Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

este primer capitulo de guerra abisal: la esparanza en el pasado (titulo provisional)
This first episode of abyssal war: hope in the past (provisional title)

7 de diciembre de 1941 mar de pacifico a las 6:00 am

En medio del océano pacifico con encima tronco chica de unos 14 años de cabello gris corto inconsciente, tenia traje poco fuera época además lente de aviador como una pista en brazo como armas en su espalda en antebrazo unos aparato. No muy lejos de ahí grupo de barco de guerra con bandera estadounidense pasaba en destructores

Señor—dijo un observado—

Que pasa marinero—dijo su superior—

Veo una persona—dijo marinero

Que dice—dijo superior momento cogió los binoculares—donde marinero

En resto—dijo observado—

Mierda—dijo superior—avisen a capital tenemos un hombre a agua—ese momento sirena de hombre agua— mierda que demonio dígale al capital que mande un mensaje almirante que avise toda flota revise su personal—y otro marinero asiente

Después de 10 minutos dentro portaviones, almirante esta puente esperando en informe—Baxter y bien—dijo Halsey—como alarma hombre al agua

Uss Percival vio persona en una resto ya fue rescatarlo—dijo Baxter capital de portaviones cv-06 uss Enterprise—almirante Halsey pero según lista ningún tripulante falte

Dígale traiga aquí para quiere ver quien—dijo Halsey—espero no sea broma—dijo 5 minutos después recibe la llamada de destructor—y bien

No va cree—dijo Baxter—según destructor es una chica dentro 14 o 16 años

Me esta cagado una broma—dijo Halsey—

Desearía señor—dijo Baxter—pero según destructor ella tiene ropa poco extraña

Que eso extraña--dijo Halsey—

Ellos no sabe como describirla –dijo Baxter—

Que traiga esa chica a Enterprise tengo ver como también pregunta que esta haciendo medio mar—dijo Halsey—además como esta ella

Parece lo único esta inconsciente—dijo Baxter-

Bien por si a caso será mejor que sea atendía aquí—dijo Halsey—

Bien le trasmitiré la ordenes—dijo Baxter, 15 minutos la chica fue traslada hacia a portaviones cuando pasa es figura espectral en portaviones viendo la situación cuando subieron a la chica no sabe sintió un escalofrió cuando vio sintió una conexión—

Quien chicas—dijo fantasmas—se parece poco a mi, espero que Yorktown bromear con eso—dijo ella espíritu de portaviones cv-06 uss Enterprise—pero quien es ella porque estaba medio océano—dijo

En la enfermería de Enterprise el almirante Halsey entro ve doctor

Y bien como esta ella—dijo Halsey—

Ella esta bien no veo alguna herida seria solo moretones pero ella esta bien—dijo doctor, ese momento enseña una cosa algo parecido pista equipo radar, lentes, guante y un arma—

Y eso—dijo Halsey—

Esto tenia la chicas es pesado me extraña que no sea hundido con eso—dijo doctor, ese momento Halsey ve arma—

Es ligera y parece ametralladora pero a la vez no—dijo Halsey—de que material esta hecho

No se nunca visto arma así en ningún ejercito—dijo doctor—como materia es ligero pero resistente

Algo identifique—dijo Halsey—

No único que encuentro número en camisa—dijo doctor—

Un número—dijo Halsey—

Si parece código alfanumérico para identificar los barcos—dijo doctor—pero no tiene sentido dice cvn-80

Que significara—dijo Halsey, ese momento chica—me recuerda a mi hija—ese momento oye gruñido y ese momento levanta parece asustad— tranquila joven esta buena

Donde estoy lo abisales –dijo chica-

Tranquila no que son abisales pero esta asalgo—dijo Halsey—jovencita quien eres pero que estaba haciendo medio océano pacifico

Tu puede ver—dijo chica—

Claro chica no voy ver joven 14 o 15 años puede este viejo pero mi vista esta buena—dijo Halsey—bueno quiero saber quien eres segundo equipo tenia mas armas así creo poco joven como esa además nunca eh visto un armas así—dijo señala sus cosa—

Mi pista, mi ar-15, mis radar mi lanza miles—dijo chicas— mi equipo

Chica poco despacio—dijo Halsey—que eso tu pista esa cosa. Pero primero quien exactamente

Oh si portaviones nuclear de la clase Gerald Ford cvn-80 uss Enterprise de la marina estado unidos—dijo Enterprise todo oyeron casi sale ojos—algo malo dije

Primero como tu puede portaviones un adolescente como tu—dijo Halsey—segundo que eso portaviones nuclear tercero la armada solo tenido 8 portaviones incluso donde estamos mismo nombre tiene joven—

Un momento puede ser yo soy portaviones número 80 de la armada como tercer portaviones en tener nombre Enterprise—dijo Enterprise—señor parece eres un almirante quien eres

William F. Halsey—dijo Halsey—

Toro Halsey—dijo Enterprise—pero murió en 1959 no puede estar 2022

Eh—dijo todos—un momento mori la ultima vez revise estoy vivo además estamos 1941

A la mierda—juro Enterprise—me dice estamos 1941 en víspera segunda guerra mundial

Eh—dijo los dos—como eso víspera de segunda guerra mundial

No tenga idea—dijo Enterprise—primero soy portaviones miles toneladas pero dice soy chica—e

Si—dijo Halsey ese momento doctor en espejo—

A la mierda—juro de nuevo—bueno una estoy loca o algo raro paso

Eso me preguntando—dijo Halsey—diga como es eso estamos víspera de segunda guerra mundial

Espero momento—dijo Enterprise—si tu eres Halsey barco debe ser cv-06 uss Enterprise

Si—dijo Halsey con recelo—

A la mierda dentro de abuela—dijo Enterprise ese momento grito—ustedes oyeron mismo que yo—dijo los asisten—bien no estoy loca

Que fue eso—dijo Halsey—

Es abuela—dijo Enterprise—en otra palabra oyeron grito de este portaviones

Me diciendo que este portaviones esta vivo—dijo doctor—

No técnicamente—dijo Enterprise—la verdad los barco tiene un espíritu no pregunte como tampoco sabemos respuesta aunque primera comunicarnos con nuestra tripulación

Como eso es tu abuela—dijo Halsey—

Ve cuando era portaviones mi estructura esta hecha de metal reciclado de mi madre cvn-65 uss Enterprise que a la vez ella fue creado metal de este portaviones—dijo Enterprise—se poco difícil entender. Volviendo tema sobre pregunta dia exactamente estamos

Domingo 7 de diciembre de 1941—dijo Halsey—

Oh dios estamos en el mismo dia infamia—dijo Enterprise—

Dia infamia—dijo Halsey—habla quiero mas detalle no tener un no como respuesta jovencita—

Que hora es-dijo Enterprise--

7:50 am—dijo doctor—

Mierda solo diez minutos—dijo Enterprise—

Habla jovencita—dijo Halsey—que eso de diez minutos—

En diez minutos pearl harbor va hacer atacados por 6 portaviones japoneses—dijo Enterprise—

QUEEEE—dijo los hombre—como es eso habla ahora

A la 8:00 am hora Hawái primera ola aviones japonés atacaran pearl habor—dijo Enterprise—su objetivo hace golpe tan grande para hacer perder voluntad de nosotros pelear por conquista todos sudeste asiático pero opuesto colerizo todo país por ataque traición lo peor tres hora después ellos entrega la declaración de guerra haciendo peor insulto hacia nosotros pero fallo en su plan

Cual fue—dijo Halsey toda avisar rápido pearl—

Su objetivo principal portaviones como abuela en futuro ella será nucleo de la armadas—dijo Enterprise—pero en vez detenerse viendo objetivo no estaba fueron siguiente objetivo secundaria seria ir contra acorazados

Como les fue—dijo Halsey—

Ninguno se salvo—dijo Enterprise—Arizona, Utah son perdida totales, Arizona técnicamente exploto murieron 1177 muerto de su tripulación en mi tiempo es un monumento. Utah 58 muerto, demás acorazados aunque fueron hundido pero reflotado después pero tomo de un año a 3 años ponerlos en servicio de nuevos.

