Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Dammit, I get one random thought in my mind, and my muse goes off on a tangent, distracting me from my actual writing. Oh well, I'll post the plot bunny here for anyone to adopt, if interested.

My proposal is... a Kancolle/Destiny crossover. Odd pairing, I know, but I feel like it could work if handled properly. The idea is that during the Destiny continuity's Collapse, whereas the Traveler creates Guardians to counter the threat to humanity, the Warmind Rasputin has his own idea: using the Exos as a template, and utilizing SIVA and transmat technology, he develops humanoid heavy weapon platforms that can blend into human populations to defend them as the need arises. Rasputin unfortunately only managed to produce a small handful of these androids, which he called "Nymphs", and all of them are assumed to have been destroyed or lost in the centuries following the Collapse... until a Ghost resurrects Nagato at the start of the first game.

The Hive in this story incorporate elements of the Abyssal armada (Abyss can be synonymous with Deep, the Hive's title for the Darkness), with destroyers serving as siege platforms, light and heavy cruisers serving as heavy hitters in the place of Ogres, and the most dangerous Hive entities are effectively Princesses based on Hive, rather than Human, physiology.
As long as Nagato is a Titan. Battleships would be ALL ABOUT being a space punch wizard.
As long as Nagato is a Titan. Battleships would be ALL ABOUT being a space punch wizard.
while true for nagato and most battleships. i belive a case could be made for kongo to be either a hunter or warlock.

in fact while generalizations could be made.
light cruisers/destroyers/subs being hunters
heavy cruisers/battleships being titans
and carriers/suppourt vessels as warlocks

there would be quite a few exceptions to this as well

kongo as mentioned. but also des div 6. haguros sisters and possibly a few others.
Exhibit A: How enough changes were made to Ise and Hyuuga that the IJN made them a separate class from the Fusous before them.

Exhibit B: The various classes within the USN Standard-type battleships.

Question: Is it fair to explain the difference between the Fusous and the Ises by drawing analogy to the evolutionary changes between Standards, or are the two Japanese battleship classes radically different enough that it would not be an appropriate comparison?
Question: Is it fair to explain the difference between the Fusous and the Ises by drawing analogy to the evolutionary changes between Standards, or are the two Japanese battleship classes radically different enough that it would not be an appropriate comparison?
Ises were the follow on to the Fuso class. they had a turret removed (#5 iirc) and at least ise was converted into a BBV (removed all aft turrets and some aft superstructure). The standards had more incremental changes, solely because there were more of them in the time frame that Fusou/Ise/Nagato were built. (2 NY class, 2 NV class, 3 NM class, 2 TN class, 3 CO class compared to just 2 Fuso, 2 Ise and 2 Nagato)

Not that Japan could really have afforded more than that, even if the treaties allowed them to build more tonnage.
Ises were the follow on to the Fuso class. they had a turret removed (#5 iirc) and at least ise was converted into a BBV (removed all aft turrets and some aft superstructure). The standards had more incremental changes, solely because there were more of them in the time frame that Fusou/Ise/Nagato were built. (2 NY class, 2 NV class, 3 NM class, 2 TN class, 3 CO class compared to just 2 Fuso, 2 Ise and 2 Nagato)

Not that Japan could really have afforded more than that, even if the treaties allowed them to build more tonnage.

IIRC the only major difference (before Ise's conversion) between the Fuso and Ise class was the placement of the two turrets at the middle of the ship.
Ises were the follow on to the Fuso class. they had a turret removed (#5 iirc) and at least ise was converted into a BBV (removed all aft turrets and some aft superstructure)
Not extractly true. The ISes turret layout was change to give the engines and magazines better space and more protection. They kept the same number of guns and turrets as the Fusos did, 6 twins. The major difference was their internals and the fact the middle two turrets were superfiring compared to the Fuso on the deck.

They wanted the same firepower on their ships as the US had, the Nevada and Pennsylvania class which had 10 and 12 guns with triple gun turrets. But since they wanted twin turret for redundancy, they had to use the stupid six twin design. Causing both classes to be very compromised in design. Their steam pipes had to go THROUGH THE POWDER MAGAZINES for example, and cordite hates both Heat and Dampness. The two rearmost turrets also had less elevation and depression then the other guns as well.

You can see the issues.

Hyuuga was the one to first lose her rearmost turret due to a gunnery accident, breech explode while Mutsu was near by. The turret was consider unsalvageable so was removed and plated over with AA guns with similar happening to it superfiring twin.

Then Midway happened follow by some bright spark deciding to us the space left by the two guns to point a flight deck there. So the Ise class BBV was born.

