Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

So, I'm wondering, does anyone know how the hair length and color for a ship girl is determined, or is that totally at author's mercy?
It's up to the artist making the shipgirl. The only "rules" I can think of based on KC's shipgirl designs is the usual, the larger the ship the more mature/older they are physically, and ships of the same class should have similar base outfits. Only thing I can think of with hair is that generally shipgirls have hair colors corresponding to their navy's geographic area. There are not too many blonde IJN shipgirls in KC, but many European and American shipgirls are blonde for example. Though I wouldn't nessarily consider this a "rule" as the are outliers in both cases.

Also speaking of shipgirls, new KC shipgirls:

Japanese Submarine Tender Chougei:

Italian Battleship Conte di Cavour:
And what does that have to do with my post?
A bit of something because she had enough speed to keep up with a fast battleship despite being a 1st generation dreadnought after her rebuild.

1-on-1 Italian battleships had no realistic chance of defeating the British. The Regia Marina knew this and the big girls rarely left port.
A bit of something because she had enough speed to keep up with a fast battleship despite being a 1st generation dreadnought after her rebuild.

1-on-1 Italian battleships had no realistic chance of defeating the British. The Regia Marina knew this and the big girls rarely left port.

Hornet was talking about the battleship being rendered with the same visual characterization usually used for destroyers, i.e. as a young girl.

This has nothing to do with the characteristics of the historical vessel.
A bit of something because she had enough speed to keep up with a fast battleship despite being a 1st generation dreadnought after her rebuild.

1-on-1 Italian battleships had no realistic chance of defeating the British. The Regia Marina knew this and the big girls rarely left port.

But what does any of this have to do with the expression of an opinion that, aesthetically, one thinks that she looks too close to a destroyer? It's a number of words about the warship's design and the Regia Marina's situation, but not a thing you've said has any real bearing to the question of aesthetic design of the kanmusu. It looks like you're trying to make some sort of argument that the ship's design and specification mandates the kanmusu's appearance, but not only is that not the case per se, you've also forgotten to at any discernible point tie your words back into that argument beyond the spatial proximity between what you're saying and what CV12Hornet's saying.
Regarding Conte di Cavour, they probably should have used her as she is for before her rebuilding/lengthening, and used a 'taller'/more mature look for her after it (since if there's one thing you'd think they'd want to emphasise is the unique work done to her and her class, and the massive leap in capabilities her refit gave her).
I thank you for your response on hair.

As for the examples you posted, It bothers me that the artists who make these representations make them look too young. Because I'm here right now, I will do my best to define what I tend to use as general appearance rules for shipgirls in terms of age and their heights.

For DDs and Submarines: Roughly 4'11" to 5'5" with an age appearance of 12-15.
Cruisers, Light, Large and Heavy: 5'6" up to 6'7", age from 15 to 22.
Carriers, All sub-categories: 5'3" to 6'9" with Age appearance 16 to 27.
Battleships: 5'7" to 7'11" with age appearance 19 to 30.
Other classes: 5'6" to 6'3", age looking like 18 up to 35.

Honestly, I can verify age appearance because I have friend who I'm older than by a few weeks and she looks to be in her twenties, but she's close to her mid 40s. So yeah... To be fair, I'm close to mid 40s myself and I still sometimes get people who think I'm in my twenties... I just have no words for why they would think that....

I do agree with what Tank man said; that dd BB should be taller and not look so young in the face. A battleship has no business looking that young, I'm sorry, I cannot agree with that image being a battleship.

I did leave a rather large thought process on ship design on the previous page bottom. I likely got things wrong and fully expect some correction. Night, not that the forum ever really sleeps.
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So they translated the lines for Count of Cavour, some highlights:

> Grumpy
> Throws her back. Multiple times.
> These young people rants
> Calls Gangut a peasant for drinking vodka

The old person get off my lawn energy is strong with this one.
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So they translated the lines for Count of Cavour, some highlights:

> Grumpy
> Throws her back. Multiple times.
> These young people rants
> Calls Gangut a peasant for drinking vodka

The old person get off my lawn energy is strong with this one.
I showed this to my husband. He started laughing and said that I wouldn't complain about Gangut's vodka consumption but instead complain about the brand of vodka Gangut drinks before challenging her to a drinking contest.
I'm not necessarily sure what you mean by that FailLord, but whatever [not offended just curious]. Nevermind, I got it now.

Have a snip

It was a dark and stormy night; though, as Alaska momentarily considered her surroundings, she amended that to cloudy with white out blizzard conditions. One might wonder where she was that had these sort of weather travesties that no normal human could seemingly survive in without freezing to death in the process anyway. The snow colored and covered battlecruiser once again focused on her surface search radar to find her target and began to once again, trudge through the snow toward her destination.

Alaska was an oddity, for starters, she was a Manifested Ship in the form of a female human. On top of that, her rigging that she'd had to summon to power through the slowly deepening snow was covered in the white semi-sticky powder; just as the fluffy powder was on nearly every other surface of her hull. In the distance, a few miles away according to her electronic sensors, she could see the form of the half mad Yamato she was chasing in this frozen landscape.

From her compass, she could at least tell what direction they were going in, according to her onboard mercury gauge, the chemical itself had dropped out the bottom of it at a blisteringly cold -90F. The barometer was frozen and the wind, the windchill was in excess of making the air feel like the climate around her was somewhere in the -100s.
In irritation, as her target seemingly would not slow down; Alaska fired off her forward guns at the moving target. "Blast it Shinano; STOP!"

