Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

I don't know............
But it'd be awesome
But I do remember doing making a reference to it recently cause of a spelling mistake I made to a friend, Largest Carrier ever? Nooo, she's seven inches tall, instead of the 7' I put her as...
So, does this mean the Smols from BelBat and HatSG have made it to what little amounts to canon?
I don't know............
But it'd be awesome
But I do remember doing making a reference to it recently cause of a spelling mistake I made to a friend, Largest Carrier ever? Nooo, she's seven inches tall, instead of the 7' I put her as...

Errr as Kyte has said there have been faeries that look like kanmusu for a long time. Almost as long as the game has been out, long time.
*The Wide eyes of one who doesn't pay attention to KC Cannon*

Wait, WHAT?

Yeah, really. In fact, the fairies on new equipment from ships that are not in the game yet sometimes serve as a hint of how the first girl of that class would look like.

Unrelated here a few equipment fairies and their shipgirl counterparts:

Libeccio Fairy on the Italian 120mm Twin gun mount.

Johnston and Samuel B. Roberts Fairies on the 5' Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai

Noshiro fairy on the 15.2 Twin Gun Mount Kai.

And there are many, many more of them.
Yeah, really. In fact, the fairies on new equipment from ships that are not in the game yet sometimes serve as a hint of how the first girl of that class would look like.

Unrelated here a few equipment fairies and their shipgirl counterparts:

Libeccio Fairy on the Italian 120mm Twin gun mount.

Johnston and Samuel B. Roberts Fairies on the 5' Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai

Noshiro fairy on the 15.2 Twin Gun Mount Kai.

And there are many, many more of them.

Ah, I see now
I've been thinking recently about maybe writing a Kancolle fic that would center around the Royal Navy, as I haven't seen many written about it. I've already got some ideas for the characterizations of the main kanmusu characters, but since at least the first act/section of the story would be set in the UK I'll need to populate the base they're stationed in with other British or European shipgirls. (Though I'd probably have a couple Japanese girls stationed there as well.) So I figured I'd ask on here for tips from those of you who've characterized ships that don't/didn't have a pre established character in KC/AL/etc, especially ones that had unremarkable/uneventful service histories, as I feel those are the hardest to characterize.
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those of you who've characterized ships that don't/didn't have a pre established character in KC/AL/etc, especially ones that had unremarkable/uneventful service histories, as I feel those are the hardest to characterize.

Actually, were these kind actually easier, because you kind of have blank canvas to work with? 'There's no mistakes, just happy little quirks' or something like that.

Roll with it,

Now, I know my stuff(Well, What I've shown to others, other then a friend of mine) is probably not as good as it could be, just have the "SUPER AWESOME THINGS IVE DONE" mindset of writing SG's be as if it were life experience, rather then something to really base them off of/Be the main thing, write it as if each ship has her own personality from Launch date, To commissioning, to the things she did during service, even if it's not to the scale of Enterprise or Taffy 3,(Those are the only examples I can think of cause rn US is my mine focus usually)

With DD's, their seen as children, so have them develop their personality through the people around them, same with subs and DE's and CVE's. These are the ones you get the most freedom out of, IMO

CV's/BB's are adults, they've(Usually) already gone through their personal quirks, During peacetime, Like, let's take the two Elder Yorktowns, the way I write E, and how I write Yorktown remembering E before 'Ship Hit The Fan', is completely different, albeit, The same goes for other people who write the Yorktown sisters, I seriously forget these things, but look at two of the posts I made here, One has a spoiler called 'Ghost Crane' and the other, albeit crappy and outdated 'Ghost Crane, Part 2'. In these two snips, I tried to characterize E as completely afraid of losing her sisters again, to the point that finding them, was the only thing on her mind, not making sure she didn't run into a wall, not making sure she used a subordinate as a temporary pillow, Finding Yorktown and Hornet at the docks, ALIVE, was the only thing she was thinking of.

