately decided to evacuate as well as I could. There was no freaking way I'd be able to remove them, but maybe, if I worked fast enough, I could jury-rig some sort of escape system. Actually, no, that wouldn't work. I have an even better idea, let's build a DEATH RAY, and blast those moons out of the sky!

I swiftly got to work, salvaging parts of my ship to create my horrendously overpowered plasma cannon and adapting it to use all of these freaking breadsticks as fuel. Soon, it was completed, and I turned its taargeting system on the encroaching moons. I may fail horribly, but it was worth a shot. As I pushed the firing button, I thought it appropriate to shout "Now face the power of this fully operational DOOM CANNON!" A bluish beam of energy streaked into the sky towards each moon and...

Hahahaha! It works! The beam flies towards the moons and...

Wait. Where's the kaboom?

You strain your eyes past the light your cannon is giving off and see... hmm. The moons must be more durable than you thought. They're not blowing up. But... you do seem to be pushing them...

Then your cannon stops, having run out of fuel for the moment. You have apparently delayed the apocalypse, but not canceled it.

The moons will crash into the planet at the end of Phase 6 instead of Phase 5.

And then, just as you start plotting to figure out what to do next, a blue force field arcs over the sky. You squint at it. Hard to tell from here, but you think it stands a good chance of holding up against even those moons. Huh.

Well that was a certainly a success... Well at least I tried. Sighing, I grabbed a breadstick that had fallen on my hand... wait.. bread stick? Glancing around me, there was a layer of bread sticks, well, everywhere, glancing up, I saw bread sticks fallinf from the sky and two new moons... getting bigger? Oh shit... were they there before? I didn't know, but I did know that I had to make sure I don't get flattened! I played enough Universe Sandbox to know what happens when a Moon collides with a planet, let alone two! Thinking quickly, I thought of a Space ship, preferably one Big enough to get out here and defend my self from Space Pirates! Maybe a UNSC Frigate from Halo? Yeah that would work!

The ground rumbles again. Oh, what now?!

You look beneath you and see the ship you specified beginning to rise from the ground, even including your castle in the process! (You also brought a lot of breadsticks, but who cares about those.)

Just as you're beginning to adjust to the idea that you're in a stone castle on a spaceship, someone hails the castle.

"Pharoah, this is the captain speaking. This ship is fully staffed and operational, and I am at your command."

+1 to your next roll involving your ship. You may name the ship and its captain as free actions.

Suddenly, a bright beam lances from somewhere on the ground and begins to push the moons away from the planet. Unfortunately, it stops after a bit, and you can see the moons beginning to fall again. But whatever that was, it's bought you some time.

And then a force field arcs over the ship, forming a protective bubble between you and the moons.

I ought to be afraid. Moon crashing onto planets were Bad News(TM). But instead, all I felt was glee. Mad glee.

I let out a truly wicked laugh.

The universe was mine. Mine to command.

Raising my hands towards the sky, I chanted words that did not belong in the same sentence or the same grammatical structure..

It would not do to bring about apocalypse in these dreary clothes, or this body.


I shall be magnificence itself. All shall tremble.


Electricity crackles around you, and you can feel your body shifting. You grow taller. Armor begins to clank into existence on your body. Your head supports a helmet. Your skin darkens, and your eyes begin to glow.

Soon, you are the very image of an evil overlord.

Suddenly, a blast of light flares in the distance. You take a look and see a laser pushing away your glorious moons! Who would dare?!

Fortunately, the blast doesn't destroy them, instead shutting off after merely pushing them away. Your apocalypse is still on, if a little delayed.

And then a force field arcs over the sky, cutting you off from the moons.

Well. This will not stand. No, it will not.

Imminent planetary destruction. For some reason that didn't actually cause the same amount of panic I'd have assumed it would.

Regardless, I didn't have much time, and there was only so much I could do to deal with this kind of thing.

So, I bravely employed the Joestar Family Secret Technique...and ran away.

That I also intended to set off the two extra moon's self destruct count-downs was completely intentional.

You have no idea how you did it, but you know for a fact that you've triggered the self-destruct. Conveniently, you get an overhead display from... somewhere, displaying how long you have until the detonation. Normally, it'd be last minute, but something seems to have sped up the process a bit.

You have two minutes.

+1 to your next roll involving blowing things up.

The moons will explode at the end of Phase 4, raining shrapnel on anyone left on the planet at that time.

And then a force field arcs into existence over you. Maybe the shrapnel won't be an issue after all...

...Wait, where am I?

Why am I in the middle of nowhere and not at home?

And why are there breadsticks all around me and what looks like moons falling to the earth?

...Wait, didn't the hologram say that anything can happen? That I have an equal chance of doing anything?

What about a planetary shield generator, similar to the one at Hoth but more powerful, capable of protecting the world from those moons?

With that thought in mind, I put my arms and hands forward, hoping for what I wished for to somehow appear from thin air. Anything is possible after all, right?

You stretch forth your hand, willing reality to respond...

...but for a little bit, it doesn't.

But a laser from nowhere pushes the moons backwards, buying you time. You're not alone in this conflict. Someone else is trying to help.

This gives you renewed strength, and you push and it does. A generator appears, glowing a reassuring blue color.

And then, in the distance, you see another. And another. And another.

All over the planet, force field generators pop into existence, beginning to hum.

A blue stream of light streams from each generator, beginning to spread into each other and creating a huge blue energy shield around the entire planet.

