Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

So, I know I've seen a few attempts at a elder scrolls/Kancolle fusion, but I'm wondering on the feasibility of the concept myself.

The ES universe is a place where magic exists, and yet, would the concept of ship girls being dimensionally re-located work? One would have to toss out the original start to Skyrim though at the very least, because that doesn't really work [The wagon would tip over from the shear sudden unbalanced weight on one side, not to mention other variables].

Possibly a ROBE [Random Omni-Being Event]?

Your thoughts would be welcomed on this, even if it turns out to be essay-form. :)
The power levels balans is hard though, on the high end ES could wreck shipgirls in a fight but in a common situation shipgirls could easily mow through the setting
True, true. Not to mention how the riggings would need to be ultra minimalist, like say how certain stories portrayed portions of ship girl's rigging at various times.

My own thinking on that is you'd need to think outside the box on how the weapons are done, not simply for ES, but for any story if one plans to have ultra compact riggings.

Let's take Hood or Kongo for example, both have 8 main guns. If you go ultra compact for weapons, then you are looking at a variation of the Dragon musket from Fallout 76 in a sawed off, breech loading form in double. Said weapon is a muzzle loaded quad barrel type of rifle in 76. However, for ships like Iowa or Yamato, the ultra compact becomes more difficult as one would basically be taking the barrel assembly from a gatling or larger rapid firing weapon and putting it on a breech loading pistol mount.

That's a bit crazy honestly, and yet, it IS an idea for a cross over if someone wants to go there; that is up for grabs.
True, true. Not to mention how the riggings would need to be ultra minimalist, like say how certain stories portrayed portions of ship girl's rigging at various times.

My own thinking on that is you'd need to think outside the box on how the weapons are done, not simply for ES, but for any story if one plans to have ultra compact riggings.

Let's take Hood or Kongo for example, both have 8 main guns. If you go ultra compact for weapons, then you are looking at a variation of the Dragon musket from Fallout 76 in a sawed off, breech loading form in double. Said weapon is a muzzle loaded quad barrel type of rifle in 76. However, for ships like Iowa or Yamato, the ultra compact becomes more difficult as one would basically be taking the barrel assembly from a gatling or larger rapid firing weapon and putting it on a breech loading pistol mount.

That's a bit crazy honestly, and yet, it IS an idea for a cross over if someone wants to go there; that is up for grabs.
To be blunt, it's magic. It doesn't have to have a proper physical explanation. Those are the spiritual representations of the original guns, not a piece of supertech like in Arpeggio.
I had a thought that I must share.

So, as an Idea?

Has there been a crossover between Kantai/ Kancolle and Rifts Earth?

Specifically, a small section of Japan survived and was brought forward, around Hiroshima, which includes Kure which had the Yamato museum.

With all the FU! stuff going on in the world with Rifts, Magic & Tech going on, what would it be like to add a Shipgirl?

Yes, they are outgunned but count as Magical.

How bad would it be with Abyssals sailing..

Bad idea? Y or N?
I had a thought that I must share.

So, as an Idea?

Has there been a crossover between Kantai/ Kancolle and Rifts Earth?

Specifically, a small section of Japan survived and was brought forward, around Hiroshima, which includes Kure which had the Yamato museum.

With all the FU! stuff going on in the world with Rifts, Magic & Tech going on, what would it be like to add a Shipgirl?

Yes, they are outgunned but count as Magical.

How bad would it be with Abyssals sailing..

Bad idea? Y or N?
I don't think it's a bad idea at all. Has potential.
Not entirely sure I like the Gato design, but yeah. Looks sleeker than a sub thief sort. Its more the star wand that I don't get.... Other than that, seems good.

And yeah, I understand its magic, but considering my [and some others own ideas] other ideas needing explanation, can you blame me for explaining things a bit?
Not entirely sure I like the Gato design, but yeah. Looks sleeker than a sub thief sort. Its more the star wand that I don't get.... Other than that, seems good.

