[X] We must spread the word of God to the world with vigor but with peace, so that the world will hear our message clearly! [Amalist Position].
Hm, this is contradictory to your abhorring of interventionism, as this framing is essentially only a thin veil covering for Vaspukaran to commit said acts of interventionism. I will note though that we appear to be in accord over the potential of not-so-peaceful actions which could be sanctioned by the Amalist doctrine. However, a joint intervention is a step too far to the idea of "peaceful yet active geopolitics" which the Amalist option is going for & sounds more in line with the Iconoclast-Confessor option.
(Yes I'm still contemplating on which to vote)
The High Confessionists wanted to abolish all irrationality everywhere for all time, and look where that got them. Under the guns of the Sword-Altar. The same will befall us. Who at that point in time, were heroes who saved the people from Madness.[X] We must bring up the fallen, and break down the walls of iniquity wherever we may see it, for evil resides not just in Vaspukaran! [Iconoclast and Confessor position].
We are radical, militant pugilists, and that means we want to abolish all evil, everywhere, for all time.
It's him, officers, it's the criminal, arrest him immediatelySanctified Expanse [Merovanj]. No country has inspired more romantic paeans than this place of castles and horse-bound knights. The colossus of Firanhj and the first daughter of the Yuhwan Eastern Sangha has been ruined by those they call 'Maracens'. Where only sixty years ago under their greatest Rex, Carolus, the western coast was conquered, now the country is in torpor. Although not nearly so advanced in decline as Kanguedoc or the Emperian Lhatan Carolus Rex helped weaken, Merovanj's frailty were exposed in a war with the Mare over trade which Merovanj lost terribly. Now the weakened expanse, where the priesthood feuds with the king and blood assemblies, faces dire choices on how to proceed. The Rex, cloistered in the divine capital of Aach Urbes, allows for the countryside to be dominated by military aristocrats and for the west to be engulfed in disorder between the feuding douxal limits, who seek to advance themselves at the expense of the center. Without strong support from the Magos Maximus, the leader of the eastern Sangha, Merovanj faces decay and weeping years aplenty.
Well, we will simply abolish all evil in a way God likes. There, problem solved.The High Confessionists wanted to abolish all irrationality everywhere for all time, and look where that got them. Under the guns of the Sword-Altar. The same will befall us. Who at that point in time, were heroes who saved the people from Madness.
Why repeat an evil we already know does not work and will only cause some unspeakable banner of Jurors to rise up to save the country from the madness?
What are you talking about Cetash this is lore porn for us lmao.Warning: The section you are about to read has more than twice the recommended daily dose of worldbuilding. Consult with your local fantasy writer if this post is right for you.
It's interesting that the Afro-Eurasia equivalent is considered to be in the Western Hemisphere.Samangan's Notes: It is this fact of a great continent which is so essential for our country. God's Kingdom is part of a continuum, the greatest shard of the ancient spire. Should it have been isolated it would not have formed at all. Every country on Camad shares things with the others, and the innumerable little nations of this place have been shaped by our connection. It also means, to our detriment, we must sometimes share this place with those we'd rather send very far away.
Eastern Hemisphere Americas! Lol so this world's phrenology-alike (ewww) is temperature basedSamangan's Notes: Vadati I am afraid still had to make concessions to the old style, obsessed as ever with the proof that one people are better than another by some irrational and unprovable explanation. As we cold-blooded rational beings, we should know that failures point much more to deficiencies of institution and religious practice.
Loool love you SamanganTo the south is the continent of Aurura, the golden verge, where man and marsupial make friendship [A visible ? is put next to this in the annoted version]
The funny historian bias aside, we're in the equivalent of the "Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration" too. Imagine fellow disciples, the banners of HaKhofshim, Ma'on, Makabam, Ohr, & the Mass Jury as the first to be on the center of Antipodea 👀. Tho then again, denizens of the Antipode settlements may beat everyone else.Finally there is the accursed continent, Antipodea. When the time comes for the spire to be completed God will destroy this place and melt its ice into the sea. Amen.
