Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Given the mention of Pedestal it has to be either Eagle, Victorious, or Indomitable. Judging from the flight deck layout it's not Eagle. I agree that Victorious is the most likely candidate.
Victorious staged a torpedo attack against Bismarck, only managing one hit on the main belt but also forcing Bismarck to slow down for a while as a patched shell hole from Prince of Wales was re-opened during the evasive maneuvering.
HMS Victorious:

Vicky's pretty cool. I quite like her more subtle variation to the Ark Royal design lineage.

The other ship from the event and the Abyssals:

Kaiboukan no.30.

Abyssal Mediterranean Princess

Mediterranean Dreadnought Princess:

European Armored Aircraft Carrier Princess:

Which, as always, are absolutely also amazing designs.
For years I have wanted to recommend and highlight the excellent soundtrack to the KanColle anime and movie by Kameoka Natsumi, yet lack of freely accessible sources have hampered this.

Happily, I found that the soundtracks to both the anime and movie have now been freely and legally uploaded to Youtube.

The full playlist of the anime's soundtrack is here.

Some chosen highlights:

Suiraidamashii, or Torpedo Soul, which starts off lighthearted but rises to a triumphant crescendo.

Ryogen Zensoku, or Both Sides, Full Speed. A fast and intense track for a high-speed engagement.

Hogekisen, Bombardment. A heavy track for when the battle is at its most intense.

Teki Kantai Hakken, Enemy Fleet Sighted, for the might of the Abyss.

Lastly but not least, Soshitsu - Loss. Which is...just listen to it.

Some of my other favourites include: Chinjufu (Naval Base), Shori (Success), Ketsui (Determination), and Rengo Kantai Shutsugeki (Combined Fleet Sortie).

If you think "wow, that seems to be quite a lot", well, because it is, and the whole album is simply amazing. So please do give them a try.

I will post highlights from the movie soundtrack later on.
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So, I was bored, F'd around on Wikipedia, found the page for Pearl, and that ended with me reading the section about the Arizona sinking.

Then, I thought, What about no?

There are no winners and losers in war, only survivors.

But whoever said that surviving was the better option is a fool and a liar.

Goldie went down first, she didn't even see the three flyboys drop a spread on her as she woke up for a general inspection. Portholes were open, bulkheads as well. When the spread ripped through her stern section, it ripped a hole through three bulkhead walls right into her engine room. Stern first, she was the first to slip into the waterbed.

WeeVee took center stage next, trying to make a dash out past me into the larger harbor. She was so busy trying to spin up and out that she didn't see when she sailed into the path of several bombers that were making a dash for me. She took two bombs into her forecastle, and a lone torpedo that sailed right into the center of her keel made her victim #2 as she listed port before going bottoms up.

Mary didn't even have the time to mourn before several bombers ripped into her superstructure, the collective 750lb worth of bombs riddled into her conning tower. Her 5"/25 caliber AA guns and 1-1"/75 caliber AA guns falling quiet when the bridge and radar towers collapse into her bow before she joins her sister head first

It hadn't even taken a full half-hour, and a third of us were already gone.

Then a second wave followed.

Oakie was next on the Reapers docket, having been blocked in by Goldie's sinking hull. With lit fuel slicks all around her, she could do nothing but scream out in pain and terror as the flames crept closer, licking at her hull. Another torpedo would slam into her fuel tanks and with little fanfare, the second of the Nevada-class Standard Battleships would light up internally before sinking into the waves.

It was at this point that Silver and Tenny would try for a mad dash into open waters. Both spun up their engines and cut through the oil slicks into the larger harbor. My captain wouldn't follow, as we were still connected to Vestal and were providing AA cover for Ford Island.

It would only be fitting, the lead ships of their classes would be the last ones on this mortal plane between them and their sisters.