And yeah, I understand its magic, but considering my [and some others own ideas] other ideas needing explanation, can you blame me for explaining things a bit?
I think the "star wand" is supposed to be a lollipop based on its size and position relative to her mouth.
Yeah, possibly. I do like the shorts she has on, some little nod to decency. Anyway...

Story idea sounds good. Would not mind seeing a possible first draft of it.
Something of a necro on my part (even if that's not a thing here), but I'm in the process of writing a Kancolle snippet based on art of a Re I saw where they ditch the legs for a full on Sea-Naga look.

I'm mostly posting because I'm wondering how are Abyssals usually depicted when it comes to the more monstrous kinds in terms of behavior and such?

I'm trying to figure out how much being an Abyssal will effect the enhanced Re-class MC's thought process and behavior.
Something of a necro on my part (even if that's not a thing here), but I'm in the process of writing a Kancolle snippet based on art of a Re I saw where they ditch the legs for a full on Sea-Naga look.

I'm mostly posting because I'm wondering how are Abyssals usually depicted when it comes to the more monstrous kinds in terms of behavior and such?

I'm trying to figure out how much being an Abyssal will effect the enhanced Re-class MC's thought process and behavior.
as far as I can tell, the most anyone can agree on is that Re's are typically nuttier than a squirrel farm, probably (AT LEAST) in part due to the fact they're an unholy abomination against nautical engineering.
other than that, I got nothing.
I do believe I've seen that piece of art however, though wasn't the whole "Sea-Naga" thing what happened when a Re-class hit full size?
EDIT: oh, and BTW, you'd probably have better luck asking this on the SB thread, this place is a fricken ghost town.
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as far as I can tell, the most anyone can agree on is that Re's are typically nuttier than a squirrel farm, probably (AT LEAST) in part due to the fact they're an unholy abomination against nautical engineering.
other than that, I got nothing.
I do believe I've seen that piece of art however, though wasn't the whole "Sea-Naga" thing what happened when a Re-class hit full size?
EDIT: oh, and BTW, you'd probably have better luck asking this on the SB thread, this place is a fricken ghost town.
I did in fact plan for the MC (a shattered blend of Repulse and an SI) to spend a lot of time trying and failing to understand how she even functions as an oversized Aviation Battleship/ Sea Naga, but I wasn't aware they're considered nutty.

And, as for asking here... The art in question gave that Re very generous tracts of land and SV is more tolerant of that kind of thing than SB.
I did in fact plan for the MC (a shattered blend of Repulse and an SI) to spend a lot of time trying and failing to understand how she even functions as an oversized Aviation Battleship/ Sea Naga, but I wasn't aware they're considered nutty.

And, as for asking here... The art in question gave that Re very generous tracts of land and SV is more tolerant of that kind of thing than SB.
They're considered nutty due to the slasher smile as well as some of the official doujin where, well, Re-Class are shown as nutcases (as in, other Abyssals avoid them to avoid becoming collateral damage). There's a video on YouTube of her on Kancolle Arcade as well.
They're considered nutty due to the slasher smile as well as some of the official doujin where, well, Re-Class are shown as nutcases (as in, other Abyssals avoid them to avoid becoming collateral damage). There's a video on YouTube of her on Kancolle Arcade as well.
All of the above plus the fact Re's tend to rip through fleets with the same Crack Badger energy Taffy 3 had during the battle off Samar paints the ship class as a whole as a bunch of battle-hungry whackjobs.
So, have an Amagi idea:
Edit; ugh, the typos...
A grimace at sad news, a side glance at the ship in progress.

A plan was hatched and approved by Naval Command; if the dock workers could pull it off, great, just keep stuff on the down low.


It was 1922, after the WNT had been signed, and officially, Amagi was to be one of those scrapped, or converted to a carrier; unofficially however, there was a plan to save her.