Mierda –dijo Halsey—MARINERO –ese momento marinero entrar—

Que pasa señor—dijo marinero--

Quiero mande mensaje urgente decirle japonés atacar menos 10 minutos tenga hacer de la alarma pearl habor---dijo Halsey—

Pero señor—dijo marinero—

Es una orden además avise Baxter ponga toda velocidad así pearl—dijo Halsey—

Si señor—dijo marinero—

Que mas sabe los portaviones esto momento—dijo Halsey—

No se exactamente debe esta 1300 milla al norte de Oahu—dijo Enterprise—pero que va almirante no me diga pelear un portaviones contra 6 no tiene posibilidades va creer los wildcat puede contra ceros como pilotos bien experimentados como también los obsoletos devatetor hasta salga avenger son un muerte segura para las tripulación además arriesga a la abuela como poco barco intacto en pacifico

Señor ella tiene razón arriesga nuestra naves si verdad solos portaviones será la única naves dar frente a ellos demás no tenemos suficiente combustible persecución contra ellos—dijo doctor-

Mierda—dijo Halsey—bien ustedes ganan pero poner todos estado guerra. Enterprise

Si pero será poco confuso con la abuela –dijo Enterprise—llámame e3 como soy tercera recibir nombre entre los portaviones

Bien e3 quiero este aquí –dijo Halsey—doc mantenga ojo esta chica dice tenemos mucho que hablar

Si almirante—dijo doctor—

Bueno tengo ir puente tu e3 quedarte aquí—dijo Halsey y se fue—

Oh mierda en que lio me meti—dijo e3—

Lo mismo digo—dijo doctor—parece eres de futuro verdad

Eso parece oh esto es un mal sueño—dijo e3—

Como será la guerra—dijo doctor—no quiero detalle

Será mas sangrienta que conocido la humanidad—dijo e3—pero necesario los estado unidos entre por que nazi son monstruo y los japonés tampoco son unos angelitos

Me lo temía—dijo doctor, ese momento oye fafaracho combate—parece tiene razón almirante toco fafaracho significa

La primera ola ataco—dijo e3, ese momento cosa se poniéndosela--

Que esta haciendo—dijo doctor—

Me alisto para peor—dijo e3—además parte de mi, me pregunto que soy humano o portaviones tengo mi equipo cuando portaviones tengo apariencia humana me pregunto que función tiene mi equipo a menos sea solo decoración

Bueno punto—dijo doctor—no se jovencita pero cosa pesada

Es un pista blindada –dijo e3—la pista de madera no mas adecuados para jet

Jet—pregunto doctor—

Creo esta época se conoce como aviones a reacción—dijo e3—ademas creo seria buena abuela y las tias abuela tenga pista blindadas

Porque—dijo doctor—

Eso para después—dijo e3—

Diseño mas curioso—dijo doctor la pista de e3 diferente a los portaviones—

Este diseño muy útil puede hacer despegue como aterrizaje simultáneamente—dijo e3—

Donde los elevadores—pregunto doctor—

Bueno elevadores de cambiaron de lugar se pusieron a lado de mi puente—dijo e3 ese momento recuadro orilla—los elevadores en centro utiles pero también peligros porque eso punto débiles de la pista si bomba llega elevador lo puede travesarlo fácilmente provocando una explosión en el hangar mientras los lado riesgo disminuye además poner elevadores para sacar mucho aviones a la vez sin congestionar mucho pista

Buen truco—dijo doctor—

Bueno se tuvo experimentar mucho clase anterior a la mia—dijo e3, ese momento suena su estomago—ese sonido es

Jejeje parece tiene hambre—dijo doctor—

Esto raro—dijo e3—

Bueno parece en cierto punto eres humana aunque pregunto hasta que punto—dijo doctor—bueno ire pedir a los cocinero poco comida joven quede aquí además decir habrá guarda en la puerta

Si lo se en protocolo cuando persona no autorizada este barco—dijo e3—

Bien –dijo doctor, salió—

Bueno esto genial—dijo e3—es 80 años antes se botada –viendo manos-- raro

Bueno tu eres portaviones—dijo voz ese momento alguien casi a ella—

Abuela eres tu –dijo e3—

Tu puede verme—dijo Enterprise—

Si—dijo e3 ese momento intenta tocar pero atraviesa—cool o especulaste cualquier sirve como esta abuela—dijo ese momento e quedo shock— porque no me sorprende—dijo viendo estado Enterprise—hey abuela que todo es nuevo tanto para mi como para usted pero puede salir de shock ante venga doc. No quiero me vea hablando con un espíritu me creerá estoy loca aunque puede caso eso decidirá psiquiatra

Esta bien—dijo e—pero tu eres

Soy tu sucesor como nieta abuela—dijo e3—déjeme presentarme formalmente soy portaviones nuclear cvn-80 uss Enterprise de la clase Gerald Ford como también tercer portavión tener nombre Enterprise pero puede llamar e3

Como eso la ultima portaviones hecho por la nación fue mi hermana hornet—dijo e—

En esta época si—dijo e3—no se que paso técnicamente soy futuro fui botada en el 2021 se pregunta como soy carne y hueso no tengo idea—dijo—

Momento déjeme si entendí tu eres mi sucesor por dice soy tu abuela—dijo e—

Fácil parte de mi metal es de metal reciclados de mi mama que es cvn-65 uss Enterprise que a la vez en lo mismo se construyo con metal reciclado de ti—dijo e3—eso te hace mi abuela

Mierda si demás lo sabe no me dejara vivir—dijo e—

Bueno no se pero mejor te prisa tenemos que llegar rápido pearl harbor—dijo e3—

Que paso vi almirante Halsey preocupado y con prisa volver—dijo e—

Esto momento pearl habor esta haciendo atacado por los portaviones japonés este inicio de segunda guerra mundial—dijo e3-

QUE—dijo e—pero

Ellos quiere expandirse y conquista todos sudeste asiático como Oceanía pero nosotros somos talon ellos quiere sacar antes demos en contraataque—dijo e3—pero hay inconveniente principal objetivo de ataque fueron tu abuela, como Lexington y Saratoga pero ellas no estaba en puerto, lex estaba midway una misión como tuya y Sara esta en estado unidos en reacondicionamiento, técnicamente ataque fue un existo a nivel combate pero estratégico y táctico fue fracaso único consiguieron fue unir a la nación para entrar guerra

Que paso barco ahí como ari, penssy west—pregunto—

Arizona fue perdida total junto a Utah, Arizona la conoce como mártir de pearl -dijo e3—los otro acorazado fueron hundido o dañado pudieron ser reflota tomo desde un año hasta 3 para ayudar en la guerra como también la mitad destructor y crucero estaba ahí pero le tomo solo 3 a 6 meses en repararlo

Todos ellos—dijo e, en shock--

Lo siento dar esa noticia—dijo e3—la verdad estaremos bien tocada hasta mitad de octubre aproximadamente cuando Essex, independece las south Dakota, iowa y la fletchet salga de astillero como también los aviones hellcat, avenger bueno los aviones va entrar en 7 meses alrededor julio pero aun si este momento no mucho equipo contra japonés

Y si es verdad seguimos hasta fecha—dijo e—

Bueno fue gracia la batalla de mar coral y la batalla de midway especial la ultima ahí dicho antes de midway los japonés no dejaba de avanzar después de midway no dejaba de retroceder—e3 dijo –pero seguir mismo acontecimiento con mi llegado

Como eso—dijo e—

Bueno 2020 la ciencia muy avanzada pero lo viaje del tiempo son teóricamente posible en la practica otro cuento a menos que gobierna tenga un proyecto relacionado de forma ultrasecreto y no seria primera vez—dijo e3—bueno dentro teoría algo llamada efecto mariposa no se mucho sobre pero forma simple que pequeño cambio da una gran reacción en cadena lo podemos hacer no cambia mucho historia mejora poco la batallas o ya demasiado tarde bueno vera la situación después además existe paradoja que puede forma controla efecto mariposa como evento inesperado a la historia

No entiendo mucho eso—dijo e—

Yo tampoco y eso tengo supercomputadora—dijo e3—digamos que mi venida involuntaria podría cambiar de forma drástica la historia o casi nada simple como eso espero la segunda que la primera. Bueno voy dejar eso segundo en mi lista saber como transforme lo que soy la versión materializada de mi espíritu en carne y hueso me dejando época no aquí

