Are there any topics/issues to discuss with the Scorpion that come to mind for either Tsubaki or one of her advisors?

Aside from 'please don't kill me mr. nice scorpion'?

Well, Yu would probably want to discuss matters of trade, see if they are open to deals for future projects.

The Scorpion are well renowned actors, the whole thing you're doing with geisha is a potential topic of conversation.

The Scorpion are also well known for their skill with law enforcement, you could see if they'd be willing to trade expertise.

You could try to work out a system for what to do about bandits, whether your forces should feel free to chase bandits onto Scorpion land, and so on.

There's the fact that you're unmarried that is worth discussing.

But for a first meeting, letting them know "hey, we're interested in trade, we're not interested in putting up with bullshit pirate attacks, also I think we're related" isn't a bad starter plan.
Aside from 'please don't kill me mr. nice scorpion'?

Well, Yu would probably want to discuss matters of trade, see if they are open to deals for future projects.

The Scorpion are well renowned actors, the whole thing you're doing with geisha is a potential topic of conversation.

The Scorpion are also well known for their skill with law enforcement, you could see if they'd be willing to trade expertise.

You could try to work out a system for what to do about bandits, whether your forces should feel free to chase bandits onto Scorpion land, and so on.

There's the fact that you're unmarried that is worth discussing.
Well, the matters of trade can probably be discussed at length at a later date over the course of the Winter Court, and it's probably way too early to discuss sensitive topics like law enforcement or bandit hunting immediately, but I very much like the idea of broaching the topic of theatre and our geisha.

Being unmarried is probably also something best left for later for the time being.

But for a first meeting, letting them know "hey, we're interested in trade, we're not interested in putting up with bullshit pirate attacks, also I think we're related" isn't a bad starter plan.
I'm guessing the middle part of that will be phrased appropriately diplomatically, and also in a manner that doesn't actually accuse the Scorpion of anything?
Well, the matters of trade can probably be discussed at length at a later date over the course of the Winter Court, and it's probably way too early to discuss sensitive topics like law enforcement or bandit hunting immediately, but I very much like the idea of broaching the topic of theatre and our geisha.

Being unmarried is probably also something best left for later for the time being.

I'm guessing the middle part of that will be phrased appropriately diplomatically, and also in a manner that doesn't actually accuse the Scorpion of anything?

Lol yes.
I'm guessing the middle part of that will be phrased appropriately diplomatically, and also in a manner that doesn't actually accuse the Scorpion of anything?

"There was a little northerly breeze disturbing the labor of our merchants and troubling the waters the Son of Heaven saw fit to charge us with. I've always found it best when the sailor and the air kami are in accord with one another, the voyage is quicker, easier and the rivermen celebrate with heavy purses afterwards, instead of looking further afield or trying to find a stiff south wind to carry them instead."

That might actually be a bit overt for what we want, but its the general spirit. I agree, talking business this early on is probably too eager. Make as good a first impression as we can with the arts and theater conversation, keep things light and convivial with maybe some veiled remark hinting that we know something about their attempts to sway our merchants. Actual trade discussions for later, along with the birth stuff. We don't want to cram too much in to our first meeting, we've got months of time to fill after all, and developing a relationship is most important at the moment.
As far as the Tsubaki's heritage goes...I almost feel like it would be more appropriate for them to bring it up, given the nature of her relationship with Dad ("So I gave you a dai-sho and I said goodbye, I knew you'd have to get tough or die...") and I will be very surprised if they don't know about it already, the Scorpion are very good at digging up dirt and with Tsubaki being the new head of a neighboring Minor Clan still riding high with the Emperor they have every reason to start digging up dirt on her specifically.
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I still think we're better off mentioning it in a way that assumes that they already know, because then if they don't already know they get to feel smug about how we just freely gave up valuable info.

My thought is "in the future if you intend to try to take advantage of a family connection I recommend sending half-siblings or cousins or anyone at all who isn't my father." But I am open to suggestions.
Writing up an update now.