Samangan's Notes: Vadati, a southron scholar to the last, never did much like the cold.
Oooh religious governance systems! Sacral Kingdoms with hereditary or elective god/priest-kings (e.g. KoG's Patriarchs), Judicates with its religious kritarchy (e.g. KoG's high priesthood), Sympolity as a sort-of religious federalism & concession to autonomous regions (e.g. Vaspukaran's autocephalates), & Blood Reign as good ol' aristocratic rule (e.g. the hereditary-rule autocephalates).
The three greatest powers & one Old Blind Eye (us), which amazingly accounts for at least a plurality of all humanity. I have a feeling the 4 Eyes, 4 Wings, & 8 Grasping Hands will find a way to directly strike at us whichever geopolitical stance we pick...and unfortunately our prep will likely be hampered by the imminent civil war considering all the ongoing contradictions which is set to crash with each other relatively soon.
This section also confirms that the Angevin-Ottoman Sort-Of-Republic is the current superpower.Samangan's Notes: "The Mare is a new style of power which uses the idea of the state-cult to bind together once unrelated and completely unknown peoples into a single unifying mission of world conquest. It is severely overstretched, and now fights a war against the Coven for eleven years without end, and yet the assets of the Mare are such that it can easily recover this. It is everywhere on this earth, and its power is self-evident. It may be called the first truly Spiral power, that bestrides the world, and not, as we wished, ourselves."
Four powers who are the most likely to replace Vaspukaran should it fall from grace further.
Much as fellow disciple Bryanaki Gidon has inexplicable sympathies for the Mare, I too have inexplicable sympathies for Patranesia (Cetash calling em Papuan-Polynesian mandala that has moved on from its God-King plays a big partSamangan's Notes: "Patranesia's state-cult can only be called a special kind of idolatory which is transparently tied to the success of the country. But doing so is a denial of an all-loving God, and instead exchanges him for one who plays special favorites with one set of islands in the western fringe."
The dark horse candidates for a new Eye.
Hahahahah, Metamoa to turn Vaspukaran into a vast Trust of the people you heard it from him first.Samangan's Notes: "It would surely be a nightmare if we were to grant self-government to the Minyan Communions, and say, let them create court tabernacles or something of the sort in their own lands. What a terrible suggestion, that will gain no leeway, surely!"
Main targets for the other 12 powers imperialism right now.
RIP to a not-so-real one.Four Cornered Sun [Kanguedoc]. Alas, poor Kanguedoc! So far from God, and so close to the Mare.
The "minor" players.
Wow, these folks are playing with fire, even with Vasp's decline.And between Gontagora and Osogdo are the highland states, who increasingly form themselves to face both of these ambitious countries as well as Vaspukaran, whom they have as of late become a pestilence in raiding.
🙏Praised be God for placing such a multitude of peoples on this earth, and cursed is man for splitting us apart! Let it be written, and let it be said, that the dream of Vaspukaran is the unification of the whole world! And let is be said, that if the whole world should be unified, that it shall be a mosaic miracle!
Samangan's Notes: "Amen."
Even in fantasy land the sun never sets on the British Empire, but even so, the not!French really got screwed over here.
The Mare seem comically overextended.
I added some mildly opinionated labels to our local neighborhood zoom to keep track, which makes the map less beautiful but better for grudges
Wait @Cetashwayo did you just invent the Franks but in North America just to have the shit kicked out of them by the Plymouth Rock Andalusians and the Rapa Nui Vikings/Normans?
I think we've already established I have zero boundaries and nothing will stop me.
Does this mean that some Mare failsons are going to get immortalized in national myth when they almost kill themselves trying to search for gold in the middle of a marsh and get saved by the Breton-Tsenacommacah oppida getting tired of watching them eat each other surrounded by bush food?
Finally, and accursedly, there exist small communities of the shipwrecked, the enterprising, and the damned, who do sinfully and attempt to settle the north coast of the Antipode, where potatoes may be said to grow in the right conditions if it may be believed.