Bueno lo tenga pasara –dijo e—pero primero tengo cuenta japonés si verdad

Bueno vamos verlo dentro horas—dijo e3—bueno dejemos la charla dentro va llegar doc no quera asustarlo

Me bien mas hablar mas tarde—dijo e, unos momento después doc vino poco de comida—

Espere que te guste—dijo doc—

Bueno no es comida mexicana o francesa pero no vine quejarme—dijo e3, mientras come—noticia de almirante

Parece tuviste razón acabamos recibir mensaje corto que pearl está bajo ataque—dijo doc—sobre los daños no tenemos nada seguro

Bueno dentro aparece segunda ola—dijo e3—

Cuanto ola son—dijo doc—

Originalmente en plan estaba pronosticado 3 ola pero almirante nagumo tuvo miedo según se parece que sele dio orden parte de las ordenes almirante yamamoto era no perder ningún barco cuando vio los portaviones no estaba—dijo e3—

En le miedo caso le estaba temiendo una trampa verdad—dijo doc—

Posiblemente solo el lo sabe—dijo e3—tiene mas—dijo e3—

Te comiste rápido—dijo doc- eso ración para adulto

Bueno chica crecimiento—dijo e3—hablando en serio tengo hambre sentí que eso casi no lleno mis suministro

Bueno mas tarde a ver—dijo doc—si eso verdad cuando listo para partir

Lo seguro ya estaría lejos—dijo e3—según información después de lanzar segunda ola estaba empezando vira

Que hizo almirante cuando llego—dijo doc—

Lo haría almirante dio orden repostar lo rápido posible ir caza de japonés como dijo una frase mas celebre desde hoy japonés se hablara en infierno—dijo e3—

Suena mucho lo que diría almirante—dijo doc—

Hey vamos con el ya obstinado estar aquí encerrada—dijo e3—

Pero almirante dijo—dijo doc—

Dijo tenia que vigilar o que mantuviera nunca dijo debía estar aquí hasta llegar al desastre que ahora es pearl habor—dijo e3— pero nunca dijo debía estar estrictamente

Bueno tiene punto—dijo doc—bueno lo seguro almirante querer sabe mas antes mandarnos al infierno literalmente—

Bueno que espera vamos—dijo e3, ese momento ella junto doc y un escolta va puente de mando—

En el puente Enterprise la cosa agitada—como esta cosa pearl—dijo Halsey—

Lo sabemos la comunicaciones son caótica solo hemos recibido llamada sos de los acorazados atracados como todo puerto—dijo Baxter—

A la mierda –dijo Halsey—seguir intente información quiero este lo mas actualizados posible de la situación pearl

Si señor—dijo Baxter—

Bueno aquí poco agitado—dijo una voz joven todo a la chica que rescataron—

E3 te dije estuviera enfermería—dijo Halsey—

Almirante dijo debía esta vigilada por doc o en la enfermería pero nunca dijo debía esta en ella cuando lleguemos desastre que es ahora pearl habor—dijo e3—además no me gusta mucho tiempo en lugares tan confinado

Doc—dijo Halsey—

Señor solo obedeció ordenes nunca le dijo debía esta estrictamente en la enfermería solo debía estar ahí o ser vigilado por mi—dijo doc-

Como odio me tome vacio legales—dijo Halsey—

Pero yo amo como cualquier abogado—dijo e3—y bien esta situación cuanto acorazados se volcado por que se solo Arizona debía sobrado para transforme tumba 1077 jóvenes marinero norteamericano valiente

Como sabe—dijo Baxter—

Después le explico situación—dijo e3—

Bien hasta ahora trasmisión son caos—dijo Halsey- algunos acorazado se volteado pero no sabe cuales—

Cuanto ola lleva hasta ahora—dijo e3

Como olas—dijo Baxter—

Los Japón tiene planeado hacer 3 ola pero solo 2 hace por miedo de trampa por no haber portaviones en puerto—dijo e3—

Mierda si es verdad—dijo Halsey—radio avise al puerto posible una segunda ola ataque si tiene barco ya puede avanzar entre mar abierto

Mejo no en la costa minisubmarino esta espera en caso de que acorazado naves intente escapar—dijo e3— que los destructor esta fuera intente acabar con ellos

Doble mierda—dijo Halsey y Baxter—

Lo mejor par ellos de círculo le mas difícil para los aviones que lo ataque—dijo e3—demás mejora eficiente piano de chicago de los poco acorzado tiene

Blanco en movimiento circulares son difícil que blanco solo mueve—dijo Baxter—tiene razón además poca profunda que tiene puerto lo torpedo chocara con suelo poco profundo

Que comunique acorazados—dijo Halsey—bueno tenia razón e3

Por desgracia—dijo e3—aveces odio tener la razón. Y bien que hecho no espero no mandado ningún avión con cero ahí poca experiencia de los piloto como situación no creo combinación

Pensamos mandar contingente –dijo Halsey—pero no llegaría a tiempo con excepción había minutos de encontrarte ya avisamos sobre situación pearl posible combates aéreos

A cara perro—dijo e3—

Ah—dijo todos—

Un forma decir combate entre aviones uno a uno—dijo e3—bueno dejemos eso lo mejor irnos poco sur pequeño arco para no encontrarnos con los japoneses no queremos darle lujos encontrar uno de sus objetivo

Ella tiene razón—dijo doc—

Concuerdo señor no sabemos alcance de fuerza enemiga como situación de pearl—dijo Baxter—

Bien comunicárselo a la flota aunque retrasara uno hora o dos—dijo Halsey—

Es mejor que tener abandonar la nave—dijo e3—como gustaría tener mi jet

Señorita que eso de jet—dijo Baxter—

Señor –dijo e3 viendo Halsey—

Creo vamos hablar chicos le digo yo todavía soy escéptico sobre la historia la prueba innegable—dijo Halsey ese momento cosa sobre e3 y todo sorprendido—

Ahora si oído todos—dijo Baxter—

Eso clique muy viejo—dijo e3 con poco risa—mire yo también estoy confusa con eso primero en vez portaviones miles tonelada ahora chica equipo parecido tenia cuando era portaviones eso suficiente para pregunta demonio me paso para agregar estoy alrededor 80 años en el pasado por no dejaron en época no esta donde puedo meter la pata peor hizo willie a iowa

Eh –dijo todos-

Una historia cuenta mas tarde—dijo e3—

E3 esa muñeco en tu hombro---dijo doc todo mira en hombre de e3 todos sorprende—

A la mierda quien demonio eres—dijo e3—

Hey, hey , hey—dijo pequeña persona tenia informa de un capitán de la marina—

Me esta tomando pelo—dijo e3—

Entiende lo que dijo mejor que eso—dijo Halsey—

Espere almirante—dijo e3 ese momento dos se mira saluda como capitanes cuando hace Baxter como Halsey por reflejo ese momento empieza discusión—ya veo

Y quien –dijo Halsey—

Termino simple mi capital—dijo e3, ese momento creatura parecida sale desde pelo—como tripulación hey ustedes no había muerto en la batalla

Hey hey—dijo tripulación—

Dice también creyeron pero no sabe esta así—dijo e3—como yo

Un explicación sea simple—dijo Halsey—

Bueno según ella son mi tripulación o lo queda de ella en ultima batalla antes estar así según recuerdo mucho murieron dijo ellos no quería abandonarme aun después muerte—dijo e3—pero nunca imaginaron esto

Bueno a veces sentimiento común entre marinero y su naves pero como—dijo Baxter—

No me pregunte—dijo e3—debe ser algo relacionado a lo que me sucedió

Hey hey –dijo un de ellos—

Dice los f-35 listo alzar vuelo –dijo e3—como eso –ese momento otra cosa—me dice cosa en mi como UVAC mis helicópteros, superhornet—ella asisten— y demás—dijo--Donde están—dijo e3 ella señalan—dentro de mi—ella asisten—bien esto declárame loca esto mucho para mi—

Estoy por hacerlo chica—dijo doc—

Bueno volviendo tema eso como hacerlo volar mis aviones—dijo e3 y ella señala su armas dice cosa— que use mi ar-15 y dispare mis aviones y dessert Eagle para mi drones—ellas asiste—