Also, I may live to regret this, but how interested would people be in playing a L5R game with me GMing? I have an idea for an adventure set during Iuchiban's Rain Of Blood just burning a hole in my pocket....
Writing up an update now.
We haven't really made any vote yet, though...?:confused:

Also, I may live to regret this, but how interested would people be in playing a L5R game with me GMing? I have an idea for an adventure set during Iuchiban's Rain Of Blood just burning a hole in my pocket....
Aren't we already playing L5R with you GMing? :p

More seriously, I'm guessing you mean a sort of play-by-post game?
We haven't really made any vote yet, though...?:confused:

Aren't we already playing L5R with you GMing? :p

More seriously, I'm guessing you mean a sort of play-by-post game?

There's been no vote, but also no argument or dissension, so I feel like we've gotten to a point where I more or less understand what people are looking for. Also...

Well, to put it frankly, I have a boring office job that very often leaves me understimulated. When work is busy, I quite like it, but in quiet seasons I wind up thinking entirely too much about stories that I have in my head.

In any case, yes, I'm talking about a PbP L5R campaign, set during one of the low points of Rokugan's history. After a war against Fu Leng himself, a second war against the Lying Darkness, a third war against the returned spirits of samurai following Hantei XVI, and a fourth war for the throne of the Empire after the assassination of Toturi I by Daigotsu - that eventually turned into a war against Daigotsu and Fu Leng - the Empire of Rokugan was long overdue for a time of peace. Sadly it was not to be, as the dread sorcerer Iuchiban would soon cover the Empire with a rain of tainted blood...
There's been no vote, but also no argument or dissension, so I feel like we've gotten to a point where I more or less understand what people are looking for. Also...

Well, to put it frankly, I have a boring office job that very often leaves me understimulated. When work is busy, I quite like it, but in quiet seasons I wind up thinking entirely too much about stories that I have in my head.

In any case, yes, I'm talking about a PbP L5R campaign, set during one of the low points of Rokugan's history. After a war against Fu Leng himself, a second war against the Lying Darkness, a third war against the returned spirits of samurai following Hantei XVI, and a fourth war for the throne of the Empire after the assassination of Toturi I by Daigotsu - that eventually turned into a war against Daigotsu and Fu Leng - the Empire of Rokugan was long overdue for a time of peace. Sadly it was not to be, as the dread sorcerer Iuchiban would soon cover the Empire with a rain of tainted blood...


As much as I adore Miyu in the Topaz Championship game, now that I've gotten a taste for L5R, I want MORE
Actually, we might offer to the Scorpion to allow them to station some kind of permanent presence (a small one; maybe a magistrate who coordinates with our guys to ensure no one escapes justice by fleeing to our lands); because better the devil you can watch, but it'll still be a friendly gesture and actually do good.
Actually, we might offer to the Scorpion to allow them to station some kind of permanent presence (a small one; maybe a magistrate who coordinates with our guys to ensure no one escapes justice by fleeing to our lands); because better the devil you can watch, but it'll still be a friendly gesture and actually do good.

Possibly. You guys are due for a new Emerald Magistrate given the changeover in regime; it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if that Magistrate happened to be a graduate of the Soshi Magistrate school. Unless that happy circumstance occurs, however, you are likely going to have to develop some kind of relationship with the Emerald Magistrate assigned to you before you can confidently assure the Scorpion that you will be able to place one of their clansmen in a position of judicial power. One of the many checks and balances on the powers of the Great (and Minor) Clans is that the system of Magistrates is under Imperial control, not Clan control.
Eh. Based on my reading of 4E's rulebooks, the Emerald Magistrates assume responsibility for actions against Imperial interests; they are only full-service law enforcement in areas that do not have Clan law enforcement already, otherwise the Clan magistrates handle non-Imperial crimes. (Crimes against the Emperor, Crimes of an Imperial Nature or Scope, Shadowlands Incursions, Fugitives, Organized Blasphemy, and Widespread Civil Disorder.) Because the Catfish Clan exists now, the power the local Emerald Magistrate has retracted a fair bit. Unless, of course, we choose to overlook their participation in things outside their jurisdiction.