The only other example I can think of rn is Sheo Darren's USS Texas, BB-35

...I need to read more so I don't step on toes by accident, and I realize that wasn't a good example, but it's the one I'm rolling with,

I'll edit this if I can remember a better example

Edit:Grammer fixs and extras added
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Been tabling a story set during the Fall of Singapore a number of stories seem to mention offhand, specifically the chaos during/immediately after Summer Harbour Princess landing and beginning to set up shop. Waffling between a handful of story paths so far.
  • Shipgirl, heavily damaged in general rout and picked up by a destroyer squadron retreating in the face of overwhelming landing forces.
  • Shipgirl, knocked out in early stages of combat and resuscitated by a group of survivors stuck behind enemy lines in gradually Abyssalising environment.
  • Human, fleeing with a group of other survivors after a Tsu-class bulldozed through emergency shelter they were staying in, left for dead by military forces.
Question: What sort of shipgirl nationalities would I expect to see in the coalition defense fleet?
Actually, were these kind actually easier, because you kind of have blank canvas to work with? 'There's no mistakes, just happy little quirks' or something like that.
I hadn't thought about it that way but it makes sense, I suppose it's easier to make a character if you don't have to build them around a bunch of events that could affect that character.
This is also good advice, though I think I've kind of already been following it without knowing.
Question: What sort of shipgirl nationalities would I expect to see in the coalition defense fleet?
Assuming that this attack would occur not long after the war starts, most of the suggestions I'm gonna give are based on ships that served in the area during ww2. I doubt with Europe and the US under attack they could dispatch any girls to protect Singapore so it's mainly gonna have to be locally summoned or Japanese girls. I would imagine that British shipgirls would make up most of the fleet, seeing as they controlled Malaysia and Singapore during ww2. There would perhaps be a few Japanese girls since they have the most ships of anyone nearby, and might be able to send some to defend Singapore specifically. The Dutch might have a few in the area as well since they controlled most of Indonesia. The Thai's could send a girl or two but they might be busy defending their own coast. The French also had a few older ships operating out of Indochina during ww2 so they could be there potentially as well. Chinese/Taiwanese girls are also a possibility, but the Chinese have a pretty big southern coast that they'll likely be concentrating most of their girls on for protection. I doubt there would be much, if any any US navy girls in the defence fleet, as they'd likely be focused on defending the Philippines.
Interesting. Current plans are for a mixed British/Australian expeditionary force backed up by a couple of Japanese loaners, with maybe a couple of Dutch coastal battleships.

Could also tie into why the entire thing went to hell, none of the heads of the disparate minor navies (WW2) were willing to risk their precious few shipgirls in a knock-out-drag-down brawl, pulling their forces early and dumping the hot mess into the laps of the British/Japanese force.

Whom, despite their best efforts, eventually broke. Hard.
Question: What sort of shipgirl nationalities would I expect to see in the coalition defense fleet?
British, Australian, and New Zealand ships are basically the only options you're getting. The FPDA remains a thing, y'know.

Also, don't put too much stock in the idea that "oh these ships were in the area during WW2 so these are the shipgirls you get." Story is more than just a repeat of history.

As a practical matter, it's only going to be the British, Strayans and Kiwis who're going to be in a position to send shipgirls, and for the kiwis and strayans that's going to depend a lot on whether their waters are under threat. Otoh they have to have forces there, because they need to keep the Strait of Malacca open: if the Abyssals take singapore and blockade the strait, everyone's merchant shipping suffers. The oil needs to flow.

If things get really bad, you could even see a situation of Malaysian, Singaporean, Thai, Philillipine, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and even Chinese and Taiwanese forces all working to defend Singapore and keep the Abyssals from setting up shop there. Which is hilariously thonk and a super outside context.

tl;dr: The ORBAT of joint forces defending SG is probably going to be Malaysian, Singaporean and Indonesian Navies contributing conventional warships, while SG calls on FPDA obligations from UK, AUS and NZ and gets shipgirls from them, since all three countries are kinda in a bad place in terms of deployable warships.

"But Whiskey where are the Malaysian shipgirls?"

Hello Malaysia as a concept only came into being in 1963, no shipgirls.