Creo paso por momento cuando llegue veré lo que puedo no tengo explicar a todos como jet aparece de la nada segundo como volarlo ese tamaño—dijo e3 ella dice tampoco sabe solo hace—bien otra cosa que tenga útil sin dar alguien mas derrame cerebral –dijo ese señalan su muñeca ve su reloj dice cosa—con esta consola como pantalla entre cosa—ellas asiste—como sabe tanto—ellas responde tampoco sabe solo saben—bien antes de locura quiero tripulación chequeo sistemas como todos vehículo por si duda—y pequeña a sus capital asistenta—bien capital ponga orden este listo fafaracho de combate para pelea—y el asisten y desaparece llega a su pelo—a la mierda mucho mi

Me lo dice a mi—dijo todos en el puente—

Bueno dejando espectáculo extraño de hace momento que vamos hacer—dijo e3—esto momento no capacitados para perseguir a la flota japonesa ella debe esta virando para volver Japón

Que hicimos según la historia—dijo Baxter—

Bueno decir porque ya estar suficiente cambiar drásticamente historia pero dudo cambie mucho conociendo almirante Halsey—dijo e3—según historia apena llegaron el almirante dio orden reabastecer y cazar a la flota pero como sabe no lo logro ya en esto momento esta virando hacia Japón pero queda submarino recuerdo bien Enterprise dio primera baja de lo japonés termino naves en hundir el submarino i-70 cuando no recuerdo muy bien

Bueno seguir línea argumental además iba hacerlo toda manera—dijo Halsey—

Bueno esperemos no nos mate por eso—dijo e3 todos asiste—hey abuela diga a la demás vamos directo infierno

A quien habla—dijo Baxter—

A la abuela en otra palabra este portaviones—dijo e3—

Me dice este portaviones es como tu—dijo Baxter—

Nah yo soy rareza—dijo e3--Bueno toda naves tiene espíritu pero no somos seres vivo como ustedes no porque ni quiera podemos controlar algo de nuestro cuerpo—dijo e3—pero no significa no poner de nuestra parte ayuda poco navegación sea mas fácil o aumenta velocidad sin destruir nuestro motores. Hey por que no la vea, fácil somos espíritu yo nunca puede comunicarme con mi tripulación lo mismo paso hermana John como Gerald. Pero parece yo comunicarme como verla imagino estoy intermedio soy mitad humana y mitad portaviones

Bien habla de esto mas tarde dolor de cabeza—dijo Halsey—diga a e y la otras naves vamos pearl mas rápido nos gustaría ayudara

Bien—dijo e3— hey abuela ya oíste al almirante que hable con las demas chicas

Esto se poniendo mas cada vez –dijo Baxter— mas extraño

No lo dudes—dijo Halsey—lo de Washington va tener un ataque

Bueno antes darle pata plus al gran jefe mejor hablar cosa en pearl ante mete la pata—dijo e3—

Coincido con la joven—dijo Baxter—espero que lo cuarteles este bien—todos asisten

December 7, 1941 pacific sea at 6:00 a.m.

In the midst of the Pacific ocean with a trunk above, there was a girl of about 14 years of unconscious short gray hair, she had a little outfit, and also aviator lens as a track on the arm as weapons on her back in the forearm. Not far from there group of warship with American flag passed in destroyers

Sir-said an observed-

What's going on, sailor, said his superior

I see a person-said sailor

That says-said superior moment took the binoculars-where sailor

In rest-said observed-

Shit-said superior-warn the capital we have a man to water-that moment mermaid man water- shit that demon tell the capital to send a message admiral to warn every fleet check his staff-and another sailor agrees

After 10 minutes inside aircraft carriers, Admiral this bridge waiting in report-Baxter and well-said Halsey-like man alarm to the water

Uss Percival saw person in a rest already was to rescue it -said Baxter aircraft carrier capital cv-06 uss Enterprise-Admiral Halsey but according to list no crew missing

Tell him to bring here to see who-Halsey said-I hope not kidding-he said 5 minutes later he gets the call of destroyer-and well

He does not believe-said Baxter-according to destructor is a girl in 14 or 16 years

This is a joke--Halsey said.

I wish, sir--Baxter said-- but according to Destroyer, she has strange clothes.

That strange thing - said Halsey-

They do not know how to describe it—Baxter said.

That brings that girl to Enterprise I have to see as she also asks that she is doing half-sea-Halsey said-in addition as she is

It seems the only thing is unconscious—said Baxter-

Well, in case it would be better if it were attended here --Halsey said.

Well I will transmit the orders—Baxter said, 15 minutes the girl was transferred to aircraft carrier when it passes is spectral figure on aircraft carriers seeing the situation when they went up the girl does not know felt a chill when he saw a connection felt-

Who girls -said ghosts- seems little like me, I hope Yorktown jokes about that-she said carrier spirit cv-06 uss Enterprise-but who is she because she was half ocean-said

In the infirmary of Enterprise Admiral Halsey came in sees doctor

And well, how is she? Said Halsey.

She's fine I do not see any serious injuries, only bruises but she's fine -said doctor, that moment shows something like radar equipment track, lenses, glove and a weapon-

And that, said Halsey.

This had the girls is heavy I wonder that it is not sunk with that-said doctor, that moment Halsey sees the weapon-

It's light and looks like a machine gun but at the same time it's not-Halsey said-what material is made of

I have never seen gun like that in any army-said doctor-as matter is light but tough

Something to identify, "Halsey said.

Not only that I find number in shirt-said doctor-

A number, "Halsey said.

If it looks like alphanumeric code to identify ships, said doctor, but it does not make sense, says cvn-80

What it meant, "said Halsey, that little moment," reminds me of my daughter. "That moment he hears a grunt and that moment he raises seems scared.

Where I am abyssal, "said girl

Quiet not that they are abyssal but this asalgo-said Halsey-young lady who you are but who was doing half pacific ocean

You can see-said girl-

Sure girl I'm not going to see young 14 or 15 years old can this but my eyesight is good-Halsey said-well I want to know who you are second team had more weapons so I think little girl like that plus I've never seen a gun like that-said points his thing -

My track, my ar-15, my radar my throw thousands-said girls-my team

Little girl slowly, "Halsey said," that's your track that thing. But first who exactly

Oh yes nuclear carrier of the Gerald Ford class cvn-80 uss Enterprise of the United States Navy-said Enterprise all heard almost comes eyes-something bad said

First as you can aircraft carrier a teenager like you-Halsey said-second that third-party nuclear aircraft carrier the navy only had 8 aircraft carriers even where we're same name has young-

One moment it could be I am the 80th aircraft carrier of the Navy as the third aircraft carrier to have an Enterprise name, "said Enterprise." Sir, it looks like you are an admiral. "

William F. Halsey-said Halsey-

Bull Halsey-said Enterprise-but he died in 1959 he can not be alive in 2022

Eh-said everyone-a moment I died the last time I checked I'm alive besides we're 1941

Fuck-I swear Enterprise-tells me we're 1941 on the eve of World War II

Eh-said the two-like that eve of World War II

Have no idea-said Enterprise-first I am a carrier, thousands of tons but it says I am girl-e

Yes-said Halsey that moment doctor in a mirror-

Fuck-I swear again-well, I'm crazy or something is wrong

That's what I'm asking --Halsey said." How is that, we're on the eve of World War II? --

I wait moment-said Enterprise-if you're Halsey ship must be cv-06 uss Enterprise

Yes--said Halsey suspiciously.

Fuck inside grandma-Enterprise said that moment scream-you heard same that I said-assists-well I'm not crazy

What was that, said Halsey?

She's a grandmother--said Enterprise.-- In another word they heard shouting from this aircraft carrier

Telling me that this aircraft carrier is alive-said doctor-

Not technically-said Enterprise-the truth is that the ship has a spirit do not ask as we do not know how to respond, although first we communicate with our crew

Like that's your grandmother, "Halsey said.

See when it was aircraft carrier my structure is made of recycled metal from my mother cvn-65 uss Enterprise that at the same time she was created metal of this aircraft carrier -said Enterprise- it is little difficult to understand. Going back on question day exactly we are

Sunday, December 7, 1941-said Halsey-

Oh god we are in the same day infamy-said Enterprise-

Day infamy-said Halsey-talk I want more detail not to have a no answer as a young girl-

What time is it? Said Enterprise--

7:50 am- said doctor-

Shit only ten minutes—said Enterprise.