Ha. Hahaha. It worked!

Whenever the planet would roll to dodge, it rolls at +1 as long as the force field is operational.

+1 to all rolls involving force fields.

Uh... That just happened. I guess.

The girl picked up a breadstick from the top of the pile and nibbled at it. It was nothing special, but then she'd never liked breadsticks.

She hadn't expected the cloud to be sentient. It probably needed a name now, though. "Nim" sounded good...

Breadstick rain, Nim. Could happen, so it did. Long story.

One that, along with lots of other things, could wait until she'd figured out a plan for those moons.

...Come to think of it, why couldn't she wish them into a stable orbit around the planet?

I hope that's all I need to do. I never could get my head around orbital mechanics...

You close your eye and concentrate, as hard as you can, on putting the moons into orbit. Eventually, you feel them reluctantly respond, and you open your eyes to see...

Wait, what's all that blue stuff?

You squint past the blue thing (looks like a force field, maybe?) to see that the moons are, indeed, beginning to move into a proper orbit.


This was insane. Limitless power! Gaaahahahahahaah!

...Wait. What the hell is happening with the moon? Moons? ...Also, why are there MOONS?

...Are there... other people in my dream world?

People with these powers?



Growling, I point right at the moons an bark out my next wish:

"I wish for those moons to disintegrate into breadsticks!"

You point and glare at the moons, demanding that they bend to your will. The fact that they've been blasted with lasers, obscured by a blue force field, and are moving into a proper orbit go unnoticed by you as you concentrate on making them do what you want.

And after a bit, it works, and both moons explode into breadsticks. Weirdly, the breadsticks don't fall to the ground, instead going into orbit and forming a ring around the planet.

The bear snuffled the one of the falling things. It was warm and soft against its snout. But most important of all, it smelled good. Like like like... food!

Soon the bear found itself gorging on them, stuffing it's mouth by the pawfuls.

But before it could get well and truly hungry the ground started to shake. Then the food began hopping around. Soon, its legs began trembling with the growing tremors.

Oh dear.

This was no good thing. The bear was quite sure. So it dove straight to flat down on the ground, pressed its paws to its snout, and wished the rumbling would stop.

Quickly, the ground stops shaking where you are.

Is... is it gone?

You wander around a bit; if you were observant enough, you might realize that the ground starts rumbling again after you leave an area but stays calm where you are. But as a bear of very little brain, no guarantees. (Up to you, Zeitgeist.)

What you do notice, however, is a bunch of bright flashes in the sky. When it's all over, the sky looks... different. Though you can't seem to pinpoint why, exactly. It doesn't look like the right blue.

I look upon the moon coming down towards me, and I have but one though.

"Meh. I'll deal with it later." (Look, my thinker hurts, alright?)

So let's see. If I can do anything I wanted, what would be something I would want? A million thoughts battle each other for supremacy in my mind, waging war to be the one selected. The winner?

"I want someone to love me for me."

What, you thought I was going to ask for hot lesbians or something silly? Please, I want something more important to my heart...

All of a sudden, something weird happens. You can feel your timeline being rewritten:

At some point in your past, you meet someone special.

Over the years, you and she became very close.

Eventually, you two fell in love.

You were married...
and then, not a day after that, both of you found yourselves here. Together, you watch as a laser blasts the moon and as a force field rises to protect you.

You two will live to see another day.

+1 to all rolls involving your wife. You may name her as a free action.

Breadsticks? Oh. Ew. What if she got crumbs in her hair?

Kintsugi quickly slithered inside her... helicarrier? This was confusing, but at least she wasn't being hit by breadsticks anymore. She drew herself and stared at her blade. She hadn't meant to make this machine... she only wanted to make something that would get her a higher viewpoint. As she moved through her helicarrier's halls, Kintsugi peeked through doors and examined its many rooms.

It was all very shiny. Very, very shiny.

Kintsugi looked out the window.

Yay! Kintsugi's tail thrashed about in excitement. It stopped raining breadsticks! She glanced down, and her tail stilled. There were still a lot of breadsticks.

Nevermind! She wasn't going to let this get her down! Kintsugi pressed herself against the window and looked down. Maybe she would find someone! Like whoever it was that was making it rain breadsticks.

You fly around for a while, but you don't see anyone. All you see are breadsticks, coating literally every inch of the ground.

Breadsticks. Why did it have to be breadsticks?

The world was already changing, with a castle, a mansion, a mountain of gold, a few ships, and two moons. The moons appeared to be made of cheese and chocolate, and seemed to be headed on a crash course for the world.

Still, best start small. Start personal, learn of the limits of the power, before reaching outwards. Besides, with the number of changes occuring, it seemed that the incoming threat was likely going to be dealt with soon.

If not, this being would try to pitch in to deal with the threat shortly.

So, what about this being?

It first needs a shape to physically interact with this world, a single point from which to observe things, instead of spreading their conciousness widely. But at the same time, they needed mobility, allowing them to get out of the sea of breadsticks that was covering the world.

So, they focused their will to solidfy into the shape of an angel. Their intent was a winged man dressed in white, able to fly in the sky. There was the possibility for the shape to backfire, but they needed to start from someplace.

You concentrate on changing your physical form. Not something you'd normally know how to do, but for some reason, it comes naturally to you. Light gathers around you, and before you know it, you have become an angel, perfect in feature and form. You flap your wings experimentally. You do seem to be able to fly, but you're not sure how skilled you'll be at it... for now, though, you feel like you can do anything.