I'm more suggesting an attache position than one of actual power in any case; someone through whom we could pass information back and forth about crime and punishment with the Scorpion, as well as anything else we might want them to know, or vice versa. The Scorpion would appreciate we're basically authorizing them a spy in exchange for our knowing who the spy is. I suppose they might not go for it, though.
Writing up an update now.

Also, I may live to regret this, but how interested would people be in playing a L5R game with me GMing? I have an idea for an adventure set during Iuchiban's Rain Of Blood just burning a hole in my pocket....
I'd certainly be interested! Only experience with L5R so far comes from quests like this though I'm afraid.
Winter 913 - Turn 2.5 - Meeting the Scorpion
[X] Kelenas

The most important thing, you believe (and Koibu agrees) is to simply meet with the Scorpion delegation. While there are any number of topics that you would like to discuss with them, and you plan up to bring up a few of those at this meeting, the main thing is to prove yourselves open to discourse and communication with your northern neighbors. Taking the time to let the Scorpion know that you consider them important and worth appeasing could avert any number of dangerous ploys on their part. Yes, there is a risk that to attract the attention of the Scorpion this early in the game will place you as a pawn in some of their schemes - but at the very least, a useful pawn is not one quickly discarded.

With that cheerful thought in mind you have Koibu finish the letter asking Bayushi Yamato-dono to meet you at the Second Sunrise, a teashop in town that seemed as though it would be a good place to meet with people from other Clans when you walked past it earlier today. You dust the letter with sand to affix the ink, then send it off to the Scorpion delegation with one of the heimin working in the castle. That done, all that remains to you is to wait for the coming day. Minato, Yu, Taigen, Gohei, Jumonji, Kuroki, and Togano all get together for some game involving dice and likely a majority of their weekly pay. Chouko and Wakaba start up a game of Go, leaving you and Koibu to go over diplomatic stratagems, countermoves, and discussion points until your throats go hoarse and your eyes begin to fog with sleep.

The next day dawns unseasonably warm, the last gasp of autumn's breath ensorcelling the land before winter's grasp takes hold. A capricious wind blows stray leaves and parchment about the city streets, with seemingly everyone who is anyone making last minute purchases or otherwise visiting the town simply to be seen. For a few minutes you worry that you will be unable to acquire a table at the Second Sunrise Teahouse on the spur of the moment - but luckily, the request of two Clan Champions seems to have ensured that there will be space available for you to have your discussion. Steeling yourself, you walk up the stairs of the teahouse to meet who is perhaps the most dangerous man in Rokugan.

Even though you had heard rumors of Bayushi Yamato's unassuming appearance and nature, you almost walk right past him. It is only the presence of a much flashier and younger Bayushi samurai - and the assistance of your own advisers - that lets you pick the right table. Bayushi Yamato-sama is of medium height and medium weight, with sleepy-looking eyes and greying hair that has been carefully shaved in a samurai's tonsure - or perhaps he is naturally balding. You have met other people before who are ordinary in appearance, but whose eyes bely an intelligence completely at odds with their humble countenance; Bayushi Yamato betrays none of that hidden intelligence at all, yet by the results that he has achieved and the respect in which others hold him, you have little doubt that it exists. He is but lightly masked, wearing a thin veil of silk across his lower face that does little to hide his features.

"Good morning, Bayushi-sama," you say politely. "Have you eaten rice?"

"I have, thank you Namazu-sama." He says, gesturing for you to sit. "With me is Bayushi Nimuro, a close relative and adviser when it comes to matters of politics."

You nod politely at the attractive Nimuro, who returns the gesture with grace. "A pleasure to meet you, Nimuro-sama. With me are Namazu Yu and Namazu Koibu, my steward and chancellor." Deliberately bringing only those of your advisers interested in diplomacy and trade is itself a gesture of friendship, and you see Yamato's eyes narrow with interest.