All it required was a moonless and foggy night before the foreigners came to see the beginning of the scrapping or conversion process. The locals had time to prepare after the dignitaries had passed through the first time.


Really, Amagi's hull was barely floatable, so it took some careful crane and tugboat cooperation to get the hull to the water, made harder by having very little illumination to work with. But it was managed, and with a slow gait, the hull of the Amagi disappeared into the murky fog of Tokyo Bay.

It would be hours later, that Amagi's hull was raised out of the water again on the north peninsula of the Bay, well away from dignitaries and foreigners. Careful note would be taken by Naval Command so that the hull could be marked for construction later on.


Years later, in 1927, the hull would surveyed and work would be approved for construction to restart. However, as a 10 gun battleship, since the hull had the beginnings of turret indents already, the twin gun turrets were old and outdated. the gun turrets would get elongated to the 50 caliber modern version.

There were other issues to consider too; the hull would be stretched to accommodate the larger power structure needed as well as strengthened. Amagi would take shape over the next few years, foreign observations be scuttled. After all, resentment lingered from Versailles over their equality proposal being snubbed, so why should others care what Japan did in her own waters?

Years passed, guns were cast, boilers installed, various contracts were acquired, even one for a T/E drive from an American Company in secret. Slowly the new Amagi took shape, how was this pulled off one may ask? The Navy got the Maritime industry somehow to erect buildings over their larger slipways, every place that had a slipway larger than a destroyer size hosted a building or a visual impediment to visual surveys with four walls and a roof type thing.

It was only after the LNT had gone by with a Japanese walkout and even sometime after that where the Amagi was finally secretly commissioned into service and the spirit of the Amagi surveyed the world for the first time in 1932. It was not an auspicious time for Japan, considering the world economy, but construction proceeded apace regardless on Amagi as well as other ships.

There was no band for music at this affair, rather a small collection of Officials, a Shinto priest, and the Emperor. Besides the collection of her human builders, there were also a few of the older ship spirits on hand to greet the new spirit. As months passed, Amagi became accustomed to her crew and learned a great deal of information from both surroundings and her various crewmembers conversations.

Yeah, this is my take for a story on Amagi, inspired by a truck skin for eurotruck simulator 2 of all things, and Azure Lane; but this Amagi will be primarily a Kancolle version. Still, I wanted to offer this blurb up because there is a great shortage of Amagi centric stories. What do you think about Amagi being converted to a 15 gun ship and what about the PoD, is that doable in a fashion? 10 gun or 15 gun version? I do have representations of Amagi up to a 20 gun 16" version on Ultimate Admiral Dreadnaughts, just as an aside.
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Yeah, this is my take for a story on Amagi, inspired by a truckskin for eurotruck simulator 2 of all things, and Azure Lane; but this Amagi will be primarily a Kancolle version. Still, I wanted to offer this blurb up because there is a great shortage of Amagi centric stories. What do you think about Amagi being converted to a 15 gun ship and what about the PoD, is that doable in a fashion? 10 gun or 15 gun version?
if you're upgunning her from 10 to 15 guns, you're going to take a severe penalty to gun caliber. Like, 13" or maybe 14" if you've got a decidedly large 16" gun turret design, which I don't think the amagi's turret particularly was. There's benefits to 15 13-14" guns, but (if you allow the larger gun caliber) one of them is that you can procure them relatively sneakily - just reconstruct a Fuso and a Kongo and replace the gun barrels, and either use the new barrels (putting the old barrels back on secretly) or the old barrels to arm your Amagi. Either way works, but either way you're taking a fairly severe hit to caliber compared to just leaving the Amagi's perfectly serviceable 16" twins on.
Yeah, I might just do that... Although, the only other thing I would adjust would be putting that midships turret on a barbette and possibly doing the 16/50s instead of the 45s... Longer barrels wouldn't necessarily mess too much up would it?
Yeah, this is my take for a story on Amagi, inspired by a truck skin for eurotruck simulator 2 of all things, and Azure Lane; but this Amagi will be primarily a Kancolle version. Still, I wanted to offer this blurb up because there is a great shortage of Amagi centric stories. What do you think about Amagi being converted to a 15 gun ship and what about the PoD, is that doable in a fashion? 10 gun or 15 gun version? I do have representations of Amagi up to a 20 gun 16" version on Ultimate Admiral Dreadnaughts, just as an aside.