Talk young girl--said Halsey-- that ten minutes

In ten minutes pearl harbor will be attacked by 6 Japanese carriers--said Enterprise.—

WHHHHAATTT-said the man-how is that talk now

At 8:00 am Hawaii time first wave Japanese planes will attack pearl habor-said Enterprise-their target makes such a big blow to make us lose our will to fight for conquest all Southeast Asia but it was the opposite raging all country for treason attack the worst three an hour later they deliver the declaration of war doing worse insult to us but fail in their plan

What was it--Halsey said, all quick warning pearl.

Her main objective as an aircraft carrier as a future grandmother she will be the core of the armadas-said Enterprise-but instead of stopping seeing objective was not following secondary goal would be to go against battleships

As it was--Halsey said.

None are saved-said Enterprise-Arizona, Utah are total loss, Arizona technically exploded died 1177 dead of his crew in my time is a monument. Utah 58 died, other battleships although they were sunk but refloated later but it took from one year to 3 years to put them in service for new ones.

Shit--Halsey said.—SAILOR--said the sailor moment.

What's up, sir, said sailor

I want to send urgent message to tell Japanese to attack less 10 minutes have to do the alarm pearl habor --- said Halsey-

But sir -said sailor-

It's an order, besides, let Baxter speed up like that pearl--Halsey said.

Yes sir--said sailor

What else carriers know this moment, said Halsey

I do not know exactly why this 1300 mile north of Oahu-said Enterprise-but that Admiral does not tell me to fight an aircraft carrier against 6 does not have possibilities to believe the wildcat can against zeros as well experienced pilots as well as the obsolete devatetor until avenger comes out a certain death for the crew also risks the grandmother as little ship intact in pacific

Sir, she is right, she risks our ships if true, only carriers will be the only ships to face them, we do not have enough fuel to chase them-- said doctor.

Shit--Halsey said.-- Well, you win but put all of you in a war. Enterprise

Yes but it will be little confusing with the grandmother - Enterprise said - call me e3 as I am third to receive name among the aircraft carriers

Well e3 I want this here - said Halsey-doc keep an eye on this girl says we have a lot to talk about

Admiral-- said doctor

Well I have to go bridge your e3 stay here-Halsey said and left-

Oh shit that messed me up-said e3-

The same thing-said doctor-seems like you're from the future

That seems oh this is a bad dream-said e3-

How will the war be-said doctor-I do not want to detail

It will be more bloody than known humanity -said e3- but necessary the united states because Nazi is a monster and the Japanese are not angels either

I was afraid of it - said doctor, that moment he hears fafaracho combat - it seems to be right admiral toco fafaracho means

The first wave attacked-said e3, that moment thing was putting on--

What are you doing, said Dr.

I get ready for worse-said e3-part of me, I wonder if I'm a human or aircraft carrier I have my team when I carrier I have a human appearance I wonder what function my team has unless it's just decoration

Good point-said doctor-do not be young but heavy

It is an armored track - said e3 - the wooden track no more suitable for jet

Jet-asked doctor-

I think this time is known as jet-said e3-I also think it would be good grandmother and great-aunts have a track armored

Because-said doctor-

That for later-said e3-

Curious design—said doctor the track of e3 different to the aircraft carriers-

This very useful design can take off as landing simultaneously—said e3-

Where the elevators—I ask doctor-

Good elevators moved to the side of my bridge—said e3 that moment box shore—the elevators in useful centers but also dangers because that weak point of the track if bomb arrives elevator can easily traverse it causing an explosion in the hangar while the risk side decreases also put elevators to take out a lot of airplanes at the same time without congesting much track

Good trick, said doctor

Well you had to experience a lot of class before mine, "said e3, that moment sounds his stomach-that sound is

Hehehe seems hungry—said doctor-

This weird—said e3-

Well it seems at a certain point you are human although I ask to what extent—said doctor—well I will ask the cooks little young food to stay here besides saying there will be a guard at the door

If it is in protocol when unauthorized person this boat—said e3—

Well, said doctor, he left

Well this great-said e3-is 80 years before it was bounced - looking hands - weird

Well, you're an aircraft carrier-said voice that moment someone almost to her-

Grandmother, you are you—he said.

You can see me—said Enterprise.—

Yes-said e3 that moment try to touch but cross-cool or speculate any serves as this grandmother-said that moment and I'm shocked-because I'm not surprised-said watching Enterprise-hey grandmother that everything is new for me as for you but You can get out of shock before you come doc. I do not want to see me talking with a spirit I will believe I am crazy although it can be case that will decide psychiatrist

Okay—said e—but you're

I am your successor as granddaughter grandma—said e3—let me introduce myself formally I am aircraft carrier cvn-80 uss Enterprise of the Gerald Ford class as well as third aircraft carrier have Enterprise name but can call e3

Like that the last aircraft carrier made by the nation was my sister hornet—said e—

At this time if—said e3—I do not know what happened I'm technically future I was thrown out in 2021 he asks how I am flesh and blood I have no idea -he said-

Moment let me know if you understood me you are my successor because it says I am your grandmother -said e-

Easy part of my metal is recycled metal from my mom that is cvn-65 uss Enterprise that at the same time was built with recycled metal from you—said e3—that makes you my grandmother

Shit, if he knows, he will not let me live--he said--.

Well I do not know but better hurry we have to get there fast pearl harbor—said e3—

What happened I saw Admiral Halsey worried and in a hurry to return—he said e—

This moment pearl habor is attacked by the Japanese aircraft carriers this beginning of World War II-said e3-

WHAT—said e—but

They want to expand and conquer all of Southeast Asia like Oceania but we are talon they want to take out demos before in counterattack-said e3-but there is a main objective of attack was your grandmother, like Lexington and Saratoga but they were not in port, lex was midway a mission like yours and Sara is in a state of reconditioning, technically attack was a success at the combat level but strategic and tactical was the only failure they got was to unite the nation to enter war

What happened to the boat there as ari, pensy and west-I ask-

Arizona was totally lost along with Utah, Arizona known as pearl martyr -said e3- the other battleship was sunk or damaged could be refloated I took from one year to 3 to help in the war as well as half destroyer and cruiser was there but it took only 3 to 6 months to repair it

All of them, "he said, in shock.

I'm sorry to give that news, "said e3-the truth will be well played until half of October approximately when Essex, independece south Dakota, iowa and fletchet leave shipyard as well as hellcat aircraft, avenger good aircraft will go in 7 months around July but even if this moment not much team against Japanese

And if it's true, we'll continue until date-said e-

Well it was funny the battle of the coral sea and the battle of the special midway the last one there said before the midway the Japanese did not stop advancing after the midway did not stop backing-e3 said -but to follow the same event with my arrival

Like that-said e-

Good 2020 science very advanced but time travel are theoretically possible in practice another story unless you rule has a related project in an ultrasecret way and it would not be the first time-said e3-good theory inside something called butterfly effect I do not know much about but simple way that small change gives a great chain reaction we can do it does not change much history improves little battles or already too late good will see the situation afterwards there is also paradox that can form controls butterfly effect as unexpected event to history

I do not understand much that—said e-

Me neither and that I have super computer—said e3—let's say that my involuntary coming could drastically change the story or almost nothing simple as I hope the second that the first. Well I'll leave that second on my list to know how to transform what I am the materialized version of my spirit in flesh and blood leaving me no time here

Well I have it happen--he said—but first I have a Japanese account if

Well let's see it in hours—said e3—well let's talk inside going to get doc do not want to scare

I'd better talk later—he said, and a moment later Doc came with little food.

Hope you like it—he said.

Well it's not Mexican or French food but I did not come complain—said e3, while eating--Admiral's news

It seems you were right we just received a short message that pearl is under attack---said doc—about the damage we do not have anything sure

Good inside appears second wave—said e3-

How much are they—said doctor

Originally plan was predicted 3 wave but Admiral Nagumo was afraid as it seems that he was given order part of the orders Admiral Yamamoto was not to miss any ship when he saw the aircraft carriers was not--said e3--

In the fear case, I was afraid of a true trap—he said.--

Possibly only he knows—said e3—has more—said e3-

You ate fast—said doc—that ration for adult

Well girl growth-said e3-speaking seriously I'm hungry I felt that almost did not fill my supplies

Well later to see-said doc-yes that's true when ready to go

I'm sure it would be far away-said e3-according to information after launching second wave was starting to turn

What did Admiral do when I arrived?