A few minutes pass in companionable conversation as the five of you discuss weather and travel, then the real business begins. "Let me congratulate you, Namazu-dono, on your recent elevation to the status of Clan Champion." Bayushi Yamato sips his tea delicately. You can see the scars of a long life on the battlefield on his hands as he does so; combined his understated robes, you feel certain that he is a warrior first and a diplomat second. "To lead a Clan is a difficult prospect in the best of times. If you have any questions or concerns about how best to do your duty to the Emperor, I would be happy to offer what advice I can."

You do your best to remain as calm as possible, to show as little of your nervousness as possible. "Well, I do confess a certain amount of curiosity towards matters of trade," you say in an affected matter. "Obviously, while the details of such arrangements are better left to capable subordinates with a head for such matters," you deliberately glance over at Yu, "it is equally obvious that there are many matters of diplomacy that bear upon such matters. The Scorpion are well known for their administration of Beiden Pass, as well as for their wise management of Ryoko Owari; both tasks that require friendly relationships to be maintained with their neighbors. I was wondering if there was any advice that you could give me on such a topic, Bayushi-dono?"

Yamato hums thoughtfully. "Upon friendly relationships with one's neighbors, so as to encourage positive trade relationships? Not as easy of a task as it might appear, on first glance. There are many possible opportunities for misunderstandings, especially when conflicts of interests should arise." He takes another long sip of tea and lets you sit on that thought for a while, while you do your best not to fidget under the intense scrutiny with which Yamato and Nimuro seem to study your every move. Finally, he speaks. "I find often in such a situation, the true roots of the problem are often buried in the details of a matter. A simple poorly worded clause in a trade agreement can cause much consternation when one who was not present at the initial discussion reads those statutes later."

"I see the wisdom in that," you say. "So far, we have merely been upholding the trade agreements made with the former Imperial government. I imagine that writing up a new set of agreements that mention the Catfish by name and make clear what our intentions towards trade are would be very helpful for avoiding such misunderstandings."

You look to Yu for confirmation, who grunts. "Has be done eventually," he says. "I can get started on a rough draft of that while I'm here, at least, though it'd be better to have the old agreements to work off of."

In response to his statement, Yamato nods wisely. "If you desire any assistance with the wording of such agreements, there is a young woman of the Soshi family in my retinue that may be able to spare some time to educate a member of your retinue in such matters."

You smile politely. "Oh? That is kind of you to offer. We will give some thought to that and let you know." After I figure out whether you intend to actually be helpful or to rewrite all of the laws in your favor, you think to yourself privately. "In the meanwhile, I did have a question regarding two of your kinsmen that you may be able to help me with."

"Oh?" Yamato says, one eyebrow raised.

"The first is Bayushi Osamu," you say, adopting a concerned tone and expression. "He had some business with merchants in our city, then left to the north shortly before some attacks by the Shutai river pirates. Our caravan guards were able to defend against the attack with little problem, but I was concerned that Osamu's trip may not have been so lucky. Do you know if he made it back to Scorpion lands safely?" You ask politely.

Yamato's face is an implacable mask underneath his actual mask of lace. "Sadly, Namazu-dono, my Family is not so new as yours, and is quite large. I thank you for bringing this matter to my attention, however, and I will surely inquire into it when I return to Kyuden Bayushi." His emotions are under control as tight as his control over his face, leaving you with no idea whether he is telling the truth or using a diplomatic cover. "Speaking of that matter, Namazu-dono, there are a number of fugitives from justice in Scorpion lands that were last sighted in or near the Wave Plains. While we have not heard from these honorless ronin in some time, you may wish to be on your guard against them. They are often very difficult to distinguish from the honorable sort."