+1 to your next roll involving flight.


The moons are no longer about to crash into the earth. Indeed, they are no longer moons. Instead, they have formed a ring, not unlike those around Saturn, but made of breadsticks instead. (Though you might have a hard time seeing it past the giant blue force field in the sky.) However, those breadsticks will self-destruct at the end of Phase 4.
Ooooohhhh.... Nice Ship. This is great! I'll call it the... well I'll think of something. Never was good with names.

Grabbing another breadstick, I made my way to the entrance of the ship and I was greeted by a golem... well, that's nice? But how about I make it better? No offence rock golem guy. I wish for the crew to be cute girls!

pharaoh122 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Harem crew! Total: 2
2 2
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I reached out and felt the remains of my harbingers of the apocalypse. Destroyed in but moments.

They will pay.

Just as they twisted my creations, I will twist their creations.

I felt the field of protection around the planet, and willed. I willed that the self-destructing breadsticks would coalesce in a sphere just under the shield, that when they blew up.. all would pay. Their pesky force-field would be turned against them.

A malicious smile grew across my face, as I envisioned a different apocalypse. Projectile-d breadsticks striking down upon everyone. Including their creator.
Shard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Breadstick Apocalypse, redux. Total: 6
6 6
Many things happened at once, and the result was simply... Out of this world...

I expected only one shield generator, but instead, there were many. I guess I got lucky?

How about an energy shield for myself, then, like the ones the Protoss have? Just in case some other catastrophe occurs. Those falling moons had to come from somewhere, right?

The breadsticks were good food, by the way.
UbeOne threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Personal force field Total: 5
5 5
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That blue haze looked an awful lot like some kind of energy field. A planetary shield? And where had that laser blast come from? Was everyone here a sci-fi geek except her?

The countdown which had just appeared seemed to add to that theory. Blowing up moons was a pretty sufficiently-advanced technology thing to do after all. At least that was what she'd gathered from Star Wars.

The girl stroked Nim. The planetary shield would take care of things, and she'd done some pretty cool things with her new power. Now it was time to greet her neighbors. Her parents had always said socializing was important.

But I'm going to do it my way, not theirs. Because I can.

"Hey, Nim," she said. "That's your name now, hope you like it... Uh, I don't know if you can hear or understand me, but I'm going to pinch off part of you, alright? Maybe change you a bit too. I don't think it'll hurt but let me know if it does, okay?"

Now for what she wanted. She wanted her pet cloud and all its offshoots to be able to find people for her. Any physical and mental changes are okay, as long as they don't become sapient or deviate recognizably from a cloud-like appearance or both. And she wanted them to find... whoever made those breadsticks appear, whoever made those moons and whoever set off their "self-destruct countdown". How did that even work?

Oh, and she wanted them to give those people water, plus a good shower. In fact, both at once would be fantastic.

Maybe Nim could also expand to cover her body fully, like a protective suit. But comfortably.

Too much? We'll see.

She closed her eyes and wished.
Whisper1 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Make it rain literally Total: 1
1 1
The man grabbed a bread-stick and break it in Sharp Spear head "Don't laugh, my failure almost causes both of us to die" He looked to the bread-stick ring "we were lucky someone saved us"

The man looked to his hands well he could try that, trying to channeling all his energy to man started to run and let a scream "ROUTE 66!"

With luck that Stand he created a time ago would become real and take him and Sharp Spear to a safe place.
ziizo threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Ziizo Bizarre Adventure Total: 3
3 3
Each Player: You blink. One moment, you were just going about your normal life. The next second, you're... where are you, actually?

You look around. Wherever "here" is, it's rocky and barren. You don't see a single other living thing in the area. The rocks are kind of pretty, though, with a good variety of colors. Still, you don't exactly want to be here...

Before you get much more of a chance to get your bearings, a woman appears in front of you. She looks... well, to be honest, your first impression is "holographic". Like she's not actually there, just a flickering image of a woman with long black hair and wearing what looks like a Roman toga.

"Hello?" she says, frowning. "Is this thing on? Ah, good!" She clears her throat. "If you are seeing this message, then congratulations! You've gained a once-in-a-lifetime boon. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Luck." She pauses. "At least, I think that's what my name would translate to in your language."

"Anyway, you might consider me omnipotent. I'm not, but for your purposes, I might as well be. I have created entire universes, populated them, and destroyed them. I have been a goddess, a demon, a normal person, a tyrant, a savior, a sidekick... in short, I have experienced virtually everything there is to experience."

"And I am extremely bored."

"So I'm fixing that by giving you a fraction of my power. From now until the end of time, all actions you take have an equal probability of succeeding."
She smirks. "And whatever you're thinking of -no matter how wild, out there, or impossible it may seem- it includes that."

"All those roles I listed earlier? Any of those can be you. Or you can surprise me and take a different path. In fact, please do," she grins. "I gave you this power so that I could watch you and be entertained. So my only caveat is, be entertaining."

"Oh, and by the way, to make things more interesting, I plopped you on an uninhabited planet with a bunch of other people who have the same ability."
She frowns slightly. "Although if you're not part of the first batch, the planet wouldn't be uninhabited anymore..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, point is, you're not the only one with these abilities. What you do about that is up to you."

She leans forward toward you, her eyes sparkling (literally) and a grin on her face. "You can do anything."

"So what will you do?"