Admiral would order refuel as fast as possible to go Japanese hunting as he said a more famous phrase since today Japanese will be spoken in hell-said e3-

It sounds a lot like what admiral would say, "he said.

Hey come on with the already obstinate being locked in here-said e3-

But Admiral said- said doc--

He said he had to keep watch or never said he should be here until the disaster that is now pearl habor -said e3- but never said should be strictly

Well you have a point-said doc-good, sure Admiral, want to know more before sending us to hell literally-

Well wait, come on, "said e3, that moment she together doc and an escort goes bridge of command-

On the Enterprise bridge, the hectic thing-like this pearl thing-said Halsey-

We know the communications are chaotic we have only received call sos of the battleships docked as all port-said Baxter-

Fuck it--Halsey said.-- Keep trying. I want this as up-to-date as possible of the pearl situation.

Yes, sir, "said Baxter.

Well here, little agitated, "said a young voice all to the girl they rescued.

E3 I told you I was nursing, "Halsey said.

Admiral said it should be watched by doc or in the infirmary but never said it should be in it when we get disaster that is now pearl habor -said e3- I also do not like much time in places so confined

Doc--Halsey said.

Lord, he only obeyed orders, he never said he should, this strictly in the infirmary, he should only be there or be watched by me--he said.

Like I hate take me empty legal--said Halsey-

But I love like any lawyer –said e3-- and well this situation how many battleships were overturned because only Arizona had left to transform tomb 1077 young brave North American sailor

As you know-- said Baxter-

Then I explain situation -said e3-

Well until now transmission is chaos—said Halsey-- some battleship is turned around but does not know which-

How much wave does it take until now? –Said e3

Like waves-said Baxter-

Japan plans to do 3 waves but only 2 does it for fear of cheating because there are no carriers in port -said e3-

Shit if it's true—said Halsey—radio, warn the possible port of a second wave if it has a boat and can advance through the open sea.

Improve not in the minisubmarine coast this wait in case battleship ships try to escape—said e3-- that the destroyer is out try to finish them

Double shit--said Halsey and Baxter.

The best pair of them of circle him but difficult for the airplanes that attack it-it said e3-rest improvement efficient Chicago piano of the little acculturated has

White in movement circular are difficult that white only moves—said Baxter—is also right shallow that has port the torpedo collided with shallow soil

That communicates battleships—said Halsey-well he was right e3

Unfortunately—he said.—Sometimes I hate to be right. And well done I do not expect not to send any plane with zero there little experience of the pilot as a situation I do not think combination

We plan to send a contingent--Halsey said-- but I would not arrive in time, except there were minutes to find you and we warned about the possible situation. "

A face dog-said e3-

Ah-- everyone said--

One way to say combat between planes one by one—said e3—well let's leave it better to go little south little arc to not meet the Japanese we do not want to give you luxuries to find one of your objective

She is right—he said.

I agree sir we do not know the extent of enemy force as pearl situation—said Baxter-

Well communicate it to the fleet even if it delayed an hour or two—Halsey said.--

It's better than having to abandon the ship—said e3—as I would like to have my jet

Miss that jet—said Baxter-

Sir—said e3-- watching Halsey.

I think let's talk guys I say I'm still skeptical about the history the undeniable evidence—said Halsey that moment thing about e3 and all surprised-

Now, if you all heard—Baxter said.

That clique very old-said e3 with little laughter-look I'm also confused with that first instead of aircraft carriers thousands ton now girl similar team had when it was aircraft carrier that enough for question daemon I step to add I'm around 80 years in the past for not they left in time is not where I can screw up worse did "willie dee" to iowa

Hey, everyone said

A story tells later-said e3-

E3 that doll in your shoulder --- said doc everything looks at man of e3 all surprise-

Fuck who the hell you are, "he said e3

Hey, hey, hey-said little person had information about a navy captain-

I'm getting hair-said e3-

He understands what he said better than that, "Halsey said.

Wait admiral-said e3 that moment two looks at each other as captains when Baxter does as Halsey reflex that moment begins discussion-I see

And who said Halsey

I end simple my capital--said e3, that moment similar creature comes from hair-like crew hey you had not died in the battle

Hey hey-said crew-

He says they also believed but he does not know this so-said e3-like me

An explanation is simple--Halsey said.--

Well according to her are my crew or what is left of her in the last battle before being like this as I remember a lot they died said they did not want to leave me even after death -said e3- but they never imagined this

Well sometimes common feeling between sailor and his ships but as—said Baxter-

Do not ask me—said e3—it must be something related to what happened to me

Hey, hey --said one of them.--

Says the f-35 ready to take flight -said e3—like that -that moment something else-tells me something in my as UVAC my helicopters, superhornet-she attends- and others-said - Where are they-said e3 she point-in from my-she's attending—well, this is telling me crazy this much for me-

I'm about to do it girl—he said.--

Well going back to that, how to make my planes fly –said e3 and she points her weapons says something—to use my ar-15 and shoot my planes and dessert Eagle for my drones –they attend-

I think step by moment when I arrive I will see what I can not explain to everyone as a jet appears from the second nothing like flying it that size -said e3 she says she does not know only does -well something else that is useful without giving someone else a stroke " that point your wrist sees your watch says something-with this console as a screen between things-they attend-as you know so much-they answer does not know only know-well before madness I want crew check systems like all vehicles for sure-and small his capital assistant-good capital put order this ready zafarancho of combat for fight--and the attend and disappear comes to his hair—to fuck a lot my

He says it to me--said everyone on the bridge.--

Well, leaving a strange show we've been doing for some time now-- said e3—this time not trained to pursue the Japanese fleet she must be turning to return to Japan

What we did according to the story--said Baxter.--

Good to say because it is enough to change drastically history but I doubt much change knowing Admiral Halsey—said e3—according to history, the admiral gave orders to resupply and hunt the fleet but as you know I do not achieve it at this time it is turning towards Japan but it remains submarine I remember well Enterprise gave first drop of the Japanese I finish ships in sinking the submarine i-70 when I do not remember very well

Well, to follow the storyline, I was going to do it all the way—Halsey said.--

Well let's hope he does not kill us for that—said e3 everyone attends—hey grandmother tell the others we go straight hell

To whom it speaks-said Baxter-

To the grandmother in another word this aircraft carrier-said e3-

He tells me this aircraft carrier is like you-said Baxter-

Nah I'm weird-said e3 - Well all ships have spirit but we are not living beings like you not because we can not even control something of our body-said e3-but it does not mean not to put on our side help little navigation be easier or It increases speed without destroying our engines. Hey why do not you see it, easy we are spirit I can never communicate with my crew the same way Sister John as Gerald. But it seems I communicate how to see it I imagine I am intermediate I am half human and half aircraft carrier

Well talk about this later headache-said Halsey-tell e and the other ships go pearl faster we would like to help

Well-said e3- hey grandmother and you heard the admiral to talk to the other girls

This is getting more every time - Baxter said - more strange

Do not doubt it, "Halsey said." Washington is going to have an attack.

Well before giving the big boss more paw better talk about something in pearl before messes up-said e3-

I agree with the girl, "said Baxter." I hope the barracks are good. "

Remember that my native language is not English do not criticize me much English version if someone wants to translate you welcome be
Well, you have the job
but wait for the chapters to be ready, more errors arranged

I can edit it to flow better in English, I mean, if you want me to, which means what was intended might be a bit different, not much, just bits here and there that don't exactly make sense when translated, is that ok? Cause to be honest, while I'm willing, I don't wanna mess with this without permission,
I think I'll create a theme to publish the story there, get the Spanish version to translateI think I'll create a theme to publish the story there, get the Spanish version to translate
A Ford-class Enterprise could sink the entirety of IJN and the Japs can do jack all to it.
Basically. I think there was a movie that was taking a similar premise, though, and other than two zeros, we didn't see anything

Oh yeah, it was Final Countdown, and the Carrier was a Nimitz-Class
Final Countdown it was, and Nimitz herself, but she never got to do anything.