Her rounds exploded in the snow in front of the battleship, sending the tall shipgirl into an unbalanced and unstable attempt to stop, but this simply caused the battleship to fall on her into a crater caused by some of Alaska's shells.

The battlecruiser slowly turned to unshadow her stern guns as the frustrated Yamato summoned her rigging. "Why can't you stop?" The snow coned battuiser asked, careful to keep her range at about a mile as the super battler turned with her. "Please, listen to reason Sh-"

"DON'T SAY MY NAME!" Shinano shouted, partially due to the way the howling winds made regular conversations a moot point. "I NEVER MEANT TO KILL HER!"

"YOU DIDN'T KILL HER! THE BIG BOMB DID!" Alaska felt like crying, but because of the severe weather, yeah-ugh!

Shinano fired her A turret at the battlecruiser and then started running toward her.

Alaska quickly dashed to left, but was unable to completely avoid the larger ship as the two collided in a cacophony of steel amidst the blizzard wind. She managed to make it a few more yards before she felt her foot being. "They all died to the bomb Shina-" Alaska fired her stern turrets just as Shinano fired her forward turrets, at point blank range.

So, this is clearly set after a big event in East Asia. Not going to tell you the year this sidestory/omake happens, nor who exactly they are talking about. Basically, this is somewhere in the vast tundra that is eastern Siberia and Alaska was sent to track the erstwhile Yamato down. Related to my Unplanned For story, but somewhere in the future, one bit of one of the possible outcomes.

Also, trying to improve my writing of actions in conjunction with dialogue, still not that good at it. Thoughts and critique are appreciated, even.. on how I might improve how I reply to people can improve. Since I know my words can come across as "my way", but I think that's true for any of us really. And Life is about learning how to best modulate our responses to others. Feel free to pm me on that too.
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Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful
But how smol would the Espana class be, I wonder?
An Omaha-class light cruiser was roughly 100ft longer and 15.5kts faster while also posessing the same thickness of deck armour. They were less than half the size of an España.

The España's would be a trio short and fat special needs sisters who have trouble tying their own shoelaces.
We're talking about impossible shipgirls as SIs right? Hehe… why the fuck not…

For several moments I floated there in the ocean, bobbing up and down in the swell. Somehow, I am not sure how, I had been transported into what I assumed was the world of Kantai Collection. And I assumed such due to the fact that I was a shipgirl and had fairies. With the first, it could have been Kancolle, Azur Lane, or any number of similar games. But the second was what sealed it for me.

Taking a deep breath, I once more looked myself over. Snug, one piece swimsuit? Okay, so I was a Submarine. Which wasn't too bad all considering as I didn't exactly mind that… well, any more than the fact that I had been a guy and now was a girl. Something that I had already freaked out over when I discovered that fact.

Which came rather quickly considering that I had tits that would have fit on Atago or Takao.

And that wasn't the only similarity that I shared. Oh, I had torpedoes, six tubes in fact. But, as it turned out, I was nearly ten thousand tons in displacement. Yet, that was not all, which I once more stared at as I looked at my shoulders an the rigging there…

Rigging which took the form of two, double 8" turrets on either shoulder, with one super firing over the other.

Not to mention that I had a fucking armor belt of all things, and torpedo protection. Because why the fuck not as I was a "Cruiser Submarine". It seemed that someone did not get the memo. How it worked, I preferred not to think about or else break my mind.

Oh, did I mention the "Aircraft Tubes" from which I could apparently launch autogyros to help aim? No? Yeah, I had those too.

It was like someone looked at a fucking Re-Class and decided to downsize it as a shipgirl.

Yet again, I swore not to think on how it could work. Because I was certain that down that road was madness. Instead, I checked my internal compass, hoped they the fairy in charge of it was not a fuck up, and began to slowly swim towards the east. Hopefully I came across one of the oceanic currents that could help me conserve fuel, because I did not want to die from hunger…
An Omaha-class light cruiser was roughly 100ft longer and 15.5kts faster while also posessing the same thickness of deck armour. They were less than half the size of an España.

The España's would be a trio short and fat special needs sisters who have trouble tying their own shoelaces.
Consider their age, tho.
Little ol' Ladies. Spanish grandmas.
Consider their age, tho.
Little ol' Ladies. Spanish grandmas.
The Omaha's weren't exactly what one would call "modern" when they were built.

(Aside: An Omaha got summoned in the quest I'm running. Murmansk (ex-USS Milwaukee (CL-5)) is the only American-built ship on the summoning tables and probably the best CL which could have been rolled because she's the only one on the summoning tables who was in the South Atlantic at any time during WWII and that's where a Nat 1 location roll stuck the Player Character.)
Hmm. Another British carrier? That bow looks pretty similar to Ark Royal's...
Maybe one of the the Illustrious class carriers (Illustrious, Formidable, Victorious, and Indominable)? Ark Royal didn't have any sister ships in her class and so far as I can tell the Illustrious class were the next to be laid down and commissioned. Hermes was the carrier that preceded Ark Royal, so she's also a possibility.

I'm getting this from Wikipedia though, so take it with grains of salt as needed.
Maybe one of the the Illustrious class carriers (Illustrious, Formidable, Victorious, and Indominable)? Ark Royal didn't have any sister ships in her class and so far as I can tell the Illustrious class were the next to be laid down and commissioned. Hermes was the carrier that preceded Ark Royal, so she's also a possibility.

I'm getting this from Wikipedia though, so take it with grains of salt as needed.

No, you're right. Wikipedia isn't always right but it is here.

Granted, there were a few Battlecruiser conversions and Cruiser conversions prior to Ark and Hermes but it doesn't really matter since the latter two are purpose built.