With that, the hologram vanishes, leaving you in a barren landscape and a lot of questions.

So then. What will you do?

OOC Thread
Well. This was shaping up to be one of the weirder dreams I've had. That'll teach me to go to bed after trying some of Lieutenant-Commander Cardiff's attempts at cooking. She really ought to leave that stuff to the ship's chef.

And I guess that my dream was picking up on my stomach troubles, because holy hell that is a lot of breadsticks.

Well, this was a dream right? And that meant that I could do anything, so I could do something about those. But not now. Maybe later, if I was still asleep.

Instead, I turned my mind to my crew. I sort of wished they were here to see this. This would definitely be a hell of a tale to share back at HQ.

Maybe Cardiff could come too. With any luck, she'll have improved in the cooking department on the trip over to... wherever this is.

I laughed to myself. Yeah, and maybe she'll be in a bikini, too. Hey, a man can dream, right?

EDIT: Oh dear.
MrEgret threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Summon Crew Total: 1
1 1
As I watched the moons disintegrate into breadsticks, my eyebrow twitched. That was it, I was SICK OF THESE FREAKING BREADSTICKS. Diving into my supply of parts, I began assembling a device to put a stop to these breadsticks once and for all. For the power plant I used a spare fusion core, I armed it with twin missile pods and a plasma gatling, and for propulsion I used an omnidirectional gravity drive.

It took a very short amount of time for me to complete my creation, and I grinned as its optic began to glow for the first time in its existence. I then informed my beautiful creation "Your directive is to destroy all breadsticks. ALL OF THEM! You are also to track down whoever's responsible for all this reality warping craziness and forcibly extract the information on how it works."

As my killbot zoomed off, weapons blazing, I got back to more down to earth concerns such as ensuring my long term survival. I'd burned through most of my spare parts, but if I was willing to cannibalize some of the ship's other systems I should be able to get the refinery and assembler up and running again...
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Killbot Directives Total: 5
5 5
You fly around for a while, but you don't see anyone. All you see are breadsticks, coating literally every inch of the ground.

Breadsticks. Why did it have to be breadsticks?
Kintsugi slowly grew more and more irritated as she scanned the ground and found nothing but breadsticks.

She heaved a sigh and turned her gaze toward the sky.

And found more breadsticks.

"ARGH! WHO WAS THE MORON THAT WISHED FOR SO MANY BREADSTICKS!" Kintsugi slapped her tail against the gold floor. "No more. I wish that all the breadsticks would just dissappear!"
Camellia threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Breadsticks be Gone! Total: 4
4 4
You blink. One moment, you were just going about your normal life. The next second, you're... where are you, actually?

You look around. Wherever "here" is, it's rocky and barren. You don't see a single other living thing in the area. The rocks are kind of pretty, though, with a good variety of colors. Still, you don't exactly want to be here...

Before you get much more of a chance to get your bearings, a woman appears in front of you. She looks... well, to be honest, your first impression is "holographic". Like she's not actually there, just a flickering image of a woman with long black hair and wearing what looks like a Roman toga.

"Hello?" she says, frowning. "Is this thing on? Ah, good!" She clears her throat. "If you are seeing this message, then congratulations! You've gained a once-in-a-lifetime boon. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Luck." She pauses. "At least, I think that's what my name would translate to in your language."

"Anyway, you might consider me omnipotent. I'm not, but for your purposes, I might as well be. I have created entire universes, populated them, and destroyed them. I have been a goddess, a demon, a normal person, a tyrant, a savior, a sidekick... in short, I have experienced virtually everything there is to experience."

"And I am extremely bored."

"So I'm fixing that by giving you a fraction of my power. From now until the end of time, all actions you take have an equal probability of succeeding."
She smirks. "And whatever you're thinking of -no matter how wild, out there, or impossible it may seem- it includes that."

"All those roles I listed earlier? Any of those can be you. Or you can surprise me and take a different path. In fact, please do," she grins. "I gave you this power so that I could watch you and be entertained. So my only caveat is, be entertaining."

"Oh, and by the way, to make things more interesting, I plopped you on an uninhabited planet with a bunch of other people who have the same ability."
She frowns slightly. "Although if you're not part of the first batch, the planet wouldn't be uninhabited anymore..." She shakes her head. "Anyway, point is, you're not the only one with these abilities. What you do about that is up to you."

She leans forward toward you, her eyes sparkling (literally) and a grin on her face. "You can do anything."

"So what will you do?"

With that, the hologram vanishes, leaving you in a barren landscape and a lot of questions.

So then. What will you do?
Dinac, staring out into the barren landscape, smiles. He then attempts to summon a brightly-painted tent with a silk rug. After all, he needs somewhere to sleep, and it wouldn't be some filthy ditch or place for peasantry.
(Edit: Accidental roll doesn't count.)
Muhkat Lomorki threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Summoning Tent Total: 8
6 6 2 2
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You point and glare at the moons, demanding that they bend to your will. The fact that they've been blasted with lasers, obscured by a blue force field, and are moving into a proper orbit go unnoticed by you as you concentrate on making them do what you want.

And after a bit, it works, and both moons explode into breadsticks. Weirdly, the breadsticks don't fall to the ground, instead going into orbit and forming a ring around the planet.

A single tear (A MANLY TEAR SHUT UP) rolled down my cheek as I saluted the sky. It was more beautiful than I ever could have dreamed.