"What about [insert ASEAN country name here]?"

Make it simple, none of the ASEAN nations except maybe Thailand can have shipgirls because they all were european colonies and only became independant nations after WW2.
It also depends on what forces are in the Area for the UK.

Cause if the Abyssals make a run at Singapore while there are all of 20 RN shipgirls. They will be in full FUCK YOU TREATY HOME ISLANDS FIRST mode if that's the case.

Cause remember allegiances and protection treaties are only useful when your allies have both the forces and room to spare, if the UK is being pushed heavily its going to be Febuary 1942 all over again, this time GHOST SHIP BOGHOLE.

Plus even if the Brit Admiralty were to send a token force while not getting lynched by the public to cover the treaty the trip is still a good week by sea and two days by air...

Battles, MAJOR BATTLES, have been won and lost in less time.
...Japanese then (As long as nobody goes full Tenno Haika, things should be fine). Alternatively, Dutch shipgirls, but... issues. On both sides.

Or having pre-colonial shipgirls (which in general was a bad idea because ships from different sultanate/ kingdoms tend to not get along).
I've been thinking recently about maybe writing a Kancolle fic that would center around the Royal Navy, as I haven't seen many written about it. I've already got some ideas for the characterizations of the main kanmusu characters, but since at least the first act/section of the story would be set in the UK I'll need to populate the base they're stationed in with other British or European shipgirls. (Though I'd probably have a couple Japanese girls stationed there as well.) So I figured I'd ask on here for tips from those of you who've characterized ships that don't/didn't have a pre established character in KC/AL/etc, especially ones that had unremarkable/uneventful service histories, as I feel those are the hardest to characterize.
especially ones that had unremarkable/uneventful service histories
Unremarkable can be a bit subjective, since any ship that saw combat can have their story blown up.

Remember, a lot of IRL 'hero' ships famous got their status in large part through luck and strategic planning, not necessarily the individual ship itself or crew playing the biggest role.
A lot of it is being blown up through propaganda, since IRL even the 'greatest ship' isn't going to perform that much better or worse than the average in a standardized military.

And even ships that didn't have combat service histories can be decisive in a support role, like logistics or repair. Akashi or some supply ships like oilers in the game didn't have intense histories, but did make a difference.

They can have personalities and become more capable fighting Abyssals even if IRL they didn't really fight too, or can make a difference against Abyssals without fighting in many ways.

And as I said, unremarkable can be a bit subjective. Not all military historians agree what ships were major or even what events were major. New information can come in, or a new analysis method on old info can cause ideas to change.

Plus different authors will treat events different. Azur Lane has USS Washington and USS South Dakota being friendly for the most part, with Washington being a bit competitive but overall they work together. IRL the ships had crew members that liked each other and cooperated off duty and on duty from known records.
Warship Girls however has Wash and Sodak be more adversarial with a fiercer rivalry. This was also true, some crew members on both ships disliked or even blamed each other too.
It depends on what aspect an author wants the emphasize, and how that author interprets that aspect.
Take Shinyo as well. Carrier Shinyo in Warship Girls brags she's an ASW ace and her stats reflect this as true, so game mechanics make her capable and her bragging justified. For the Japanese, she was a relatively good ship. However, she wasn't a great ASW ship compared to ships from some other nations (at least according to some historians). She didn't manage to get any sub kills and was even sunk by a sub. However, a different POV says she was good, relative to most other IJN ASW of the time, and that her presence did deter sub attacks to a degree. So in this view she is an 'ace', and perhaps in a different situation, could have proven herself more.
Or take USS Albacore. The WSG version brags a lot of her career. However there are ships that sunk more than her, especially German ones. However a diff POV says she was good, just didn't have a chance to sink more due to current situations.