A similar idea was though of for the Fusos, but their turret lay basically need three of them to be remove, which would have render them unstable and the IJN was sane enough to see that was a bad idea. Also would have taken too much and was at the point that you may as well remove all six and put a deck on it.
So saw this pic:

(Not NSFW, but might still earn some funny looks)

This pic makes me want to return to the idea of Warspite and Iowa "fighting" over Kongou, only now Nelson wanders onto the naval base, and Kongou falls for the new girl. So now Warspite and Iowa have a new enemy, whilst Nelson has to bear the brunt of Kongou's Burning Love! All the while Kongou herself is conflicted because she really likes the newgirl, but she also really likes the admiral...

The admiral of course, is only too happy to encourage Kongou to explore her new attraction, and also wonders if all foreign shipgirls are this crazy.
So, made a start on the idea I mentioned above:

Kongou is Shook

This was pathetic, Kongou thought. She should not be having to sneak around the navel base like a thief in the night; yet here she was, tiptoeing down the corridor, with her eyes peeled for any sign of blonde hair. All she had to do was keep low and quiet, and she could avoid being attacked by horny foreigners.

It was days like this that she really missed her admiral. She'd have to prepare something for when they got back, something to show her devotion.

As always when she thought about the admiral, Kongou's attention drifted off into fantasy, and away from wherever she actually was. Which was probably why she didn't see the broken remains of the swordfish until it was too late. The brunette shrieked as the bottom of her foot was stabbed by the jagged pieces of metal and wood, and squealed as she lost her balance, and the world tumbled around her.

A sharp pain shot through her head as she hit the ground with a dull thud, and a myriad of colours burst to life before her eyes, before everything turned black.

For a moment there was nothing, like she was floating in the void, then the darkness receded and the pain returned. The shipgirls groaned, and as it felt like thunder rumbled inside her head, and her whole body felt like it was made of rubber.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Suddenly there was a girl standing above her. She was kinda pretty with long, blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes; funny, Kongou didn't remember seeing a girl like this around this around the base before. Then it struck her, the fall must have killed her, and this was an angel greeting her to heaven.

The angel's cheeks turned bright red. Huh, who knew angels could blush?

"Um," she said. "Do you need me to take you to the docks?"

She had a nice voice too, rich and thick, like honey. Ah, ambrosia!

The angel's blush got even darker.

"Here," she said, reaching out to help Kongou back to her feet.

Unfortunately, the smaller shipgirl's legs still felt like jelly, and she stumbled. Still, it's not all bad, it just meant that she needed to lean against the angel's soft body for support. Hmm, as well as a lovely voice, there was something to be said for her figure too.

"Hey Bongou?"

Then like the crack of a whip, reality reasserted itself. The voice that called through the hallway sent a chill down her spine, and she instantly remembered who it belonged to, and why she was here. The brunette's demeanour instantly shifted, as she grasped tightly at the front of the other girl's shirt, and stared pleadingly into her beautiful, blue eyes.

"Hide me," she begged, her voice little more than a whisper.

The taller girl just stared at her, obviously confused.

Gah, there was no more time, she could hear their footsteps coming closer! There was another door standing open directly behind the blonde, and with a sudden burst of near herculean strength, she pushed both of them through. She closed the door not a moment too soon, because the footsteps had clearly made it to the corridor outside.

The room turned out to be a bedroom, albeit one that looked to have barely been lived in. Boxes and suitcases were piled up all over, and a huge mound of clothes was sitting atop the sheets. In the moment Kongou did the only thing she could think of, and dove beneath the sheets to hide, scattering clothes everywhere.

Then there came a knock at the door.

"Nelson?" said a voice. It's different to the one that had echoed through the halls earlier, softer, more refined.

"Warspite?" the blonde replied. "Don't come in, I'm … not dressed."

There was silence for a moment, before Warspite continued.

"I was just wondering if you've seen Kongou?"

"Kongou? Who is that?"

"She dresses like a shrine maiden," Warspite answered. "And has brown hair, done up in ringlets."

The blonde spared at look at the brunette, who had peeked her head out from beneath the sheets to witness the conversation, or at least half of it. Kongou shook her head vigorously.

"Uh, yeah, I saw someone like that a couple of minutes ago," the blonde said. "I think they were heading towards the mess hall."

"Thank you," Warspite said.

There was a couple of moments of silence, then they could hear the sound of footsteps heading away from the door. It was only when those footsteps had completely disappeared, that Kongou allowed herself to breath a sigh of relief. She sunk back into the soft bedsheets, and their warmth enveloped her as she finally relaxed.

"Wow," the blonde said. "My first night here, and I all ready have a cute girl in my bed."

Once again, Kongou felt her own cheeks begin to burn. She flung back the covers she was hiding under, and sprung from the bed like it had just given her a shock. She sort of settled back down again when she saw that the blonde was smiling at her; it was an easy-going expression, with just a hint of mischief to it. She only "sort of" calms down, because for some reason her heart was beating a mile a minute.

"So you're Kongou, I'm guessing?" she asked. "Nice to meet you."

"And you're Nelson?" Kongou replied.

"Yes," she answered. "I just arrived today."

"Ah, then welcome!" Kongou exclaimed, trying to inject some of her usual enthusiasm into her voice.