Tenny would fall next, having taken too sharp of a turn trying to cut in front of me. Thanks to the immense smoke in the air, it would be too late when her helmsman realized he was going to sail into the docks of Ford Island. Her captain ordered all reverse and a hard right to try and stop in front of the docks. Unfortunately, the sinking of the Titanic proved this maneuver to be fatal, as when she called for reverse and hard right, all it solved was to let kinetic energy continue her course and to slow her down enough to make the turn right meaningless. She would slam, port side first, into the docks, listing and eventually collapsing altogether onto the island.
That just left…

"NEVADA!" I yelled out, as the very first Standard Battleship of the US Navy tried to hamfist her way through to the open seas of the Pacific.

She turned back towards me, "Don't worry!" She gave me a weak grin and a thumbs up, even as I tried to alert her to the incoming stick of dive bombers. "I'll make it ou-"




Whatever she was going to say was immediately cut off when the bombers released their payload. Two slammed right into her forecastle, lighting it up like a candle. The final bomber had come down center-left, and placed his bomb at a slight angle so it would arc forward instead of down.

It would slam right behind the deck of her B turret..

While the ringing in my ear wouldn't stop, I could still see the aftermath of the final bomb, as it ripped through the bulkheads and into her forward magazine hold.


Nevada's hull lurched up in the ensuing explosion, before snapping in two like a twig and collapsing into each other. Stern slipped first, as Nevada's forward A turret sent off one last announcing salvo, before joining it's other half. The last glimpses that I saw of Silver was her body ripped in two, as she laid unceremoniously against one of her AA turrets.

We didn't see anybody swim up.

As sound slowly returned to my ears, and I could once again hear the sounds of men screaming, and Zero's diving, I took a glance back at the only other battleship left besides me.

Big Sis looked better than I did, that was more certain. She had been in drydock during the whole fight, and that might have just been her saving grace. Coupled AA fire from the mainland and her guns meant that she was significantly more defended than any of us were.

I, on the other hand, look like I had just walked into a boxing ring and got thrown around like a wet towel. Any torpedoes that could have come my way were blocked by WeeVee's sunken hulk, but that doesn't mean I wasn't thrown around myself. Forward turrets A and B were both crippled and unresponsive, and it was only a sheer miracle that the next bomb didn't end up in my magazine like it did with Silver.

We both got into full battle readiness, and I, only now, began my slow march forward into the larger harbor. It was likely they would send a third wave to finish off the job, and I wasn't too keen on staying in one spot when that happens. Big Sis couldn't move, but that wasn't to say her crew wasn't already scrambling to get on her and ready the AA for when it happens.

And yet, it never happens.

The third wave never comes. There would be no horrendous buzzing sounds, no cacophony of detonating torpedoes and explosives on the base. We sat there for a perfect 20 minutes, quietly pulling out survivors from Tenny's hull, watching the skies and waiting for the next Aichi to poke it's head out so we could put a 3 in AA shell into its engine, and yet they never show.

It was now 09:30 in the morning, Pacific Standard Time. The fight, if you could call it that, only lasted for 90 minutes, and already 8,100 sailors were dead.

It was only now that I realized that the blurring of my eyes was not from the searing hot smoke, but from my own tears as Big Sis came behind me and hugged me softly. Together, we could only watch the fires rage on our fallen friends as the sun began to rise into the sky. Hiccuping, I could only bury my head into her chest, as she rubbed my back softly.

Whoever said surviving was the better option is a fool and a liar.

I guess I'm a fool myself.

So the Martyr of Pearl in this new timeline is not Arizona, but Nevada...

Not sure much would actually change, since seems to be just trading one Standard for another.
So the Martyr of Pearl in this new timeline is not Arizona, but Nevada...

Not sure much would actually change, since seems to be just trading one Standard for another.

Yeah, I kinda wrote this in school, and didn't have the time to fully flesh it out. Had I the time, I would have elaborated that it would be only the Pennsylvania sisters surviving. As in, none of the other girls could be raised through one method or another. Instead of all but Oakie and Ari surviving, I wanted to make it so only Ari and Penn live.
Yeah, I kinda wrote this in school, and didn't have the time to fully flesh it out. Had I the time, I would have elaborated that it would be only the Pennsylvania sisters surviving. As in, none of the other girls could be raised through one method or another. Instead of all but Oakie and Ari surviving, I wanted to make it so only Ari and Penn live.
Well now, that changes everything. Only two Standards means a number of butterflies change things, most prominently Surigao Strait, more in favor of the IJN.
Well now, that changes everything. Only two Standards means a number of butterflies change things, most prominently Surigao Strait, more in favor of the IJN.
I don't know. I mean, the Nishimura fleet was already pretty badly banged-up by the time the US battleships opened fire, and had spent something like four hours under constant torpedo attack by that point. Even if you just deleted five or six of the battleships facing them, you're still probably looking at nearly the same losses as OTL.