Alright, alright, enough admiring the atmosphere. The natural majesty of the breadstick now visible to anyone and everyone, it was time to move on.

...and do what?

I'd changed myself.

I'd changed improved the planet.

I'd prevented the moons from going full Majora.

Only, looking at the sky, it seemed that someone else had involved themselves with that particular issue. Possibly multiple people.

Actually, one of these other people had probably been behind the whole moon situation in the first place.

Greeeat. Stuck in the same dream as some lunatic with no common sense and a weird fixation on inane objects. Moons. Seriously.

Well, I'd just have to teach him a lesson, wouldn't I? Ain't nobody messes with the celestial bodies of my dreams but me, buddy. It's go time.

Raising my arms in the air and cackling like a loon, I revealed my newest decree -

"I wish that whoever created those moons would be FLUNG INTO SPACE!"

RadioactiveSpoon threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: SPAAAAAAACE Total: 2
2 2
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You have no idea how you did it, but you know for a fact that you've triggered the self-destruct. Conveniently, you get an overhead display from... somewhere, displaying how long you have until the detonation. Normally, it'd be last minute, but something seems to have sped up the process a bit.

You have two minutes.

+1 to your next roll involving blowing things up.

The moons will explode at the end of Phase 4, raining shrapnel on anyone left on the planet at that time.

And then a force field arcs into existence over you. Maybe the shrapnel won't be an issue after all...
In a better world I'd have perhaps allowed the forcefields to protect me. But I wasn't quite as confident in reality staying sane, and expecting those forcefields to stay in existence for long enough to protect me was conditional on things making sense.

In this place, not a good bet.

So instead, as I jogged off, I willed onto myself Samus's suit of power armor.

Considering the kinds of hits this thing could take, I doubted some shrapnel would kill me....outright.
Silvan Eldar threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Power Armor go! Total: 5
5 5
The Texan considered the words of the holographic lady for a few minutes after she left, and briefly wondered about how to test his new power. One very FUN one popped up in his mind, but he wanted to keep his hypothetical power if he had it, so no lewdness involving the new benefactor. Remembering a group of Fanfictions, Hawke smiled. "IN A RANDOM UNIVERSE, A REDNECK SUMMONS A METAL EXTRACTOR!" Hawke said, dramatically pointing in a random direction "BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME BY THE HOT ALIEN BABE!!"
MS-21H 'Hawke' threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Metal Extractor Total: 4
4 4
One might be led to believe animals had little interest in taste. They certainly don't make a very good show in our reckoning; raw meat, carrion meat, insect meat, green grub, and garden fare with little regard for food hygiene.

One might think that but this bear did not. Too much of a good thing is bad for you and the bear was just finding this out much to its chagrin (or what would pass as chagrin for a bear).

Its Mouth seemed to have a mind of its own and its Stomach seemed to agree. No matter how hard the bear pushed its Stomach pushed harder and its Mouth would retch.

Very well, the bear conceded, no more bread. But its time in the Forest taught it where food-not-from-Forest came. When came bread there came those creatures. And when came those creatures came food-not-bread!

It was only logical thought the bear with very little brain. And so it padded its way through a land of bread hoping to find its next source of food.
Zeitgeist Blue threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Teleportation Total: 3
3 3
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The being nodded to itself, pleased with its new form. Mobility and height achieved, the Angel observed the gathering of the breadsticks outside the shield that protected the world that he had entered. There was little need for him to interfere more, he thought to himself.

Now, with the end dealt with, the being could work more easily.

Still, the 'Lady's Protection' was going to end soon for the Angel, and with the result of the Moons, it may be a good idea to prepare a personal force field that could be cast to defend from harm.

And with the 'Grand Plan' that the Angel was preparing to invoke, that shield might be a 'Proof-of-Concept' to show that it might be possible.

So, hovering in place in the air and casting a glance at the breadstick rings, the Angel then focused inward and pushed energy outward, trying to cast a force-field spell to protect the caster from harm.

Death may be but an inconvenince, but still, it was time still spent that was most often better spent elsewhere.
Random Tale threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Magic Personal Force Shield Total: 4
4 4

Rolls to dodge are in this post.

Ooooohhhh.... Nice Ship. This is great! I'll call it the... well I'll think of something. Never was good with names.

Grabbing another breadstick, I made my way to the entrance of the ship and I was greeted by a golem... well, that's nice? But how about I make it better? No offence rock golem guy. I wish for the crew to be cute girls!


You wish and wish and wish... but nothing happens.

...well, that's disappointing.

The golem captain looks up. "Incoming!"

You look up, to see breadsticks zooming towards you.

Something clicks, and you move. In an astonishing display of acrobatics you didn't know you possessed, you dodge the breadsticks. After a while, you notice a pattern to the way they fall, and dodging them becomes trivial.

+1 to your next Roll to Dodge breadsticks.

You notice, while dodging, that your ship is firing back at the breadsticks, but the breadsticks seem to be absorbing the energy.

Then, in a flash of scarlet light, the breadsticks all vanish.


...hey, wait a sec. Where'd the force field go?

I reached out and felt the remains of my harbingers of the apocalypse. Destroyed in but moments.

They will pay.

Just as they twisted my creations, I will twist their creations.

I felt the field of protection around the planet, and willed. I willed that the self-destructing breadsticks would coalesce in a sphere just under the shield, that when they blew up.. all would pay. Their pesky force-field would be turned against them.