The question, I would think, is more what happens next? Sure 80-E can wipe out the Kidou Butai by herself, but the IJN covered it up and trucked on for 3 more years, and she can't be everywhere at once. Unless you're saying CINCPAC believes her outstandish story and lets her borrow a battlegroup to go straight for Tokyo?
@dragon78, on the Translations, I can do one thing(Translating through Google, Which has already been done) or the another(Beta, thus making my job as a translator 10 times easier)

The latter of which, is what I'm probably going be better at, so, Would this be ok?
Recommendation for pool number 12107: After the Moon and Before the Sun by Arimura Yuu.

A Sendai x Zuikaku story. You might have heard of this ship before; well, this is a slightly more serious take on it.

Also worth noting because another doujin focusing on Jintsuu and Kagerou by the author got uploaded recently, that one is not yet fully translated so this can give a feeling of the author's works.
Shōkaku half watches the horizon as she lands her planes, barely noticing the navy blue Hellcat land on her deck, from what she knows of USN plane identification codes, she believes it to be one of Teitoku Enterprise's planes, considering the forward arrow on its tail, wondering if it just got lost and ran out of fuel and ammunition, or it's the only plane left of its squadron, Shōkaku prays it's the former as the latter, which is still plausible, given the current Engagement, even so, it still makes her heart ping with guilt, the fairy pilot's seem to form familiar affection for their wingmates, more so then their historical and Human counterparts, the fairy-Pilot gets out of its plane, and looks around noticing the face of the carrier, he smiles for a second, only to start panicking once noticing her eyes weren't the color he was suspecting,

"You could totally ransom him for some ice cream," Hudson Says from her position of a the only A-AA defense DD confusing the Snow haired Carrier and causing said Carrier to stare at her

"Why are you staring at me? Ransoming E's Pilot for Ice Cream, is equivalent to ransoming any one of the Yamato's fairy's(Pilots in Shinano's case) for ramune..." The destroyer says looking away as she sails forward, before she realizes she's talking to a IJN carrier, not a US CV

"Oh...Right, your IJN...you don't get the joke...Forgot whoops..." Hudson says staring out towards E's position with Hudson's sisters

)ps:This is apart of the Ghost Crane snips"]Drafted:4/6/2019

Sanity (Bad End)

An Abyssal Carrier Princess comes out of the water next to Yorktown and Enterprise, stabbing the already heavily damaged Yorktown with her Katana, and causing her to start slip beneath the waves, with not so much of a screaming, only a gasp, and a short "I love you" to her little sister

"Y-Yorkie...." The Big E mutters, standing alone, as she watches her big sister slip beneath the waves a second time, as the memories of another loss brings itself to the fore line of the second smallest Langley era carrier's mind

The bright smile of her larger-older- Strawberry blonde blue-eyed sister standing, saluting her on the last sortie of the Carrier's life

USS Lexington, CV-2

Original loss

Burned after air attack, 8th Of May, 1942, Battle of The Coral Sea

Fleet Girl loss

Airwing slaughtered, shelled to death by Ta-Class battleships, estimated sinking May 23rd, 2044, Death reported May 30th, 2044

"...Big sister Lex...."

And that of her Blonde hetorcromiatic Mother's warm hugs

USS Langley, CV-1/AV-3

Original loss

Scuttled February 27th, 1942

Fleet Girl loss

Scuttled after Submarine attack, April 6th, 2044


"......" The red eyed Yorktown mutters, staring at the water beneath her, her blonde hair obscuring her face

"W͟h͏a̡t?" The Princess asks

A wild Grey Ghost Appears



The Grey Ghost looks up

"Be a dear and DIE for me, will you?" Enterprise says, before hitting the Abyssal across the face with her rifle


"DIE̸,You Filthy, ́MURD̸E͞R͟EŖ!" The Pissed Carrier shouts, every secondary battery opening up as she slings her rifle over her shoulder, it won't do much here

The Abyssal's imp's start shouting out damage reports, the Shadow knows she will die, however, not yet

That was, until SHE ripped off the Princess's Flight Deck, shooting it several times, and kicking it far into the sea

The Shadow slashes at the American with her Katana, cutting the American as her remaining secondary's and AA guns start attempting to stop the Ghost's anger

"I don't care if I die, As long as you do, You are using Shou's face, I won't allow it" The Ghost Says, unslinging her rifle, quickly loading a regular cartridge and unloading it on the abyssal, along with her secondaries without a change in her features


The Grey Ghost leaves for port, taking several hits from enemy air, taking several of said aircraft down


A heavily damaged Enterprise sails into port, watching from the docks, are a horrified Hornet, Taffy 3 and Willie D., and Shōkaku.

As the eldest surviving Yorktown sister steps unto the decking of the pier exhaustion hits her and she falls into her big little sister's arms

"Sis? Sis! What's wrong?" Hornet asks


"Ambush? And she who? Also big sis E where's big sis? S-She didn't sink again, Did she?!" Hornet says worriedly

"S-She...Yorkie...." The Broken Ghost mutters, before sobbing and tightly gripping Hornet, frantically grasping at her to make sure she's still there

"Big Sis York...is gone again?...."Hornet mutters, before bursting into tears herself, hugging her third to last sister tight


The Soaring Crane watches the interaction between her Teitoku and her Teitoku's sister,

Who is she to judge? She herself lost sisters, but unlike her Teitoku, she hadn't been at the battle that took most of her sisters, she, and her own baby sister hadn't stood by, as their sisters slipped beneath the waves, well, other then Ryūjō-Onē,






Her Teitoku and Hornet had. The Soaring Crane and her sister the Auspicious Crane may be the opposites of the two, however their roles are reversed,

'Wait, no, Wasp-San technically is my equivalent in the American's Navy...If we go by technical age, if we go armor wise, Ryūjō-Ane would be her equivalent...'

"Enterprise-San, if I may, what ambushed you?" She asks


"Enterprise-San, if I may, what ambushed you?"

That hit the weeping Carrier hard, or maybe it was the two destroyers hitting her at flank amidships

"Oof!" Both Yorktown's mutter as the two Fletcher's destroyer-pile the two,

"W-Were sooooo sorry we got separated from you ma!"

"It's all my fault! I screwed up again! If it weren't for me, we would've never lost you!"

"I-it's ok girls, go back to your sisters, we have a meeting to get to". Enterprise collects herself, temporarily

"Yes Ma/Mama!" 557 and 579 answer with a salute, before running off

"The Birch was an Type-S CV princess...Snuck up on us like a fragging sub, and s-stabbed York"

"....Birch wasn't using big Sis Y's face, was she?"

"Language, little sister....In some ways, I wish she did, in others, I'm glad she didn't...but no, remember Horni, S-types Carry the weapons of their FG selves nationalities or what they actually carry..." Enterprise says, Hornet instinctively blushes at the nickname her sister insists on calling her, she means, yeah, she 'likes' it, but do E and Wasp have to pronounce the nick the embarrassing way?!

"...she was carrying a Katana....."

Both Hornets and Shōkaku's faces pale

"....and a bow. She was wearing yours, ShōShō"


"Where/WHERE is/IS she?/THAT BIRCH?!" Both Saratoga/Akagi says calmly/shout, Both having their own reasons, Sara, to rip the S-Type apart for killing another member of her family, Akagi, killing a close friend and using her Little sister's face to do it



"How did The Kido Butai die after Midway? With the exception of aircraft and being scuttled. Me. She took my big sister's life, I took hers, she also used ShōShō's face, she deserved to die" Enterprise says, not an inch of remorse on her face or in her voice, causing both Imuya and Shōkaku to shiver, the latter because it's her Teitoku saying it, implying she utterly dominatedher Shadow, and begins worrying she'll lose her, and the former because of her roll in the original sinking of the original Yorktown

Said Kaga and Akagi, flinch at the mention of their last days in the last war, and Sara falls back into her chair, nodding knowingly

"So she's back"

"Big Sis, I AM The Ghost, and The Ghost is me, there's no denying that, but my anger at Japan died with the Empire in '45, and I'm now focused on the Abby's instead of the IJN, plus...." she starts mumbling, the Two eldest Hōshō-Era's don't hear her, but the Eldest Langley era and second Youngest Hōshō do, causing the White haired Carriers to go red, and the strawberry blonde CC-convert to laugh, which causes said White CV to go even redder, gaining stares

"What'd she say?"