Thing is - Barbettes are a structural thing. If you add more, it'd be more cost effective to just scrap Amagi and design a new ship

I've tried to rip the armored deck off Illustrious to try and increase her airwing, and while Amagi isn't a carrier, Barbettes are the same problem - And Amagi's just too far along to change that without severely screwing her up.

Yeah, I might just do that... Although, the only other thing I would adjust would be putting that midships turret on a barbette and possibly doing the 16/50s instead of the 45s... Longer barrels wouldn't necessarily mess too much up would it?
It would. The barbettes were designed to take /45 cal, not 50.

Not to mention Japan didn't have 16"/50s and it'd take awhile to build new ones.

Shipgirl stuff I know, but I still run with steel rules - And while I'd normally say take the 16"/50 - The only one I know of in the 1920s is the US 16"/50 mk. 2 designed for the Lexington-class Battlecruiser's - Amagi's American counterparts.

And we'd take offense to her existence and start counter building.


Reminder Amagi was allowed to be kept under the Washington Naval Treaty as an Aircraft Carrier alongside Akagi for a reason - until the Kanto earthquake in 1923 shattered her spine and the IJN scrapped her in favor of converting Kaga.
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Explain where on this mystical world interwar Japan has the budget to pay for half of what you're describing.

Had the IJN not been limited by treaties, Japan would have probably bankrupted itself before finishing the Amagi's and Tosa's, much less the Kii's and Number 13's. Plus, if you do this, you're essentially sacrificing the IJN's naval air arm until the early to mid 30s at a minimum, if not longer. There is simply no way for Japan to be able to afford the large scale building programs for cruisers, carriers, and destroyers if they have this boondoggle to fund.

Finally, Amagi being kept a secret is only going to last as long as it takes for a foreign ship to pass by the yard she's being built in and notice the suspiciously battlecruiser sized building on top of a slipway. Then people will leap to the extremely obvious conclusion, and the other nations would scream bloody murder at Japan violating the treaty, followed by all of them resuming their own building programs. In which case, Japan simply goes bankrupt trying to build more advanced ships to counter enemy new construction.

There is simply no budget for building this version of Amagi unless you're okay were her being pretty much by herself, with only a few obsolete cruisers and destroyers and Hosho's 15 plane strong air wing for escorts.
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Explain where on this mystical world interwar Japan has the budget to pay for half of what you're describing.

Had the IJN not been limited by treaties, Japan would have probably bankrupted itself before finishing the Amagi's and Tosa's, much less the Kii's and Number 13's. Plus, if you do this, you're essentially sacrificing the IJN's naval air arm until the early to mid 30s at a minimum, if not longer. There is simply no way for Japan to be able to afford the large scale building programs for cruisers, carriers, and destroyers if they have this boondoggle to fund.

Finally, Amagi being kept a secret is only going to last as long as it takes for a foreign ship to pass by the yard she's being built in and notice the suspiciously battlecruiser sized building on top of a slipway. Then people will leap to the extremely obvious conclusion, and the other nations would scream bloody murder at Japan violating the treaty, followed by all of them resuming their own building programs. In which case, Japan simply goes bankrupt trying to build more advanced ships to counter enemy new construction.

There is simply no budget for building this version of Amagi unless you're okay were her being pretty much by herself, with only a few obsolete cruisers and destroyers and Hosho's 15 plane strong air wing for escorts.
Didn't Japan manage to build the Yamato in secrecy? Everyone thought she had 16 inch vs actual 18.1