A malicious smile grew across my face, as I envisioned a different apocalypse. Projectile-d breadsticks striking down upon everyone. Including their creator.

Thunder booms. Lightning crackles. The air grows tense, darkening around you.

You gesture dramatically, clenching your hand into a fist, and all the breadsticks vanish and reappear under the force field. You throw your hand down, and they all hurtle down at high speeds, puncturing everywhere except where you are. Even if they counterattack, all they could hurt would be the breadsticks.

Given that you basically got to launch an attack on everyone without risk of hurting yourself or being counterattacked, no bonus for this action.

You blink, realizing that it's raining. You look up and... oh. That thunder and lightning hadn't just been dramatic. An evil-looking cloud is raining on you.

The moment you look up, it grins a lightning-y grin, and the rain intensifies immensely.

You sputter and hack; a fair bit of water wound up in your windpipe. -1 to your next roll.

And then you notice that a flash of scarlet light has made all of your breadsticks vanish. Curses! Why can't they just let your apocalypses be?!

...well, at least the force field is gone now...

Many things happened at once, and the result was simply... Out of this world...

I expected only one shield generator, but instead, there were many. I guess I got lucky?

How about an energy shield for myself, then, like the ones the Protoss have? Just in case some other catastrophe occurs. Those falling moons had to come from somewhere, right?

You concentrate and... you feel something changing inside of you. You don't look any different, but...

Your train of thought is interrupted when a breadstick from the sky slams into you at 80 miles per hour.

You blink. You're... not hurt.

More breadsticks come, but you barely even feel them. You might as well have been pelted with little balls of paper for how much damage is being done to you.

You have gained a skintight, invisible forcefield not unlike the one that gives Superman his invunerability. +1 to all Rolls to Dodge.

After a bit, the breadsticks vanish in a burst of scarlet light. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like your force field generators survived the hail. You might be able to repair them, though.

That blue haze looked an awful lot like some kind of energy field. A planetary shield? And where had that laser blast come from? Was everyone here a sci-fi geek except her?

The countdown which had just appeared seemed to add to that theory. Blowing up moons was a pretty sufficiently-advanced technology thing to do after all. At least that was what she'd gathered from Star Wars.

The girl stroked Nim. The planetary shield would take care of things, and she'd done some pretty cool things with her new power. Now it was time to greet her neighbors. Her parents had always said socializing was important.

But I'm going to do it my way, not theirs. Because I can.

"Hey, Nim," she said. "That's your name now, hope you like it... Uh, I don't know if you can hear or understand me, but I'm going to pinch off part of you, alright? Maybe change you a bit too. I don't think it'll hurt but let me know if it does, okay?"

Now for what she wanted. She wanted her pet cloud and all its offshoots to be able to find people for her. Any physical and mental changes are okay, as long as they don't become sapient or deviate recognizably from a cloud-like appearance or both. And she wanted them to find... whoever made those breadsticks appear, whoever made those moons and whoever set off their "self-destruct countdown". How did that even work?

Oh, and she wanted them to give those people water, plus a good shower. In fact, both at once would be fantastic.

Maybe Nim could also expand to cover her body fully, like a protective suit. But comfortably.

Too much? We'll see.

She closed her eyes and wished.

Nim starts vibrating, and before you know it, a piece shoots out from Nim and starts growing.

...wait. Is it supposed to be black...? Well, you did want rain.

The cloud finishes its growth, then sprouts off two more, both dark. Finally, they cap off their growth with two eyes and a wicked grin formed from lightning.

They zoom off, thundering in a way that almost sounds like evil laughter.

...welp. That can't be good.

Suddenly, a hail of breadsticks falls on you and crapcrapcrap...

Whisper1 is dead.

Nim seems to have survived, though. Apparently it's hard for clouds to be hurt. Nim gets +1 to its next roll to dodge breadsticks.

The man grabbed a bread-stick and break it in Sharp Spear head "Don't laugh, my failure almost causes both of us to die" He looked to the bread-stick ring "we were lucky someone saved us"

The man looked to his hands well he could try that, trying to channeling all his energy to man started to run and let a scream "ROUTE 66!"

With luck that Stand he created a time ago would become real and take him and Sharp Spear to a safe place.

Your Stand appears, and you take your first five steps... and run into something. Blue, like the forcefield above the pla- oh you've got to be kidding me.

You try again... and again... and again... and again...

And then you're interrupted by breadsticks falling from the sky. Thankfully, inside your Stand, you're safe from the breadsticks. You get +1 to your next roll against breadsticks.

Unfortunately, Sharp Spear wasn't so lucky. He tripped out of the Stand's path right into the path of a breadstick. Sharp Spear is Dead.

In a truly cruel twist of fate, the breadsticks all vanish shortly after that.

Well. This was shaping up to be one of the weirder dreams I've had. That'll teach me to go to bed after trying some of Lieutenant-Commander Cardiff's attempts at cooking. She really ought to leave that stuff to the ship's chef.

And I guess that my dream was picking up on my stomach troubles, because holy hell that is a lot of breadsticks.

Well, this was a dream right? And that meant that I could do anything, so I could do something about those. But not now. Maybe later, if I was still asleep.

Instead, I turned my mind to my crew. I sort of wished they were here to see this. This would definitely be a hell of a tale to share back at HQ.

Maybe Cardiff could come too. With any luck, she'll have improved in the cooking department on the trip over to... wherever this is.