"You...you'll find out if we all survive this war" Saratoga says answers the Red Castle as she attempts to catch her breath


"It's alright little E..." Saratoga Says quietly

"Hah, you said something similar last time...but no...No...it isn't big sis, It's turning out like back then, First Mama, Then Big Sis Lex, Then Big sister York, then Wasp, then Horni, then you, then Big Sis Range, 's not fair" The Fleet Admiral Mutters into her sister's, and fellow FADM's, chest

"Well, Able and Baker aren't needed here, so, as long as I return for repairs, If I even need them, I'll be here"

"Ah no, *Yawns* am just worried"

"I know little sister...I know"

"...Your Fragging comfortable, big sis..."

"Language, Lil'E"

"Am Big Girl, Big Sis Sara" Enterprise says sleepily

"I know, But as the Eldest, it falls on me to tell you off, And Hey, at least I don't make you use the swear jar like Ma would've, Lil'E." Sara Says before she breaks out in a fit of laughter at Enterprise's pout, soon the Middle Yorktown joins in a fit of giggles as the older pokes her belly

"...I miss Mama..."

"I do too Kiddo, I do to."

March 3rd, 2102

The North Pacific, KTF-34, consisting of Kinkaid's 7th Fleet, and KanBatDiv 1 and 2's Kentucky and Missouri, And several cruisers and destroyers, somehow coral the Abyss into a cove, with only one way in and out, by sea at least, and that's through them

"Imitations of Nishimura's Fleet, huh? Pennsy, you ready?" Missouri asks the Standard

"Oh hell yeah, and girls, let me have a little fun this time, nowLETS DROP SOME LEAD ON THESE MOTHER-"

"FIRE!" The Iowa shouts as each Battleship's cannons sounds through the cove


After the countless failed abyssal movements the war seems to be in the dying months, after a hundred and twenty one years of fighting the war, is, finally, ending...thanks to the ship girls and the intel from the abyssal 'traitors'


Cannon fire rings through the pacific, the last theater to report abyssal activity. The distinct sound of the 41 cm guns from Nagato, and the sixteen in/fifty cal guns from Jersey and New Hampshire

"Annnnd that should be the last of them NJ!" New Hampshire says cheerily as her fairies start loading another shell

"Still can't believe we killed prisoners as well" New Jersey says, shaking her head, causing the other American battleship to do the same

"It is much like your Army and Marine corps orders in regards of the Germans and their slave soldiers at Normandy and The IJA and captured imperial Japanese sailors during your island hopping campaign, we can't trust them to not stab us in the back while we transport them to a facility" Nagato answers

"Still doesn't mean we have to like it..." New Hampshire and New Jersey says almost in complete unison


Celebration rings out in every country.

"Heck yeah Wars over!" William D Porter and Inazuma start "And we still have all of our sisters!" They finish, hugging each other and jumping up and down

"Oh wait several of mine are gone....(Nanodesu...)" Both say as realization hits them and tears start to form then the Fletcher's of taffy three, Ikazuchi and Fubuki walk in and notice their little sister's upset, before slowly creating a destroyer pile

"Hey it's ok, you still have us, Fletch and Rad and the rest of our family/us, right?" All of the older sisters say to their respective destroyer

"Wickes, Young, Sully, Bannie, Law, LS and Hails wouldn't want you to be sad, would they? Trust me sis, we all miss them, but there's not much we can do, can we?" Johnston says, asking the last part

"Same with Akatsuki and Hibiki..." Fubuki adds to her own little sister

...I'm probably a Terrible person, a terrible person who writes Crack shipping, but, there are times, that I don't care.
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@WarpObscura kinda? It's in the same universe, might just be a buncha one-shots

Edit:Mind, a bunch of one shots constantly being edited due to improvement. Some of these are in their original form, though

Edit 2:Also, I know I messed up on the formatting for the spoilers, I tried to fix them, and it didn't work, my current mind set for fixing them is "Screw it, I'll do it later"

Edit 3:ANNNNND, Fixed.
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A sudden thought struck me: did all sides in WW2 use the International Morse Code? If so, did they type out messages in English (thus proving proficiency at it, Axis or Allies regardless) or in their home language? (save for very simple universal ones such as S.O.S)

Example (Morse):
  • B.L.A.C.K
  • S.C.H.W.A.R.Z
  • K.U.R.O
  • H.E.I
And so on.

Essentially, with all the craze about never-launched shipgirls popping up all over the place (mainly as self-inserts), I'm attempting to play the concept for all it's worth.

The premise: a small flotilla of "neverborn" ships of different nationalities (BONUS ROUND: No shared languages!) all appearing in roughly the same region, banding together into a rag-tag fleet out of sheer confusion and nearby Abyssal "juju" regardless of side (lacking a crew born in those times, the emotional component's missing).

The catch? Not a one of them's a self-insert. Heck, most of them don't even know English at all!

Lacking any form of common ground, common sense (hey, effective newborns!) and stuck communicating with each other in very basic Morse and interpretive dance ("Guten morgen!" "あれ?" "Huh?" "Quoi?" "да?" ...) this motley bunch of ships shall sail forth across hostile waters to (hopefully) reach friendly waters at long last!

Without losing too many of their number along the way, of course.
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Morse is universal. Like ASCII universal.

Code writing, however, were not, on account that both sides actively trying to kill each other, and the ones announces the punch would get rekt by the opponents counter. Or the punch just flail away.

Even merchant marines encode their broadcast.
Useful information, thank you. What I'm trying to find out (updated post above) is if English proficiency was mandated alongside IMC for all seagoing vessels, or did ships from non-English-speaking countries Morse each other in their home languages save for a couple universal codes, barring dedicated translators aboard?

Would a pair of Italian merchant ships in peacetime (broadcasting unencoded) be Morsing each other about last night's calcio results in English or Italiano?
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Useful information, thank you. What I'm trying to find out (updated post above) is if English proficiency was mandated alongside IMC for all seagoing vessels, or did ships from non-English-speaking countries Morse each other in their home languages save for a couple universal codes, barring dedicated translators aboard?
AFAIK, no, but common sense dictates that at least one person in vessel should be able to talk in destination ports languages. Basically, your destination ins in French or French colonial holdings, you should be able to speak French. Spain Colonies, Spanish.

British had most holdings and colonies all over the world (except in South America), so their language became de facto lingua franca.

...And now I felt weird described English in very un-English language.
Lingua franca? So everyone understood English at least back then? Or would a (very) lost Polish cruise liner bound for Russia be S.O.L. when asking a Dutch fisher for directions?

TL,DR: Did a universal language exist back then, or did everyone do their own thing?
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Lingua franca? So everyone understood English at least back then? Or would a (very) lost Polish cruise liner bound for Russia be S.O.L. when asking a Dutch fisher for directions?
...This is the rare case of where English won't work. Because Polish cruise liner had no business in English-controlled water, Russian ports rarely had to deal with British (most imported goods are came through land routes), and Dutch people are Dutch people.
TL,DR: Did a universal language exist back then, or did everyone do their own thing?
Everyone did their own thing, mostly. English is useful in most open ocean, where they had maritime lanes with their colonial holdings. North-East Atlantic is more logical place that defied norm.

Or anyone can correct me?
Some code sequences in IMC are universal, but you can use Morse with whatever language provided you can romanize it (and some letters not in the English language will have Morse code for specific characters -Swedish lists Morse code for Å Ä and Ö.
(. _ _ . _ and . _ . _ and _ _ _ . respectively)
Attempts have been made standardize these but still.

Plus various nations may have had their own variant codes for military use. (The US for instance.)

In terms of lingua franca, English, French, Spanish... You know in 20000 leagues under the sea how Prof Aronnax tries different languages to communicate with the crew of the Nautilus...

It's no guarantee comms will speak all of them, but someone in a crew may be proficient. For paper projects, someone involved in the project should have been proficient, but how much of that is transferred to the shipgirl is up to the writer.