Wade Garrett
Just trying to do the right thing
- Pronouns
- He/His/Him
As to what we do here. Well, a little thought is probably required...
Sez you.

I must protect this smile.
As to what we do here. Well, a little thought is probably required...
Basically this.
So much for tradition...
As to what we do here. Well, a little thought is probably required before we jump to a decision. Especially since SBK has pretty much said 'use a really, really good write-in fools'.
Are those marriage bonuses for our primary holding only? would there be any follow-on for our vassal?
Good point.Basically this.
So much for tradition...
As to what we do here. Well, a little thought is probably required before we jump to a decision. Especially since SBK has pretty much said 'use a really, really good write-in fools'.
I agree, but I think we can do better than the default 'run to the Crab option'. Even just specifying that we go to a Yasuki rather than say a Hida would be an improvement. They at least might think for a second before going ballistic.
Interesting, he was the only one I was thinking of making an exception for - the Crab or Scorpion obviously - and the Minor Clans for the rest. It gives fewer benefits but we could really use a few more ties with them. The Minor Clans need to stand together to survive the Great Clans, and it could make the Gold River Alliance much easier.For the primary holding only. Koibu will make his own marriage decisions, though you can give him suggestions.
This could also end up working to the Crab's advantage. It's worth remembering that the last time anyone but the Crab tried to hold the Wall (a tiny portion of it for a night) they were slaughtered...
Found it (or at least i found the event I'm thinking of)! For anyone else that's interested in what happened the last time a non-Crab Samurai tried to hold any of the Wall...That happened year 930 or so in canon. The year is currently 913. This *is* that event, 20 years early. Of course, that time there were the peaceful Phoenix instead of the martial Dragon, and there were no Shimizu in the mix...
Screaming is an important job. True Story.L5R Wiki said:The Emperor brought Winter Court at Kyuden Hida to silence the Clan Champion's squabbles of land and know that they were equals atop the Kaiu Wall. [1]
Yojimbo's contest Edit
Kakita Toshimichi, the Kakita Daimyo, Kitsuki Masakatada, the Kitsuki Daimyo, and Bayushi Sashiko, the Scorpion Clan Champion, believed the duty of the Crab could be accomplished by any of their retainers and yojimbo, despite the Crab Clan Champion Hida Shonojo told these samurai could not survive one night at the wall. The Daimyo ignored the Crab, so the Kitsuki guarded the western wall, the Kakita the eastern, and the Bayushi the northern one, while the Crab remained in the southern wall. [2]
Akutenshi attack Edit
During night Toshimichi, Masakatada and Sashiko went to the south wall were a Crab screm was heard. They fought an Akutenshi but their weapons dipped with jade powder did not harm the minion of Fu Leng, realizing as one that all the jade powder was outside. Shonojo timely arrived wielding a jade-encrusted tetsubo, smashing the creature and killing him with Chikara. [3]
Aftermath Edit
All the non-Crab bushi guarding the walls laid dead, slaughtered by the Shadowlands, but only one Crab, the one whose duty was scream to warn the keep just before he died under the Shadowlands attack. This day the three Daimyo understood what truly meant the ancestral "Duty of the Crab". This event was depicted in the infamous novel Meifumado.[4]
Well, before we try and come up with a plan a good first step would be to decide what we want to accomplish.Not necessarily completely happy with it, but my applicable ergs are low these days, and I figure it's a decent Plan B or Plan C if we can't come up with something better.
By the way, does anyone have a clue what this is about?the Kitsu are worried about Lions attacking the wrong targets again, whatever that means
This is related to how the Kitsu family came to be.
*sigh*, now I just feel silly. I kept trying to think who the Lion had attacked and gone to war with and I completely forgot about the Kitsu's origins.
Do we want to try and stop the Crane Alliance from even making this play? Or do we want to (with the Crabs knowledge) try and control how it goes forward so that they try, fail, and end up recognising the Crab's work?
Yea of course. It's not something we (in game) can just decide, but we (here) have to decide which we want to try and lobby for in order to make a plan.I think that call is probably above our pay-grade. This whole fight is out of our weight class, to mix metaphors; our best bet is to make sure our allies are well-informed and offer our support to their plans.
Regarding this, we already have a strong alliance with the Crab regardless of marriage so we don't really need more ties with them unless we want to go completely all in, which tbh I don't think we need to.On the marriage choice, my initial gut instinct is to go with the Minor Clans, my second thought is to coordinate with Koibu and get whichever of Scorpion or Crab he isn't marrying. Haven't really decided between those two.
What's our Otomo boy toy's courtier rank again?