I laughed to myself. Yeah, and maybe she'll be in a bikini, too. Hey, a man can dream, right?

EDIT: Oh dear.

You wish your crew here... but it seems like you got some other people instead, and... oh dear. You were responsible for ruining one of their past raids, and they are pissed at you.

They charge, but you dodge smoothly and start counterattacking with your bare hands. Thankfully, they aren't too skilled, but they are skilled enough to sustain only bruises.

The pirates withdraw, waiting for an opening...

...and then, suddenly, breadstick interrupt!

Unfortunately, the breadsticks do what the pirates could not.

Mr. Egret has died.

And in a cruel twist of fate, the pirates are completely unscratched.

As I watched the moons disintegrate into breadsticks, my eyebrow twitched. That was it, I was SICK OF THESE FREAKING BREADSTICKS. Diving into my supply of parts, I began assembling a device to put a stop to these breadsticks once and for all. For the power plant I used a spare fusion core, I armed it with twin missile pods and a plasma gatling, and for propulsion I used an omnidirectional gravity drive.

It took a very short amount of time for me to complete my creation, and I grinned as its optic began to glow for the first time in its existence. I then informed my beautiful creation "Your directive is to destroy all breadsticks. ALL OF THEM! You are also to track down whoever's responsible for all this reality warping craziness and forcibly extract the information on how it works."

As my killbot zoomed off, weapons blazing, I got back to more down to earth concerns such as ensuring my long term survival. I'd burned through most of my spare parts, but if I was willing to cannibalize some of the ship's other systems I should be able to get the refinery and assembler up and running again...

The killboat zooms off, ready to do its deadly work, shooting breadsticks in its path...

And then the breadsticks fall and you try to dod-


You slump to the ground, a breadstick embedded in your gut. You're not dead, but you can't take another hit like that...

I just write is Wounded.

Off in the distance, you see your killbot efficiently eliminating all the other breadsticks. You won't have to worry about those any more.

And then the one in your gut, as well as all the breadsticks your killbot hadn't destroyed yet, vanish in a flash of scarlet, as does the force field above you.

Kintsugi slowly grew more and more irritated as she scanned the ground and found nothing but breadsticks.

She heaved a sigh and turned her gaze toward the sky.

And found more breadsticks.

"ARGH! WHO WAS THE MORON THAT WISHED FOR SO MANY BREADSTICKS!" Kintsugi slapped her tail against the gold floor. "No more. I wish that all the breadsticks would just dissappear!"

Scarlet light begins to crackle around your hands, and, without knowing quite why, you whisper, "No more breadsticks."

And in a flash of scarlet light, they all vanish, moments before some would have started falling on you. Weirdly, the force field vanishes too. Maybe the force field was also a breadstick?

+1 to your next Roll to Dodge breadsticks.

And then, a bear appears in front of you.

...what? No, seriously. What is a bear doing here???

Dinac, staring out into the barren landscape, smiles. He then attempts to summon a brightly-painted tent with a silk rug. After all, he needs somewhere to sleep, and it wouldn't be some filthy ditch or place for peasantry.

A tent appears, exactly the way you wanted it, with a silk rug inside. There's also... hmm. A note? It reads, "the carpet can fly".

You test it out, and indeed, the carpet responds to your thoughts and flies with abnormal agility. You can go anywhere on this thing!

+1 to rolls involving your flying magic carpet.

But then, suddenly, breadsticks start falling from the sky! What the he-arkglglglg!

Dinac is dead.

A single tear (A MANLY TEAR SHUT UP) rolled down my cheek as I saluted the sky. It was more beautiful than I ever could have dreamed.

Alright, alright, enough admiring the atmosphere. The natural majesty of the breadstick now visible to anyone and everyone, it was time to move on.

...and do what?

I'd changed myself.

I'd changed improved the planet.

I'd prevented the moons from going full Majora.

Only, looking at the sky, it seemed that someone else had involved themselves with that particular issue. Possibly multiple people.

Actually, one of these other people had probably been behind the whole moon situation in the first place.

Greeeat. Stuck in the same dream as some lunatic with no common sense and a weird fixation on inane objects. Moons. Seriously.

Well, I'd just have to teach him a lesson, wouldn't I? Ain't nobody messes with the celestial bodies of my dreams but me, buddy. It's go time.

Raising my arms in the air and cackling like a loon, I came up with my newest decree -

"I wish that whoever created those moons would be FLUNG INTO SPACE!"


You gesture dramatically upwards and... you have no clue if it worked. But... you've got a feeling that it didn-!

Ack! You just got nicked with a breadstick! -1 to your next roll.

Oh, heck no! Nobody turns your beautiful breadsticks into weapons and gets away with i-!

Why are they all vanishing now?!

And then an evil storm cloud shows up and, with a wicked lightning grin, starts raining on you. You get water up your windpipe. Ackhrkblblbl... -1 to your next roll.

And then a robot shows up?! What the heck is going on?!


Somewhat at odds with its stated purpose, it seems to be blasting lasers at you. But you thrust your hand forward, and the laser absorbs itself into your hand. You seem to have gained a slight resistance to lasers. +1 to your next Roll to Dodge the killbot.

In a better world I'd have perhaps allowed the forcefields to protect me. But I wasn't quite as confident in reality staying sane, and expecting those forcefields to stay in existence for long enough to protect me was conditional on things making sense.

In this place, not a good bet.