It's also possible to dig into ship history. Many ships in AL and KC and other series have a single or few incidents emphasized or perhaps exaggerated (just like IRL propaganda exaggerated a few ships).
It's possible to do this yourself diving into history a bit. USS Omaha CL4 for example has an unremarkable career in the opinion of some, but others note she captured a German blockade runner, one of the few ships to capture at sea, and the last one to do this. That could be emphasized. A pirate capturing a ship. Perhaps a cop pulling someone ever. Or other ways to emphasize the personality through that act.
She also participated in landing operations, as her low draft and high rate of fire made it easier for her to get close to a shore and provide direct fire support.
And of course engagements with subs doing vital convoy duty.
So even if she never fought big battles against massive cruisers or battleships, there would still be elements that could be emphasized.

There's ways to build legend even in ships that never saw active combat against other ships. Musashi for example never really got to engage naval targets and by some measures didn't have a notable career at all, but still has many ways to take her personality, especially as the ship that had a lot of IRL propaganda for and against it. Yamato is similar, by some historian research never even hit a target with her guns, and KC sort of leans into that, but sort of not.
Mutsu for example is a bit one note by some writers due to emphasizing the errors that caused her to detonate while in dock, but there's other aspects of her career/design/crew and potential personality that could be emphasized instead or along with that. Mutsu and Nagato by some measures didn't see much surface combat at all.
Most battleships and heavy ships in WW2 didn't, but have personalities attached to them in various games, so there's always a possibility.
In fact, the WW2 BB that saw the most activity for the IJN (and suffered the most attrition early on), were the Kongo class BB because they were seen as more expendable while also being good enough to have a chance to accomplish the mission.

Actually, were these kind actually easier, because you kind of have blank canvas to work with? 'There's no mistakes, just happy little quirks' or something like that.

I agree with this. A ship personification with not much known pop culture history can have the history dug into and point emphasized or interpreted different ways. A single point can have different writers at differing times inspired to write vastly different personalities/abilities/quirks/others.

If no history can be easily found, feel free to make personality on your own.

And remember, even a ship with no combat history can accomplish things.

And even a ship that was unbuilt or didn't serve can get a career fighting Abyssals successfully. Their personality and ability doesn't have to be tied entirely to their past. The point of Kancolle the Anime emphasizes this, though not all of the series do.
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Or having pre-colonial shipgirls (which in general was a bad idea because ships from different sultanate/ kingdoms tend to not get along).
The obvious problem with this is that you're going to have to go waaaaaaay back in history. Take Malaysia. Colonialism on the Malaysian Peninsular began in 1511, before Malaysia as a concept even existed, with the fall of the Malacca Sultanate to the Portugeese.
Huh, I just found out something rather interesting which has made me wonder. I am probably not the only one to wonder about why Musashi looks like a delinquent and such... And then I came across an interesting fact:

The first ship named Musashi in the Imperial Japanese Navy was a Katsuragi class Corvette back in the late 1880s that participated in the First Sino-Japanese War. During the Japanese-Russo War, she was a guard vessel, and during WWI was downgraded to Second Class Coastal Patrol vessel. Now... here is where it gets interesting. In 1928, she was stricken from the Navy list and named "Hulk No.5" before being towed to Odawara and anchored in the harbour... and used as a floating prison for juvenile convicts until she was broken up for scrap in 1935. I wonder if the way that Musashi is dressed and acts is a reference to this.
Huh, I just found out something rather interesting which has made me wonder. I am probably not the only one to wonder about why Musashi looks like a delinquent and such... And then I came across an interesting fact:

The first ship named Musashi in the Imperial Japanese Navy was a Katsuragi class Corvette back in the late 1880s that participated in the First Sino-Japanese War. During the Japanese-Russo War, she was a guard vessel, and during WWI was downgraded to Second Class Coastal Patrol vessel. Now... here is where it gets interesting. In 1928, she was stricken from the Navy list and named "Hulk No.5" before being towed to Odawara and anchored in the harbour... and used as a floating prison for juvenile convicts until she was broken up for scrap in 1935. I wonder if the way that Musashi is dressed and acts is a reference to this.
Well, as far as I am aware, her tan is because her deck was darkened with soot before her final voyage. The elder Musashi being used to house delinquents could easily explain the whole delinquent clothing the younger wears. Headcanon accepted.