More likely, said butterflies mean the US builds more new-build BBs, and Nishimura's odds at Surigao would not be improved if Weyler's six Standards were replaced by two or three North Carolinas and/or Iowas. Assuming said butterflies don't negate Surigao and Leyte entirely due to changes in the prosecution of the war on the Allied side.
and it would have changed somewhat, the US would have been a more cruiser heavy force than it was, as well as relying on its airwings even more than they did. You have to remember that Pearl Harbor was the death knell of the battleship fleets and the rise of the aircraft carrier. even at crash construction rates battleships would have taken too long to build where we were churning out cruiser sized escort carriers left an right
Continuing from my previous post, here are the highlights of the KanColle movie soundtrack.

The full playlist can be found here. For the highlights, the first three tracks in the playlist are particularly notable.

Umi no Soko e - a beautiful and eerie choir, for daybreak upon the seas.

Tekihakuchi Totsunyu - The trumpets are the highlight of this track, a strong prelude and opening to the next...

Dai Hachi Kantai no Tatakai - The track that plays during the battle at the start of the movie, Savo 2.0; a heavy and powerful track that perfectly illustrates the terrifying intensity of night combat.

Seiki -
The beginning and middle is deceptively gentle, concealing a sinister instrumentation and pure malice towards the end.

Zenryoku Shutsugeki - the longest track in the set, and for good reason as it is absolutely amazing. Just listen to it.

Honorable mentions include: Kokusen, an cinematic and fast-paced battle track, almost Star Wars-like in its feel; Teki Kidobutai Hakken, similar to the previous, as the title implies, suitable for carrier and aerial battles; Yasen Kaimaku, a night battle track that plays near the final battle of the movie, IIRC; lastly, for a gentle closing, Shizuka na Umi.

As with before, do give them a listen; they are all exemplary, and very much underrated.
Okay, since we know that shipgirls are at least somewhat affected by the ship's service history, sometimes just in personality quirks, sometimes (particularly in fanfics) in terms of a sort of "spiritual weight" that lends extra power to shipgirls based on their deeds while afloat.

What would RMS Carpatha be like? She overperformed her specs to the point of damn near breaking the laws of physics rushing to the aid of Titanic. Her crew and passengers engaged in a truly tearjerking level of effort and generosity towards the survivors. And even at the very end of her "life", when she was sunk by a German U-Boat, the only ones who died were the ones killed instantly by the torpedo explosions. She held out and stayed afloat until everyone else was say before she finally surrendered to Davy Jones.

If there was ever going to be a Saint among Shipgirls, I feel like she might be the one.
There was also a Coffin Ship that lost not a single passenger on her tours and even when she went down after a storm, she stayed afloat long enough that a passing Dutch sailing ship could spot the stricken ship and rescue the entire crew.

Forgot her name, unfortunately.
From today's update: Oyashio Kai Ni, Mitsukoshi Richelieu, Oktoberfest Gotland and Shinyou, and Halloween CGs for Hamanami, Tama, I-47, and No.4, and No.30 Escorts.

So, I know I've seen a few attempts at a elder scrolls/Kancolle fusion, but I'm wondering on the feasibility of the concept myself.

The ES universe is a place where magic exists, and yet, would the concept of ship girls being dimensionally re-located work? One would have to toss out the original start to Skyrim though at the very least, because that doesn't really work [The wagon would tip over from the shear sudden unbalanced weight on one side, not to mention other variables].

Possibly a ROBE [Random Omni-Being Event]?

Your thoughts would be welcomed on this, even if it turns out to be essay-form. :)