So instead, as I jogged off, I willed onto myself Samus's suit of power armor.

Considering the kinds of hits this thing could take, I doubted some shrapnel would kill me....outright.

With a thought, the Varia suit forms around you. It has a fair amount of energy and missiles, as well as much of her weaponry.

+1 to your next two Rolls to Dodge.

And not a moment too soon, as breadsticks have begun falling from the sky. Using your Chozo agility, you dodge between the breadsticks adeptly.

After a moment, the hail stops, but your troubles aren't over yet. An evil-looking cloud has showed up, grinning a lightning-y grin and raining tons of water on you, which for some reason, causes some damage to your suit. -1 to your next roll.

You notice the breadsticks vanishing in a flash of crimson and the force field breaking above you out of the corner of your eye, but you're more worried about the cloud right now.

The Texan considered the words of the holographic lady for a few minutes after she left, and briefly wondered about how to test his new power. One very FUN one popped up in his mind, but he wanted to keep his hypothetical power if he had it, so no lewdness involving the new benefactor. Remembering a group of Fanfictions, Hawke smiled. "IN A RANDOM UNIVERSE, A REDNECK SUMMONS A METAL EXTRACTOR!" Hawke said, dramatically pointing in a random direction "BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME BY THE HOT ALIEN BABE!!"

And poof, a metal extractor appears!

You look up just in time to see a hail of breadstick about to descend upon you. But you're not scared of them; you're Texan. You're too tough to go out to something as lame as breadsticks. +1 to your next Roll to Dodge breadsticks.

Unfortunately, your new metal extractor isn't nearly as tough and is fairly badly damaged. You might be able to fix it up, though.

One might be led to believe animals had little interest in taste. They certainly don't make a very good show in our reckoning; raw meat, carrion meat, insect meat, green grub, and garden fare with little regard for food hygiene.

One might think that but this bear did not. Too much of a good thing is bad for you and the bear was just finding this out much to its chagrin (or what would pass as chagrin for a bear).

Its Mouth seemed to have a mind of its own and its Stomach seemed to agree. No matter how hard the bear pushed its Stomach pushed harder and its Mouth would retch.

Very well, the bear conceded, no more bread. But its time in the Forest taught it where food-not-from-Forest came. When came bread there came those creatures. And when came those creatures came food-not-bread!

It was only logical thought the bear with very little brain. And so it padded its way through a land of bread hoping to find its next source of food.

You trundle along, looking for humans. Well, more accurately, for their pic-a-nic baskets.

You look up and see more breadsticks falling from the sky. Nope, don't want those. You break into a run to avoid them...

And then, between one step and the next, you find yourself on a surface that shines way too brightly, in front of something that almost looks like a human, but smells like metal.


The being nodded to itself, pleased with its new form. Mobility and height achieved, the Angel observed the gathering of the breadsticks outside the shield that protected the world that he had entered. There was little need for him to interfere more, he thought to himself.

Now, with the end dealt with, the being could work more easily.

Still, the 'Lady's Protection' was going to end soon for the Angel, and with the result of the Moons, it may be a good idea to prepare a personal force field that could be cast to defend from harm.

And with the 'Grand Plan' that the Angel was preparing to invoke, that shield might be a 'Proof-of-Concept' to show that it might be possible.

So, hovering in place in the air and casting a glance at the breadstick rings, the Angel then focused inward and pushed energy outward, trying to cast a force-field spell to protect the caster from harm.

Death may be but an inconvenince, but still, it was time still spent that was most often better spent elsewhere.

You concentrate, and a shield of white light surrounds you. +1 to your next Roll to Dodge.

Just in time, too, because not two seconds later, a hail of breadsticks batters against your shield, shattering it. If you hadn't cast the spell, you'd be dead; as it is, you think your have some broken ribs.

Random Tale is Wounded.

You notice, through a pain-induced haze, that the breadsticks and the force field above you are vanishing.


I Just Write has created a Killbot who is hunting down Shard, RadioactiveSpoon, and Silvan Eldar. At the end of each phase after this, the killbot will attack one of the three, selected at random, trying to forcibly extract information on how they managed to warp reality.


Shard, Silvan Eldar, and RadioactiveSpoon are slowly being drowned by evil clouds that are outputting a lot more water than they ought to be able to. It's not doing much now, but if left unchecked, they may eventually flood the planet...
I grimaced in pain from the wound in my gut. I didn't think I'd be able to heal from that all the way without assistance. Fortunately, my assembler and refinery were back up and running, so I should be able to fix the medical bay before things got much worse. I ordered up the parts I needed from the assembler, wrapping my torso in a tourniquet as I waited for the machine to complete its task.

When it had completed the necessary components, I got to work. The medical bay was soon repaired, and I stepped into the pod for it to fix me up. I'd also repaired the mind-state cloning part of it, so if I got killed, the machine should automatically resurrect me. Idly, I contemplated what I could do next. I really needed to figure out how this reality warping worked so I could develop countermeasures.
We Just Write threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Fixing the medical bay Total: 4
4 4
After being crushed by breadsticks, Dinac sits on a rock in the afterlife, shocked by what had happened. He couldn't have died! It was just not POSSIBLE! He was going to become a dragon! The only good thing was, he could resurrect himself. Still, he had to take the time to do it. So, sighing in how he had to do things like this for himself instead of having other people do them for him, he began to bring himself back to life.
Muhkat Lomorki threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Resurrection Total: 2
2 2