She thrusted her arm out, and Nelson took her hand; she had a pretty firm grip.

Kongou's wasn't an idiot, and she knew that little scene had to have looked a bit strange. She needed to correct that if she wanted to make a strong first impression, and she always wanted to make a strong first impression.

"Hey, since you're new, how about I show you around?" she said.

Nelson raised an eyebrow.

"In the middle of the night?" she asked.

"Tomorrow then!" she exclaims. "For now how about we go have some hot tea, since you're such a hottie?"

For just a moment, Kongou is utterly horrified with herself. She wants to dive back into the bed, and smother herself with the pillow. She could feel the smile on her face become slightly more strained, and it takes a lot of self-control to keep it from breaking entirely.

Fortunately, Nelson takes the comment in good humour, or seems to; she laughs at any rate.

"I'll admit, I've not heard that one before," she said. "But why not. We'll have a late night snack, and you can tell me a little more about the base."

Kongou blinks.

"Hmm, nobody told you that stuff when you arrived?"

"Well, yes," Nelson replied. "But it was mostly standard orientation stuff, I wanted to hear more about the actual personality of the place."

Kongou smiled widely.

"Then leave it to me," she proclaimed. "I'm full of personality!"

Nelson chuckles.

"So I can see," she said.

Kongou just stuck her tongue out, before she sprung forward and linked her own arm through Nelson's and dragged her towards the door.
Lots of new CGs in today's update:

Mutsu Kai Ni, and her special attack animation.

Various special CGs.

Fukae and Tsushima:






Gambier Bay:
A thing I did last year for Halloween,

I swear I've gotten better!

Halloween special

"SEEEEENNNNNDDDDAAAIIII!!" Kentucky shouts as she runs at her friend,

"KEEEEENNNNNNTTTTTUUUUUCCCKKKKKYYYYY!!" Sendai says as both through weighted plastic knives at each other

Suddenly, Kentucky's knife turns into one of her tomahawk missile's, Sendai can almost hear the general quarters sirens going off in Kentucky's head, as a fairy walks out of the Battleship's sleeve,

"I thought you said that wasn't going to happen?!"

"Hey Hey..." the Fairy says

"Not an excuse!" She says with an scolding tone, before tapping the Fairies cheek's with her index finger then there's an explosion and a abyssal submarine flys out of the water

"Well....OKAY, that couldn't have gone better..." Kentucky mutters under her breath
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A quick question, I seem to recall a alt history of Yamamoto and the royal family fleeing Japan after the army led a coup... or am I just confusing it with a story idea I had...

Anyone see fairy crew-centric quests or SI stories? I mean, in my opinion....would be interesting somewhat....I think....

Johnston, Atlanta, Nagato, Tenryū, Zuikaku and Lexington stand in a room in a circle

"Alright, what's going on?" Nagato asks "Several of the other destroyers reported hearing movement in their rooms, including my sister Willie Dee, although only your DD's reported the sounds coming from their closets or from under the bed or ceiling, if it's a ghost, as the others believe, it's clearly not of Japanese origin, or at least not on friendly terms, or just a prankster, ma'am" Johnston answers, the two light cruisers nod

"Akagi, and Kaga, reported seeing very familiar blood red eyes, Hiryū and Sōryū hearing 'This is for my Aunt!' Or maybe it was 'This is for my Grandmother!' Though I don't know why, and Shōkaku-Nee hasn't said anything, but I swear something happened with her, I just don't know what." Zuikaku adds

"That, sounds like something my little sister would do" Lexington deadpans

"But Admiral Enterprise all the way across the pacific, at Pearl, assisting with new carrier summons, isnt she, Skipper?"

"She is, which means one thing, WE HAVE AN IMITATION IN OUR MIDST!" The Carrier shouts excitedly

"Hey, Owari Da!"

The Americans look at the Japanese,

The Japanese look at the Americans,

Then they look down, seeing a tiny creature, a fairy, they deduce,

"Oh," "Uhh" "I wonder if she's Mo's" "Why would she be Mo's?, she's a she, all fairies except for the IJN's seem to be male..." "Unless she's a special guest" "IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, ARI'S THE ONLY ONE THAT WOULD HAVE ONE OF THOSE!"

"HEY, HEYHEYHEY!" The fairy shouts, pulling out a M1 and flight deck

"Oh, Girls, I think she's one of us, she's kinda wearing a Captains trench coat..."

"Hey!" The fairy nods, before lifting up a banner of a well drawn CarDiv1 and 2, and Enterprise with a caption


"I think we've found our ghost problem" Lexington giggles

"Aye" the other two Americans mutter, as the Fairy disappears

"Welp" The third Eldest American Carrier Says, reaching and grabbing her phone and dialing a number

"Hey Lil'E, you won't believe what just happened"
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Not official, 'cause those fairies are ripped from the Maya 25mmCD and the italian 90mm HA.
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