Meaning, you think wryly, that either you have adopted bandits into your organization or the Scorpion wish you to think that you have. Luckily, Koibu is here with you to step in. "Ah, my thanks for the warning, Bayushi-dono. As the Wave Plains are my primary concern, I will be sure to keep an eye out for any such individuals. We have been quite scrupulous about removing any bandits from the regions that the Emperor granted to us, and will of course continue to prosecute such criminals in the future, so this is definitely a concern of ours."

Yamato smiles at Koibu's seeming agreement. "I will be sure to have our magistrates send you the information on the bandits who have eluded us, so that you know what to look out for." Internally, you aren't so sure about that - while you don't want bandits among your ranks, you also don't want to simply abandon those who have sworn loyalty to you simply on a Scorpion's say-so. From your Inner Gift, Koibu seems equally suspicious. You do your best to remain a neutral on, watching as Yamato sips his tea. "Who was the second member of my Clan that you wished to inquire about?" He asks you.

You sigh. "Sadly, Bayushi-dono, I do not know the name of the second of your kinsmen. All I know is that he was quite active in the city twenty-five years ago, and made a brief visit return years ago. He did me the kindness of presenting me with a family heirloom, and I should like the chance to thank him for it."

"A family heirloom, Namazu-dono?" Yamato asks, his face a pleasant picture of curiosity.

"My grandfather's sword." There is a meaningful silence.

Finally Bayushi Yamato nods, slowly. "I see. May I inspect the sword, Namazu-dono?" Though it is slightly unusual for a samurai to allow any but his own kin to touch his katana, you hand over the blade without hesitation. Yamato unsheathes the sword a bare inch, enough to see the maker's mark firmly imprinted in the steel, then hands it back to you, still half-unsheathed in case you practice the custom of making sure that a blade draws blood every time it is drawn. You close the scabbard with a slight click, returning it to your right side, hilt pointed carefully away from the Scorpion delegation so as not to insult their skill at arms. "The blade was forged in Kyuden Bayushi," Yamato says. "While I do not know whose sword it might have been originally, nor if the blade was ever damaged and replaced, it is possible that your grandfather may have been a member of our Clan."

Your eyes widen in mock astonishment. "Truly, Bayushi-dono? I had no idea. Please, any information that you can tell me about my family would be welcome. I know so little of them."

He inclines his head solemnly. "The matter may take some time," he says, "and it is entirely possible that any members of your family have since perished in battle, but I will be certain to investigate this for you."

You bow. "That is all that I can ask, Bayushi-dono."

The conversation soon winds down, with the Scorpions making their excuses first, saying that they have other obligations to get to. You spend a few more minutes simply sitting, drinking tea and calming down from the surprisingly stressful conversation before taking your leave as well. For all that you broached these topics to the Scorpion, it seems that very little has been resolved in the one short meeting that you have had so far - but at the very least, you feel that you have brought yourself some breathing room.

Thankfully, tomorrow's meeting should be much easier. What do you plan to discuss with the Crab?
[ ] Write-in.
I... think that went alright, more or less? Probably gonna have to wait a bit and see how things bear out.

As for what to talk about with the Crab, I think it's mostly similar to what we talked about with the Scorpion? Reaffirm our hope to be good neighbors (not really necessary with their pledge to support us, but probably a good idea anyway), and broach the topic of trade-interests.

Any other ideas that I might be missing?
Well... that went reasonably well. Not that it would be particularly easy to tell otherwise where the Scorpion are concerned, but I'll take what I can get.
I... think that went alright, more or less? Probably gonna have to wait a bit and see how things bear out.

As for what to talk about with the Crab, I think it's mostly similar to what we talked about with the Scorpion? Reaffirm our hope to be good neighbors (not really necessary with their pledge to support us, but probably a good idea anyway), and broach the topic of trade-interests.

Any other ideas that I might be missing?

I recall someone (@Mina, maybe?) broaching the possibility of us maybe borrowing a Kaiu or two to help us build our Clan castle. This might be the time to bring that up. And of course let our Crab Friends know if there's anything we can do for them, please ask, blah blah blah.